Proto-head drops for infants

Shelf life of Protargol

Protargol is not available in finished form; it is prepared to order at the pharmacy. The drug prepared in the pharmacy can be stored for 30 days before opening, and only 14 days after the first opening of the bottle of medicine. After the expiration date, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited. If there are several days left before the indicated expiration date, then you can still use it, but immediately after that you need to take a new package.

Over time, oxidative reactions occur in the medicinal solution, the active substance is destroyed, its toxicity increases, and a precipitate may form. This results in a significant reduction in efficiency. Therefore, taking expired or unusable medicine is very risky.

How do you know if the medicine can be used?

  1. The expiration date must be checked first. It is indicated on the label. If the bottle has already been opened, it should have the date of opening on it.
  2. Then you need to assess the condition and integrity of the packaging. The bottle is dark glass or transparent, but wrapped in special thick paper. The glass bottle should not have chips or cracks. The label clearly and legibly states the name, concentration, volume of the medicine, its production and expiration dates, and the name of the manufacturer.
  3. Next, you need to check whether the medicinal solution meets the characteristics specified in the instructions. The color of protargol is uniform from dark brown to brown-red. May have slight sediment on the bottom.

The use of an expired or otherwise unsuitable Protargol solution can have serious consequences. The most dangerous are toxic burns, dermatitis and allergic reactions, up to anaphylactic shock with loss of consciousness. Toxic damage to the mucous membrane often leads to severe atrophy and damage to the capillary system in the area of ​​application. This is fraught with bleeding.

Therefore, under no circumstances should you use expired Protargol.

The question arises, why does Protargol have such a short shelf life? The active substance of Protargol is a protein compound of silver. Its molecules are very unstable and quickly undergo oxidation, especially in light. If you keep the bottle warm and in the light for more than an hour, the silver ions will lose stability and precipitate. Therefore, the opened ready-made solution can only be stored for 2 weeks and under appropriate conditions.

How to properly store at home

At home, you should store the finished drug only in the refrigerator, in a closed container, preferably made of material that does not allow light to pass through.

  • The bottle must be tightly closed during storage;
  • After opening, you must write the date of opening on the label so that you can count the shelf life;
  • The storage temperature of the medicine should be in the range of +4 ... +8 o C.

The medicine can only be kept outside the refrigerator for a few minutes while the medicine is instilled. Then you immediately need to put it back. If all conditions are met, the bottle can only be opened for 2 weeks.

Conditions for storing the drug in pharmacies and clinics

The shelf life of medicine prepared in a pharmacy is 30 days.

Accordingly, it is not prepared in advance, but only at the request of the buyer. There is no need to store it in large quantities. Storing the finished solution until it is purchased is only permissible in the refrigerator at a temperature of +4 ... +8 o C, in a common room. It is acceptable to store Protargol next to other medications. The refrigerator must have two thermometers - on the top and bottom shelves - to monitor the storage temperature. The room must have a working hood and a hygrometer to control humidity. The medicine is transported without any special features.

In clinics, drugs with such a short shelf life are usually not used or stored.

Instructions for use

If the reason for using Protargol is one of the otorhinolaryngological diseases (runny nose, pharyngitis, sinusitis, etc.), the drug is dripped into each nasal passage twice a day. The single dosage should be checked with the doctor, as well as the percentage of the solution used, since in childhood they often use not a 2% medicine, but a 1% solution, dripping it in an amount of 1 to 5 drops.

When using it on the nose, it is worth considering the following nuances.

  • Before using Protargol, it is recommended to rinse the nose with saline solution (ordinary saline solution or any preparation based on sea water is suitable for this procedure), and then clean the passages with cotton wool or an aspirator.
  • Having laid the child on his back and shaken the bottle with the solution, it is drawn up with a pipette and injected into each nostril in the amount prescribed by the doctor.
  • If nasal treatment is prescribed for an infant, Protargol can not be dripped into the nose, but applied to the mucous membrane using cotton wool soaked in the medicine.
  • It is most convenient to instill the medicine into the nose in the morning after sleep, when other hygiene procedures are being carried out, and a second time in the evening, when the baby is getting ready for bed.

If “Protargol” is prescribed for an eye disease, then a 2% solution is most often used. Depending on the pathology, the doctor prescribes 2-3 drops of the drug into each eye, and the frequency of use can be from 2 to 4 times during the day. For otitis media, the medicine should be dripped into the ear three times a day, 2-5 drops.

For urological infections, two percent Protargol is used. The bladder or urethra is washed with the product, that is, such treatment is carried out only in a medical institution.

The duration of treatment with Protargol is determined individually, because it is influenced by both the diagnosis and the reaction of the child’s body. Although there is no addiction to the drug, it is not used for a very long time so as not to provoke the accumulation of silver in the tissues.

In modern medicine, the use of proto-head drops has an extremely limited scope of indications. First of all, the bacterial etiology of the inflammatory process must be determined. In case of viral diseases, the use is useless and harmful, since the outflow of mucous secretion filled with waste products of viral microflora is hampered. The instructions for proto-head drops recommend their use for the following indications:

  • acute and chronic rhinitis of bacterial nature;
  • all types of prolonged sinusitis;
  • chronic and acute purulent sinusitis;
  • complications after a cold;
  • prolonged rhinorrhea exceeding 7 days.

Before use, it is necessary to clarify the dosage and concentration of the solution. The table below shows approximate data that should be checked with your doctor before treatment.

AgeSolution concentrationDirections for use and dosage
Newborn babies up to one year old1%In the nose, 1 drop 2 times a day, to prevent blenorrhea, 1 drop in each eye 1 time a day
Children aged 1 to 3 years2%1 drop in the nose 3 times a day
Children aged 3 to 7 years3%1 drop in the nose 3 times a day
Children aged 12 years and adults5%2 drops in the nose 3 times a day

For adenoids and nasal polyps, the drug is used in the postoperative period to prevent contamination with bacterial microflora. To alleviate the condition of polyps and adenoids, the use of proto-head drops is not advisable, since they do not have a reverse regenerating effect. Although the swelling can be temporarily removed.

Where and how to store Protargol after opening

To understand how to store Protargol after the first opening, you need to understand the basic properties of the product. The active ingredient is silver proteinate, which, if stored improperly, loses its medicinal properties. In general, it is recommended to prepare a working solution for the treatment of otolaryngological and dermatological diseases immediately before use. To prepare the drug, conditions are needed, so the solution is sold to the population through pharmacy chains in finished form. Violation of the rules for storing Protargol after opening is the main reason for the decrease in the effectiveness of treatment.

How to properly store Protargol?

At the pharmacy, Protargol is sold in dark bottles that are tightly sealed in containers. If you do not use a full bottle immediately, you will have to store the product for some time. Many people wonder how to store Protargol after opening? To do this, certain conditions must be met:

  1. It is worth choosing a cold and dark place to store the drug. It is recommended to store Protargol in the refrigerator on the side or on the bottom shelf. The bottle can be stored for no more than 4 weeks.
  2. How to prepare the drug at home? It is worth taking a container and a glass spoon to mix the powder. It is not advisable to keep the product in a container made of iron or plastic. It is recommended to dilute “Protargol” in a glass bowl in boiled water. The product should be poured into dark bottles with tight caps. Protargol can be used only after the contents of the bottle are well mixed.
  3. It is recommended to leave the powder in a closet where the rays of the sun cannot penetrate. If liquid accidentally gets on Protargol, it will be wet and unsuitable for subsequent use. You can safely get rid of the powder.

Rules for storing medicine

The rules for storing the drug Protargol in dry form require compliance with the following conditions:

  • optimal humidity;
  • factory packaging;
  • temperature no more than 15 degrees;
  • protection from sun rays.

If the powder has lost its consistency, that is, there are lumps in it, it is disposed of. It is prohibited to use low-quality raw materials to prepare the working solution.

Conditions for storing the drug in pharmacies and clinics

Pharmacy laboratories prepare Protargol, which has a limited shelf life. Depending on the content of the active substance, the composition can be used within 10-30 days from the moment of preparation. After this period, despite the violation of the tightness or its integrity, the composition is disposed of.

In clinics and pharmacies, premises intended for the preservation of raw materials must meet the following requirements:

  • there is a thermometer;
  • the room is equipped with a fume hood;
  • There is a sink with running water.

There are no requirements for the storage cabinet. The container must close tightly. To save raw materials, you can use household refrigerators.

Attention! It is prohibited to store fine Protargol powder together with food, vaccines and unsealed medications.

Transportation of the drug to its destination over short distances can be carried out without refrigeration in ordinary containers, in the original packaging.

Shelf life of the drug

After production, the product "Protargol" has a certain shelf life. It lasts only a few weeks, no more than one month, so it is worth considering all the recommendations on how to store Protargol. The expiration date instructions state that the beneficial effects of the drug have ended. There will be no result from using it to treat inflammation and other various diseases.

“Protargol” should be stored correctly to prevent oxidation of silver. Before using the product, you should check the expiration dates to avoid side effects.

General recommendations for the use of "Protargol":

  • It is worth clearing your nose before dripping the drug inside;
  • after administering the product, you should refrain from blowing your nose;
  • it is necessary to check the expiration dates of the drug, since after its expiration it loses its properties and becomes harmful;
  • for viral diseases the drug is not effective;
  • All storage conditions must be observed.

The duration of the course should not exceed 10 days. During this period, you can completely recover from inflammation in the nasopharynx.

Protargol (silver solution) is an effective anti-inflammatory agent. The peculiarity of this drug is that you cannot buy it in a pharmacy. It comes in powder form, which is then diluted with purified water. It sounds simple, but it is impossible to do it correctly at home.

Therefore, Protargol is first ordered from a pharmacy where there is a production department. The pharmacist then makes the solution and informs the customer about it. It makes no sense to store already diluted solutions in warehouses; they are effective only for the first 2 weeks. This is explained by the fact that silver ions tend to bind and quickly lose their properties. Therefore, you need to know how to store Protargol correctly.

The drug works as follows. When it gets on the damaged mucous membrane, it forms a special film, and also promotes vasoconstriction and prevents the proliferation of microbes, fungi and bacteria. Its effect on viruses is limited.

This drug has been known for a very long time. It is loved for its effectiveness and affordable price. Protargol is widely used for various purulent inflammations to this day, although a huge number of more modern antiseptic drugs have appeared.

Indications are inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes:

  • Otitis. Protargol is used for various types of otitis to relieve the inflammatory process from the tissues of the ear. Most often, this disease is treated with antibiotics, and Protargol is an auxiliary measure. It is also used for purulent otitis media. It does not allow the infection to penetrate further into the ear canal.
  • Conjunctivitis. With this disease, the eyes suffer, they water, fester, there is a feeling of sand in the eyes, pain, and increased sensitivity to light. Moreover, most often both eyes are affected at once. A doctor may prescribe Protargol for instillation into the eyes to kill the pathogenic environment, stop inflammation, and wash the eyes of pus.
  • Sinusitis. With sinusitis, discharge of pus from the nose is quite common. Protargol, when instilled into the nose, destroys fungus and bacteria. However, it does not have any vasoconstrictor properties, so you cannot expect an immediate effect.
  • Cystitis. With cystitis, the mucous membrane of the bladder and urethra becomes inflamed. In this case, the patient experiences severe pain, the process of urination is disrupted. In this disease, Protargol is used to wash the urinary canal and relieve inflammation.

How to properly store Protargol

As mentioned above, it is impossible to dilute Protargol at home and it is not stored for long, up to a month, if all the rules are followed. Buying powder and storing it at home is also pointless unless you are an experienced pharmacist. The entire procedure requires precise weighing and concentrations.

It is also not recommended to order the drug without a doctor's prescription, since to produce it you need to know the concentration. Most likely they won’t sell it to you without a prescription. It is done quite quickly and is inexpensive. You can pick up the finished solution within half an hour after ordering.

It’s not for nothing that Protargol is not produced in finished form. The solution is unstable and must be made correctly and then stored correctly. Only in this case can you count on a positive effect.

So, let's look at a few rules for storing Protargol at home:

  • Store the drug only in a cool place away from strong light. It’s not for nothing that pharmacies sell it in bottles made of dark thick glass. You can’t leave it on the windowsill so you don’t forget to put it in at night. It must be tightly closed and put in a dark place. Best in the refrigerator.
  • If you do have some experience and make the drug at home yourself, use only sterile glass containers and boiled or distilled water. The stirring spoon should also be made of glass. The prepared solution can only be poured into dark bottles and stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
  • Dry powder should also be stored in a dark and cool place, protected from moisture. If the powder gets wet, it needs to be thrown away. It is no longer possible to prepare a drug from it.
  • If you left the drug for a long time in a warm place or in the light, it will also have to be thrown away. The silver simply precipitates and then dissolves. Such treatment will not give any positive effect.

Pharmacists will tell you the shelf life. Typically, Protargol is recommended to be stored for 10 to 30 days. After the expiration date, do not use the drug under any circumstances. If the course of treatment needs to be continued, order a fresh solution from the pharmacy.

Remember to close the solution bottle tightly after use and shake before use.

Possible side effects of using the drug

Protargol is not a harmless remedy, like, for example, Aqua Maris for the nose. Silver can cause a severe allergic reaction, which will manifest itself in the form of skin itching, redness, swelling, burning, and rash. Oddly enough, the drug is much safer for newborns and infants than for adults. And with a single drop into the eyes immediately after birth, the side effects are completely reduced to zero.

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If the dosage is violated, dry mouth, dizziness, and headaches may occur.

People who are initially prone to allergies and have many allergic reactions should avoid using silver preparations. Protargol is also prohibited for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

More concentrated solutions are excluded. In this case, the entire course of treatment should be supervised by a pediatrician. It is worth remembering that the drug is toxic. It is intended for external use only. For this reason, it should be kept out of the reach of children.

More information about Protargol can be found in the video.

Silver itself is a heavy metal that carries a certain danger. Even when used externally, silver tends to accumulate in tissues and is very difficult to remove.

If the drug gets inside, silver begins to quickly spread throughout the body, settling in the organs, causing a specific disease such as argyrosis. This rather rare disease is accompanied by an irreversible change in the color of the skin. A person literally becomes metal or silver.

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Pharmacy laboratories prepare Protargol, which has a limited shelf life. Depending on the content of the active substance, the composition can be used within 10-30 days from the moment of preparation. After this period, despite the violation of the tightness or its integrity, the composition is disposed of.

In clinics and pharmacies, premises intended for the preservation of raw materials must meet the following requirements:

  • there is a thermometer;
  • the room is equipped with a fume hood;
  • There is a sink with running water.

There are no requirements for the storage cabinet. The container must close tightly. To save raw materials, you can use household refrigerators.

Transportation of the drug to its destination over short distances can be carried out without refrigeration in ordinary containers, in the original packaging.

Pharmacists will tell the buyer the exact shelf life of the medicine. Most often, the finished product can be used within 30 days, but high-concentration mixtures may have shorter sales times.

Sialor, which can be purchased at a pharmacy in the form of a kit intended for preparing a solution, is stored in its original packaging for 2 years. The shelf life of the finished composition is no more than 30 days. Use after the expiration date is prohibited.

Round, flat-cylindrical tablets from dark brown to black in color with uneven surface color, with a chamfer, a metallic sheen is allowed.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antiseptic.

ATX code: R01AX10

Symptomatic treatment of acute nasopharyngitis, sinusitis; acute rhinitis (runny nose).

Hypersensitivity to the drug, pregnancy, lactation, atrophic rhinitis, children under 3 years of age.

2 years.

Do not use after expiration date.

JSC "Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company Obnovlenye"

633623, Novosibirsk region, r.p. Suzun, st. Komissara Zyatkova, 18


How to store Protargol after opening?

It is impossible to prepare a working solution of Protargol at home, because the procedure requires weighing on an analytical balance and precise concentrations. For home preparation, an analogue drug called Sialor is available. Preparation follows the instructions, but the drug also has a limited shelf life.

After opening, the bottle of liquid must be placed in the refrigerator. The medicinal qualities of the composition may be lost with prolonged contact with sunlight and under the influence of temperature.

From the pharmacy chain, Protargol is sold in finished form in sterile dark glass bottles. It is prohibited to pour the composition into another container. In order to take the volume required for use from the prepared solution, it is convenient to use a pipette or a disposable syringe.

Drug concentrations for adults and children

Protargol is an outdated medicine, but despite this, it is rightfully considered the most powerful antiseptic among its analogues.
"Protargol" is a synthetic product based on silver protein. It is considered an excellent antiseptic with astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. Protargol contains protein components that contain silver ions and suppress bacterial and viral activity. The drug is mainly prescribed for inflammation of the ureters, conjunctivitis and blennorrhea. It is also taken for diseases such as rhinitis, pharyngitis, and cystitis.

The drug is prepared in powder form or as a ready-made solution. "Protargol" is used internally, externally and locally. The product contains silver, which tends to remain on the walls of the bottle. So, how to store “Protargol”? It should be stored very carefully, taking into account all recommendations in order to avoid damage to the drug.

It is best to ask your doctor for a regimen of use.

How to store "Protargol" 2 percent? During the preparation process, after adding liquid to the powder, the release of the active component begins, which can have a healing effect in inflamed areas. The amount of silver in the solution may vary. Basically it's about 2%. This solution is used as nasal drops for inflammation of the nasopharynx.

The effectiveness of the drug is sometimes proven by its appropriate use, in contrast to antibiotics, since the latter have the ability to eliminate not every microorganism.

The effect of Protargol is associated with vasoconstriction, which reduces inflammatory processes. When treated with the drug, dysbacteriosis does not occur.

The protargol solution is so unstable in its finished form that it is usually made to order. Treatment should begin immediately after purchasing the product. It turns out that when purchasing Sialor, the patient receives an already opened bottle. To maximize the therapeutic properties from the composition and prevent side effects, you must adhere to the following rules for storing the drug:

  1. The product must be kept in the refrigerator. Even if you have to use it regularly and there is a risk of forgetting about the procedure, you should not try to keep the composition in sight; it is better to come up with another reminder option.
  2. Even if the drug is constantly kept in the refrigerator, its shelf life will not exceed 10-30 days. The pharmacist will tell you exactly how long you can use the composition. This depends on the concentration of the solution and some physical factors.
  3. It is better to throw away a bottle that has been exposed to light or in a warm place for a long time, even if only a few days have passed since it was opened.
  4. You will also have to throw away the product that contains silver deposits. Even after shaking and dissolving the substance, such a substance will not give the desired effect.

To understand how to store Protargol after the first opening, you need to understand the basic properties of the product. The active ingredient is silver proteinate, which, if stored improperly, loses its medicinal properties. In general, it is recommended to prepare a working solution for the treatment of otolaryngological and dermatological diseases immediately before use.

The rules for storing the drug Protargol in dry form require compliance with the following conditions:

  • optimal humidity;
  • factory packaging;
  • temperature no more than 15 degrees;
  • protection from sun rays.

If the powder has lost its consistency, that is, there are lumps in it, it is disposed of. It is prohibited to use low-quality raw materials to prepare the working solution.

It is impossible to prepare a working solution of Protargol at home, because the procedure requires weighing on an analytical balance and precise concentrations. For home preparation, an analogue drug called Sialor is available. Preparation follows the instructions, but the drug also has a limited shelf life.

After opening, the bottle of liquid must be placed in the refrigerator. The medicinal qualities of the composition may be lost with prolonged contact with sunlight and under the influence of temperature.

From the pharmacy chain, Protargol is sold in finished form in sterile dark glass bottles. It is prohibited to pour the composition into another container. In order to take the volume required for use from the prepared solution, it is convenient to use a pipette or a disposable syringe.


Protargol is a local anti-inflammatory drug of brown color with a bitter taste, without a pronounced odor. It has an anti-putrefactive and disinfecting effect. It contains silver proteins, which destroy the DNA of pathogenic bacteria.

Its effect depends on the concentration of white metal ions. A high percentage contributes to the complete destruction of pathogenic microbes, while a small percentage only inhibits reproduction and development. But it should be remembered that a high concentration can affect not only bad microbes, but also healthy cells, prematurely destroying them and causing damage to the entire body.

The effect of the drug is as follows: after application to the mucous membrane damaged by microbes, Protargol forms an enveloping film that constricts blood vessels and prevents the metabolism of fungi, bacteria, and pathogenic microorganisms. It is worth noting that the drug may not be fully effective against viruses.

The solution must be shaken before use and tightly closed with a lid after use.

Protargol is a broad-spectrum medicine that is often prescribed by doctors in the field of ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology and urology.

Keep refrigerated!

  • Choose a cool and dark storage location. This could be a side shelf of the refrigerator, a box in the bathroom, etc.
  • When opening, it is recommended to mark the date on the label, since the product cannot be stored for more than a month.
  • When storing undiluted powder, avoid getting moisture into it, as the product will become unsuitable for use.
  • Remove the solution from daylight each time, without leaving it for processing until the next time.
  • If the drug was left overnight, it should be thrown away and a new one should be purchased (prepared).

The positive effect of the solution is possible only with proper preparation and concentration, so it is recommended to avoid purchasing powder for home preparation.

Only a pharmacist with special equipment is able to make the correct solution in compliance with all hygiene rules (glass containers, spoons for mixing and storage, distilled or boiled water, etc.).

If Protargol is not stored correctly, its shelf life may expire before 30 days. This can be determined by the appearance of the solution: it loses its homogeneity, and a silvery sheen is clearly visible on the walls of the dark container.

Mandatory storage conditions are: darkness and coolness. After each use, it is recommended to immediately put the drug in the refrigerator, avoiding involuntary cases of forgetting on the table until the next dose.

Indications for use are diseases of the mucous membranes of the throat, ear, eyes, nose.

  1. Otitis, including purulent.
    A medicine based on silver ions is used as an additional therapy for the treatment of ear tissue. Its action is aimed at preventing infection from entering the ear canal. Conjunctivitis
  2. Conjunctivitis. This is an eye disease, expressed in a purulent process of the mucous membrane and accompanied by an unpleasant pain and increased sensitivity to light. Protargol is prescribed as an antiseptic that can destroy the pathogenic environment and remove purulent discharge.
  3. Sinusitis. With inflammation of the maxillary paranasal sinus, purulent discharge is also observed, which can be eliminated with the help of silver ions. According to the instructions, Protargol must be used regularly, but in dosage. Only in this case the drug destroys fungus and bacteria without causing harm to health.
  4. Cystitis. For inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder and urethra, Protargol is used to wash the urinary canal. It effectively relieves inflammation by destroying the DNA of the infection.
  5. Colds. The solution is used when a large amount of mucus is secreted and is instilled into the nasal sinuses. In case of a severe runny nose, drop up to 4 drops into each nasal passage twice a day (in the morning, in the evening before bed). Protargol for children is produced in a 2% ratio, and for adults up to 8%, so it is important to buy the drug according to the age criterion so as not to cause harm to the body in the form of complications.

The dosage of the medicine for adults and children may not differ, but the percentage of the active substance (silver) is mandatory.

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers are at risk of an unexpected reaction from the body when using Protargol, since the solution contains components that increase the sensitivity of the mucous membrane.

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The use of the drug is recommended under the supervision of a specialist if children and adults are prone to allergic reactions. Families with an unfavorable medical history (frequent illnesses in close relatives) receive restrictions on use.

How to properly store at home

Protargol is sold only in finished form and requires compliance with certain storage conditions to ensure pharmacological effectiveness. The drug is unstable to environmental factors and quickly decomposes if the standards of use are not followed.

Basic rules ensuring the activity of the drug for the period described in the instructions:

  • when storing the prepared working solution, you need to pay attention to the date of manufacture indicated on the packaging; the shelf life is no more than 30 days;
  • after opening, the finished composition is stored in the refrigerator, on the bottom shelf;
  • the drug should be bottled in dark glass bottles;
  • The product must be kept in its original packaging; it is forbidden to pour it into another container.

The medicine should be put into the refrigerator immediately after use. If the product has been stored at room temperature for several hours, it must be discarded.

Making medicine

Proto-head drops for children are prepared according to instructions in special prescription departments of some pharmacies. There is no “factory” Protargol, since its production on an industrial scale is impractical. The reason is the short shelf life. It takes 1-2 hours to prepare the drops. They can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription. The medicine in a small dark glass bottle should be accompanied by an instruction leaflet, which also indicates who is responsible for making the medicine.

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The price of a 10 ml product with a mass fraction of the active substance of 2% is about 70 rubles. The drops themselves are a brown, bitter, odorless liquid. The composition is stored in the refrigerator for 20 days. After the expiration date, protargol disintegrates and loses its medicinal properties. It stains skin and clothes brown, so it requires caution when using it.

Additional factors affecting product quality

When buying a medicine, you need to pay attention to the following conditions:

  1. The prepared solution should be stored in dark, thick glass bottles. The accompanying sheet must bear the stamp of the medical institution, the date of manufacture and the signature of the laboratory technician - if these conditions are not met, you should not buy the product.
  2. The drops have a rich brown color, similar to the color of iodine, but Protargol does not contain this element. During storage, slight clouding of the composition may occur, so it must be shaken before use.
  3. If the drops have separated or noticeably changed their color, they are disposed of.

How is protargol used?

Drops have local application:

  • For rhinitis, otitis or tonsillitis, 3 drops should be instilled in the morning and evening;
  • If there is a disease in the area of ​​urology, then the affected area must be washed with the drug;
  • For inflammatory eye diseases, a 1% solution is used, which is instilled twice a day, 2 drops.

It must be remembered that self-medication is unacceptable. Any drug, including protargol, must be prescribed by a doctor. In addition, it is very important to pay attention to the expiration date of these drops. After expiration of the storage period, it is disposed of.

Why does Protargol not have a long shelf life?

If your doctor prescribed this particular drug to you, then, alas, you won’t be able to buy it at the pharmacy right away. The finished product is not always available for sale. First, you will need to order the preparation of the solution from pharmacists at a pharmacy where there is a special production department.

There, a professional will be able to make the necessary medicine by mixing fine powder and water. Patients often ask: “Why not prepare a silver solution for sale in advance?” But the whole point is that Protargol is effective after opening for only about a couple of weeks, and then the silver ions lose their properties. And to order, you will need a doctor’s prescription, which will indicate the required concentration of the drug.

Too weak may not give the desired positive effect, and too rich a composition can cause burns to the mucous membrane. Allergic reactions are also possible, which should be discussed with your doctor before using this medicine. Usually a one percent solution is prescribed for a child and a two percent solution for an adult.

Rules for storing the finished medicine

The pharmacist will tell you the most accurate expiration date after opening the drug, but most often you can keep Protargol from ten to thirty days. However, it is best to use an already opened bottle within two weeks.

So, you have already ordered this specialized medicine, and the pharmacist has prepared a suitable solution for you. Please note that he should have written the date of manufacture and concentration of the drug on the label. Now is the time to figure out how to properly store Protargol.

Rules for storing medicine:

  1. To securely store the finished solution, choose a fairly dark place where there will not be too much light. Direct sunlight negatively affects the drug, which is why it is produced in bottles made of dark and rather dense glass, and it is recommended to store it in its original packaging. Leaving the mixture, for example, on a windowsill, under direct exposure to the sun’s rays, is definitely not worth it.
  2. Store this solution in a cool place. In general, it is best to hide it in the refrigerator. Low temperatures will ensure longer preservation of its properties. It is recommended to keep Protargol out of the refrigerator for no more than an hour, and it is better to hide it there immediately after use. Exposure to high temperatures will not have the best effect on the medical properties of the drug.
  3. Protargol should be stored in a place that is reliably protected from moisture. That is, various types of cabinets or shelves near the sink or bathtub are not suitable for long-term storage. Dampness is definitely contraindicated for him.
  4. Before use, the bottle with Protargol solution must be shaken, and after use, be sure to close tightly. Make sure the cap fits securely to the bottle.
  5. Do not forget that Protargol, like a number of other medicines, must be stored in places that are inaccessible to children and animals. In case of accidental overdose of the drug, children may experience poisoning or various types of allergic reactions.

How to store the powder?

As mentioned above, it is best to order the preparation of Protargol solution from a professional pharmacist. However, if you still store at home not the solution, but the powder for its manufacture, there are also some rules here. This will extend the shelf life of the composition and will not spoil its properties in advance. First of all, be sure to choose a place for storage that is reliably protected from moisture. Then make sure that the powder is not exposed to direct sunlight or overheated by high temperatures.

If any of the above-described effects occurred, it is best to throw away such powder, because the drug made from it will most likely not have the necessary medical properties. Silver can precipitate and subsequently dissolve completely.

If all storage conditions are met and you decide to prepare the mixture yourself, then use exclusively glassware for this. Here, even the spoon for stirring the liquid should be glass. The water used to make the solution must be really clean, that is, boiled or distilled. You can also use water for injection. And after completing the entire process, the finished product must be poured into dark glass bottles and provided with a tight-fitting lid. By the way, when purchasing a ready-made solution, make sure that the pharmacist gives you the drug in just such a bottle.

How to store Protargol analogues?

Now a drug called Sialor is also sold in pharmacies. It is quite often used in pediatric practice. Sialor initially consists of products that will help you prepare a solution of Protargol, with a strictly defined concentration, at home. The kit includes everything you need to make the drops, as well as a special convenient bottle for their subsequent storage. But before you take on this matter, you will need to carefully study the instructions and guidelines for action.

This set also has an expiration date. You can make drops with it within two years. And the finished solution will only be useful for about a month. While Sialor is only a kit for making the product, it can be stored in a dry place at a temperature of up to twenty-five degrees, but the finished composition can only be kept in the refrigerator. In addition, other rules relevant for storing Protargol apply here.

Protargol: how to store, description and indications

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing mothers; if it is necessary to use the drug, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Locally, in the form of a 2% solution.

Prepare the solution immediately before use.

Store the prepared solution at room temperature. Use the solution within 30 days after preparation.

To prepare a 2% solution, 1 tablet of the drug (200 mg) is dissolved in 10 ml of solvent (water for injection).

  • children under 3 to 6 years old – 1-2 drops in each nasal passage 3 times a day;
  • adults and children over 6 years old - 2-3 drops in each nasal passage 3 times a day.

Before using the drug, it is recommended to rinse and clean the nasal passages. The duration of the course of treatment is 5-7 days.

If after 7 days of treatment there is no improvement or the symptoms worsen or new symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor.

Use the drug only according to the indications, method of administration and in the doses indicated in the instructions.

Does not affect.

It must be remembered that Protargol is used only topically. It can be dropped into the nose, ear, eye, but should not be drunk under any circumstances. Silver is not as harmless as it may seem; it settles on internal organs and can cause harm.

  • The required concentration of the drug is instilled into the ear, eye or nose, 1-2 drops 2-4 times a day.
  • When treating sinusitis I use a 2% solution. It would seem that the difference is small between 1 and 2%, but there is still a difference. A 2% solution is more effective, but also more dangerous. It is very important to follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor and not exceed it.
  • For cystitis, wash the bladder with a 2% Protargol solution. This is not a home procedure and you are unlikely to be able to do it yourself. First, you need to insert a catheter into the urinary canal and release the accumulated urine. Then, using a Janet syringe (this is not a simple syringe, but a special, wide one, for washing various cavities, it ensures the sterility of the procedure), the solution is injected until the desire to go to the toilet appears. After this, the syringe and catheter are disconnected and the liquid is released. And so on up to 10 times. This is not the most pleasant, but effective procedure. There should not be any severe pain, but if there is inflammation there may be pain. If you rinse incorrectly, there may be various complications: blood in the urine, pain, urinary fever.
  • For rhinitis, Protargol is prescribed only in the case of purulent discharge. For a viral infection, this drug will not only not help, but will also worsen the situation by destroying bacteria and thereby allowing viruses to actively multiply.

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Protargol is also prescribed to children, but not so often. Before treating rhinitis in children, the nose must be rinsed, cleared of mucus, and then the drug must be instilled into each nostril in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

The effects of silver are difficult to compare with various sprays. It is advisable to use the drug to treat children at least 5 years old. I also use Protargol for prevention, but quite rarely. For example, in maternity hospitals they may use the drug for instillation into the eyes of newborn children. This helps prevent suppuration of the eyelids, which so often appears in babies after birth.

What to do if the expiration date has passed?

If the indicated expiration date for Protargol or Sialor has expired, or you think that its storage conditions have been violated, it is better not to risk it. Due to these reasons, the drug may lose all its beneficial properties. Therefore, if in doubt, it is recommended to order a new, fresher portion of the solution from the pharmacy. The unsuitability of the drug can also be determined by eye. For example, if the composition in the bottle has become heterogeneous or a silvery coating has formed on the walls, then the drug is considered unsuitable for treatment. You should also be alert to a change in the color or smell of the medicine, or a violation of the integrity of its factory packaging. For such manifestations, its use is also not recommended.

Carefully read the instructions for the drug and follow its storage conditions! After all, your health, and perhaps the health of your children, also depends on this!

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