How long does a solution of water with peroxide last?

Hydrogen peroxide (peroxide) is an environmentally friendly chemical

, used for oxidation reactions, bleaching processes, wastewater treatment, exhaust air purification and for various disinfection applications.

By breaking down to produce only oxygen and water, hydrogen peroxide is one of the purest and most versatile chemicals available. We’ll talk about what hydrogen peroxide has in the article.

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Does he exist?

Does hydrogen peroxide have an expiration date?

Hydrogen peroxide is available to consumers in pharmacies in the form of a 3 or 5 percent aqueous solution.

This is, in fact, the only disinfectant

consisting exclusively of water and oxygen.

Hydrogen peroxide is often considered a true "green chemical". When H2O2 reacts with organic material, it decomposes into oxygen and water, which is not toxic for general use.

Peroxide and more concentrated perhydrol are easily decomposed, therefore they have a certain shelf life, taking into account the influence of external factors on it.

How to store hydrogen peroxide at home

Contents of the article: Non-flammable, fire-explosive liquid, is a strong oxidizing agent that vigorously reacts with many substances.

In medicine and industrial sectors, perhydrol is used with a concentration of forty percent. Solutions with a concentration of three and five percent can be used for three years. But this is subject to the condition that the container with the substance is tightly closed.

It is capable of spontaneous decomposition into water and oxygen, and mixes with water in any ratio. Concentrated aqueous solutions are explosive and are a good solvent. Density: 1.4 g/cm³, melting point: -0.432° C, boiling point: 150.2° C. Application of hydrogen peroxide.

Due to its strong oxidizing properties, it is widely used in everyday life and in industry, where it is used, for example, as a bleach in textile production and in paper production. It is used as rocket fuel - as an oxidizer or as a single component (with decomposition on a catalyst).

Used as a foaming agent in the production of porous materials, in the production of disinfectants and bleaches.

Storage Features

The shelf life of hydrogen peroxide is affected by the material from which the container for containing H2O2 is made.

The product is available in dark glass containers or opaque polyethylene bottles - these are the most suitable materials for storage


The higher the percentage of hydrogen peroxide, the more carefully you need to pay attention to the storage conditions of the product.

The property of a substance to decompose in the presence of certain active impurities, with the formation of gaseous oxygen and water, is an important factor for proper storage


Peroxide should be stored in a dark, cool place, protected from UV rays. Containers of more than two hundred milliliters are not hermetically sealed.

3% and 6% solution

Hydrogen peroxide, which is found in almost every home medicine cabinet, should be kept in a dark place, at a temperature no higher than 23 degrees

. It is better to store sealed peroxide in the refrigerator, including an already opened bottle.

From the moment the container with the solution is opened, the peroxide is good for another 30-45 days.

Do not contaminate the solution

, placing soiled tampons into the container. Upon contact with foreign objects, as well as upon reaction with oxygen, the peroxide will begin to decompose and will soon be completely useless for further use.

33% and 38% perhydrol

Despite its high reactivity, perhydrol is a stable substance and, when kept under optimal conditions, can be stored for many years


The most important factors that increase the rate of decomposition

, are:

  • high pH value;
  • high temperatures;
  • direct sunlight;
  • the presence of transition metal salts and all types of impurities.

Perhydrol is a very powerful oxidizing agent.

and if not handled correctly can be severely corrosive to the skin, eyes and respiratory tract. Hydrogen peroxide must be protected from all types of contamination.

  1. Perhydrol is kept in its original container. It is not allowed to place anything inside the container with the solution - this reduces the risk of introducing contaminants
  2. The substance is stored in a place protected from light and heat. When stored in light for a long time, H2O2 decomposes and loses its properties
  3. Perhydrol should be kept away
    from organic compounds, flammable mixtures and heavy metals (iron, copper, manganese, nickel, chromium).
  4. When keeping the solution in the refrigerator,
    the container must have a clearly marked label so as not to confuse it with water.

How to understand that cement has expired? find out right now.

Shelf life, service and operation of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a pure chemical substance that is used in various areas of human life.

Peroxide, obtained from oxygen and water, is considered the purest and most accessible chemical substance, and therefore is popular among consumers. But few of them think that peroxide also has its own expiration date.

Does hydrogen peroxide have an expiration date?

This chemical is available to customers in pharmacies in the form of 3 and 5 percent aqueous solutions. In fact, it is the only disinfectant that consists only of water and oxygen.

The usual peroxide, familiar to all consumers, and a more concentrated substance, perhydrol, easily decompose, so they have a certain shelf life, which directly depends on external factors.


The shelf life of a substance directly depends on the form of release:

  1. Household hydrogen peroxide, which is most commonly found in households, is a 3 to 9 percent solution that is widely used to disinfect surfaces and in cosmetic procedures. If stored in a closed container, this type of peroxide has a shelf life of 3 years, but after opening the product must be used within 45 days. According to GOST standards, the shelf life of peroxide used in everyday life is 2 years when stored in a closed bottle and 1 month when stored in an open container;
  2. Perhydrol is used in the medical field and in industry, and accounts for 30 to 40 percent. It is a strong oxidizing agent and can be dangerous if used incorrectly. According to GOST, the shelf life of such a substance is six months from the date of manufacture, but the working solution must be used within 24 hours.

Download for viewing and printing:

GOST 177-88 “Hydrogen peroxide. Technical specifications"

3 and 6 percent solution

Hydrogen peroxide is found in almost every first aid kit, but few people know that this solution should be stored in a dark place, at a temperature of up to 23 degrees.

On a note! It is advisable to store peroxide in the refrigerator, both before opening the bottle and after that.

You cannot contaminate the substance by dipping soiled tampons into it. Upon contact with contaminants, peroxide begins to rapidly decompose and after a couple of days becomes completely useless for use.

33 and 38 percent perhydrol

Despite the fact that perhydrol is highly reactive, it is a stable substance that, under optimal conditions, can be stored for several years.

The consumer should take into account important factors that directly affect the rate of decomposition of this substance:

  1. Increasing pH value;
  2. High temperature at the storage site;
  3. Exposing perhydrol to direct sunlight;
  4. The presence of impurities in the substance.

If not handled correctly, this substance can be corrosive to the skin, respiratory tract and eyes. To prevent negative consequences, you need to carefully ensure that no contaminants get into the peroxide.

On a note! If perhydrol is contained in its original packaging, then the solution can be stored for a long time without losing active oxygen (about 2 percent per year).

To extend the shelf life of a substance, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide should be stored in a separate container. It is forbidden to place anything inside the container, as this significantly increases the risk of contamination;
  2. Peroxide should be stored in a place protected from sunlight and heat. If a substance is in an illuminated space for a long time, it begins to decompose and lose all its properties;
  3. Perhydrol should be kept away from heavy metals and flammable substances;
  4. When keeping a substance in the refrigerator, it is important that the container has appropriate labeling. If a consumer confuses it with water, drinking hydrogen peroxide can be fatal.

How to test peroxide for suitability

Regardless of whether the consumer has opened a bottle of hydrogen peroxide or not, the process of decomposition of the substance into its individual components - water and oxygen - continues.

Moreover, the process of gas formation occurs even in a closed container, but it proceeds much more slowly than during contact of hydrogen peroxide with a cut or other contaminated surface.

If the consumer is not sure that hydrogen peroxide is suitable for consumption, there is a fairly simple way to check. All you need to do is spray a little solution onto the tiles or into the sink.

Advice! If bubbles appear on the surface, then the substance can still be used, since active actions occur in it. If nothing happens, you should replace the bottle.

How to check for suitability?

Regardless of whether the bottle of hydrogen peroxide is opened or not, the process of its breakdown into water and oxygen

always goes: 2 H 2 O 2 → 2 H 2 O + O 2 (g).

Even in a closed container, gas formation occurs, but the reaction proceeds much more slowly than when the substance comes into contact with a cut or other surface.

The gas formation reaction, that is, the appearance of bubbles, is facilitated by transition metals

, for example, the presence of iron in the blood.

If you are not completely sure about the suitability of H2O2, there is a safe way to check it. Simply spray a little peroxide into the sink or onto a potato cut.

If the solution “hisses,” it means the product is suitable for further use. There are no bubbles - it's time to replace the bottle.

Not worth it

open the container with the substance in advance and pour the H2O2 into another container, especially one made of transparent glass.

How is hydrogen peroxide useful in the home?

Hydrogen peroxide, known as an antiseptic for treating cuts and abrasions and washing wounds, can actually be used for other non-medical purposes.

A colorless liquid with powerful oxidizing properties, it is indispensable in housekeeping - cleaning, cleaning, disinfection. What is important is that it is much cheaper than household chemicals. There is just one thing: hydrogen peroxide can damage metal surfaces.

We disinfect:

Countertops. Hydrogen peroxide can be used on kitchen countertops, bathroom tiles, and other surfaces in the home to prevent the spread of infections. Food containers. Over time, food scraps can accumulate in food containers. Disinfect periodically. Spray the inside of the container with 3% hydrogen peroxide, leave for a few minutes, then rinse and wipe.

Cooler bag. She also tends to accumulate leftover food. From time to time, carry out the same procedure as with food containers.

Fridge. To get rid of unpleasant odors in your refrigerator and disinfect it, wipe down the shelves with hydrogen peroxide. This will help remove germs and food stains. Baking soda will help remove any leftovers.

Rags and sponges. They accumulate a huge amount of germs when used. Soak sponges and rags in hydrogen peroxide or spray it on and place them in the sink.

Plastic bags. If you use bags many times for environmental purposes, you need to take care of your health too. Periodically turn the bags inside out and spray them with peroxide solution. This will disinfect the bag and remove food odors.

Humidifier. Humidifiers often harbor mold, so it's important to disinfect them. From time to time, briefly run a humidifier with a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide to kill mold from the inside.

Clean: Cutting board. Rinse the board after use and spray it with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Leave on for 5 - 10 minutes, rinse and dry. This will prevent bacteria from getting on other products or tools.

Dishes. Mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide and apply this paste to areas with soot. Leave on for a few minutes, then scrub with a sponge or brush and rinse with warm water. The baking soda will act as an abrasive and the peroxide will help break up the carbon particles.

Toilet. Treat the inside surface with hydrogen peroxide and leave for 20 minutes. Then brush as usual and rinse. Dip the brush into hydrogen peroxide to clean it too.

Ceramic tiles. Tiles get dirty very quickly, accumulating stains and soap scum. Hydrogen peroxide helps kill mold and freshen tiles. Mix peroxide with flour to form a paste, brush it onto the tiles and cover with foil. Leave it overnight and rinse in the morning. The tile will sparkle like new again.

Sink. Hydrogen peroxide is used to remove limescale. Dry the surface first. Spray peroxide on it, leave it for several hours (for greater effect, you can apply the product several more times), then scrub with a brush and soap and rinse with water.

Mirror. Hydrogen peroxide leaves virtually no streaks on the mirror. Spray it on and wipe it off with paper towels.

Shower curtain. Soap scum often accumulates on it and mold forms. If the curtain can be washed in a washing machine, do so by adding hydrogen peroxide. If not, clean it by hand.

Toys. Young children often put toys in their mouths. Periodically wipe down toys, toy boxes and play areas with hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide is safer than many household chemicals.

Removing stains: On clothes. Some stains are very difficult to get rid of, especially blood or sweat stains. Hydrogen peroxide works great for this. Mix two parts hydrogen peroxide with one part detergent and apply directly to stains. However, remember that it is best to use this method on light and white items, as peroxide has a bleaching effect.

On the carpets. If you have stubborn food and dirt stains on your carpet, spray hydrogen peroxide on them. Again, this method is only suitable for light-colored carpets. You can test this method in an inconspicuous place (for example, where the carpet is hidden behind furniture).

On the tablecloths. If you have white tablecloths or curtains that are yellowed or stained, soak the yellowed areas with hydrogen peroxide. After this, wash with other white laundry.

Inna Anokhina, newspaper “Voice of Cherepovets”

Is there an expiration date?

Peroxide and more concentrated perhydrol quite easily enter into chemical reactions that cause their decomposition, so they have an expiration date


This is perhaps the only disinfectant that is distinguished by the simplicity of its composition - only oxygen and water.


The shelf life of a 3% solution depends on whether the product is manufactured industrially or in.

Product Suitability

preserved for use:

  • for factory production
    – 2 years;
  • for pharmaceutical preparation
    - only 15 days (according to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 1997 No. 214).

Hydrogen peroxide solution 3% and 6% is stored

according to GOST 177-88:

  1. unpacked
    – 2 years;
  2. unpacked
    – maximum 1 month;
  3. The working solution
    is recommended for use no later than 24-48 hours.

Rules for storing the drug in pharmacies and clinics

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation N 706n “On approval of the Rules for the storage of medicines”, the antiseptic agent Hydrogen peroxide should be stored:

  1. A solution of Hydrogen Peroxide 3% and Pedhydrol is stored in refrigerators at a temperature not exceeding +15 °C.
  2. Hydoperite is placed in special cabinets on a shelf next to similar antiseptic agents.

According to SanPinN, large quantities of expired or defective goods are destroyed at manufacturing plants that have a special license.

In small quantities, hydrogen peroxide is destroyed in pharmacies. The antiseptic is dissolved in water and poured out.

During transportation, antiseptic drugs must be packaged in special containers where the required temperature and humidity are maintained. Carriers must have permission and a license to transport medicines. This is regulated by Federal Law N61 “On the Circulation of Medicines” dated April 12, 2010.

Pharmacy and clinic workers are responsible for the proper storage of antiseptics and medications. If disposal is untimely, employees may fall under administrative liability. In case of sale of obviously stitched or defective goods, the criminal code comes into force.

Storage Features

For hydrogen peroxide, and even more so perhydrol, it is of no small importance in what container

it is stored.

The most suitable storage option is in original containers

from tinted glass or opaque plastic bottles.

The main factor influencing storage is the property of the substance to easily decompose into water and oxygen gas.

In this regard, containers with a capacity of over 200 ml

cannot be hermetically sealed.

Suitable for storage where it is cool and dark

, and also there is no ultraviolet radiation.

Hydrogen peroxide: storage conditions and shelf life

Hydrogen peroxide or peroxide is an environmentally friendly chemical that is used in oxidation reactions, bleaching, water and air purification and disinfection in its various forms. It decomposes into oxygen and water, thereby being a clean and universal chemical.

But is there a shelf life for hydrogen peroxide? Peroxide is available for sale in pharmacies in concentrations of 3 and 5 percent solutions.

When the Green Chemical reacts with organic material, the former breaks down into constituents that are non-toxic in general use.

Regardless of the concentration of the product, the decomposition process occurs easily and quickly, which is why the drug in question has an expiration date.

GOST requirements

Almost all of us have low concentrations of H2O2 at home. It is used for disinfection, cleaning or cosmetic procedures. For medical purposes and industrial production, perhydrol is used in a concentration of 30 to 40%.

  • 3 and 5 percent concentrations are suitable for use for 12-36 months, provided that the container in which the product is stored is closed. If its integrity has been compromised, then the drug will be effective for a month and a half. Based on the requirements of GOST, this concentration of hydrogen peroxide has a shelf life (if the package is closed) - 2 years, after opening - 30 days. If a solution was prepared using the substance in question, then its shelf life should not exceed one day of light.
  • High concentrations (30%-40%) have strong oxidizing properties and can be very dangerous if perhydrol is not stored correctly or safety precautions are violated. Based on the requirements of GOST, the shelf life of such a concentration should not exceed 6 months from the date of production. If any solution has been prepared, its shelf life is 1 day.

Storage Features

Depending on the packaging, hydrogen peroxide may have a different shelf life. That is why those containers in which the substance is sold in pharmacies - dark glass and opaque white polyethylene bottles - are the safest and most correct.

Attention! The higher the concentration of perhydrol, the more attentive you should be to the requirements for its storage.

The product in question has the ability to decompose due to the influence of certain impurities on it. As a result, oxygen gas and water are formed.

Small concentrations of peroxide are kept in dark and dry places at temperatures not exceeding 23 degrees. The safest place is the refrigerator, regardless of whether the bottle is open or not.

After the seal is broken, hydrogen peroxide can have a positive effect for another month or a month and a half.

It is strictly forbidden to contaminate the product by placing various objects into the container. Such contact will lead to immediate decomposition and, accordingly, rapid deterioration of the drug.

High concentrations of the substance can be stored for several years, despite its high reactivity.

The most important factors that can speed up the rate of decomposition include:

  • High pH level
  • Elevated temperatures
  • Direct exposure to UV rays
  • The presence of transition metal salts and other unnatural impurities in the solution.

The last point is especially important: being a powerful oxidizing agent, perhydrol can easily corrode the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. That is why it is necessary to protect the product from any contamination.

If you store hydrogen peroxide in its original container, the solution will be suitable for a long time without significant loss of oxygen. To do this you need:

  • Have an original container from the manufacturer. There should be nothing inside except the product itself
  • The storage location must be protected from any kind of light and must not be heated. If this rule is violated, then perhydrol will lose its properties.
  • Ensure that peroxide packaging is kept away from organic compounds, flammable mixtures, iron, copper, manganese, nickel and chromium
  • Be sure to leave the label so as not to confuse the solution with water and be aware of the production date.

How to check for effectiveness

It doesn't matter whether the bottle of peroxide is opened or not, the process of decomposition is always ongoing. However, without oxygen entering the container, this process takes longer than when the substance enters the open air.

Gas formation (foaming) is caused by metals. Have you ever noticed how hydrogen peroxide hisses when it gets on bloody wounds?

If you are unsure about the suitability of perhydrol, there is a simple and safe way to test its effectiveness. To do this, you need to spray peroxide on the sink or cut of a potato. If the process of gas formation has begun, then the drug is suitable, but if the product does not fizz, then this is a signal to change the bottle.

Spoiled perhydrol will not cause any harm; alone it will not provide a disinfecting, cleaning or bleaching effect.


Solution 3% and 6%

The medical solution, which is certainly found in every first aid kit, requires, first of all, darkness and a temperature not exceeding +23°C


In any case, it is preferable to store the medication in the refrigerator, especially an already opened bottle.

After opening, the duration of storage does not exceed 30-45 days

. Interaction with foreign objects, as well as with oxygen, is fraught with the development of chemical reactions, which quickly renders hydrogen peroxide unusable.

Hydrogen peroxide

Diluted solutions should not be used after 24 hours, since the active substances evaporate in the air and the product will be useless.

Therefore, they are stored in containers equipped with, designed to operate at higher temperatures.

The darkened bottle of the 3% solution and the tight packaging of Hydroperite protects against evaporation and disintegration of the active substances, this helps the antiseptic to be stored for quite a long time.

Perhydrol is stored in transparent packaging, which significantly reduces shelf life. in any form of release is stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding +15 °C.

The antiseptic drug should be stored in tightly closed packaging in a specially designated first aid kit that does not allow light to pass through.

If the temperature exceeds the permissible storage temperature, it should be transferred to a shelf in the refrigerator door.

There is no need to transfer the solution to another package. We will allow this option only if the integrity of the packaging is damaged.

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It is necessary to find a container as close as possible to the original.

Perhydrol 33% and 38%

High reactivity does not prevent perhydrol from maintaining long-term chemical stability


This is the key to its stable storage for several years.

, if the conditions of its detention meet the requirements.

Among the factors

, which help accelerate the process of chemical decomposition of perhydrol, are as follows:

  • exposure to high temperature
  • exposure to sunlight
    , especially direct sunlight;
  • increased pH
  • of impurities
    in its composition , especially salts formed by transition metals.

Perhydrol is a highly hazardous substance that can cause serious damage to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract!

When using it, you should take precautions in advance

– protective masks and gloves.

If ingested, lethal

It is customary to consider a dose of 50-100 ml of 30% perhydrol. A concentrated solution may cause detonation.

It is better to store it in its original container

, excluding placing foreign objects in the container, in order to avoid contamination with all the ensuing consequences.

Familiarize yourself with the permissible storage period for levomekol.

Precautionary measures

Concentrated peroxide solution is assigned hazard class 2. This is far from a harmless substance.

Accidental ingestion of a 30% hydrogen peroxide solution can be fatal. The lethal dosage is 50–100 ml (half a glass). In addition, concentrated solutions cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes.

Taking safety measures when using perhydrol is a must:

  1. When working with the substance, you must protect your eyes with goggles or a mask, and your hands with gloves.
  2. The liquid should be poured carefully to avoid splashing.
  3. Do not swim in the treated water for the next 24–72 hours.
  4. After use, the container should be rinsed several times with running water.
  5. It is unacceptable to store the drug in a place accessible to children or among food products. The canister must be securely hidden, closed and labeled.

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If hydrogen peroxide gets on your skin, rinse it with plenty of water as quickly as possible. If blisters, redness, burning or itching appear, you should consult a doctor.

Suitability test

gas formation is still observed

, indicating decay processes.

The only difference is that the intensity of this process is much less

than upon contact with a wound or other surface.

To check the suitability of H2O2, just lightly spray it on a cut potato or just in the sink. Hiss

solution confirms its suitability for further use.

If no bubbles are observed, then the decomposition process has gone too far and the product in the bottle is hopelessly spoiled.

The danger of expired solution

Delay does not pose any particular danger; it’s more about senselessness

use of such a product if necessary, since almost all bactericidal properties are irretrievably lost. What's the point of treating a wound with a completely useless liquid?

If you find peroxide in your medicine cabinet that has spent a lot of time there, it’s best to first check the date

its production, and then test for suitability.

Maybe it's time to buy a new package

medical drug.

Find out in this video

, what perhydrol is needed for:
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