Horseradish has long been considered one of the favorite Russian seasonings. Before the appearance of all kinds of foreign sauces on the market, it was the product that gave our dishes a “sparkle.” But even despite the abundance of various ketchups in supermarkets, residents of our country continue to consume the roots and leaves of this tasty and healthy plant.
However, how to ensure product storage in cold weather? There are thousands of ways to keep roots safe and sound using an ordinary refrigerator and freezer. Today we’ll talk about how to store horseradish and what are the best recipes for the winter.
We store it correctly!
If you want the plant to add sparkle to your dishes not only in summer, but also in winter, you need to consider several rules for storing it. First of all, it should be noted that correct collection plays an important role. It is important to know that horseradish can ripen at different times of the year, in particular:
- in spring;
- in the fall.
This is done carefully so as not to damage the root. Then they need to be shaken off from excess soil. There is no need to rinse, because the rhizomes are perfectly stored in their own soil.
Once you dig up the plant, you need to cut off its leaves. Please note that in order for horseradish to be stored well at home, the cut areas must be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic. The best option in this case is iodine. Immediately inspect the entire harvested crop and look for any damage. If any are present, the product will not last long, so such rhizomes should be used immediately. A good root should not have:
- rot;
- cliffs;
- traces of pests.
After trimming and selecting, the remaining horseradish must be laid out for drying. One day is enough for it, but the room where you put the rhizomes should be warm and well ventilated.
As for the methods that can be used to store the product, today there are four of them:
- Rolling into a jar.
- Drying.
- Bookmark in the cellar.
- Stuff in the refrigerator.
The plant must be periodically watered, loosened and weeded. Remember that horseradish spreads very aggressively throughout the garden. In spring, remove sprouts, leaving strong shoots. At the beginning of summer, remove the top layer of soil and trim the side branches from the top (25-30 cm). Then compact the soil back down so that there are no voids left.
Loosening the soil after planting horseradish
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You need to water regularly, 15-20 liters of water per 1 m2 of area is enough. In dry weather, water the roots more frequently, and stop during rainfall, otherwise the roots will rot.
The plant will not grow well without quality feeding. Use complex mineral fertilizer when the first leaves appear. Mix superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and potassium salt in a 1:1:1 ratio. Take the amount based on 5 g of each component per square meter of area. Make the next fertilizer in July in the same way or with the addition of manure. If you grow horseradish for winter storage, increase the dosage.
Marinating in jars
There are a huge number of recipes with which you can store horseradish in jars. Most often they prefer to roll it into dishes in the form of sauces. An example is the famous horseradish. But if you want to keep the product pure, consider a recipe that will help you do this.
So, first you will need to take a meat grinder or a regular grater to finely chop 1 kg of rhizome. Please note that during the grinding process fumes are released that can irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose. Therefore, it is recommended to wear special protective masks and goggles, and put a plastic bag on the top of the meat grinder.
Grated or rolled horseradish must be placed in a specially prepared marinade. To do this, you will need to boil 250 ml of water in a saucepan, and after boiling, add 1 tablespoon of salt and sugar. Following them, 125 ml of apple cider vinegar should go into the bowl (if you don’t have it on hand, use 20 ml of citric acid) and, in fact, the ground roots. Then all this is thoroughly mixed and covered with a lid.
Actually, the product for preservation is ready. Next, all you need to do is sterilize the jars, spread out the mixture and roll it up tightly. You can store horseradish this way for several years.
Drying rhizomes
Dried horseradish roots allow you not only to preserve all the valuable vitamins and minerals contained in the plant, but also not to lose its specific aroma. This option is well suited for housewives who like to add horseradish to all kinds of sauces, seasonings, and soups.
To prepare the product, you first need to cut it into thin pieces. Then you will need to preheat the oven to 60 degrees (if this is too low for your oven, set the lowest temperature), arrange the slices on a baking sheet in one layer, and then put them in the oven.
An hour and a half is enough for drying. Once the slices have hardened, they can be chopped in any way convenient for you:
- grind in a food processor;
- grind in a mortar;
- grate.
The crushed product must be placed in glass or porcelain, and then the container must be tightly closed with a lid.
Cold storage
In order for the product to be stored well in the refrigerator, you will have to select the most suitable ones. Please note that the best option would be small roots, no more than 30 cm in length. In this case, the horseradish must be cleaned from the earthen lump and wrapped in film, in which several holes must be made for free air movement.
Please note that the lower the temperature, the better the roots will be stored. So, horseradish will live in the lower section of the refrigerator for about 20 days. If you need to store it longer, then the freezer is the best option. Here he can lie freely for up to 6 months. To do this, the product must be cut into small cubes, dried thoroughly, placed in a plastic bag and stored “until better times.”
Bookmark in the cellar
Before hiding the roots in the cellar, you must first carefully inspect it. The room should be clean and dry, and there should be no traces of any pests or mold. Remember, if unwanted living creatures are found in the basement, you can remove them from there using smoke or carry out disinfestation and deratization of the room. Please note that after the preparatory procedures, horseradish cannot be placed in the cellar for at least two weeks. Therefore, try to prepare in advance.
After all the preparatory procedures are completed, it is time to start planting the rhizomes. Here, too, certain conditions must be observed. First of all, it is important to know that horseradish is best stored in wooden boxes. It is necessary to pour earth at the bottom, and then lay the first layer of roots so that there is a certain distance between them. Next, you can lay down several more layers of horseradish, sprinkling the bottom layer with wet sand. Remember, the sand must be clean, without any impurities, including soil.
Please note that for spring varieties of horseradish, the problem of possible germination is relevant. Dealing with it is quite simple. All you need to do is sprinkle the rhizomes with a small amount of slaked lime. After this, the entire bookmark procedure described above is performed in the same order.
Remember, if you put horseradish in the basement for storage, you definitely need to keep an eye on it. If you notice rotting on at least one root, it must be thrown out immediately. After this, the entire box must be treated with antifungal drugs. It is also unacceptable for horseradish to dry out. If you notice something like this, you need to put some damp sand in the box, after which the problem will solve itself.
If you carefully monitor the product and are able to follow all the stowage technology, the product can remain in the basement for up to 1.5 years. If you do not have your own cellar, the other methods described above are suitable alternatives. Remember, you can store horseradish, the main thing is to do everything correctly, and then it will delight you with its amazing taste and aroma throughout the winter.
To ensure that you always have this popular culinary vegetable at your disposal, you need to know when to dig out the horseradish. The fact is that if you choose the wrong time, you will not get the rich taste from the root vegetable. In our article we will not only tell you how to dig up horseradish correctly, but also consider options for storing it. After all, it is important not only to pick on time, but also to properly store the resulting product.
Cleaning time
Growing horseradish in garden plots: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5.
Horseradish care
Timely care of horseradish plantings is crucial in obtaining a high yield and reducing production costs.
Work begins even before shoots emerge. The soil should not be compacted; it should always be loose. This helps conserve moisture, facilitates air access, improves the living conditions of microorganisms and promotes the accumulation of nutrients in the soil.
A week after planting, you need to harrow the soil using a light rake. At this time, weeds are just beginning to germinate, forming a lot of whitish-pink “threads” in the soil. Timely loosening will destroy up to 80% of these seedlings, significantly cleaning the soil.
In the future, caring for the plantings is reduced to carrying out 3-4 treatments between plants, 2-3 weedings and 1-2 hillings. Hilling of plants begins in mid-summer. With excess moisture, it promotes better drying and ventilation of the soil and an increase in its temperature. In dry years, it is replaced by loosening the rows.
On insufficiently fertile soils, plants are fertilized simultaneously with inter-row cultivation or before it. Horseradish is fed for the first time 3-4 weeks after planting, adding 5-10 g of ammonium nitrate, 7-10 g of superphosphate and 5-10 g of potassium chloride per square meter.
The second time, fertilizing is done in mid-summer, simultaneously with hilling. Per 1 m² add 5-6 g of ammonium nitrate, 12-15 g of superphosphate, 8-10 g of potassium chloride. If the grown products are intended for winter storage, the doses of potassium fertilizers are increased.
To obtain high yields of horseradish, watering is necessary, especially in the first time after planting, when leaves are growing rapidly and a significant amount of water is consumed for transpiration, and the still weak root system cannot provide the leaf apparatus with sufficient moisture.
Over the summer, several rosettes of leaves are formed on each plant. In this case, multi-headed rhizomes grow. To increase the marketability of products, at the beginning of summer, excess rosettes are cut off with a sharp knife, leaving no more than two on one plant.
On small plots in gardening conditions, in order to obtain marketable roots of higher quality, horseradish can be “trained” in late July - early August.
To do this, in mid-summer, the soil is raked from the rhizomes and, with a sharp knife, the formed upper lateral roots are removed from the central rhizome by about 2/3 of its length and immediately hilled up.
Horseradish rhizomes grow vigorously at the end of the growing season, so they should not be removed prematurely. In the conditions of the Leningrad region, the best time for harvesting is the end of September - the beginning of October, but you can also harvest in the spring.
Moreover, due to the growth of rhizomes in late autumn, the spring harvest often exceeds the autumn one. However, it should be borne in mind that in the spring the plant begins to grow very early; flowering shoots often appear first, which consume the supply of nutrients deposited in the rhizomes.
Delay in harvesting in this case not only reduces the harvest, but also reduces its quality.
When planting very small roots, the products do not reach marketable size by the fall, and they have to be left in the soil for the second year. In this case, the plants are buried deeply to prevent them from getting wet in the spring.
In the second year, caring for such plants begins with removing dead leaves. They are raked and removed from the site.
At the end of April - beginning of May, the plants are fed with 15-20 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of superphosphate and 10-15 g of potassium chloride per square meter.
Horseradish harvesting
Almost all plants bolt after overwintering, forming flower stalks that consume a lot of nutrients, severely depleting the rhizomes, therefore, in biennial and perennial crops, flower bearing shoots are cut out as early as possible at their very base.
Horseradish is harvested when its leaves turn yellow and begin to die, digging them out with pitchforks or shovels. The earth is shaken off, the leaves are cut off, the lateral and thin lower roots are removed and then used as planting material. Commercial horseradish for use in winter is transferred to storage and buried in the sand.
In the Yaroslavl, Vladimir, and Novgorod regions, old gardeners grow horseradish as a perennial crop. The peculiarity of this method is that a horseradish stalk 8-10 cm long and 2-2.5 cm thick is planted in the soil to a depth of 40 cm. In the first year, two or three shoots with rosettes of leaves make their way to the surface.
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The largest rhizomes are removed, and the weak ones are left. In subsequent years, the remaining shoots thicken and reach marketable sizes, and new ones appear from the rhizomes planted at depth. The most powerful shoots are removed annually by digging up the soil at the level of the planted cuttings.
If necessary, you can remove all the shoots, leaving only the uterine rhizome.
One-year shoots have only one-year growth, which significantly improves the marketability of horseradish. The cuttings are even and smooth. When using this method, furrows are made 25 cm deep at a distance of 60-70 cm and pieces of rhizome are laid horizontally in them.
The length of the rhizomes is 5-10 cm. It is imperative to water the furrows, after which the rhizomes are covered with soil.
During the summer, horseradish plantings are hilled several times as they grow. When harvesting in the fall (preferably in the spring), annual rhizomes are dug up 3-5 cm smaller than the uterine rhizomes were planted. As small roots accidentally dropped grow back, they are removed.
The next year, the rhizomes are dug up again. When planting cuttings 10-15 cm long and about 2 cm thick, marketable products are obtained in the fall of the same year, and when planting thin and short ones, only the next year.
From 1 m² of planting, up to 1 kg is obtained with an annual crop, and with a biennial crop, up to 1.5-2 kg of horseradish roots for food purposes and about 200 g of planting material.
Horseradish rhizomes can be used for forcing greenery on the windowsill in spring.
To do this, thin roots (less than 1 cm in diameter) 5-10 cm long, which were stored during the winter in a basement or other cool room in damp sand or sawdust, are planted obliquely in a flower pot, watered and after 2-3 weeks a tender root appears. rich in vitamins and phytoncides, spicy herbs for decorating dishes and adding to salads.
Read the next part of the article: Diseases and pests of horseradish. Use of horseradish in medicine
Valentina Perezhogina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Description of the plant
Before discussing the question of when to dig up horseradish, let's look at the plant itself. This vegetable is distinguished by the fact that in addition to gorgeous foliage suitable for use, it also has roots that are popular among chefs. Belongs to the Brassica family and came to us from Asia and America. Specific taste properties and a special aroma have made it one of the most popular in our gardens. Likes to grow in places with high humidity. The plant has a wide range of beneficial properties, including medical ones. Having pronounced antibacterial qualities, it is successfully used in folk medicinal recipes.
Do I need to pick off the flowers of horseradish?
I never pick off the flowers of horseradish and I don’t particularly care for this plant, horseradish is very tenacious, I noticed that the more you dig it up, the better it grows, the more young roots it forms. It grows near the fence for many years and does not require any care. You just need to make sure that the horseradish roots do not get into another area, otherwise it will be difficult to remove later.
To be honest, I never paid attention to how, when and what type of horseradish flowers appear - it grows on its own and does not require special care. In many cases, it can even be equated to a weed - it appears where you don’t expect it and it’s practically impossible to remove it. Therefore, to answer the question posed, I have never been involved in picking flowers on growing horseradish and I am unlikely to do so in the future. And, in my opinion, this is a useless exercise and is unlikely to lead to stopping the spread of this plant: even more radical measures are often not at all effective in terms of its destruction.
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Horseradish grows in our garden in the same place, constantly growing. A very useful plant! When it’s time to make preparations, filling a jar with horseradish leaves is a nice thing to do! A little horseradish, some cherry leaves, currants, dill and any preserved food is pleasantly green, acquiring a hint of aroma from all the spices and herbs. The neighbor constantly visits when she is making preparations.
Horseradish blooms with pleasant white flowers and belongs to the cabbage family. The plant is perennial and quite aggressive, as they say. And it is not necessary to pick off the flowers, this is not required. Leaves and roots are used for cooking or seasoning, and flowers turn into seeds on their own; it is not necessary to pick flowers, we do not pick them.
To be honest, I never paid attention to how, when and what type of horseradish flowers appear - it grows on its own and does not require special care. In many cases, it can even be equated to a weed - it appears where you don’t expect it and it’s practically impossible to remove it. Therefore, to answer the question posed, I have never been involved in picking flowers on growing horseradish and I am unlikely to do so in the future. And, in my opinion, this is a useless exercise and is unlikely to lead to stopping the spread of this plant: even more radical measures are often not at all effective in terms of its destruction.
When to dig up horseradish
When talking about the ideal time to dig up a plant, there are two different periods:
- The first period when digging up horseradish root is allowed without compromising its taste is the very beginning of spring. When the snow has melted and the young shoots have not yet begun to grow, you need to dig it up for future use. This is mainly done during this period for transplantation and reproduction.
- The second time period when it is best to dig up horseradish is considered to be late autumn. It is at this time that it is collected for storage for the winter. A sign that you can start collecting root vegetables are dried leaves that lie completely on the ground.
The entire harvesting process comes down to the following manipulations:
- we prepare a tool suitable for this process (this can be either a special “Kolesov sword” used for working with root crops and seedlings, or a pitchfork, provided that the soil is soft);
- carefully dig the entire plant out of the ground, without tearing off the leaves;
- We cut off the leaves so that a stem about two centimeters long remains at the root (this is necessary for organizing further storage of the roots).
Useful tips
Now about how to dig up horseradish. The whole process consists of several manipulations.
- for harvesting you need to choose a suitable tool - you can dig horseradish with a shovel, a pitchfork or a special Kolesov sword, designed for collecting root vegetables;
- plants are dug up together with a lump of earth without removing foliage;
- then all the leaves are cut off with pruning shears or any other sharp object, leaving small stems 2-3 cm long so that the roots can be preserved longer.
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You need to harvest the crops a couple of hours after drying in the fresh air.
- Horseradish roots contain a sufficient amount of mineral salts of sodium, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur...
- There are vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, as well as a very large amount of vitamin C.
- Horseradish contains the glycoside sinigrin, which, when broken down, turns into essential mustard oil.
- The enzyme lysozyme has an antimicrobial effect.
- Horseradish releases a large amount of phytoncides, so berries, cheese, eggs and even meat placed next to it remain fresh for a very long time.
- Young horseradish leaves are added to salads, soups, and also used for canning cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables.
- Seasonings are made from horseradish roots that improve appetite and are a preventative against many diseases, such as colds, gout, rheumatism, sore throat, upper respiratory tract diseases, kidney stones, and hypertension.
But there are also contraindications. These are chronic gastritis and pyelonephritis.
Horseradish storage
It’s not enough to know when you can dig up horseradish. A competent gardener must thoroughly prepare for the proper storage of the crop. We list several options for organizing such a process:
- Cellar. Most often, this is where most owners store this vegetable. But this must be done carefully. The air temperature in the cellar should be around 0...+2 degrees with a humidity of 80 percent. You can use a hole in which horseradish is placed, adding sand or peat to each layer. The latter prevents mold from spreading. Storage in plastic bags is also allowed, but not thin ones. They should keep the temperature and humidity inside well. For such storage, the roots must be washed, dried, and after putting them into bags, inflate them until they are completely filled. It must be sealed tightly.
- Powder. Some people prefer to store horseradish in powder form. To do this, the plant needs to be washed, dried, cut into thin strips and placed in the oven to dry at a temperature of 50 degrees. After this, grind the root vegetable into powder and store it in jars.
- Fridge. If you plan to store the vegetable for a short period of time, you can do this in the refrigerator. Wash the roots, sort them, put them in a bag. Seal tightly and place in the refrigerator. The root vegetable will be at your fingertips for a relatively long time, but no more than three months.
- Vinegar. If you grate the root and add vinegar, this mixture can also be stored in the refrigerator. The flavor of horseradish is retained and can be used in culinary recipes.
Basement or cellar
Typically, gardeners store their crops in a basement or cellar. It is important to create the necessary conditions - a temperature of 1-2°C and humidity within 75-80%.
You can store it in a hole, laying the roots in stacks and sprinkling each layer with sand. This way the crop will be protected from mold.
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Some are stored in thick plastic bags in which the required temperature and humidity are maintained. Before placing them in bags, the roots are washed, dried thoroughly, then laid and tied tightly.
You can store the harvest in the basement or cellar until spring.
Application of root vegetables
It is impossible to list all the uses of this amazing plant. The main feature of its use in cooking is that it cannot be hot processed. When boiled and stewed, horseradish completely loses its specific taste and aroma. If you want to use the grated product, then do not forget to immediately close the container with a lid so that the horseradish does not lose its culinary appeal.
As a medicinal plant, it is used in a variety of medicines, either alone or in combination with other products. Ascorbic acid, vitamin B, microelements and organic compounds are not the entire list of useful elements that make up horseradish. It is used to normalize metabolism, stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, relieve joint pain, etc.
Important information
It is important to remember that before harvesting, you need to make sure that the plant is not susceptible to any disease and has not become a victim of pest attack. Otherwise, you risk leaving non-root vegetables for storage, which can be harmful to health.
It's amazing how many beneficial properties products can have that are unremarkable at first glance. Horseradish is one such example. This root contains phytoncides, which strengthen the human immune system and support it during the cold season. Ascorbic, glutamic acids, vitamins and microelements help in the treatment of bronchitis, sore throat, hypertension and rheumatism. And its bright taste and aroma make horseradish indispensable when preparing various types of meat dishes, preserves and sauces.
The plant is unpretentious and grows quickly in the garden, without requiring special care. Storing horseradish is as easy as growing it. The most common methods are the following:
- cold storage and freezing;
- drying;
- conservation.
Before considering in detail how to store horseradish, it should be noted that it is best to store the root of a plant that is 2-3 years old. Younger specimens will be too thin, and older ones will be loose. In both cases, the root will dry out quickly and will not fully retain its beneficial properties. Harvest in late October - early November; Roots with cracks or other damage cannot be stored.
How to get a good harvest
The plant, which can be found in every area where there are vegetable beds, turns out to be not so simple and has its own characteristics of growing, saving and preparing. The wide distribution of horseradish is associated with its taste. Without horseradish leaves, it is impossible to preserve crispy cucumbers and spicy tomatoes, and as a spicy seasoning, not a single feast can do without it.
But as for growing and cultivating, this plant has its own special character, it’s not for nothing that it was called horseradish. The optimal place for growing the crop is light soils with moderate or weak acidity. The quality of the root can be judged by the foliage - abundant, deep green foliage with a stiff central stem indicates that this is a great place. Where there are enough minerals and organic fertilizers, but the main thing is the deep occurrence of groundwater.
Various techniques are used as agricultural technology, for example, planting with roots. Under normal conditions, the crop can be dug in the fall, and after 1-2 seasons you will simply have to deal with the rhizome throughout the entire area. This plant also loves timely feeding, especially the application of organic fertilizers in the fall.
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How horseradish grows
Alas, the plant, like other garden crops, is susceptible to diseases and often becomes a victim of pests. That is why it needs timely care and treatment with chemical and biological means of protection. A simple but effective method of prevention is to irrigate the foliage with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. Treatment time is in the spring after the foliage opens and in the fall 2-3 weeks before harvest.
In terms of agrotechnical measures, horseradish requires timely weeding and removal of wilted leaves; it is the foliage affected by pests that causes damage to the rhizome. The planting pattern is row with an interval of 30-40 cm in a row and up to 40 cm in row spacing.
Horseradish is most often propagated in early spring (March to mid-April) or in autumn from mid-September to mid-October. It is possible to propagate horseradish throughout the summer; it is carried out similarly to spring and autumn planting.
The above information will help anyone who wants to propagate horseradish on their plot and get a bountiful harvest of this wonderful plant.
How horseradish grows
Storing horseradish at low temperatures
Like most other root vegetables, horseradish is best stored in the cellar. The collected roots must be freed from the leaves, the excess soil must be carefully shaken off and dried. Root vegetables are laid out in layers in wooden boxes with slightly damp sand. In this form, horseradish can be stored for more than 6 months. In a city apartment, you can create similar conditions - place a box of sand on a glazed balcony. In severe frosts, containers with supplies will need to be additionally insulated.
It is convenient to store horseradish in the refrigerator - then the healthy product will always be at hand. The root is thoroughly washed and cleaned, dried, and then placed in a zipper bag or container with a lid. The stock of horseradish in the vegetable section will be stored for 3-4 weeks. If you use a vacuum container, the period will increase to 2-3 months.
It is best to store horseradish at home for a long time in the freezer. The clean and dry root is chopped and placed in the freezer on a baking sheet. After freezing, the pieces are placed in sealed bags. In this form, the product is stored for a year without loss of quality.
How to store dug horseradish roots at home?
The husband “tried” and dug up almost all the horseradish.
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And now how to store it so that it doesn’t dry out and spoil?
Please use only proven recipes!)
To prepare horseradish for long-term storage, you must first wash it in running water and then dry it. You just need to be careful not to overdry them. And only after that you decide how you will store it.
You can put the horseradish in boxes or crates and sprinkle it with sand. You can store it on the balcony and wrap it well from frost. If you have a basement, you can store it there by tying bunches of horseradish to the ceiling. Or you can clean it and cut it into pieces and store it in the freezer.
and then dilute with vinegar and store covered.
You can twist it through a meat grinder, put it in jars, and in this form it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 months.
Let me warn you right away that my recipe is not completely tested for various reasons. But I’ve been exposed to horseradish for a long time, literally since birth, and I love it.
If there is a basement, I would bury it in the ground or sand, or better yet, in light sandy soil in an old bucket, maybe even a holey one. The soil should not have medium-low humidity.
My grandfather and his friends dug up horseradish late in the fall and then buried it somewhere near the house and covered it with something, so that later in a slightly frosty winter or spring it would be easy to dig up.
It seems to me that it is advisable to process only part of the horseradish, for example 1/4 or 1/3 of all stocks.
If you don’t know, I’ll tell you that if there is a lot of horseradish, but little energy to process it, then you can grind it in a manual meat grinder with a sharp knife, and in order not to cry, put a plastic bag on the outlet of the meat grinder and on the bowl where the horseradish lies. You can also direct the air flow of a fan there to blow it away.
And now how to store it so that it doesn’t dry out and spoil?
When dried, horseradish retains most of its beneficial properties, as well as its unique aroma and pungent taste. The dry powder can be stored in any dark, dry place, and it is convenient because it does not need to take up space in the refrigerator or freezer.
Drying the product is easy - just place a clean and dry root on a baking sheet in the oven at a temperature of 60 °C with the door open (it is better to chop large roots). You can use an electric dryer or simply spread the root outside in the shade, covered with gauze. Pieces brought to a brittle state must be ground using a blender or coffee grinder. The resulting powder is stored in glass jars with tight-fitting lids. The seasoning shelf life is 2 years.