Sea buckthorn oil has expired

Katun Oleum Sea Buckthorn Oil - review

Hello, girls! I am again writing my next review about oil. This time I will tell you about an amazing healing and restorative remedy that should definitely be in every first aid kit - sea buckthorn oil. I can safely say that if I suddenly had to give up all the oils except one, I would keep sea buckthorn for myself, its effect is so different from all others: coconut, burdock, castor and other oils are wonderful, but they are not as good as sea buckthorn. time to stretch! I still remember how I once discovered that the sea buckthorn oil from my first aid kit had expired. It was a shame to throw it away, so I started using it for hair masks.

The results shocked and amazed me! But first things first. Sea buckthorn oil from fruits and leaves (oil for oral, local and external use) Katun Oleum.

Packaging Place of purchase: pharmacy. Price

Shelf life of oil: storage of a valuable product and the possibility of using expired

Oil is valuable, a treasure trove of vitamins and microorganisms. It is used both for cooking and in cosmetology. Only it contains fat-containing vitamins and the strongest antioxidants. But the benefits of their use are possible only with strict adherence to storage rules and no violations. Now in stores and pharmacies offer a wide assortment: from familiar and everyday used, to rarely seen, exotic ones. Olive oil is in demand because of its beneficial properties, especially since this product, once considered a delicacy, is now available in any store. Its expiration date limited to one year. Some manufacturers also indicate a shorter period - 6 months. But with proper storage, you can safely use it for a year, following the following rules:

optimal storage temperature

How to make sea buckthorn oil at home: recipes step by step

Sea buckthorn oil is a valuable product from the point of view of cosmetology and traditional medicine that has a wide range of beneficial properties.
You can purchase the oil at a pharmacy or specialty store, but in this case the buyer is not 100% sure that he was able to purchase a natural product without dyes or foreign impurities. You can make sea buckthorn oil yourself at home using berries, seeds and cake of the medicinal plant. Sea buckthorn berries are a storehouse of vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body. Medicinal properties of plant fruits:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-aging;
  • laxatives.

Oil prepared from different parts of the plant is used for the following diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • gastritis;
  • constipation;
  • sore throat and chronic tonsillitis;
  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • stomatitis;
  • hypertension;
  • cervical erosion;
  • bedsores.

In cosmetology, the folk remedy is used to eliminate flaking and redness of the skin, dandruff and brittle hair.

The product is suitable for both internal and external use, but before using the oil for therapeutic purposes, you should consult a doctor. Despite its obvious benefits, the sea buckthorn product has a number of contraindications for use, which include:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • inflammation of the liver and gallbladder;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • pancreatitis.

If a person plans to use the product to treat gastritis, then a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary. Improper use of sea buckthorn oil for inflammation of the gastric mucosa can cause irreparable harm to health.

There are several simple and effective recipes for making sea buckthorn oil at home.

There is a recipe that allows you to extract a healing product from the seeds. First, you need to take a handful of dried berry cake and, rubbing it in your palms, extract the seeds. Sea buckthorn seeds are ground in a coffee grinder until it becomes flour, after which a third of a liter jar of flour is poured with half a liter of olive oil. Parchment paper is attached to the neck of the container so that it completely covers it. After 3 days, the workpiece must be strained, pouring the finished product into a separate container.

The most complex method of producing sea buckthorn oil is one that allows you to prepare a concentrated product, an analogue of which can only be purchased at a pharmacy.

How to get the concentrated product:

The same is done with the remaining fresh cake. The concentrated product will have a deep orange color.

In order for the oil to retain its healing properties, care must be taken to follow the rules for its storage. The product is bottled in dark glass and stored at a temperature of at least 10 degrees. The shelf life of the folk remedy does not exceed 12 months.

By making sea buckthorn oil with your own hands according to all the rules, you can be sure of its high quality.

Sea buckthorn oil (Hippophaes oleum)

Similar preparations Dosage form: oil for oral, local and external use Composition: Sea buckthorn fruit oil.

Description:Oily liquid of orange-red color with a characteristic odor. A slight precipitate is allowed, which dissolves when heated to 40 °C.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Tissue repair stimulant of plant origin ATC: Other drugs for the treatment of skin diseases Pharmacodynamics: Stimulates reparative processes for lesions of the skin and mucous membranes of various etiologies (wound, radiation, burns, ulcers). It has a general strengthening effect, has antioxidant and cytoprotective effects.

Reduces the intensity of free radical processes and protects cellular and subcellular membranes from damage.

The pharmacological effect is due to the presence of carotene (provitamin A), tocopherols (vitamin E) and other lipophilic substances in the drug.

Can Sea Buckthorn Oil Be Used After the Expiration Date?

// Contents Olive oil is very expensive.

And, if its expiration date has expired and it can no longer be used for cooking, then it’s still a terrible shame to just throw it away. Once your olive oil expires, use the oil for other purposes and reap the benefits of its goodness while saving you money.

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The opened olive oil sat on the shelf for six months. During this period, many of the beneficial properties of the oil disappeared. Replace the bottle of oil with a new one for cooking use. Now use your imagination and use your “expired” olive oil for other purposes. Olive oil is very expensive.

And, if its expiration date has expired and it can no longer be used for cooking, then it’s still a terrible shame to just throw it away. After the expiration date of olive oil

Contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn oil

Despite the wide range of beneficial properties, sea buckthorn oil has some contraindications. It should not be used by people suffering from individual intolerance to the components of the product. It is also not recommended to be taken orally for gastritis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, or in the presence of inflammation in the liver and pancreas. Like any other oil, sea buckthorn oil, regardless of the method of its preparation, is contraindicated for diarrhea.

People prone to allergic reactions should use the oil for cosmetic purposes with caution. Therefore, before starting treatment with sea buckthorn oil, you should consult your doctor.

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Shelf life of sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil in the pharmacy.

Sea buckthorn oil (Hippophaeae oleum) is usually sold in pharmacies in small (50-100ml) dark glass jars.

The oil is an oily liquid of red-orange color, with a characteristic odor of sea buckthorn, perhaps a slight sediment, available without a prescription. Sea buckthorn oil is a product of plant origin, which is obtained from the fruits of the medicinal plant Sea buckthorn, description of the plant.

The container with sea buckthorn oil contains 50% sea buckthorn oil (containing carotenoids) and 50% sunflower oil.

2 years from the date of release, subject to storage conditions.


Sea buckthorn oil, quite widely used in folk medicine, is an oil extract of physiologically active substances from the fruits of sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn oil, prepared in a factory method, has a thick red-orange color, with a characteristic odor, and is now very difficult to find in pharmacies. But there is quite a lot of this oil in bazaars and markets, but as for its quality, it is on the conscience of the sellers. Therefore, it is better to prepare it yourself at home, especially since the cooking technology is not complicated and is accessible to everyone.

The principle of preparing sea buckthorn oil is based on extraction with vegetable oils, in which the oil contained in the juice and skin of sea buckthorn is well soluble. To avoid mistakes in preparing sea buckthorn oil, let’s clarify individual points of the principle just outlined. The need for this arises due to discrepancies found in numerous recipes for preparing this oil, published in various publications.

Which vegetable oil is suitable for extraction purposes?

Recommendations usually indicate sunflower oil. But besides it, you can also use soybean oil, olive oil and corn oil. Soy is especially useful, as it itself has high healing and nutritional properties. Cottonseed oil is not recommended for these purposes.

1st method of obtaining oil from sea buckthorn

Take 1 kg of sea buckthorn berries, sort them thoroughly, rinse (the last time rinse with chilled boiled water), dry, and then grind with a wooden masher in an enamel bowl, then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth and pour into a glass jar. From 1 kg of berries you get about 600 grams of sea buckthorn juice.

After 24 hours, the floating oil, which differs from the juice in its lighter shade, is removed from the surface of the settled juice. From the initially taken 1 kg of berries, about 80 grams of oil is obtained, skimmed from the surface of the juice. By the way, if the next day you do not remove the oil from the surface of the juice, it will clog the juice and preserve it, due to which it will be stored at room temperature for 2-3 months.

2nd method of obtaining sea buckthorn oil

The pulp remaining after squeezing the juice is dried first in air and then in an open oven over low heat. When it begins to crumble under your fingers and acquires a dark brown color, it needs to be ground in a coffee grinder and the resulting powder, which weighs about 50 grams, should be poured at a ratio of 1:3 with refined sunflower or other vegetable oil, heated to 40-50 degrees. Only ceramic or glass utensils should be used.

The mixture is kept for three weeks in a dark place at room temperature, stirring occasionally. After this, the mass is squeezed out, the oil is filtered (not regular oil, but sea buckthorn oil) and allowed to settle. When it becomes completely transparent, drain off the sediment.

When using the second method, it is necessary to pay special attention to the procedure for drying the pulp (pulp), preventing it from becoming moldy, since in this case it becomes unsuitable for further processing.

The oil obtained in this way contains no more than 5-8% sea buckthorn oil itself, and although it is worse in quality than factory oil, it nevertheless has medicinal properties. If you need to obtain high-concentration sea buckthorn oil at home, you can use the 3rd method, which is somewhat more complicated than the previous 2, but is still also available.

3rd way to obtain sea buckthorn oil at home

The pulp, dried and ground in a coffee grinder, is divided into four parts. The first part is placed in an enamel pan, poured with vegetable oil heated to 40-50 degrees and closed with a lid. Then it is placed in another pan of a larger diameter - with the handles on the walls so that the smaller pan does not touch the bottom of the larger one. Pour water into a large saucepan and place it on the stove. The result was nothing more than an impromptu steam bath.

From time to time the mass needs to be stirred and its temperature measured, which should not exceed 45-50 degrees. The mass is kept at this temperature for 12-16 hours. At night, the pan should be covered with a warm blanket.

The next day, the mass is slightly heated in a water bath and squeezed through gauze or a bag made of thick nylon. The squeezed oil is poured into the second, not yet used part of the pulp and the procedure is repeated. The same is done with the 3rd and 4th portions. The resulting oil is poured into a glass jar, allowed to stand in a dark place for 7 days, drained from the sediment and again placed on sediment. After 7 days, all this is repeated. And so on several times.

How to store sea buckthorn oil?

Store the oil in the refrigerator in tightly sealed containers, for example, glass bottles filled to the brim. Under such conditions, sea buckthorn oil does not lose its medicinal properties for 2 years.

The use of sea buckthorn oil in modern folk medicine

Sea buckthorn oil accelerates the process of epithelization and wound healing, and also has an analgesic effect. In medical practice, it is used for frostbite, bedsores and burns, for the treatment of various skin diseases, as well as internally for gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers. Possessing very high bactericidal properties, sea buckthorn oil can suppress pathogens of dysentery, typhus, E. coli, staphylococci and streptococci. When using it, cases were observed when angina attacks disappeared during coronary heart disease, vegetative-vascular disorders decreased, and blood pressure normalized.

Sea buckthorn is a real storehouse of vitamins; just 4-5 teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil provide a person’s daily need for vitamins. Depleted, weakened patients who have undergone an infectious disease or surgery especially need sea buckthorn, and sea buckthorn oil is simply irreplaceable in the treatment of poorly healing wounds.

• For stomach ulcers, take 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil 30 minutes before meals.

• For duodenal ulcers and polyps in the intestinal tract - 1 tbsp. spoon. Smaller doses in this case “do not reach”, since the oil is used up to lubricate the esophagus and stomach walls.

• If you have a disease of the oral cavity and nasopharynx - sore throat, tonsillitis, sinusitis - you need to rinse your mouth with water and then hold a sip of oil in your mouth for as long as possible.

• Sea buckthorn oil successfully treats periodontitis, pulpitis, and gumboil. To do this, apply a cotton wool moistened with oil to the gums.

• For gout, rheumatism, polyarthritis, compresses and lotions made from the fruits and leaves of sea buckthorn help well.

• Sea buckthorn has the unique property of removing excess radiation and heavy metal salts (lead, cesium, cobalt) from the body.


Those patients who have pancreatitis or cholelithiasis should not use sea buckthorn and its oil.

Be healthy!


HEALTH Message Series:
Part 1 - Ways to Use Baking Soda Part 2 - MIRACLE OINTMENT!!!! ... Part 7 - Treatment with hydrogen peroxide Part 8 - Apple cider vinegar: properties, production, use and treatment Part 9 - Sea buckthorn oil. Applications and methods of preparing sea buckthorn oil at home Part 10 - Castor oil - a medicinal product since time immemorial Part 11 - Colon cleansing with clay ... Part 29 - A phenomenally effective drink for cleansing the liver Part 30 - Black radish with honey for cough Part 31 - Ginger with lemon and honey (Recipe for health!)

Series of messages “AROMOTHERAPY.
BASE OILS. INFUSES": Part 1 - Vegetable oils for female beauty Part 2 - Essential oils... Part 7 - APHRODISIACS and sexual stimulants Part 8 - Properties of essential oils Part 9 - Sea buckthorn oil. Application and methods of preparing sea buckthorn oil at home Part 10 - Castor oil - a medicinal product since time immemorial Part 11 - Cosmetic problems - what products to use :)) ... Part 16 - Use of essential oils, table Part 17 - Table of dosages of essential oils Part 18 — Vegetable oils for hair

Can sea buckthorn oil be used after the expiration date?

It is used to obtain a product in cosmetology and cooking.

Store in a dark room at a temperature not exceeding 25 C. Sea buckthorn oil (from the medicinal plant Sea buckthorn), due to the presence of biologically active substances, stimulates the healing processes of the skin and mucous membranes.

Their shelf life ranges from one to two years if sealed in sealed packaging and kept in a cool, dark place.

Using expired oil Can I use oil if it has expired? After expiration dates, almost all oils can be used to lubricate leather products to soften the material and prepare it for storage. In this case, essential oils are used as a means to repel insects by dripping onto a protective mesh or window frame.

For combustion, expiration dates do not play a big role.

Expired Vaseline is suitable as a lamp in emergency situations. Expired cocoa bean butter can be used for wraps by mixing with blue clay.

Purchase and return of goods When purchasing any oil, you must carefully consider the packaging, and under no circumstances take damaged one.

Info If product

Sea buckthorn oil

» » Internist, pulmonologist, medical editor Last revised: 06/01/2018 xAll iLive content is reviewed by medical experts to ensure the highest possible accuracy and factuality. We have strict sourcing guidelines and only link to reputable sites, academic research institutions and, where possible, proven medical studies. Please note that the numbers in brackets ([1], [2], etc.)

d.) are interactive links to such studies. If you believe that any of our content is inaccurate, out of date, or otherwise questionable, please select it and press Ctrl + Enter. The storage conditions for sea buckthorn oil are the same as for any medicinal product.

Sea buckthorn oil must be stored in a dry, cool place, protected from bright sun, at a temperature of 8 to 15 degrees.

Caring for peppers in a greenhouse and open ground

When growing and caring for peppers - both sweet and hot varieties - it is necessary to ensure optimal temperature and humidity. Of course, most plants prefer milder, greenhouse conditions, but in warm climates it is possible to plant crops in open ground. Productivity in this case will depend on decent care and favorable weather conditions.

Caring for peppers in a greenhouse: watering, fertilizing, shaping

Caring for peppers in a greenhouse involves maintaining optimal temperature conditions, regular watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening.

Temperature regime. The air temperature in the greenhouse during the period from planting to full fruiting should be maintained at 21-28°C during the day and 15°C at night. Then the daytime temperature is reduced by 1-2°C.

When caring for peppers, the greenhouse is periodically ventilated by opening doors, vents, and transoms. In summer, when the outside temperature rises above 30°C, the glass covering of the greenhouse is sprayed with a chalk suspension or shaded using light wooden gratings.

Watering peppers is done 2-3 times a week at the root. Pepper is moisture-loving; 1-2 liters of water are consumed per plant. Plants are covered with moist soil. After the soil dries, the rows are loosened.

Fertilizer and fertilizing.

Peppers are fertilized twice a month. For 10 liters of water, dilute 10-20 g of potassium chloride, 20-30 g of ammonium nitrate and 30-40 g of superphosphate. After feeding the peppers in the greenhouse, water the soil with clean water, otherwise you can burn the leaves. Instead of mineral fertilizers, plants are sometimes fed with organic matter: a solution of slurry or bird droppings with the addition of 150-200 g of wood ash per 10 liters of solution.

Experienced gardeners recommend watering peppers from 9 to 11 am. Frequent and prolonged drying out of the soil, as well as excessive waterlogging, should not be allowed, since the plant reacts to both dry soil and waterlogging.


During the flowering period, peppers are shaken daily to ensure better pollination.

Bush formation.

In order to grow pepper as a vertical crop, the bush begins to form at the first fork. When molding, two shoots are left in the first branch, which will be central. Subsequently, two shoots are left at each node: vertical (central) and external additional. In this way, the bush is formed to a height of 1-1.2 m.

Caring for peppers in open ground: watering, fertilizing, protection

Caring for peppers in open ground consists of watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing and protecting from frost.


The pepper is watered for the first time immediately after planting. The second time - after 5-6 days. In the future, it is watered every 7-10 days. First, 1-1.5 liters of water are consumed per plant, then the rate is increased to 1.5-2 liters. 2-3 weeks before the last harvest, watering is stopped.


The soil is loosened after each rain and watering until the soil begins to dry out and crust over.

Fertilizer and fertilizing.

Peppers are fed 3-4 times during the growing season, starting from the 10-15th day after planting the seedlings. When feeding peppers in open ground, use a solution of slurry (4-5 parts of water to 1 part fertilizer) or bird droppings (1 part fertilizer to 12-15 parts water). In addition, 150-200 g of wood ash, 40-60 g of superphosphate and 15-20 g of potassium chloride are added to 10 liters of solution. When carrying out mineral fertilizing, in addition to phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, ammonium nitrate is added under the pepper (15-20 g per 10 liters of fertilizer solution).

Frost protection.

Heat-loving peppers are protected from frost with the help of temporary tent shelters made of boards, cardboard, burlap, matting, roofing felt or other available materials. Portable film shelters are also popular. In case of severe frosts, the film is additionally covered with burlap or rags. Smoke and sprinkling are used.

Bush formation.

During the growing season, pepper shoots that are too long are shortened. All unnecessary branches shading the crown of the bush are cut out. It is imperative to remove all shoots located below the main fork of the stem, as well as branches growing inside the crown. Pruning is carried out once a week, after harvesting the fruits.

Harvesting, storing and processing peppers

Pepper is harvested in a state of technical ripeness (the fruit has already formed, but has not reached the color and size characteristic of a given variety), as well as in a state of biological ripeness (the fruit fully corresponds to its varietal characteristics). Usually 20-30 days pass between technical and biological ripeness. Ripe fruits crackle when touched. Peppers are harvested for the first time in mid-August and harvested every 6-8 days until frost. Before frost, all fruits are removed from the bush. They are sorted by degree of ripeness and, if necessary, stored for ripening. Hot peppers are harvested when the fruits become dry and red. You cannot pick peppers with your hands, as you can damage the fruit or stalk, which will lead to rotting of the pod. Therefore, the stalks are cut with a knife.

Like most vegetables, peppers have poor shelf life, and if stored poorly, the fruits will rot after two days. Under the right conditions, peppers can be stored even longer than tomatoes and eggplants. Thin-walled peppers are best stored in the refrigerator. Part of the fruit stalk is cut off, leaving a small tip. The fruits should not show signs of disease, damage, cracks or dents.

Peppers are stored in plastic bags, or the fruits are placed in boxes and sprinkled with sawdust. The fruits are stored for up to 2 months. Ripe peppers are kept at a temperature of 1-2°C, unripe ones - at 10-12°C.

Fruits are harvested for seeds in the phase of full biological ripeness. They are left for 3-4 weeks, after which they are cut around the calyx and the stalk with seeds is removed. It is kept at a temperature of 25-30°C for 3-4 days, and then the seeds are separated. They are placed in a paper bag and stored in a cool, dry place. Pepper seeds are stored for 5-6 years.

The fruits of sweet peppers are consumed fresh, pickled, canned, dried, fried, boiled, stewed. It is also possible to process pepper into caviar, puree, and vegetable snacks.

When preparing for drying, remove the core from the peppers and wash them thoroughly. Then cut the pulp into pieces measuring 1.5 x 1.5 or 2 x 2 cm, blanch them in a boiling 1% salt solution for 1-2 minutes, allow the water to drain and place on a sieve. Dry at a temperature of 60-70°C for 3-5 hours. To obtain 1 kg of dried pepper, you need to take 10-12 kg of fresh pepper.

Sea buckthorn oil shelf life

> > Beta-carotene, for example, is a precursor to vitamin A, which plays a huge role in the body's metabolic processes.

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This oil contains large amounts of vitamin E, known as a powerful antioxidant.

The next feature of sea buckthorn oil is its huge content of vitamin C, which it contains more than citrus fruits. It is worth noting that ascorbic acid contained in the oil is highly resistant to heat treatment, and all thanks to the content of a special enzyme ascorbinase in sea buckthorn, which converts this acid into an inactive form.

Due to the high concentration of vitamins, sea buckthorn oil can have a general strengthening, wound-healing, granulating, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and regenerating effect on the human body. Purchase and return of goods When purchasing any oil, you must carefully consider the packaging, and under no circumstances take damaged one.

At the same time, it is a misconception to think that all products will be fine in the refrigerator.

Can sea buckthorn oil be used after the expiration date?

01/26/2020 Companies that produce this product from cultivated plants set shelf life for them from 1 to 2 years.

Aroma mixtures - mixtures of essential and vegetable oils are suitable for 2 to 7 days.

Medicinal Cedar oil is obtained from pine nuts. When storing it, the following must be observed:

  1. To avoid rancidity, put a few dry beans in the bottle and add a little salt.
  2. in a dark place;
  3. at positive temperatures, but not higher than 15 degrees;
  4. store in a glass container with a narrow neck (to reduce the flow of oxygen);

Unopened, it is stored for 1 year, in open bottles up to 10 months. The sediment that forms at the bottom of the bottle is good for your health.

Burdock oil is a valuable product used in medicine and cosmetology, obtained from the roots of the burdock plant. The shelf life of the pure product is up to 18 months in a cool, dark place.

Important If necessary, repeat the course after 4–6 weeks.

Preparation from pulp

This recipe is considered one of the easiest to use at home relative to some other methods:

  1. pass the berries through a juicer;
  2. separate the juice from the pulp;
  3. place the cake in a jar or other container (not made of metal);
  4. pour in base oil in a ratio of 0.5 liters per 3 cups of pulp;
  5. cover the container with a lid, but not tightly;
  6. keep at room temperature in a dark place for 1 week;
  7. strain.

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During infusion, the pulp of the berries will saturate the base oil with its healing substances. But you can increase the con if you wish, and you need to do it like this:

  1. squeeze a new portion of berries;
  2. pour the cake (after separating it from the juice) with the existing oil;
  3. leave again for 1 week;
  4. squeeze out

Such repeated infusion will almost double the concentration of the product.

Sea buckthorn oil storage

Store in the refrigerator and take with confidence. The duration of storage of the resulting sea buckthorn oil depends on the quality of its purification. Store sea buckthorn oil in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator. Smell, if it’s rancid, then no. Otherwise, it should have a nice, clean berry smell. Keeping it in the refrigerator in the dark is Dangerous. Before storing sea buckthorn, you need to prepare it. It is optimal to store the jars dry and cool. Sea buckthorn oil. Sour cream Sea buckthorn oil has a specific taste and smell and is made from the pulp of sea buckthorn fruits.

The red-orange color of sea buckthorn oil is due to the fact that. Panthenol ointment is for all occasions! Sunbathe for no more than 15 minutes on each side. Apply moisturizing cream if Panthenol Sea buckthorn oil is not nearby. Although this is not a food product, it is necessary to prepare it for the winter, at least in small quantities. Place it under cold water

Sea buckthorn candles

/ Hello, please tell me, is it possible to use sea buckthorn candles if they have been in the refrigerator for 2.5 months?

Candles “Sea buckthorn oil”, . The instructions say to store them at a temperature of +15 to +25 degrees, but out of habit, I put them in the refrigerator.

Thank you! The pharmacist answers. It’s okay, the main thing is that the candles were not subject to freezing or severe overheating. You just need to store them at room temperature during treatment with suppositories. Health to you! Consultation with a pharmacist on the topic "" Ordering medicine149Rot113РMedicines, Chisinau State Medical University named after.

N.Testemitanu”Health of mothers and babies. Visiting Dr. Alena” Pharmacist.

How to store

Sea buckthorn oil made at home should be stored at a temperature of at least +10 C, but ideally in the refrigerator.

The container where the oil is planned to be stored must be made of dark glass. The reason this condition is mandatory is that under the influence of light, the most valuable properties of this most useful oil change for the worse or disappear altogether. As a result, it deteriorates, becomes rancid and unfit for consumption.

The shelf life depends on the concentration of the oil, but in general it is undesirable to use sea buckthorn oil that has stood (even in the refrigerator) for more than a year.

Preparing sea buckthorn oil at home is, first of all, confidence in the purity and naturalness of this most valuable medicinal product, as well as a guarantee of its high quality.

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