How to dry figs at home

How to make dried (dried) figs at home.

Figs (figs) are valued for their high content of iron, potassium, calcium, as well as a distinctive abundance of fiber.
Drying figs allows you to preserve the taste of the fruit, as well as vitamins and minerals with minimal loss. But the main reason for the spread of dried figs is the increase in the shelf life of this fruit, since ripe fresh fruits spoil within a week. You can make dried figs at home using the natural heat of the sun, or using equipment - dryers, ovens, microwaves. Before preparing figs for drying, it is necessary to rinse them well and cut off all damaged and rotten areas. Please note that it is very difficult to properly wash already dried figs. After washing, the fruit must be wiped dry with a cloth or cotton towel.

To speed up the drying process, cut the figs in half from nose to tip, or into smaller pieces. For natural drying in the sun, it is best to use an oven rack or similar structure to ensure ventilation on all sides, since delaying the drying process can cause rotting of the fruit. Do not try to use solid solid surfaces such as cardboard or a baking sheet for this purpose. Place the fig halves with the cut side up.

In order to protect dried figs from insects attracted by the sweet smell of the fruit, use gauze as a covering material, or loose natural fabric. To secure it, use adhesive tape to prevent flies, wasps and dust from getting inside. To dry, the grill must be placed in a sunny, well-ventilated place; it is advisable to start the procedure in hot weather.

Drying figs in the sun will take 2-3 days. If the temperature outside drops below 20 degrees Celsius at night, then it makes sense to bring the figs indoors. Dried figs can be considered ready when they have a leathery surface to the touch, and pressure does not lead to the appearance of juice. If the dried figs are still a little sticky, you can cook them in the oven.

Similarly, figs can be dried in a special dryer or oven, the process will go twice as fast, but with higher energy costs. Dried figs should be stored in a cool place in a closed container for no more than 9-10 months. If dried figs are frozen, their shelf life increases to two years.

To add sweetness to dried figs, you should boil them for 10 minutes in an aqueous sugar solution before drying. To prepare the solution, use 1 cup of sugar to 3 cups of water. When cooking, constant stirring is required, and after it, carry out the usual drying procedure. This way you will have a wonderful delicacy for any sweet table.

How to store fresh figs

If you come across fresh figs in a store, then most likely they were brought from the Crimea or the Caucasus, where they can be grown closest. Storing figs at home is quite possible. Can it be left at room temperature? In no case, since fermentation processes will soon make themselves felt.

Figs will be stored for the longest possible time at a temperature of 1-3°C, so the best place for these fruits is in the refrigerator.

It is better to place it in a separate container or wrap it in paper so that it does not absorb foreign odors. Up to four days - that’s how long figs can be stored in such conditions.

Sweet fig tree - how to properly dry figs at home

Who doesn't like the taste of figs? And it doesn’t matter at all what form it is in - fresh or dried, its unsurpassed taste can put any exotic fruit into the shadows. Speaking of fruits. Did you guess that figs are not even a fruit at all? And not even a berry! This is a fig tree flower, which is commonly called a wine berry.

Figs contain a lot of useful substances, without which our body cannot exist - iron, calcium, fiber... This exotic fruit retains its sweet taste even in a dried state and does not let go for many months. The main thing is to know how to dry figs correctly.

How to store figs

Figs are the oldest cultivated plant, preferring a subtropical climate. Its fruits are called wine berries. As they ripen, they become sweet, juicy, pear-shaped fruits filled with small seeds.

When fresh, figs are especially tasty, but when dried they become even sweeter and give you a feeling of fullness.

To prevent the berry from losing its qualities, it is necessary to store it correctly.

It is not easy to keep ripe figs fresh. It has a thin skin and the fruit is very tender. Therefore, it is easy to ferment and spoils quickly. Figs do not like transportation. For transportation, only unripe fruits that have not had time to gain sweetness and taste are used. Before consumption, such berries should be placed in a sunny place for ripening - for example, placed on a windowsill. But there is no guarantee that they will become soft and juicy.

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Ripe fresh figs are available where they grow: in the Caucasus, Crimea, and on the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory.

If you manage to purchase fruits that have recently been picked from a tree somewhere, you should take into account that they cannot be stored at room temperature: within a day the fermentation processes will start.

The best place to store fresh figs is in the refrigerator , namely in the fruit drawer . Before placing the fruit there, you need to check the temperature: to preserve the figs for a week or two, it should not rise above one degree of heat.

Dried figs contain four times more protein and sugar than fresh ones.

Light fruits are chosen for drying. They have golden skin and white flesh. The size of the fig is about five centimeters in diameter. It is generally accepted that small fruits are tastier than large ones.

The fruits are dried in the sun for three or four days. Then they should be placed in a container and covered with a lid.

When choosing dried figs, you need to consider the following points:

  • high-quality fruits have a beautiful amber or dark matte shade;
  • the white coating on the surface of the fig is glucose, the excess of which comes out. Such fruits are very sweet;
  • There should be no dark spots on the figs. Fruits with such a defect cannot be preserved, since they are already slightly spoiled;
  • good figs are slightly soft to the touch. If it is too hard, this means that the fruit is too dry;
  • The figs should be slightly flattened and approximately the same size.

It wouldn't hurt to take a sample. The taste of quality figs is sweet. If it turns out to be sour, this means one of two things:

  • figs were stored incorrectly;
  • low-grade raw materials were used for drying, most likely stale.

High-quality dried fruits can be stored for several months. Figs prefer low humidity and temperature. In other conditions, it becomes damp and attracts pests. Therefore, the fruits are placed away from sunlight and moisture.

So, to store figs, choose a dry and cool room. The fruits can be placed in canvas bags, loaded into glass jars and covered. It is not prohibited to simply place the figs in containers with lids that fit tightly.

Before use, the fruits should be washed and soaked for about twenty minutes in warm water. Then they will become soft, more nutritious and absorbed by the body without problems.

But it is not recommended to pour boiling water over figs, since then they will lose a significant amount of vitamins.

Figs can be baked, cut into pieces and filled with cream or sour cream, liqueur or lemon juice. The fruits are full of sugar and calories, so they will help you quickly overcome fatigue and gain strength. It’s very good if they are always present in the house.

Methods for drying figs

There are several drying methods, each of which will help you stock up on a storehouse of vitamins and useful minerals for the winter.

For the drying process, you need to select ripe fruits. The main sign of ripeness of the fruit is that it should fall under the tree itself. So, we thoroughly wash the fruits and remove all damaged areas. Remember that once dried, we will not have the opportunity to peel the figs.

Ripe figs suitable for drying

Now let's decide whether you want to prepare sweet figs or with a natural taste. If you prefer the sweet taste of dried figs, then it is worth carrying out preliminary manipulation.

Pour 3 cups of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add a glass of sugar, stir and boil the prepared figs in the resulting sugar syrup for 7-10 minutes. During cooking, stir the fruit regularly with a wooden spatula. Place the boiled berries in a colander and dry each of them thoroughly. Now the figs are ready for the drying procedure.

Sun drying

Place the washed and dried fruits on a wire rack. During the drying process, the figs will attract insects with their sweet aroma. Therefore, wrap the lattice with a layer of gauze, which will protect the fruits from the penetration of dust and insects. Position the grill so that air can reach the fruit from all sides.

To speed up the drying process, cut the figs in half with a sharp knife and place them on a wire rack with the cut side up.

The duration of the sun drying process is 4-6 days. Then string the fruits onto a strong thread and take them to a shady place to dry.

Oven drying

To properly dry fig tree fruits in the oven, you need to follow some rules.

Place the dried fruits on the oven rack.

Important! Never place figs on a baking sheet. In order for the fruits to dry properly, they need to be provided with air access from all sides! If your oven rack has large holes, you can cover it with a layer of gauze.

  1. Turn the oven to low and leave the door ajar.
  2. Turn the fruits every 2 hours.
  3. The duration of the oven drying procedure is 2-3 days.

Drying in an electric dryer

An electric dryer can significantly reduce the drying process, while the dried figs retain their juiciness and acquire a beautiful golden color.

  1. Cut the figs into two even parts and place on a towel, which will help remove all excess liquid after blanching.
  2. Place the fig tree halves evenly on all trays of the electric dryer.
  3. If you have small fruits, then the drying time is no more than 10 hours.
  4. Large fruits should be dried for a longer time.

How to eat dried figs?

Figs are best eaten separately from other foods; they have a distinct sweet taste. Usually they replace sweets.

It’s a good idea to diversify your diet by mixing chopped figs with natural fermented milk products – cottage cheese, kefir. Instead of the usual raisins and dried apricots, you can use dried figs when baking muffins, cakes and cookies.

If you want to treat yourself to a new spicy taste, you can prepare a chicken dish with figs. Also, fig fruits go well with cheese and honey.

Do I need to wash dried figs?

Many people ask this question when they see dried fruits and before choosing dried figs. Dried fruits from hot countries travel a long way before reaching our table. Chemicals may be used in their production. Therefore, before use, dried figs must be thoroughly rinsed under running water.

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Even better, if you soak it for half an hour in warm water, then the fruits will be softer, which promotes better absorption of nutrients. Dirt and chemicals will leach into the water, so it’s best to throw it away. After washing, you can pour boiling water over dried figs, but this will destroy some of the vitamins.

A tasty and healthy fruit - figs: how to dry them at home and on the street?

Drying fresh figs (figs, fig trees) is necessary to increase their shelf life and the possibility of using them throughout the year, and not just during the harvest period. Dried fig tree fruits are used in cooking (as a solo snack or as an integral part of a dish), to treat ARVI and cough, they will help cope with high fever, eliminate constipation and remove toxins.

The beneficial effects of the fig tree on the cardiovascular system, vascular condition and blood pressure reduction have been proven.

Where to dry figs

In the southern regions this issue does not arise. The climate itself is favorable for drying outside under the hot rays of the sun. In the middle zone and further north you may not see such warmth. But, if the weather is clear and unusually warm, then you can try this method.

First, prepare the grate. I like any handy one. It is very important that the figs are blown with fresh air from below and from above. If you place them on a baking sheet, the fruit may simply ferment or begin to rot. Place the figs on the grill and place them in a sunny, well-ventilated place.

It is advisable to cover the entire structure with thin non-woven material or thick gauze. And from below too. Wasps, fruit flies and a whole bunch of other insects also love to taste the sweet pulp. Such tricks are needed from them.

The drying process lasts approximately 5 days, with breaks at night. By the way, in the evening the grille needs to be removed into the house. You never know, it will rain or the dew will settle. Excess moisture is a big hindrance to your business.

Some sources recommend boiling figs in boiling sugar syrup for 10 seconds and only then drying them. Supposedly for better color preservation. I think this activity is pointless, because all dried figs are the same light brown color.

Unless the procedure will help to prevent putrefactive processes or prevent fermentation. True, such candied fruit is stored for a very short time.

Advice. Try making half of the preparations with boiling sugar syrup, and the other half without. At the same time, compare the tastes.

What should those for whom the sun does not favor its hot rays even in summer do? There is an exit. Even two. Choose any one that suits you.

For the happy owners of a home dryer. Whole figs or figs cut into halves (quarters) are laid out on the racks. The temperature is set no higher than +65°C. Because the sugar in the pulp caramelizes at higher temperatures and can change the final flavor of the finished product.

By the way, the strange white coating on dried figs is the sugar that has come out.

Drying time is approximately 6-8 hours. It all depends on the load level and power of your device. Readiness is checked visually. The fruits decrease in size and acquire a light brown tint. When pressed, you feel that the skin has become dense and elastic.

There are recommendations to flatten the figs to a flat shape. This is not at all necessary. Because this is what they do in the case of large-scale procurement. Flattening allows you to save space; such figs are put on a string and hung for storage.

If you have to dry a small amount, then you can then store the figs as usual without additional manipulation.

Just don’t ask where to store a bucket of dried figs at home. Only a third of your bucket will remain (the fruits will greatly decrease in volume and weight), and you’ll definitely find somewhere to put it.

Advice. Cut the dried fruit. If there is no visible juice, then you have dried it correctly.

What if there is no sun and no electric dryer? What to do with the remaining figs? Dry it of course! Only in the oven. Whole or cut, it doesn't matter. The main thing is to be back on the grid. The tray or baking tray will allow the fruit to bake before the drying process begins. But we don't need it.

We set the lowest temperature setting. Ideally +60°C. But sometimes the minimum temperature is higher, oven models are different. In this case, you will have to turn the workpieces over more often to prevent them from burning. And in any case, be sure to leave the door ajar so that the evaporating moisture has the opportunity to freely come out. It is difficult to determine the exact drying time; it all depends on the degree of heating of the oven. On average it takes about 8 hours.

Readiness is determined as described above. We check with our hands for elasticity and rigidity, with our eyes for color and with a knife for juiciness.

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Advice. Allow the dried fruit to cool completely before storing. Otherwise, condensation will appear, and with it mold.

How to dry figs at home? Everything is very simple. It is important not to hesitate, otherwise the fruit will spoil. And this way you will be able to carry a wonderful delicacy from your own freezer for a long time.

How to choose the right raw materials

When choosing fresh figs that you plan to dry, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  • The size of the fruit should be about 4-5 cm in diameter. If they are smaller, then it may be a wild fig (it is less sweet); if larger, then the fruit is overripe, its pulp is not so juicy and soft.
  • There should be a large number of seeds inside the berry, this indicates its quality and high taste characteristics.
  • The color does not matter when choosing, since it directly depends on the variety. High-quality and tasty figs can be brown, blue, black and yellow-green.
  • The skin should be matte and slightly dry. A shiny and smooth surface can only be found in fruits that have been treated with preservatives for better transportation.
  • A subtle smell of iodine is allowed, since this element is contained in large quantities in the berry. The fruit may produce a mixed aroma of grass and sweetness. There should be no chemical or unnatural odor from the selected figs.

How to store figs

Figs (ficus carica) do not grow in our area, but they have long ceased to be considered an exotic fruit. Fig tree or fig is what we call these mysterious fruits, which can be found in supermarkets at any time of the year, but their ripening period falls in late summer and autumn. Figs can be dried or fresh, but both types have quality attributes that should be considered when purchasing figs. Regardless of color, which can be dark or light, fresh fruits should be firm and free of blemishes. Dried figs have a beautiful amber hue and should also not have any spots.

High-quality fruits are always matte, have a pleasant smell and sweet taste. The slightest sourness indicates that the fruit has begun to deteriorate. But the white coating should not be alarming - it’s just excess glucose. Figs have many beneficial properties, including antipyretic and anti-inflammatory, help cope with hangovers and prevent the formation of blood clots. The only drawback is the excessive amount of sugar, which does not allow people with diabetes to consume it.

The most important thing about storing figs

Without refrigeration, fresh, fully ripe fruits will begin to spoil very quickly.

Unripe figs can be placed in a dark, dry place for several days and they will become much sweeter.

Dried figs should be placed in a canvas bag, and then in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.

How to properly prepare fruits?

Important! Regardless of which option for drying the product is chosen in the future, it is necessary to prepare the figs.

It consists of the following actions:

  1. Go through the raw materials, reject all damaged copies.
  2. Wash the fruits in running water and dry with a towel. For store-bought fruits, it is better to soak for 1-1.5 hours. This will remove the layer of preservatives applied to the skin.
  3. Decide on the taste of dried fruits. It can be natural or sweet. If you choose the first option, you can immediately start drying.
  4. If you need sweet, dried figs, then you need to prepare sugar syrup (3 cups of water - 1 cup of sugar) and boil it.
  5. Add figs to the boiling syrup and simmer for about 10 minutes.
  6. Drain in a colander and dry well.
  7. Now you can start drying.

How to store dried figs

Dry figs can be stored for up to six months, depending on how you keep them and at what temperature. It will “feel” quite comfortable in the freshness zone of the refrigerator, in a package or food container. To extend the maximum shelf life, you need to regularly open the container with figs and check for any fruits that have begun to deteriorate or mold. The basement also has the necessary storage conditions for these fruits.

One way to store figs is to place them in a canvas bag and then in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. The main thing is that the humidity in the room does not exceed 80% and the temperature does not exceed 15°C.

Drying at home and outdoors

The drying process can be carried out in several ways, which will require various kitchen appliances.

In an electric dryer

How to dry figs in a vegetable and fruit dryer:

  1. Cut the fruits into slices or plates; their thickness should not exceed 2-3 mm.
  2. Place the raw materials on the pallet in one layer.
  3. Set the operating temperature of the device in the range of +55 +60 °C.
  4. Turn on the dryer. Swap the pallets every 3-4 hours, so the raw materials will dry more evenly.
  5. The total drying time can take from 1 to 2 days, depending on the area of ​​the trays, the number of figs and the power of the device.

Attention! For this drying method, it is better to choose black figs.

In the oven

Whole or chopped figs, either fresh or boiled in sugar syrup, are suitable for this method.

Basic principles for using an oven to dry a fig tree:

  1. Set the minimum operating temperature of the device. Optimal is +60 °C.
  2. If the oven settings are not at this temperature, then you should set it to the lowest possible temperature (about 100°C) and turn the raw materials over every 1.5-2 hours.
  3. If you plan to dry sliced ​​fruits, then the cut should be located at the top and not come into contact with the grate.
  4. The use of baking trays is not permitted. Air circulation and constant blowing can only be achieved by placing the figs on a grill.
  5. The oven door should be kept ajar at all times. Otherwise, the figs will bake in their own juices rather than dry out.
  6. Cooking time can vary from 8 hours to 2 days. You can determine readiness by appearance and consistency.

Electric dryer

This device shortens the drying process, while the product retains its juiciness and acquires a golden hue. How to dry figs in a dryer? This work is performed according to the following instructions:

  1. Cut the fruits into 2 even parts and place on a towel, which will allow you to remove the liquid after blanching.
  2. The halves should be placed on the trays of the device.
  3. If the figs are not large, then the processing time is no more than 10 hours.
  4. Large berries take a long time to dry.

Drying figs at home in a dryer is very convenient. The fruits are no less tasty and healthy.

Housewives need to know not only how to dry figs at home, but also how to store them. For this you need bags made of thick material or paper. This will preserve juiciness and taste, and also prevent mold.

If a white coating has formed on the dried fruit, this indicates the presence of crystallized glucose, which is why the product has a sweet taste. Fruits should not be left in a damp place to ensure they last for a long time.

Figs also have other names: fig or wineberry. The fruit is medicinal, so it is used in the treatment of various ailments. The leaves serve as raw materials for the remedy “Psoberan” for baldness and vitiligo. And the fruits are used in the manufacture of the drug “Kafiol” for the treatment of constipation. The fruits are used to get rid of coughs and nasopharyngeal diseases.

  • anemia;
  • fever;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • muscular rheumatism;
  • constipation;
  • gastritis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • colds of the female genital organs;
  • skin diseases.

Figs have antipyretic, laxative, and diaphoretic effects. It is also known for its nourishing, softening, healing and antioxidant effects. The fruits contain pectin, which restores connective tissue. This property is indispensable for the treatment of injuries, fractures, and joint diseases.

Regular consumption of figs cleanses the blood, strengthens the vascular system, and improves the elasticity of veins and capillaries. The dried fruit contains ficin, which reduces blood clotting, protects against the formation of blood clots, and reduces atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels. Dried figs restore strength in cases of exhaustion and vitamin deficiency. It improves brain function, improves tone and performance. The fruits treat persistent coughs and make breathing easier. There are special recipes that are used to prepare medicinal products to eliminate cold symptoms.

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How and for how long can dried fruit be stored?

Drying fig tree fruits can extend their shelf life to 6 months.

Important! The shelf life can be 1 year if dried fruits are placed in the freezer. However, some of the beneficial substances will be lost in this case.

Storage conditions for dried figs:

  • Room temperature (or slightly lower), low humidity, no direct sunlight. The place should be dark, slightly cool and dry.
  • You can use the refrigerator for storage. Before placing it in it, the fruits must be placed in an airtight container (glass or plastic) so that the figs do not absorb foreign odors. Every 1-2 weeks, each container must be opened and checked for mold and condensation.
  • For short-term storage (no more than 1 month), an airtight glass jar placed in a kitchen cabinet is suitable. It is important to open the container weekly, check for condensation and provide access to fresh air.

How to store unripe figs

Storing figs at home is possible not only in the refrigerator. If they are unripe, the figs should be left in a dark, dry and cool place until they are fully ripe before storing them at low temperatures. Such a place could be a storage room, basement, cellar, etc.

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Unripe figs can be left right on the shelf; after a couple of days they will reach the peak of their ripeness.

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