How to properly store cabbage in forks

Cabbage is a valuable vegetable. Thanks to the balanced content of vitamins, essential microelements, and fiber, this plant has become a unique dietary product. There are many different delicious dishes whose main ingredient is cabbage. Due to the fact that this vegetable does not require special care to grow, has good yields, is stored for a long time and is affordable, cabbage has become a popular food product.

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No feast is complete without a salad made from sauerkraut or fresh cabbage. This vegetable goes well with meat, fish, and potatoes. It is widely used in folk medicine as an effective remedy for many ailments. Every self-respecting housewife should know how to store cabbage, so that this storehouse of useful substances is always at hand.

Cabbage varieties for long-term storage

The shelf life of cabbage depends on the variety. Not all types are stored for a long time. Early ripening varieties after 60–70 days of storage lose their presentation and lose their beneficial and taste qualities.

Mid-late and late-ripening varieties have a long shelf life. The ripening period for medium-late varieties is 130–150 days, while late-ripening varieties ripen for 150–180 days. The best stored varieties are those that ripen from late August to October. These varieties remain fresh for 6–8 months. Long-term shelf life is facilitated by the dense structure of the head of cabbage, a small amount of liquid in the leaves, and late harvest dates.

Mid-late cabbage varieties

Throughout the winter, forks of mid-late varieties remain fresh:

  • The gift is white cabbage, the weight of the head reaches 5 kg. It can be stored fresh for up to 5 months without losing its taste.
  • Vyuga – forks weighing 3-4 kg. Resistant to cracking of heads of cabbage. It can be stored well for 6-7 months without loss of taste.
  • Menza – head weight 7–9 kg. Has a short external stump. It is stored for a long time and can withstand long-term transportation.
  • Fruitful - fruits weighing 3–4.5 kg, juicy, stored until March.
  • Belorussian - dense vegetables weighing 4–5 kg, do not crack when fully ripe.

Late ripening cabbage varieties

For long-term storage, choose late-ripening varieties that ripen in early autumn. They are great for fermentation and storage in cellars. Late-ripening varieties include:

  • Rinda - heads of cabbage weigh 3–6 kg, have a small stalk. The variety has a delicate taste. Can be stored for more than 4 months.
  • Amager is a head of cabbage weighing 2.5-4 kg. The variety has a high yield and is grown on an industrial scale. It is stored in cellars until mid-spring.
  • Snow White - has very large leaves, head weight is 3–5 kg. The pulp is juicy and white. The variety is resistant to cracking.
  • Stone head - this variety is most often used in salted, pickled form. The leaves are small, the fruit weight is 4–6 kg. Dense heads of cabbage do not crack during the ripening process.
  • Orbita is a medium-sized fruit, round-flat in shape, weighing 2.5-3 kg. Very dense heads of cabbage. The inner leaves are thin.
  • Valentina - ripening period 170 days. The variety produces a dense, medium-sized head, weighing 2–4 kg. The heads of cabbage are round in shape, the leaves are small with a wavy edge, juicy and crispy. Stored in the cellar until early summer.
  • Turkiz are medium-sized, dense fruits that are not prone to cracking. The weight of the heads of cabbage is 2.5-3 kg. Shelf life 6–7 months.

Preparation for the winter

How to store cabbage in winter? Proper preparation of cabbage heads for the winter begins in early spring, at the stage of selecting a seed variety. Only late varieties that ripen in late autumn are suitable, and they are harvested before the first frost on the soil.

Loading and transporting cabbage must be careful; heads of cabbage must be protected from unnecessary impacts and falling from a height. It is important to harvest cabbage on a nice sunny day, trying not to injure the cabbage.

Long-term storage requires the following conditions: humidity 86–90%, ambient temperature 0–2 °C.

Only strong, uncracked heads of cabbage are worthy of long-term storage in cellars and basements.

Here are the most common techniques to ensure the safety of cabbage:

  • Do not remove either the root system or the trunk of the plant! A wire hook is tied to the lower part of the trunk, just before the beginning of the root system. The cabbage is hung upside down on a stretched wire. This way we ensure a constant and gradual flow of moisture from the roots directly to the leaves.
  • Covering coarse leaves cannot be torn off; they are periodically removed as they dry out or rot. Thus, the heads of cabbage remain fresh until spring.
  • Cut off the stalk near the cabbage head itself. Wrap each head of cabbage in newsprint and place on dry shelves without touching each other. Disadvantage: High humidity causes the top leaves to rot and the newsprint to stick to these areas.
  • Instead of paper, it is more practical to use cling film. It will serve as a moisture-proof barrier that protects the delicate inner leaves from drying out. Store as in the previous method.
  • The floor of the storage facility is covered with coarse sand of medium humidity in a layer of 20 cm. Heads of cabbage are stuck into it with uncut stalks. Thanks to this, you can enjoy tender, unspoiled cabbage almost until the next harvest.
  • Heads of cabbage without stalks are coated with clay mash. Allow to dry in the shade and put away in the cellar. Carrots and beets are preserved in the same way.
  • Large boxes are filled with cabbage heads and covered with sifted river sand. The method is financially expensive and requires a lot of space in the basement. This is its minus.

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Another technique is suitable for those who do not have a basement at all. Then you can save the harvest right in the beds. To do this, dig a half-meter trench, the bottom of which is lined with dry, preferably barley, straw. Place the cabbage heads in one row, cover with a layer of earth, making a parapet 20 cm high. The top of the parapet is widely covered with hay, remnants of vegetation, and straw. The greater the threat of soil freezing in winter, the thicker the cover layer should be.

In the old days, cabbage crops were stored “in caches.” To do this, they dug deep holes and placed cabbage there in layers, generously covering it with barley straw. The last layer consisted of hay, which was sprinkled with earth. Next, the entire “pie” was covered with a haystack. Before the end of the frost, the stack was fed to livestock, and the pit was torn up and the cabbage was used both to feed livestock and for personal consumption.

You see how many simple and accessible methods of harvest storage have been accumulated over years of practice. Use them with joy and prepare top-class cabbage dishes!

Another technique is suitable for those who do not have a basement at all. Then you can save the harvest right in the beds. To do this, dig a half-meter trench, the bottom of which is lined with dry, preferably barley, straw. Place the cabbage heads in one row, cover with a layer of earth, making a parapet 20 cm high. The top of the parapet is widely covered with hay, remnants of vegetation, and straw. The greater the threat of soil freezing in winter, the thicker the cover layer should be.

Preparing cabbage for storage

Cabbage is harvested by removing it from the soil with its roots, shaking off the soil. Remove the top layer of damaged and dirty leaves. The stalk is cut off at the level of the remaining layer of leaves or left if the head will be stored hanging.

After harvesting, the fruits are laid out in a cool room to dry from moisture for 5–7 days. Moisture remaining between the leaves leads to the development of rot and mold. Medium-sized, dense heads of cabbage, without cracks, damage, or rot, are selected for storage. It is better to ferment or pickle large heads immediately.

Cabbage that is overly fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers cannot be stored for long periods of time. Such heads of cabbage become loose during storage and quickly deteriorate.

When and how to harvest cabbage

Cabbage harvesting is carried out in the fall, when the air temperature during the day is 3–7 degrees, and at night drops to 3 degrees below zero. Harvesting earlier than recommended will cause the cabbage to wilt. If harvesting is prolonged, the heads of cabbage will become overripe and crack.

Dry weather is chosen for harvesting. If the rainy season has arrived, the heads of cabbage are dried before storing. Cut off the heads with a clean, sharp knife, leaving a stalk 3–4 cm long. 2–3 top leaves are left on the head to protect it from mechanical damage during harvesting.

Cabbage sorting

Before storing for winter storage, sort the cabbage. Only dense, hard, fully ripened heads of cabbage are suitable for storage. Not subject to storage:

  • unripe cabbages;
  • fruits with mechanical damage received during harvesting;
  • cracked heads of cabbage;
  • fruits with signs of disease and the presence of pests.

How and where to properly store cabbage?

The shelf life of cabbage is affected not only by its variety, but also by many other nuances. One of the main criteria in this case is the growing conditions. Some features cannot be recognized if cabbage is bought in a store. This applies, for example, to the types of soil, the amount of precipitation, as well as the types of fertilizers used. If you plan to store cabbage bought in a store, then preference should be given to the most dense heads of cabbage without yellowed leaves or signs of rotting.

Nuances of storing cabbage:

  • Cabbage of early varieties has the shortest shelf life (it is better to eat it as early as possible);
  • Mid-season and late varieties of cabbage are stored the longest;
  • The top leaves of cabbage should not be removed before storing it;
  • Frozen, cracked, wilted cabbage or cabbage with mechanical damage (as well as cabbage with traces of disease or insect damage) cannot be stored;
  • if cabbage is stored in a wooden box, then it is necessary to prevent the heads of cabbage from coming into contact with each other using newspaper or any paper;
  • When storing cabbage, place it with the stalk on top;
  • Cabbage is well preserved on a kind of “cushion of sand” (this option is suitable for storage in cellars, basements or on the balcony);
  • You can store cabbage in ordinary soil (you can use buckets, barrels or even bags as storage containers);
  • if cling film is used when storing cabbage, then the head of cabbage should be wrapped as tightly as possible so that there is no accumulation of air or condensation;
  • In the refrigerator, cabbage can be stored in paper (this method will extend the shelf life of the head of cabbage);
  • You can prevent the appearance of rot or mold on cabbage using crushed chalk (the heads of cabbage should be “powdered” with chalk and placed in a cool place);
  • in a suspended state, cabbage can be stored longer;
  • close contact of heads of cabbage with each other can become the main accelerator of the rotting process;
  • if you place burdock leaves next to the cabbage, the shelf life of the heads of cabbage will increase slightly;
  • It is desirable that air enters the heads of cabbage from any side (if it is difficult to create such conditions, then it is better to periodically turn the cabbage during storage).

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Often, during storage of cabbage, a white coating appears on the heads of cabbage. This sign indicates the beginning of mold development. You can stop this process with crushed chalk or mustard powder. The affected areas are simply treated with the indicated components, and before eating they are removed along with the leaves or cut off.

How to store cabbage in an apartment

Cabbage is one of the vegetables suitable for long-term storage. You just need to create conditions favorable for this. The optimal storage temperature for cabbage is 0–5 degrees; for white cabbage varieties, minus 1 °C is allowed. A decrease in temperature below these norms leads to freezing of the leaves. Be sure to cut off the head before storing it in the refrigerator, as the cabbage continues to grow and small heads or flower stalks will appear on the remaining stem.

The stem is left hanging for storage.

Remove the top outer leaves, leaving 2-3 green leaves. They subsequently protect the heads from damage.

Rinse the forks under cold running water. This is done to wash away dirt and insects that have settled between the leaves. Then be sure to wipe the heads dry with a cloth to completely remove moisture.

In a refrigerator

The most common storage place in an apartment is the refrigerator. The goal of every housewife is to preserve cabbage for as long as possible. The prepared heads are placed in a vegetable chamber, where they retain their quality for 3–4 months. Periodically, you need to remove the top limp and dried leaves.

To increase the storage period, selected and prepared forks are wrapped in cling film and placed in the vegetable chamber. This method allows you to preserve the presentation and taste 1.5-2 times longer.

In the freezer

Cabbage is stored in the freezer as semi-finished products for preparing first and second courses. Frozen vegetables are not suitable for salads.

To save in the freezer, make some cabbage slices:

  • Rinse the pre-prepared heads with running water, dry them, cut out the stalk;
  • shred the cabbage into small strips;
  • put the slices in plastic containers, wrap them in cling film or put them in plastic bags;
  • Place the packages in the freezer.

The slices are stored in the freezer for 7–12 months. There is no need to wait for it to thaw to prepare culinary dishes.

Whole cabbage leaves can also be frozen. Cabbage rolls are made from them. Loose heads are suitable for this purpose. The leaves are separated from the head and wrapped in small portions with cling film. Then placed in the freezer.

Frozen cabbage leaves must thaw before preparing cabbage rolls. There is no need to boil them; thawed leaves become soft and do not break when twisted.

On the balcony/storage room

It is convenient to store cabbage on a balcony or loggia, it is better if they are glazed. To do this, use a lockable cabinet with shelves. Wrap the heads in paper or cling film and place them in 1 row on the shelves.

Some housewives put the heads in fabric bags. If you have a wooden container, fill it with sand and place cabbage in it. It is advisable to inspect vegetables every 2 weeks so as not to miss signs of rotting.

It is not allowed to store cabbage on the balcony in winter if the air temperature drops below 0 degrees.

If your apartment has a pantry outside the kitchen, it is also convenient to store fresh cabbage there. To do this, cut the stalks short and wrap the forks with film in several layers so that there is no air gap. The heads are inspected every week, removing spoiled leaves, and again wrapped in cling film.


Cabbage is very useful in canned form. Sauerkraut is added to salads and consumed in its pure form. Sauerkraut juice is considered beneficial for the stomach; it contains a high content of vitamin C. During the fermentation process, lactic acid is formed, which prevents the formation of harmful bacteria.

Even those leaves that were set aside as substandard and leaves from cracked heads are suitable for preservation. Store the chopped vegetable in a glass or enamel container at a temperature of 0–2 degrees.

White cabbage fermented using the usual method can be stored for several months. It is eaten from autumn to spring. Sauerkraut lasts longer in the freezer. You need to defrost it for eating in parts so as not to freeze the excess again.

There are varieties that are most suitable for pickling. They have fleshy, thick leaves containing few veins and a lot of juice.

Of the mid-late varieties, the most suitable for conservation are: hybrids Aggressor f1, Barton, Ilona, ​​Knyaginya, Kupchikha, Maryana, Parus, Saturn.

Late-ripening varieties used for sourdough: Bagaevskaya, Discover, Dubler, Leader, Moskovskaya late, Khutorok and others.

Fresh cabbage selected for pickling is pre-prepared. To do this, remove the top leaves, cut off the stalk, and remove damaged surfaces.

The most common and simplest method of preserving cabbage is pickling it. The head is chopped, salted to taste and grated carrots are added. The slices are placed tightly in glass jars or enamel pans. To prevent carbon dioxide from collecting at the bottom and to prevent bitterness, the slices are regularly pierced with a thin wooden stick. After 3 days, the containers with cabbage are placed in the refrigerator, where the fermentation process will continue. After another 2 days the product will be ready for use. The cabbage continues to be stored in the refrigerator.

Housewives often prepare pickled cabbage “pelustka”. The vegetable is cut into petal-shaped squares and beets are added. During the fermentation process, cabbage turns pink. The dish turns out very tasty. Loose heads are used for cooking.

At what temperature should it be stored on the balcony?

The temperature at which carrots retain vitamins, minerals and taste is from 0 to + 1 C with a humidity of 85-90%. Make sure that it does not fall lower, otherwise the vegetable will freeze.

When frost sets in, bring it indoors. The permissible temperature when storing on the balcony is from + 1 to + 8 degrees. If the temperature on the balcony is sub-zero, the carrot juice will freeze.

After the temperature increases, all the juice will begin to flow out through the cracks in the root crop formed due to ice. Through the cracks, all kinds of infection will penetrate into the vegetables, which will lead to rotting of the carrots.

If the temperature rises above +8 degrees, the carrots, due to the acceleration of metabolism, will begin to sprout or rot.

At temperatures above + 8 degrees, the vegetable will begin to dry out and simply wither. Ventilation on the balcony should be weak, because along with fresh air, bad microorganisms that cause diseases will penetrate.

When the humidity percentage changes, the carrots will quickly dry out and wilt.

Vegetables with thin skin require more careful handling. It cannot be washed or cleaned.

Storing cabbage in the cellar

Stocks are stored in the cellar for a long time. Here cabbage can survive until spring at a temperature of 0–1 degrees and high humidity of 80–90%. Creating the necessary conditions for preserving vegetables will prevent the process of rotting, preserve the taste and effect of nutrients. The room is pre-ventilated and dried.

The walls, floor and ceiling are treated with an antiseptic. It is important to remove traces of last year's supplies and make sure there are no rodents. Ensure reliable air ventilation. Store in wooden containers, sand, paper, in a suspended state.

In polyethylene/food film

Vegetables are stored in large plastic bags or garbage bags. This method is convenient if the room is small and there are no shelves. Each head is wrapped in paper and placed in a bag several at a time. The bag is not tied so as not to restrict air circulation.

The most popular way to preserve cabbage is to use cling film. Each head is wrapped with film so that there is no air layer, and placed in wooden boxes or bags. The advantage of this method is reliable moisture resistance and hygiene. This type of cabbage does not spoil until spring.

On the grid

Heads of cabbage are well preserved in large nets. Several heads are placed in each mesh in one layer. The grids are laid on wooden flooring or shelving. With this method, vegetables are well ventilated and always remain in sight, which allows you to notice spoiling leaves in time.

In boxes

This method is the simplest. The bottom layer of heads of cabbage is placed in wooden boxes with the stalks up, then the second layer is placed in a checkerboard pattern with the stalks down. The heads are placed tightly so that they do not roll around. This scheme is used to increase air access to vegetables. For the same purpose, side holes are made in the boxes. The boxes are not covered with lids.

Storing cabbage in stacks

When using this method, a wooden flooring 8–10 cm high is placed on the floor of the cellar. There must be a gap between the boards for air access. Cabbage heads are placed on the flooring. Large heads of cabbage are placed on the bottom layer, and smaller vegetables are placed on the second and subsequent layers. It is convenient to place vegetables in a checkerboard pattern. To use in cooking, take the top heads of cabbage first.

Storing cabbage on shelves or racks

The presence of shelves and racks in the basement makes it easier to store vegetables. Shelves and racks are pre-treated with antiseptic agents or water with the addition of soda. The forks are laid with the stalks up in one layer so that they do not touch each other. Vegetables are periodically inspected. At the first sign of damage, the heads are removed.

In paper

For this method you need to stock up on a lot of paper. Each head is wrapped in several layers of paper and placed in bags. The paper will prevent vegetables from touching, provide thermal insulation, and protect from excess moisture.

Newspapers and magazines are not allowed for wrapping. Printing ink contains large amounts of lead, which is hazardous to human health.

Hanging cabbage

The method of hanging cabbage from the ceiling is often used. The roots must be left on the vegetables. A wooden board is fixed under the ceiling of the cellar, and large nails are driven along the entire length of the board. A rope is tied to the roots and hooked to a nail. The heads are hung at a short distance from each other. The air circulates well around them. Upon visual inspection, the first signs of rotting of the leaves are visible.

In clay

This is the most labor-intensive method. Clay is mixed with water in a 2:1 ratio until the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. The heads of cabbage are coated with a thick layer of the prepared mixture and dried. It is important that no cracks form. Clay forms a layer that protects vegetables from pests and protects them from rotting and disease. After complete drying, the heads of cabbage are placed on shelves or racks in the cellar.

This method significantly extends shelf life.

In chalk or lime

Before storing vegetables, it is useful to powder them with chalk or slaked lime. This will significantly extend the shelf life and protect against rotting and fungal diseases.

Forks powdered with chalk or lime are placed in boxes, on shelves or hung by the roots.

Burying cabbage in the sand

Vegetables laid in sand retain their quality until spring. They do this in two ways. In the first method, the stalks are cut off and placed in a box, leaving a small distance between the heads. Then the heads are covered with dry sand. After this, a second layer is made, then also a third.

In another method, the stalks are not cut off, leaving 7 cm of the stem; they are stuck into the sand. In the first case, more vegetables are stored for the winter.

Basic Rules

How to properly store white cabbage in winter?


We begin harvesting white cabbage in the fall, preferably before frost sets in .

Cabbage tolerates frost down to -7 degrees well, so if it freezes , do not rush to collect, the frozen leaves need to thaw, otherwise the head of cabbage will spoil .

Choose cool but dry weather . Cabbage harvested in warm weather will be more susceptible to rotting during storage. For long-term shelf life, the head of cabbage must be fully ripe. To do this, press firmly, it should be very tight.

Pull the plant out of the ground, cut off the root, leave the stump long . Heads of cabbage with two upper covering green leaves are suitable for winter. Allow these leaves to wilt before storing them.

Where to store cabbage? It is best stored in a cellar or basement. You can’t store the heads of cabbage in one pile, as they begin to rot faster. If there are no shelves, make a flooring from boards. All surfaces must be washed with a baking soda solution .

Fold in 2 rows with the stalks up , in a checkerboard pattern. Cabbage contains a sufficient amount of moisture, so place straw under the heads of cabbage and change it constantly. If there is little space, you can store it hanging .

One way to store cabbage in this video:

Optimal conditions

What are the optimal storage conditions for white cabbage? For long-term storage, temperatures from -1 to +2 degrees are suitable.

Air humidity should be 90 - 98%. If the room is colder, the cabbage will freeze, and when it thaws, it will quickly deteriorate; if it is warmer, it will rot.

Is it possible to store white cabbage at home? The optimal place is a closet on a glazed loggia. It needs to be insulated, use regular polystyrene foam.

Place the heads of cabbage in one row on the shelves, having previously wrapped each one with paper, parchment or just newspaper in several layers.

A pantry is also suitable; for this, the stalk is completely separated, the top leaves are removed and the head is wrapped of cling film . Smooth each one thoroughly to avoid any air bubbles.

the cabbage in your pantry once a week and remove any bad leaves. Condensation has formed, the heads of cabbage need to be unrolled, dried thoroughly, and wrapped again.

You can also store fresh vegetables in the refrigerator , only on the lower shelves, wrapped in food parchment.

How to store white cabbage in the cellar for the winter? One of the ways to store cabbage in the cellar is in this video. Let's look:

We have prepared materials on harvesting, freezing and drying cabbage.

How to increase the shelf life of cabbage

The length of time cabbage is preserved depends on several factors:

  • the right choice of variety - medium-late, late-ripening varieties are suitable for wintering;
  • cabbage grown on loamy soils is stored longer;
  • Abundant rain and watering cause the forks to crack when stored - such vegetables are not stored for a long time.

Before being placed in the cellar, the heads of cabbage are kept in salt water. This will remove insects from between the leaves.

To keep vegetables in cling film longer, you need to regularly check for condensation between the layers of film. If there is vapor, the film is removed, the forks are dried and wrapped in new film.

It is necessary to control the air temperature. When it drops below 0 degrees, the leaves will begin to freeze and rot.

Diseases of cabbage during storage

During long-term storage, gray rot may appear on vegetables. It looks like fuzzy mold. In the affected areas, the leaves rot. It forms in areas of mechanical damage, in frozen areas. Occurs on heads from which all outer leaves have been removed. Its development is facilitated by changes in climatic conditions in the cellar. When a disease is detected, the affected areas are cut off and treated with chalk.

Soft rot or bacteriosis appears only on mechanically damaged or cracked vegetables. The cabbage is removed from the cellar for further processing. At air temperatures above 4 degrees, soft rot does not develop.

Methods for storing cabbage in storage

There are several ways to place cabbage in storage:

  • in bulk (in bins, sections or throughout the entire storage area);
  • in containers;
  • in crate boxes.

When storing in bulk, good air circulation should be ensured through the bulk of the product. The height of the embankment should be no more than 3 m.

With the container storage method, containers are stacked one on top of the other (4-6 tiers).

Cabbage heads must be laid with the stalk facing up and not too tightly to each other.

Temperature storage conditions for cabbage

Before loading, the air temperature in the chamber must be reduced to minus 1 – 0 ° C. Upon completion of loading, the chamber is brought to a temperature regime of minus 1 – +0.5 ° C no more than 24 hours and maintained at these values ​​until the end of storage.

At this temperature, the intensity of respiration and heat generation from cabbage is low, and the vital activity of microorganisms is greatly slowed down. At a lower temperature of minus 2-3 ° C, the outer leaves of the head of cabbage freeze and after thawing are easily affected by microorganisms. A short-term drop in temperature to -2 ° C usually does not cause damage to edible cabbage.

It is also harmful to store cabbage at temperatures above +1- +2 ° C, since the cabbage releases heat, which in turn causes an increase in the temperature in the storage. The higher the temperature, the more difficult it is to refrigerate cabbage and prevent spoilage.

To successfully store cabbage, it is important to maintain a certain relative humidity. At low relative air humidity of 70-80%, cabbage can lose relatively a lot of water, i.e. natural loss increases. But the spread of diseases slows down greatly and even stops completely. The outer leaves, losing moisture, dry out somewhat, making it difficult for microorganisms to germinate on them.

At high relative air humidity of 95-98%, there are no noticeable losses from moisture evaporation, but a slight decrease in temperature (by tenths of a degree) is enough - and moisture condensation will occur, some of it will fall out in a drop-liquid state in the coolest parts of the storage facility.

In a waterlogged atmosphere, microbial spores quickly germinate on the surface of cabbage covered with moisture. Cabbage is severely affected by gray and white rot. The most suitable relative humidity for storing cabbage is 85-90%.

Mixing air in a closed space helps ensure uniform temperature and relative humidity. The recommended circulation rate is from 100-150 m 3 /T*h, depending on the climatic zone.

Shelf life depending on storage location

The storage duration is affected by the places intended for storing vegetables.

  • The culture can be stored at room temperature for no more than one week.
  • On a glazed and insulated balcony or loggia, the shelf life does not exceed 4 months.
  • In the refrigerator without cling film - no more than 30-35 days.
  • In the refrigerator in film - 4-5 months.
  • In the freezer - 9-10 months.
  • In the cellar - 7–8 months.

When storing cabbage for long-term storage, it is important to correctly determine the variety.
Under certain conditions, the culture retains its qualities well until the start of the new season. Cabbage can be stored fresh, canned or frozen. This allows you to use it throughout the winter to prepare various dishes. Did you like the article? Was she helpful?

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