Shelf life of rice in the refrigerator

Should I use expired?

It is often quite possible

consumption of a product without obvious signs of spoilage or pests with an expired shelf life, especially since the product is previously subjected to heat treatment.

In any case, it's better to get rid of it

from an expired product in order to avoid negative consequences, in particular health problems.

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, how to store rice at home:
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Every housewife should have an idea of ​​how to store rice so that it does not contain bugs, worms and other unpleasant creatures that make cereals unsuitable for use in cooking. In most cases, purchased rice is stored in the same packaging in which it was sold, and this is already a mistake. And if anyone can argue that it is more convenient to store rice in this way, then it will certainly not be possible to avoid the appearance of bugs in an open package of rice. Rice is a fairly valuable crop, as evidenced by its price in the store, and when it is spoiled in a matter of days or hours, no housewife will be happy about it. At best, it can be fed to birds, and at worst, it can be thrown in the trash; in any case, the rice cannot be used and the money cannot be returned. Therefore, every good housewife should know how to properly store rice, raw or boiled.

The most important things about storing rice

    Immediately after purchasing rice, it must be heated in the oven or frozen at the lowest possible temperature.

    Rice is conveniently and safely stored in airtight glass, ceramic and food-grade plastic containers.

    Rice must be carefully protected from pests and mustiness. This is where proven folk remedies will come to the rescue.

Bugs in rice cereal

More often, insects attack loose rice, but they can infest cereals from factory packaging, and not necessarily cheap ones. Rice loves rice weevils, grain borers, beetles and flour beetles - pests up to 3.5 mm in size that you are unlikely to want to identify.

Storing or eating a product with bugs is not the best idea, and although it is difficult to get poisoned by it after heat treatment, it is worth remembering that insects leave waste products where they feed, which can cause allergies or gastrointestinal disorders.

Therefore, many housewives, for preventive purposes, calcinate the cereal in the oven for 30 minutes at 100 °C before storing. You can protect rice from bugs with a couple of cloves of garlic placed in a container with cereal, a pod of dried hot pepper or a bay leaf.

Now it remains to figure out what to do with the cereal if the rice has expired, but it looks quite normal.

How to properly store dry rice at home

This cereal is very unpretentious in storage. To be able to consume an unspoiled product for a long time, you only need to meet a few conditions:

  • maintain optimal temperature and humidity;
  • prevent the appearance of pests.

First, you should clarify how long rice can be stored.

Rice is one of the types of cereals that can last up to 18 months in favorable conditions. This does not apply only to polished rice - it can be stored for more than one year.

Favorable conditions for storing rice are a dry, cool and well-ventilated place, protected from direct sunlight.

When storing rice, you need to maintain a temperature no higher than 18 ° C (although optimally - from 5 to 15 ° C) and a relative air humidity of 60-70%, without sharp fluctuations.

You can protect rice from bugs for a long time by putting a few cloves of garlic, bay leaves, hot pepper, dry lemon zest or chestnut into the container. Inexplicably, a metal spoon in a container with flour, a piece of foil or an iron bottle cap also helps in this regard. You can also add a piece of mint gum to the bowl of rice.

But it would be right to protect rice not only from insects and dampness, but also from mustiness. Previously, rice was placed in a linen bag, where it could “breathe” freely. Many people still use this method of long-term storage of cereals. Before doing this, the bag is boiled in a strong saline solution to prevent mold from growing in it. And if the rice is stored in a container, a small gauze bag with salt will protect it from moisture.

How to understand that rice is not suitable for consumption?

Please do not confuse this with the shelf life. In the first case, after the specified period, the product cannot be consumed. In the second, it is possible, but only after additional tests have been carried out and an appropriate conclusion has been obtained. Please note: in the Far East, the shelf life of cereals is significantly lower than in other regions. The climate is sharply continental, and this leaves its mark. We had a case with oatmeal, it turned out to be about a year out of date. They checked the quality, and, according to the conclusion of the veterinary laboratory, everything was not found in it, even staphylococcus. All this develops depending on time and conditions.

Rice can be stored at room temperature, but it is advisable to maintain a temperature range of 5-15 °C.

It lies in its bins, does not turn sour, does not spoil. However, time, location and even storage temperature matter to the health of the consumer.

Attention! It is not recommended to keep dry rice grains at home in factory packaging - the grains must be poured into tin or glass containers of suitable volume. Jars must have a tight-fitting lid - this will protect the product from harmful insects and help extend the shelf life. Keeping rice in the original package is only permissible in cases where its integrity has not yet been compromised.

After purchase, cereals are often immediately subjected to heat treatment in the oven or in a frying pan. After such disinfection, which should destroy the pest larvae, the grains are often poured into plastic bags. When storing rice, you need to maintain a temperature no higher than 18 ° C (although optimally - from 5 to 15 ° C) and a relative air humidity of 60-70%, without sharp fluctuations.

In order to provide the rice sent for storage with the opportunity to “breathe” freely, you can pour it into clean linen bags. And before using such bags, they must be boiled in a strong saline solution - then mold will not grow in the rice.

To properly store the boiled product, it is recommended to take into account the following features:

  • cooked rice is stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 days;
  • it can absorb the odors of other products;
  • it should be stored in a container with a tight lid or in a plastic food tray;
  • In the freezer, the cooked product can be stored for up to 40 days.
  • It is not recommended to use plastic bags for storage; the cereal suffocates in them and absorbs the odors of the polymer, which spoils its taste.
  • In winter, cereal supplies can be kept on the balcony; frost can destroy insects and their larvae.

If you have prepared rice for Japanese rolls, then we recommend that you also read a special article about how long rolls can be stored in the refrigerator in order to understand how to correctly calculate the time of cooking and eating this popular dish and not get poisoned.

Rice storage temperature should be within +5°C -+15°C. The recommended maximum temperature should not exceed +18°C. In this case, the humidity should be at the level of 60 - 70%. These values ​​should be constant, without sudden jumps.

Yes, it's possible. The danger is posed by cereals with signs of mold and a musty smell. Such a product will remain dangerous even after heat treatment.

Dear readers! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

How to store cooked rice

Often boiled rice is left over after a meal, but it is not necessary to finish it in the same form. You can prepare a lot of delicious dishes from boiled rice. To do this, it is important to know how long boiled rice can be stored and how to do it correctly.

Firstly, you should understand that no matter how good and properly cooked rice is, it will not be stored for a long time.

The shelf life of boiled rice is up to 5 days, provided that it is stored in the refrigerator.

Secondly, you need to take into account that cooked rice has quite strong adsorbic qualities, that is, it easily absorbs foreign odors.

Cooked rice should be stored in a container with a tight-fitting lid. The best option is a food-grade plastic tray with a lid.

You can also store cooked rice in the freezer. In this form it can be stored for about 30-40 days. To defrost it, just heat it in the microwave at the appropriate setting.

Methods and periods of storage of boiled rice

To determine the shelf life of cooked rice, you should consider what additional components have been added to it and at what temperature it will be kept.

The following changes will occur with buckwheat:

  • the grains will stick together into lumps;
  • the fat contained in this cereal will give off a specific smell due to aging;
  • moths and various worms may appear.

Next, packaging occurs in transport containers or in:

  • cardboard boxes;
  • plank boxes;
  • plywood boxes.

Spoiled rice cereal contaminated with mold has several distinctive features:

  • a musty smell appears;
  • in the cereal there is a large number of yellow grains, which also indicate the appearance of mold fungi.

Rice is often prepared both for everyday meals and for holidays. If cereal is purchased or cooked in large quantities, the question arises: how long can it be stored?

Storage of perishable products, according to SanPiN, is allowed at a temperature of +4 °C (±2 °C). For such products, storage conditions are created under which they retain their nutritional value and are safe for humans throughout the established shelf life. The storage temperature of perishable products is maintained not only in production or in stores.

Opening the package does not affect the shelf life of the rice in any way if the correct storage conditions are observed.

If you know you won't be able to eat the chicken within the specified time frame, another option is to put it in the freezer.

How to store other types of rice

Nowadays, various exotic types of rice, such as wild rice and dark brown rice, are very popular. Their storage conditions are no different from how to store regular rice.

But we should dwell separately on Shirataki rice, which is so fashionable today. It is sold mainly frozen and therefore needs to be stored in the freezer. An open pack can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.

  • Shelf life: 18 months
  • Shelf life: 18 months
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 15 months
  • Freezer life: 12 months

Storage conditions:
Store in a cool, dark place, at a temperature from +5 to +15 ° C

Rice can be considered one of the most ancient cereal crops, which had rare and special properties. It has been cultivated for about eight thousand years. Macedonian warriors brought rice from Asia to Europe even before our era. In those days, it was more consumed by the Romans and Greeks. At that time, other cereal crops were more common, but people were not yet able to appreciate this one. For almost one and a half thousand years, few people remembered rice. Nowadays the situation is completely different. Every year, huge amounts of rice of many different types are grown around the world. In Russia, this cereal crop has been known for about 300 years.

More than one nation appreciates the benefits of rice. It is used in cooking all over the world. If earlier rice was more preferred in the East, now it is known throughout the globe. Its benefits are simply irreplaceable, and the dishes prepared with its help are simply amazing. Rice contains complex carbohydrates and protein compounds.

Storage time

Keeping boiled rice in the refrigerator is required in cases where it has been cooked in excess or with plans to spread its consumption over two to three days. However, even in such situations, it is necessary to remember and follow the rules of proximity to other food products, as well as the reduction in the taste characteristics of ready-made rice dishes with each subsequent hour of storage. Also, it is necessary to take into account that boiled rice sent for storage in a refrigeration unit should not contain oil. The time during which cooked rice is edible depends on the method of preparing the cereal.

For example, porridge in milk can be stored for no more than one day, but in water it stays fresh for up to three days. Also, the final shelf life is affected by the ingredients that were added to the rice during its preparation - the greater their number, the more the freshness of the dish is reduced.

Rice storage

Rice can be stored for quite a long time. A dry and cool place is suitable for it, and the temperature should preferably be + 18 degrees. The shelf life of rice can be from 16 to 18 months

The product must be stored in a special container with a tight lid. From time to time, it is worth checking the rice to make sure there are no bugs in it. Some people add cloves of garlic to their grains to help ward off harmful insects. The shelf life of basmati rice is generally considered to be unlimited. Ready rice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days

When purchasing rice, try to avoid large packages (bags). It is better to choose packages that are light in weight, since here the chance of getting high-quality products is much higher.

Choose transparent packages and be sure to examine them for damage and the presence of pests inside. When choosing rice in a store, be sure to pay attention to the production date and expiration date or check with consultants. Ensuring the quality and freshness of rice is a very important step to ensure its long-term storage.

Try not to store rice in original packaging. It is better to pour it into glass or tin containers with tight-fitting lids; this will not only extend the shelf life of the rice, but also protect it from pests.

Try to store rice in a dry, cool and dark place. A kitchen cabinet or pantry is best. Sudden changes in rice storage conditions contribute to the loss of taste and benefits of the cereal.

Storing rice in the refrigerator

You can store not only boiled rice in the refrigerator, but also rice cereal. But let's talk about everything in order.

It is worth storing boiled rice in the refrigerator if you did not have time to use the cooked amount at one time or decided to prepare the dish for several days.

When answering the question of how long you can store boiled rice in the refrigerator and how to store it properly, you should remember that rice in the refrigerator can absorb unpleasant odors, so it is best to store it in airtight containers.

Remember that the longer cooked rice is stored in the refrigerator, the more its taste deteriorates. Rice for storage should be empty, without oil.

The shelf life of boiled rice in the refrigerator is no more than 3 days.


Now let's get back to the rice cereal. Experienced housewives advise storing rice grains in the refrigerator. And there are several reasons for this:

First, in cold conditions, the risk of insect development in dry rice is much lower. Secondly, cold conditions can extend the shelf life of rice by several months. And finally, if there are already bugs or other insects in the cereal, in cold conditions they will simply freeze and will not be able to harm your cereal.

Rice can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 15 months


Storing rice in the freezer

The freezer is a universal storage place for both dry and cooked rice.

The shelf life of cooked rice in the freezer is about 3 months.

. Longer storage causes the rice to become damp and deteriorate its taste and properties. It is best to store cooked rice in the freezer in airtight containers.

Fresh rice can be stored in the freezer for up to 6-8 months.

. You can store it in store packaging, plastic bags or other containers.

Storing rice at room temperature

Rice, like many other grains, can be stored at any temperature. More often than not, many of us store rice at room temperature, leaving it in the kitchen cabinets.

You can store rice in glass containers, plastic bags, and textile bags. Glass and plastic containers protect cereals from pests.

The storage location can be anywhere, as long as it is protected from direct sunlight and moisture. The temperature at the storage location should be no higher than 15-17 degrees, relative humidity within 65-75%.

When storing rice at home, it is important to protect it from bugs and pests. There are several tricks for this that have been proven over the years.

  • Place a couple of cloves, hot ones, chestnuts or orange zest/(dried) in a container with rice.
  • You can put a small foil ball in the container, it will also stop pests.
  • Chewing gum with mint or menthol flavor can repel pests. One pad/plate per container is enough.

The shelf life of rice at room temperature is 12-18 months.


Boiled rice is not only a tasty and nutritious product that contains vitamins B and PP. It can have a beneficial effect on digestion. Recommended for use by people with gastritis and stomach ulcers due to its ability to coat the walls of the digestive organs. This cereal crop has been cultivated in India and China since ancient times. Today it has spread throughout the world, and is present in the diet of more than half of its inhabitants. Therefore, questions related to the conditions of keeping this grain are very relevant, and we’ll talk about how much and how to store rice further.

Expiring products

The expiration date on a milk carton does not always indicate the date it will go bad. Usually the date is given because it is influenced by many factors. It loses vitamins or takes on an unpleasant taste when exposed to light, which is why it is often sold in cardboard or opaque plastic packaging.

If you store pasteurized milk at a temperature of 2-3 degrees Celsius, it will remain fresh for another 2-5 days

after the expiration date.

Use smell when deciding whether milk is safe to drink. If you notice a sour smell or taste, or it has turned a blue-green color, it's time to throw it away.

Fresh meat should be eaten within 1-2 days after purchase

. Home refrigerators are generally not cold enough to keep meat fresh for more than 2 days.

If the meat has darkened or turned green, become slippery, sticky or dry, this also indicates spoilage, just like a sour smell.

But if you freeze meat

, it will be stored much longer: frozen minced meat -
up to 3 months
, pork -
up to 6 months
, beef and chicken -
up to 9-12 months

Hard cheeses tend to age for a long time, and therefore this product does not always spoil after the expiration date.

Cheese such as Parmesan can be stored for up to 4 weeks.

after the expiration date, and even if a small mold appears on it, it can be cut off and transferred to a new package, since mold residues could remain on the old one.

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The bread may go stale, but it can be eaten for some time after the expiration date.

If the bread has a sour or unpleasant smell or mold is visible, then of course you should not eat it. Frozen bread will also keep much longer than at room temperature or in the refrigerator.

How to choose

To make rice storage at home longer, it should be carefully inspected when purchasing. The presence of lumps and foreign inclusions (grains of other cereals, husks, various debris) is not desirable in it. And certainly there should not be any living creatures in the rice (moths, bugs, worms, larvae). To see everything well, it is advisable to choose rice packaged in transparent packaging.

If the package containing the product is made of paper, there is nothing left to do but check the release date, the expiration date guaranteed by the manufacturer and make sure that the product is fresh.

Often loose cereals are rotten, with an unpleasant odor, which is detected already at home. Therefore, it is better to buy the product in hermetically sealed packaging from a manufacturer with a good reputation.

Shelf life in the refrigerator

How often do we get questions regarding the safety of food, what can be stored in the refrigerator and what cannot, is it worth freezing and for how long, or is it better to send it to the cellar?

Having adopted this memo table, you will probably be as knowledgeable as possible about each component resting peacefully on “their” shelf of the refrigerator.

In a tray covered with cling film or a foam container with a lid.

Without additional processing – up to 3 weeks;

Lubricated with fat or paraffin - up to 6 months.

If you add a pinch of soda during boiling, the period will increase to 1 day.

In laminated foil.

On the door, subject to the presence of a heat-protective container.

In parchment and polymer packaging, the shelf life of oil is reduced to 10 days.

After opening in a glass container with a lid or vacuum film

No more than 3 days

If you add 1 cube of refined sugar or dry noodles to a container with cheese, the taste of the product will be preserved better.

The cheese should be stored in the freezer in grated form in a zip-lock freezer bag.

At +10 o C – up to 16 hours;

In the freezer - up to six months.

In a hermetically sealed bag.

In a bowl carefully covered with cling film on top.

Cream cakes can be stored for up to 24 hours, “potatoes” and “bouches” - 36 hours, shortbread cupcakes with jam - up to 4 days.

Steaming or frying in egg batter will help give stale bread a second life.

If you are not sure about the quality and purity of the product, then do not exceed the shelf life of more than 1 year.

Most types of beer should not be kept cold; +10+15°C is the optimal temperature for this drink, but “light” types must be kept in a refrigerator.

In the freezer, grapes can last a whole year without negative consequences.

Mass purchases of food products for future use have now become a kind of weekly ritual for the always busy and constantly working contingent. Thanks to such shopping, we can enjoy the freshness of food hidden in the bins of refrigerators all week long; the main thing is to know what, how and how much can be stored.

In principle, all the necessary information is available on the packaging of the product, but it is unlikely that a cucumber or banana will be able to give us a signal that the cold is detrimental to them.

Each individual product has its own chemical composition, which directly determines its shelf life and storage requirements.

Most of the food components are subject to the destructive influence of three natural forces: the sun, air and water, because just like for people, for bacteria they are also the best friends and fertile ground for reproduction.

The refrigerator, with its ability to pump in cold and extinguish light, makes the life of microorganisms unbearable, which slows down the process of food spoilage significantly. Well, sealed packaging can cope with oxygen. Now all we have to do is put everything on the shelves and the main thing is not to miss the expiration date of the products.

How much and how to store rice

Despite the unpretentiousness of this cereal in terms of storage, in order for its quality to be preserved for as long as possible, certain conditions are required. These include:

  • compliance with the required temperature conditions;
  • humidity level in storage areas;
  • taking measures to protect against insect attacks.

The shelf life of rice is approximately 18 months if certain rules are followed. And after grinding the grains, the period increases to several years. Rice should be stored at low humidity and low temperature. The room must be equipped with ventilation and protected from bright light.

Rice storage temperature should be within +5°C -+15°C. The recommended maximum temperature should not exceed +18°C. In this case, the humidity should be at the level of 60 - 70%. These values ​​should be constant, without sudden jumps.

How to protect cereals from bugs

To protect against possible pests, add a few coated garlic cloves to the containers in which the rice will be stored. Instead of this ingredient, you can use dried lemon zest, bay leaves or chestnut fruits.

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Metal products, such as a piece of foil or a steel stopper from a glass bottle, will help prevent insects from entering.

Many housewives place mint chewing gum in containers with cereal as an obstacle to the penetration of pests.

What to store in

Rice needs to be poured from the factory packaging into a container more suitable for storage. Polyethylene bags are not suitable for this, as they do not allow the cereals to “breathe”. In addition, cereals can absorb a synthetic odor and acquire an unpleasant aftertaste. And if you leave packages slightly open, pests will quickly infest the products.

  • The most suitable way to store rice is in a closed glass container
  • You can use plastic
    as long as they have an airtight lid.
  • Metal cans
    are less suitable for these purposes: they are not able to close tightly and are susceptible to corrosion.

Insects in cereals, how to deal with weevils when storing rice?

The main threat to rice is insects, so the best place would be an airtight container, such as a box or jar with a lid.

Beware of weevils in your rice.

These little black bugs live and breed comfortably in the rump. Of course, you can try to sift the rice to get rid of them, but I'm pretty sure that anyone would lose their appetite from such a sight. Most often, the larvae of these small pests are already in the cereal. The reproduction process begins as soon as the larvae find themselves in conditions that are comfortable for them.

Buy cloves, bay leaves, chilies or other herbs to repel weevils and other insects from your rice. After pouring the rice into the jar, place these herbs on top to protect your supplies.

Other effective ways to control pests are freezing and heat treatment. In the first case, put the cereal in the freezer for several days. The low temperature will kill all the larvae and protect your supplies in the future. The second method is to calcinate the cereal, spilled in a thin layer, in the oven on a baking sheet at a temperature of 300 degrees.

It is advisable to place baking parchment underneath.

How long to store cooked rice in the refrigerator and freezer?

Boiled rice cereal is stored exclusively in the cold, given that it will quickly absorb the surrounding aromas. It should be stored in a closed food-grade plastic container on a separate shelf.

Cooked rice lasts longer when it is free of oil and other seasonings. Only then can you expect that it will last for 2 - 3 days. How long you can store boiled rice in the refrigerator also depends on the ingredients used:

  • porridge cooked with milk – 24 hours;
  • porridge without milk and butter – 3 days.

It is advisable to additionally treat the finished product at high temperature before use, given that it has been on the refrigerator shelf for several days.

Storing boiled rice in the freezer allows it to preserve its consumer properties for several months. And it is convenient to defrost it in a microwave oven, where a certain mode is provided for this.

Storing cooked rice without refrigeration will not last long. After a few hours the product will begin to sour.

Is it possible to eat expired rice?

Although rice is not a perishable product, regulated shelf life (and therefore consumption) should not be ignored. However, if the cereal is stored correctly, then you will not be poisoned by a product that is 1-3 months expired; you will simply end up with a high-calorie dish devoid of any nutritional value.

High-quality rice, even if it has expired, should not be sour or musty; it can be cooked and eaten immediately. But it should not be used for pilaf or filling for pies, which are usually made for several days.

And finally, a few recommendations regarding rice cereal manufacturers.

How long to store

This product is classified as processed grain crops. Therefore, its storage occurs in the same way as everyone else. According to GOST, the shelf life of rice is 10 - 18 months. In many ways, the storage time of this product is determined by the region of its growth and variety. The average shelf life for this cereal is:

  • for white rice - 16 months. (crushed) – 18 months. (polished) for those grown in the countries of Southeast Asia;
  • for white (place of growth - countries of the former USSR) - 10 months. (for crushed), 12 months. (for polished).

Steamed rice is stored under standard conditions.

Exotic types of rice cereals (wild, dark, red, Basmati, jasmine, etc.) have the same shelf life - 16 - 18 months.

Popular varieties

Every housewife has a favorite type of rice cereal. Some people like long-grain rice, others prefer round, “pearl” grains. And some prepare exclusively steamed translucent kernels with a beautiful golden hue. Recently, basmati rice with a pronounced nutty taste, especially from India, has become a favorite in world cooking.

And few realize that today more than 6 thousand varieties of popular cereal are cultivated all over the world. The shelf life of rice ranges from 10 to 18 months, and this depends on grain processing technologies and the country of origin.

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