Frozen fried champignons with onions

Harvesting mushrooms is a great way to diversify your family’s winter diet. This product is used for preparing first courses, baking and all kinds of snacks, without which not a single holiday is complete. Today we will touch on a narrower topic. And let's talk about how to store fried mushrooms for the winter, and what conditions are required for this.

In a refrigerator

If fried mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator in a plate, cover it with cling film. You can also use a plastic tray or glass container with a tight-fitting lid as a dish.

Store fried mushrooms in the refrigerator on the coldest shelf (not higher than +5°C) for up to 3 days. It is best to use the product within the first 24 hours.

If mushrooms need to be preserved as part of a salad or other dish, even at temperatures up to +5°C in a tightly closed container, they should not be left for longer than 1 day.

You can preserve the finished product for as long as possible in sterile, sealed jars without access to air. This will require a dark, cool place.

The question is also very often asked: can fried mushrooms be stored in the freezer? Let's figure it out.

Preparation of canned fried mushrooms:

Step 1: prepare the mushrooms.

To prepare this dish, you can use any edible mushrooms. So, rinse them well under running water and place them in a deep bowl. If necessary, cut off the rough spots on the mushroom cap and stem using a cutting board and knife. Attention:
large mushrooms can be cut into small pieces.
Now we transfer them to a free deep pan and fill it with plain water so that it completely covers the mushrooms. Place the pan on high heat. When the water boils, turn the heat to less than medium and cook the contents of the container for 15 minutes.
After the allotted time, holding the pan with oven mitts, drain the water and mushrooms through a colander into the sink. Rinse under running water and repeat the procedure from start to finish. At the end, drain the water again and wash the mushrooms.

Step 2: prepare jars with lids.

In order for our mushrooms to be stored in jars for a long time, the containers should be thoroughly washed and sterilized. Pour 500-700 milliliters of ordinary cold water
and place on medium heat.
While the water is boiling, rinse the jars. To do this, use a kitchen brush and baking soda and thoroughly clean the inside walls of the container. Attention:
rinse off the remaining soda well with hot water.

Now place a flat sieve on top of the pan and place the jars at a short distance from each other. On the inner walls of containers should be applied for 10-15 minutes.

condensation will appear.
As soon as droplets of water begin to drain, using oven mitts, move the jars neck down onto a cloth towel. After this, place the metal lids in boiling water and sterilize them for 5-10 minutes.
Afterwards, we take them out with kitchen tongs and place them next to the jars with the inside down.

Step 3: prepare canned fried mushrooms.

Pour a large amount of vegetable oil into the frying pan and place the container on medium heat. When the oil is hot, add the boiled mushrooms to the pan. Stirring from time to time with a wooden spatula, wait until they begin to stew. Immediately after this, cover the pan with a lid and continue to simmer the mushrooms for 30 minutes
to prevent the dish from burning, you need to remove the lid from time to time and mix everything well with available equipment.

After the allotted time has passed, remove the lid and fry the mushrooms until excess moisture has evaporated. Approximate frying time: 15 minutes

After this, add salt, taste the mushrooms and turn off the burner. Using a tablespoon or wooden spatula, place the finished mushrooms into sterilized jars, leaving 1-1.5 centimeters
for a layer of oil in which they were fried. Fill everything with hot oil, cover the jars with metal lids and, using a can opener, seal the canned food well. Place the canned jars with the lids down in a secluded place, cover with a warm blanket and wait for the dish to come to room temperature. After this, we move the jars into the refrigerator and we can store the mushrooms for more than 6 months.

Step 4: Serve the canned fried mushrooms.

When the time comes to serve canned fried mushrooms to the dinner table, open the cans with a special knife, pour the dish into a frying pan with a small amount of oil and heat it over medium heat.
These mushrooms are best served hot, as an appetizer or with fried potatoes. Canned mushrooms perfectly retain their taste and are tender and very tasty. Enjoy your meal!

If you don’t want to wait for cold weather, but would happily enjoy mushrooms in a month or two, then you don’t have to preserve the dish using a key. To do this, just sterilize the jars with nylon lids and simply close them tightly before putting them in the refrigerator. This dish will be stored in a cold place for 5-6 months, no more.

To fry mushrooms, instead of vegetable oil, you can use butter, as well as vegetable or animal fat.

If you don’t have enough oil to cover the canning on top, then you can quickly bring a new portion to a boil in a frying pan and then preserve the dish. In the case of fat, after melting it needs to be salted.

If you are tired of pickled mushrooms and really want something fried, then you can cook. This is a real delicacy that looks great on the dinner table, as an appetizer or as an addition to fried potatoes. The main thing is that such mushrooms are prepared very simply and retain their fried aroma and taste well. This is especially pleasant to experience during the season when your favorite mushrooms are not available and they cannot be cooked on the stove.

Freezer storage

The shelf life of fried mushrooms in the freezer is longer than in the main chamber of the refrigerator. The method and degree of frying, the presence or absence of spices and salt are of great importance.

If the product is part of a salad or mixed with sour cream and onions, storing frozen fried mushrooms is not advisable for more than a month, even in a tightly closed bag (container). In this case, the temperature should not be higher than -18°C.

Boiled and fried mushrooms are cooled in natural conditions, after which they are placed in small portions in special containers for freezing. The containers are closed as tightly as possible.

Don't forget to sign containers (packages). The freezing date should be clearly visible, otherwise it will be difficult to make out later.

Defrosting of the product occurs on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator without moving it to another container. The preparation must be used immediately. Its further storage and, especially, re-freezing is not recommended.

Storing fried mushrooms

Fried mushrooms are stored in refrigerators, basements or cellars. Under plastic lids they remain suitable for 4-6 months, and rolled up with metal lids they can be stored longer. Since long-term storage of mushrooms under lids may pose a threat of botulism infection, it is vitally important to take all measures to eliminate this possibility. You can read in detail how to do this in the article. Fried mushrooms can also be stored in the freezer. To do this, fried, cooled mushrooms are packaged in plastic containers or plastic bags, excess air is squeezed out of the bags and placed in the freezer. When frozen, such mushrooms will be stored longer, and there will be no risk of contracting botulism.

  • When frying mushrooms for the winter, there should be enough fat in the pan for the mushrooms to float in it.
  • Regardless of what mushrooms are fried, they need to be salted at the very end of cooking.
  • If the mushrooms have been in water - boiled, soaked, or simply washed - they must be dried before frying. You can use napkins, cloth or paper towels for this.
  • If you have collected a lot of mushrooms of several types, it is better to sort them by variety and fry each type separately. This way the taste will be more specific and the appearance will be more attractive.
  • It is better to clean the oil beans before washing, while the cap is dry and not slippery.
  • Mushrooms drenched in melted butter may begin to taste bitter over time, but this does not happen with lard.
  • Fried mushrooms are a real delicacy that, without exaggeration, is loved in every Russian family. Therefore, we hope that our tips will help you diversify your winter table even more with mushroom preparations such as mushrooms canned in oil and fat. We will be very glad if you share your recipes and successful “mushroom” finds. And one more thing - there is a good folk sign: the mushrooms have run out if the anthill is already closed for the winter. But the ants are still “working”, so we still have time for winter preparations!

    If you are tired of pickled mushrooms and really want something fried, then you can cook. This is a real delicacy that looks great on the dinner table, as an appetizer or as an addition to fried potatoes. The main thing is that such mushrooms are prepared very simply and retain their fried aroma and taste well. This is especially pleasant to experience during the season when your favorite mushrooms are not available and they cannot be cooked on the stove.

In banks

The shelf life of fried mushrooms that have been previously preserved in sterile jars is 1 year at temperatures from +5°C to +20°C. If the product is under nylon covers, its storage time does not exceed 4 - 6 months.

The conservation process itself occurs as follows. Fried mushrooms in still boiling oil are placed as tightly as possible in sterile containers. Then fill it to the top with hot sunflower oil (another type of fat) so that its layer is at least 1 cm.

Sealing with metal lids allows you to store fried mushrooms in jars longer. When the product needs to be preserved for 3–4 months, polyethylene lids are suitable.

Places for storing workpieces in winter can be:

  • glazed frost-free loggia;
  • refrigerator shelf;
  • cool pantry;
  • cellar.

Frying mushrooms for the winter

What a joy it is to go to the cellar (or closet) in winter and bring back a jar of rolled up fried mushrooms! Pour this wealth into a frying pan and make the whole house close its eyes with pleasure - the indescribable magical smell will seem to take you back to summer, when you just came out of the forest with full baskets...

And in order to give your loved ones such unforgettable moments, you need not to miss that - not particularly long and quickly passing - period when you can still go to the nearest forest for a mushroom harvest.

When preparing fried mushrooms for the winter, fat is used as a preservative - butter or ghee, lard (rendered lard) and vegetable oil. Most often, housewives prefer a mixture of fats, not without reason considering such preparations to be the most delicious.

Should you boil mushrooms before frying or not?

A novice housewife will definitely face this question. And many decide that it is better to play it safe than to worry about the safety of their products. To feel confident, of course, it is better to know for sure which mushrooms need additional heat treatment and which do not. Let's take a closer look at the rules.

Does not require pre-boiling

Edible and conditionally edible mushrooms are prepared differently. Edible mushrooms can be fried immediately. These include::

  • White mushrooms
  • Butter
  • Mokhoviki
  • boletus
  • Boletus
  • Chanterelles
  • Saffron milk caps
  • Umbrellas
  • Champignon
  • Hedgehogs
  • Rows
  • Oyster mushrooms
  • Russula
  • Honey mushrooms

Naturally, additional heat treatment of edible mushrooms will not harm the human body. But their nutritional value decreases, the specific mushroom aroma weakens and the taste deteriorates. And some mushrooms become slimy even after boiling for a short time.

Must be boiled

But conditionally edible mushrooms must be boiled before frying. This helps reduce toxicity to a safe level and eliminate the acrid taste: the toxic substances of such a mushroom dissolve in water when heated, we pour it out, and the mushrooms themselves become edible.

  • ordinary stitches
  • pink waves
  • brittle and stinging russula
  • milk mushrooms are black and yellow.

Because of the bitter taste, all those mushrooms that have a burning milky juice are soaked and boiled:

  • camphor, alder and sweetish laticifers
  • bitters
  • violinists
  • earrings
  • white loading pads
  • some types of russula, pigs and talkers
  • moths
  • and some other mushrooms.

How to properly fry mushrooms

The sorted, cleaned and washed mushrooms are soaked in cool water with added salt.

Before frying, the product must be dried on disposable towels. You can pour any oil or internal animal fat into the pan.

It is more correct to salt the workpiece at the end of frying, when the mushrooms are well browned.

Edible mushrooms (these are the ones most often prepared for the winter) do not require pre-boiling before frying. They can be placed raw in hot oil and fried until fully cooked.

For frying and subsequent storage, the following are best suited:

  • White mushrooms,
  • boletus,
  • russula,
  • boletus,
  • honey mushrooms,
  • chanterelles,
  • boletus.

Winter preparations from oyster mushrooms and champignons are made less frequently. These mushrooms are on sale all year round, so they are bought fresh as needed.

If desired, it is permissible to boil the listed types of mushrooms before frying. But this can harm the taste of the product.

It is recommended to boil conditionally edible mushrooms before frying. These are volushki, certain types of pigs, some russula, milk mushrooms, etc.

During the process of boiling in salted water, the bitter taste and harmful substances that are present in some types disappear. To further guarantee safety, the water can be replaced several times. Subsequent frying occurs according to the same principle in a well-heated frying pan after drying from residual moisture.

Fried mushrooms for the winter: 5 best preserved recipes, storage

Recipe for fried mushrooms for the winter

For cooking, you can take any mushrooms: boletus, chanterelles, russula, boletus, champignons, etc. You will also need butter, vegetable oil, and salt. Wash the mushrooms, peel and chop into large slices. Boil twice for 15 minutes. After each boiling, change the water and rinse the fungi. Drain off the last of the water. Melt the butter in a frying pan, add the prepared products, and simmer for half an hour under the lid. Open the lid and simmer for another quarter of an hour.

At the very end, add salt and taste. While the food is roasting, prepare your canning jars. Pour boiling water over them or keep them in boiling water for 15 minutes. Wash and boil the tin lids. Distribute the workpiece into jars, fill with the oil that remains after frying, and roll up. Store the seams in the basement.

Consider the option of the preparation described here.

Quick fried mushroom recipe for the winter

Quick recipe for fried mushrooms for the winter

Wash and peel the champignons, chop them into large pieces, and boil them twice for 15 minutes. After each boiling, be sure to wash them and change the water. Fry the mushrooms in a frying pan with hot oil and simmer under the lid closed. Remove the lid and continue simmering for another half hour. Salt and season with pepper to taste. Distribute the mushroom mixture into sterilized jars, leave a little free space to fill the contents with oil, and screw on the lids.

Recipe for fried mushrooms for the winter in jars

Prepare the boletuses: wash them, clean them with a brush if necessary, cut out damaged areas, chop them into large slices. Boil twice for 15 minutes in water with added salt. Place the finished mushrooms in a frying pan, add chopped onion, and fry for about an hour. Distribute the boletus and onions into jars, screw them on and store them in a dark place.

Chop the butter into slices, immerse in salted water and boil twice. Drain off the first water and wash thoroughly. Repeat the procedure. Melt lard in a frying pan, add chopped butter, cover with a lid and fry for half an hour. Remove the lid and simmer for another quarter of an hour, add salt. Sterilize the lids of the jars. Place the butter in jars, fill with fat - it should cover the contents by about 1.5 cm.

– greens – garlic – boletus – acetic acid – 2 tbsp. spoons – kitchen salt – to taste

Prepare the aspen mushrooms in the same way as in the previous cooking options. Fry them in oil. Please note that the fire should be as strong as possible. Distribute the mushrooms among the jars. Layer with herbs and garlic. Mix the remaining oil with kitchen salt and acetic acid and bring to a boil. Distribute the cooled liquid into jars.

Winter salad “Miracle”

– tomatoes – 1 kg – fresh mushrooms – 1 kg – zucchini – 3 kg – 45 g butter – parsley with dill – a bunch each – vegetable oil – 0.2 l – black pepper – ? tsp – table salt – 2 large spoons

Wash the young zucchini, peel them, and chop them into slices. Place the slices in a bowl, add salt and stir. Roll each circle in flour. Heat a frying pan, pour 4 tbsp onto the surface. spoons of vegetable oil, fry the zucchini slices on both sides. Place a serving of vegetables in an enamel bowl, add oil as needed.

Wash the mushrooms, put them in a saucepan, pour water on top, and boil in salted boiling water. Transfer the mushrooms to a colander and finely chop. Place the mushrooms in a clean, dry frying pan and simmer for a couple of minutes until the liquid evaporates. Pour in a little butter, fry for a couple of minutes, sprinkle with pepper, stir. Place the mushroom mixture along with the zucchini in a cauldron, stir and simmer over the fire for literally 5 minutes.

Chop the tomatoes into slices, salt and season with pepper. Add 2 tablespoons of oil to the pan. Fry the tomatoes in a frying pan on each side. Place tomatoes in a common bowl with vegetables. Wash the greens and chop finely. Add chopped herbs and simmer for 3 minutes over very low heat.

Wash the jars with baking soda, rinse thoroughly, distribute the hot salad, and cover with tin lids. Fill a large container with cold water. Place the jars here. The water should be 2 cm below the neck. Place the container on the fire, bring to a boil over medium heat, and sterilize for 35 minutes.

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