How to properly store and cut jamon

Storing jamon on the bone

Many people buy a whole jamon at once, since in this form it costs several times less. If you store it correctly, the delicacy will retain its valuable aromatic and taste properties for a long time.

If you purchased meat on the bone for long-term storage at home, find a dry room where the temperature is always stable around 15-20 degrees. Too sudden and frequent temperature changes can significantly shorten the shelf life of dried meat.

To keep a dried ham longer, hang it with the hoof up and coat it on all sides with fat. If you don't have fat on hand, good olive oil will do.

After a period of storage, you may see mold on the pork leg. Don't be alarmed - this is within normal limits. The presence of fungus indicates the naturalness of the product and compliance with the technological conditions during preparation.

Do not scrape or cut off mold deposits. There is a very convenient method that will quickly return the jamon to its marketable appearance: wipe the plaque with a cotton rag soaked in olive oil. The mold will come off quickly and your pork butt will look as good as new!

After cutting slices of meat, place a thin strip of fat over the cut area, and cover the top with a natural piece of cloth. A clean cotton napkin is ideal.

If you purchased dried pork ham in an airtight package, you can store it in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-10 degrees. However, after opening it, the ham will have to be transferred. Wrap it in clean parchment lightly rubbed with olive oil and place it in the refrigerator.

How to prepare jamon: instructions

Properly prepared jamon ripens for about 3 years.
To fully prepare jamon you need to spend 2-3 years. All preparation of jamon is divided into 6 stages:

  1. Pickling . After the pig carcass has been cut, excess fat is cut off from the hind legs, and the legs are placed in a large bowl and sprinkled with sea salt so that the salt completely covers the meat, and put in a cold place (about +5̊C). The duration of salting depends on the size of the ham, usually, how many kilograms the pork leg weighs, how many days it needs to be salted, but no more than 2 weeks.
  2. Washing from salt . Wash off the salt from the pork legs with clean water and hang it up so that the water drains and the ham dries.
  3. Salting out . In special chambers with the same cool temperature, the hams are hung for a long time, about 2 months, where they are evenly salted.
  4. Drying . Then the hams are hung to dry in a ventilated area, and the meat is soaked in fat. This stage takes 6-36 months.
  5. Drying . The hams are transferred to a cellar with a special microclimate and a temperature of +8-10̊ C, hung, and here they finally ripen, it will take 9-12 months.
  6. The jamon is ready, you can try it . When the jamon is ready, the cortador (a person specially trained to cut and serve the jamon) tastes it first. He pierces the jamon in several places with a special bone stick and smells it, determining its readiness by the smell.

The average weight of jamon is about 8 kg. In the homeland of jamon, Spain, it is sold everywhere: butcher shops, restaurants and supermarkets.

Storing cuttings

Ham in slices is more capricious. Therefore, before purchasing it, it will not hurt to know that:

  1. It is better to store pork slices in the refrigerator at a temperature of no more than 5 degrees, otherwise they will quickly spoil.
  2. Cuttings in vacuum packaging can last in the refrigerator for up to 1 year, but opened jamon should be eaten as quickly as possible - within a couple of weeks. Of course, it may not spoil, but its taste will suffer greatly.
  3. Once freed from packaging, the slices must be wrapped in cling film or foil and placed in the refrigerator.

And finally, important information: before serving the jamon, let it sit for a while at room temperature - no more than 10 minutes. This is necessary so that the taste of the delicacy becomes more intense and the aroma becomes more pronounced.

When the slices acquire a soft shine, you can enjoy this luxurious delicacy with gusto!

To keep a dried ham longer, hang it with the hoof up and coat it on all sides with fat. If you don't have fat on hand, good olive oil will do.

How to Properly Cut Hamon on the Bone

The ritual of consuming Ham requires proper cutting. Regardless of whether the Jamon is cut by hand (which is preferable) or using a slicer, in order to fully experience its aroma and taste, it should be cut into thin, almost transparent slices with a small strip of fat left at the edge. The jamon will melt in your mouth.

Please note that to cut Jamon by hand, you will need: - a knife with a short, wide blade to remove the skin and external fat - a flexible, long, narrow knife, sharpened in a special way for cutting thin slices - jamonera or "jamonero" - a special cutting machine a board on which Hamon is fixed to simplify the cutting process.

The ritual of consuming Ham requires proper cutting. Regardless of whether the Jamon is cut by hand (which is preferable) or using a slicer, in order to fully experience its aroma and taste, it should be cut into thin, almost transparent slices with a small strip of fat left at the edge. The jamon will melt in your mouth.

How to cut jamon

To experience the full taste of the product, the jamon is cut into thin strips. In Spain, there is a special technique for slicing jamon, and the specialists in slicing are called cortadors. Establishments that serve jamon are called jamoneria.

Jamon is cut on a special stand - “jamoner” (in Spanish - portajamones or soporte jamoner). The hamonera has a support for the ham, a special shelf and screws for securing the claw. This greatly simplifies the process, since the meat is quite dense and requires effort when cutting.

Several types of knives are used for work: a short one for cutting through muscles, a wide one for removing skin and fat, and a long and flexible knife for slicing. In addition, a chain mail, protective glove and towel can be used.

The cut always goes along the bone and perpendicular to it. First, the skin is removed, then the fat is removed from the part where the meat is going to be cut. The lard is not thrown away, but used to cover the cut. This way the meat is protected from weathering.

A short knife is used to cut around the leg around the shin. Remove internal, brown fat. Then, using a long knife, they begin to slowly cut the meat, moving the knife towards themselves. At the same time, the ham is held with metal tweezers. This prevents possible injuries.

They try to cut into even pieces, which ideally should be transparent. Place on a separate plate. Having cut the required amount of meat, the cut area is covered with strips of lard.

How to properly store jamon and prosciutto at home?

With the advent of supermarkets and boutiques of elite delicacies, everyone has the opportunity to try the exquisite national dishes of distant countries. Of particular interest is traditionally dried meat on the bone, so beloved by the inhabitants of Spain and Italy, but many are stopped from buying by the question of how to store jamon or prosciutto at home.

The wrong approach to this process can ruin the entire impression of eating the original snack. Therefore, before buying a whole leg or part of it, you need to make sure that it is possible to create the proper conditions for it.

How to store jamon at home: rules and recommendations

Jamón is Spain's culinary treasure and is more popular among Spaniards than anywhere else in the world. In Spain, you can often see a whole ham resting on a ham rack in the family kitchen, ready at a moment's notice to be cut into thin slices for light snacks and just for fun.

Mold. A thin layer of mold may appear on whole hams. This is penicillin, like mold, completely harmless.

How to store jamon

Buying jamon in Spain is not difficult. Storing jamon at home without losing quality and taste is also very simple, following certain rules. Bone-in jamon is stored well in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place, either mounted on a jamoner or ham stand (jamonero) or vertically suspended on a rope.

To preserve the freshness and aroma of the jamon as it is consumed, it is necessary to cover the leg with the removed skin or lard after slicing. If the meat has not been covered for some time, you can simply cut off the top layer as it may have weathered or dried out.

There is nothing dangerous in this slice, but its taste may not suit everyone due to its hardness or dryness. Boneless jamon in a vacuum must be stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film or parchment in butcher paper.

If it was purchased vacuum-sealed, be sure to remove the original plastic packaging. Boneless jamon can be divided into portions and cut into slices immediately before use. Don't serve the jamon too cold; let the slices come to room temperature.

Purchasing a whole pork leg allows you not only to significantly save money, but also to extend the shelf life of the product. It is in this form that dried meat retains its valuable nutritional properties for as long as possible.

You just need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • We find the driest room at home, in which it is possible to maintain the temperature within 15-20ºС. Differences in indicators should be avoided, as this negatively affects the quality of the product.
  • A massive ham will be stored longer if it is coated on all sides with melted fat. In extreme cases, you can get by with olive oil.
  • After cutting a piece of meat, the cut should be treated with fat and covered with a clean cotton cloth.

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Chopped jerky must be consumed. If there are still a few slices left, they should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature no higher than 5ºC. Place the pieces on a plate and cover with foil or a damp towel.

If the jamon has been in the refrigerator for some time, then before serving it must be kept at room temperature for at least 10 minutes. This will give the taste the necessary richness, and the aroma – the lost brightness.

How to store jamon

Attach the jamon to the jamon stand and sharpen the knives. Skim the fat from the top and sides until the meat is exposed. Clean only the cut area if you do not plan to consume the entire leg in one evening.

Using a special long ham knife, cut the slices as thin as possible. Do not try to get rid of the layers of fat completely; the slices are much juicier with it. Always keep the knife with the tip away from you, and do not point the knife at the hand with which you are holding the jamon.

Make sure that the cutting surface remains smooth and does not form an arc. If you plan to eat the jamon a day or two in advance, you may want to remove the skin and fat completely. When you get to the bone, use a regular table knife to separate the meat from the bone. The taste of slices from different parts of the leg will be different, it depends on the type of jamon and its aging.

Meat that is closer to the bone is difficult to slice thinly, so it can be cut into small pieces for use in soups and stews. The jamon bone itself is great for flavoring broths, soups and stews, and can be cut into pieces and frozen for later use.

Each time, cut as much jamon as you can eat at one time; in extreme cases, cover the slices with cling film to avoid chapping. In addition, each time you cut the jamon, the cut area should be protected with thick paper soaked in olive oil or a clean cotton towel; trimmings of skin and fat will also work. For additional protection, the jamon is always covered with a clean towel.

Small white spots or chalky granules can be found on the cut of the jamon, which is a sign of natural drying. These points are nothing more than amino acids, which are inherent in protein products (meat and cheese products) and are completely safe for humans.

A rainbow sheen can sometimes be seen on the cut surface of the jamon in some parts of it. The color sometimes has a metallic tint. This is normal and speaks more about the quality of the jamon.

Salt at the cut site. Sometimes salt can form on the cut surface when the indoor air is dry. This does not affect the taste of the jamon; it can be brushed off or wiped with a napkin.

White coating on jamon. This can be seen on the cut surface of the jamon. The film mainly consists of amino acids and a trace of salt and is completely safe. We recommend that you simply cut off and discard the discolored slices.

There is a lot of fat in the leg of jamon. It is fat that protects the jamon from drying out and makes its meat tender in taste; in its absence, the meat can turn into wood.

How to store jamon

As a rule, when choosing high-quality Iberico jamon from suppliers, a number of certain requirements and parameters are always observed, which include internal and external signs of good jamon; technical features, production conditions and subsequent storage conditions are also important for us.

Here are some myths

If you purchase jamon in reserve or have it transported to you from another city, then it would be better to at least turn your leg when receiving it, because often when transporting over long distances, jamon is packed in a fairly dense layer to limit the influence of external factors.

Sometimes the price of this package is 15 euros, but it is still intended for transport only. If you bought a leg for the future, you can wrap it in cotton cloth or a towel, or a gauze “sock”.

Probably, but only if it is food-grade polyethylene, and the leg is wrapped in it on top of parchment, and the ideal transportation time is 24 hours. Therefore, the best option would be a cotton stocking and a towel.

The myth is almost real. Except for the quality of the boneless jamon. Experts say that bone-in jamon is of higher quality. In addition, boneless jamon is always more expensive per kg.

That's right, jamon most often has mold on it, sometimes not visually noticeable to the human eye. The whole point is that the process of dry-curing pork ham occurs precisely thanks to, and not in spite of, the chemical interaction of meat, air (more precisely oxygen) and the bacteria contained in it.

Do this once and realize that you don’t need to do this.

How to store jamon

Following simple but important rules will allow even a massive pork leg to be kept in the right condition for as long as necessary. But ignoring the recommendations can spoil the impression of a wonderful snack and provoke food poisoning.

Jamon is a national Spanish delicacy; some varieties cost up to three hundred euros per kilogram.

Since this meat can quickly spoil, the question arises: “how to store jamon correctly so that an expensive product does not go to waste?”

  1. Ham on the bone can be stored for a long time at room temperature (about 20 degrees). If the ham is uncut, then you can store the jamon at home for a whole year. Cut hams are stored for about six months.

Basic rules for storing and using dry-cured ham

The approach to creating jamon and prosciutto is approximately the same. Slightly dry Spanish or moist Italian jerky will delight you with its unique taste if the following conditions are met:

  1. Despite the fact that these dishes are a type of raw meat, they can only be properly stored at room temperature. Constant exposure to cold air is detrimental to ham.
  2. The unopened leg should be hung in the pantry or on the balcony of the house (subject to the temperature conditions), removing the packaging.

Tip: Prosciutto or jamon must breathe, so plastic wrap, foil or paper can only be used to transport the product. After just a few hours of being in an artificial casing, the meat begins to lose its taste.

  1. The cut product can be consumed without fear for 3-4 months, provided that the cut is properly processed and the necessary environment is created at home.
  2. It is not recommended to keep dried meat in close proximity to other aromatic foods. Fibers very quickly absorb foreign odors, which can lead to damage to the product.
  3. The appearance of mold is not a sign of damage to the jamon. Colonies of noble origin should be rubbed with a cotton cloth soaked in olive oil to return the product to its marketable condition. It is better to cut off the skin after this treatment; it may taste slightly bitter.
  4. Freezing in the refrigerator or freezer is strictly prohibited. No matter how many months of storage this approach promises, the taste of the meat will be hopelessly spoiled.
  5. Sliced ​​jamon or prosciutto sold vacuum sealed should be consumed within a few hours of opening the package. If necessary, you can re-place the product in an airtight container, but this will not greatly increase its shelf life.

In addition, there are several secrets for storing specific national dishes. Compliance with them will allow you to appreciate the taste and aroma of dried meat without visiting its historical homeland.

Diet jamon

If this dish is too fatty for you, or you only have a week to prepare this delicacy, then you can use a dietary recipe that will suit the taste of any gourmet.

Ingredients needed to make jamon:

  • Chicken breast - half a kilo.
  • Sea salt – 300 grams.
  • Kefir – 250 milliliters.

Homemade recipe:

  1. The chicken must first be soaked in kefir for several hours so that it releases additional juice and, soaked in sour milk, becomes softer.
  2. After soaking and washing the chicken breast, rub it with sea salt, put it in a container and put it in the refrigerator for 3 days.
  3. After that, you need to hang the meat in the kitchen at room temperature for 4 days. During this time, the meat will dry completely and be ready to eat.

Please note that the jamon must be cut correctly. This is best done with the help of a special device - a cortadora, which meat specialists use to cut dried pork. The master produces perfect slices using sharp, elongated blades and a jamonera (a stand for meat that supports it during slicing). A properly sliced ​​delicacy should be thin, almost transparent, showing the entire texture of the dish. This is necessary so that the pork simply melts in your mouth, leaving a pleasant aftertaste. Well, you can see what a properly prepared delicacy looks like using special photos and video materials.

How to properly store bone-in and sliced ​​jamon?

Purchasing a whole pork leg allows you not only to significantly save money, but also to extend the shelf life of the product. It is in this form that dried meat retains its valuable nutritional properties for as long as possible.

You just need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • We find the driest room at home, in which it is possible to maintain the temperature within 15-20ºС. Differences in indicators should be avoided, as this negatively affects the quality of the product.
  • A massive ham will be stored longer if it is coated on all sides with melted fat. In extreme cases, you can get by with olive oil.
  • After cutting a piece of meat, the cut should be treated with fat and covered with a clean cotton cloth.

Chopped jerky must be consumed. If there are still a few slices left, they should be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature no higher than 5ºC. Place the pieces on a plate and cover with foil or a damp towel. The shelf life in this case does not exceed 12 hours. Cling film and plastic containers are prohibited. It is advisable to arrange the slices of meat so that they do not come into contact with the packaging.

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If the jamon has been in the refrigerator for some time, then before serving it must be kept at room temperature for at least 10 minutes. This will give the taste the necessary richness, and the aroma – the lost brightness.

How to eat jamon

It is important not only to prepare jamon in accordance with the technology, but also to cut it correctly . How to cut jamon is a whole science.

It must be cut into very thin slices . Only in this form can it preserve the entire range of flavors. To do this, you need a cutting board and a special knife.

Naturally, one cannot help but arouse interest in what jamon can be eaten with. And this question is not idle. For example, the bread we are accustomed to when eating meat products is not recommended . The Spaniards themselves like to eat it in combination with figs or slices of ripe melon . It is believed that their sweetness complements the taste of the product itself in the best possible way.

Features of storing prosciutto at home

The approach to storing prosciutto is not very different from the peculiarities of caring for jamon. But Italian jerky is moister, so there are a few things to consider:

  1. After cutting a leg, you should not throw away the skin; it is best to cover the fresh cut with this element. Additionally, it is recommended to lubricate it with any unrefined vegetable oil. If there is no skin, then it can be replaced with oiled food parchment.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to cut the product for future use; it is better to trim it as needed. The taste of the meat will weaken already on the table and after a few hours there will be nothing left of the original aroma.
  3. The cut slices should be laid out in a row, and not on top of each other, this will allow the flavor to fully develop and last longer.
  4. Unused ham should be wrapped in a cotton towel and stored in the refrigerator. It is recommended to eat it within 24 hours.
  5. Some experts argue that prosciutto, unlike jamon, does not react so negatively to freezing. The taste of the dish really does not suffer so pronounced, but such a valuable creamy consistency of the meat is lost from such temperature exposure.

The listed rules for storing dried meat apply only to preparations prepared in accordance with all the rules of the genre. Homemade products may have their own specifics that will have to be taken into account.

Ham on the bone is considered high quality and edible as long as it exudes its original aroma and does not have any formations on the surface (except for noble mold) or a specific taste. If signs of spoilage appear, the affected areas must first be cut off; underneath them there may be a completely usable product.

The approach to storing prosciutto is not very different from the peculiarities of caring for jamon. But Italian jerky is moister, so there are a few things to consider:

How to store jamon

In recent decades, various foreign delicacies have finally become quite accessible to many. These include jamon. But other than the fact that it is dry-cured meat from a Spanish pig fed on acorns, we know nothing about this amazingly tasty product. For example, we have no idea how to store the delicacy. Meanwhile, there is no need to create any special conditions for it. Here are some basic rules.

  • Despite the fact that jamon is essentially raw meat, its storage does not require low temperatures. Moreover, cold is detrimental to the taste of this delicacy. The dry-cured leg must be kept in a well-ventilated room with low humidity, where the temperature is constantly in the range from 16 to 20 °C, that is, in normal home conditions.
  • It is best to hang a ham that has not yet been started vertically, freeing it from packaging, but you can also secure it in a special device for ease of slicing - a jamonere.
  • We must always remember that under no circumstances should a leg of jamon be stored in plastic wrapping or foil for a long time. These manipulations with the ham can only be carried out for a short period of no more than a day, for example for transportation.
  • An already cut leg can be consumed for 4 months. In this case, it is necessary to take measures to ensure that the cut site remains fresh. To do this, just cover it with cut skin or a clean cotton towel. You can use oiled parchment or simply brush the meat with any vegetable oil of your choice.
  • It is better not to store sliced ​​jamon at all, but if there are a few pieces left, they must be put in the refrigerator. True, in this case it is necessary to use not cling film, which will immediately destroy the product, but foil or parchment, but so that they do not come into contact with the meat. It is best to cover the plate with slices with a damp towel. It is advisable to store the product in this form for no more than 12 hours. Before eating, jamon from the refrigerator should be kept at room temperature for several minutes to allow its aroma to fully develop.
  • When storing jamon next to other products that have a pronounced odor, remember that the ham can easily become saturated with it, and the expensive delicacy will be irrevocably spoiled. And the “neighbors” will acquire a very unusual aroma for them.
  • If mold suddenly appears on the jamon, this does not mean at all that the product is spoiled. After all, we eat blue cheese and drink cognac with a characteristic smell without fear. The fact is that the mold on this dry-cured meat is of noble natural origin and does not indicate spoilage of the leg. You just need to clean the surface with an oily towel and cut off the skin. If the greasy layer has a slightly bitter taste, it also needs to be removed.
  • Thrifty Russians like to store many “goodies” for future use in the freezer. Jamon in no way belongs to the category of such products. This expensive delicacy should be enjoyed immediately after purchase, before it loses its original taste and aroma.

Date: 01/06/2016.

How to properly store and cut jamon

Jamón is Spain's culinary treasure and is more popular among Spaniards than anywhere else in the world. In Spain, you can often see a whole ham resting on a ham rack in the family kitchen, ready at a moment's notice to be cut into thin slices for light snacks and just for fun. Bone-in jamon can be easily stored in almost any kitchen and used daily for appetizers or in complex recipes.

White plaque and mold can often be found on the surface of the jamon. The white coating that forms on the leg is salt and is a sign of the natural method of its production and maturation. Mold. A thin layer of mold may appear on whole hams. This is penicillin, like mold, completely harmless.

Both salt and mold can be easily removed using a clean, damp cloth, or a cloth soaked in olive oil.

How to store jamon

Buying jamon in Spain is not difficult. Storing jamon at home without losing quality and taste is also very simple, following certain rules. Bone-in jamon is stored well in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place, either mounted on a jamoner or ham stand (jamonero) or vertically suspended on a rope. To preserve the freshness and aroma of the jamon as it is consumed, it is necessary to cover the leg with the removed skin or lard after slicing. If the meat has not been covered for some time, you can simply cut off the top layer as it may have weathered or dried out. There is nothing dangerous in this slice, but its taste may not suit everyone due to its hardness or dryness. Boneless jamon in a vacuum must be stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film or parchment in butcher paper. If it was purchased vacuum-sealed, be sure to remove the original plastic packaging. Boneless jamon can be divided into portions and cut into slices immediately before use. Don't serve the jamon too cold; let the slices come to room temperature.

How to cut jamon

Attach the jamon to the jamon stand and sharpen the knives. Skim the fat from the top and sides until the meat is exposed. Clean only the cut area if you do not plan to consume the entire leg in one evening. Using a special long ham knife, cut the slices as thin as possible. Do not try to get rid of the layers of fat completely; the slices are much juicier with it. Always keep the knife with the tip away from you, and do not point the knife at the hand with which you are holding the jamon. Make sure that the cutting surface remains smooth and does not form an arc. If you plan to eat the jamon a day or two in advance, you may want to remove the skin and fat completely. When you get to the bone, use a regular table knife to separate the meat from the bone. The taste of slices from different parts of the leg will be different, it depends on the type of jamon and its aging.

Meat that is closer to the bone is difficult to slice thinly, so it can be cut into small pieces for use in soups and stews. The jamon bone itself is great for flavoring broths, soups and stews, and can be cut into pieces and frozen for later use. The jamon should be sliced ​​and served at room temperature when the cut area has a shiny appearance. If the temperature is below room temperature, the fat will become opaque. Each time, cut as much jamon as you can eat at one time; in extreme cases, cover the slices with cling film to avoid chapping. In addition, each time you cut the jamon, the cut area should be protected with thick paper soaked in olive oil or a clean cotton towel; trimmings of skin and fat will also work. For additional protection, the jamon is always covered with a clean towel.

Small white spots or chalky granules can be found on the cut of the jamon, which is a sign of natural drying. These points are nothing more than amino acids, which are inherent in protein products (meat and cheese products) and are completely safe for humans.

A rainbow sheen can sometimes be seen on the cut surface of the jamon in some parts of it. The color sometimes has a metallic tint. This is normal and speaks more about the quality of the jamon.

Salt at the cut site. Sometimes salt can form on the cut surface when the indoor air is dry. This does not affect the taste of the jamon; it can be brushed off or wiped with a napkin.

White coating on jamon. This can be seen on the cut surface of the jamon. The film mainly consists of amino acids and a trace of salt and is completely safe. We recommend that you simply cut off and discard the discolored slices.

There is a lot of fat in the leg of jamon. It is fat that protects the jamon from drying out and makes its meat tender in taste; in its absence, the meat can turn into wood.

Jamón is Spain's culinary treasure and is more popular among Spaniards than anywhere else in the world. In Spain, you can often see a whole ham resting on a ham rack in the family kitchen, ready at a moment's notice to be cut into thin slices for light snacks and just for fun. Bone-in jamon can be easily stored in almost any kitchen and used daily for appetizers or in complex recipes.

Jamon production technology

Interestingly, there are no secrets to preparing real jamon. The Spaniards made it at home for centuries and did not consider it some kind of national treasure. They started producing the delicacy on an industrial scale quite recently. The whole process can be divided into several main stages.

1. First, the ham is pre-processed. All excess fat and substandard areas are cut off from it. Then the meat is very generously covered with sea salt, after which it is left for two weeks at a strictly maintained temperature - from zero to 5 degrees.

2. The meat is cleared of salt, washed and dried. It is then hung up for the curing, or drying, process. This process takes approximately 6-12 months. The exact temperature must be maintained during drying. First, 7 ºC is set, and then it increases very smoothly according to the schedule.

3. Ripening. This is also a very important process. Here, too, special conditions of temperature and humidity apply. And ripening can take up to one and a half years (for some producers, several months are enough).

4. Sample collection. This is done by a highly qualified taster who is well versed in all the nuances of the aroma of jamon. He pierces the product and determines the degree of readiness by smell.

As you can see, the cooking process, while seemingly simple in appearance (salt it and hang it to dry), is actually very complicated. In addition to properly fed pigs of a special breed, to obtain a delicacy, you will need equipment that provides constant support for the required air parameters.

Simplified jamon

However, there is absolutely no need to give up. The proposed recipe for making jamon at home will allow you to get a product that tastes almost no different from the original. Of course, for completely authentic jamon you will need a trip to Spain to purchase the right pig. However, only a professional taster can discern the differences between delicacies obtained from different breeds. But what you definitely need is a basement and a well-ventilated room.

So, you need to take a good ham of a young pig weighing four kilograms. We clean the cut from all excess. We place it in a spacious container like a basin. Sprinkle the meat with plenty of sea salt. We don’t skimp on salt, we take about 12 kg. We keep the meat in a cool, dark place for at least four days (at the rate of one day per 1 kg). Periodically turn the ham over - this is necessary to ensure it is evenly salted.

After a few days, the salted cut is cleared of salt, washed and dried. Then we hang it up to dry. It is very good if it is possible to raise the temperature by 1 degree every week. We dry the meat for at least six months. After this, the ham needs to be moved to a cooler place for ripening. He should hang here for at least another 3 months.

Melon tartare with jamon and mint

200 g slices of Iberian jamon CINCO JOTAS

500 g melon 1 bunch of mint 20 g fennel Salt to taste Mix of allspice to taste

Cut the melon into circles and divide each into quarters. Fry them and cool. Chop into small pieces and mix with fennel and mint. Add spices to taste.

Place the mixture in a mold along with mint leaves and slices of Iberian jamon Cinco Jotas.


We have a PROMOTION! And it’s almost summer outside. A fabulous time of spring fresh air, filled with the subtle aromas of buds and flowers that have not yet blossomed. Beautiful time! And a wonderful combination of these aromas with the excellent taste and aroma of unrivaled Spanish Iberico and Serrano jamons. A few more days and we will be immersed in the atmosphere of the long-awaited spring holidays of Easter, May Day and the Great Victory. Many will go to their country houses, inviting friends and family to celebrate together. What should I treat you with? Of course, take a leg of excellent Spanish jamon with you! A noble snack for everything and in general, jamon is a symbol of prosperity and success that we wish each other. Chamoneria works for you all holidays. The best real Spanish jamon with delivery from our warehouse in Moscow is only here. We have real Spanish Serrano and Iberico jamon, jamonera, a knife for cutting jamon, and other accessories. Wholesalers discounts! Delivery throughout Moscow and the region, dispatch to the regions by transport companies. Waiting for you! Happy upcoming!

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Dear friends! It's already been nine years since we've been with you! We remind you that the best real Spanish jamon with delivery from our warehouse in Moscow is only here. We have real Spanish Serrano and Iberico jamon, jamonera, a knife for cutting jamon, and other accessories. Wholesalers discounts! Delivery in Moscow from 8,000 rubles is free within the Moscow Ring Road. Shipping to regions by transport companies.


Dear friends and colleagues! Happy New Year to you! Let all the best come true, and let all sorrows pass by! Be happy, healthy, success to you and your loved ones! During the New Year holidays, as always, we are working for you. Courier delivery in Moscow and the region. Shipping to the regions according to the work schedule of transport companies. We remind you that the best Spanish jamon with delivery from our warehouse in Moscow is only here. We have real Spanish Serrano and Iberico jamon, jamonera, a knife for cutting jamon, and other accessories. As always, discounts for wholesalers!


Dear friends! The long-awaited New Year holidays are coming soon and we will work for you in a special intensive mode to fulfill all orders and wonderful Spanish delicacies reach your New Year's table on time. But not everything depends only on us, but also on transport companies, which during this period sometimes cannot cope with large volumes of transportation. This especially applies to shipments to other cities. As a rule, all products presented on the website are in stock at our warehouse in Moscow, and we can quickly deliver them to you. But, nevertheless, we ask you, dear friends, to take advantage of our special prices and promotions now, in October, to shop for jamon for the holidays and be guaranteed to have it on your table.


Happy holiday, dear friends! Happy opening of the 2020 FIFA World Cup! In connection with this grandiose event, we are giving all football fans 7% discount during the championship on the entire range of jamons and accessories upon presentation of a FIFA fan passport issued to the buyer!

03.05.2018 We offer you the best Spanish jamon with delivery from our warehouse in Moscow. We have real Spanish Serrano and Iberico jamon, jamonera, a knife for cutting jamon, and other accessories. As always, discounts for wholesalers!


Very soon, on February 23, the main men's holiday will come - Defender of the Fatherland Day. And of course, you, dear women, have a question - what to give a man on February 23 ? Give a gift to your (or not yet your) man this holiday, give a real symbol of courage, Spanish dry-cured ham jamon! He will remember this gift forever, and everything you have planned will happen to you


Dear friends! New Year is approaching! We ask you not to put off ordering jamon delivery until the last few days! I don't want to refuse anyone. Please place orders in advance. We are very grateful to you!

Ham is a ready-to-eat product for successful people. Try La Tache 1985 with a slice of excellent Joselito Iberico Bellota Gran Reserva jamon (Joselito Iberico Bellota Gran Reserva) cured for 48 months and feel how happy you are, how much you have achieved in life, how many people you have made happier.


On Valentine's Day, let everyone be in love, loved and happy! People who lived their lives without love lived it in vain. And those who have never tried real Spanish jamon should definitely do it and feel everything that a happy person feels - joy and bliss! Happy holiday!


Dear friends! Happy New Year! May this year bring you happiness and good luck! May your dreams and hopes come true! This year we will celebrate the 8th year of operation of the Moscow office of the Hamoneria company. All this time we have been trying to become better and provide you with the most exquisite Spanish jamon from the world-famous Spanish jamonerias. Thank you for being with us and welcome to our club of lovers of Spanish delicacies!


Dear women! Congratulations on the wonderful spring holiday of March 8 - International Women's Day! Be happy, love and be loved! Please accept our most sincere congratulations! Always yours. Men of Chamoneria.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Be healthy, happiness to you and your loved ones, dear friends! Take care, have a successful 2020! May all your wishes and dreams come true in the new year 2016. You tried very hard for this. Always yours - employees of the Hamoneria company.


Congratulations on the start of the new academic year to students, teachers, and all teaching and learning. Good luck with your studies!

Autumn is the time when it is so important to reinforce your strength with a real, environmentally friendly, rich in healthy elements Spanish delicacy - jamon . Try having a sandwich with thinly sliced ​​jamon between difficult classes and you will succeed! You'll see! And your mood will improve!


Watch today on Channel One TV What? Where? When? Final of the year. We thank the editors of Channel One for contacting us when preparing a viewer’s question about dry-cured ham and a violin.

19.09 .2014


We continue our promotional sale of first-class Spanish jamon! Jamon is still in stock! In our warehouse in Moscow, with delivery on the day of order, Serrano and Iberico jamons! Prices are rising everywhere, but Hamoneria is lowering prices for jamon! Hurry! It appears that the imposed sanctions will not allow this product to be sold in Russia. Warehouse liquidation! Buying jamon at a low price is the right decision!

01.03 .2014

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Jamoneria announces a sale of first-class Spanish jamon! In our warehouse in Moscow, with delivery on the day of order, Serrano and Iberico ham! Prices are rising everywhere, and Hamoneria is reducing prices for jamon! Hurry! Buying jamon at a low price is the right decision!


Promotion! Sale!

We have a summer sale until July 19, 2013! We have reduced prices to minimum prices for a number of popular jamons. Hurry up to buy the freshest jamon at the lowest price!


Hamoneria took a leading position in VK.COM

Dear friends! There are already more than 5,000 of us, lovers of Spanish jamon, who have united in our group Thank you for your support and we promise to work even harder for you. In honor of this, we have introduced a special discount for our group members. Details at

Yesterday, April 24, in Moscow, at the best wine school of sommeliers in the country, “Enotria,” a seminar was held on the topic of meat delicacies and wine. At the invitation of Enotria, we took part in a seminar with a presentation about jamon, and also held a master class on cutting jamon and conducted a tasting of jamon 5J - one of the best Iberian jamon in the world.


We invite you on April 24 to our tasting of jamon 5J at the Enotria wine school. Details here.


Order JAMON with delivery and we will bring it to you on the day of your order! Save your time and money! We will deliver the order at the agreed and convenient time for you. Jamoneria is the largest specialized online store of the best Spanish jamon in Russia. We thank our valued clients and restaurant chefs for their high ratings of our work.


Our dear customers! Give your loved ones JAMON - a symbol of abundance. Jamon is an original gift that will definitely be remembered by everyone, will bring a lot of positive emotions and will decorate the New Year’s table. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying a tasty and healthy delicacy at your festive dinner! Tip of the day: Plan your gift purchases in advance!

Happy upcoming holiday!

First-class JAMONS at a competitive price!

The time for summer holidays and pleasant pastime is over. Do you remember how delicious jamon was in Spain? How did you enjoy its unique taste with your loved ones?

Extend the pleasure and order jamon with same-day delivery directly to your home or office and the summer will last only for you!


We have reduced prices by up to 30% on a number of popular jamons. Now jamons are even cheaper. The quality of the jamon is the highest, which is confirmed by the best chefs of the most famous restaurants in Moscow. Hurry up, the number of hams at a low price and the promotion period is limited!

Reminder for tourists. How to bring jamon from Spain to Russia?

The holiday season is approaching and for those traveling around Spain, we have published a new article on our blog about how to bring jamon from Spain to Russia. We tried to answer the most popular questions on this topic.

Watch the program “Live Healthy” today on Channel One. We thank the editors of Channel One for contacting us in preparation for filming the program.

Please your loved ones and friends with excellent jamon Iberico Beyota 5J. Only until the end of February, a free set of 3 Cortadora knives is included with jamon 5J!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas, dear customers!


The 2nd part of our story about a trip to Spain in the footsteps of Iberico jamon has been released. This time we are talking about the legendary jamon Joselito / Joselito



Dear friends! We have opened a new section on our website with articles about jamon. Articles with interesting and useful information will be published in this section. Our first article is dedicated to the 10 best Spanish hams in the world. Read our articles and leave comments. What jamons have you tried? Write about this and more on our blog!


The well-known television company Russia Today (RT) informed viewers about our store in its television report dedicated to where foreigners can buy quality products in Moscow. Here is the link to the video.

Dear friends! Well, we've waited! Summer! The days have become longer, the sun is high, warm and joyful! The time for dachas and out-of-town picnics is increasingly occupying the minds of those thirsty for relaxation. Jamon is a great option to have a “snack” before traditional dishes and show off your art of cutting jamon in front of your friends! All to the dacha with jamon to boot!

Dear friends! We inform you about the start of sales of the famous elite jamon Iberico Beyota 5J. The price for jamon in our online store is the lowest in Moscow!

We inform you that we have expanded the range of Hams from Spain! Now we have more than 20 types of jamon from famous manufacturers. We continue to keep the lowest prices for our products. Hurry up to shop in Hamoneria!

Jamon: how and with what it is eaten

Meat dried in various ways is found in many national cuisines. Of course, the most famous product in this category is Spanish jamon.

Jamon translates from Spanish as “ham.” However, throughout the world this word primarily means a delicious dry-cured ham, which is cut into thin, translucent slices. The master of cutting jamon is called a cortador. The process itself is a real ritual: the ham is placed on a stand (jamonera), cut with a knife with a short blade and the skin is removed. The remaining meat and bone are used for hot dishes.

The Spaniards have been preparing jamón for more than two thousand years. The main reason for the emergence of this method of cooking is the need for long-term storage of meat, and the unique taste qualities have become a pleasant addition. Dry-cured ham turned out to be very nutritious, and travelers certainly took it with them on the road.

The two main types of jamon are jamón serrano and jamón ibérico . The first is made from the ham of white pigs fed on mixed feed, and is an inexpensive delicacy for every day. Jamón ibérico is a more expensive type of jamon made from the ham of black Iberian pigs. Keeping and raising such pigs is long and expensive, so Iberico jamon is valued much higher than Serrano jamon. Ordinary Spaniards eat Serrano jamon on weekdays, and only on major holidays they allow themselves to buy Iberian jamon.

There is even a Jamón Museum in Madrid. Here you will not see rare exhibits under glass display cases; the interior features hams, hams and sausages. The guides at the Jamón Museum in Madrid are people in white caps who will tell you all the intricacies and nuances of preparing the famous Spanish ham.

What products bring out the best flavor of jamon? The combination of jamon and melon has already become a classic and variations on this theme can be found in many Russian restaurants. In addition, jamon goes very well with tomatoes, cauliflower, green beans, eggplant, potatoes, zucchini and pasta. It can also be served with olives and cheeses. The best addition to jamon would be dry red wine or sherry.

If you want to learn even more about jamon and taste this delicacy, we invite you to an enogastronomic master class. We will listen to interesting stories from the Spanish jamonero master, learn how to cut jamon correctly and, of course, look for the best combinations with wines from our wine library .

  • Meeting place: st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 8.
  • Start: 19-30, July 2.
  • The cost of participation is 1,000 rubles.
  • You can reserve a table by phone (ext. 2).
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