Shelf life of marshmallows according to GOST

Shelf life of homemade marshmallows. How to make homemade marshmallows.

Marshmallow is a confectionery product that is obtained by beating sugar, egg white and fruit and berry puree, with the addition of agar syrup as a formative filler. This is, so to speak, the basis of the classic marshmallow.

Marshmallows are not only a tasty food product, but also have a relatively low calorie content. On average, with the usual cooking recipe, the calorie content is about 300 kcal per 100 grams. Product. This is achieved due to the fact that the product contains fruit purees and vegetable stabilizers.

Marshmallows hold their shape due to pectin contained in berries and fruits and agar.

Pectin is a fiber that, when entering the body, removes carcinogens and toxins from it, lowers cholesterol, acts as glucose, and lowers blood pressure.

Agar-agar is made from brown and red algae that grow in the Pacific Ocean and the White Sea. It is very good for health, because algae is rich in iron, calcium, iodine, and other useful microelements and substances. Agar-agar improves liver function and removes waste and toxins from the body.

Do not think that it is useful only for adults. It has been proven that eating this tasty treat by children not only improves digestion, but also improves mental performance. Therefore, nutritionists advocate for the moderate inclusion of marshmallows in children's diets. But only after the first year of life, because it contains sugar.

Tips for choosing marshmallows:

The healthier the marshmallow is, the closer its composition is to the classic version - fruit and berry puree, sugar (fructose), egg white, jelly substance. If natural ingredients are used, apple marshmallows will be white or cream in color. Try to avoid marshmallows containing gelatin. If the manufacturer puts more of it than necessary, a specific “Meat Taste” will appear. When buying marshmallows in stores, you need to carefully read the ingredients. Sometimes chemical flavors and dyes are added to it, which can harm the body, for example, cause diathesis in children. The shelf life of marshmallows is from 7 days (homemade marshmallows) to 3 months, in sealed packaging. Tips for making marshmallows:

Agar-agar should be odorless! Each berry has its own pectin content and this figure determines how thick the puree should be boiled. The highest pectin content is in apples and black currants. If you replace a third of the sugar in the recipe with molasses or glucose syrup, the marshmallows can be stored longer. When dry, the center will remain tender. In order for the marshmallows to keep their shape, the mass must be well whipped, like a regular protein cream. Therefore, do not waste your time and effort. The result is worth it. Depending on the recipe, marshmallows harden from 1 to 5 hours at room temperature. Then the marshmallows need to be dried (again at room temperature) for about another day. This creates a thin crust. You should choose the most sour and smallest apples.

Berry marshmallow recipe.


600 g berries (250 g puree);. 230 g sugar 100 g sugar;. 100 g invert syrup;. 160 ml water (or juice);. 8 g agar-agar;. Protein 1 piece (40 g);. Powdered sugar.

How to make berry marshmallows:

Step 1. Defrost the berries, pour the juice into a saucepan, punch the berries with a blender, and rub them through a sieve.

Step 2. Mix the juice with water to make 160 ml. Add agar to the juice and leave for 15-30 minutes.

Step 3. Then put it on the stove and bring it to a boil. As soon as it boils, add 230 grams of sugar and syrup. Boil to 110 s.

Step 4. At the same time, heat 250 g of puree in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Pour into a blender bowl, add 100 grams of sugar and 1 egg white to the warm puree. Beat until the mixture triples in size and thickens.

Step 5. Having brought the syrup to the desired temperature, set it aside from the heat, as soon as it stops boiling, pour it into the puree. We pour with a thin but confident stream. Beat and cool to 50 s. quickly place on paper and leave at room temperature for 24 hours.

Step 6. Sprinkle powder on top and assemble the halves together. Bon appetit.

Thus, if you do not have invert syrup, you can make it yourself. This syrup prevents the formation of sugar crystals in the finished product.

Invert syrup:

175 g sugar;. 75 g of water;. 1 g citric acid;. 1 pinch of soda. Place sugar, water and acid in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Turn the heat to low and cover with a lid or plate. Leave on fire for 40 minutes, do not open the lid.

Let the syrup cool slightly and add a pinch of soda dissolved in a dessert spoon of water and stir.

As the syrup cools, it should turn golden, like liquid honey. Stored in the refrigerator in glass for up to 2 months. Source - Homebaked sweet dessertmania cooking_desserts desserts.

Shelf life of homemade meringue. Meringue shelf life

The shelf life of meringue cake is very short. This is because the product itself is prepared from natural products, which themselves have a short shelf life.

No one would think of storing meringue for a long time. This airy, aromatic and tasty dish, usually served as a dessert, is the first dessert to be eaten. The shelf life of homemade meringue is not much different from the shelf life of a factory-made product. But nevertheless, if there is a need to preserve the product, you need to follow some simple rules:

  • Baked cake can be stored in an airtight container for up to 7 days;
  • cannot be stored in the refrigerator, as there the product will very quickly become damp and become soft and tasteless;
  • some types can be stored in the freezer, after packing tightly in a pastry bag.

So how long does homemade meringue last?

The shelf life of meringue is from one to two weeks. And when frozen in the freezer, the shelf life increases to one month.

Due to the fact that meringue contains little moisture, it can be stored for quite a long time without refrigeration, at normal room temperature. When choosing a place for storage, it is important that this place is kept as dry as possible and there is almost no moisture. The ideal place to store meringue is in special paper boxes or airtight containers.

Shelf life of marshmallows and GOST

The shelf life of the finished product is influenced by many factors:

  • Compliance of the finished product with the quality standard.
  • Technologies used to make marshmallows.
  • The presence of preservatives and various flavoring additives in the product (they increase the shelf life by 20-40%).
  • The integrity of the finished product packaging and its availability.
  • A type of marshmallow. For example, the characteristics of glazed marshmallows differ significantly from the classic product.

The storage rules and shelf life of the finished dessert are regulated by the standard “Pastile confectionery products” (GOST 6441-2014).

The standard gives dessert producers the right to independently set expiration dates. GOST also states that each manufacturer must determine its own criteria for storing confectionery products.

Is it possible to freeze homemade marshmallows? How to store marshmallows at home

If you bought a loose dessert and didn’t eat it all, you need to know how to store marshmallows at home. To do this, you need to put it in a bag and tie it tightly.

You can store marshmallows in a dark, dry place at a temperature no higher than +25°C (for example, in a kitchen cabinet). You can also put the marshmallows in a bag in the refrigerator, tie it tightly and store it on the door where the temperature is highest. The shelf life of marshmallows in a tightly closed container is no more than 1 month.

Remember that the already separated parts of the marshmallow should be eaten first, as they quickly dry out and spoil.

The eaten marshmallows should be stored in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed container, for no longer than 5 days at a temperature of +3°C..+5°C.

Relative humidity when storing marshmallows is very important, since this product contains water. Therefore, to prevent marshmallows from drying out, they should be stored at a relative humidity of at least 75%.

A package of marshmallows purchased for future use and not opened should be stored at a temperature no higher than +25°C in a dark place, for example on a shelf or in a pantry. The shelf life is indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer and is usually no more than 3 months from the date of production, provided that all conditions for proper storage have been maintained.

There is no need to store sealed marshmallows in the refrigerator, but if there is no other place, the quality of the dessert will not deteriorate if all standards and storage terms specified by the manufacturer are observed. You can also freeze it - thereby “freezing” the shelf life of the dessert.

Period, temperature and storage conditions of marshmallows

Many housewives are concerned about the question: how long can you store homemade marshmallows on agar? The shelf life of this dessert is 2-3 days, unlike store-bought options with preservatives.

Marshmallow is not just a sweet dessert that will decorate any table, but also a product that can be beneficial to the body. The low calorie content, excellent taste and positive properties of the delicacy made it very popular. Even people for whom sweets are contraindicated can afford to eat one marshmallow a day without harm to the body.

If the marshmallows were only slightly dry, after 12 hours in a bag with bread they will become much fresher.

Leave the bag of bread and marshmallows in a dry place out of direct sunlight. The temperature should not be lower than +14ºC and higher than +18ºC.

How to tell if marshmallows have gone bad. Marshmallow: 5 myths about a wonderful delicacy

Airy and light marshmallows are often in great demand, but still there are people in the world who do not consider them useful and necessary for the body. Throughout its history, this treat has become overgrown with many myths, and not everyone knows how to debunk them. But the “marshmallow” issue is very simple, and every lover of sweets should know the five main myths!

Myth No. 1. Marshmallows are harmful to the body.

Actually this is not true! Of course, marshmallows are sweet, but even if they contain a large amount of sugar or fructose, they can be considered a dietary product. The whole secret is in the base of the delicacy. This is a fruit and berry puree that is mixed with egg whites and sugar, resulting in the formation of a light “foam.” Fruits and berries are very healthy, and that is why marshmallows can be eaten in limited quantities even by those who are on a fairly strict diet and are struggling with excess weight.

Moreover, in a high-quality dessert, only natural, very healthy thickeners are used - agar syrup or pectin. Gelatin can also be used (it is also natural, of animal origin and retains a number of useful qualities), but still the emphasis is on pectin, which has a very beneficial effect on the body, or on agar, obtained from algae and retaining a lot of healing properties .

Myth No. 2. Marshmallows should not be given to children.

In fact, doctors and experts even recommend it for babies! In particular, the Nutrition Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences allows the use of this sweet in the menu of kindergartens, schools and other institutions. It is extremely important only to select a high-quality product for this, which is offered for sale by a responsible marshmallow factory.

Myth No. 3. There are a lot of additives in marshmallows.

In fact, there is nothing in a quality product except fruits and berries, which provide color, taste, and aroma. Thickeners (most often natural) are added to them. In low-quality marshmallows you can also find food acids, dyes, flavors, and essences. It is better not to buy such a dessert, preferring a delicacy created according to the original recipe. Natural marshmallows do not need flavorings or other additives; they have all the necessary properties without them.

Myth No. 4. Low-quality marshmallows cannot be distinguished from natural ones.

In fact, if in doubt, it is better to simply choose a plain white product that does not have a sugar coating or glaze. This will be the best option. The white color means the treat does not contain any dyes or extracts and is made from fresh ingredients. If white marshmallows take on a gray tint, it means frozen egg whites were used in their production. This does not affect the quality of the product, but worsens its taste.

Myth #5: Marshmallows can't go bad.

In fact, this dessert, like any other natural delicacy, can lose its properties. It also has its own shelf life, because it contains raw proteins that have undergone disinfection. To prevent proteins and fruit puree from spoiling, it is important to ensure proper storage of marshmallows. When purchasing, be sure to check the date of manufacture and shelf life.

In general, if you just love marshmallows, you can easily learn to find the most delicious and high-quality ones. And with each new purchase this delicacy will become even more loved!

How to understand that a product is not suitable for consumption?

Unsuitable marshmallows that have expired or have violated storage conditions have the following distinctive features:

  • surface moistening;
  • loss of shape;
  • dry consistency;
  • when consumed - the crunch of sand on the teeth, which is a sign of a violation of production or storage technology;
  • presence of mold stains;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • changed color of the product.

If such signs are present, the treat is hopelessly spoiled and should be thrown away.

How to store handmade marshmallows. How to store at home?

Can marshmallows be stored in the refrigerator? Since marshmallows are susceptible to environmental influences, for the most effective storage of this product the following conditions must be observed:

  1. Temperature - no more than +25°C, the most favorable temperature range is from +15 to +21°C.
  2. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, so it is best to store marshmallows in a kitchen cabinet.
  3. Relative humidity should not exceed 75%, as exposure to higher humidity may cause the product to deteriorate.
  4. It is not recommended to store marshmallows near odorous foods, as they can absorb foreign odors.
  5. The best container for storing marshmallows is factory-made cardboard packaging. Marshmallows bought in bulk are best stored in an airtight plastic container, plastic bag or tin to avoid prolonged exposure to air.
  6. There is no particular need to store marshmallows in the refrigerator, but if you wish, you can put them on the side shelf of the refrigerator.
    Freezing marshmallows in the freezer can extend the shelf life of the marshmallows, but will negatively affect the taste of the product.

Terms of safe use

Not everything and not always is regulated only by GOSTs, especially when the product is prepared at home.

It is important not to forget that the naturalness of the product directly depends on the shelf life. The longer the shelf life , the fewer natural ingredients and the more additives such as preservatives.

    Simple loose marshmallows are stored for 7 to 14 days if the container is opened, and exactly a month if its integrity is preserved.

After opening the original packaging, you can extend the shelf life of marshmallows by placing them in vacuum packaging.

  • Homemade marshmallows , prepared yourself, are stored in a tightly closed plastic container for 5-7 days in the refrigerator and up to 3 months in the freezer.
  • Glazed marshmallows are good for consumption for 3 months.
  • Soufflé with marshmallow base , usually added to coffee, remains usable for 6 months from the date of production.
  • Marshmallow candies are edible for 15 months.
  • From here you can find out whether berry or fruit jam has an expiration date.

Preservatives for marshmallows. Application of E220 (sulfur dioxide)

Preservative E220 is most often used in the production of dried fruits, frozen fruits and vegetables, fruit and fruit extracts, various drinks, and confectionery products. The glossy surface of fruits (apples, pears, oranges), which can be found every day on supermarket shelves, is obtained as a result of treating them with sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide prolongs the freshness of fruits. The food additive E220 has consistently proven itself in winemaking. Sulfur dioxide extends the shelf life of finished products, prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria, yeast, mold, and stabilizes the color of the finished alcoholic drink. Preservative E220 is also added to food products that contain low levels of sugar. Such products include jam, marmalade, marmalade, and pectin. This food additive is also used in the production of dried and salted fish, sausages, beer, and various seasonings based on lemon juice.

The effect of E220 (sulfur dioxide) on the human body

In the human body, the preservative E220 is quickly oxidized and then completely excreted in the urine. Despite the fact that E220 is completely excreted from the body in urine, this food additive is toxic and dangerous to human health. The harm of sulfur dioxide manifests itself when passing through the gastrointestinal tract, where it, destroying vitamin B1 (thiamine) and disulfide bridges of proteins, leads to poisoning. In turn, signs of a lack of vitamin B1 in the body can be: a constant feeling of fatigue, shortness of breath at the slightest exertion, frequent dizziness, nausea, diarrhea and, as a result, dehydration, constant insomnia, impaired coordination of movements and even heart failure. Signs of sulfur dioxide poisoning include runny nose, cough, sore throat, and vomiting. Patients who suffer from heart failure should be especially careful and minimize the consumption of foods that contain the E220 food additive. In case of external contact with the skin, allergic reactions may occur.

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