Harvesting Jerusalem artichoke for winter drying. How to store Jerusalem artichoke at home

How to dry?

In the southern regions, you can get dried vegetables in the fresh air,

if the autumn sun has sufficient heat. Residents of the northern regions may be interested in whether they can dry Jerusalem artichokes in the open air. If the weather is dry and no precipitation is expected in the near future, then this is acceptable.

At home

To dry at home, you can use a microwave, oven or a special dryer.

In an electric dryer

  1. Drying earthen pears in an electric dryer should begin with selecting healthy tubers without signs of rot or damage.
  2. To wash off soil and dirt, it is recommended to soak the product in water and wash with a sponge under running water.
  3. The roots and dark spots should be cut out with a knife and the product should be crushed in a food processor. If you don’t have a food processor, you can cut into thin strips using a knife or use a grater.
  4. The chopped fruits should be spread out on the grill of an electric dryer in a thin layer, as they are very juicy.
  5. Place trays and set temperature to 50 degrees.
  6. In order for the Jerusalem artichoke to dry faster, it is necessary to swap sections from time to time. Drying at home usually takes from 6 to 10 hours.

In the oven

Drying Jerusalem artichoke in the oven occurs in several passes:

  1. Place parchment paper on trays and place thinly sliced ​​vegetables in one layer, so that they do not touch each other.
  2. Then the sheet is placed in the oven for three hours at a temperature of 50 degrees. After this time, remove the tray and leave it for a day at room temperature.
  3. Before drying again, the slices are turned over and left in the oven at 60 degrees until fully cooked.

In the microwave

The fastest way to dry Jerusalem artichoke tubers, but requires constant monitoring:

  1. After washing the plant beforehand, cut it into thin circles and place it on a flat plate in one layer.
  2. Set the microwave to medium power and turn on for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Then you need to take out the plate and turn the slices over; if desired, you can add salt or pepper.
  4. Set at the same power for 10 minutes. If necessary, repeat the procedure.


Drying a plant in the sun is the most economical, but time-consuming procedure.

To do this you need:

  1. Wash and cut the flower beds into slices or cubes and lay them out on a flat surface.
  2. To do this, choose an open place, without direct sunlight.

Drying Jerusalem artichoke in the fresh air takes 4-5 days.

Methods for drying Jerusalem artichoke at home

Like any other vegetable, this vegetable is dried using home methods that are popular today. This can be done in the oven, electric dryer, microwave and outdoors. To understand the pros and cons of the presented methods, it is necessary to consider each separately and in more detail.

To obtain crispy chips, the root vegetable must be cut thinly

How to cook in the oven

The process of drying Jerusalem artichoke in the oven is as follows:

  • First, you need to cover pre-prepared baking sheets with special baking paper and place thinly sliced ​​tuber slices on them. It is advisable that they do not touch each other
  • Secondly, the slices are kept in the oven for about three hours at a temperature of 50 degrees, during which time some of the water from the cut tubers evaporates.
  • Thirdly, let the pieces cool for 24 hours.
  • Fourthly, after a day, the dried tubers are placed in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees until final readiness.

Monitor the temperature and do not allow it to exceed more than 60 degrees.
The disadvantage of this method is that in some cases it is not always possible to adjust the temperature correctly. To avoid this, it is better to carefully control the entire process. Among the advantages, it is worth noting the possibility of preserving all the beneficial qualities of Jerusalem artichoke to the maximum. These dried mugs will taste like chips.

How to get chips in an electric dryer

A modern dryer, for example, VOLTERA 1000 Lux, can significantly reduce the drying time of root crop circles. This method is considered the most ideal.

The advantage of dryers is that they have several sections and a temperature regulator. It is worth noting the fact that you only need to monitor the process occasionally. All necessary parameters and drying conditions are set in advance using the dashboard.

The thinner the slices, the crispier the chips will be.

Unfortunately, in order to use this drying method, you need to additionally purchase this type of household appliance if it is not currently available.

On open air

Drying Jerusalem artichokes in sunlight is the longest option. Firstly, it will take four to five days to dry if the day is sunny. In cloudy weather even longer. Secondly, during this time it may be favored by flies and midges. The process ends when all the liquid from the tubers has evaporated.

Don’t forget to stir and turn the cuttings as you go to ensure even drying.

How to dry it in the microwave

You can dry Jerusalem artichoke mugs in the microwave. They will taste like potato chips when cooked in the oven.

The circles must be laid out on a plate in a thin layer and left for about ten minutes at medium power. Then they need to be pulled out and turned over. Repeat the procedure again. This is the fastest way to dry the tuber of this plant. But it requires constant monitoring.

You can use various attachments to cut into thin mugs.

How to use?

Experts advise taking dried Jerusalem artichoke and its powder as a useful supplement, rich in medicinal properties, when problems occur in the body and reduced immunity. The dosage and frequency depend on the purpose for which the earthen pear will be used.


The plant contains caffeic acid, thanks to which the body begins to digest fats more efficiently and improves the functioning of the intestines.

Tea recipes:

  1. 2 tbsp. tubers crushed in a blender, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave in a thermos for about 8 hours. You need to drink this 30 minutes before meals, 100 ml. You can drink this tea continuously for 2 weeks.
  2. For a glass of water with a volume of 300 g, take 2 tbsp. dried Jerusalem artichoke. Boil and let steep for 30-40 minutes. You can replace regular tea and drink it once a day for a month.


Using an infusion of dried vegetables or powder is useful for colds and stomach diseases:

  1. For the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases 1 tbsp. dried Jerusalem artichoke pour 750 ml of boiling water and leave for 24 hours. The infusion is filtered and taken before meals, half a glass 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 3 weeks.
  2. For colds 2 tbsp. chopped tubers are poured with boiling water (500 ml) and brought to a boil. Then put it in a dark place and leave for 24 hours. Add 50 ml of boiling water to 50 ml of infusion and consume warm. The course of treatment is 3 days.


Used to combat anemia and normalize blood pressure.

A bath with a decoction of the plant is used to treat gout, osteochondrosis and weakened immunity.

  1. To combat anemia and increase immunity, boil 1.5 liters of water over low heat and add 3 tbsp. dried tuberous sunflower. Keep on fire for an hour. It is recommended to drink the finished decoction 0.5 liters 3 times a week.
  2. A bath with a decoction is prepared as follows: 100 g of dry leaf is poured into 3.5 liters of water and brought to a boil. After boiling, the broth is left on low heat for 15 minutes, then poured into the bath. The bath should be taken twice a week for 15 minutes. To get results you need to take a healing bath 15 times.


The tincture is taken to cleanse the liver of waste and toxins and eliminate flatulence.

It is recommended to use the tincture as an adjuvant in the treatment of chronic fatigue and impotence.

  1. 500 g of dried Jerusalem artichoke is diluted with 1 liter of vodka or diluted alcohol. The resulting mixture is placed in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. The tincture should be taken 1 tbsp. three times a day. It is recommended to dilute with water. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  2. To treat chronic fatigue and impotence, add vodka to the plant in a ratio of 1:3 and leave for 14 days. Take the medicine 40 drops diluted with water 3 times a day.

Pharmaceutical drug

  1. 2 or 3 tsp. powder is diluted with 1 glass of water and drunk 30-40 minutes before eating.
  2. 1 tbsp. The crushed plant is diluted in a glass of water and drunk 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Jerusalem artichoke is one of the few plants that can retain all its beneficial properties during heat treatment. This natural remedy based on natural sugars is an excellent dietary product and a cure for many diseases.

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Its popular name is “earthen pear”. An unpretentious plant, simple, unappetizing at first glance. This is partly why many people underestimate him. Meanwhile, during the Great Patriotic War, thousands of people were saved from starvation and were able to survive the winter by digging root crops from frozen soil. It turns out that they are microelements. In addition, the Israeli artichoke performs a number of useful functions:

  • increases immunity;
  • Helps control blood glucose levels because contains insulin;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • ensures the removal of waste, toxins, and excess salt;
  • strengthens bones;
  • enhances potency, normalizes hormonal levels in men;
  • soothes the intestines, useful for gastritis;
  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • improves skin condition if used as masks;
  • promotes safe weight loss.

This is such a miracle of the plant world. on a personal plot it is not difficult. Difficulties arise when saving. It is how to store Jerusalem artichoke that will be discussed further.

From this article you will learn

How to brew tea correctly

One of the options for making Jerusalem artichoke tea. You will need 2 tablespoons of dried pear leaves, pour them into a thermos. And pour boiling water (about 0.5 l). It is necessary to insist for about 3 hours and take 15 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. Drink one hundred grams.

In general, tea can be prepared not only from leaves, but also from inflorescences and dried tubers. The following method of brewing tea is very useful for the immune system: 2 tablespoons of dried root fruits should be poured into 250-300 ml of hot water. Let it brew for 20-30 minutes.

Do you properly preserve and store your products?

Of course, this is very important because your health may suffer.


No, what could happen besides diarrhea?


We store it as it turns out, we don’t really think about how and what is right.


Voted: 123

For stomach pain, an effective and tasty recipe: brew 3 tablespoons of dried plant powder in 400 ml of water. Leave for half an hour. Before use, you can add a spoonful of honey.

Tea made from Jerusalem artichoke leaves will help with headaches: pour the flowers (2 inflorescences) with hot water (300 ml) and leave for 20 minutes. For taste, it is recommended to add sugar or honey.

Important tip: petals and leaves need to be dried properly. Under no circumstances should it be exposed to direct sunlight. It is better to do this in a hot room (in summer cottages - this is in the attic of the house), laying it out on a newspaper.

When to dig Jerusalem artichoke

With the onset of autumn, it is worth harvesting part of the crop that is already ripe and ready to eat. Experienced gardeners do not recommend collecting everything at once. The plant is surprisingly frost-resistant. Even at -40, it is perfectly stored in the ground. But problems may arise in the cellar. It will be difficult to maintain it until March. So, why complicate your life?

If it is not possible to wait until spring, it is advisable to dig up the tubers in late autumn, no earlier than the end of October - mid-November

. Before this, the earthen pear must ripen and accumulate well-known beneficial properties. The sooner you harvest the tubers, the less benefit they will bring.

It is important to choose the right time for excavation work. Slush is a bad help in this matter; you need to do it before frost, which can simply complicate digging.

How to store Jerusalem artichoke

When preparing root vegetables for storage, they must be carefully washed and dried, avoiding the slightest injury. The dug crop should be stored in the cellar, in a box filled with sand. Ground pears are stored in small quantities in the vegetable section of the refrigerator, but no longer than two weeks. As soon as the shelf life expires, the Jerusalem artichoke will become soft and lose all its taste.

The dug up harvest is stored in the cellar


Due to the rather thin skin of the earthen pear, it is difficult to store. Just a month of storage without proper conditions will lead to withering and rotting of the fruit.

Green pear can rightfully be called a real green pharmacy, since it enriches the body with a large amount of vitamins and microelements. Growing it in your garden is not at all difficult. Guarantees good productivity in one area for five years, without any special care.

When to collect leaves for tea

At the end of autumn, all the beneficial substances from the shoots flow into the tubers. The best time to collect leaves is during the flowering period. By the way, the inflorescences have beneficial properties and are brewed both together with the foliage and separately.

To preserve the collection, the ingredients are thoroughly dried. A hot room with low humidity is ideal for this purpose. The main thing is to avoid direct sunlight, which destroys the vitamins contained in the plant. An electric dryer is not the best option for leaves. When they dry out, they crumble, falling through the grates. It turns out to be a lot of garbage.

When the collection is dry, it is advisable to pour it into a clean container, tightly closing the lid. Some housewives sew special handbags from natural fabric. After filling, they are tightened tightly. With this storage, the inflorescences “breathe” and spoil less.

Watch the video for a detailed process of collecting leaves and their further processing:

How to dig

We need to prepare for the autumn harvest. Ten days before the planned event, the shoots are cut off, leaving only 20 cm above the ground and left to ripen in this state for another two weeks. Then everything is simple. The technology is the same as when harvesting potatoes.

You can leave the bush and a few tubers; in the spring you will be pleased with their size and juiciness. Just dig it up before the soil warms up so that the new crop does not begin to grow.

When leaving the root crop to winter, cover it with hay, or keep the stems up to one and a half meters high. This will protect from excess moisture, severe frosts, and other troubles.

Surprisingly, in favorable conditions, from one bed there is a chance to collect up to 10 kg.

Storage conditions

All the advantages of Jerusalem artichoke are devalued by a significant drawback. The fruits spoil quickly. At room temperature, a fresh tuber will wither and become unusable in a few days. To avoid such an unpleasant situation, storage methods were invented:

  • in the basement;
  • in the freezer;
  • in a refrigerator.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

In the cellar

A cellar as a storage facility is suitable if there is high humidity, about 90%. The temperature should not rise above 0. Sprinkling the tubers with soil or wet sand can ensure preservation for several months. Wooden boxes and large bags (not cellophane) are suitable as containers.

In a refrigerator

For a short period of time, it is permissible to place the tubers in the refrigerator. Be it a bag, container, or anything else that keeps it moist and air-free. A damp cloth will do, just wrap the tubers in it and place it in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator. How long can it be stored under these conditions? No more than 2 weeks.

In piles

In villages, farms use a pile. This is the simplest type of homemade storage. They dig a shallow hole, fill it with Jerusalem artichoke (beets, potatoes, carrots), while alternating layers with sand, straw, and sometimes snow. A simple, uncomplicated, very effective method.

In the ground

Nature itself has prepared this way for us to store earthen pears. The tubers can be stored undug, left until the heat begins, thereby depriving yourself of unnecessary hassle. If the winter turns out to be warm, you can dig up the required amount of root crops at any time.

Drying Jerusalem artichoke correctly

Like apples, apricots and other fruits, tubers can be dried. You can do this at home in different ways:

  • In the air
    , like our grandmothers. Cut into slices, place in one layer on a smooth surface (lids from large pots, trays are ideal), leave in the shade for several days. The only negative is flies, so you should cover the workpieces with gauze.
  • In the oven
    . The tuber must be boiled in advance. Add a teaspoon of baking soda to a saucepan of salted boiling water. Then place the pre-peeled, chopped root vegetable there. After 10 minutes, strain and let cool. Place the blanched tubers on a baking sheet or a shallow wire rack; dry them in an oven preheated to 50 degrees for about 3 hours. From time to time you should remove the baking sheet and stir its contents.
  • In an electric dryer
    . This modern device allows you to easily and quickly dry almost any fruit. The dryer looks like a plastic box of a round (sometimes rectangular) shape, on which plastic grids with the object to be dried are placed in several tiers. Warm air rises from bottom to top using a fan. The design is thought out in such a way that the pieces are aired on all sides for even drying. Each ingredient requires a different amount of time. For an earthen pear, 4 hours is enough.

After cooking, dried Jerusalem artichoke should be poured into a clean container and stored in a dry, dark place. Drying helps preserve the Israeli artichoke for a whole year.

You can also prepare a valuable energy drink. To do this, using a coffee grinder, grind dried Jerusalem artichoke into powder, pour boiling water over it, let it brew and drink. This is an excellent coffee replacement.

Not only tubers are suitable for tea. The leaves and inflorescences have a pleasant aroma and are rich in vitamins and microelements.

Winter preparations: recipes

Every housewife enjoys delighting her family with unusual twists. The earthen pear is an indispensable assistant in this matter. Preserving it does not require much effort, and the taste is unexpected and piquant.

Winter salad

  • Jerusalem artichoke - 2 kg.
  • Onions – 4 – 5 pcs.
  • Bell pepper – 5 pcs.
  • Carrots – 0.5 kg.
  • Bay leaf.

Peel the products, wash them thoroughly and cut into strips. You can grate it like Korean carrots.

You need to prepare the marinade like this: for 2 liters of water, a 100-gram glass of vinegar and the same amount of salt, 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix everything and leave for an hour. Place in sterilized jars (half-liter or liter) and sterilize for 15 minutes after boiling. Roll up. It turns out very tasty.

Quick, vitamin jam

You can cover the tubers as a dessert. Blend equal amounts of pear and pumpkin in a blender, add a couple of large lemons and sugar (at a ratio of 1:4).

While the ingredients are infused, there is time to prepare the jars. They need to be washed and sterilized (this can be done in a non-standard way, using a microwave oven). The duration of cooking the ingredients should be no more than 5 minutes. Pour into jars and roll up.

Original jam

Wash 1 kg of plums, separate the seeds and place in an aluminum bowl. Add 2 kg of chopped earthen pear, a glass of granulated sugar, and water. If desired, add a teaspoon of citric acid. Boil for 10 minutes, then rub through a sieve and cook again for a quarter of an hour. Pour into jars and screw. Jam is good as a filling for pies, or you can simply serve it with tea. Guests will never guess what this treat is made from.

Ferment? Why not

The method is simple. Wash and chop directly with the peel into cubes, circles - as you like. Place in an enamel container and fill with brine (half a glass of salt per liter of water). Leave under pressure at room temperature. And after 10 days, put it in the cellar or refrigerator. Can be used for food. The taste is excellent and crunchy!


Prepare using the same technology as cucumbers. For the marinade - per liter of water - 45 g of salt, 90 g of sugar, 9 tbsp. l vinegar (not essence). Everything else follows a familiar pattern. Just don't add horseradish. The remaining spices will not be superfluous.

Pickled Jerusalem artichoke for the winter

  1. 1. Root vegetables (300 g) should be thoroughly washed, peeled and cut into thin circles.
  2. 2. It is necessary to wash the glass container, warm it up, lay out the earthen pear and add salt (1 tsp) and sugar (1 tsp).
  3. 3. Then add cloves (3 pcs.), allspice (3 pcs.) to the jar and pour in wine vinegar (25 ml).
  4. 4. Jerusalem artichoke should be poured with boiling water.
  5. 5. Place the jar in the oven to sterilize for 15 minutes.
  6. 6. The finished product is rolled up with a lid, wrapped in a warm blanket or blanket, and set aside to cool for 6 hours.

The pickled earthen pear will be ready in two weeks. It is advisable to store the product in the refrigerator.

People have been growing and using earthen pear as a medicine and food for several centuries.

But it’s not enough to grow and harvest it: it’s important to know how to store Jerusalem artichoke at home so that you can include it in your diet all winter. We will learn how to preserve earthen pears in the refrigerator, cellar, dried form, and what preparations can be made from them for the winter.

Usually the earthen pear is dug up at the end of the autumn period. But there is no need to rush to harvest before the autumn rains: early harvesting will produce small, tasteless tubers. In order not to be disappointed in the meager harvest, let’s listen to the advice of experienced gardeners who do not recommend harvesting it ahead of time.

Nutrient components move from the stem and leaves to the roots of the plant in September-October, sometimes extending into November. At this time, the largest amount of carbohydrates accumulates in the tubers, giving them a sweetish taste, and they gain weight. If you cut the stems and foliage too early, you will be left without a third of the harvest.

Gardeners who have been growing Jerusalem artichoke for several years advise cutting off the stems before frost, leaving cuttings 20 cm high. After one and a half to two weeks, you can start harvesting the tubers - they will just ripen.

Important: dug up tubers must be urgently hidden from the sun and heat - under their influence the crop quickly begins to deteriorate.

To begin with, we remember that although Jerusalem artichoke is similar to potatoes, it is not one, and will not be stored all winter if you simply put it in the basement or basement. And you need to store it in rooms or places where the temperature is 1-4 degrees and humidity is no more than 85%.

Ground pear can be stored in the cellar, refrigerator, freezer, dried or canned. Let's look at these storage methods in more detail.

How to store Jerusalem artichoke in the refrigerator and freezer

If you don’t know how to store Jerusalem artichoke in your apartment, use the refrigerator or freezer.

Ground pear can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 weeks. To store its tubers, we wrap them in a cloth moistened with water or put them in bags or plastic containers where air does not penetrate, and put them in the lower section of the refrigerator.

The main thing is that the tubers do not lose moisture - this way they will quickly become unusable.

If you want to store the tubers longer, storing them in the freezer will increase this period to 3 months.

How to freeze Jerusalem artichoke

  • Whole tubers.
  • Sliced.
  • In grated form.

Before preparing and storing in the freezer, be sure to wash the root vegetables and peel them. We put whole or chopped tubers into bags or plastic containers and put them in the freezer.

How to store Jerusalem artichoke in the cellar

If you have collected a decent harvest of Jerusalem artichoke, and it definitely will not go into the refrigerator and freezer, we use storage in the cellar or basement using any of the methods.

  • We fill the tubers folded in bags or wooden boxes with earth or wet sand and put them in the cellar.
  • We sprinkle the tubers folded in wooden boxes with sand or sawdust and store them in the cellar.
  • We cover each tuber with paraffin and store it in the cellar.

Important: you should not clear the soil from the dug up Jerusalem artichoke - it helps the tubers to be stored longer.

How to store dried Jerusalem artichoke

Dried pear tubers are stored very well. Dried Jerusalem artichoke retains all biologically active substances and beneficial properties. Let's find out how to dry earthen pear tubers.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 kg of tubers;
  • 1 tsp citric acid.

How to dry Jerusalem artichoke

  • Pour cold water into the pan and add the dug up tubers. After soaking the remaining soil, thoroughly wash the tubers with a brush.
  • Dilute citric acid in a liter of water.
  • We peel the Jerusalem artichoke, removing a thin layer, and immediately place it in a solution of citric acid.
  • Cut the tubers into thin translucent slices and dry them a little, spreading them out on paper towels.
  • Cover the baking sheets with parchment and lay out the dried slices.
  • Turn on the oven at 100°C and, when it warms up, place the baking sheets.
  • We dry the Jerusalem artichoke slices with the door slightly open for several hours. The main thing is that they do not burn.
  • When they are dry, cool them and place them in glass or cardboard containers.

From 1 kg of tubers you get 150 g of dried earthen pear, which should be stored in a dry, dark place for no longer than 1 year.

Dried Jerusalem artichoke can be eaten as chips, added to dried fruit compote and vegetable dishes, or prepared as a vitamin tea (brew 1 tablespoon of crushed dry cloves with a glass of boiling water).

And if you dry it until dark and grind it into powder, you get the raw material for a healthy drink reminiscent of coffee.

Jerusalem artichoke can not only be frozen and dried: it makes delicious preparations for the winter. Here are several recipes for preparations from earthen pear tubers.

Jerusalem artichoke winter salad


  • Ground pear tubers - 1 kg;
  • Carrots – 0.5 kg;
  • Salt;
  • Lemon – 1 pc.

How to make a winter salad

  • We cut carrots and Jerusalem artichoke tubers.
  • Three lemons on a grater.
  • Mix chopped vegetables with lemon mixture and add salt.

When the mixture releases its juice, put the salad into jars and pasteurize them for about half an hour.

Pear jam


  • Pumpkin pulp - 1 kg;
  • Jerusalem artichoke tubers – 1 kg;
  • Lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Granulated sugar - 250 g.

How to make Jerusalem artichoke jam

  • Chop the tubers and pumpkin pulp.
  • Three lemons on a grater.
  • Mix all the ingredients and wait for the mixture to infuse.
  • Place the mixture on the stove and after boiling, cook for five minutes.
  • Pour hot jam into jars.

We cover the jars with a blanket, and after 24 hours we put them away for storage in the cellar or refrigerator.


  • Water – 2 glasses;
  • Jerusalem artichoke tubers – 1 kg;
  • Sea buckthorn juice – 1 glass;
  • Granulated sugar - 200 g.

How to cook Jerusalem artichoke jam with sea buckthorn juice

  • Peel the washed tubers and cut into slices.
  • Mix sea buckthorn juice and water.
  • Fill the slices with this mixture and add granulated sugar.
  • Place the mixture over medium heat and remove when it boils.

Transfer the jam into sterile jars, cover with lids and pasteurize. If the jars are 0.5 liters, pasteurize for 10 minutes, 1 liter - 15 minutes.

Jerusalem artichoke in marinade


To prepare the marinade: 2 liters of water and 800 ml of table vinegar.

For putting in jars: 1 g of coriander powder, a head of garlic and 1 kg of earthen pear tubers.

To prepare the brine: 3 tbsp. coarse salt and 2 liters of boiled water.

How to pickle Jerusalem artichoke

To pickle the tubers of this plant, follow the step-by-step recipe:

  • We wash the Jerusalem artichoke tubers with a stiff brush and hydrogen peroxide and remove the tendrils.
  • Place the tubers in sterile jars.
  • Prepare the brine for pouring from water and salt, boiling it for 2 minutes. Remove from the stove and wait 15 minutes.
  • Pour brine over the tubers, cover and put in a cool place for a week. Then drain the brine.
  • Prepare the marinade: put the water on the fire and after boiling, add the coriander, pour in the vinegar and remove from the stove.
  • Add garlic cloves to the jars with tubers. Cleaning and cutting them.

Pour the marinade into the jars, close and wait three days: after that you can try the pickled Jerusalem artichoke.

Jerusalem artichoke in spicy marinade


  • Mustard beans – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Ground pear tubers - 900 g;
  • Hot pepper – whole or 6 cm long piece.

For the marinade

  • Lemon;
  • 5% vinegar – 1 glass;
  • Water - 3/4 cup;
  • Granulated sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • Salt – 1.5 tsp.

How to marinate Jerusalem artichoke with pepper

To prepare a spicy appetizer with pepper and earthen pear, follow the step-by-step recipe:

  • We wash the tubers using a stiff brush, cut off the skin and cut into plastic pieces one centimeter thick.
  • Place the plastics in a sterile liter jar, topping them with spices and adding hot pepper.
  • Prepare the marinade by adding vinegar, sugar and salt to the water. Bring to a boil and mix with grated lemon zest.
  • Fill the plastic tubers with marinade and sterilize for 10 minutes.

We seal the jar, turn it over and wait until it cools down, and put it in the refrigerator or cellar. After a month, the snack can be eaten.

Now you know how to store Jerusalem artichoke at home, and in what ways. Choose the most suitable option, save your earthen pear harvest for the winter and improve your health!

Its popular name is “earthen pear”. An unpretentious plant, simple, unappetizing at first glance. This is partly why many people underestimate him. Meanwhile, during the Great Patriotic War, thousands of people were saved from starvation and were able to survive the winter by digging root crops from frozen soil. It turns out that they are microelements. In addition, the Israeli artichoke performs a number of useful functions:

  • increases immunity;
  • Helps control blood glucose levels because contains insulin;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • ensures the removal of waste, toxins, and excess salt;
  • strengthens bones;
  • enhances potency, normalizes hormonal levels in men;
  • soothes the intestines, useful for gastritis;
  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • improves skin condition if used as masks;
  • promotes safe weight loss.

This is such a miracle of the plant world. on a personal plot it is not difficult. Difficulties arise when saving. It is how to store Jerusalem artichoke that will be discussed further.

From this article you will learn

How to remove Jerusalem artichoke

This root crop is growing very fast. Considering the high yield from each bush, it is not worth planting too much of it. Otherwise, in a few years there will simply be no room left for other crops on your summer cottage.

How to get rid of Jerusalem artichoke in the garden? There are several withdrawal methods:

  • Simple. Make sure there is nowhere to grow. It is necessary to cover the planted area with dense material (film, roofing felt, mine tape), press down and cover it with soil on top. In mid-summer the ground can be dug up. Without light and air, even this hardy culture cannot survive.
  • For those who are not looking for easy ways. We'll have to fight it just like weeds. That is, destroy green shoots by regular weeding. So the tuber will not be able to produce a harvest. It will take a lot of effort and time, but you don’t need to dig anything.
  • You can quickly remove the plant using herbicides (for example, Roundup or Hurricane). But the chemical has a detrimental effect on the soil. If you plan to plant anything else in this area, choose a different method of destruction.
  • Try removing all the tubers. If you don't dig up at least one, it will grow again.

It’s still not worth getting rid of the plant completely, because it is very useful. Although, of course, this is everyone’s personal matter.

At the dacha, in the garden, in the yard - wherever you plant Jerusalem artichoke, it will certainly please you with its yield and good taste. Modern people are accustomed to chasing beautiful and expensive exotic things. Meanwhile, a real treasure trove of vitamins is buried in the ground.

Eat the plant in winter, and you won’t have to run to the pharmacy for expensive immunomodulatory drugs. “All that glitters is not gold,” said the classic. This expression perfectly describes the Israeli artichoke.


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Miracle healer of the Inca civilization. Jerusalem artichoke. The best assistant for diabetes Andrey Vadimovich Novikov

Appendix 3. How to dry Jerusalem artichoke

Drying Jerusalem artichoke is quite simple. To do this, you need to wash and peel several tubers, then cut them into thin slices no more than 5 mm thick. Then place in the oven and dry at 70°C.

To check whether the slices are dry or not, just try to bend the slice and break it. If the slice breaks with a bang, it means the earthen pear has dried well.

Dried Jerusalem artichoke slices can be used in the preparation of various dishes, or simply consumed with milk or tea.
This text is an introductory fragment.
From the book Pharmacy in the Garden by the author Lyudmila Mikhailova From the book Human Health. Philosophy, physiology, prevention author Galina Sergeevna Shatalova author Maria Borisovna Kanovskaya From the book Herbal Treatment. 365 answers and questions by the author Maria Borisovna Kanovskaya author From the book An indispensable book for a diabetic. Everything you need to know about diabetes mellitus author Irina Stanislavovna Pigulevskaya From the book The History of Our Deception, or How to eat, what to treat, how not to be irradiated in order to stay healthy author Yuri Gavrilovich Mizun From the book Berries, Fruits and Juices. Useful properties and the best folk recipes author Yu. N. Nikolaev author From the book Healing Jerusalem artichoke author Nikolai Illarionovich Danikov author Andrey Vadimovich Novikov From the book Miracle Healer of the Inca Civilization. Jerusalem artichoke. The best assistant for diabetes author Andrey Vadimovich NovikovFrom the book Miracle Healer of the Inca Civilization. Jerusalem artichoke. The best assistant for diabetes author Andrey Vadimovich NovikovFrom the book Miracle Healer of the Inca Civilization. Jerusalem artichoke. The best assistant for diabetes author Andrey Vadimovich Novikov From the book Protect your body - 2. Optimal nutrition author Svetlana Vasilievna Baranova From the book The Big Book on Nutrition for Health author Mikhail Meerovich Gurvich

The earthen pear is not purposefully grown on the site very often, but this is only until the first sample is taken. Immediately after this, gardeners begin to actively figure out how to store Jerusalem artichoke, and in what form it can be harvested for the winter. The roots of the plant, which many consider to be a weed, can be dried and frozen. In addition, there are options that involve storing the component directly on the site. If possible, it is better to harvest as much as will be eaten in the coming weeks. Fans of conservation can try interesting ways of twisting for the winter.

How to properly store and use dry root vegetables

It is recommended to store dried Jerusalem artichoke in tightly closed containers in places inaccessible to sunlight. It is better if the storage containers are made of glass or plastic.

The jar must be hermetically sealed to prevent the appearance of bugs and moths

Canvas bags tied with strings are also perfect for this purpose. The room where the container will be located must be periodically ventilated.

It is necessary to carefully ensure that small insects do not appear in bags or boxes with drying.

Regularly monitor and check the bags for insects

In the future, the dried Jerusalem artichoke tubers can be crushed using a coffee grinder. The prepared powder is added to various drinks: tea, coffee, even milk. In addition, it will not be superfluous in vitamin preparations.

The ground dried root vegetable is also used in cosmetology. In combination with other natural products, such as honey or milk, it can be used to prepare anti-aging face masks.

Drying Jerusalem artichoke is not a very labor-intensive process, but it brings tangible benefits in the future. Any owner of this root vegetable can dry its tubers at any time. Dried earthen pear has the same qualities as fresh ones. A gentle drying method allows you to preserve the original level of vitamins and microelements. Consequently, a medicinal and nutritious product will always be stored in the house, which can be used both inside and outside the body.

You will also be interested in reading our articles about methods of drying peppers and asparagus.

When growing earthen pears on your own at your summer cottage, there are several effective approaches to processing the crop. And so that you don’t have to figure out how to store Jerusalem artichoke at all, you just need to dig up only the amount of product that will be eaten in the near future.

Options for storing Jerusalem artichoke on the site

Jerusalem artichoke is resistant to even the most severe frosts, so you can simply not dig it up until you need it. With this approach, it becomes possible to use a fresh product, if necessary. In addition, homestead owners can organize the storage of tubers in the following ways:

  • You can dig a deep hole in the ground that has not yet frozen and place the remains of the crop in it. The components can be pre-laid out in wooden boxes, then it will be easier to work with them.
  • To avoid digging anything, you can use this approach. We clear an area of ​​the required size right on the ground and pour Jerusalem artichoke onto it. We sprinkle it with snow, the thickness of the layer should be at least 10 cm. We lay out another layer of tubers and cover them with snow too. We make several such layers and sprinkle the entire structure with sawdust and insulate it with straw.

Advice: When organizing the storage of earthen pears on a personal plot, you need to make sure that access to oxygen is blocked to the crop. This chemical compound triggers reactions that result in the formation of substances in the pulp that are harmful to the human body. If necessary, you should even use special paraffin compounds that are used to treat each tuber.

  • If the ground is not frozen yet, we dig a not very deep trench in it, the bottom of which is lined with spruce forest. We place plastic containers filled with Jerusalem artichoke on top. We cover it all with hay or the same branches, snow, or a sheet of roofing material.

Such approaches allow you to stock up large quantities of earthen pears for the winter, and they will remain fresh. At home, you can try the option with drawers, using a cold veranda or a glazed balcony. All other approaches involve pre-treatment of the plant.

Where and how to store Jerusalem artichoke at home in winter?

Jerusalem artichoke is a frost-resistant plant. If the garden is located near your house, then do not rush to dig up the entire crop at once. Do this as needed. Moreover, since this root crop is not afraid of severe frosts, that part of the harvest that you do not have time to sell during the winter can be left in the ground until early spring. This method will save you free space at home, and will also enrich Jerusalem artichoke with a large amount of useful substances. The main thing is to dig it up before it begins to sprout.

This is important to know. The first two months of autumn are the time when carbohydrates actively accumulate in root vegetables, which give them a characteristic taste. Therefore, you cannot remove them from the garden early. It is better to cut the stems before frost, and after a couple of weeks, dig them up from the beds.

Preserving an earthen pear at home is not difficult. The main thing is to observe two factors: temperature and humidity. The optimal temperature for storing it ranges from 1 to 4 degrees Celsius, and humidity - from 85 to 95%. Therefore, the place for storing crops can be:

  • Cellar or cold basement;
  • Insulated balcony;
  • Fridge;
  • Freezer.

Each method has its own specific features that affect the shelf life. Let's look at each option on how to preserve Jerusalem artichoke for the winter separately.


The cellar is one of the best places to store Jerusalem artichoke, as the temperature regime, sufficient humidity and a minimum amount of light are maintained. In order for the dug root crop to be stored longer, it is not necessary to completely clear it of soil. The following tips will also help you.

  • Find a dark, cool place in the cellar or basement.
  • Transfer the ground potatoes into wooden boxes that already contain soil from your garden bed.
  • Sprinkle the tubers with damp sand.
  • Cover the boxes with a sheet of thick cardboard or plywood.
  • Do not place boxes near potatoes and beets.

For better storage, you can use paraffin. It is melted, the tubers are dipped into it, and after hardening, it is moved to the basement.

Helpful information. When harvesting, leave the tubers on a stem about 20 cm long. This method will retain even more nutrients.

Insulated balcony

A similar method can be used if you decide to store the earthen pear on the balcony. Instead of boxes of sand, you can use bags of sawdust. This way the shelf life will last from 2 to 4 months. Make sure that severe frosts are not predicted in the near future, and the temperature on the balcony will not drop below 5 degrees below zero. You can correct the situation by trying to insulate the box with root vegetables. Or move it to your apartment to store the earthen pear in the refrigerator.


  • Wash and dry the prepared root crop;
  • Wrap in a plastic bag or place in a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid;
  • Place in the part of the refrigerator where there is minimal light.

Advice to the hostess. The earthen pear loves moisture, so wrap it in a damp cloth before placing it in the refrigerator. This way the root crop will remain juicy for a long time and will not become unusable.


Many housewives will want to know whether it is possible to freeze Jerusalem artichoke. Since this root vegetable is not afraid of frost and practically does not lose its taste and beneficial properties when defrosted, you can safely store it in the freezer for three months. To do this you need:

  • Wash and peel the earthen pear thoroughly;
  • Grate or chop it;
  • Place in a bag or plastic container;
  • Place in the freezer.

It will be more convenient to immediately package the grated mass in portions, that is, one package contains as much Jerusalem artichoke as is needed to prepare one dish.

Jerusalem artichoke from the Asteraceae family is a perennial plant. It has flowers similar to sunflowers and root vegetables reminiscent of potatoes or ginger. The homeland of Jerusalem artichoke is the Central and Northern part of the American continent. It is also called ground pear, ground apple, Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato, tuberous sunflower. This article will tell you when to collect Jerusalem artichoke and how to store it.

Jerusalem artichoke

Homemade ways to store Jerusalem artichoke

If you simply put the tubers in the refrigerator, they will begin to spoil in less than a month. To achieve at least this, they need to be packed in a zip bag or plastic container with an airtight lid. Peeled and sliced ​​items will only last a few days. Better to use more efficient approaches:

  • Jerusalem artichoke can be dried naturally. We clean the dried tubers, wash them, and cut them into arbitrary, but not very thick, slices. We cut out all damage or throw away such components altogether. Place the pieces on a tray and dry them in the fresh air until they are completely dry. In this case, the records should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Freezing the product. Cut the peeled and washed tubers into strips and blanch in boiling water or curd whey for 5 minutes. Next, cool the components and freeze them in the freezer. All that remains is to pack them in bags or plastic containers and put them in the freezer.
  • Storing tubers in sand. Take a canvas bag and wet sand (when you clench your fist, it should take shape, but not release liquid). We put the Jerusalem artichoke in a bag, sprinkle it with sand, and fill the container to the required degree. Be sure to tie the burlap, after which the container can be placed on a cool balcony or loggia. You can keep the Jerusalem artichoke there until it gets warmer.
  • Preparing preserves. There are dozens, if not hundreds of options for Jerusalem artichoke blanks. Recipes can be easily implemented at home. Moreover, the dishes can be the most unusual, even jam.

In addition, the fruits can be dried in the oven. This approach allows you to achieve the desired result much faster. Thin plates should be kept until ready in a slightly open oven, heated to a temperature of 60ºC. Before carrying out the manipulation, the tubers should be blanched in a weak soda solution for 10 minutes. Already dried Jerusalem artichoke can be ground into flour. This component is often used in exotic and traditional cooking.

Storing Jerusalem artichoke in apartment conditions

Residents of multi-storey buildings who do not have cellars should not despair, since there are various ways to store earthen pear fruits at home.

Storage on a balcony or loggia

An excellent solution for storing Jerusalem artichoke in an apartment is a balcony or glassed-in loggia. Even if the balcony is not sufficiently insulated, if the tubers freeze slightly, their nutritional properties do not change.

Root crops must be placed in boxes or bags filled with damp sand, peat or sawdust

. Fruits stored in this way can retain their properties for two months.

It is worth remembering that Jerusalem artichoke does not tolerate heat and direct sunlight, so it must be stored for storage as soon as it has been dug up.

Cold storage methods: refrigerator and freezer

Another option for winter storage of a small amount of Jerusalem artichoke fruits at home is the refrigerator. The tubers of the plant must be thoroughly washed, dried and placed in bags.

or other hermetically sealed containers.
The best way to store root vegetables is in the vegetable drawer. This storage method will ensure their safety for 2-3 weeks

A longer shelf life can be ensured by placing Jerusalem artichoke in the freezer

. Due to its resistance to low temperatures, the fruits of the plant will retain their taste and nutritional properties. Before use, they must be placed in cold water to gradually thaw.

Canning and drying Jerusalem artichoke

Since Jerusalem artichoke roots are used not only in their raw form, it is advisable to think about a method of storing vegetables such as canning. From the peeled tubers of the plant you can prepare syrups, jams, use them for pickling and sourdough

. Even in this form, its beneficial properties will not disappear anywhere.

In addition, harvesting dried Jerusalem artichoke roots is effective. Peeled and cut into plates, the vegetable is dried in a ventilated place without direct sunlight or in the oven. The dried product can then be stored in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Your brownie.

Dried Jerusalem artichoke is highly valued due to its high vitamin content

. This is the best way to preserve it for a long time. Storing an earthen pear in a cellar or refrigerator is possible only for the first couple of months, then it begins to quickly deteriorate.

Dried Jerusalem artichoke at home is small pieces. It can also be purchased at a pharmacy, but there it will only be sold in powder form.

Ground pear preserved in this way can be added to dishes, it is consumed with drinks, for example, tea, milk, and sometimes coffee. Jerusalem artichoke powder is used to brew vitamin drinks


How can you preserve Jerusalem artichoke?

Some housewives prefer to dry Jerusalem artichoke before storing it. But this is not at all necessary. It all depends on the recipe and individual preferences.

  • Pickled tubers. In addition to Jerusalem artichoke, we will need some carrots, two tablespoons of honey, salt and vinegar per 1 liter of water. Wash the vegetables, peel them, cut them into small pieces of the same size, and put them in a glass jar. Pour in the marinade prepared from the remaining ingredients. Sterilize for 15 minutes, roll up and store.
  • Nutritional mixture with therapeutic effect. Combine a glass of boiled water with two glasses of natural sea buckthorn juice. We clean the Jerusalem artichoke and cut it into small cubes (you should get 1 kg of product). Pour the vegetable into a glass of granulated sugar and fill it with the liquid mixture. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, remove and pour into jars. We sterilize them for 30 minutes and roll them up.
  • Pear and pumpkin jam. For 1 kg of peeled Jerusalem artichoke we take the same amount of pumpkin pulp, cleared of seeds, a glass of sugar and one lemon. Cut the vegetables into small pieces, cut the lemon into slices (do not cut off the peel), remove the seeds and grind in a blender. Combine these components, add sugar and leave for 1 hour. After this time, put the mixture on the stove, bring to a boil and keep on medium heat for no more than 5 minutes. In this case, the composition must be constantly stirred with a wooden spoon, skim off the foam if it appears. Pour the finished mixture into jars, close without additional sterilization and leave for a day under a blanket to cool.

When working with earthen pears, you should not use ordinary metal knives, but their ceramic or bone counterparts. In contact with the juice of the product, the metal will oxidize, which will gradually reduce its strength and lead to damage to the blade.

January 9, 2012

If you don’t trust industrial dietary supplements and want to improve your body’s health with natural, healthy products, stock up on Jerusalem artichoke for future use. A fortified drink is prepared from powder made from dried Jerusalem artichoke, which will prevent many ailments.

Before you start drying, Jerusalem artichoke tubers must be carefully inspected and only healthy ones, free from damage and signs of rot, must be selected. Then the tubers are washed in several waters, cleared of secondary roots, and peeled. After this, the Jerusalem artichoke is cut into circles or cubes and laid out on an open surface in the room, protected from direct sunlight. Drying usually takes four to five days.

If the Jerusalem artichoke will be dried in the oven, then pre-blanch the tubers in salted water with the addition of baking soda (8 grams of baking soda per liter of water) for 8-10 minutes.
After this, the Jerusalem artichoke is cut and dried in the oven at a temperature of 50-60 degrees for about three hours. In order for the raw material to dry evenly, it must be mixed. Dried Jerusalem artichoke is crushed into powder and stored in glass jars. Now, if you are asked,

Tasty and healthy preserved Jerusalem artichoke

There are dozens of recipes for earthen pear preparations. Moreover, the direction does not make do with standard pickles and salads. If desired, you can make delicious jam from Jerusalem artichoke.

  • Pickled Jerusalem artichoke. We will need carrots, the root vegetables themselves, two tablespoons of vinegar, table salt and honey per liter of water. We clean the vegetables and cut them into arbitrary pieces, put them in sterile jars. From the remaining ingredients we prepare a marinade, which we pour over the food. Pasteurize the containers for a quarter of an hour and roll up.
  • Jerusalem artichoke salad. For a kilogram of tubers we take half a kilogram of carrots, lemon and salt. Chop the vegetables, grate the lemon on a fine grater or grind it in a blender. Mix these ingredients, add salt to taste and wait until the mixture produces juice. Then we put the mass into jars, pasteurize for half an hour and roll up.
  • Jerusalem artichoke jam. For a kilogram of earthen pear we take the same amount of pumpkin pulp, lemon and a glass of granulated sugar. Peel and cut the root vegetables and pumpkin into pieces, grind the lemon on a grater or in a blender. Mix all the ingredients and leave for about an hour. Then put the mixture on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for no more than five minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. Pour the finished product into jars and seal tightly. During the day, the jars should be kept upside down under the blanket.
  • Nutritional composition to enhance immunity. Mix two glasses of sea buckthorn juice with a glass of boiled or distilled water. Cut a kilogram of root vegetables into cubes, fill with the resulting liquid and cover with a glass of sand. Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. Immediately remove from heat and pour into jars. Pasteurize for half an hour and roll up.

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When using the above methods, it is possible to preserve the maximum amount of useful substances in the product and optimally enhance its taste.

The earthen pear is not purposefully grown on the site very often, but this is only until the first sample is taken. Immediately after this, gardeners begin to actively figure out how to store Jerusalem artichoke, and in what form it can be harvested for the winter. The roots of the plant, which many consider to be a weed, can be dried and frozen. In addition, there are options that involve storing the component directly on the site. If possible, it is better to harvest as much as will be eaten in the coming weeks. Fans of conservation can try interesting ways of twisting for the winter.

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