How to store a bike on the balcony in winter

Bicycle: winter storage

How to store a bicycle on the balcony in winter if there is no insulation and protection from precipitation? What other “enemies” lie in wait for your two-wheeled friend on the balcony?

Exposure to sunlight and sudden temperature changes are harmful to it.

These impacts will not have any effect on a steel frame, but rubber tires may deteriorate completely. Steel parts are negatively affected by high humidity, including spring drops and rain. In areas where fog and dew often occur, a bicycle on an open balcony is also subject to damage if its parts are not protected.

You can avoid most problems if you purchase a reliable case for storing your bike in cold weather when using the machine is impossible.

Preparing your bike for winter storage

The overwhelming majority of bicycle owners use them only in good warm weather - in spring, summer and very little in autumn. Winter is the season for brave cyclists (whose number, however, increases every year). If you have not yet joined this series, the answers to the questions “Where to store a bicycle in winter and how to prepare it for winter storage?” will be very relevant. If winter is not a hindrance for you, then the features of preparing and riding a bike in winter will be useful to you.

Step 1. Choose a storage location

The first step is to decide where your bike will be stored during the winter. The ideal storage option is a dry room without sudden temperature changes. This could be an apartment or a vestibule (an area for several apartments behind a separate door). Please note that the bicycle should not be placed close to heating devices - this will negatively affect the paintwork and plastic parts.

Another option is on a glazed loggia (balcony). In this case, it is enough to protect the bicycle from direct sunlight by covering it with thick fabric, opaque film or something similar.

If in winter the temperature on the loggia drops below zero, it is recommended to remove the headlight, tail light, bike computer, wheels, suspension fork, saddle, grips, pump, fenders from the bicycle and store it all in a dry, warm room. Otherwise, under the influence of negative temperatures, they may become unusable or lose their “marketable” appearance.

It is highly not recommended to leave a bicycle “overwinter” on an unglazed loggia (balcony), since in this case it will be negatively affected by increased air humidity, precipitation in the form of rain and snow, as well as sudden temperature changes.

Step 2. Wash, dry, lubricate

Before you “mothball” your bike for the winter, you need to clean it of dirt. This is important because urban dirt contains aggressive components. Therefore, the first step is to thoroughly wash the bike and let it dry (or wipe it dry). The chain must first be cleaned of old lubricant, dried, and then lubricated again - a special lubricant is used for this. Gear switches, brake hinges and rear derailleur rollers should be lubricated with oil, for example, lithol. We recommend wiping the clean frame with a soft cloth soaked in machine oil (a few drops are enough). After this treatment, a thin protective film is formed on the frame, thanks to which dust will not stick. To protect tires from cracking, they need to be treated with a special silicone spray.

Step 3. Loosen tense knots

If you don’t want to face the problem of rusted switch springs in the spring, then make sure that all the tense components of the bicycle “rest” in the winter - are in a weakened state. The V-Brake must be released. The chain should be shifted to the smallest sprockets so that the gear is 1-7 for a 21 speed bike (or 1-8 gear for a 24 speed bike).

Step 4. Inflate / deflate the tires

Before you start preparing the wheels, you need to understand how the bike will be stored. If the bike will sit on wheels all winter, then you need to inflate the tires to the maximum allowable value, which is indicated on the sidewall of the tire. In this case, in winter you need to check the tires from time to time to ensure that they are always inflated - otherwise they will wrinkle under the weight of the bike and crack.

If you plan to store the bike in a suspended state, then you can safely reduce the tire pressure.

Step 5. Take out the batteries

When storing a bicycle for a long time, especially in case of temperature changes, you should remove the batteries from the front headlight, rear light and bike computer. Otherwise, not only the batteries, but also the contacts in the devices themselves may oxidize, which will render them unusable.

Step 6. “Fold” the bike

Once you have fully prepared your bike for winter storage and decided where and in what condition it will be stored, you may find that it will get in the way and “parking” it will take up a lot of space. In this case, even a non-folding bicycle can be partially “folded”. For example, you can rotate the handlebars 90 degrees (so that they are parallel to the frame) by first loosening the nuts and removing the front wheel. You can also install the pedals “inside” - by unscrewing them from the connecting rods and screwing them in from the inside. In addition, to save space, you should lower the saddle or remove it altogether. This way, your bike will take up significantly less space.

Step 7. Waiting...

After we have fully prepared the bike for the winter, we look forward to the next cycling season, read the article “How to prepare a bike for the next cycling season,” plan cycling and cycling routes, and also study other useful material that will definitely come in handy in the coming season.

Preparing for winter

Before winterizing your bike, treat the chain with lubricant.

Wash all parts of the bicycle thoroughly with warm water and soap, wipe dry with a clean cloth. There should be no dirt on the parts of the car; you should especially keep the tires clean. All dirt embedded in the rubber is carefully removed from the tires.

For reliable protection from moisture and to prevent corrosion on the metal parts of the bicycle, they are treated with protective silicone grease; this treatment will keep the metal parts of the machine in perfect order.

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The chain should be thoroughly cleaned of dust, stubborn and adhered dirt, and any remaining lubricant should be washed off. To perform cleaning, it is convenient to use a soft brush and a rag soaked in solvent. All moving parts and mechanisms of a bicycle require lubricant; this operation is allowed only after cleaning old dirt.

Do you want to maintain quality tires? A glycerin-based lubricant will protect the rubber from cracking. On the balcony in winter, the tires are exposed to frost, so there is a fear that the tires may be damaged. It is best to bleed the air from the chambers; in winter they can be easily pumped up.

Inspect your bike before putting it away for the winter.

The spring mechanisms of the bicycle (brake levers, calipers, pads) should be significantly weakened, ideally, the machine should be disassembled into parts.

The chain must be removed after first cleaning it from dirt and grease. While preparing the machine for wintering, it is possible to identify breakdowns and carry out the necessary replacement of parts.

Let's talk about how to store a bike on the balcony. The best way is to hang it from the frame on hooks or nails. The bicycle must be placed in a place where the sun will hardly reach it.

How to store a bike on the balcony

The ideal solution is not to place the car on the balcony near the wall, but to hang it on metal hooks, raising it to a height. Fasteners can be purchased at sports equipment stores and showrooms. If it is not possible to purchase special fasteners, you can use regular large nails.

The bicycle cannot be secured by hooking on any parts of the machine; the fastening must be carried out only by the bicycle frame. The winter method of storing a two-wheeled friend should help keep all parts in working order, without compromising performance.

Installation of bicycle storage rack

Choosing where to store your bike on the balcony is of great importance:

  • Avoid direct sunlight - choose a shady location to store the machine.
  • Do not expose the car to moisture - do not hang the bike behind a balcony slab or canopy. In this situation, it cannot be guaranteed that streams of rainwater will not fall on machine parts and cause icicles to form.
  • Using a cover is an ideal option for storing a bicycle in the winter, which achieves maximum protection for all parts of the machine.

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We recommend watching a video on how to properly prepare a bicycle for wintering on the balcony.

How to protect your bike from deformation and imbalance during storage?

Not using a bicycle for a long time can lead to a noticeable deterioration in the condition of the cables used for braking and gear shifting (they are usually presented in the form of metal threads).

If a bicycle sits for a long time without moving, then the wheels will gradually begin to change their performance characteristics.

To reduce the number of possible problems, you should loosen the cables on all control systems, move the chain to small sprockets so that it is not under tension for several months in winter. If the bicycle is not suspended, it is recommended to inflate the wheel chambers at the beginning of storage to the usual pressure level, which will protect them from all kinds of deformations.

In addition, it is necessary to periodically check the pressure, if necessary, pumping up the wheels to the required level. It is recommended to check once every few weeks. It is worth noting that if the bicycle is stored suspended on the balcony (for example, on hooks), then there is no particular need to monitor the pressure in the chambers, since they will not experience any load.

Protection from direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation and sunlight is also required for a bicycle. To prevent direct sun from hitting your two-wheeled friend, you need to place it in a dark corner, under a waterproof cloth.

In addition, there is always the opportunity to use a case, which is good not only for transportation but also for storage.

If you decide to use a cover, then you need to remember that you should not make a completely sealed cover with it (otherwise moisture will accumulate and the cover will get wet from the inside along with the bike).

Storage case

A bicycle cover will protect your car from dust and moisture, but will not provide a barrier against the cold. You can make your own protective equipment by sewing a car storage case from durable water-repellent fabric.

Purchasing a ready-made bicycle cover from a sports equipment store guarantees better protection of the machine from adverse factors during storage.

Bike storage case

The basis for the cover is an ordinary tarpaulin; this fabric is highly durable, does not allow water to pass through and practically does not get wet in the rain.

A canvas case for storing a bicycle must be sewn with handles that are convenient for carrying and hanging a bicycle; in such a case it is convenient to transport a two-wheeled car to the dacha. A trip on a summer vacation with a bicycle will also not be burdensome if the car is packed in a reliable and durable case.

How to save space on the balcony

Is it possible to store a bicycle on the balcony so that the car does not interfere with the passage of people? There are several rules that can be followed to ensure more compact storage of a two-wheeled vehicle:

  • Remove the front wheel.
  • Remove bicycle pedals for separate storage.
  • Turn the steering wheel parallel to the frame, which requires turning the unit 90 degrees.
  • Remove the saddle from the bicycle frame.

Watch the video on how to install a bike storage rack.

Hanging a bicycle in a case can be provided in a place on the balcony where the case with the car will be raised to a considerable height. The position of the bike in the case is with the wheels up. In any case, it is necessary to hang the bicycle for the winter under a canopy or balcony slab so that autumn rains, snow and drops do not spoil the mechanism.

If the bicycle is used until late autumn (fishing, a trip to the forest to pick mushrooms), news of a drop in temperature to minus should serve as a signal to preserve the mechanism.

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How to make your bike compact for storage

The bicycle can be disassembled into large parts - for example, remove the handlebars and wheels. If lengthy disassembly of a bicycle is not at all for you, then you can limit yourself to only a few elements:

Option to store your bike on the balcony using

  • remove the fender and front wheel;
  • remove the saddle, seatpost;
  • turn the steering wheel 90°;
  • remove the pedals from the connecting rods, and then install them so that they face inward.
  • As a result of disassembly, you will get a very compact structure that can be stored in a special case or on hangers. Using wooden or metal hangers fastened with standard self-tapping screws will help you significantly save living space even on a balcony or loggia. Such designs are cheap and compact, easy to attach and will protect your bike from excess moisture settling on the floor. By the way, it is better to use wooden hangers - this way you can be sure that the metal will not scratch the frame or cause rust.

    Using an open balcony to store a bicycle is far from the best option. But a glazed and insulated loggia is perfect for this - there will be no high humidity or temperature changes in this room.

    Read our article: “How to insulate a loggia yourself.” From it you will learn about possible insulation options.

    We also recommend you an instructional article that describes the step-by-step process of insulating a loggia with penoplex. Insulation technology inside.

    Of course, it is optimal to store a bicycle in an apartment in winter - if you can disassemble it, make it compact, and put it in a case, then it will easily fit on a closet, under a bed, and so on. The already mentioned hangers can also be used in an apartment - moreover, a bicycle mounted on the wall can become a full-fledged element of interior design in an industrial or loft style.

    An interesting option for storing a bicycle in an apartment

    For a balcony, all these obvious rules also apply - if you don’t insulate the balcony for the sake of a bicycle, then still take care of your two-wheeled friend. Fortunately, preparations for storing a bicycle for the winter are not at all expensive - any self-respecting cyclist has a set of tools, and rags for covering can also be found at home. You will only need to purchase high-quality lubricant, glycerin for rubber and silicone spray to protect the paint. By the way, it is best to bring the wheels from a disassembled bicycle into the apartment - after all, you will wash them first. It is worth lubricating them with glycerin in this case as well - otherwise the tire material may dry out.

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