Shelf life of Contex condoms

Any product has a limited shelf life, this fact is often not taken into account by consumers, and yet expired products are not able to guarantee the declared quality. This rule also applies to condoms. But buyers rarely pay attention to the numbers indicated on the packaging.

The indicated expiration date of condoms is not a formality; only within its limits can you use contraception. The materials from which these products are made lose their qualities over time, and therefore cannot provide the declared protection.

The most famous manufacturers

Each product niche has its clear favorites. In the production of condoms there are also manufacturers whose names are known throughout the world. In the Russian Federation, the condom market is represented by many brands; they can be roughly divided into domestic and foreign. If we talk about Russian manufacturers, the most recognizable are the “Gussar” preziki. But foreign products have a larger number of worthy representatives. The list of the most recognizable and, accordingly, popular names includes:

  1. Contex.
  2. Durex.
  3. LifeStyles.
  4. Sico.

The greatest demand is for the first two positions. The companies Contex and Durex have earned their name not only over time. The quality of their products is very high - the latex of their products is thin and durable. The price-quality ratio is optimal for both the global and Russian markets. And the variety of choice of condoms allows any consumer to satisfy their needs.

Manufacturers offer the buyer products with a wide variety of characteristics:

  1. Classic, without any additional features.
  2. Anatomical.
  3. Ribbed.
  4. Compacted.
  5. Flavored.
  6. Colored.

You should also pay attention to the size indicated on the packaging.

Production and characteristics of Contex condoms

The trademark rights are owned by AVK Polypharm INV. Co., Ltd., Tiverton, Devon, United Kingdom.

They are produced in two factories, one of which is located in Korea (Dongkuk Trading Co, Ltd., Republic of Korea), and the other in Thailand (SURETEX LTD., Thailand). There are also several reserve factories located in Japan (Fuji Latex, Japan) and India. Sorting and packaging into packs already takes place in Russia (AVK POLYPHARM RUS Ltd. LLC).

The distributor in Russia and the CIS countries is the Medkom-MP company.

All condoms comply with the international standard ISO4074:2002 and the requirements of Russian GOST4645-81.

This brand is available in two versions: standard Conteks and a youth series called “Hussars” (for Ukraine “Cossacks”).

Both lines are available in two packaging options - 3 pcs. and 12 pcs.

All products undergo strict quality control (mechanics, electronics) at all stages of production.

Expiration date of Contex condoms

The shelf life of Contex is 3-5 years subject to storage conditions (they are indicated on each package):

— Storage temperature from 0 to 25 degrees

— Avoid direct sunlight

— Avoid contact with heating devices

— Avoid friction (do not carry in your pocket)

— Avoid contact with sharp objects (keys, keychains, scissors, etc.)

IMPORTANT! Never use condoms that have expired, because... their protective functions are significantly reduced.

What happens to the condom after the expiration date?

— Elasticity disappears, the condom doesn’t stretch well

- An unpleasant odor appears

— The lubricant dries out

— Barrier functions will decrease

— The product can tear easily

The maximum shelf life of ANY condoms is 5 years, provided all storage conditions are met.

Where to buy condoms

Although condoms are a specific product, they have no restrictions on the place of sale. You can buy these products at any grocery or non-food store, street kiosk, or even at a market stall. And, of course, a huge variety of them are available in pharmacies.

It is recommended to buy condoms in pharmacies. This advice does not mean that this product should be avoided in other places, but it is worth remembering that pharmaceutical stores have higher requirements for the goods supplied to their shelves.

In addition, the turnover rate of these products in pharmacies is much higher than in other retail outlets. This is due to the increasing literacy of the population, because correct storage conditions directly affect the quality of contraceptive products.

It is not recommended to purchase condoms in stores, and especially in stalls. Firstly, there is a high probability that counterfeit products will be presented there. Secondly, in such places less attention is paid to proper storage and the creation of special conditions for condoms. It is believed that these products are only afraid of punctures, and other external factors cannot in any way affect their quality.

Determining product quality

Manufacturers, when producing contraceptives, first check their quality. There are four criteria:

  1. Elasticity. Products are stretched in length and width until they burst, which makes it possible to calculate the tensile strength limit.
  2. Strength. The condom is filled with air, determining the maximum pressure held.
  3. No microcracks. An electric current is supplied through the condom; if the material does not allow it to pass through, then there are no defects.
  4. On the tightness of the packaging. Sealed products are placed in water; if there are no air bubbles, then there are no punctures.

Consumers can test condoms for strength and elasticity themselves. One of the most common methods for this is to fill it with water or air. The contraceptive must hold at least five liters of water without breaking. How much air you need to pump to test it by eye cannot be determined; you should rely only on your own discretion.

When choosing condoms, buyers focus on manufacturers' brands, trusting the specified quality. However, it is worth paying close attention to the material from which they are made. Today there are four types:

  1. Latex.
  2. Polyurethane.
  3. Tactilon.
  4. Lambskin.

Latex products are the most famous and widespread. They are excellent in strength; moreover, they are quite thin and elastic, which simultaneously provides full sensation and good protection against unplanned pregnancy. But latex has one important unpleasant feature - it can cause an allergic reaction in women. In addition, this material requires additional water-based lubricants.

If you are intolerant to latex, you can buy polyurethane condoms. They are not as elastic, but are considered more durable, and also fit very tightly to the body and accept its temperature, which gives additional advantages to the absence of allergic reactions. Tactilon condoms allow you to experience the most natural sensations during sex, while having high strength and elasticity.

The century of saving resources and combating environmental pollution has given rise to many discoveries. One of them is lambskin. This is a natural material made from cleaned lamb intestines. Its greatest achievement is that it decomposes very quickly when disposed of and does not affect the environment. But as for protection against pregnancy, it is lower than that of other materials. In addition, Lambskin does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, which also reduces its popularity, because anything can happen, people don’t like to take risks..

Best before date

The expiration date of condoms depends on the manufacturer. These products are considered to last up to five years on average, but more specific specifications should be found on the packaging when purchasing.

The most popular brands give the following time to use condoms:

  1. Durex – 5 years.
  2. Contex – 5 years.
  3. Lifestyles from three to five years depending on the model.
  4. Sico - less than three years.
  5. Hussar and other Russian stamps range from two to three years.

Contraceptives should be used exclusively within the specified time. If the packaging has been opened previously, you should not use them.

How to determine whether a condom is expired or not

Condoms are a very important and yet affordable element of protection. That is why you need to buy them with extreme caution. Some condoms have expiration dates as a range, such as 2 to 3 years. In this case, expired goods can be distinguished from good ones only after purchase.

Some people don't understand why condoms have an expiration date. So they are made from latex - a safe natural material. But over time, it loses its properties, especially if storage rules are not followed.

  • An expired contraceptive does not have lubricant or there is not much of it, this affects the sensation of sex and, very importantly, the strength of condoms.
  • Also, over time, latex ceases to be flexible enough.
  • When the expiration date has expired, the condom practically does not stretch and acquires an unpleasant odor.

If at least one sign is detected, you should stop using this contraceptive. Otherwise, protection is reduced to a minimum, which can lead to infection with quite dangerous diseases. This can also lead to unpleasant sensations from sex on the part of both partners.

Men will also probably be interested in reading in detail about the drug Urolax.

Storage conditions

Buyers do not always understand the importance of choosing where to buy condos. It seems to him that there should not be much difference whether it was purchased at a retail store or a pharmacy, but this is not so. The fact is that for contraceptives it is extremely important to comply with storage conditions, they directly affect the shelf life. Failure to comply with these steps allows the product to expire ahead of schedule.

Before purchasing a condom, pay attention to how they are stored. According to the standards, they need to provide:

  1. Temperature not higher than +25˚С.
  2. Air humidity no more than 80%.

Packaging should be stored in places where there is no direct sunlight or close proximity to heating devices. Improper storage can result in complete drying of the lubricant on the product and, as a result, cause microcracks.

The purchased condoms should also be treated with care. The worst place for contraceptives is a handbag. It is full of various small things, like nail scissors or nail files, that can puncture the packaging. Similar incidents also happen when products are carried in pockets for a long time.

At home, condoms should be stored in the same way as medications - in a cool, dry place and away from children.

How to store

Condoms can spoil if they are not stored correctly. Basic storage conditions for any type:

  • Keep away from things that could damage the integrity of the packaging. A handbag is a bad place to store it.
  • Do not store at high temperatures and avoid direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Low temperatures are also not a condom's best friend.

Condoms should be stored, like many medications, in a dry and cool place that is inaccessible to children and animals and protected from temperature changes.

If the condom has expired

It's simple - if the expiration date has expired, the package with the condom should be thrown into the trash. Latex that has lost its properties will most likely be damaged during sexual intercourse. You can understand that a product is already expired based on several signs. It's time to throw away the product if you open the packaging and see that:

  • no lubrication;
  • the product is not elastic;
  • has an unpleasant odor.

If the integrity of the packaging has been damaged, it is also not worth the risk.

Condoms are one of the popular means included in the group of contraceptives. They provide protection during sexual intercourse not only from unwanted pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted and other types of viral and bacterial diseases. Therefore, it is important to purchase good quality products.

However, there are many myths circulating among buyers related to the shelf life of condoms, since after this time the product loses its beneficial properties, which leads to adverse consequences. We will look at this topic in more detail later in the article.

Use of expired goods

Even without paying attention to the expiration date indicated on the package, when opening the condom, you can discover that it is unusable. Signs of product deterioration are:

  1. Complete lack of lubrication.
  2. Unpleasant pungent odor.
  3. Loss of elasticity.

Using an expired product does not always lead to a complete loss of the protective properties of the condom, but still increases it. But even a high-quality condom cannot guarantee 100% protection, let alone those that have expired.

When using expired condoms, you need to be prepared for the fact that during sexual intercourse you can acquire:

  1. Allergies. This reaction can occur in one or both partners.
  2. Unwanted pregnancy.
  3. Venereal diseases.

To avoid negative consequences, you must learn to follow two basic rules: buy condoms only in pharmacies and carefully monitor their expiration date.

What is the expiration date for condoms?

The duration of storage without loss of properties is determined by the quality characteristics of the product (provided that all the rules for maintaining this product are followed). The manufacturer of the product also matters. For example, contraceptives produced in India and China have a short period of use, equal to 2-3 years. But even the highest quality condoms, which have proven themselves for a long time, have a shelf life of no more than 5 years (Durex, Contex). Nowadays, stores and pharmacies offer a fairly large range of contraceptive products, varying in price, so the choice can be made based on your wishes. Indian and Chinese contraceptives attract buyers with their cheapness, and the quality of such contraceptives is highly questionable. You also need to remember that such a protective agent can only be used once, after which it must be disposed of. You should not purchase a large number of barrier contraceptives at a pharmacy or store at once - they could have been stored on the counter for a long time, so the time for selling the goods will quickly come to an end.

Durex condom expiration date

The use of Durex brand condoms is permitted for 5 years, starting from the date of manufacture, after which the expiration date expires and it is recommended to throw away the product. Over time, latex loses its former elasticity and strength, which leads to insufficient protection, especially if the necessary rules for storing the contraceptive are not followed.

Shelf life of Contex condoms

Contex condoms are considered a fairly popular brand in the contraceptive market. Their shelf life is 4-5 years, depending on the characteristics of the type produced.

Shelf life of Contex Classic condoms

The shelf life of Contex is up to 5 years. After its completion, it is better not to use the product.

Shelf life of Contex Light condoms

This type is less durable; they can be stored for no more than 4 years. Their wall thickness is less than average, so the material is susceptible to faster destruction and loss of elasticity.

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