Shelf life of kefir in polymer containers

Kefir is an incredibly beneficial product for the body; it heals and populates the intestines with beneficial microorganisms, forming its healthy microflora. It is made from milk and a special starter and is sold in every grocery store. But the longer the shelf life of kefir, the fewer microorganisms remain in it at the end of the shelf life.

According to GOST7 days
Agusha5 days
House in the village15 days
In a glass container3 days
Opened kefir in the refrigeratorDay

Storing kefir in the refrigerator with open packaging

If a bottle of kefir is already opened, then it should last no more than a day in the refrigerator.

When buying kefir, it is worth looking at its shelf life. You can safely buy a product whose shelf life is 10 days. But you shouldn’t choose kefir that has been sitting on the counter for more than five days. It won't bring any benefit.

In winter, you can buy a fermented milk drink that was made about two to three days ago. Seven days after production, kefir contains almost no beneficial bacteria, which help to heal the intestinal microflora.

How to properly store kefir

How long can kefir be stored?

In the refrigerator, kefir can be stored in a closed package for up to seven days, and if the package is opened, it should be consumed a maximum of two days. At room temperature, kefir can be stored for no more than 4-6 hours, after which it sours.

First of all, it should be noted that it is best to buy kefir in stores in glass or cardboard containers, this way it is better preserved on the way from the manufacturer to the store. When purchasing, you need to carefully read the release date and composition on the packaging. Real kefir contains only milk and kefir, namely kefir starter. If other ingredients are indicated on the packaging, then it is no longer kefir, but another fermented milk product. It is advisable to buy kefir produced no earlier than two days. And although the shelf life is indicated on the packaging, it is advisable to look for a manufacturer that produces a product with a shelf life of up to seven days, up to a maximum of 14. Storing kefir longer than the period indicated on the packaging is strictly prohibited.

If kefir has expired

If kefir has been in your refrigerator for more than one day, do not throw it away immediately. Even kefir that has expired can be used in food as an ingredient for a recipe. Using this kefir, you can make pancakes, pancakes, semolina, cookies and even cake. To prepare baked goods from kefir, you can use the product, no more than 7 days have passed from the date of production. Kefir that has been in the refrigerator for several weeks can easily cause poisoning.

What determines the shelf life of kefir?

How to store in open and closed containers

The duration and storage rules for fermented milk products are subject to strict requirements. Due to the presence of active substances, kefir has a short shelf life. The drink is beneficial for the human body, it allows you to improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and normalize the microflora.

But the medicinal qualities are preserved only if the storage standards are observed, which you will learn about from this article. The shelf life of kefir in your refrigerator is determined by the production technology and packaging material.

These parameters vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. There are fermented milk drinks with a shelf life of 5-7 days, and others with a shelf life of 14 days or more.

Tip of the day Give preference to fermented milk products with a shorter shelf life. Real kefir is made from a starter culture obtained from kefir grains.

Now manufacturers have begun to replace the expensive and time-consuming process of its production with the use of dry or liquid concentrate of lactic acid bacteria. This is how a drink arose, the ingredients of which are lactic acid starter and. Production proceeds according to the conditions of conventional kefir technology, but there are manufacturers that include:

    powder; vegetable fats (for example, palm oil); fruit and berry extracts.

This kefir product can be stored longer, has a low cost, but has less useful content.

The uniqueness of real kefir lies in a special combination of bacteria and fungi that enrich the intestinal microflora and improve metabolism. Knowing some simple rules will help you choose a quality drink.

When purchasing a product, you need to focus on the following points: Packaging.

Preference should be given to goods in glass or cardboard containers. These materials perfectly support the necessary storage conditions for the goods.

Date of manufacture. Kefir that has been sitting on the counter for more than 3 days should not be purchased.

Tips for storing kefir

  • It is unacceptable to drink kefir that has expired.
  • When choosing kefir, you should look at the packaging, which should not be sticky or bloated. It should contain information about the production date, shelf life and fat content of the product.
  • A drink with a fat content of 3.2 and 2.5% is suitable for regular consumption. If you are losing weight, then you should choose a drink with a fat content of 1%.
  • Kefir should be homogeneous, without sediment in the form of flakes. A product with a low mass fraction of fat content should be liquid. The higher the fat content of the product, the thicker it is.
  • It is very easy to distinguish spoiled kefir by the sour smell emanating from it.
  • It is forbidden to keep kefir at room temperature above ten degrees.
  • Kefir packaging should be kept carefully closed. Otherwise, the kefir will spoil.
  • If kefir contains dyes, preservatives and pieces of berries and fruits, then the shelf life of such a product increases. This kefir has practically no beneficial properties.

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Useful properties of kefir

The product's production technology is based on the fermentation of milk using kefir grains through alcoholic and fermented milk fermentation.

Its presence in the diet helps restore the balance of the body due to the presence of a number of microelements and vitamins. 100 g of product contains 59 kcal, as well as:

  • carbohydrates - 4 g;
  • proteins - 2.9 g;
  • fat - 3.2 g.

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The drink is recommended to be consumed at night in order to achieve normal metabolism in the body. It is recommended to use:

  • to restore intestinal microflora;
  • for diseases of the biliary tract;
  • to restore the body's functioning after operations;
  • as part of the diet.

Of course, an element of the diet has a beneficial effect on the body, but it should be combined with a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent dysfunction of the body.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual tolerance of kefir and observe the timing and norms of consumption, and do not eat expired product.

An element of the diet can be prepared at home from regular pasteurized milk by adding store-bought kefir or a special starter.

Assortment of fermented milk products

Tibetan milk mushroom was originally used in the production of kefir. But in modern production, kefir grains are used, which are a symbiosis of microorganisms. Their work is responsible for the taste of the product.

The food market offers products from many manufacturers, which are distinguished by a large assortment and variety of tastes. Products have their own shelf life and contain a certain amount of fat. For example, kefir “House in the Village” 1%, according to experts, is:

  • natural;
  • safe;
  • dietary;
  • does not contain vegetable fats or preservatives.

Manufacturers prepare the diet element using live sourdough with a fat content of 2.5% and 3.2%. The shelf life of the product at a temperature of +2...+6°C is 14 days.

During the industrial production of kefir, the packaging of the product has changed. Now it is produced:

  • in polymer containers;
  • in paper bags made of combined material;
  • in a glass container.

Storage at the enterprise from the moment of its production is no more than 18 hours, and delivery to retail outlets is carried out by special transport.

How to store kefir

Milk drink is the most popular element of the diet. Due to the content of beneficial bacteria, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

The shelf life of kefir is limited and depends on the characteristics of the starter used for its preparation. The product is perishable, but the use of specially bred microorganisms makes it possible to artificially extend the shelf life.

In a closed container, kefir can be stored for up to 1 week. Do not open the container if the product is not included in your current diet. It is recommended to limit the consumption of kefir after opening the package to a minimum period (up to 2 days).

The natural product has a white color, uniform consistency and a limited shelf life. Before purchasing kefir, you must carefully read the information on the package:

  • about the composition of the product;
  • about the timing of its production.

It should be borne in mind that cold storage is necessary for the product; kefir quickly sours at room temperature. What temperature conditions affect kefir and how long the product is stored depends on the material from which the container is made. Properties are best preserved in cardboard packaging.

Glass containers are more likely to preserve beneficial bacteria, but this option is more expensive. When purchasing a drink in soft containers, you need to pay attention to swelling, which indicates spoilage of the product.

Storing and using kefir that has expired is strictly prohibited. An open drink in the refrigerator loses its beneficial properties and is not recommended for consumption without heat treatment. You can prepare different dishes from it: pancakes, omelettes, casseroles.

How long you can store opened kefir in the refrigerator depends on the temperature. You can keep it in the refrigerator for up to two days, and at room temperature for no more than 6 hours. It is important to know that a fresh product has a laxative effect, and an element of the diet 4 days ago has strengthening properties.

Do not neglect the freshness of fermented milk products; finding out the expiration date of sour cream, kefir, and cottage cheese in the store is not a whim, but part of a healthy lifestyle and self-care.

How to recognize a delay?

Expired kefir is harmful to health; it sharply increases the content of alcohol and harmful bacteria; in some cases, consuming such a product can lead to severe poisoning.

Determining expired or spoiled kefir is quite simple:

  1. The color of the product changes . Natural kefir, without additives, has a snow-white color. If a yellowish tint appears in the product, then the kefir is spoiled.
  2. The packaging swells , which indicates the active work of bacteria.
  3. Kefir that is unsuitable for consumption begins to emit an unpleasant sourish odor .
  4. A sediment appears in the product , separation into whey, and flakes characteristic of kefir fall out, which indicates fermentation of the product.
  5. The taste shows pronounced acidity or bitterness .

Expired or spoiled kefir should never be consumed raw , but such a product can still be used.

Slightly expired kefir that does not have a sharply unpleasant odor is quite suitable for making pancakes, pancakes or kefir starter dough. In such a situation, expired kefir may be even better than fresh kefir.

However, in a situation where kefir is overdue or has pronounced signs of spoilage, then such a product, even if heat treated, can be hazardous to health .

Kefir is a very healthy, but at the same time quite capricious product, along with cottage cheese. Its shelf life is much shorter than most other dairy products.

In order to preserve the beneficial biological environment of this fermented milk product and not harm your health, you must strictly observe the conditions and terms of its storage .

The ideal environment for kefir is the coldest shelves of the refrigerator, but even in this case, the shelf life of kefir is short and is a maximum of 7 days from the date of production, even for sealed packaging.

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p.s. Usually he argues like this: “You don’t go shopping and don’t see what hands grabbed this package before you and immediately put it on the table. But I see! Well, not this one specifically, but in general. “He’s exaggerating, I think, but I don’t argue, it’s easier to wash))).

Kefir is a healthy and amazing food product. It is prepared using microbial starter (a symbiotic compound of fungi beneficial to humans).

Under what conditions should it be stored?

Kefir is a perishable product, and in addition, it is very susceptible to storage conditions. Therefore, in order to maximize its freshness, you need to follow some rules.

The optimal storage temperature for kefir is -2°C -+3°C. Due to the fact that the average refrigerator temperature is +5°C, fermented milk products should be stored on the shelf closest to the source of cold.

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Kefir, which contains special preservatives, is stored in a cold place for up to 10 days.

When drinking kefir, it is important to know that if a fresh drink (up to 2 days from the date of production) has a laxative effect on the intestines, then after 3–4 days the opposite effect occurs. Each subsequent day of storing this product in the refrigerator leads to the formation of more acid and a percentage of ethyl alcohol. On the third day, the alcohol percentage can reach 0.88%.

Shelf life of kefir in tetra pack

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In view of this, the drink can be stored for no more than 4-6 hours at a temperature not exceeding 10 °C.

In this case, the packaging should be protected from exposure to sunlight.

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Dairy map of Russia, accumulating operational and daily updated information about enterprises in the Russian dairy industry. 2. Contents: When choosing kefir, you should look at the packaging, which should not be sticky or bloated. If the date is indicated on a piece of paper, feel free to tear it off or look for another product that does not have any abrasions, streaks, etc.

Due to fermentation, kefir is considered a drink containing alcohol - therefore, three-day-old, strong kefir is not recommended for drivers and people with alcohol intolerance to drink in large quantities. Bread and bakery products must be placed in trays in accordance with the rules for laying, storing and transporting bread and bakery products in accordance with GOST 8227-56... When choosing kefir, pay attention to its composition, which is usually indicated on the label or packaging of the product. Real kefir consists of milk (milk powder can be added) and kefir starter.

Nowadays, manufacturers have learned to produce kefir from dry milk starter, which is easy to use and make, and can also be stored for a long time.

However, a product made with such leaven is no longer kefir.

Usually what is written on the label is not kefir, but a kefir drink.

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