Is it possible to freeze borscht in the freezer?

You made a huge pot of soup on Sunday, and the family has to eat it for 5 days in a row. Common situation? But you can be smarter by freezing some of the soup and making your weekday lunches more varied.

1. How long can soup be stored?

On average, soups and broths are stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days (fish - no more than 3 days). But in the freezer, soups will last up to 3 months, and broths - up to six months.

2. How much soup should I freeze?

This is what frozen broth looks like

Boil a large pot of soup. Eat half and freeze the other half. Next week, make another pot of soup and freeze half of it. Now you already have two delicious soups stored in your freezer, which you can get at any time . This can go on ad infinitum, but 3-4 different frozen soups, in our opinion, are quite enough.

Always freeze soup in convenient portions (1 liter for four people or 200 ml for one).

The key to success is the right broth . If you always have it in your freezer, the process of preparing first meals will become much faster. The broth also needs to be frozen in portions - 200, 400, 600 ml.

It’s also convenient to freeze the broth in ice cube trays . But this is no longer an option for soup, but for other dishes where broth is needed in small quantities.

When freezing soup or broth, be sure to leave some room in the container with the expectation that the liquid will expand in volume when frozen.

3. Is it necessary to sign soups?

Yes, this will make it easier for you to find soup that will soon expire. Simply put a small label on the container with the name of the soup or broth and the date it was prepared.

4. What is the best way to store soups?

Tempered glass jars for storing soup in the freezer

Tempered glass jars, special plastic bags for freezing, and food containers made of high-quality plastic are suitable for storage. You can take defrosted and reheated soup with you to work or for a walk in a thermos.

5. How to defrost soups correctly?

If you have time, the best way is to transfer the container of frozen soup or broth to the refrigerator. In 1-2 days (depending on the shape and size of the container) everything will be completely defrosted.

If you're in a hurry , place the container in warm water until completely defrosted.

The third option is to slightly defrost the soup in warm water and then cook it over medium heat, without letting it boil.

Do not defrost soup in the microwave. Most plastic containers are not designed to be heated. Be careful with glass jars - they should be tempered glass to withstand sudden changes in temperature.

Recipe for freezing borscht

Important: never freeze the first dish, which has already been in the refrigerator for about a week. It is better to eat it right away or throw it away altogether.

  • fresh borscht 2 l

This preparation for future use will come in very handy in the winter, when fresh vegetables other than cabbage and beets are not at hand. In another case, it can save you in a moment of lack of money or lack of time. Simply remove the package from the freezer, carefully tear it to remove the mass and place it in a pan or microwave oven to defrost.

Many housewives prefer to freeze not ready-made borscht, but frying or dressing. They are added to the broth, mixed with potatoes, herbs and continued to cook quietly.

With the addition of tomato paste for the winter

If you cook borscht with tomato paste, then you can safely use it to prepare a first dish for the winter.

However, it is important that the tomato paste is of high quality and thick.


  • 1 kg of beets and carrots;
  • 550 g onions;
  • half a kilo of sweet pepper;
  • 420 ml tomato puree;
  • 260 ml refined oil;
  • five spoons of sweet sand;
  • three tablespoons of salt;
  • 80 ml vinegar.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind onions and root vegetables in any way - using a regular grater, a Berner grater or using a meat grinder.
  2. Bell peppers can be cut into cubes.
  3. Pour half the oil into the pan. First, we put the beets in it along with half the vinegar, and after three minutes we add the carrots there. Simmer the food for three minutes, then add the onion and after another three minutes the bell pepper.
  4. As soon as the last vegetable goes into the pan and five minutes have passed, you can add tomato paste, salt, sugar and pour in the remaining oil.
  5. After 25 minutes, put the vegetable dressing into jars, roll up, wrap and wait to cool in a dark place.

Freezing secrets

Experienced chefs advise freezing borscht not in portioned bags, but in glass jars without a lid, since when defrosting, it is enough to warm the container with warm water so that the finished mass falls into the saucepan.

In stores, you've probably come across borscht frozen using blast freezing. With this method, the product is exposed to low temperatures in a short time. The ice crystals that form are much smaller, so the borscht remains tasty and fresh even after defrosting. You won’t be able to pull off this trick in a household refrigerator, but store-bought instant products are quite tasty.

At home, it is recommended to properly defrost borscht using a microwave or heating it on the stove, but you can safely leave the dish in the refrigerator overnight. It is advisable to place a bowl under the container with liquid so as not to flood the refrigerator with water during the defrosting process.

How long does frozen borscht last?

Simple preparation can be done even for the winter, because the products practically do not deteriorate over time. This frozen dish can be stored for 1-2 years. It is advisable to eat borscht within 12 months after preparation, so as not to clutter the refrigerator with old stocks. No one is immune from power outages or interruptions, when equipment can simply break down, and then the borscht will either have to be eaten or thrown away, since it is no longer suitable for re-freezing.

Tip: be sure to leave a note on the container indicating the date the borscht was prepared.

How long can you store borscht in the refrigerator?

Borscht can be cooked in vegetable or meat broth. This will not affect the shelf life in any way. The thing is that it contains cabbage. Thanks to this, borscht can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days. It brings the greatest benefit to the body during the first 3 days. After 3 days, you can take out the soup, try it and, if it has not spoiled, boil it and put it in the refrigerator for a few more days.

Interesting: How to Freeze Dill and Parsley for the Winter in the Refrigerator in Bags

The length of time you can store borscht in the refrigerator will depend on the type of meat it is cooked with. It should be remembered that chicken broth spoils most quickly .

Which borscht should not be frozen?

Before cooking a dish, remember what ingredients it consists of. Every housewife knows how poorly potatoes react to low temperatures. Fresh ones quickly become covered with mucus and darken, while boiled ones simply spoil. If you put potatoes in borscht, freezing them is not a good idea.

Almost any first dish can now be frozen. People subject soups, broths and dressings to low temperatures to get them when needed. Frozen borscht almost does not lose its taste, beneficial properties and nutritional value, so you can safely eat it. Bon appetit!

Did you like the recipe? Save it to yourself on Pinterest, FB, VK, OK, G+, Instagram so as not to lose it!

Many people don't have time to cook food every day, so they freeze something or put it in the refrigerator. Is it possible to freeze borscht in the freezer in the same way as we do with broths, dressings and ice? If there is a pot of delicious borscht left, which you won’t eat yourself, but it’s a pity to throw it away, then the finished first course can be saved until better times.

Is it possible to freeze first courses and how to do it?

Store broth for any soup in the freezer. It will stay fresh for a long time. You can freeze only the liquid part of the future soup, without the thickening. If you do the opposite, the vegetables will lose their appearance and consistency after defrosting. At temperatures from –15 to –18 degrees, the broth should last up to six months.

To freeze, you must first cool the liquid. Then pour it into airtight molds or containers. A sticker with the date will help you remember the freezing date. Write down the day you freeze the broth and stick a reminder on the container. Place the dish in the freezer. Use as needed. After 6 months, do not eat.

Rice. 8 – Freezing the broth

Recipe for freezing borscht

Important: never freeze the first dish, which has already been in the refrigerator for about a week. It is better to eat it right away or throw it away altogether.

  • fresh borscht 2 l

This preparation for future use will come in very handy in the winter, when fresh vegetables other than cabbage and beets are not at hand. In another case, it can save you in a moment of lack of money or lack of time. Simply remove the package from the freezer, carefully tear it to remove the mass and place it in a pan or microwave oven to defrost.

Freezing secrets

Experienced chefs advise freezing borscht not in portioned bags, but in glass jars without a lid, since when defrosting, it is enough to warm the container with warm water so that the finished mass falls into the saucepan.

In stores, you've probably come across borscht frozen using blast freezing. With this method, the product is exposed to low temperatures in a short time. The ice crystals that form are much smaller, so the borscht remains tasty and fresh even after defrosting. You won’t be able to pull off this trick in a household refrigerator, but store-bought instant products are quite tasty.

At home, it is recommended to properly defrost borscht using a microwave or heating it on the stove, but you can safely leave the dish in the refrigerator overnight. It is advisable to place a bowl under the container with liquid so as not to flood the refrigerator with water during the defrosting process.

How long does frozen borscht last?

Simple preparation can be done even for the winter, because the products practically do not deteriorate over time. This frozen dish can be stored for 1-2 years. It is advisable to eat borscht within 12 months after preparation, so as not to clutter the refrigerator with old stocks. No one is immune from power outages or interruptions, when equipment can simply break down, and then the borscht will either have to be eaten or thrown away, since it is no longer suitable for re-freezing.

Tip: be sure to leave a note on the container indicating the date the borscht was prepared.

How does safety depend on the products used?

Borscht is cooked in meat, bone, and vegetable broth, using poultry, beef, and pork. Depending on the chosen base, the shelf life of the finished dish will also change:

  • It is advisable to consume dietary soup with vegetable broth 1-2 days in advance.
  • Poultry broth also has a short shelf life. After two days you need to check the suitability of the soup.
  • The meat base is stored for 2-3 days.
  • Borscht with the addition of smoked meats can be stored for no more than two days.
  • Within a day, you should get rid of the remnants of the soup prepared with mushroom broth, since mushrooms are perishable foods.

The heat treatment time for meat products depends on the type of meat. Follow the technology so that undercooked product does not become a source of poisoning.

How long you can store borscht in the refrigerator depends on the other components of this dish. Determine expiration dates based on products with the shortest shelf life.

  • Fresh cabbage will lose its taste and attractiveness within a day, and borscht based on sauerkraut will only become tastier after a day, but its suitability for food should be assessed after just two days.
  • Additions of fresh herbs and vegetables that lose texture (zucchini, turnips) shorten the shelf life of borscht. It is better to eat this soup a day in advance, and put the greens directly on the plate.

Interesting: How to Keep Dill Fresh Longer in the Refrigerator

Preservatives used in everyday life - salt, acetic or citric acid - can extend the shelf life. Housewives often use vinegar to preserve the ruby ​​hue of dishes.

Salt, being a natural preservative, also prolongs the shelf life of the soup. But you should not abuse these ingredients. Let's debunk the myth about extending shelf life thanks to roots and seasonings - they do not have any effect on the shelf life, but they significantly enrich the taste of the king of soups.

We answer the question: what should be done to make the borscht a rich red color?

In order for the borscht to acquire a ruby ​​hue, the beets should be added to the broth after the meat is ready. Place the whole root vegetable or cut it into 2-3 parts. After 15 minutes, remove and use for frying. Be sure to season the dressing with vinegar or lemon juice. A small amount of sugar will make the taste richer.

Which borscht should not be frozen?

Before cooking a dish, remember what ingredients it consists of. Every housewife knows how poorly potatoes react to low temperatures. Fresh ones quickly become covered with mucus and darken, while boiled ones simply spoil. If you put potatoes in borscht, freezing them is not a good idea.

Almost any first dish can now be frozen. People subject soups, broths and dressings to low temperatures to get them when needed. Frozen borscht almost does not lose its taste, beneficial properties and nutritional value, so you can safely eat it. Bon appetit!

Did you like the recipe? Save it to yourself on Pinterest, FB, VK, OK, G+, Instagram so as not to lose it!

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