Leave parsley in the garden for the winter

The most famous herb in our latitudes is a seasoning, an indispensable component of many dishes. When cooking, both parsley leaves and its root are used. Carved, spicy leaves decorate the dish and add zest to it, and the root adds a unique taste to broths and. Did you know that parsley contains more vitamin C than lemon, and more vitamin A than carrots? Of course, such a useful plant is a permanent inhabitant of my garden!

Parsley can be root or leaf. the common parsley we all know

curly parsley
. Only the leaves of leaf parsley are eaten; the roots are not consumed. It is distinguished by a large, thick root vegetable; it is used in sauces and pickling. Root parsley can also be eaten, but it has a rougher taste and should not be plucked until the root vegetable is fully ripe, otherwise it will turn out small and frail.

Planting parsley

The soil for parsley should be normal or slightly acidic and have a loose structure.
For planting, you can choose a sunny place or partial shade. Parsley can be planted in the soil where it was grown last season. After parsley, the same crops (,) are best planted after 3-4 years.

Sowing parsley

Parsley is a biennial plant.
Seeds after collection are stored for about 2-3 years. Parsley is a very frost-resistant plant, so fresh greens can be obtained from the garden from early spring until late autumn, until snow falls. To obtain young greens, many gardeners use the so-called conveyor method, in which seeds are sown at intervals of 2-3 weeks and can continue until late autumn (suitable for leaf parsley).

If you constantly take greens from the garden (which can be eaten at any time during the plant's development), natural thinning of the bushes occurs as they grow. If you sow root parsley, you must thin it out, regardless of whether you need greens.

The first thinning - about 3 cm is left between plants. After a couple of weeks, we thin again, the final distance between neighboring plants should be 5-10 cm.

Make sure that the parsley leaves are healthy, without signs of disease or insect damage, so that you can take action in time and not lose the harvest. Parsley is susceptible to the following diseases and pests

: rust, white rot, carrot psyllid, carrot fly, melon aphid, onion and garlic stem nematode, white spot.

Collection and storage of parsley

Root parsley
is harvested in the fall, before frost, the leaves are cut off, stored in a cool place, sprinkled with sand (like carrots). You don’t have to dig up the root parsley, then in early spring, when the snow melts, you’ll get fresh herbs. Parsley roots can be used in winter to force greens in pots on the window.

Leaf parsley

cut at any stage of development and dried in a dark, but not dark place, or frozen.

Parsley is fairly easy to grow and even easier to harvest, but to get a better, more flavorful harvest, there are a few rules you must follow. Parsley from the first year of cultivation usually collects leaves, while parsley from the second year of cultivation usually collects seeds.

Parsley leaf and root

The main difficulty in growing parsley is its very slow germination. From sowing to germination it takes 2-3 weeks. During this time, weeds, which have much greater growth energy, manage to fill the entire bed and grow even in the rows of parsley, from where they are not so easy to remove without damaging the tender parsley shoots.

It is usually recommended to sow parsley as early as possible, as it is a cold-resistant plant and can germinate at low temperatures. However, at low temperatures, seedlings develop very slowly and the danger from weeds increases.

Therefore, it is more reasonable not to rush with sowing , wait until the soil warms up, and during this time clear the bed of early weeds.

You can speed up germination by first soaking the seeds for a day in lukewarm water to wash out the essential oils that interfere with germination.

Seedlings of leaf parsley are grown indoors for 4-6 weeks and the already strong seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place in the ground.

Parsley is a biennial plant. In the first year it produces leaves and roots, in the second year it produces flowers and seeds. Root crops are harvested late in the fall, but harvesting is not delayed until frost.

It is not advisable to cut off the leaves of root parsley during the summer, as they feed the root crop. A good root crop up to 25-30 cm long can be obtained on light, loose soils with a deep cultivated layer.

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Parsley root is a real storehouse of various vitamins, mineral salts and microelements. It is also very rich in essential oils, making it an excellent seasoning for soups. On the market, parsley root is valued much higher than greens.

In leaf parsley, the leaves can be cut off at any time as needed, being careful not to damage the growing point in the rosette. The last collection of leaves is done late in the fall and the plants are left in the soil for the winter.

to overwinter , as it tolerates frost better than root parsley. The following year, in early spring, the plants that are left begin to regrow, and you can use their leaves for two to three weeks until the flower stem begins to grow and the leaves become stiff.

Some gardeners make a second sowing of leaf parsley in mid-summer. Leaves are not collected from it so that by autumn the young plants have time to get stronger and safely overwinter. In the spring they provide fresh greens for at least a month and allow you to wait for the harvest from the spring sowing.

In addition to the fact that parsley serves as a seasoning for a variety of dishes, it is very rich in vitamin C. Young leaves contain even more vitamin C than lemon. Both adults and children are recommended to eat more fresh greens, as they have a healing effect on the entire body.

In the fall, leaf parsley can be transplanted into flower pots and placed on a window in a warm room. Then in winter you will be provided with its leaves and close the last window in the year-round conveyor of leaf parsley.

Parsley, both leaf and root, is very demanding on soil fertility . The best fertilizer for it is rotted manure or ripe compost. These are good sources of nitrogen that can satisfy its high need for this nutrient. For crops, beds are allocated after cucumbers, pumpkins, potatoes, cabbage, which received a good dose of organic fertilizers the previous year.

Sowing is usually done in rows. Make a deep furrow, fill with ripe compost and place parsley seeds on top with radish seeds added as a marker. Planting depth is 0.5-1 cm, the distance between rows is 15-20 cm. After thinning, a distance of 10-15 cm is left between plants. When the parsley seedlings become stronger and no longer require constant protection from weeds, they still cannot be ignored. Throughout the summer, the soil in the garden bed should be moist and loose. To stimulate leaf growth after pruning, fertilizing with a diluted infusion of mullein or compost is very useful.

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Parsley suffers greatly from root nematode , so it cannot be returned to its old place earlier than after 4 years. For winter, the leaves are prepared dried or frozen. When frozen, the aroma and vitamins are better preserved. Parsley roots are stored in the cellar, like all root vegetables.

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Part 1

Collection of parsley leaves

    Choose young plants.

    Young parsley is the most fragrant. Leaves can also be collected from parsley older than one year, but it is better to collect leaves from parsley in its first year of growth.

    Wait until three leaf segments appear on the stems.

    Check the stems. If the stems have three or more tufts of leaves, they are ripe enough to be harvested. Do not disturb stems with one or two segments.

    Cut the plant at the root.

    When collecting parsley, cut off the greens at the root, and not just the top.

  • Cutting parsley at the root stimulates the appearance of more new, more lush and productive stems.
  • Trim leaves from the outside of the plant.

    If you only need to use a few small sprigs of parsley, cut them not from inside the plant, but from the outside of the plant.

  • Even if you want to cut a few whole branches at ground level, you should cut them from the outside, not the inside. Then the inside of the plant will have the opportunity to develop more fully.
  • Removing the leaves from the outside ensures that the oldest parts of the plant are collected, which prevents them from turning brown or sitting on the plant too long.

  • Harvesting the old parts of the plant allows it to focus its energy on producing and ripening new shoots. The result is plumper, healthier parsley.
  • Harvest constantly.

    Parsley grows throughout the season, even after you pick the leaves. Plus, you'll have fresh parsley available all the time instead of having to pick it all at once.

    • Parsley grown outdoors usually remains bright green until late fall or early winter. Once the color begins to fade, the aroma decreases significantly. Until this happens, you can harvest continuously without fear of damaging the plants or reducing their flavor.
  • At the end of the season, harvest the entire crop.

    If your parsley is left outside unprotected, it will die in the winter. Before this happens, harvest the remaining crop so that the plant can grow next year.

  • Store and use parsley according to your needs.

    Parsley is best used fresh. It can be stored for several months if necessary, but if you dry it, the flavor will not be as strong.

    Part 2

    Collecting parsley seeds

      Wait until the second year of growth.

      Parsley does not produce seeds during the first year. If you plan to harvest the seeds, you will need to grow the plant in its second year.

    • Parsley is a biennial plant. Typically, parsley plants live for two years, and at the end of their life cycle they flower and produce seeds.
    • To obtain maximum seed yield, it is recommended to remove defective or weak biennial plants at the end of the first season. Then pollination will occur between the healthiest plants and the seeds will be of high quality.

  • When harvesting and storing seeds, try to separate those seeds that ripen earlier from those that ripen later in the season. It is necessary to give preference to those seeds that ripened earlier.
  • Collect seeds when they turn dark.

    To collect all the seed caps, wait until most of the seeds are dark brown. If you collect the seeds a little earlier, they will subsequently have difficulty germinating.

    • Parsley seeds go through three main stages. Immediately after flowering ends, light green or bright green seeds appear. They acquire a yellowish-brown hue during the second stage of ripening, and at the final stage they become brown or other dark color.
  • Cut off the seed caps.

    Make the cut just below the seed cap. Pinch the stem just below the seed cap with your thumb and forefinger. Cut the stem just below the toes.

    • Collect the seed caps carefully, shaking them as little as possible. Shaking may disperse the seeds. And since they are quite small, most likely you will not collect them again.
  • Shake gently.

    Gently shaking the seed caps in the paper bag will quickly and easily remove most of the mature seeds.

    • You can also lightly tap or drag the seeds onto a thick piece of cloth or plastic film.
    • Shake or remove seeds using gentle movements. If you use too much force, the seeds may scatter.

  • Let the remaining seeds ripen.

    If some unripe seeds are still left in the seed caps, you can allow them to ripen by placing the cut seed cap in the sun for a few days.

  • Keep the seeds indoors while they dry. If you dry the seeds outdoors, birds or other small animals may get to them.
  • Consider collecting seeds in stages.

    If some seeds in the seed head ripen faster than others, you can collect them by simply pinching them off with two fingers - your index finger and your thumb.

    • Parsley plants tend to reach maturity at uneven rates. Some seeds may be fully ready for harvest three weeks earlier than others, even if they are on the same seed cap.
    • Be careful when picking off the seeds. The force you use to pinch off individual seeds can cause the stem to wobble, and if there are too many mature seeds on the plant, the wobble will cause them to break off and fly away. Therefore, it is recommended to pinch off individual seeds only when most of the seeds are not yet ripe for harvesting.

  • Dry the seeds.

    The seeds need to dry for about 10 to 14 days before you store them and use them later.

    • Dry the seeds by spreading them in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet and placing them in a warm, dry place.
    • Turn and stir the seeds every day to ensure they dry evenly.

  • Seeds must be completely dry before storing.
  • Store dried seeds in airtight plastic bags or containers. Keep them in a cool, dry, dark place until planting.
  • The smell and taste of parsley is familiar and loved by many. The culture has been known to man for several centuries. The plant was used to prepare tasty and aromatic dishes, as well as for medicinal purposes. Parsley has edible leaves and roots, which are used as a spice. This type of crop is called root parsley.

    Parsley root is very popular among nutritionists. After all, it contains a large amount of vitamins, microelements and other nutrients. However, despite the benefits of the crop for humans, it is rarely grown. The leafy type of greens remains more popular today. This phenomenon is easily explained by the false ideas of summer residents about the specifics of caring for root greens. If you study the specifics and agricultural technology of the variety, its cultivation will not only be simplified, but will also turn into leisure. It is worth noting that root celery is much more difficult to grow than parsley of a similar species.

    You can get a rich harvest of high-quality fruits from the plant by adhering to the following recommendations:

    Since this variety has a tap root, the plant should be planted immediately in a permanent place without subsequent transplants. There is no need to grow the crop in the area where carrots previously grew. And vice versa - areas where cabbage, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers or potatoes were planted are ideal for growing root parsley. In this case, the fruits will grow juicy and fleshy.

    When cultivation is carried out to produce greens, the seeds must be prepared in advance. Simply soaking them for a few days is enough. But if you plan to grow root-type parsley, then there is no need to soak the seed. After all, soaking and washing removes potassium from the seeds, which leads to weakening of the plant.

    Caring for the variety crop, in principle, comes down to watering, loosening the soil and periodic weeding to remove weeds. To get the largest possible fruits, it is necessary to thin out the plantings at least twice. The first time the procedure is carried out, leaving a distance of 2.5 centimeters between individuals. After 10-14 days, the distance is maintained at 4-7 centimeters. The culture is very demanding on watering, which is key during the formation of root crops. Throughout the entire development cycle of the plant, the soil is constantly loosened, removing all weeds. During the growing season it is necessary to carry out 2-3 feedings.

    There are also gardeners who prefer to grow greens for the winter at home on the windowsill. Pots and boxes are great for this purpose. A couple of root vegetables can easily fit into one small container. The distance between individuals in the box must be maintained at 3-4 centimeters. The distance between the rows is 8-10 centimeters. Care involves watering, which is carried out once a week.

    Growing parsley in a greenhouse

    This variety of parsley is often grown in a greenhouse. Moreover, this process is quite simple. Another significant advantage of growing in protected soil is the possibility of planting root crops for the winter.

    Light loamy and soddy-podzolic soils are excellent for greenhouse cultivation. It is necessary to provide the seedlings with proper lighting using fluorescent lamps. Caring for vegetables in a greenhouse also includes the organization of drip irrigation.

    Growing root crops in heavy soils provokes their “ugliness”. A good option for growing crops in protected soil is mobile film tunnels. The plant should be planted at the end of January, or even later. The distance between the holes with seeds should be at least 10-12 centimeters. As sprouts appear, they need to be thinned out. The distance between seedlings should be 2-4 centimeters.

    After this, caring for the plants will include eliminating weeds, creating proper temperature conditions and periodically ventilating the room. Sudden changes in temperature should not be allowed.

    The use of biofuel in agricultural technology requires its thickness to be 10-12 centimeters.


    Growing parsley is best done on fertile, loose soil. In this case, the permissible soil environment is acidic or neutral. The culture grows well both in the sun and in the shade. Soil preparation should be carried out in the fall. The soil is dug up, manure, superphosphate and potassium salt are added and left for the winter. In the spring, re-feed. Both potash and phosphate fertilizers are applied. It is also good to add saltpeter or urea.

    Sowing of seeds is carried out in the second half of April. Soaking them for 3-4 days on a wet cloth or gauze will help increase the number of seedlings.

    After the sprouts appear, the seeds are sown in the ground to a depth of 1.5 centimeters.

    Using this method of planting, the first shoots appear within a couple of weeks. If you sow dry seeds, seedlings will appear only after a month. To get greens constantly, you need to sow every couple of weeks.

    The plant is resistant to cold. Therefore, you can plant it in winter, in November, for example. True, such late plantings can only be carried out if there are no winter thaws in the region. Without snow, seedlings are likely to die.

    The seeds are placed in holes located at a distance of 15 centimeters from each other. Before planting, the holes are filled with water.

    Full crop care is impossible without fertilizing. The best fertilizer for vegetables is cow manure. Chicken or rabbit droppings will also perfectly enrich the soil. However, you need to use these organic substances only after preparing them first.

    Half a bucket of manure should be filled to the top with water and mixed well. Leave the finished “solution” in the sun for 3-4 days to ferment. It is worth feeding with 10 liters of water with a liter of prepared mixture. The solution is thoroughly mixed, and then the root crops are fertilized. The procedure must be carried out twice per season.

    Watering and weeding are procedures that are necessarily included in crop care. Harvesting takes place in mid-September on dry, fine days, when the probability of precipitation is close to 0.

    The root parsley variety is a unique root crop. It contains many times more vitamin C than lemon. Caring for the plant is simple, and the possibility of planting before winter makes the vegetable more and more popular. And, although the use of the green variety is more common, the root vegetable is also worthy of your attention.

    We determine the timing of when to plant parsley before winter.

    The time for planting parsley before winter should be such that the seeds have time to swell, but not germinate. Therefore, it is better to wait and plant parsley as late as possible. You should focus on the last days of October or even the beginning of November.

    The weather itself will tell you the best date to sow parsley before winter. If stable night frosts have already established at 2-3 degrees below zero, the ground is covered with a dense crust, then the time has come for sowing seeds. Some gardeners even recommend choosing a frosty day to sow this plant.

    If a long autumn is expected and there will be no frost until December, then planting parsley in the fall is canceled. Then you definitely need to wait for the cold weather and frosts that come with winter.

    Step 1: choose a location.

    The predecessor to parsley should be cucumbers, potatoes or cabbage. A lot of snow should accumulate in the area under the parsley bed. In spring, snow melts off them as early as possible and excess moisture evaporates.

    Step 2: prepare the ground.

    Dig up the bed. Mix the soil with peat or sand. This will lighten the ground. Apply organic fertilizers, superphosphate and potassium salt. But do not compact the surface of the bed.

    Step 3: Select parsley seeds for fall planting.

    Purchase seeds of the variety that is zoned for a specific area. You can choose root parsley “Russian size” or leaf parsley “Ordinary”. The first of them produces root crops up to 30 cm in length. And the second grows with lush and fragrant greenery.

    Step 4: Treat the seeds before planting.

    Potassium permanganate or boric acid are suitable for this purpose. Wet seeds should be dried before sowing.

    It is worth remembering that in winter sowing you need to use more seeds. After all, out of 100 seeds, only 75 will germinate. Therefore, planting parsley in the fall is somewhat denser than during spring planting.

    Step 5: Planting Parsley.

    Make grooves, making indentations between them about 10 cm from each other. The depth of the furrows should be approximately 5 cm. Pour a little sand into them and add compost on top. Sow parsley on this prepared soil. Fill the grooves with soil. Mulch the bed with humus or peat.

    There is no need to cover the beds with crops. And if warming suddenly begins, then you should take care to once again sow new parsley seeds. This will guarantee that the second crop will germinate, because the first ones will die in large numbers.

    Step 2: prepare the ground.

    Video “How to grow parsley”

    The video reveals the features of caring for parsley.

    Parsley as a herb has been known since ancient times in countries with warm climates. But the vegetable came to the corners of the globe where summers are cooler with early frosts not so long ago. The plant has gained popularity due to the unique taste and aroma of both green petioles and roots. To grow parsley in open ground, you do not need to have any special agrotechnical knowledge. It is necessary to create a number of conditions so that the spicy crop produces healthy greens all summer.

    Among the types of vegetable plants, there are biennial and annual herbs, characterized by:

    • erect stems;
    • feathery green leaves of dark and light tones;
    • root system in the form of a cone-shaped rod;
    • heart-shaped flowers of whitish or greenish color;
    • small oval seeds.

    Parsley is distinguished by its high resistance to low temperatures, as well as its moisture-loving properties.

    There is a distinction between root parsley, which in the first year of growing season produces a cream or white fruit that looks like a carrot. Parsley roots are used in food as a spice and also for medicinal purposes. Popular varieties of this type of vegetable include Berlinia, Eagle, Berlin root, and Sugar root.

    Many people prefer to grow vegetables for their greens. Green petioles with fragrant leaves are obtained during the first year of the plant's life. They are ready for cutting 40-60 days after germination. It is impossible to imagine salads, main courses, and soups without juicy spicy herbs. Many gardeners sow parsley every 2 weeks, supplying themselves with useful herbs throughout the summer and winter.

    Of the varieties of leaf parsley, the following are valued:

    • strong Festivalnaya bush;
    • early ripening Harvest;
    • high yield Green Crystal;
    • Disease-resistant Natalka.

    Curly parsley is used as a decorative plant; it has a dense rosette with corrugated leaves with wavy edges. Varieties of curly plants have been developed: Bogatyr, Esmeralda. Among the “foreigners” we can note Mooskrause parsley, Rialto, Italian giant, Titan.

    Features of planting in the cold season

    Is it possible to sow parsley and dill before winter? Sowing these crops in the fall is possible due to their cold resistance: the seeds undergo natural hardening in the soil and delight with vigorous shoots in the spring.

    As a result, healthy, disease- and frost-resistant spices are obtained a month earlier than with traditional planting in the spring.

    Selecting a location

    Plants are planted in open sunny areas. Although dill and parsley tolerate shade well, when there is a lack of sunlight they grow slightly elongated and a less rich green color. The taste and benefits are preserved.

    Ideal precursors for crops: potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, onions, zucchini and cucumbers.

    Herbs prefer neutral or slightly acidic soil with a light structure.

    Preparing the beds

    At the end of October, humus is added to the beds at the rate of 5 kg per 1 m², and 20–30 g of superphosphate and potassium are added. Nitrogen fertilizers are not applied before winter.

    They make grooves and cover them with protective material so that the soil is not washed away by rain.

    Before sowing, the covering material is removed and the furrows are sprinkled with sand. After planting, the bed is sprinkled with peat, humus or compost. The main thing is that the soil is light and in the spring the seeds germinate without difficulty.

    Important! Optimal weather conditions for planting dill and parsley: night temperature - -2...-3°C, daytime temperature - 0...+5°C, dry, windless days.

    If prolonged rains are expected, the seeded bed is covered again and left so until dry or not very wet cold weather sets in.

    Seed preparation

    Experienced gardeners prefer their own seed material to store-bought ones. To obtain it, several strong and healthy bushes are kept in beds with greenery throughout the season. Parsley is covered with mulch for the winter (a biennial crop), and dill is harvested in the fall.

    After umbrella flowering, small seeds appear on the plants, which ripen in 120 days. Before cutting, paper or gauze is spread under the bushes to collect crumbled material. Umbrellas are carefully cut off. They sort through the seeds, removing diseased or unripe ones. Dry and store them until planting at a temperature of +5°C in a well-ventilated place.

    Reference. The seeds are not soaked before autumn sowing, otherwise they will germinate prematurely and die.

    To increase germination, planting material is pre-plated:

    1. A nutrient mixture is prepared from non-acidic peat, humus and dry mullein (6:3:1).
    2. Add 15 g of superphosphate per 1 kg of mixture.
    3. Before planting, seeds are poured into a jar and a nutritional composition is added. Shake everything well.
    4. If the material is panned in advance, it is dried for 2-3 hours.

    Parsley: combination with other plants

    Among the secrets of vegetable growing one can highlight proper crop rotation at a summer cottage. For every vegetable, there are best predecessors and bad neighbors with which the culture finds it difficult to get along. When you don’t think about this and plant plants as you please, it’s difficult to get a rich harvest of vegetables.

    For parsley, as a representative of the Umbrella family, you need a plot where there were previously beds with onions, tomatoes, zucchini, and squash. Spicy herbs feel good in place of cabbage and cucumbers.

    The herbaceous plant is often planted together with dill, cilantro or carrots. Beds with grass are located next to plantings of tomatoes and legumes.

    Beds with aromatic herbs will provide excellent protection for strawberries and strawberries from pests.

    When to plant parsley

    Depending on the region where the spice crop is cultivated, it can be grown by seedlings or directly from seeds into the garden.

    In the first method, boxes with a nutrient mixture are prepared. Then grass seeds are placed close to each other in moist soil. The optimal time for planting seedlings is 1 month before transplanting into open ground. If they prefer propagation by roots, then plant later. For this method, root vegetables weighing 50-60 grams and less than 15 centimeters in length are used. The length can be shortened by cutting off the lower part with a blade and sprinkling with wood ash.

    To sow directly into the ground, choose the time when the snow has melted. Since the seeds are not afraid of low temperatures, the vegetable can be planted at the end of April - before May 10. If the planting material is prepared correctly, the seedlings will appear on the 20th day.

    Until the end of July, sow parsley once every 2 weeks to constantly have fresh herbs.

    In winter, seeds are planted as cold weather sets in. When the temperature during the day is 2-5 degrees Celsius and with slight frosts at night, dry seeds are already placed in the furrows, sprinkled with soil on top. It is necessary to protect them from germination so that the spice does not die. To do this, cover the bed with mulch and film on top. The main thing in pre-winter sowing is that the weather becomes colder and snow falls faster, which will save the seeds from freezing and death.

    The best time to plant parsley before winter

    Parsley should be planted before winter in October-November. If this is a northern region, where frosts come already in October, then planting is carried out in September. The main condition for getting a good harvest at the dacha is to sow parsley in the fall during the first light frosts, when the night temperature drops to -2 degrees, and the daytime temperature is 0 - +5.

    If the weather in November is warm, then it is better to wait until the temperature drops, otherwise the parsley will germinate before frost and die.

    Preparing seedlings

    If you want to get parsley leaves already in mid-spring, you need to adopt the seedling cultivation method:

    1. The boxes are prepared in advance with a depth of 20-30 centimeters. After disinfecting the container, fill it with nutritious soil. It is good when there is a layer of drainage at the bottom, which will allow moisture not to stagnate in the container.
    2. The soil is needed from two parts of garden soil and one part of peat and humus.
    3. It is better to immediately feed the soil mixture with mineral fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.
    4. Leaf varieties are chosen with early ripening periods.
    5. Before placing the seeds in the soil, they are disinfected for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate.
    6. Seeds are planted in the holes to a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters.
    7. After planting, water the soil generously with water at room temperature.

    For seedlings to appear on time, they need fresh air and regular watering. The air temperature should not exceed 20 degrees and not be lower than 17.

    At the level of two leaves, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving a distance of 1-2 centimeters between them. Two weeks before transplanting parsley seedlings, they begin to harden them by taking them out into the open air.

    You can grow vegetable seedlings in containers on a windowsill or in a greenhouse.

    How to feed parsley for growth at different times

    It is important to take care of the harvest throughout the season . Let's look at the growth periods of parsley and feeding options.

    After landing

    In the fall, fertilizer is applied for digging per 1 m²: 3-5 kg ​​of rotted manure or humus and 2 tbsp. l. "Nitroammofoski". Or 30 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium salt. If you didn’t have time to apply fertilizer in the fall, do it in the spring before planting the seeds.

    After germination

    The first feeding is carried out after the appearance of the second leaf . Use nitrogen fertilizers. For 1 m² - 1 tbsp. l. ammonium nitrate and 10 liters of water or 1 tbsp. l. ammonia in a bucket of water. Water at the root.

    Attention! Urea and other nitrogen fertilizers are applied only if the plants' leaves turn yellow.

    Two weeks after the first feeding, the plantings are treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide - 1-2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. This fertilizing enriches the soil with oxygen, strengthens roots, and helps fight diseases. Spray the leaves and water at the root.

    When the green mass gains strength, it is cut off and phosphorus-potassium fertilizing is carried out to strengthen the roots :

    1. Herbal infusion from weeds: the grass is placed in a bucket, filled with water, and infused for 1-2 weeks. The infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:8.
    2. Yeast feeding: 0.5 kg of fresh yeast, 0.5 liters of jam, 5 liters of warm water, leave for 24 hours. The solution is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:8.

    In the second half of summer, root parsley is fed with a mineral composition : 10 g of superphosphate and 8 g of potassium nitrate.

    Features of planting parsley in open ground

    More often, open ground is chosen for growing herbs so as not to make it difficult to care for the seedlings.

    In a lighted place, prepare the soil in advance. In the fall, rotted manure or compost is added to it at a rate of 4-5 kilograms per square meter of bed. It is also necessary to think about mineral fertilizers if vegetables are planted in winter.

    Seed preparation includes soaking in:

    • warm water for a day;
    • growth stimulant;
    • vodka solution for 20 minutes;
    • infusion of wood ash for 5 hours.

    Choose one of the methods that will allow the seeds to germinate faster in the ground. To speed up germination, add a little quicklime into the furrows. But seeds simply soaked in water will germinate quickly in moist soil.

    When planting in autumn, the planting material must be dry, otherwise its rapid germination will lead to the death of seedlings from frost.

    Parsley seeds are planted along with a small percentage of lettuce seeds. The latter sprout faster, and the direction of seedlings is determined by them. This way it’s better to loosen the soil, helping the seeds break through the crust.

    The planting depth of parsley is 2 centimeters. It is better to plant parsley in the country in two-line ribbons with a distance of 40-50 centimeters between them.

    Seedlings of the vegetable plant will appear in 15-20 days.

    Many people propagate the vegetable by roots. The prepared product, cut to 8-10 centimeters and disinfected, is buried inside the soil, leaving a stump 2 centimeters above the ground. Greenery will begin to form within 2 weeks. All that remains is to take proper care of her.

    When to plant parsley seedlings in open ground

    When the second pair of leaves appears, plant the seedlings in separate cups so that they develop better and are stronger.

    At the beginning of May, plant the mature parsley seedlings in an open garden bed. The soil needs to be watered.

    Planting should be done with an interval of 5-8 cm between bushes and 25 cm between rows. In the future, it consists of watering in the early morning or evening and weeding. It is also necessary to apply fertilizers. In order to harvest several times during the season, the greens must be cut at the root, which will provoke its re-growth.

    Video about proper planting of parsley seedlings

    It is no secret that so-called mixed plantings have been practiced by various peoples since ancient times. The division of plants was as follows: main plants and satellite plants, the main role of which was to provide a favorable environment for the growth of the former, protect the soil from drying out and the proliferation of weeds and harmful insects. The well-known beauty parsley is exactly such a plant. It is thanks to it that you can provide yourself with an almost year-round harvest, protect the soil from such unwanted one-sided depletion and make the most of the influence of different garden crops on each other’s taste qualities.

    How to properly care

    The spicy root vegetable is unpretentious and easy to care for. But the agricultural technology of aromatic crops cannot be imagined without:

    • regular watering;
    • application of fertilizers;
    • thinning;
    • loosening and weeding the beds;
    • mandatory trimming of petioles with green leaves.

    The appearance of seedlings in the garden bed is a signal for inter-row cultivation of plantings with a hoe or cultivator to a depth of 5-6 centimeters. The procedure is performed 3-4 times during the summer.

    Between shoots, weeds are controlled manually.

    The first thinning at the level of 2 leaves is carried out, leaving a distance of 2 centimeters, after a month - 5 centimeters. Those shoots that are pulled out are used for their intended purpose as food or for canning.

    Watering parsley

    Water the vegetable bed once every 2-4 weeks, depending on weather conditions. You should not over-hydrate plants. They wither and stop growing.

    For humidification, use water at room temperature, settled.

    Feeding parsley

    During the growing season, the vegetable needs fertilizing in the form of organic and mineral complexes. If manure was applied to the site before planting, then after the first thinning of the plants, a complex of ammonium nitrate (15 grams), potassium salts (10 grams) and superphosphate (20 grams) is added. All components are dissolved in 10 liters of water.

    The second time, 2-3 weeks after the first procedure, the amount of nutrients is increased by 1.5 times.

    It is necessary to fertilize a bed with grass along with moistening the soil. This way, beneficial elements will be better absorbed, speeding up the growing season of the vegetable.

    Parsley trimming

    Leafy plant varieties are regularly pruned so that green growth occurs continuously. For the procedure, shoots 10 centimeters high are selected. It is better to start cutting from the outside of the bush. No need to pinch off just the tops. Cut the shoots to the ground. In this case, the bush will recover faster.

    Pruning at the end of summer is done in order to prepare greens for storage for the winter. Later, the twigs and leaves will begin to lose their juiciness and beneficial properties.

    The best time to plant parsley before winter

    You need to sow parsley in the fall at a certain time. When sown early, the spice will begin to sprout quickly, and due to the onset of frost, the tender seedlings will die.

    It is necessary to choose the timing of sowing so that the seeds only swell, but do not begin to germinate. Therefore, they choose the time for sowing in October-November, depending on the region and the timing of winter.

    Vegetables are sown when the temperature drops below zero at night and reaches 2-3 degrees Celsius during the day. It is best when the weather is clear and slightly frosty on the day of planting parsley. After all, the vegetable is not afraid of the cold and tolerates soil temperatures of 0 degrees.

    If the onset of winter shifts and heavy rains begin, the sowing dates are postponed for some time.

    Protection from diseases and pests

    Of the fungal diseases, the plant most often encounters:

    • powdery mildew;
    • pillar;
    • Alternaria blight, or black rot;
    • white spotting, or septoria;
    • rust.

    Pathologies appear as a result of improper care. The infection can be determined by spots on the leaves and their drying out.

    To get rid of the lesion, special drugs are used: “Hom”, “Barrier”. For prevention, they fight against plant residues, destroying them.

    Harvest and storage

    Parsley is harvested depending on how long it grows. There are varieties that take 55-60 days to reach technical maturity, while for others 100 days is not enough. Greens are pruned throughout the entire growing season of the plant. It is frozen or dried to be added to food in winter. The yield per square meter ranges from 2 to 5 kilograms.

    Autumn harvesting of vegetable roots ends no later than September 25. The fruits are cleared of soil and allowed time to dry. Then they are placed in basements or cellars with good ventilation and air temperature within 0 degrees. Root vegetables will be preserved better in wet sand.

    The chopped or crushed roots are dried under a canopy and placed in glass jars. Sliced ​​fruits are also frozen and used as a seasoning for dishes.


    The leafy type of parsley should not be cut off at the root; you should leave some of the leaves. It will take a lot of effort for the plant to recover and it may die. Leaves are cut 2-3 times per season throughout the summer. To make supplies of parsley for the winter, the greens are dried or frozen.

    Root vegetables are harvested from the garden in the fall. They are dug up before frost, 2-3 weeks. Fresh greens are useful; they are dried and stored in the basement. If it is not possible to store it in a cellar, you can dry the roots. To do this, they are cut into rings or strips and dried in a ventilated area for 2 weeks. Then place in dry glass jars and store under the lid. You can grind the dried roots in a coffee grinder, and then add the powder to your favorite dishes. Store the dried product in a dry container.

    Beds for greenery occupy large areas of vegetable gardens. Already in the spring you want to have fresh aromatic herbs on the table. To do this, you need to sow parsley before winter, then in the spring you can pick bunches of the fragrant herb and add it to salads and various hot dishes. There are certain rules for growing parsley when it is sown in the fall.

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