Shelf life of dried mushrooms

How to properly store dried mushrooms at home

Dried mushrooms can be stored much longer than canned or frozen ones. But so that the product does not cause harm to health in the future, you need to be able to properly preserve it in this form. The most important criterion for storing mushrooms is the complete absence of moisture; other indicators will have less influence.

There are several preparatory stages involved in proper storage; if carried out correctly, they will definitely be the key to a long shelf life of the collected forest products.


Before storing dry mushrooms at home, they must be properly dried. Properly carried out this stage will be the key to long-term preservation in the best possible way. First of all, prepare the raw materials:

  • For drying, fleshy types of mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, and boletus mushrooms are selected.
  • It is better to take small or medium-sized specimens; large ones will have to be cut into many parts, which will not allow you to maintain the attractive appearance of the product.
  • A thorough inspection of the selected mushrooms is mandatory; sand, moss, and damage are removed from the stem, and checked for the presence of worms. Severely damaged ones cannot be dried, and the presence of worms in the stem or cap is the reason for immediate disposal of the specimen.
  • This is followed by washing and drying.
  • When the excess moisture has drained, the drying itself is carried out.

There are several ways to dry a product; the duration of the process depends on which one you choose.

Advice! It is not advisable to dry lamellar types of mushrooms; using them for food will give dishes a bitter taste.


Excess moisture can be removed in several ways:

  • With the help of an electric dryer this will be much faster and easier. All you have to do is place the prepared food in the dryer and turn it on. Next, all that remains is to collect the dried mushrooms and store them.
  • Our ancestors carried out drying differently; many still use this method. The prepared product is strung on a thread and sent for drying to places with good ventilation and without access to direct sunlight. This method will take longer, but naturalness takes over. The duration of the process directly depends on weather conditions; high thermometer readings will allow the process to proceed quickly.

The next step is to collect the finished products and send them for storage to a suitable location.

Selection of containers

How are dried porcini mushrooms and their other relatives stored? This question is important, because a lot of things also depend on the container. How to store dried mushrooms at home, what containers are best to use?

Most often, finished dry products are sent to tightly closed containers for long-term storage. For this use:

  • Glass or ceramic containers with lids are most often used. Such containers are first sterilized and then dried well. The disadvantage of such containers is that under-dried mushrooms can rot and mold without access to air and ventilation.
  • There will never be mold or rot in fabric or paper bags, even if the collected forest gifts were slightly under-dried. Storage in this type of container will not prevent the appearance of pests that can penetrate there without problems.
  • The shelf life of dried mushrooms will increase significantly if they are stored in a vacuum container. The cost of such containers is not affordable for everyone, but the method is considered the most effective; pests will not survive in a vacuum.

Whatever container was preferred, it is worth understanding that the product should be checked regularly for the presence of mold.

Choosing a storage location

In order for storage to proceed without problems, in addition to the correct selection of containers, you must be able to choose a place. Important criteria will be:

  • good ventilation;
  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • lack of moisture.

A good option would be a pantry or attic; in an apartment it is better to give preference to a cabinet in the kitchen near the stove or next to heating appliances.

How to dry mushrooms

Mushrooms strung on a string are dried by hanging them in the attic, or outside in the shade, in warm weather and good air circulation. They are also often dried in the oven, placed on a baking sheet in one layer.

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When the drying process is complete, the mushrooms should remain firm and flexible. It is important to reach the point when there is no moisture left in them, otherwise mold will most likely destroy all reserves.

But you should not overdry the mushrooms - they will soon crumble and lose most of their qualities. If this has already happened, it is better to grind them with a blender to a powder state. The powder is kept in a glass container with a tightly closed lid away from sunlight. The mushroom additive is used for first courses, as well as for making sauces. It can be stored from 12 to 36 months.

Shelf life of dried mushrooms

How long dried mushrooms can be stored at home is of interest to everyone who has such preparations. In many ways, the timing depends on the environmental conditions of the container used. Dry mushrooms can be stored for at least 12 months if no visible defects are observed on the product. If all standards were followed during drying, selection of containers and the correct location was selected, then after three years the product can be safely consumed and not fear for your health.

The container used also imposes some nuances on the timing; the container can extend or shorten this period.

Storage in glass jars

Glass containers are the most commonly used and are used by most housewives. There is always an empty jar in the house; it is convenient to store in it, it does not take up much space, and the lid can be matched to almost any neck. Well-dried whole mushrooms or their plates are sent into such a container; first, carefully check whether the product has dried well. Mushrooms that are not dried enough will begin to rot or become moldy, while mushrooms that are overdried will crumble.

Advice! It is better to immediately grind dried mushrooms into a small fraction and store them in a spice container. Dishes seasoned with this homemade seasoning will have an excellent mushroom aroma.

A tightly closed jar can be stored in a cabinet, or it can be sent to the refrigerator, only to do this, carefully check whether the lid fits tightly and whether it will allow moisture to pass through.

How long do dried forest products last in a jar? And in three years they will be completely edible.

What to store in

To ensure the safety of home-dried mushrooms, you should choose the right container and place. This will extend their shelf life. Best suited:

  • fabric bags made of cotton, linen;
  • glass jars;
  • paper bags;
  • carton boxes;
  • ceramic jars;
  • vacuum containers.

These are the most common packaging that ensures proper preservation of the product. But each package has its own disadvantages and advantages. Cloth bags, paper bags and cardboard boxes are cheap containers that allow mushrooms to breathe. However, there is a high probability that grain bugs or moths will appear during storage.

In glass jars, closed with a screw or polyethylene lid, the product is not threatened by pests, but it will not breathe. Therefore, this storage option is acceptable only if the mushroom mixture is thoroughly dried. Otherwise it will get moldy. The same applies to ceramic jars for bulk products. Their significant advantage is the lids with clips, equipped with a rubber gasket. This ensures tightness and protection from foreign odors. But only completely dry mushrooms can be stored in them, just like in glass jars.

Mushrooms will be perfectly preserved and will be completely protected from bugs, foreign odors and mold formation in vacuum containers. But their price is quite high compared to bags, bags and glass jars. Ceramics, by the way, can also have a price above average (depending on the design, appearance and decor).

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When choosing a particular package, check the mushrooms from time to time for the presence of moth larvae and bugs (bags, paper bags) or mold (glass or ceramic jars).

Where is the best place to store dried mushrooms at home?

So, the useful gifts of the forest have been sorted and dried, now we need to find a place where they could be stored in the best way.

If we are talking about a country house, this is, first of all, an attic - unheated, dry and well ventilated . During the cold season, it is easy to maintain a temperature of 11 – 15ºС; it is considered optimal for storing dry mushrooms. It is better to avoid the cellar due to high humidity, which will lead to molding of the product.

The attic intended for storage must be additionally insulated, the cracks must be sealed to prevent drafts and temperature changes, and, in addition, the wooden surfaces must be treated with antiseptics.

Storage in bundles

If the mushrooms were dried naturally, strung on twine or fishing line, you can hang them in this form in the attic. And to protect against dust and household pests, wrap it with natural fabric or gauze folded several times, pre-soaked in saline solution.

Drying in the form of a “garland” is convenient because the dehydration process is easy to control. As long as the mushrooms hold well on the string, they have not lost their condition and retain the necessary elasticity.

Storage in cardboard or wooden boxes

This method is used when there is a large harvest of mushrooms. The drying material is poured into a cardboard or wooden box lined with paper, another layer of sheets is placed on top and buried, as airtight as possible.

The attic is not the best place to store mushrooms. There is a danger of sudden temperature changes, which will lead to an increase in air humidity or spoilage of the product by insect pests.

It is not difficult to identify spoiled pieces of mushrooms even by touch : they will be soft and moist.

How to store dried mushrooms in an apartment

A well-ventilated, dark pantry can be a worthy replacement for an attic if we are going to store mushrooms in a city apartment. There is nothing stopping you from hanging drying here on strings or putting them in boxes, as already described above.

However, the apartment has a slightly different microclimate than in a country house, and there is also much less free space, and therefore it is advisable to place the workpieces compactly.

In glass jars

Some housewives are worried whether it is possible to store dried gifts of nature in jars, because hermetically sealed containers increase the risk of rotting and mold.
However, this method is the most convenient for a city apartment.

“Gifts of the forest” isolated in glass containers are kept in kitchen cabinets without fear that they will absorb extraneous odors or become damp due to high humidity in the room.

Insect pests will also not “get” to the tasty harvest.

And so that the product does not spoil from exhaustion, it must be properly prepared:

  1. Jars (preferably made of dark glass) are pre-sterilized and dried.
  2. Mushrooms are carefully checked before planting, removing all suspicious specimens.
  3. The jars are sealed with vacuum lids - with this method, drying is stored 1.5 times longer.

Storage in linen bags

Fabric is less reliable than glass, but the bags take up less space on the shelves, which sometimes plays a decisive role.

Packaging made from natural linen or cotton allows the product to “breathe”, but provides little protection from pests – this is its main drawback. You can correct the situation by boiling the bags in a concentrated saline solution, and then drying them well (it is recommended to iron them additionally).

Where to store

Due to the fact that dry mushrooms are prone to quickly absorbing moisture and foreign odors, the storage conditions should be chosen as follows. The location should be:

  • dry - otherwise the product will become moldy;
  • well ventilated;
  • without strong temperature changes;
  • away from products with a strong smell (seasonings, flavored tea, garlic, etc.).

As a rule, these requirements are met by shelves in kitchen cabinets located far from the stove and sink.

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Many housewives store dried mushrooms in the refrigerator. Glass jars or vacuum containers are suitable for this storage method.

How long can dried mushrooms be stored?

This factor depends on:

  • drying quality
  • type of mushroom
  • temperature and humidity indicators of the room where the product is stored
  • selection of containers

Porcini mushrooms can be used for the longest time if stored properly. Even after 2–3 years they do not lose their beneficial substances and unique taste. Boletus mushrooms, honey mushrooms and chanterelles are also good for homemade preparations.

In industrial production, dried mushrooms are allowed to be consumed for up to 1.5 years. After this period, you need to carefully check the condition of the drying - whether its appearance and smell have changed, whether it is crumbling, or whether it is covered with mold.

The most capricious plants to store are boletus and aspen mushrooms. After a year, their taste and nutritional value deteriorate sharply and further consumption makes no sense.

Some useful cooking tips

  1. Dried mushrooms should be washed thoroughly before use.
  2. Next, they are soaked in a small amount of cold water or lightly salted milk for several hours (preferably overnight).
  3. The resulting infusion is not poured out, but used to prepare soups. Water from chanterelles and honey mushrooms is not suitable for this purpose due to its characteristic bitterness.
  4. It is advisable to boil the prepared drying, so it will become softer and tastier. Porcini mushrooms take the longest to cook: about 1.5 – 2 hours; for other varieties, 50 minutes is enough. You can check the degree of readiness by biting and chewing a piece.
  5. The taste and nutrient content of dried mushrooms is 5 times more concentrated than fresh ones.
  6. Boletus and boletus mushrooms are not included in first courses.
  7. Dairy products enhance the taste of dried mushrooms.
  8. There should be very little spices in dishes. Bay leaves, different types of peppers and garlic go well with mushrooms.

Let's give winter dishes a fragrant piece of summer! Dried mushrooms can be added to soups, used as a side dish for meat, and used to diversify baked goods. Of course, the preparations will require some time, attention and effort, but the result is worth it.

Useful video

The simplest and most proven method for an apartment.

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Having collected a rich harvest of mushrooms in the fall, you need to properly prepare it for storage throughout the year. The period depends on the quality of the raw materials and compliance with certain rules, and allows you to include aromatic mushrooms in your diet all year round. But in order for the product to remain edible, it is necessary to properly prepare the raw material for drying and subsequently provide optimal conditions for its storage.

How to store and how long to store dried mushrooms at home, what containers are best to use for this - you will learn from today's article.

How long to store

When asked the question of how long dried mushrooms can be stored, you can get a variety of answers. The minimum period is 12 months, the maximum is as long as desired. Yes exactly. Many avid mushroom pickers believe that dried mushrooms have virtually no shelf life. There have also been cases when a bag of mushroom shavings was littered in the cupboard with other products for several years, and when it was found, the product did not lose its taste and was not spoiled.

If you pay attention to the labels of purchased dried mushrooms, you will notice that manufacturers limit the useful life to 12 or 18 months. It is believed that during this time the mushrooms will not lose either taste or aroma and their appearance will remain original, the same as just after drying. Indeed, under correctly chosen storage conditions, not only store-bought, but also home-prepared products will not deteriorate within a year.

Tip: before storing, make notes on the container with the date of “production”.

Dried mushrooms also have an average shelf life of 3 years. If a housewife decides to use a dried mushroom mixture that has been stored for more than 3 years in cooking, it is worth checking it for freshness. The product must have an unaltered, “clean” smell; it must not contain bugs, moth larvae (worms), or mold. If the appearance or smell of the dried mushroom mixture is questionable, it is best to throw it away.

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How to store dried mushrooms at home

Dried mushrooms are a product that does not spoil for a long time, but this condition is only relevant if storage is carried out correctly.

To prevent the product from spoiling, it is advisable to protect it from moisture or any foreign odors that are easily absorbed into dry pulp. The best container is considered to be an ordinary glass jar with a nylon lid: in it all specimens remain dry, do not absorb unpleasant kitchen odors and do not grow moldy.

Regardless of which container you choose, you need to properly prepare the raw materials for drying and storing in jars.

The video shows how to quickly dry it at home.


If you do the drying yourself, use an electric dryer, an oven, or simply hang them on strings in the attic (Figure 1).

A more important role is played by the preparation of ready-made raw materials.:

  • Carefully inspect the thick parts of the legs and caps: they should be completely dry. Increased humidity in fabrics may cause rotting in the future, and the product will have to be thrown away;
  • Severely overdried specimens are also not suitable: they crumble easily in a jar, so it is better to immediately grind them into powder;
  • Mushroom powder can be mixed with dill, bay leaf and any other seasonings, and then added to prepared dishes.

How to prepare dried mushrooms for storage

To extend the shelf life of dried mushrooms, they are pre-prepared:

  1. The strongest and fleshiest, but at the same time small and medium-sized specimens are selected, since they are dried whole, without cutting into pieces.
  2. They inspect it carefully. Remove all debris from them (moss, sand, leaves). Trim damaged areas.
  3. Rinse thoroughly under running water.

Damaged by worms (in the stem or cap) cannot be stored for long periods of time.

Reference. Choose tubular mushrooms - porcini, boletus, boletus, boletus. Plate-shaped ones are not suitable for drying, because when added to a dish they give it a bitter taste.

After processing, they are dried to remove excess moisture. They do this in several ways:

  1. In an electric dryer. The prepared product is laid out in one layer on special trays. Average cooking time is 6 hours. The trays are periodically swapped so that the pieces dry evenly.
  2. In the oven. The baking sheet is covered with baking parchment. The product is laid out on it in one row. Place in an oven preheated to 45°C. After 1.5 hours, the temperature is increased to 70°C and left for another 2 hours. Then lower to 50°C for 1.5 hours. Cool and place in a container for long-term storage.
  3. On a thread. An old, “grandfather’s” method, but no less effective. Mushrooms are loosely strung on a thread. Hang in a place with good ventilation and out of direct sunlight. This method will take about 7 days. But all the beneficial properties will be preserved.

The finished raw materials are carefully checked to ensure that the thick caps and stems are well dried. If moisture remains in the fabrics, it will lead to rotting during storage. Such specimens are not suitable for consumption and are thrown away.

Reference. Overdried mushrooms crumble. They are ground into powder (in a coffee grinder), mixed with dill, bay leaf and other seasonings. Add to prepared dishes.

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Shelf life

Many housewives are interested in how long dried products can be stored. Opinions differ on this issue. The minimum period is 12 months, but if the raw materials were prepared and stored correctly, they will remain edible for several years.

Note: From a technological point of view, the product retains its original taste, aroma and appearance for no more than 18 months, so if you prepare this product annually, be sure to put the date on the container.

It also happens that a jar of dried products suddenly appears at home. Before consuming their food, be sure to check whether the product has spoiled. It should have a characteristic odor without foreign impurities, and there should be no moth larvae, beetles or worms in the jar.

Storage in glass jars

Most often, dried pulp is stored in glass jars (Figure 4). To do this, it is better to use matte or shaded containers rather than transparent ones. You also need to provide a tight lid for the jar, especially if the product will be stored in the refrigerator, where there is a consistently high level of humidity. But it is worth considering that an airtight lid is only suitable for well-dried specimens. If they are slightly damp, mold may appear in a jar with a tight lid.

Figure 4. Saving products in a bank

Before adding mushrooms, you need to thoroughly rinse and dry the jars. Dryness is a must, as even a small amount of liquid can spoil the product.

Freezer storage

To place it in the freezer or refrigerator, you need to choose the right container. Any sealed containers are suitable for this purpose: containers or vacuum bags (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Preparation in the freezer

Products can only be stored on shelves with a stable temperature. In addition, it is better to immediately package the product into portions, since when opening a container or bag, moisture may get inside, which will spoil the remaining raw materials.

It is important that the shelf life in the freezer is no more than a year, unlike glass jars, in which the product can remain edible for up to three years.

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