How to properly store coffee

How to properly store coffee at home

The assessment of coffee quality is determined by the results of organoleptic analysis in terms of appearance, color, aroma and taste. The ground and soluble product is obtained through special processing of natural grains.

The maximum amount of oils in grains can preserve the nutritional content for a long time.

Instant coffee prepares faster than ground coffee. However, in terms of aroma and taste, the ground freshly brewed drink is more rich and pleasant.

Coffee is adversely affected by 4 main factors that negatively affect its quality:

  1. Light.

Constant direct light and sunlight, being a catalyst for unwanted chemical processes, lead to the loss of aroma and taste of coffee;

  1. Air.

The quickly volatile oils contained in the grains are destroyed upon contact with air due to oxidation;

  1. Temperature.

High temperatures evaporate the oil contained in coffee and destroy the caffeine;

  1. Humidity.

The hygroscopic properties of the product are capable of absorbing moisture from the air with further loss of taste and aroma.

General rules for storing coffee at home are to comply with the following requirements:

  • darkened closed location;
  • maintaining 50-60% humidity;
  • do not exceed the ambient temperature above 23°C;
  • contents in special bags, packaging, containers with an airtight tight-fitting lid.

During long-term storage, coffee may lose its taste and aroma. It is most reasonable to buy a small amount of the product that you can drink in 1-2 weeks.

How to store coffee beans correctly

How to store coffee beans correctly , without loss of aromatic and taste qualities Coffee beans are considered the most natural. Today, many people strive to purchase green beans in order to fry and cook them themselves. Not everyone will be able to roast them correctly, much less preserve them, since there are certain technologies for storing coffee , the observance of which is important. It is important to remember one truth that will allow you to preserve roasted ground beans and this truth says that the real enemy of coffee is air. After the beans have been roasted, they must be placed in an airtight container. The reasons for such careful treatment of raw materials for preparing an aromatic drink are quite justified:

— coffee oil evaporates, as a result of which the drink loses its flavor richness and you don’t even have to think about the unique shade of aroma; - grains absorb moisture from the air, which can even cause the beans to spoil; - a drink made from such grains is far from perfect; it develops foreign odors.

Where to store coffee beans

You can ensure proper storage of coffee beans in a regular refrigerator. In this case, green beans are placed within the middle shelf and below. Use small portions for frying. Green coffee beans are considered the most unique raw material. This can easily be explained by the fact that its shelf life is practically unlimited. Typically, this method of storing grains is optimal for those lovers of an aromatic drink who know how to independently roast grains to the desired condition. You don't need to use the whole bag of beans, just take a small amount. This technology for preparing a drink may not quite suit a modern person who is constantly rushing to his workplace, since roasting beans and grinding them is a time-consuming activity. That is why modern coffee lovers can purchase ready-made roasted beans. Modern manufacturers offer everyone a huge variety of finished products, which are securely sealed in hermetically sealed packaging. Typically this packaging is made of foil, which prevents sunlight and air from entering it. Unopened, such packaging can retain the freshness and all the beneficial qualities of the product for a long time, about a year. If the package is opened, you should try to use it as soon as possible within a few weeks. At the same time, the opened bag must be stored in a dark and dry place, in an airtight container.

The constantly arising question of how to properly store coffee beans can be resolved in another proven way, and the freezer will help with this. It turns out that green grains can be frozen, however, they must be used immediately after defrosting. A small amount of grains, which is necessary for one grinding, is poured into a dry sealed bag, and many such bags can be made. You must try to remove air from it as much as possible, and then this bag is sent to the freezer. The only nuance in this case is that the grains that were stored in the freezer must be fried and used immediately. This is precisely where the small volumes of grains that are sent for storage lie. The ideal solution for storing roasted beans is a regular glass jar that can be closed with a tight-fitting lid. This method of storing grains will avoid saturating them with extraneous aromas. It is also undesirable to store them next to various spices, vinegar and seasonings, since the structure of the coffee bean is porous and it can instantly become saturated with foreign odors. Using a drink with an unusual spice smell is not always pleasant. Since not every coffee lover knows and knows how to roast it correctly, there is no need to do this in large portions and it is important to use roasted beans immediately. If you still cannot use such a product right away, then it is better to store them in glass jars, which are best ventilated every two days. This is done for the purpose that the grains emit a special gas. By deciding how to store coffee beans, you can achieve a lot. Most importantly, the taste of the drink, its nutritional value and aroma are preserved.

Storing Roasted Coffee Beans at Home

Roasted coffee beans are a delicate product that cannot be stored for long. When using multi-layer vacuum packaging, the oxidation process is prevented: the contained gas vent valve removes carbon dioxide from the roasted beans.

The packaging is carefully closed and does not allow air inside. Opened vacuum packaging should be used for up to 3 weeks.

You can extend the shelf life of an opened coffee package in the refrigerator by placing it in a glass container. A glass jar with a tight lid not only ensures better preservation of the grains, but also protects against foreign odors.

Shelf life of roasted beans:

  • in vacuum packaging - 12 months;
  • in a glass jar - up to 6 months;
  • in opened store packaging −14 days.

Properly storing instant coffee

You will be surprised, but instant coffee is made mainly from robusta. Remember that Robusta has more caffeine? It also has good extractivity - the concentration of dry substances in the initial wort. Therefore, this type of coffee is better suited for making an instant drink.

Glass jar

Instant coffee is usually sold in glass jars, which makes it easier to store. I think the amount of instant coffee (I usually buy 95g) is designed for a short shelf life after removing the protective membrane on the can.

If you bought instant coffee in a soft pack (and this, I want to note, is much more profitable, because you don’t have to overpay for a glass jar), then feel free to pour it at home into a glass jar with a tight lid.

This jar contains about 95 g of coffee. Photo:

Industrial packaging

Instant coffee can be stored in industrial packaging. The main thing is to follow the rules for storing instant coffee: dry air, darkness, room temperature. Now many manufacturers equip soft packaging with zip locks.

Coffee Carte Noir in a soft pack - 75 g. Photo:

The shelf life of instant coffee is no more than 24 months. But how long it will retain its taste after opening the package depends on compliance with storage rules.

Where can you store ground coffee?

After grinding, the vulnerability of the coffee increases significantly. At home, it can be stored in the same containers in which it was purchased. Special packaging optimally protects against the effects of negative factors:

  • factory sealed packaging - 10-12 months;
  • vacuum packaging - 18 months;
  • multilayer bag with valve - 12 months;
  • jar with a tight-fitting lid - 12 months;
  • foil package - 12-14 months.

Open packaging preserves the quality of ground coffee for up to 10 days.

Features of storing ground coffee

The wonderful aroma of coffee fills the room every time the dried coffee beans enter the coffee grinder. The taste of such a drink is difficult to convey in full; it is important to try it yourself and then draw the appropriate conclusions. Many people are interested in the question of how to properly store ground coffee and, despite the fact that there are strong claims that coffee beans can be stored longer , you should not constantly resort to using a coffee grinder. You can weed enough raw materials for several days, but no more than five, since it is not recommended to store ground grains at home for longer. The main thing is to ensure proper storage of coffee. As with whole beans, ground coffee can be perfectly preserved in a vacuum sealer, a jar with a tight-fitting lid, or even a multi-layer bag with a valve. The coffee container must be clean and dry. Factory-packed ground coffee can be stored for up to a year. This is not surprising, since the factory packaging is considered quite airtight. If this package is opened, it is also important to use the contents as soon as possible. The ideal solution is a clean jar for storing coffee; it can be tightly closed, and the guarantee of moisture getting into it is maximum. If, nevertheless, the user is in no hurry to pour coffee and plans to store the contents in a foil bag, then it is necessary to roll it up in several layers and try as much as possible to get rid of the air inside. The quality of the product will be much higher if there is minimal contact with air during storage. Another important rule on how to store ground coffee is that in order to take a portion of the ground mixture for brewing, you must use only a dry spoon. The big enemy of the quality of the drink is moisture, which during storage will get into the packaging, spoil the contents, it will clump into one lump, and the mixture will be unsuitable for further use. Many coffee lovers prefer to grind their own coffee beans and there is nothing wrong with that. It is important to know your brewing norm and try to prepare it exactly. Of course, the grinding process takes a lot of time, and especially if a person is constantly busy in the office and at his main place of work, then he practically does not have this time. Thus, you can make several preparations for a week, and everyone already knows about where to store ground coffee - in an airtight package or jar. The ideal storage option for this coffee is several small, dry, tightly sealed containers. Open a new jar every day, which will ensure that its contents are protected from frequent contact with air. Also, you should not store a can or package of coffee in the sun. As a result, a person will receive a fragrant, favorite drink that will invigorate them in the morning and add strength and energy throughout the day. Many people think about the question of where to store coffee in order to preserve its aroma and taste as much as possible. The most ideal place for storage is a dark and cool place and it is possible that this could be the refrigerator, its lower shelves. Not everyone knows how to grind coffee beans and not everyone has special equipment for this or even the time to grind. That is why you can go to the store for a pleasant purchase. When purchasing an aromatic and favorite drink, it is important to pay attention to the package in which the ground coffee is sold. It should feel compressed and dense to the touch. Only this kind of coffee is presented by a manufacturer who follows all the rules for preparing and packaging the product. This particular drink can be stored a little longer if you follow all the rules for use.

How to store instant?

Instant coffee is a short-lived product. It contains a small amount of natural substances that give coffee its unforgettable aroma.

When opening the purchased product, it is better to pour it into a sealed glass container. Opened packaging retains the properties of coffee for up to 1 week, provided it is tightly closed during use.

Shelf life of instant coffee:

  • original packaging - up to 2 years;
  • glass jar with an airtight lid - 24 months;
  • tin can - 18-24 months.

Is it possible to drink expired coffee beans?

After grinding, the beans quickly lose their freshness, taste and aromatic properties, and absorb various odors. Therefore, it is best to grind them into one serving. In stores, ground coffee is usually sold in a pressed state, in special vacuum packaging, where it is usually kept at home.

It is better to store ground coffee at home in a tightly closed container, away from light sources, moisture and heat. And also at room temperature. In summer, in extreme heat, you can place it on the refrigerator shelf. In powder form, ground coffee absorbs moisture and strong odors faster, so you need to make sure that the bag does not remain unsealed.

In vacuum factory packaging, the powder can be kept for up to a year. Ground coffee, poured after unpacking into a closed container - a week. It is necessary to take the powder with a dry spoon and seal it tightly to reduce contact with the external environment. And in a printed package, the grinding will last no more than a day without losing its properties.

Unroasted grains are better suited for long-term storage. They are much cheaper than fried ones, and if they are left unopened in vacuum packaging, they will last up to three to five years at home.

If the coffee is used faster than a month, then you can keep it in the kitchen, in a cabinet in an airtight package. It is important to place it away from spices, the stove and drafts.

Storing coffee on an open shelf in the refrigerator is undesirable for a number of reasons:

  • Constantly opening the door creates temperature changes and condensation forms on the grains, which contributes to rapid spoilage of the product;
  • In the refrigerator there is ready-made food with a variety of aromas, which are instantly absorbed by the coffee beans;
  • A bright electric light that turns on when the door is opened also affects the coffee beans.

The grains are best preserved in the freezer. The main thing is not to pull them out of there as a whole package. To properly store grain, you need to portion it out in portions, seal it tightly, and take out only the required amount. Once the bag is taken out of the freezer, it cannot be put back.

Before preparation - frozen beans cannot be quickly reheated; you must take out the coffee in advance and leave it at room temperature for several hours.

Roasted beans have a much shorter shelf life than green beans. Vacuum unopened packaging preserves the taste and aroma of coffee beans for two to three months. After unsealing or damaging the container, beans are recommended to be used within fifteen days. Some gourmets believe that it is better to reduce this period to ten days.

Coffee beans will not deteriorate after this period, they are quite suitable for brewing coffee, it will retain all its invigorating properties. After 10-15 days, the roasted beans will gradually begin to reduce their taste and aroma, so it is better to use them quickly.

Any type of instant drink, even the most expensive and high-quality, is a quickly perishable product. If stored improperly, it instantly loses its taste and characteristic aroma.

It is better to buy coffee in small jars with a tightly sealed lid. Do not allow large quantities of powder to accumulate. And if you managed to buy or gave a large quantity at once, then it is better to immediately pour it into several small jars with tight lids.

Store instant coffee at home, preferably in its original packaging, adhering to the established time limits, depending on the date on the package. Usually this is two years. If the container is damaged, it should be replaced immediately.

Do not leave the powder in a bright place. It is better to keep instant coffee in opaque packaging in a dark cabinet, away from heat sources, and take it out only to brew the drink, then put it away immediately.

There should be no strong-smelling products, spices or substances near the storage area. The coffee will quickly absorb all the flavors and become undrinkable.

The powder should not be stored in the refrigerator. Instant coffee is more hygroscopic than grain coffee; it instantly becomes damp and compresses.

The main enemy of coffee is air. Roasted coffee beans are a delicate product. Many people value the degree of roasting, which directly affects the manifestation of certain taste and aroma qualities. Here's what happens when you store coffee beans outdoors:

  • Coffee oils evaporate - a great value, giving the taste richness and a unique shade.
  • The aroma is exhaled.
  • Beans absorb moisture from the air and spoil.
  • In addition to moisture, all foreign odors are absorbed. The quality of the aromatic product deteriorates greatly.

The drink prepared from such grains is very far from perfect. It can be called coffee, but, alas, it will irrevocably lose quality and will not bring pleasure.

Many people buy green beans for roasting themselves.

Coffee gourmets, having studied the rules of roasting beans themselves, prefer to buy green beans. This is the longest shelf-stable product. You can keep them in the refrigerator on the middle shelf, take out portions for frying and enjoy the perfection produced. However, the method requires time and a painstaking approach. More often they buy already roasted beans of the brand they like.

Vacuum packaging or the foil version prevents the entry of air, moisture, and sunlight. All quality parameters of coffee beans are preserved for almost a year, if you do not open the packaging. An opened pack can be stored for no more than 3 weeks in a dry and dark place at a cool temperature.

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Glass jars with tight-fitting lids are perfect for storing roasted beans. They protect the porous structure of the grains from foreign aromas. Do not store packages of coffee beans next to other aromatic products: spices, vinegar, seasoning.

Self-roasted coffee beans are best used immediately. Or put it in jars with tight lids, remembering to ventilate every 2 days - the grains emit a special gas.

It is convenient to store roasted grains in such jars

Only freshly ground coffee from coffee beans can convey the fullness of aroma and taste. Whole beans store better, so it is better to use a coffee grinder every time you want to enjoy a cup of drink. However, you can also save ground coffee, you just need to know how to do it:

  • Use a vacuum sealed bag, or a multi-layer bag with a valve, or a jar with a tight-fitting lid. If you grind your own beans, do not use them longer than 5 days - these are the rules.
  • Factory sealed packaging preserves the aroma of ground coffee for up to a year. But if you open it, consume the product as quickly as possible.
  • If you choose a foil bag to store the ground product, roll it up as tightly as possible and remove any air. The less contact with air, the longer the quality of the product remains.
  • To take a portion for one brew, use a dry spoon. Avoid exposure to moisture. Do not leave the mixture in the sun. Store the container in a cool, dark place.
  • When purchasing vacuum-packed ground coffee, pay attention to the package. It should be dense, hard, compressed to the touch. This means compliance with packaging rules and production stages related to ensuring shelf life.

The ground product does not have a long shelf life, and the bags must be sealed tightly

If you grind your own beans and know exactly the size of your own portion for one brew, it is convenient to have small jars with tight-fitting lids and package portions in them. So you can do the troublesome task once a week, every morning taking out one of the prepared jars. If there is no other cool place in the house other than the refrigerator, it is better to store the product there.

To store ground coffee at home, it is preferable to choose special vacuum or sealed bags, because after grinding the beans to a powder-like state, their susceptibility to other products increases. But such packages are not available in every home. If they are not available, it is recommended to store ground coffee in the original packaging in which it is sold.

Green coffee beans have the longest shelf life. If you need to preserve beans for a long time, it is recommended to keep them unroasted. Storing green coffee is not accompanied by a deterioration in quality and taste.

Where is it best to store raw coffee beans - in a dark and cool place, in a sealed jar or plastic container, in conditions of minimal humidity. The shelf life of green coffee is at least 12 months.

How to save them?

If you purchased and opened a package of ground coffee, or ground coffee beans (see: Is it possible to grind coffee in a blender?), then you must immediately pack it correctly.

As you may have noticed, we see vacuum packaging in stores. They eliminate contact with air. But after opening, such an effect is difficult to achieve. Unless you have a vacuum sealer at home.

At home, the best solution is to use the original packaging. It protects the powder well from moisture and foreign odors. After use, it must be tightly closed. For this you can use special devices. Or use regular paper clips or clothespins.

The following container is also quite suitable for our purposes.

  • Glass jars with a special sealed lid.
  • Plastic containers.
  • Bags with a closing mechanism.

The manufacturer always indicates this information on the packaging. If you want to go by averages, this is what they are.

  • Ground coffee in sealed store packaging can be stored for up to 12 months.
  • At home, following our recommendations, and with the right container - up to 1 week. After this, the taste begins to deteriorate.
  • If you leave ground coffee outdoors, its shelf life will be no more than 1 day.

The ideal solution that will allow you to get the best taste is to use bean coffee and grind it immediately before preparation (see is it possible to drink expired coffee).

Table of shelf life of coffee at a certain temperature

t, °CRaw coffeeGrainsGroundSoluble
From 0 to −203 years3 years2 monthscannot be stored2-3 years15-30 days5 years1 year
13-162 years2 years10 days2 days6-18 months10-14 days3 years4-5 months
25-3510 months6 months1 day3-5 hours3-6 months5 days18 months1 year

Rules for storing coffee

Category: Flavoring products (tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks, etc.)

When storing coffee, it is very important to preserve its taste and aroma properties as best as possible, which are determined by the concept of “coffeeol”, i.e. a mixture of aromatic oils that evaporate very quickly if not stored correctly. At the same time, it is important to know that you should not only observe all shelf life, but also choose a pack of coffee that is packaged in a special container for coffee, which allows you to preserve the original properties of coffee for as long as possible.

To ensure that the taste and aroma of the drink are as pronounced as possible and last longer, coffee beans are processed immediately after collection. Thus, if the grain is processed efficiently, it can retain its properties for 5 years; if incorrectly, then the shelf life is significantly reduced. However, as soon as the shelf life expires, the coffee beans become unusable.

But the taste and aroma of roasted coffee lasts only for a few days. This is explained by the fact that coffee, like tea, is a very hygroscopic product, which means it is able to absorb foreign odors and moisture from the environment. If storage conditions are not observed, coffee acquires foreign taste and smell. Therefore, packaging plays an important role in preserving the original properties of coffee. If coffee is packaged in paper, its quality will remain unchanged for no more than 2 weeks. Foil will increase the shelf life of the product up to 3 months. If coffee is packaged hermetically, it means that its shelf life can last up to six months.

Today, vacuum packaging is recognized as the best. The coffee is packaged very tightly and has the shape of a brick, but after opening the package it becomes soft and free-flowing. However, the taste and aroma of coffee after opening the vacuum packaging is

scratches after 10 days; it becomes the same as all types of coffee stored in the packages described above.

To preserve the indescribable bouquet of coffee, it must be placed in a glass jar with a tight lid and placed in the refrigerator.

Proper packaging is of great importance for preserving the taste and aroma of coffee. Under no circumstances should roasted coffee be exposed to air for a long time, since the oxidation process in the beans begins very quickly, deteriorating the quality of the finished product. But you also can’t pack coffee while it’s hot, otherwise the packaging will tear due to the gases released during the cooling process of the coffee. Currently, packaging with a special valve is used, through which unnecessary gases are removed. Such packaging has another advantage: without opening it, the buyer can smell the aroma of the contents of the package. This makes choosing coffee much easier.

The rules and features of storing ground coffee are in many ways similar to those for bean coffee. The only difference is that when vacuum packed, coffee beans can be stored for up to 3 years. When the package is opened, the same processes occur as described above. However, true connoisseurs will never buy coffee whose shelf life exceeds 1 year.

In accordance with GOST 52088-2003, natural roasted coffee is packaged in the following ways:

1) in packs of grade A cardboard or chrome-ersatz cardboard for folding boxes with an internal polymer coating made of heat-sealable materials;

2) in packs of chrome-ersatz cardboard with a thickness of 0.32-0.60 mm with an internal polymer coating made of heat-sealable materials;

3) in paper bags weighing at least 90 g with a polymer coating;

4) in bags made of combined heat-sealable materials based on: aluminum foil or metallized film;

5) in bags made of heat-sealable film materials;

6) in metal and combined cans;

7) in prefabricated metal cylindrical jars, glass jars, jars made of polymeric materials.

The shelf life of natural roasted coffee from the date of manufacture must correspond to that indicated in the table.

Shelf life of coffee depending on packaging

Type of packaging Shelf life of natural coffee aneniya go fried month.
in grains ground
Four-layer paper bags, bags and bags made of polyethylene film, bags made of sack paper with an inner bag of parchment or sub-parchment, combined jars 6 6
Polymer coated paper bags 9 8
Packages made of cardboard with an internal polymer coating made of heat-sealable materials 10 9
Bags made of heat-sealable film materials 12 10
Bags made of combined heat-sealable materials based on aluminum foil or metallized film, including those with a degassing valve, metal, glass, polymer cans 18 12
Vacuum packaging 18 18

The shelf life of natural instant coffee is no more than 24 months from the date of production; in film liner bags - no more than 3 months from the date of manufacture.

To extend the shelf life of coffee beans, they should be packaged in small portions and stored in the refrigerator. It is important to remember that if the portions are large, then each time you open them, moisture will form, which will deteriorate the quality of the coffee. However, if you are going to grind such coffee, it is better not to heat it, or to keep it at room temperature for just a little while.

When storing ground roasted coffee, you must follow the same rules as for grain coffee.

Storage space

The kitchen cabinet is the most ideal home place to store coffee. A prerequisite for such a cabinet must be distance from the sink, stove, window, and tightly closed doors.

On the shelf, next to coffee, you need to exclude the proximity of spices, herbs, dried fruits and other strong-smelling products.

In the absence of a hood, it is better to place the coffee at the middle level of the kitchen height, where the optimal temperature and humidity levels are located.

The refrigerator is not the best place to store coffee. The presence of foreign odors and temperature changes have a bad effect on the quality of the drink. The freezer provides a shock method for freezing hermetically sealed portion bags. With this method, all the qualities of coffee are preserved for up to 2 months. A portion is taken out as needed - this eliminates the possibility of re-freezing the package.

Coffee Tips

  • It is not recommended to use plastic or metal storage containers, from which the coffee acquires a specific smell.
  • The refrigerator is not suitable for short-term storage of coffee.
  • After being frozen, the grains are warmed at room temperature.
  • Avoid storing coffee on a windowsill or near a heating installation.

Its rich taste and unique aroma depend on proper storage of coffee. Attentive attention to the contents of everyone’s favorite drink and adherence to storage rules will allow you to pamper yourself and your loved ones with a bright variety of coffee varieties.

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