I added a lot of vinegar to mushroom caviar, how to save it

Maslyata take first place on the Russian table. At the same time, you can prepare any mushroom dish from them. The leading position in this matter is occupied by pickled snacks. The material provided here will help you learn how to properly prepare marinade for butter with vinegar 70. It will also introduce you to different recipes that are suitable for winter storage.

Butter with 70% vinegar

How to cook boletus with 70 percent vinegar

boletus, closed for the winter with 70% vinegar, is valued by housewives. They do not require a lot of acid, and they turn out appetizing, with spicy notes and aroma.

How to prepare mushrooms

The first important step is preparing the mushrooms. To do this, pour them into a bowl of water and rinse. The liquid should be slightly salted. You need to repeat the procedure twice. Each mushroom is then washed individually under regular running water, and damaged or wormy fruits are discarded in the process. Butternuts can be cut into 2 parts; small ones are best marinated whole. Then the mass is boiled in salted water for 20-15 minutes.

Doctors also recommend repeating the procedure of cooking mushrooms 2-3 times with an interval of a day. This sequence of actions allows you to get rid of the botulinus bacterium, which causes a dangerous disease.

By itself, it is found in the soil and is considered harmless. However, in the absence of oxygen (for example, in a closed jar), it begins to release poison, which is already dangerous to humans. So if you doubt the quality of the butter, repeat the cooking procedure 2 times.

Author's note

Agapov Vladislav

1 liter of water is enough for 2 kg of mushrooms. But it’s better to make more marinade so that you don’t have to rush to cook the brine later.

For detailed instructions on how to properly clean boletus, see the following video:

How to prepare jars

Prepare jars before marinating. It is recommended to sterilize them. To do this you need:

  • Wash the jars under running water and detergent.
  • Place wet containers in the oven. Preheat to 160 degrees.
  • Wait until the drops evaporate from the glass. Afterwards you can take out the jars and roll the mushrooms into them.

You can also use other methods for sterilization: boiling water, microwave, enamel pan with water, stove, and so on.

Required Ingredients

Each recipe requires its own list of ingredients. However, some components do not change. For example, water, mushrooms, salt and vinegar 70%. Other additions are optional.

If vinegar is not available on the household or consumption is undesirable, there is a recipe for preparing salted butter for the winter without vinegar. This appetizer can serve as a separate dish or as an addition to a side dish.

I added a lot of vinegar to mushroom caviar, how to save it

Culinary question about preparations. Please tell me.


: In the fall, my wife prepared mushroom caviar from again. Where did I read the recipe? I twisted large mushrooms, fried them with onions and butter, stuffed them into jars, poured oil up to the neck and put them in the zero zone in the refrigerator. In general, we forgot about them. And today, when she started cooking, she wanted to make something out of them. I got it, we tried them, but they fermented. There is no mold, but there is a slightly tart taste on the tongue. Like fermented compote. The smell is slightly sour. But overall, edible. Tell me, is there any way to save them? Well, overcook it. or re-simmer to get rid of the fermented taste? It’s a shame to throw it away; I want pies with mushroom caviar. Thanks to all colleagues!


: gabber writes:
Tell me, is there any way to save them?
Well, overcook it. or re-simmer to get rid of the fermented taste? It’s a shame to throw it away; I want pies with mushroom caviar. It is theoretically possible to save. long-term sterilization in an autoclave at 120 degrees, followed by monitoring for pathogenic microorganisms and toxins. Throw away these caviar!


: gabber writes:
Well, overcook.
or re-simmer to get rid of the fermented taste? It’s a shame to throw it away; I want pies with mushroom caviar. So that the overcooked mushrooms begin to ferment. Strange. Are they with butter? In principle, if the taste is not disgusting (it’s not putrid, right?), then you can, of course, overcook it. But if suddenly the process of protein breakdown took place there, then it is dangerous. If it’s just the sour smell of pickled mushrooms, it doesn’t matter. By the way, for the future. Honey mushrooms dry beautifully; dried caviar and filling are much tastier. PS I also saw Alexander’s answer. In principle, when frying, the temperature is not lower than autoclave, but I am afraid of decomposition products. If the mushrooms are relatively intact, do not spread, and only smell of lactic acid, then at your risk.

Classic recipe for pickled butter with acetic acid

Marinated boletus with 70 vinegar according to the classic recipe is a time-tested option. The preparation is not difficult, and the mushrooms turn out aromatic and tasty.

Required ingredients:

  • boletus – 2 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • salt – 1.5 tbsp. l;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l;
  • vinegar 70% - half a tablespoon;
  • allspice – 15 peas;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 pcs bay leaves.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Prepare the mushrooms as indicated above. Be sure to boil the butter for up to 10-15 minutes in slightly salted water. Use a colander to remove all unnecessary liquid.
  2. Start preparing the marinade. Pour a liter of water into a saucepan and place on the stove. Pour all the spices and herbs into it (you can add something at your own discretion). Boil it.
  3. After boiling, immediately add mushrooms. Boil for another 7-10 minutes.
  4. Slice the garlic cloves into thin slices. Place in pre-sterilized jars. Then place the butter in containers (use a slotted spoon for convenience). Pour in marinade. Roll up the lids securely, wait until the jars have cooled completely, and store them in your storage location.

Calorie content per 100 g serving is 20 Kcal.

It is better to marinate mushrooms in 0.5-1 liter jars

How to pickle saffron milk caps in their own juice with the addition of vegetable oil

Saffron milk caps in their own juice with the addition of vegetable oil are an excellent semi-finished product that is suitable not only for preparing fillings, but also for sauces, salads, and side dishes.

  • 2 kg of saffron milk caps;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil;
  • 50 ml vinegar 9%;
  • 4 things. bay leaf;
  • Salt - to taste.

You need to marinate saffron milk caps in their own juice with oil in stages, following the instructions described below.

  1. Peeled and washed mushrooms are placed in an enamel pan and filled with water.
  2. Boil over medium heat for 20 minutes, constantly skimming the foam from the surface.
  3. The water is drained, leaving the mushrooms in the pan, pour in the oil and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  4. Add some salt, pour in vinegar and add bay leaf.
  5. With constant stirring, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  6. Pour the mushrooms with their juice into sterilized jars.
  7. Cover with metal lids and sterilize in hot water for 30 minutes.
  8. They are rolled up hermetically, insulated on top with an old blanket and left to cool.
  9. After cooling, take it to a dark and cool basement.

Recipe for pickled boletus with vinegar essence without sterilization

You can pickle mushrooms without sterilization. The absence of this procedure does not in any way affect the taste of the dish.

Required list of products:

  • boletus – 1 kg;
  • salt – 4 tsp;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l;
  • allspice and black pepper (peas) – 8 pcs each;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs;
  • clove buds – 7 pcs;
  • vinegar 70% – 3 tsp;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps:

  1. Remove dirt, debris and all other surface imperfections from the oil. Place in boiling water for 10 minutes. During this period of time, foam will form on the surface. Remove it as soon as it appears.
  2. Use a colander to remove any excess liquid later.
  3. While the water is draining from them, first begin preparing the brine. Let the specified volume of water heat up, add salt, granulated sugar, and spices. As soon as the brine starts to boil, add the mushrooms.
  4. Wait until it boils again. Pour in acetic acid, add garlic cut into several pieces. Boil for three minutes.
  5. Distribute all the resulting liquid and mushrooms into jars. It is best to use containers with screw-on lids.
  6. Pour in vegetable oil so that the boletus is completely covered with an oil film. Close the jars tightly with lids and put them in a warm place to cool completely.

Calorie content per 100 g – 22 Cal.

Are you preparing boletus with vinegar essence?

Not really

Features of skin damage with acetic acid

Vinegar belongs to the category of organic acids, and a burn resulting from contact of the product with human skin or mucous membranes is classified as chemical.

All acetic acid burns are divided into two main types:

  1. External. As a result of this type of burn, areas of the skin or mucous membranes of the victim’s eyes, nose, and mouth are affected.
  2. Internal burn. As a result of ingestion of acetic acid, the internal organs of a person are affected.

First aid for external burns

To avoid many unpleasant consequences, you need to know how to act when an aggressive chemical comes into contact with your skin. To help yourself and others affected and neutralize vinegar safely, use the following guidelines:

  1. If a chemical gets on your clothing, remove it immediately.
  2. Rinse the affected area intensively with running cold water.

Important! Rinsing should be abundant and long, at least 20 minutes. In addition, sufficiently cold water will reduce pain.

If you are helping a victim, while he is washing the affected area of ​​skin, prepare a weak soda solution or a regular soap solution. These are the means by which you can solve the problem than neutralize vinegar. Wash the burn with the prepared solution.

  1. If vinegar gets into your eyes, then proceed in the same way, in between washing your eyes with cold running water, use a thoroughly mixed weak soda solution.
  2. After thoroughly rinsing, apply a damp compress to the affected area to neutralize any remaining harsh chemical.
  3. Treat the burned area with an antiseptic and apply a special anti-burn preparation, such as Ricinol or Panthenol.
  4. Apply a loose bandage to the affected area so that it does not compress the skin and cause discomfort or pain.

Important! If the burn is severe enough, go to the hospital or call an ambulance immediately. Specialists will provide all the necessary effective assistance and give the necessary recommendations to the victim.

First aid for internal burns

An internal burn is much more dangerous than an external one, and can have quite disastrous consequences for the victim. If poisoning with 9% vinegar, as a rule, manifests itself as a chemical burn of the mucous membrane of the stomach, esophagus and oropharynx, then poisoning with 70% vinegar essence can be fatal.

Read also White pearl grape variety

If an aggressive chemical enters the human digestive tract, you must:

  • immediately rinse the stomach and intestines with plain water;
  • without interrupting the rinsing, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Important! Acid entering the victim's stomach can lead to burning of its internal walls, since the effect of the acid will be enhanced by the hydrochloric acid present in the stomach.

An internal burn can lead to necrosis of the tissues of the oral cavity, larynx, stomach, and esophagus. It is especially dangerous if acetic acid enters an empty stomach.

Important! In no case should an internal burn be ignored, and calling a doctor home is mandatory.

Internal acid burns occur in several stages, namely:

  1. Toxic shock and manifestations of intoxication.
  2. Toxemia with hyperthermia, with manifestations of acute intoxication psychosis.
  3. Complications of an infectious nature, which manifest themselves in the form of gastritis, pancreatitis, as well as pneumonia and peritonitis.
  4. Burn asthenia and decrease in total body weight due to disturbances in the protein and electrolyte balance of the body.
  5. Recovery.

Treatment methods for internal burns

Treatment of acetic acid poisoning includes measures that are aimed at quickly removing the aggressive substance from the digestive tract and correcting the disorders in internal systems and organs that appear during burn disease. Namely:

  1. At the scene of the incident, the stomach is immediately washed with cold water, you need a lot of it, about 10-15 liters, using a thick probe lubricated with petroleum jelly.

Important! Probeless gastric lavage (artificial induction of vomiting) is dangerous, since the repeated passage of acid through the esophagus only increases the severity of the burn.

  1. To relieve pain shock, the victim is injected with an atropine solution (2-4 ml).
  2. To prevent exotoxic shock, it is advisable to use the following drugs:
  • Analgin;
  • Promedol;
  • Fentanyl;
  • Omnopon;
  • drugs from the category of antispasmodics (Halidor, Papaverine).

Important! All procedures will be most effective if they are started no later than 6 hours from the moment of receiving the burn.

For deep, serious internal burns:

  • scars are formed that do not heal and do not disappear over time;
  • a narrowing of the esophagus occurs, which not only negatively affects the patient’s quality of life, but also subsequently often leads to disability.

Important! Treatment in this case will be long-term and includes a whole range of procedures, including antibiotic therapy and hormone therapy. Treatment of cicatricial narrowing of the esophagus is carried out using bougienage.

Helpful Tips:

  1. If acetic acid gets inside, immediately drink a large amount of water, milk or kefir - these are the means that can neutralize the vinegar.
  2. A burning sensation in the throat can be reduced with Romazulan solution. Buy it at the pharmacy - it is an extract of chamomile flowers and azulene.
  3. You can neutralize vinegar with water and soda, and then rinse the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After rinsing, drink activated charcoal and strong black tea.

Hot oil marinade with 70% vinegar

The marinade in the matter of pickling mushrooms is the main part on which the result depends.

For preparation you need the following ingredients:

  • water – 1 l;
  • salt – 2 tbsp, l;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. l;
  • vinegar essence – 2 tsp;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs;
  • peppercorns – 5 pcs;
  • garlic cloves – 3 pcs.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Boil the water. Salt, add sugar and other ingredients. Boil for 3 minutes.
  2. Then add the pre-prepared mushrooms. As soon as the mixture boils, pour in the vinegar. Cook in this state for another 20 minutes.
  3. The pickled mushrooms are ready and can be distributed into jars.

Author's note

Agapov Vladislav

The specified marinade is enough for 2 kg of fresh butter.

If you don’t want to use 70% acid, try making marinade for butter in 1 liter of water with 9% vinegar. This recipe is suitable for people with stomach and intestinal problems.

The calorie content of the finished dish is 18 Kcal.

For another option for preparing marinade for butter, see the following video:

Types of vinegar

First you need to understand what types of vinegar there are. The most common is synthetic or, as it is also called, table, which is most often used by housewives in preparing dishes, as well as in canning and baking. Natural types of this product are used less frequently.

Natural ones include apple, wine, balsamic, rice, cane, malt. Apple juice can be in liquid form, as well as in tablet form. Balsamic, which is extracted from grapes, is also called royal. Natural balsamic is an expensive product that is used exclusively for flavoring or marinating expensive varieties of fish and meat.

Wine is produced by fermenting wine and is very often used by housewives in cooking as an alternative to white wine, but only with the addition of sugar. In European countries, rice has become widely known due to the passion for oriental cuisine, in particular sushi. Rice vinegar is also added to salads and when preparing various marinades and even to drinks.

Cane vinegar is the most expensive and rare type of vinegar, which is little used in cooking around the world. It is often used by gourmets to prepare meat dishes. Malt is used mainly in British cuisine, particularly in puddings and soups.

Next, we’ll look at what can replace vinegar when preparing a particular dish, as well as when preserving it.

Hot marinated boletus with acetic acid

Marinated boletus with acetic acid is often prepared using the hot method. It involves a process in which mushrooms will be cooked in a hot marinade. They are also rolled into jars while hot.

Thanks to it, mushrooms are stored for a long time and do not spoil during cooking. However, if you cook the butter in the marinade for less time, they will be firm and crispy.

Hot marinating is more suitable for winter storage.


During the cooking process, a number of questions arise that require immediate solutions, for example, how to pickle butter for the winter in jars with vinegar. To avoid such a situation, it is better to familiarize yourself with the frequently asked questions in advance.

Is it possible to marinate boletus with skin?

Yes, you can. Removing the skin during the cleaning process is more of a measure for aesthetic appearance. Its absence or presence does not affect the taste of the dish or shelf life.

How and where best to store

In order for mushrooms to be stored longer, it is necessary to provide them with the right conditions. These include the following:

  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • cool temperature.

The best places for storage are a refrigerator, basement, cellar, unheated garage and other places where these two conditions are met.
Also, the shelf life depends on the recipe according to which the boletus was prepared. Shelf life of mushrooms

Without sterilizationup to six months
Hot method with 70% vinegarfrom year
Crispy boletusup to one and a half years
Classic recipeup to two years

What to do if you added a lot of vinegar

If you overdo it with vinegar, the mushrooms will acquire an unpleasant aroma and sour taste. After opening the can, this will be immediately clear. The situation can be corrected:

  • If you hold a jar of butter oil open, then after a few hours the unpleasant smell will evaporate on its own.
  • Soak the mushrooms in water for 20-30 minutes before serving. This will help neutralize the taste of acetic acid.
  • Season the appetizer with plenty of onion and oil (preferably olive oil). This will also eliminate the unpleasant aroma and sour taste.

If you notice that you added too much vinegar during the cooking process, the situation can be easily corrected by increasing the number of mushrooms.

Onions and olive oil can save a snack

What spices cannot be used with vinegar essence

All spices can be used with acetic acid. However, it is not recommended to add some of them, as they do not combine in taste characteristics and, as a result, the dish may be spoiled. These include the following:

  • poppy seeds, sesame seeds (black and white), vanilla and other spices that are more often used in sweet dishes;
  • chicory, turmeric, star anise;
  • curry, cardamom and a number of others.

What to do if there is a lot of vinegar in mushrooms

How to fix if there is a lot of vinegar in mushrooms, this often happens when people pickle mushrooms for the first time or make mushroom caviar. I added a lot of vinegar, and the mushroom pulp is porous, like a sponge, and absorbs all the excess well. It’s a shame to throw away items prepared with love, but what can you do? Try to correct the annoying mistake. You cannot reseal the jars; store the pickled mushrooms in the refrigerator and use them first.

How to digest mushrooms

Pickled mushrooms can be overcooked. If it's not too sour, just transfer the mushrooms to the pan along with the marinade. Be sure to remove the bay leaf, add cold water 1:2 and boil for ten minutes. Add salt/sugar to taste at the end of cooking. Try the cooled brine on vinegar; cold it is easier to determine the acidity of the marinade. If the acidity is low, add a pinch of citric acid, or better (tastier) freshly squeezed lemon juice. Leave in the pan until it cools completely, then transfer to clean jars and pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil on top.

You can simply boil it in plenty of water and add salt at the end of cooking. Drain the mushrooms and fry with onions and sour cream or potatoes. Make a delicious salad of pickled mushrooms and onions. Try pouring cold water over the mushrooms and leaving for a while. Mix the squeezed mushrooms with a large amount of chopped onion in half rings, add sugar to taste. Let stand for at least twelve hours, the onion will pick up excess vinegar, pour over vegetable oil and serve.

If there is a lot of vinegar and the pickled mushrooms are very sour, it is more difficult to fix. The marinade is completely drained, the mushrooms are washed well with running water, the spices are removed and squeezed. Place in a saucepan, add water and cook for 15/20 minutes. They should become fresh, fold them back to drain the liquid. A new marinade is cooked in a saucepan with the addition of spices and herbs. Add black and allspice, bay leaf, cloves, salt and sugar to taste. If desired, add mustard or dill seeds and a little grated nutmeg. It is better to replace vinegar with a small amount of lemon juice or acid. Place the mushrooms in jars; you can add chopped garlic or onion rings. Pour cooled brine, oil on top and put in a cool place. The mushrooms need time to soak in the marinade!

What to do, there is a lot of vinegar in mushroom caviar

Mushroom spawn is easier to fix; the acid is diluted by adding any sweet vegetables and mushrooms (frozen, dry). Mushroom caviar + additives are passed through a meat grinder, spices are added and fried.

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I realized this when I opened the jar in winter and tried it.

Is it possible to somehow revive them?

Of course, you can revive pickled mushrooms if there is too much vinegar in them. The surest way is to soak in cold water for half an hour 2-3 times. Then lightly salt it again, add seasonings, add cold water and bring to a boil. Squeeze, season with vegetable oil and ready to eat.

On a note

  1. Carefully select spices for preparing pickled mushrooms, as they quickly absorb foreign tastes.
  2. Follow the proportions indicated in the recipe. This way you won’t overdo it with acetic acid and won’t have to deal with unpleasant consequences.
  3. Make sure to store oil in a place with the right conditions. Then the preparations will easily “survive” until winter.

Have you already prepared marinated butter? Share your experiences and recommendations with other users. And don’t forget to tell your loved ones about this useful article.

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