How to properly instill eye drops

  • Systane is a line of ophthalmic drugs produced by the pharmaceutical company Alcon.
  • Systane Ultra - drops that relieve eye fatigue. These drops help relieve burning, redness of the eyes and provide protection to the ocular surface. Available in 3ml and 15ml bottles.
  • Systane Balance is a drop product that restores the tear film layer, moisturizes and eliminates dryness. Available in 10ml bottles.
  • Systane Gel - drops that eliminate dry eye syndrome. Available in 10ml bottles.
  • Systane Eyelid Wipes are a non-irritating product for removing makeup and cleansing eyelids. Available in packs of 30 pieces.

REFERENCE : these products are available in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

Expiration dates

  • The drops have a shelf life of 2 years. The date of manufacture is indicated on the packaging.
  • Systane Ultra and Systane Balance should be used within 6 months after opening the bottle.
  • Systane Gel must be stored after first opening for 3 months.

Napkins also have their own shelf life, which is indicated on the packaging. But, after opening each individual package and after use, the napkin cannot be reused.

The drugs can be used 5-10 days before the last day of expiration.

Use eye drops 2-3 months after opening the bottle

You are using? The child has conjunctivitis; at home there are Phloxal and Tobradex, which were opened a couple of months ago. I really wanted to take it at night, otherwise I’ll go to the garden in the morning and by the time I buy a new medicine, I’ll miss the whole day.

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Am I playing it safe? Or not to risk it? Why can't it be used 4-6 weeks after opening the bottle?

You are using? The child has conjunctivitis; at home there are Phloxal and Tobradex, which were opened a couple of months ago. I really wanted to take it at night, otherwise I’ll go to the garden in the morning and by the time I buy a new medicine, I’ll miss the whole day.

Storage conditions

HELP : There is no need to keep ophthalmic products in the refrigerator; they can be stored at room temperature throughout their shelf life. Especially should not be left in the freezer, this will reduce the shelf life.

To understand whether the product is suitable for use, you need to check the date of manufacture. It is indicated on the packaging. If there are doubts about this, the drops are checked for viscosity. Over time, the eye drops become thick, and the wipes do not form the desired foam when kneading the package. In this case, you should not use them.

REMEMBER : Do not use the drug if it has expired! This may cause unwanted effects such as irritation, burning and tearing.

How long can eye drops be stored after opening?

For dry and irritated eyes, after injuries and infectious diseases, ophthalmologists often recommend using drops. They significantly increase comfort when wearing contact lenses and help avoid dehydration (decreased moisture levels). To ensure that the drops only bring benefits, it is worth remembering their shelf life.

Before using eye drops, be sure to consult your doctor and follow his recommendations. Different compositions have different spectrum of action: vasoconstrictor, moisturizing, antiallergic, pupil dilating, antibacterial, etc. Self-prescription will most likely be erroneous and will not benefit the eyes.

Be sure to read about the shelf life of the medicine. When opening the bottle, it is advisable to write the date on the packaging. The shelf life of open eye drops can range from a day to a month. This information is always indicated on the packaging and in the instructions. This point must be clarified in advance so as not to accidentally instill expired composition.

Remember that after you open the package, the medicine comes into contact with air. Gradually, oxidation and decomposition of the components contained in it occurs. As a result of this contact, increased growth of bacteria and microorganisms begins in the droplets, which can lead to inflammation and irritation for the eyes. Manufacturers predict all these phenomena in advance and indicate the optimal period during which the drops can be stored after opening the bottle cap.

Important! If you notice an incomprehensible sediment in the form of flakes in the medicinal solution, even with a normal shelf life, you should not use it. It's better to throw it away and buy a new one.

It is important to store eye drops in a cool, dark place. A refrigerator is suitable for this. Also don't forget about hygiene. Before using eye drops, you should wash your hands with soap. After this mandatory procedure, take a bottle of drops and lower your lower eyelid with your free hand. Be sure to drop it into the inner corner of your eye and blink. Only then blot with cotton wool or a special swab, starting from the outer corner to the inner.

Remember that after you open the package, the medicine comes into contact with air. Gradually, oxidation and decomposition of the components contained in it occurs. As a result of this contact, increased growth of bacteria and microorganisms begins in the droplets, which can lead to inflammation and irritation for the eyes. Manufacturers predict all these phenomena in advance and indicate the optimal period during which the drops can be stored after opening the bottle cap.

Ear and eye drops are a very common form of medication with a high level of effectiveness. Despite the fact that they are produced in small bottles and are not designed for long-term storage and use, many people neglect the recommendations specified in the instructions for use.

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Storage conditions in pharmacies and clinics

As at home, in pharmacies and medical institutions, Systane ophthalmic products are stored at room temperature.

Disposal: The basis for disposal will be the expiration of the shelf life. The products are not classified as hazardous, so the disposal process will be as follows:

  • liquid drops destroy dilution with water in a certain ratio, after which it is washed off into the sewer.
  • napkins are destroyed by burning.

No refrigeration is required to store eye drops and wipes. Therefore, at home they are stored in a place inaccessible to children; in pharmacies these products are stored in professional racks.

REFERENCE : For transportation, an important temperature condition must be observed, no more than +25 degrees. If, during delivery from the manufacturer to pharmacies, the regulations are violated or the packaging is damaged, then such drugs are not sold, but are returned back to the supplier.

Systane Ultra, Balance, Gel drops provide relief from dry eyes, burning and irritation. And eyelid wipes carefully cleanse your eyes of dirt and makeup. Be sure to read the instructions before use.

How to store

Home conditions can be called quite suitable for storing the medicine. Dark and dry places where the temperature does not rise above +25 degrees Celsius are optimal. Rooms with high air humidity and high temperatures are the worst option for storing drops.

It is best to place the bottle with drops in a package and in a general home medicine cabinet, where children cannot reach and sunlight or artificial light does not reach it.

You can store the drops in the refrigerator, preferably on the top shelf in the door, but without removing them from the cardboard packaging. It is strictly prohibited to place the drug in the freezer.

Among the conditions that should in no case be allowed, the main place is occupied by the sun's rays, as they contribute to the rapid disintegration of medicinal compounds.

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How long do eye drops last after opening?

Most “artificial tears,” that is, eye drops, can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.
Eye drops consist of water and polymers (substances that retain water on the surface of the eye). The quality of the drops depends on them. An important component of these drugs is hyaluronic acid, because it is a natural component of the eye structures.

Doctors do not recommend using saline solution - it is a cheap remedy, but not very effective. Physiological salt does not provide a long-term moisturizing effect.

Most eye moisturizers come in the form of drops, but there are also products in gel form. They remain on the surface of the eye for a long time, which increases their elasticity.

People who drive or perform other responsible activities should be aware that these drugs may cause visual impairment for a period of time after they come into contact with the eyes.

Drugs are available on the market in special reusable mini-packages. However, they are not protected from contamination, so they should be thrown away immediately after opening, even if they have not been used completely.

If you use drops in a larger package, you must strictly adhere to the expiration date of this drug indicated in the package insert or marked on the package. Do not use drops after the expiration date as they may change their properties. Sometimes pathogenic organisms develop in them.

Contact lens wearers should pay special attention to ensure that the eye drops they use do not contain any preservatives. Such drugs can damage lenses. Eye drops that are sold in individual doses can be used with contact lenses.

Eye drops and ointments are one of the main drugs prescribed by ophthalmologists for the treatment and prevention of various eye diseases. Eye drops and ointments are administered topically, usually into the patient's conjunctival sac. In some cases, eye ointments are prescribed to be applied to the skin of the eyelids or to the affected surface.

Emoxipin eye drops are a potent medicine. It is not recommended to use it without consulting an ophthalmologist. Carefully study its characteristics before starting treatment. The expiration date of Emoxipin is indicated on the packaging. It must be used within two years after manufacture. Open containers cannot be stored for longer than 1 month. It does not matter where to store the drug - in the refrigerator or in a medicine cabinet in the closet. Low temperatures do not allow extending the shelf life of Emoxipin.

I am an accountant, and at work I sit at the computer all the time, so the strain on my eyes is simply colossal. Before the New Year, in the midst of the “accounting season,” my eyes could not stand it and began to simply hurt unbearably. At home after a day of work, I climbed the wall: I wanted to take my eyes out, pour cold water on them, massage them and put them back in. But there was no way to do this, so I went to the ophthalmologist. The doctor prescribed me eye treatments and Irifrin drops.

Any medicine must be taken and used correctly, because if taken incorrectly there will be no therapeutic effect and complications may arise. Eye drops are no exception; therefore, you should know how to properly instill drops into the eyes so that they stay on the mucous membrane. Also, if you instill it incorrectly, you may encounter side effects.

Reply GuestJuly 19 Because only sterile solutions can be dripped into the eyes. And no matter how hard you try to maintain sterility when using the drops, they will still be contaminated with bacteria. And there are also solutions that, when opened, begin to decompose into ingredients, and therefore their shelf life is limited. This happens with the drops you mentioned, and this happens with solutions of antibiotics in drops.

Girls, does anyone use eye drops? Which ones? There are no problems with vision (ttt), but sometimes I sit at the computer and my eyes become dry, sore and red. I took “Ophtolik” and “Natural Tear” drops. But they have a shelf life of a month after opening. But I need drops 1-2 times a month. It’s a pity to give 200 rubles for 2 times of use. Maybe you know any drops that have a longer shelf life? Thank you in advance

Oftan Katahrom is usually prescribed in the early stages of the development of this pathology and its systematic use can slow down the process of lens opacification. The drops are packaged in special plastic bottles of 10 ml. The solution in them has a red color and a uniform transparent consistency.

Why can’t it be used 4-6 weeks after opening the bottle? As stated above, the drops are already non-sterile, plus some components have managed to break down during this time, so it’s not clear. To Vet. doctor urgently. Possibly conjunctivitis - it cannot be neglected; it leads to blindness.

I found some interesting articles on the Internet on this topic so as not to lose them, I’ll copy them here. Especially when there is a child in the house, this question is of keen interest. Glory to the Almighty, we don’t get sick often, but it happens. And since last time, i.e. more than 6 months ago, there was a rather small arsenal of drugs left. I gave it to the baby for one day - zero results, and then I started looking for the truth from Uncle Google.

(And I gutted the first aid kit, threw out everything that raised doubts. I took the doctor’s prescription and bought everything new, it was a lot of money, I’ll be smarter in the future - I started writing down the date of opening on the package.)

If it is useful to anyone, I will be glad, and maybe someone will add their information.

The text was written by a lady engaged in the industrial production of medicines, so...

So, point one is the expiration date.

The date that appears on your medicine packaging applies exclusively to unopened medicines or to tablets packaged in blisters (plates with individually sealed tablets). I'll tell you a secret - in the vast majority of cases

to this period (if we are talking about tablets) you can safely add
a year or two,
and for aspirin even a quarter of a century.
But there are some drugs that really become unusable very quickly after the specified date
, yes, then yes.

But what if the medicine has already been printed and started to be used?

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