Is the broccoli yellowed? Is it safe to eat?

Broccoli, a competitor to cauliflower, is becoming more popular every year. The secret is in the nutritional composition of the vegetable, rich in phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, C, E, PP, group B. The green and purple heads contain vegetable protein and amino acids, essential for children and those on a diet. In order for the vegetable to last as long as possible, you need to know how to store broccoli at home. Anyone can cope with the task, just know the simple rules and listen to the recommendations.

It's time to harvest

Let's first decide on the varietal assortment. Of the 37 varieties in the register of breeding achievements, there is not a single one that breeders would recommend for fresh winter storage - only for home cooking.

According to the growing season, all varieties are divided into:

  • early ripening varieties ripen in 75-90 days;
  • mid-ripening and late species mature at 105 days or more.

To extend the consumption period, it is better to sow cabbage of different ripening periods, and also select those varieties that produce lateral heads. For example, the hybrid "Linda" after cutting the main head produces 7 side heads of 50-70 g each, but "Monterello" produces only one main head weighing 700 g.

So, it's time to harvest. The following tips will help keep broccoli fresh for a while:

  • choose dense heads with a diameter of 13-18 cm;
  • we select dark green ones, and with yellow spots, overripe ones - to the side;
  • cut the heads of cabbage 10-12 cm below the base of the head;
  • we leave the stems in the garden to collect a second harvest of young inflorescences (for certain varieties).

Harvest on a cool day, when the air temperature is not lower than -2 °C. Frozen cabbage will not last long, and the taste will deteriorate. High temperatures also harm the vegetable, causing it to wither and dry out.

Broccoli: how to store the most whimsical type of cabbage

Broccoli, a competitor to cauliflower, is becoming more popular every year.
The secret is in the nutritional composition of the vegetable, rich in phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, C, E, PP, group B. The green and purple heads contain vegetable protein and amino acids, essential for children and those on a diet. Let's first decide on the varietal assortment. Of the 37 varieties in the register of breeding achievements, there is not a single one that breeders would recommend for fresh winter storage - only for home cooking.

According to the growing season, all varieties are divided into:

  • early ripening varieties ripen in 75-90 days;
  • mid-ripening and late species mature at 105 days or more.

To extend the consumption period, it is better to sow cabbage of different ripening periods, and also select those varieties that produce lateral heads. For example, the hybrid "Linda" after cutting the main head produces 7 side heads of 50-70 g each, but "Monterello" produces only one main head weighing 700 g.

The head of broccoli consists of green buds. Yellow flowers bloom from them. Yellowing of the head is a sign of overripeness of the vegetable.

So, it's time to harvest. The following tips will help keep broccoli fresh for a while:

  • choose dense heads with a diameter of 13-18 cm;
  • we select dark green ones, and with yellow spots, overripe ones - to the side;
  • cut the heads of cabbage 10-12 cm below the base of the head;
  • we leave the stems in the garden to collect a second harvest of young inflorescences (for certain varieties).

Housewives often ask: do they need to wash cabbage? Definitely yes. But not after harvesting the garden or shopping at the store, but before preparing dishes.

  1. Prepare a large bowl, fill with water, add 3-4 tsp. vinegar.
  2. Dip the inflorescences into the solution for 12-15 minutes to remove debris and insects.
  3. Remove the vegetables, rinse, and blot to remove moisture.
  4. Use immediately for cooking.

How to store broccoli in the refrigerator:

  • Spray each head with clean water from a spray bottle.
  • Then wrap in a clean cotton napkin or towel.
  • Place in the refrigerator and enjoy the fresh taste and aroma for 3-4 days.

Proximity to vegetables and fruits that emit ethylene harms broccoli

You can find a list of ethylene-emitting vegetables and fruits that are undesirable for broccoli in the article about storing fresh cucumbers.

Broccoli, or cabbage, is a unique product with high nutritional value. But farmers complain that it often fades and becomes unsuitable for consumption. That is why it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with the peculiarities of growing a plant, the main reasons for the vegetable to fade into color, as well as the rules of selection that will help to avoid such troubles in the future.

Broccoli florets used for cooking may bloom prematurely.

Let's look at the main reasons why broccoli began to bloom without gaining its mass:

We invite you to familiarize yourself with: Frozen cauliflower and broccoli in a frying pan

Signs of flowering

When growing cabbage, it is necessary to constantly monitor the appearance of the head of cabbage, by the condition of which you can determine the time of harvest. When ripe, the head of cabbage has a dense shape with green buds.

As soon as the heads of cabbage change their color, the plant must be picked immediately. The cabbage heads should not be allowed to loosen, as they will subsequently begin to bloom. It is recommended to harvest cabbage before the inflorescences open, when it contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins.

To avoid flowering of broccoli, special attention should be paid to the weight of the head. You should not wait for the fruit to become large, but cut the plant when its weight is slightly less than the recommended weight on the package. Then the vegetable will not have time to outgrow and certainly will not bloom.

Let's take a closer look at what to do with cabbage that has bloomed and find out whether it can be eaten.

Broccoli loses color in any case - this is its natural property. If the plant has already bloomed, you should not cut it down. In many varieties, after cutting off the central head, new young large shoots are formed. But if it is clear that there will be no result, it is better to remove the vegetable from the garden and make room for other crops.

Broccoli is very demanding when it comes to fertilizing with organic and inorganic fertilizers. Particular attention should be paid to potassium and phosphorus fertilizing, since they directly affect the growth of cabbage. It is also influenced by minerals such as molybdenum, magnesium, boron.

The first fertilizing must be done after the seedlings take root. This is done with a solution of chicken manure (1:20) or mullein infusion (1:10). After 14 days, this procedure should be repeated. It is recommended to carry out the third feeding after the formation of the first young inflorescences.

To do this, you need to mix the following ingredients in 10 liters of clean water:

  • superphosphate - 40 g;
  • ammonium nitrate - 20 g;
  • Potassium sulfate - 10 g.

When growing this vegetable, special attention should be paid to the watering regime. The soil under the plant should be constantly moist. If the soil is too dry when tying the head, the cabbage will definitely go into color.

During the flowering stage, it is recommended to use it for cooking, since all nutritional and vitamin complexes are preserved in it, only the presentation of the plant deteriorates and the taste deteriorates slightly. Flowering cabbage does not accumulate any poisons or substances harmful to humans.

During flowering, cabbage leaves will become bitter and the stems will become fibrous and tough. During this period, the vegetable directs all its energy to the formation of seeds. In some countries of the world, flowering broccoli is used to prepare first courses.


Broccoli is an extremely healthy vegetable. The calorie content of 100 g of fresh asparagus cabbage is 28 kcal, boiled - 34 kcal, fried - 46 kcal. The vegetable is considered to be a low-calorie product, so nutritionists recommend using it to normalize body weight.

  • proteins - 2.8 g (3.41%);
  • fats - 0.4 g (0.62%);
  • carbohydrates - 6.6 g (5.16%);
  • dietary fiber - 2.6 g (13.0%);
  • water - 89.3 g (3.49%).
  • The beneficial qualities of broccoli depend on its chemical composition and are as follows:
  • normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, liver and gall bladder;
  • promotes the removal of toxins, carcinogens and heavy metals from the body;
  • protects the body from the formation of malignant (cancerous) tumors;
  • reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke by strengthening blood vessels;
  • normalizes intestinal motility, relieves chronic obstruction;
  • restores the functioning of the nervous system;
  • due to the content of vitamin B9, it has a positive effect on the body of pregnant women;
  • normalizes metabolism and also helps reduce excess weight;
  • Regular consumption prevents the development of atherosclerosis and the onset of premature aging of the body.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with: Varieties of broccoli with name and description: 50 best types with photos

Do you need to wash cabbage?

Housewives often ask: do they need to wash cabbage? Definitely yes. But not after harvesting the garden or shopping at the store, but before preparing dishes.

  1. Prepare a large bowl, fill with water, add 3-4 tsp. vinegar.
  2. Dip the inflorescences into the solution for 12-15 minutes to remove debris and insects.
  3. Remove the vegetables, rinse, and blot to remove moisture.
  4. Use immediately for cooking.

Broccoli heads should go into the refrigerator half an hour after they were brought from the store or picked from the garden. Do not waste time, otherwise the vegetables will lose their nutritional value and freshness.

Short-term storage in the refrigerator

How to store broccoli in the refrigerator:

  • Spray each head with clean water from a spray bottle.
  • Then wrap in a clean cotton napkin or towel.
  • Place in the refrigerator and enjoy the fresh taste and aroma for 3-4 days.

You can find a list of ethylene-emitting vegetables and fruits that are undesirable for broccoli in the article about storing fresh cucumbers.

It will help to preserve broccoli by simply wrapping it in a damp paper towel or packing it in plastic bags (no need to close them). Afterwards, the valuable product is placed in a cool place, where it will remain fresh for 2-3 days.

How to keep cabbage fresh for the next week? Make a green bouquet, place it in a jar of water, and cover with a bag on top. Change the water every day, and make holes in the plastic for air circulation. Keep broccoli in the refrigerator and enjoy freshness for 6-7 days.

It is unacceptable to keep cabbage in a tight plastic bag or an airtight container. In order for it to retain its nutritional value and not become moldy, it needs constant access to fresh air.

Frozen gifts of the fields

Try storing broccoli frozen for the winter. Experienced housewives claim that when properly frozen, the crop retains its excellent appearance and maximum nutrients.

Let's start with preparation

To freeze broccoli for the winter, you need to prepare it properly. Select strong, healthy green heads with a diameter of 8-15 cm. Cut off the stalk, remove the leaves, and disassemble the cabbage itself into single inflorescences.

Before freezing, do not forget to get rid of any insects that may remain between the flowers. For this:

  1. Fill a basin or bowl with water, add 40-45 g of salt per 1 liter of water.
  2. Lower the inflorescences, leave for 20-25 minutes, then remove and rinse thoroughly.
  3. Drain in a colander to drain excess moisture.

Freezing without blanching

You can freeze broccoli for the winter without blanching:

  • First, rinse and place on a napkin to dry.
  • Then pack into bags and freeze.

Some housewives complain that after defrosting, cabbage changes color and becomes soft. Yes, it will not be as elastic as before, but the color will remain. To prevent the inflorescences from becoming soft, it is recommended to freeze them using a different recipe.

First we blanch

To freeze broccoli for the winter and maintain its elasticity, you must first blanch it.

  1. Prepare 2 pans. Place one on the fire, adding 1 tsp. citric acid per 1 liter of water, fill the second with cold water and ice.
  2. Place broccoli in boiling water in portions and blanch for 1-2 minutes. Then immediately cool them in ice water to stop the heating processes.
  3. Place the inflorescences on a napkin or towel and allow excess liquid to drain. To ensure that the frozen product retains its nutritional value, it must be completely cooled.
  4. Pack the semi-finished product in plastic bags and place in the freezer. Freezing will keep it fresh for the next 8-10 months.

There are varieties that, with or without blanching, after defrosting, are only suitable for pureed soup. If you don’t know how your particular cabbage will behave, put a small piece in the freezer for 24 hours. During this time, nothing will happen to the entire batch, and after defrosting the “sample”, you will know what it is good for.

And finally, a video from which you will learn how to cook broccoli to preserve all the vitamins:

Now you know everything about proper freezing and other storage options for broccoli. And with the onset of winter cold, you can easily prepare a lot of delicious dishes, giving your body the vitamins that cabbage contains.

Green broccoli with unopened flowers is healthy and rich in vitamins and minerals. Broccoli can turn yellow in two cases:

  • the flowers on it blossomed and turned yellow
  • During storage, the green (unblown) flowers withered and acquired a yellowish tint.

The result in both cases is the same - loss of taste and almost all nutritional qualities.

And now the answer to the question posed: is it possible to eat such cabbage? Yes, of course you can. But why? There is practically nothing useful left in it.

Broccoli, like any greens, should be eaten fresh, preferably just picked. Wilted greens can, perhaps, slightly revive the taste of the dish, but that’s all.

Broccoli is a plant product, so if it turns yellow and this is because it has wilted a little, then there is nothing to worry about, since there is no such bacterial nightmare as with protein foods that begin to deteriorate.

In our city, the leading supermarket chain sells this broccoli at a discount. Moreover, people take it and eat it, and I ate it and everything is fine. And sometimes they even sell one that starts to turn black on top.

The main thing is to smell it so that it doesn’t start to rot. Well, this happens if you keep it in a bag for a long time and there is still moisture there, then if it rots badly, then throw it away.

Why does broccoli fade?

Premature flowering is the main problem gardeners have when growing broccoli. A common occurrence is that before the cabbage has time to set its heads, it begins to bloom and nothing can be done about it. Why does this happen:

  • Broccoli is sensitive to nutrition and watering. If any of this is missing, it immediately stops developing the heads and goes into color.
  • Excess fertilizer, especially during the period of head setting, leads to premature flowering.
  • High air temperatures are the key to fast and vigorous flowering of cabbage. As soon as the air warms up to a temperature above 25 ° C, the broccoli stops forming a head and goes into color.
  • Untimely harvesting. The head may be well formed, but if you miss the moment when it is completely ready, the flowers will bloom.

    Broccoli is very sensitive to nutrition and watering; if any of this is missing, it immediately stops developing its heads and goes into bloom.

Good news. Blooming broccoli is edible, it has just lost its marketable appearance. All vitamins and nutrients are preserved in it. The petioles of inflorescences and leaves are also eaten.

Video: why broccoli fades into color

Composition, BJU and calorie content of broccoli (boiled, raw)

Scientists were able to study in detail the beneficial properties and contraindications of broccoli. The nutritional value is represented by the inflorescence (head). It is cut off in an underdeveloped form. If you miss the moment, the buds will turn into flowers. Such a vegetable will become unsuitable for eating.

Chemical composition of broccoli

The edible part of the inflorescences contains (calculated per 100 g of product):

  • water – 90 g;
  • proteins – 3 g;
  • carbohydrates – 5.75 g;
  • fats – 0.35 g;
  • ash – 0.9 g.

The vegetable contains essential acids such as arginine, lysine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine and others. Its pulp is rich in vitamins A, C, gr. B, E, K, PP. Of the minerals, the largest quantities contain magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and sodium. The inflorescences are rich in iron, copper, manganese, zinc, and selenium.

How many calories are in broccoli

The energy value depends on the growing conditions of the crop, region and variety. It is in the range of 30–34 kcal /100 g of raw product. The percentage ratio of broccoli BJU is 11:3:20. [adsens3] Heat treatment has little effect on the energy value. Calorie content of boiled broccoli is 35 kcal/100 g. During frying, the inflorescences absorb fat. The nutritional value of roasted broccoli is 45 kcal/100 g.

Incorrect harvest mode

The basic rule of harvesting is timely cutting of ripe heads of cabbage. If you miss the moment, the broccoli will definitely bloom.

Its color grows quickly and covers the entire head of cabbage in a few days. Flowering vegetables lose their tender juicy core and become tough and tasteless. Broccoli is grown for its vitamins and micronutrients: if you leave a head of cabbage in the open ground, it will spoil and cook poorly - such a dish will not bring any benefit.

First signs of flowering

An overcooked vegetable gradually changes - this is the first sign by which one can judge that cabbage is not suitable for consumption. In its normal state, cabbage is compressed into dense dark green buds. There should be no stains, signs of rot or dry heads on the head.

Be sure to monitor the condition of the head of cabbage: the harvest time is determined by its appearance. Immediately before the flowering of the head of cabbage, which extends from the main stem, its shoots begin to turn yellow. First, uneven yellow-brown spots appear. Within a few days, the head of cabbage becomes covered with a characteristic color, which is difficult to get rid of.

If the cabbage is covered in color, it is too late to harvest. The harvest is cut and used for household needs (feeding livestock). Prudent housewives subject the cabbage heads to heat treatment, but it is no longer possible to obtain all the beneficial substances from cabbage. A product that has bloomed rarely causes negative reactions, but it is not recommended to eat it.

Broccoli - beneficial properties and contraindications

The vegetable crop is used in cooking and as a preventive remedy that is good for health; The benefits and harms of broccoli are related to its composition. The vegetable has minimal contraindications.

So far, only individual intolerance to the components has been discovered. The beneficial effects of the product have been well studied:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. antioxidant;
  3. anti-oncological;
  4. mild laxative;
  5. antisclerotic;
  6. hepatoprotective;
  7. anti-carcinogenic;
  8. adsorbent.

Beneficial properties of broccoli

  • Improves digestion - dietary fiber has a positive effect on intestinal motility.
  • Reduces pain and eliminates nausea in case of duodenal ulcer and gastritis.
  • Increases appetite, eliminating dyspeptic symptoms in liver diseases.
  • Helps prevent atherosclerosis - it sorbs cholesterol in the intestines and prevents it from being absorbed into the blood.
  • Useful in the dietary nutrition of patients with cholelithiasis and gout - the product contains very few purine bases (4 times less than cauliflower).
  • Fresh juice has an antibacterial effect on mycobacterium tuberculosis and Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Acts as an enterosorbent when the body is damaged by salts of heavy metals, poisons, and radionuclides.

Is it possible to eat yellowed broccoli?

There will be no particular harm from yellowed asparagus cabbage. If there is no rot on the inflorescences, they can be boiled and fried in batter. However, you should not expect any benefit from the product.

Vitamins are destroyed during storage . The older the cabbage, the less glucosinolates (nutrients with anti-carcinogenic properties) it contains. And the taste of the dish will be worse .

Broccoli for digestion. Is it possible to eat yellowed broccoli? Great salad for health.

Including asparagus varieties with green and purple heads. It is in many ways similar to cauliflower, but its head is looser. Broccoli, whose beneficial properties and ease of cultivation were first discovered by the Italians, is boiled, fried, canned, frozen, and delicious soups and salads are prepared with it.

In some patients with high blood sugar, sulforphan may be able to prevent damage to the inner walls of blood vessels, which may be the cause of chronic problems caused by blood glucose levels. Finally, the lower risk of heart attacks and heart attacks may also be statistically significant associated with the consumption of broccoli and the glucorophane it contains. The second area where you can rely on broccoli for cardiovascular support is in its ability to lower cholesterol.

Composition of broccoli

• water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, ;

• trace elements: iron, selenium, manganese, zinc, copper;

• macroelements: calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium.

• vitamins: provitamin A (β-carotene), C (), E (tocopherol), PP (niacin), K (phylloquinone), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B4 (choline), B5 (pantothenic acid) , B6 (pyridoxine), B9 (), U (vitamin-like substance methionine).

Particularly with respect to excessive homocysteine ​​production—a phenomenon that increases the risk of atherosclerosis, heart disease, and heart attack—a deficiency of vitamin B complex may be a major risk factor. You've probably heard that carrots are good for the eyes because of their lutein content. It is an antioxidant compound that is extremely beneficial for eye health, and broccoli is also a great way to assimilate. Another broccoli antioxidant called zeaxanthin is also beneficial.

Both chemicals may help protect against macular degeneration, an incurable disease that blurs central vision, and cataracts, the opacity of the lens. No tissue in the body is more concentrated in lutein than the area in the outer part of the retina. Likewise, the macula, near the central part of the retina, contains the only concentration of zeaxanthin.

In terms of the presence of a significant amount of provitamin A, which improves vision, this crop is superior to many other vegetables. Broccoli is high in vitamins E and U. The latter helps in the treatment of peptic ulcers of the digestive tract. It is not inferior to cauliflower in the presence of potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, and calcium.

Compared to cauliflower, the amount of protein in broccoli is twice as much. In terms of easily digestible protein content, broccoli is comparable to green peas. The presence of essential amino acids in a vegetable equates it to beef, and the presence of lysine and isoleucine equates it to protein. The calorie content of broccoli is about 28 - 34 kcal per 100 grams.

Beautiful, bright, healthy skin. The second ability is to support skin health, including sunburn support. Here, glucorophane, found in broccoli, has been converted to sulfifane, the organism that has received the most attention from researchers. Since skin cells carry out the detoxification process, the detoxifying benefits of sulforaphane can be extremely important in the fight against sun damage.

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Broccoli is an excellent anti-inflammatory and may slow down the process of joint damage associated with osteoarthritis. Generally, broccoli is safe to consume and any side effect is not serious. The most common side effect is gas or irritation in the intestines caused by the high amount of fiber in broccoli.

The vegetable is especially useful for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Dietary fiber and fiber help remove waste and toxins from the intestines. Fiber helps fight constipation. Thanks to it, food of the “correct” consistency passes through the intestines faster.

A special substance, sulforaphane, contained in broccoli, kills harmful bacteria that cause gastrointestinal ulcers and cancer. Methionine (vitamin U) also helps fight peptic ulcers and reduces the severity of inflammatory processes. Other vitamins and magnesium soothe the stomach, improve digestion, and maintain the necessary acidity. Broccoli improves appetite and stimulates the secretion of bile.

Raw, Steamed or Boiled: How Is Broccoli More Nutritious? How you cook broccoli can affect the amount and type of nutrients you get. Those consuming broccoli for their anti-cancer benefits will need to make sure they don't cook the vegetables for too long.

Ingestion for up to 20 minutes in the microwave for three minutes and grilling for five minutes did not result in any significant loss of cancer-causing substances. Broccoli in its raw state stores all of its nutrients, but it is more likely to irritate the intestines and cause gas.

Broccoli promotes the correct balance of cholesterol metabolism in the body. Unnecessary fats and fatty acids “exit” from the body along with fiber. The liver begins to replenish the loss of fatty acids from the body's reserves, as a result -. Substances present in cabbage protein prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the body.

Broccoli: Too Healthy to Keep in Mind! However, if you don't get the taste of broccoli, or simply your daily program does not allow you to eat this food, you can use broccoli extract capsules. Broccoli has been a famous vegetable since the Roman Empire. Broccoli, related to cabbage and cauliflower, is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, iron and calcium, rich in fiber and low in calories. It is a vegetable that offers exceptional nutrition and helps support a healthy, long-lasting life.

Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin A, B2, folic acid and vitamin C and is rich in iron and potassium. It is a vegetable with high calcium content, almost equivalent to milk in the diet. It contains selenium and sulfur compounds with important antioxidant and anticancer effects. It also contains a phytochemical that destroys the bacteria responsible for gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Thanks to the large amount of iron, copper and proteins, cabbage is an excellent remedy for treating anemia. Vegetable chlorophyll also has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis. Availability of β-carotene, vitamins, fiber and omegas

Tags: broccoli, turn yellow, refrigerator

About the author: admin4ik

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What are the benefits of broccoli for women?

The vegetable is characterized by increased biological activity . The benefits of broccoli for women include a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The product helps to improve intestinal motor function and gastrointestinal function, and normalizes metabolism.

Nutritionists recommend using broccoli for weight loss . The inflorescences contain tartronic acid, which can prevent the transformation of carbohydrates into fat and cholesterol in case of excess body weight and the first degrees of obesity.

For example, using a vegetable in such dishes:

For personal hygiene and cosmetic procedures, take broccoli seed oil. It softens the lips and skin of the hands. Can be used as an additive for masks, conditioners, and hair shampoos.

The product contains enough calcium and phosphorus to strengthen bone tissue, which is especially important for women during menopause. Doctors also recommend it to support immunity.

Benefits of broccoli during pregnancy

  1. Regulates salt metabolism in the body, helping to remove excess fluid, which is especially important in the second half of pregnancy.
  2. The inflorescences contain folic acid, which is beneficial for fetal development.
  3. Helps relieve constipation in pregnant women.
  4. Positively affects the immune system and protects the body from infections.

What are the benefits of broccoli or 10 reasons to eat broccoli?

Broccoli is a real treasure trove of minerals and vitamins. It is a valuable source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, sodium, potassium, zinc, selenium, iodine; vitamins C, A, E, K, U, B2, B6, folic acid, omega-3 and omega-6, organic acids.

Broccoli is also rich in fiber and dietary fiber, which, together with its low calorie content (34 kcal/100 g), makes it a valuable product for weight loss.

Why you should eat broccoli - 12 reasons:

Reason #1

Broccoli gained its fame due to its high content of glucosinolates - particularly important substances that have anti-carcinogenic properties and fight cancer.

Some of these substances are sulforaphane and diindolylmethane. They bravely fight cancer cells and kill them.

Reason #2

Lutein and zeaxanthin contained in broccoli improve vision and prevent the development of cataracts.

Reason #3

Broccoli makes bones and joints strong thanks to its high content of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which are involved in the formation of bone tissue.

This is why broccoli is good for children, adults, and the elderly (it prevents the development of osteoporosis).

Reason #4

Thanks to fiber and coarse dietary fiber, it removes waste, toxins, heavy metal salts, excess sugar, cholesterol from the body, cleansing the blood and blood vessels.

And vitamin C makes blood vessels strong and elastic. Thus, broccoli protects against atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases; improves blood circulation and normalizes blood pressure.

Reason #5

Due to its low calorie content (34 kcal per 100 g), as well as the presence of fiber, broccoli normalizes and increases metabolism, promoting weight loss.

Reason #6

Normalizes water-salt balance (due to potassium and sodium content).

Reason #7

Protects against the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (including intestinal and prostate cancer).

Reason #8

Strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to various viral and infectious diseases. It is also a powerful antioxidant that kills free radicals.

Reason #9

Broccoli is a natural source of youth and beauty. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails).

Reason #10

Longevity product (slows down the overall process of cell aging).

Reason #11

Helps with depression, insomnia and other neuropsychiatric diseases (with the help of B vitamins).

Reason #12

Improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

What are the benefits of broccoli for cancer?

Regular consumption of asparagus cabbage (preferably steamed) will help the body resist the growth of cancer cells. It has been scientifically proven that cabbage contains substances that affect cancer. These are indole-3-carbinol, diindolylmethane, and a precursor to sulforaphane.

However, you can get a daily dose of indole-3-carbinol by eating 5 kg of raw cabbage heads per day. This is unrealistic. Therefore, the substance is consumed in the form of extracts. The daily dose of sulforaphane is contained in 250 g of raw product. Broccoli seed sprouts contain 50 times more of this substance.

How to cook broccoli tasty and healthy

There are about 200 varieties of broccoli. Their inflorescences range in color from almost yellow to green and purple. Recipes for cooking broccoli do not depend on the type of plant. They contain culinary techniques such as frying, baking, boiling. Salads, soups, casseroles and side dishes are prepared from the inflorescences. All types of cheeses, cottage cheese, rice, mushrooms, tomatoes, and basil go well with the product.

Chicken fillet with broccoli and bell pepper

The recipe uses fresh cabbage and peppers. If necessary, they can be replaced with ice cream. Ingredients:

  • fresh broccoli – 400 g;
  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken breast – 500 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper – 3 pcs.;
  • tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Fry the diced onion in a saucepan.
  2. Add the chopped peppers to the saucepan and continue frying.
  3. Separate the tomatoes from the skin and chop (you can use a grater).
  4. Add the tomato mixture to the saucepan and bring to a boil.
  5. Cut the chicken fillet into cubes or large cubes and add to the vegetables.
  6. Place broccoli in a saucepan and mix ingredients.
  7. Cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer on low heat for 20 minutes.
  8. When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs and you can add cream.

Creamy broccoli soup

You can prepare 2 servings from the products offered. Cooking time is about 40 minutes. Ingredients:

  • broccoli – 250 g;
  • cream 35% – 100 ml;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • vegetable broth – 0.5 l;
  • potatoes – 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper, nutmeg;
  • white bread croutons.

Read about the nutritional value of kohlrabi cabbage here.

What is rutabaga, what does it look like and why should you eat it?


  1. Chop the potatoes, chop the onion and garlic.
  2. Separate broccoli into florets.
  3. Pour the vegetables into a saucepan with hot broth and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Grind the ingredients with a blender.
  5. Add cream and simmer for another 20 minutes.
  6. Throw in pepper, salt, nutmeg and boil.
  7. Serve with croutons.
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