What is the shelf life of soy sauce?

Soy-based sauce began to be used in Asian countries long before our era, and in Europe it became known in the 16th century, but it became widely used relatively recently. Initially, it was used only for preparing sushi and other Japanese dishes, but today it has gained wide popularity: this dressing is added to literally everything. It is used in the preparation of omelettes, pasta, and salads. And this is not surprising, because the additive gives the dish a piquant, slightly islandy taste.

Of course, taste is of great importance, but it is important to understand how the supplement acts on the body. Soy sauce has both benefits and harm. Of course, it has a very useful composition, but at the same time, uncontrolled use can cause serious damage to the human body.

Composition and calorie content

The dressing has a liquid consistency and a varied composition. It contains elements that are very useful for the human body. These are vitamins and minerals, essential amino acids, proteins, which are valuable “building materials” for cells and tissues. However, cooking according to the classic recipe involves a fermentation process, and in order to make the dish more tender, wheat is added to it. For some people this is not always helpful.

What is it made from?

The classic recipe involves the inclusion of such components as:

  • soybeans;
  • water;
  • liquid caramel;
  • corn syrup;
  • salt and spices.

Some manufacturers add other ingredients, such as beef broth, corn or potato flour, and tomato paste. In addition, to enhance the taste and increase the shelf life of the product, it may also contain synthetic additives, such as activated carbon, flavorings, and preservatives. Of course, the lower the content of these substances, the more natural, and therefore useful, the product will be.


Depending on what ingredients are used for preparation, as well as on the proportion of these ingredients, there are different types of soy dressing. Each of them differs in consistency and taste characteristics.

The most popular types are:

  1. Koikuchi is a dark and thin sauce that has a moderately spicy and salty taste. It is used both for seasoning raw dishes and for adding to a dish during its heat treatment.
  2. Usukuchi – This type is lighter in color and has a stronger aroma. This sauce is also universal; it can be used to prepare a wide variety of dishes.
  3. Saishikomi - to prepare the sauce when boiling soybeans, they do not use water, but one of the varieties of sauces listed above. At the same time, the finished sauce is thicker and has a more pronounced taste. Most often it is used in combination with cold dishes, as well as fish (raw or cooked).
  4. Tamari – its peculiarity is the reduced content of wheat in its composition. The additive is well suited for seasoning teriyaki dishes.
  5. Shiro - unlike the previous option, the sauce contains more wheat and less soy. It has a light shade. It is often used to season omelettes, egg casseroles, and added to broths.

These are the main varieties of the classic recipe, but some manufacturers, for example, Kikkoman (the world market leader in the production and sale of the additive) classify their product depending on the degree of its thickness, spiciness, salt content and other parameters. There are also options available for those on a diet. The line of this manufacturer also contains options with a high content of gamma-aminobutyric acid, a substance beneficial for the brain.

Calorie content

Due to the reduced fat content, the dish is classified as low-calorie. So, it contains about 8 g of proteins, 4 g of carbohydrates, the fat content is extremely low - only about 0.5 g. The total calorie content is approximately 50-55 kcal. Of course, everything depends on the recipe and the content of certain ingredients, their proportions relative to each other.


Before asking about the shelf life of soy sauce, you need to understand how it is produced and what ingredients are used.

Traditional sauce is made by fermentation, a process that should take at least 6 months. The composition of classic soy sauce includes exclusively natural products without any use of preservatives or other chemical additives.

In the original recipe, the following components are taken for the fermentation process:

  • soya beans;
  • wheat grain;
  • fungal microorganisms;
  • water;
  • spices, the amount of which may vary depending on the manufacturer.

What is the benefit

The supplement contains a large number of elements necessary for normal life and activity of the human body. These are protein elements, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Soy is a plant product that contains many antioxidants. The benefits of these elements have been proven for a long time. It is antioxidants that slow down the aging process at the cellular level; moreover, they protect the body and all its tissues from the formation of pathologically altered cancer cells.

It is known that soybean dressing has a rather salty taste, but the salt content in it is much less than in any spices. It is suitable for those for whom salt consumption is contraindicated.


Protein elements are part of the cell membrane of all tissues of the human body. Without this element, cell division and renewal are impossible. Proteins also participate in the metabolic process and ensure the normal functioning of internal organs. At the same time, the body itself is not able to synthesize proteins, so they must enter it with food.

Soy contains a large amount of protein (even more than dairy products), which undoubtedly makes it extremely healthy. Of course, we are not talking about consuming the supplement daily and in huge quantities, but using it as a supplement to main dishes is quite appropriate.

Soy is especially often included in the diet of people who adhere to a vegetarian menu. And this is completely justified. This diet is very poor in proteins (vegetarians do not consume the main protein products - meat and eggs). Therefore, moderate consumption of soy can fill this gap. It is also good for those who are intolerant to animal proteins.

Amino acids

Amino acids are an important element that ensures the normal functioning of muscle tissue and increases the strength and elasticity of muscle fibers. Soy contains many different amino acids, so this component is very useful for those who suffer from muscle dystrophy. Soy is also included in the diet of many athletes, since its regular consumption promotes muscle growth. It is also indispensable for those who are on a diet. It is known that strict dietary restrictions negatively affect the condition of muscle fibers. Eating this dish allows you to solve this problem to a certain extent.

Vitamins and minerals

The sauce is rich in various vitamins and minerals. Of course, a person is not able to eat a lot of product at one time in order to get the daily requirement of these elements. However, if you use the sauce regularly as a dressing, for example for vegetable salads, it will undoubtedly benefit the body.

Thus, the sauce contains the following elements useful for humans:

  • vitamins A, C, group B;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • selenium.

Vitamin A has a positive effect on the visual apparatus, protects its structures from damage, and also has antioxidant properties. Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system, B vitamins improve the quality of skin, hair, nails, and prevent the development of age-related changes. Copper and zinc are necessary to strengthen the tissues of internal organs, iron prevents the development of anemia, improving blood quality, selenium is necessary to strengthen hair and nails.

Effect on the body

What are the benefits of soy sauce for humans? Its moderate consumption undoubtedly has a positive effect on all organs and systems of the human body, preventing the development of negative changes and various diseases. However, this is only possible with systematic, but very limited consumption and the absence of contraindications.

On the bone

The dressing contains an active element - genistein, which helps preserve calcium in bone tissue. This element is especially useful for mature women entering menopause. It is known that during menopause, under the influence of hormonal changes, calcium is actively washed out of a woman’s bones, which leads to the development of osteoporosis. Genistein, which is part of the product, prevents and slows down this process.

On the heart and blood vessels

Consumption allows you to reduce the cholesterol content in the body, as well as cleanse and strengthen the vascular walls. As a result, their lumen increases, which helps improve blood flow. In addition, it is known that soy protein contains a sufficient amount of isoflavones, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and restore the elasticity of blood vessels, which is especially important for representatives of the older generation.

To the liver

The liver is the most vulnerable organ, susceptible to various types of damage. Negative factors such as poor nutrition, bad habits, and unfavorable environmental conditions lead to the fact that the functional cells of the organ (hepatocytes) die off, and their place is taken by fibrous tissue that does not have any functions. As a result of this, the organ’s performance is lost; the liver can no longer fully bind and remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Genistein, which is part of soy dressing, interferes with these processes, protecting hepatocytes and preventing the proliferation of fibrous tissue.

To receptors

The human body has 5 taste buds that are irritated when eating. Thanks to this, a person is able to taste the food. The composition contains monosodium glutamate, which increases this irritation. Despite the fact that the content of this element is quite insignificant, it is still enough for a person to more acutely feel the taste of certain ingredients.

On the skin

The sauce contains antioxidants that have a positive effect on the skin. In particular, they prevent the oxidation of epidermal cells and help maintain youthful skin, preventing the formation of early wrinkles. Genistein also has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it helps eliminate the symptoms of various skin diseases accompanied by inflammation and itching (for example, dermatitis).

On the gastrointestinal tract

A high-quality product contains enzymes that promote more active digestion of food, which allows the digestive organs to work more efficiently. In addition, soy sauce contains ingredients that have a mild laxative effect. This is especially useful for people who suffer from frequent constipation.

For immunity

Vitamins and antioxidants bind free radicals that negatively affect the condition of all tissues of the body, slow down age-related changes, help increase the natural protective function of the immune system, normalizing its functioning, so a person is less likely to suffer from such unpleasant problems as frequent viral and infectious diseases, allergic reactions.

For women

The benefits of antioxidants and substances similar to female sex hormones (estrogens) for the female body are especially obvious.

With moderate consumption of the product, you can notice such positive changes as:

  1. Later appearance of wrinkles and other age-related changes.
  2. Reducing pain during menstruation.
  3. Reducing the risk of developing osteoporosis during menopause.
  4. Reducing the intensity of menopausal symptoms.
  5. Reducing the risk of developing cancer that affects the mammary gland and organs of the woman’s reproductive system.

For men

The dish contains substances that are similar in composition and functions to estrogen, the female sex hormone. This means it has a more positive effect on the female body than on the male body. However, this does not mean that representatives of the stronger sex should refuse to use the product. It is also very useful for men. In particular, antioxidants and vitamins help strengthen the immune system and the entire body as a whole, amino acids improve the condition of muscle tissue, and genistein reduces the risk of developing adenoma and testicular cancer. Of course, the product must be consumed in moderation, as excessive consumption can lead to suppression of male hormones, which is not beneficial for a man.

Harm and contraindications

Is soy sauce harmful? Despite the fact that it has numerous beneficial properties and contains less salt than many other dressings and spices, this component is still present in its composition. If consumed in unlimited quantities, it can cause serious harm to the body.

Uncontrolled use of the product can lead to such negative consequences as:

  1. Development of gout (a large amount of salts accumulate in the joints, which leads to loss of mobility and pain).
  2. Increased blood pressure (blood pressure) and the development of hypertension.
  3. Cardiac dysfunction, development of arrhythmia, myocardial infarction.
  4. Kidney damage and dysfunction of the urinary system.
  5. Arthritis, arthrosis.

It is important to remember that such negative consequences are only possible if a person consumes soy sauce in excessive quantities, adding it to all dishes daily.


Of course, this product, despite all its beneficial qualities, cannot be consumed by everyone; there are also some contraindications, in the presence of which consumption of soy sauce can cause serious damage to the body.

The following are considered contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy (consumption of the dressing due to its pungent taste may lead to the risk of miscarriage or provoke premature birth).
  2. The presence of allergic reactions to the ingredients included in the product.
  3. Urolithiasis disease.
  4. Pancreatitis (both acute and chronic).
  5. Elevated blood pressure, tendency to hypertension.
  6. Children's age (up to 3 years).
  7. Intestinal pathologies (substances that give the product a distinct taste can have an irritating effect on the walls of the organ, causing inflammation and pain in humans).
  8. Excessive consumption of a product is relevant for everyone.

Which soy sauce to choose

Real or fake

In short, they choose real sauce. That is, the one obtained by fermenting soybeans through enzymatic hydrolysis. Without too much clever words, this is a liquid resulting from prolonged (up to a year) rotting of soybeans and wheat with the participation of mold fungi. The only taste improver that can be there is sugar.

Fake soy sauce is the majority of plastic bottles with which grocery supermarkets are now stocked, especially in the budget category. This seasoning consists of:

  • soybeans;
  • starch;
  • dyes;
  • thickeners;
  • acidity regulators

And other additives. Even if there are words about being identical to natural, it is not real soy sauce, but a fake. It is prepared many times faster - soybeans are boiled in sulfuric and hydrochloric acids, after which they are neutralized with alkali. This will not frighten some people: a twenty-first century resident will not be frightened by substitutes. However, such an ersatz sauce increases the risk of cancer due to the strong carcinogen chlorpropanol formed during the production process.

Which brands should you trust?

You can safely take bottles with the name:

  • Kikkoman;
  • Bamboo stalk;
  • Amoy;
  • Sempio;
  • Yamasa;
  • Sen Soi.

The sauce of these brands is produced in a natural way. Products from companies from different countries may have their own shades of taste (for example, Korean ones may have a “fishy” tint, Japanese ones are often too spicy. This should not be scary. It is much worse if the sauce is viscous and very thick, reminiscent of syrup. This is a sign of low quality , as well as the consistency being too thin. You can even test your purchase at home by dropping a little sauce onto a paper napkin. If the drop does not spread much and has a dark orange tint, it is real soy sauce.

When choosing soy sauce, the rule of small print also applies - the most important things are written there. If the label screams about a natural composition, but the annotation says in small words about low sodium content, this is a chemical analogue.

Another indicator is the protein content per hundred grams of the product. If the number is less than 8 grams, it is a fake. The correct seasoning is in a glass container - soy sauce does not like plastic bottles.

Which brands are not trustworthy?

You should avoid products from the following companies:

  • Doshirak;
  • Tai-So.

This is not soy sauce, but a chemical ersatz. The buyer will not be poisoned, but will not gain any benefit either.

And in general, you should refuse sauces offered in plastic containers and at too low a price. Real soy sauce costs from 100 rubles per 300 ml.

How to use for weight loss

Soy sauce is recommended by many nutritionists. This is due not only to the fact that this product belongs to the low-calorie category. It's all about its composition. The dressing contains components (prebiotics) that accelerate metabolic processes and improve the quality of digestion and absorption of food.

In addition, this sauce can replace fatter dressings based on cream or butter, which allows you to reduce the total calorie content of the dish and make it dietary. Since the sauce has a pronounced salty taste, its use will allow you to completely stop consuming salt, which is also a positive thing for those who want to lose weight.

In order to fully experience the benefits of the product and not cause harm to themselves, a person on a diet must monitor the recommended amount of consumption. So, if the sauce is used to season already salted dishes, it is not recommended to add more than 1 tsp to them. sauce. If the dish is unsalted, the amount is doubled.

Use in cooking

If previously the sauce was used only for preparing oriental dishes, then as the popularity of the product grew, the scope of its use expanded. Today it is used as a dressing for salads, porridges from various cereals, meat and fish, potato dishes, and pasta. It is also added to various broths and casseroles.

Cooking at home

Of course, preparing a completely original product according to a classic recipe at home is quite difficult, because preparation involves a fermentation process that takes at least six months. And it’s not always possible to find all the necessary ingredients in stores. Therefore, today they use a simpler and more accessible recipe for making a dressing.

The following ingredients will be required:

  • soybeans (about 150 g);
  • meat broth 2 tbsp. l. (usually beef is used, however, to get a more dietary product, you can prepare broth from chicken breast, previously peeled);
  • flour (1 tbsp);
  • finely ground salt (it is best to use sea salt, but if it is unavailable, you can add regular table salt).

Once all the ingredients are prepared, you can start cooking.

The product preparation process includes several stages:

  1. The beans must be soaked in water and left in this state for 8-10 hours.
  2. After this, they are boiled for 1-2 hours until they become completely soft.
  3. The broth is drained, and the boiled beans are crushed to a mushy consistency (you can do this in a blender or use a special potato masher).
  4. The resulting soy puree is diluted with broth and flour is added.
  5. The product is thoroughly mixed until all lumps are dispersed.
  6. Place the mixture on the stove over low heat, bring it to a boil, stirring constantly (otherwise the sauce will burn and lumps will form in it).
  7. After boiling, the product is boiled for a few more minutes, salt is added to taste.
  8. A little more broth is added to the resulting sauce to give it the desired liquid consistency.
  9. The product is cooled, after which it is ready for consumption.

For those who prefer a more pronounced spicy taste, in addition to the ingredients used in the classic recipe, you can add the following seasonings:

  • garlic (1-2 small cloves);
  • hot ground pepper;
  • mayonnaise;
  • onion (half a small onion). It must first be ground to a puree.

The cooking principle is the same, the only difference is that additional ingredients must be added during the cooking process.

If you need to give the dressing a sweetish taste, you can use another, fairly simple recipe.

For preparation you will need:

  • soybeans (150 g);
  • sugar (1 tbsp);
  • leek (1 pc.);
  • sherry;
  • orange zest (1 tsp);
  • spices: crushed ginger root, cinnamon.

To prepare the dressing you need:

  1. Mix the chopped zest with ginger root, put the mixture in a saucepan and heat slightly.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients (pre-soak the beans overnight, boil, chop).
  3. Cook the mixture over low heat for about 1 hour.
  4. After this, the sauce is filtered, placed in a glass container, and closed with a lid.
  5. The product is ready to use, but must be used within 30 days.


If there are certain health problems, the patient is recommended to follow a special diet and limit the consumption of certain products, including soy dressing. It is not always worthwhile to completely abandon such an undoubtedly useful product, but when consuming it, you must follow certain rules.

For gastritis

It is important to remember here that if the disease is in the acute stage of its development, the patient should completely exclude the dish from his menu. When the exacerbation passes, it can be introduced into the diet. It is important to pay attention to the composition of the dressing (it should not contain various kinds of preservatives, artificial flavor enhancers and other products harmful to digestion).

It is not recommended to use too hot sauce, especially if the patient is diagnosed with gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice. This can provoke the development of reflux and exacerbation of the pathology. And of course, the sauce must be consumed in strictly limited quantities.

For pancreatitis

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the consumption of soy supplements is strictly prohibited. When the symptoms of the disease subside, the patient is allowed strictly limited consumption of the product. It can be very useful for the patient, as it contains many useful substances and is a low-calorie product that can be used to replace other dressings that have a fattier composition.

However, unlimited consumption of sauce can cause significant harm to the patient’s body, in particular:

  1. If the product has a pronounced sour or pungent taste, this can provoke increased secretion of the pancreas and lead to the development of exacerbations.
  2. Spicy foods (garlic, pepper, vinegar) often lead to the development of inflammation, which worsens the patient’s condition.
  3. A store-bought product may contain a large number of artificial additives, which also negatively affect the digestive system.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that a person suffering from pancreatitis can use the product only if he does not have pronounced symptoms of the pathology. At the same time, the sauce itself should not have a strong spicy or sour taste and contain artificial ingredients.

For diabetes

Patients suffering from diabetes can consume the sauce, but only if it is a high-quality natural product. It is especially useful for type 2 diabetes, since the ingredients included in its composition help reduce glucose levels, normalizing the process of its absorption.

If the composition contains many different preservatives and artificial flavor enhancers, it is prohibited for consumption in any case.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the use of such dressings is undesirable, especially in the early stages, as this can cause a miscarriage. And in the second half of pregnancy, the expectant mother should treat the product with great caution. Its pronounced taste can lead to involuntary contractions of the uterus and premature birth.

As for nursing women, it is best to introduce the product into your diet no earlier than 4 months after the birth of the child, since its consumption can cause an allergic reaction in the baby. Of course, even after this period, you can use the dressing in strictly limited quantities, giving preference only to high quality products with a natural composition.

In childhood

The sauce should not be added to dishes for children under 3 years of age, as its ingredients may cause an undesirable reaction in the child’s body. If a child has a tendency to allergies, it is best to avoid consuming the product altogether.

Expiration dates and storage conditions

Soy sauce has a specific taste and aroma, it is consumed slowly, so the question of expiration date is relevant. As a general rule, the consumer is guided by the instructions of the manufacturer of a particular brand of product. However, not all seasoning manufacturers indicate an expiration date. In this case, you should focus on the generally accepted shelf life of soy sauce and storage conditions.

Soy sauce is considered a shelf-stable product. The standard shelf life of the seasoning in a sealed container is 24 months. There are no strict temperature requirements, so the product can be stored at room temperature; the bottle should not be exposed to direct sunlight. The kitchen cabinet is a good place for this.

The usual shelf life of the sauce after opening is 18 months if the specified temperature is observed, for example, from 0 to +20...25 ºC, although some manufacturers indicate a shelf life of eight months (this often applies to naturally fermented products) or three years after opening the container. To extend the shelf life of the product, it is necessary to maintain tightness: when the product is not in use, the lid of the uncorked sauce bottle must be kept tightly closed at all times. In any case, microorganisms will enter the bottle from the environment, but the salt contained in the seasoning will protect it from spoilage. The best option for storing the unopened product is in a cool, dark place. As a rule, this is a refrigerator. It is believed that the taste of the seasoning is better preserved in a cool place.

The shelf life is affected by the material from which the product container is made. Soy sauce in a glass bottle lasts longer and retains its color and taste better than sauce in a plastic container.

Some manufacturers also specify the humidity level for storage, for example, no more than 75-80%, since salted foods do not tolerate high humidity.

Rules for selection and storage

Traditionally, the sauce is made by fermenting soybeans, but this process is quite lengthy. Therefore, to speed up the process, many manufacturers use other technologies, in particular, the method of chemical hydrolysis. This method involves adding various unnatural ingredients to the product, which negatively affects the quality and beneficial characteristics of the finished product. In order not to encounter such a situation and not give your money for a low-quality product, you need to choose the product with special care.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The product label must indicate that it is a fermented product.
  2. A high-quality dressing contains only natural ingredients, such as soy, water, wheat, and salt. The presence of natural flavoring additives, such as garlic, onion, ground pepper, is allowed. And the presence of artificial preservatives, enhancers and other synthetic substances is unacceptable.
  3. The product should have a rich (but not very dark) color and a uniform consistency. The presence of sediment indicates that the product was manufactured in violation of production technology or its shelf life is coming to an end.
  4. Sometimes crushed peanuts are added to the sauce. This is not always useful, especially for people prone to developing allergies (peanuts are a strong allergen).

Storage rules

The shelf life of a quality product is about 2 years (if we are talking about home preparation, soy dressing can be consumed within 2 months). To preserve the beneficial qualities of the product, it must be kept in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Dark and cool places, such as a refrigerator or closed shelves, are good for storage.

How and for how long is seasoning stored?

In a sealed container

According to TU 10.84.12-718-37676459-2017, liquid soy seasoning is stored in dry rooms with good air circulation at temperatures from 0⁰С to 25⁰С. Do you need a refrigerator to store soy sauce? The question is rhetorical.

In hot summers, it is not always possible to provide the required temperature in a room. In such circumstances, it is better to place the sauce in the refrigerator. If the kitchen or pantry is dry, dark and not hot, then sealed seasoning will store well on closed shelves.

The SG of a product in an unopened container depends on the type of sauce and the material of the container. Sterilized seasoning in glass bottles will keep for 18 months, and soy product with preservatives in plastic packaging will remain safe for a year. In general, the rule applies here: the more natural the composition, the more sensitive the product, and the shorter the shelf life.

Storage rules after opening: is it necessary to store in the refrigerator?

The law obliges the consumer to describe storage conditions after opening the container, so it makes sense to study the information on the label. Typically, the manufacturer indicates the temperature range (from 0⁰С to +25⁰С) and the maximum level of humidity in the room (75%).

Sometimes there are instructions that open seasoning should be stored in the refrigerator. In any case, the opened sauce should be stored in a tightly closed container so that the contents of the bottle do not absorb the aromas of the products placed nearby.

Attention! The product is sensitive to sunlight, so the container with the seasoning should not be left or stored on illuminated open surfaces.

Interesting Facts

Despite the fact that this product has gained wide popularity, all the interesting facts about it are known to a large number of people.

A few of the most interesting of them:

  1. The classic sauce recipe was invented more than 2500 years ago.
  2. Soy-based sauce is the most popular dressing in Asian countries, but it is widely used to enhance the taste and traditional dishes of Russian cuisine.
  3. Residents of eastern countries consume about 7 liters of the product annually.
  4. Some types of sauce contain a small amount of alcohol, which prevents the product from evaporating.
  5. Moderate consumption of sauce improves blood circulation in the body and normalizes metabolic processes.
  6. The product contains a large amount of antioxidants (10 times more than in high-quality red wine).
  7. Soy sauce is a low-calorie dietary product and contains no cholesterol.

What is in soy sauce?

To prepare the sauce use:

  • soya beans;
  • water;
  • corn syrup;
  • caramel;
  • salt.

This seasoning is prepared based on a fermentation process, during which crushed wheat is added to the sauce. The ingredients of the sauce are natural, they contain vitamins and microelements, as well as amino acids.

Data! Due to the fact that this seasoning has become widespread in the modern world, manufacturers are trying to stand out from competitors by adding various ingredients to the composition of industrially prepared soy sauce that are not included in the classic recipe.

Industrially produced sauce contains dyes and flavors that reduce the cost of the product and reduce its beneficial properties. In restaurants, when preparing soy sauce in small quantities, cooks create their own recipes, adding new components to it:

  • meat broths;
  • corn starch;
  • potato starch and other components.

Restaurant-made soy sauces contain natural products that, when consumed in doses, are extremely beneficial to the body.

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