Cough syrup expiration date after opening

Nurofen syrup: composition and properties

Nurofen syrup is a non-steroidal drug with anti-inflammatory properties. The release form of the medicine can be of 2 types: bottles of 100 ml and sachets of 5 ml. To make the product convenient to dose, the package contains a measuring spoon or syringe.

The active ingredient of Nurofen is Ibuprofen. It has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also reduces body temperature. The effectiveness of the drug is achieved by suppressing the mediators of pain and inflammation.

Nurofen syrup is prescribed to children when hyperthermia occurs (with influenza, etc. ARVI, after vaccinations and in the presence of bacterial diseases), to eliminate pain of moderate severity (such pain can occur with inflammation of the ENT organs, injuries of various kinds). Nurofen is also effective in combating headaches and toothaches.

How long can cough syrups last after opening?

What is the expiration date for opened cough syrups?

The more often a bottle of syrup is opened, the less time it needs to be stored.

If you gave the child syrup only a few times and no longer needed it, then by closing it and putting it in the refrigerator, even after 3 months you can use it again - only 2-3 spoons may be missing.

But if there is very little syrup left in the bottle - less than half (which means it was used often), then it should not be stored for more than a month - too much air and along with it bacteria got in there. It will not go away, but the therapeutic effect is reduced to a minimum, that is, it may not exist at all, and there is no need to give the medicine in vain.

If you comply with the storage conditions of the drug, which are described in the annotation for each drug, you can take it for some time after the specified exceeded shelf life. (there is such an unspoken agreement). And open syrup in a tightly sealed container with a ground-in lid can be consumed for up to 2-3 months, sometimes up to 4-5 months, especially if it contains alcohol.

Opened cough syrup can only be stored at room temperature in a dry place, however, if you use it every day, i.e. are undergoing treatment.

After you have opened the syrup and taken from there as much as you need, then you need to close it tightly and put it in a dry place.

Usually a bottle of syrup is a course of treatment for a disease, but sometimes you have to bribe it, and if suddenly the syrup remains and is no longer needed, then close it tightly and put it in the refrigerator, the syrup should be stored at a temperature of +4 degrees, but not more than 3 months.

I also kept antibiotic suspensions and cough syrups, but only in the refrigerator.

The more often a bottle of syrup is opened, the less time it needs to be stored.

"Nurofen" for children: instructions for use

The appropriate dosage of children's Nurofen is determined according to the age and weight of the child. For 1 kg of body weight, 5-10 mg of medication is needed. Take it 3-4 times a day, and the concentration should not exceed 30 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day.

In accordance with age, the following dosage of the drug is established:

  • Children 6-12 months: 2.5 ml;
  • Children 1-3 years old: 5 ml;
  • Children 4-6 years old: 7.5 ml;
  • Children 7-9 years old: 10 ml;
  • Children 10-12 years old: 15 ml.

If an increase in temperature occurs after vaccination, Nurofen for children should be taken 2.5 ml. Children over 1 year old can repeat the same dose after 6 hours. Before using the drug, the bottle should be shaken.

If your child has a high fever for more than 2 days, be sure to consult a doctor. Nurofen should not be taken for more than 5 days as a pain reliever.

How long can opened Nurofen syrup be stored? Expiration date after opening?

After opening, Nurofen syrup is stored in my refrigerator until the next need. Now several bottles with different flavors have been standing for 2-3 months (half empty), I don’t know about the safety of the pharmacological properties, but it’s a shame to throw them away. The most interesting thing is that if the child gets sick, I’ll go buy “fresher” syrup.

There are medications that, after opening and completing the course of treatment, can no longer be used. Nurofen syrup is not one of these drugs; it should be stored in the refrigerator and used before the expiration date. But the lid in the syrup must be screwed on tightly.

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for more than five days.

After opening, Nurofen syrup is stored in my refrigerator until the next need. Now several bottles with different flavors have been standing for 2-3 months (half empty), I don’t know about the safety of the pharmacological properties, but it’s a shame to throw them away. The most interesting thing is that if the child gets sick, I’ll go buy “fresher” syrup.

Side effects and contraindications

Like any medicine, Nurofen syrup for children has its contraindications and can cause side effects. Thus, the drug is not prescribed to children under 6 months of age and with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Nurofen is not recommended for use in cases of erosive disorders of the digestive tract, renal failure, hemophilia, leukopenia, decreased blood clotting, liver failure and bronchial asthma during exacerbation.

As for side effects, the instructions for the drug say that it can cause allergic reactions of varying severity, dyspeptic disorders and stool disorders. In rare cases, stomach bleeding may occur. Nurofen can also cause reversible changes in the blood count (decrease in the number of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets) and dizziness. If any side effects occur while taking the drug, it should be discontinued and be sure to consult a doctor.

In case of emergency, Nurofendetsky can be prescribed to children 3-6 months old, patients with renal and liver failure and gastritis. But the process of taking the medicine must be under the supervision of a specialist.

Taking Nurofen with other analgesics may increase the likelihood of side effects, and if it is combined with anticoagulants, bleeding may occur. The medicine should be taken with caution with drugs that lower blood pressure, diuretics and lithium drugs.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms occur: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, tinnitus, metabolic acidosis, coma, acute renal failure, decreased blood pressure, bradycardia, tachycardia.

Treatment of overdose is carried out by gastric lavage (it is done only within 1 hour after taking the medicine), taking activated charcoal, using alkaline drinking, forced diuresis. If necessary, in cases of overdose, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Nurofendetsky is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

How long can cough syrups last after opening?

What is the expiration date for opened cough syrups?

The more often a bottle of syrup is opened, the less time it needs to be stored. If you gave the child syrup only a few times and no longer needed it, then by closing it and putting it in the refrigerator, even after 3 months you can use it again - only 2-3 spoons may be missing. But if there is very little syrup left in the bottle - less than half (which means it was used often), then it should not be stored for more than a month - too much air and along with it bacteria got in there. It will not go away, but the therapeutic effect is reduced to a minimum, that is, it may not exist at all, and there is no need to give the medicine in vain.

Nurofen during pregnancy: how to use?

During pregnancy, many women wonder what medications they can take. Nurofen is also taken during pregnancy, but is it safe enough?

The instructions for use of the drug say that Nurofen is prescribed to pregnant women only if there is confidence that the benefit to the mother from the drug will outweigh the possible harm. There is a possibility that if a woman is carrying a boy, the child may develop various pathologies in the genital area.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the active ingredient of Nurofen is Ibuprofen, which is also an independent drug. The instructions for Ibuprofen clearly state that it is prohibited to take it during pregnancy (especially in the 1st and last trimesters). Therefore, before taking Nurofen, consult your gynecologist. Your doctor will also help you choose an individual dosage.

Doctors say that side effects of Nurofen occur only with long-term use. However, during pregnancy hormonal changes occur. This may increase the possibility of unwanted side effects. The following symptoms may appear: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, cystitis, nephritis, shortness of breath and bronchospasms. Allergic reactions to the skin, swelling, increased blood pressure, bleeding and thrombocytopenia are also possible. Side effects can be quite serious, so caution should be exercised when taking the drug during pregnancy.

How long can medications be stored?

The manufacturer of pharmacological products warns that unwanted reactions associated with the use of medications can be avoided by strictly following the instructions regarding storage conditions and periods. In the annotation you can read that using the medicine after the specified date is prohibited.

Nurofen tablets are stored for 3 years from the date of release. The same periods are given to Nurofen analogues (tablets, capsules) containing ibuprofen.

External products - gel, ointment - can be stored for up to 3 years. The storage period for suppositories is the same.

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It is worth paying special attention to the permissible duration of storage of Nurofen intended for young patients. It is the question of how long the syrup or suspension can be stored after opening the bottle that is most often asked by women on online forums when purchasing medicine in pharmacies.

Liquid Nurofen - syrup, as well as suspension, can be stored for 3 years from the date of release, provided that the container is not opened.

But after the first use of the medicine, it is considered that it can be used for no longer than 6 months. You need to make sure that no moisture gets inside the bottle. Then children's Nurofen will be valid for the period stated by the manufacturer. To take the required amount of medicine, you need to pour it onto the measure, but do not try to immerse the spoon inside the bottle.

Pharmacists and doctors do not recommend using medicine that has been left open for more than six months. They also draw patients’ attention to the need for proper storage of medications.

How long can you store?

1) open cough syrup Stodal? Gave it to the child about 4-6 months ago, stored at room temperature

2) the same question about Nurofen syrup for children

3) boric acid in a 10 ml bottle (neither the production date nor the shelf life is written anywhere on the label)

4) panthenol (used for redness of the skin from the sun) is valid until October 2020, i.e. 3 months left, do you think I should buy a new one for the holidays or at the end of August it will still be effective, considering that I have it in my medicine cabinet since last summer, the storage conditions say from 15 to 25 degrees, but I don’t know how much there were degrees in my room.

5) chlorhexidine solution 0.05% - the older child gargles his throat with it when it hurts, the expiration date is March 2020. The question is what can go bad in it, has it become harmful, i.e. Should I throw away several 70 ml bottles or can I rinse, but the effect will simply be less?

And another follow-up question: if the storage condition is at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees. Celsius, do you pay attention and what do you do when, maybe in the winter, when they were heating, it was higher, or in the summer when it was very hot, or maybe in that closed box in the closet where the medicines were stored it was no higher than 25?

How long can you store boiled syrup at home?

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