How to properly store a mink coat in summer?

Fur coats, fur coats, hats and other products with fur are very popular in our latitudes. Firstly, our cold winters contribute to this, and secondly, fur is a recognized adornment for women, and many Ukrainian beauties cannot deny themselves “soft luxury”. And why, if the level of happiness of a woman, wrapped in her favorite fur coat, is rapidly increasing?

Needless to say, fur products are quite expensive. Therefore, such clothes should be treated with care. Moreover, as a rule, the more delicate the fur, the thinner it is and the more “capricious” it is to care for, the higher its cost.

Proper care and storage of a mink coat will help ensure its safety and beautiful appearance for many years. To store a fur coat, you can use a separate service - storing fur in a special refrigerator, or you can store the product at home. Let's look at the disadvantages and advantages of these options.

The advantages of this choice:

  1. The fur product is kept in optimal conditions all the time. Specialists maintain the required storage temperature: from ten to twelve degrees Celsius above zero. Humidity parameters do not exceed sixty-five percent. The room is constantly ventilated.
  2. The fur coat is systematically examined by specialists.
  3. Sufficient space to store fur coats. The fur does not wrinkle when it comes into contact with other products; it is always combed and ready for the start of the season.
  4. Possibility of providing additional services such as cleaning and repair of products.
  5. At home, there is additional space in the closets for new acquisitions.

How should you store a mouton fur coat?

One pressing question is how best to store a mouton fur coat. The product made from this fur is particularly durable, light and practical. Mouton is a specially treated sheepskin, which, among other advantages, has good moisture resistance. There is no need to specially wet it, but if it gets exposed to precipitation, it is easier to care for than its analogues. Simply dry the fur coat, shake it and comb it with a metal comb. After this, it is also worth using a special brush to hang the product. It is important to know that dry cleaning is unacceptable for a mouton and it is better to contact a specialist if contamination is detected.

There are several tips on how to properly store a Mouton fur coat at home:

  • Do not blow-dry or dry by the fireplace, allow it to dry naturally for several days;
  • The hanger should not be narrow or too wide. The ideal material for hangers is wood; metal or plastic can deform the product;
  • Unlike more expensive fur coats, the mouton can be neatly folded when transporting in a bag or suitcase. Upon arrival, the first thing to do is to ensure that the product is straightened;
  • After knowing how to properly store a mink coat at home in the summer, a lot of knowledge can come in handy. This option should also be in a cool, dark place, in a case, without contact with other clothing;
  • Before removing fur after the season, you should not treat it with moth spray; it is better to put appropriate tablets in your pockets.


  1. The attitude of the companies providing the service is not always conscientious.
  2. Quite a high price for the service. The cost of such storage usually ranges from one to two percent of the estimated value of the fur product per month.

If you choose this option for storing fur coats, be responsible when choosing a company that provides such a service. Read reviews about the company’s reputation, and not only on its website, try to find out how the storage facility is technically equipped, whether it has all the necessary conditions for the “summer vacation” of your fur coat, do not hesitate to ask a specialist any questions you may have.

Where is the best place to store a fur coat?

In order to decide where it is better to store a fur coat, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the available options.

  • If you can create all the necessary conditions at home in a closet . This option does not require large financial expenditures and does not cause the fear that may arise when handing over the product to strangers.
  • If there is no dark, dry place with free space , it is better to contact specialists who own a fur closet.
  • If the owner of a fur coat does not want to give it to someone else for storage , she can acquire a fur refrigerator herself. This decision should be well thought out, but if you have several fur coats, this option will be ideal and will pay off in the end.

If you need more information to make such an important decision, for clarity you can watch the video on how to properly store a fur coat at home:

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Storage at home

If you decide to store a mink coat at home, you need to carry out some preparatory steps.

  • Examine the fur coat very carefully, both from the outside and from the inside.
  • If there is obvious dirt or damage, do not try to deal with it at home; it is better to entrust it to specialists.
  • If there is no noticeable dirt, mink fur can be cleaned using available products such as flour, starch or talc. To do this, place the fur coat on a flat surface, sprinkle the fur with the chosen product and then carefully clean it with your hand. Shake off your fur coat. Brush with a special brush for fur products.
  • Ventilate your fur coat well. The place should be cool and dark, with good ventilation.
  • Fur coats should be stored on wide, appropriately sized hangers, otherwise the product may become deformed.
  • The fur coat must be stored with all buttons fastened.

Now let's talk directly about the storage process

  • Never store mink coats rolled up.
  • The fur coat should be stored in a case made of natural, breathable materials. To avoid wrinkles in the fur, lift the top of the cover. It is an unforgivable mistake to store a fur coat in a plastic case; in it the fur coat will lose its luster.
  • The fur coat should not have any decorations or accessories. If the fur coat came with a belt, remove it for storage.
  • In the case, the fur coat should hang on wide hangers, preferably on those with which it was sold.
  • Don't forget to take preventive measures against moths. To do this, place lavender or another moth repellent in small cotton bags. Place the bags in your pockets, under your collar and cuffs. Do not spray your fur with insecticide spray. It is better to treat the case with this product.
  • Fur does not like moisture. Therefore, place in your closet or wardrobe substances that absorb moisture well, this could be, for example, camphor or silica gel. In order for their action to be constant and, accordingly, more effective, the products must be changed periodically.
  • To prevent the product from losing its color and shine, it should be stored in a dark place. Sunlight is destructive, especially for light-colored mink and dyed products.
  • Fur really doesn't like heat. At storage temperatures above twenty-five degrees, the flesh dries out, the pile becomes dull and breaks. Fur ages quickly and loses its luxurious appearance.
  • The fur coat should have enough space of its own. To prevent the fur from becoming wrinkled, the product should not come into contact with other things.
  • During the “rest” of the fur coat, inspect and air it every two months, hanging the fur coat in the open air, in a place protected from the sun.

Mink coat storage

There is no need to create special conditions for the product in winter. The main care consists of periodically “walking” the fur coat on severe frosty days. Under the influence of cold, the fur is smoothed out, looking attractive and well-groomed. As an alternative, you can hang the product on the balcony. Night or a cloudy frosty day is ideal for this. In summer, the task of preserving the fur coat becomes more complicated, and favorable conditions for the mink coat will have to be created independently.

Preparing fur coats for storage

The main goal when storing mink products is to protect them from insects and not damage the fur. Before storing the product in the closet, it is necessary to properly prepare it for storage. This process consists of several stages:

  1. Drying. Natural fur does not tolerate dampness, so before storing the fur coat you need to dry it by hanging it for several days in a dry, well-ventilated area. There should be no heaters or central heating radiators nearby. You cannot speed up the drying process with a hairdryer; the product should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  2. Cleaning. If any contamination remains on the product, it must be removed. This can be done either yourself or at a dry cleaner.
  3. Carding. It is not recommended to comb the fur too often, but it should be done before storage. It is advisable to comb the fur coat with a special brush or a metal comb with sparse teeth, first along the pile, then against it, then smooth the fur in the direction of its growth.
  4. Choosing the right hanger. To store a mink coat, you need to choose a wide, strong hanger that matches the size of the coat. It must reliably maintain the shape of the product. There are special elastic and soft hangers that are ideal for mink coats. You cannot simply hang the product on a hook, this will lead to deformation of the product.

Before storage, you need to fasten all the buttons or hooks, remove the brooch or other accessories, smooth the fur with a brush, put on the cover and put it in the closet. This way the fur coat will not become deformed and will calmly wait for its next release.

Where to store a fur coat in summer?

The heat doesn't have the best effect on fur. Mink fur is very finicky. When storing fur coats, you need to follow a number of rules and take into account some nuances. Fur does not tolerate high temperatures and excessive humidity. Products made from natural fur should be stored in a spacious, cool place. Optimal storage conditions for the product: temperature +15…+17 °C and humidity 40-65%. This should be a dark place: a spacious closet or dressing room. A balcony is not suitable: in summer it can be very hot in this room. It is ideal to choose a cabinet made of cedar: such a tree practically does not allow moisture to pass through and its smell repels moths. You should not place your fur coat in close proximity to heating appliances and try to avoid direct sunlight on the product.

The room should be spacious and well ventilated. You need to create enough free space in the closet so that the fur does not come into contact with other clothes. If the fur coat hangs in tight spaces, the fur will quickly lose its shape and attractive appearance.

Some women practice storing mink coats in the freezer. Indeed, low temperatures have a beneficial effect on mink fur. But this is a rather controversial way to store a valuable item. In a household freezer there is no way to hang a fur coat freely; the product will have to be stored folded, and this will lead to the formation of creases.

Nowadays, many dry cleaners or stores offer storage services for fur products in special freezer rooms where optimal temperature and humidity are maintained. You can choose this option so as not to worry about the safety of your beauty. If there is free space in the apartment, a similar refrigerator can be equipped at home: manufacturers of such installations also work with private clients.

Storage case or vacuum bag?

You need to store a mink coat in a special case made of natural breathable fabric. It will not only protect the product from mechanical damage, but will also prevent the fur from matting or fraying. The cover must match the size of the fur coat; tightness is unacceptable here. Optimally, the length of the cover should exceed the length of the fur coat by 10-15 cm. You cannot use synthetic covers, only natural materials - linen, canvas or cotton. Such fabrics will provide air access to the product. It is highly recommended not to use vacuum and plastic bags for storing clothes. The fur coat will simply “suffocate” in them, and moisture will accumulate in the bag, which will ruin the fur. It is better to choose a fabric cover in dark colors (black, brown, dark blue) that does not transmit ultraviolet radiation.

How to store a mink coat in summer: protection from the sun and moths

How best to store a mink coat at home is an important question for owners of such a luxurious product, and there is an answer to it. It is necessary to follow certain rules in order for the fur beauty to wear longer.

  1. An important condition for the safety of a mink is the presence of space between it and other things. It should be hung on a special trempel designed for fur products. The hangers should be wide; a thin wire hanger should not be used. The fur coat should hang straightened, it is better if the sleeves are stuffed with fabric. Such measures will help the mink not to lose its shape.
  2. Sunlight should not penetrate into the storage area of ​​the product, especially direct rays. If a fur coat is hanging in a closet, you need to periodically check its condition and open the doors so that it “breathes.” If the mink is resting in the hallway, you also need to periodically ventilate the room.
  3. How to properly store a natural mink coat is often a problem for its owners , since this fur likes coolness, which is difficult to achieve at home. The best option is to maintain the temperature at 5 – 15°C. To create such conditions, the room must have air conditioning and periodically provide an influx of fresh air to the mink. If there is no air conditioning, it is better to take it out onto the balcony for a couple of days and make sure that it is not exposed to the sun. However, you should not remove it from the special case.
  4. You should definitely take care of protection against moths. Today there are many remedies: sachets, tablets, aerosols, oils, but you can also use proven folk remedies. Tangerine peels, lavender, and bergamot can help with how to effectively store fur coats in the summer at home. They also help in the fight against moths, but it is worth considering that they need to be renewed periodically and lavender must be used carefully, as the smell can remain for a long time.
  5. It is imperative to check the fur coat for brooches, coins in pockets, a belt and other accessories, as they can harm the fur. Nothing extraneous should be left for storage and special attention should be paid to this. Minor little things can be imprinted on the fur, stretch it or make holes.

It is important to find out in advance how to store a mink coat from damage by moths, so that preventive measures will help you not to worry about dealing with a problem that has already appeared. An important detail for storing a fur product is a properly selected cover. To avoid problems with moths, you need to treat it yourself, or purchase an option pre-impregnated with a pest repellent. It is better not to use tobacco and mothballs to protect expensive furs. Although these products are not inferior in effectiveness to others, their smell is very pungent and corrosive, and then it will not be so easy to get rid of it.

By the way, before the question arises, how to properly store a mink fur coat at home, you need to provide it with good conditions while wearing it. If the product is made of white mink, in addition to the fact that you cannot spray eau de toilette on it, you need to pay special attention to caring for the collar. You should not attach brooches to it, especially costume jewelry that can stain the fur. In addition, it is better to wear a scarf or shawl around your neck so that the collar does not become dirty or stained from the clothes under your fur coat. By the way, if lavender was chosen to fight moths, you can use a scarf soaked in lavender oil; you can hang it on a bracket or put it in your pocket. It is important that the oil does not come into contact with the fur and skin of the fur coat.

Travel and flights

Putting a fur coat on the road is not a difficult task. First, make sure the product is clean and not damp. To make it easier to put it in your suitcase, purchase a vacuum bag. This is an ideal option for short and compact storage.

Vacuum bag with valve

There are several types of vacuum bags:

  1. Bag with a hole for air circulation.
  2. A bag without a hole, with a soft seal designed to squeeze out excess air.
  3. A bag with a handle so you can hang it on a hanger.

Vacuum bag for things on a hanger

To ensure that your fur coat fits into your travel suitcase, purchase a vacuum bag with an air outlet. The folded fur coat should take up no more than half of the bag.

The diagram on how to properly fold a fur coat into a vacuum bag is very simple:

  • the fur coat is cleaned, dried and folded;
  • place the product in a vacuum bag;
  • The bag is zipped and air is squeezed out through a special hole.

The main task when putting a fur coat in a vacuum bag for travel is to squeeze out all the air so that the fur does not wrinkle.

Removing air from a vacuum bag

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