Table vinegar: varieties, application
Vinegar is a well-known and popular product since ancient times. The culture of its production dates back several thousand years. A transparent liquid with a sharp sour taste and smell was made from fruit juice, alcohol, and whey. It was used not only in cooking, but also for medical purposes, for disinfecting clothing and household items during periods of various infectious epidemics. Modern vinegar in most cases is an aqueous solution of ethanoic (acetic) acid, which is obtained synthetically for the needs of the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries.
Product has many definitions. Depending on the type of raw materials used and the concentration of acid, the following names can be found on store shelves: essence, table, wine, apple, malt, balsamic, rice.
We measure the required volume of vinegar using spoons (table)
If you need to know how many spoons it will take to get 30, 50 or 200 ml. table vinegar, refer to this detailed table, you can even save it, as it is in picture format.
Below is not a table for diluting vinegar (obtaining different concentrations), but simply measuring, obtaining the desired weight (volume).
Dilute the vinegar essence
The recipe calls for 9% vinegar, but you have a bottle of 70% essence, and now you’re wondering how to dilute it? In this case, we recommend using this simple formula. It will help you easily find out how many tablespoons of water you need to add to reduce the concentration from 70% to the required one.
You need to measure everything with the same spoon (in this example it will be a tablespoon).
The required amount of water for dilution = the amount of vinegar essence (the number of spoons with it) / the amount of vinegar of the required concentration (also in spoons, in the same volume).
- For example, we need to get 5% table vinegar from 70% essence. 70/5 = 14. That is, for each spoon of essence you need 14 spoons of water, then you get vinegar with a concentration of 5%.
Now you know how much vinegar is in a tablespoon or teaspoon, you have become familiar with the popular volumes in recipes, and you have also learned how to quickly make table vinegar from vinegar essence. If you liked the material, share the link to this article with your friends on social media. networks.
Composition and use
Traditional table vinegar has the following characteristics:
- It is a transparent mixture of distilled water and acetic acid in a concentration of 3–15%.
- It has a pungent sour smell and the same taste.
The acid used to make table vinegar is of natural or synthetic origin. It is obtained through microbiological reactions of fermentation of alcohol-containing products, from oil production waste, or as a by-product during dry distillation of wood.
It is believed that a product of natural origin is more physiological and beneficial to health. Artificial vinegar may contain residual aldehydes and other chemical impurities. However, it can be almost impossible to determine externally what a particular product was made from.
High-quality vinegar is colorless, has no sediment or any foreign odors, and does not contain substances other than acid and water.
The formula for table vinegar is simple: H2O+CH3COOH, combined in the required percentage. This liquid is universal and has no restrictions in use: it does not change its properties when heated or long-term storage, and can be used for food and household purposes.
Popular table vinegar is intended for cooking: adding a sour taste to marinades, sauces, appetizers, salads, meat and fish dishes, improving the structure of dough, preparing canned vegetables and meat. This liquid is used in the household to clean and disinfect kitchen utensils and various surfaces, get rid of unpleasant odors, and add to water when washing clothes to preserve color and remove stains. Table bite is a popular product for home cosmetic and medicinal procedures: rinsing hair, getting rid of bad breath, age spots, freckles, calluses, to make the skin whiter.
Along with the traditional 3–15% acid solution, table vinegar is often called balsamic or fruit vinegar: wine, apple, malt. This product, made from natural raw materials, may differ from ordinary table vinegar in smell and color. Wine and apple have an amber or reddish color and a slightly spicy aroma. In addition, real fruit vinegar contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, carbohydrates, pectins and organic acids. It is no coincidence that such a product is considered more useful and deserves a place on the table. The concentration of fruit vinegar is 3–6%. It is used in food, added to ready-made meals and snacks, or for preparing homemade cosmetic masks and lotions. It is with this vinegar that it is useful to prepare dietary and medicinal drinks to improve blood composition, lose weight, improve metabolism and vascular tone.
It is not recommended to use fruit vinegar in the process of preparing hot dishes, in canning or for household purposes, as it quickly breaks down.
Despite the characteristic name - table solution, drinking this solution or applying it to open areas of the body in its pure form is prohibited. The acid contained in even a weak product, if it gets on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, on the skin or in the eyes, causes irritation, and a 9-15 percent solution causes chemical burns and injuries. Before use, the liquid must be mixed with other products or substances.
People suffering from high acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcers, gastritis, and inflammation of the duodenum should not consume vinegar and products containing it. Abuse of the substance leads to ulceration and bleeding of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, esophagus, and disruption of the liver and kidneys.
Storing Wine Vinegar
To prevent the product from “fermenting,” wine vinegar should be stored at a low temperature. Temperatures of 25°C and above lead to fermentation.
Wine vapors are quite volatile substances. Therefore, the container must be tightly closed.
At room temperature, the shelf life of the wine product is up to 1 year.
It turns out that, according to GOST 32097-2013, the recommended shelf life for alcohol and alcohol flavored vinegar is 1 year, and for wine and apple vinegar – six months (with preservatives – 12 months). The manufacturer may set a different shelf life for vinegar, provided that its quality is maintained in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the state that has adopted the standard.
Only apple cider vinegar has a shelf life limit - it can be stored for no more than 2 years.
Other vinegars last a long time. Some are aged for years, like good cognacs and champagnes. Vinegar only gets better with age.
It is known that since ancient times, people have used fermented grape juice to prevent and treat many diseases. In cooking, wine vinegar took root much later. Today, wine vinegar has taken pride of place in kitchens in almost all countries of the world. Here are some properties of this valuable product:
- Natural antiseptic. The problem of clean drinking water has always existed, but our ancestors learned how to purify water - they simply added a certain amount of peroxided wine to a vessel with bad water. It destroyed all harmful bacteria.
- Preservative. With its help, they extended the shelf life of food, including meat.
- Antioxidants. There really are a lot of them here. They help the body maintain youth. It has also been noted that they inhibit cancer cells, prevent the accumulation of harmful cholesterol in blood vessels, and strengthen the heart muscles. Perhaps for this reason, lovers of sauces based on wine vinegar are less likely than others to suffer from heart disease.
- Flavonoids. They boost immunity well. Therefore, it is an excellent tool in the prevention of vitamin deficiencies. One of the first researchers to discover this element proposed the name “vitamin P” for it, which still did not catch on.
- Acetic acid. It helps the absorption of natural minerals, and metabolism in general. The result is a reduced risk of diabetes, heart and vascular diseases.
- The taste of the products. Wine vinegar improves the taste of food. Wine vinegar is sour wine and has a characteristic taste and smell. When added to dishes, vinegar generously shares its aroma and taste, giving them unexpected and pleasant notes.
- Vitamins and microelements. Here is a small and far from complete list of all the “benefits” that this product contains: vitamins A and C; microelements: fluorine, magnesium, iron, lactic, ascorbic acid.
Wine vinegar is especially often used as part of a marinade or as a dressing for a finished dish. Vinegar goes perfectly with any meat, but is absolutely not suitable, for example, for fermented milk products and fried or baked potatoes.
A good housewife often uses wine vinegar as a detergent; by the way, in this case, it is ideal to use expired vinegar. With its help, the room, countertop, dining table is disinfected, and also gives incredible shine to the dishes. Cleaning with a vinegar disinfectant (pour 1 liter of clean cold water and 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar) is absolutely safe for children.
The healing properties of wine vinegar are also known. It can be used as a disinfectant for scratches, wounds and cuts, and also, for bruises, as a pain reliever. The astringent properties of wine vinegar will help cope with skin irritations. In addition, vinegar is well known to relieve pain from sunburn. For medicinal purposes, wine vinegar is allowed to be used only for topical use.
Since ancient times, women have used wine vinegar as a skin and hair care product. Women gave their hair incredible shine, strength and silkiness by rinsing it with vinegar water. In addition, constant use of such water helps prevent premature hair loss and also make it thicker.
Selection and storage of table vinegar
When purchasing, it is recommended to choose liquid in glass containers. When exposed to acid, plastic packaging can release chemical impurities into its contents. A high-quality solution is absolutely clean and transparent, there are no air bubbles, flakes or floating particles in it. A slight sediment can only be in natural fruit vinegar. When shaking, a small amount of foam may appear, disappearing after a few seconds. The label must indicate the name and legal address of the manufacturer, and the date of packaging. If the shelf life of the product is not limited, then the acid in it is of synthetic origin. This is the norm for domestically produced food vinegar. Natural apple, wine or balsamic vinegar has a shelf life of no more than six months. The packaging of a natural product must indicate the production method: aerobic fermentation with acetic acid bacteria.
At home, the product is stored at room or slightly cool temperature: for example, in a kitchen cabinet in a tightly closed container; a dark glass container is ideal. Do not place the liquid in the refrigerator or freezer, or leave it near heating appliances.
Table vinegar production technology:
In general, the technological scheme for preparing table vinegar in production includes 7 stages:
- First, the process of preparing the wort is carried out by mixing water, alcohol, various salts and sugar, which promotes the development of bacteria that will oxidize the main product and release acetic acid.
- Next, a filler in the form of birch or beech shavings is introduced into the oxidizer generators, which is irrigated with wort and a product for oxidation, for example, alcohol. Fermentation occurs. The alcohol is oxidized into acetic acid within 5 days.
- Next, the resulting vinegar is drained and clarified using gelatin and activated carbon.
- The liquid is filtered to remove sediment.
- The vinegar is then diluted with water to obtain a solution with the required acetic acid content.
- The vinegar is then pasteurized to increase its shelf life.
- Poured into containers and packaged.
Vinegar is produced according to “GOST R 56968-2016 Table vinegar. Technical conditions".
The shelf life of vinegar depends on its type and the percentage of acetic acid, it is indicated on the label.
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Table vinegar: what percentage
The name bottled table vinegar refers to a colorless, acidic food liquid, a weak solution of acetic acid combined with water. The concentration of acetic acid in plain vinegar ranges from 3 to 15 percent.
Table vinegar, as is already known, can be of two types - natural, obtained as a result of fermentation of juice, fermented wine , and a synthetic solution produced artificially from acid.
Natural vinegar differs from synthetic vinegar in its beneficial composition, delicate taste, rich aroma and rich color. Synthetic - colorless (rarely slightly colored) with a characteristic odor of acetic acid.
Ingredients of vinegar:
Vinegar consists approximately:
- 97% from water;
- 3% from carbohydrates.
Vinegar can be natural or synthetic. Natural vinegar, depending on the product from which it is made, contains tartaric, malic, citric, succinic acid, acetic, oxalic, lactic, as well as aldehydes, alcohols and water. Synthetic vinegar contains acetic acid and water.
The vitamin and mineral composition of natural vinegar depends on the product from which it is made. Apple cider vinegar contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E and minerals - calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, potassium, copper, sulfur and phosphorus.
Wine vinegar contains vitamins A, B5, C and minerals - potassium, fluorine, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. Synthetic table vinegar 9% contains no vitamins and minerals.
The calorie content of 100 grams of vinegar depends on its type:
- synthetic table vinegar 9% - 11.3 kcal;
- apple cider vinegar - 21 kcal;
- wine vinegar - 9 kcal;
- rice vinegar - 41 kcal;
- malt vinegar – 54 kcal.
How to measure the required amount of vinegar without a measuring spoon
Vinegar indicated in grams often has to be converted to milliliters. In recipes for pickling vegetables, brines, and vinegar fillings for pickling mushrooms, vinegar is often indicated in grams. Without scales, the amount of liquid required according to the recipe can be measured using a very ordinary spoon. You can measure the exact dosage of vinegar with a spoon, knowing:
- The density of the liquid required for weighing.
- The ratio of the volume of a liquid substance to its weight.
- How much is in 1 ml of liquid?
- How much vinegar fits in spoons of different sizes?
- Spoon sizes.
The density of table vinegar is 1.0 g/cm3, which is slightly higher than the density of water, which in the liquid state is 1.05 g/cm3. Based on the density of these two liquids, vinegar can be compared with the density of water; they are almost equal.
In most cases, the volume of liquid is equal to the weight; if the vinegar in the recipe is specified in grams or milliliters, the number of grams of vinegar and milliliters will be the same.
Spoon sizes
Depending on the size of the spoon itself, you can correctly answer the question of how many grams of vinegar are in a tablespoon and a teaspoon. Spoons, cutlery, glasses come in different sizes. The capacity of the vinegar depends on the size of the spoon. In cooking, when weighing food, spoons replace scales; they are used to measure weight or volume. Capacity:
- The largest Australian tablespoon in size and volume, it holds 20 grams of vinegar.
- In Russia and the CIS countries, as a rule, 15 ml and 18 ml tablespoons are used.
- When using Canadian, American or New Zealand-made spoons, you should be aware that such tablespoons contain 15 grams of vinegar.
- A teaspoon is a cutlery that can hold up to 5 ml of a liquid substance, including vinegar.
- A dessert spoon is a cutlery with a capacity of up to 10 ml of vinegar.
According to the information received, we take the size of a standard tablespoon, with a volume of 15 ml, and using spoons we can easily determine how many milliliters are in a tablespoon of diluted table vinegar.
How many milliliters of vinegar in a spoon
- In 1 tablespoon. A tablespoon holds 15 ml of vinegar: table vinegar, vinegar essence, acetic acid.
- In 1 dessert spoon. A dessert spoon holds 10 ml of vinegar: table vinegar, vinegar essence, acetic acid.
- In 1 teaspoon. A teaspoon holds 5 ml of vinegar: table vinegar, vinegar essence, acetic acid.
Remember! When calculating the mass of vinegar essence in recipes, do not forget that the mass is calculated in the same way as for vinegar. The density of table vinegar differs minimally from water, and its mass in a spoon is taken as the same as water according to the standard. The amount of vinegar in grams and milliliters is the same as that of ordinary water.
How many grams of vinegar in a spoon
- In one tablespoon. There are 15 grams of vinegar in a tablespoon.
- In one dessert spoon. There are 10 grams of vinegar in 1 dessert spoon.
- In one teaspoon. A teaspoon holds 5 grams of vinegar.
How to measure a certain volume of vinegar with spoons
- 200 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 200 milliliters of vinegar = 13 tablespoons of vinegar and 1 teaspoon.
- 150 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 150 milliliters of vinegar = 10 tablespoons of vinegar.
- 120 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 120 milliliters of vinegar = 8 tablespoons of vinegar, vinegar essence.
- 100 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 100 milliliters of vinegar = 6 tablespoons of vinegar and 1 dessert spoon, or instead of one dessert spoon, 2 teaspoons.
- 90 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 90 milliliters of vinegar = 6 tablespoons of vinegar.
- 80 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 80 milliliters of vinegar = 5 tablespoons of vinegar and 1 teaspoon.
- 75 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 75 milliliters of vinegar = 5 tablespoons of vinegar.
- 70 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 70 milliliters of vinegar = 4 tablespoons of vinegar and 2 teaspoons.
- 60 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 60 milliliters of vinegar = 4 tablespoons of vinegar.
- 50 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 50 milliliters of vinegar = 3 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon of vinegar.
- 40 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 40 milliliters of vinegar = 2 tablespoons and 2 teaspoons of vinegar.
- 35 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 35 milliliters of vinegar = 2 tablespoons and 1 teaspoon of vinegar.
- 30 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 30 milliliters of vinegar = 2 tablespoons of vinegar essence, vinegar.
- 25 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 25 milliliters of vinegar = 1 tablespoon and 2 teaspoons of vinegar.
- 20 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 20 milliliters of vinegar = 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of vinegar essence.
- 10 ml of vinegar is how many tablespoons? 10 milliliters of vinegar = 2/3 tablespoons = 1 dessert spoon of vinegar = 2 teaspoons.
Mass of vinegar in a tablespoon and a teaspoon
- 200 grams of vinegar - how many spoons? 200 g of vinegar = 13 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon.
- 150 grams of vinegar is how many spoons? 150 g vinegar = 10 tablespoons vinegar.
- How many spoons are 100 grams of vinegar? 100 g of vinegar = 6 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons of vinegar.
- 90 grams of vinegar - how many spoons? 90 g vinegar = 6 tablespoons vinegar.
- 80 grams of vinegar - how many spoons? 80 g of vinegar = 5 tablespoons of vinegar + 1 teaspoon.
- 75 grams of vinegar is how many spoons? 75 g vinegar = 5 tablespoons.
- 70 grams of vinegar - how many spoons? 70 g of vinegar = 4 tablespoons + 2 tea.
- 60 grams of vinegar - how many spoons? 60 g vinegar = 4 tablespoons.
- 50 grams of vinegar - how many spoons? 50 g of vinegar = 3 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon.
- 40 grams of vinegar - how many spoons? 40 g of vinegar = 2 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons.
- 35 grams of vinegar is how many spoons? 35 g of vinegar = 2 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon of vinegar.
- 30 grams of vinegar - how many spoons? 30 g vinegar = 2 tablespoons vinegar.
- 25 grams of vinegar - how many spoons? 25 g of vinegar = 1 tablespoon + 2 teaspoons.
- 20 grams of vinegar - how many spoons? 20 g of vinegar = 1 tablespoon + 1 tea.
- 10 grams of vinegar - how many spoons? 10 g vinegar = 2 teaspoons vinegar.
Types of vinegar:
Vinegar is classified according to the principle of preparation, the percentage of acetic acid content, and the starting substance from which it is prepared.
According to the principle of preparation, vinegar is:
- natural, obtained from natural products;
- synthetic, obtained by diluting acetic acid produced by chemical means.
Vinegar is classified according to its acetic acid content:
- 3% vinegar;
- 5% vinegar;
- 6% vinegar;
- 9% vinegar;
- any other % acetic acid content.
Vinegar, according to the product on which it is made, can be:
- Alcohol . This vinegar is produced by fermenting alcohol. It does not have a pleasant smell and is used mainly for marinating meat.
- Apple . It is obtained from apple cider. Most popular in Russia, USA and France. It has a pleasant aroma and slightly sour taste. It is used mainly for preparing fish dishes, pickling vegetables and acidifying sauces.
- Wine . This type of vinegar is obtained by fermenting wine or juice. It is widely distributed in wine-producing countries such as France. It can be white or red, depending on the type of wine it was prepared from. Has a pleasant smell. Mainly used for preparing marinades, sauces, and salad dressings.
- Rice . It is produced from glutinous rice varieties and comes in black, red and white. Most common in Asian countries. It is used mainly for making sushi, rice noodles, seafood, gravies and sauces. It makes a good marinade.
- Malt . This type of vinegar is made from beer wort. Most popular in the UK. It has a delicate taste and aroma. Mainly used for pickling fish and vegetables, as well as for canning. The British use it as a spice in their popular dish - fish and chips.
- Coconut . Made from coconut milk. Popular in the Philippines and India. It has a sweet taste and a pungent odor. Suitable for marinating pork and dressing for seafood and chicken salads.
- Reed . This type of vinegar is made by fermenting cane sugar syrup. Popular in southern countries where reed grows. It has a rich taste and unusual aroma. Excellent as a seasoning for fried poultry, fish and pork.
How to make vinegar at home:
If you want to use 100% natural vinegar in your dishes, you can make it yourself. Most often in Russia, apple or wine vinegar is prepared at home.
Recipes for making homemade apple cider vinegar:
1. Apple cider vinegar from overripe apples:
To create this apple cider vinegar recipe you will need the following ingredients:
- overripe apples – 1 kilogram;
- granulated sugar – 50 grams for sweet apples or 100 grams for sour apples;
- water;
In addition to the ingredients, you will need a large enamel pan and jars.
If you have everything, then you can proceed to creating apple cider vinegar, following the step-by-step recipe:
- Wash the apples well.
- Cut the apples and crush the pieces.
- Boil water and cool to 70 degrees Celsius.
- Place the crushed apples in an enamel pan and add hot water so that the water covers the apples by a couple of centimeters.
- If the apples are sweet, add 50 grams of sugar to the pan, and if they are sour, add 100 grams. Mix.
- Place the pan in a dark and warm place and cover with a cloth. Leave for 2 weeks. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon.
- Strain the contents of the pan into jars, leaving room to the brim for the vinegar to ferment, as it will increase in volume during fermentation.
- Leave for 2 weeks in a warm and dark place for further fermentation. If the liquid has brightened and acquired a pleasant sour taste, the fermentation process is complete.
- Strain the vinegar and pour into bottles for storage and use. Close the bottles tightly and store in a dark place.
Vinegar from overripe apples is ready!
2. Apple cider vinegar from regular apples:
To create apple cider vinegar for this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:
- apples – 1.5 kilograms;
- real bee honey – 150 grams;
- rye bread - 50 grams;
- water – 2 liters;
In addition to the ingredients, you will need a large enamel pan, jars and a grater.
If you have everything, then you can proceed to creating apple cider vinegar, following the step-by-step recipe:
- Boil 2 liters of water and cool to room temperature.
- Wash the apples well.
- Grate the apples on a coarse grater. Do not throw away the cores.
- Place the grated apples along with the cores in an enamel pan and add 2 liters of boiled water at room temperature, but do not fill to the brim, leaving room for fermentation.
- Place 50 grams of rye bread and 150 grams of real bee honey in a jar.
- Place the pan in a warm and dark place, cover with a cloth and leave for 12 days. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon.
- Then strain the contents of the pan into jars and cover them with a cloth.
- Leave in a dark and warm place for a month. If the liquid has brightened and acquired a pleasant sour taste, the fermentation process is complete.
- Strain the vinegar and pour into bottles for storage and use. Cover well and store in a dark place.
Read also: How to freeze cabbage in the freezer for the winter
Vinegar from regular apples is ready!
Recipe for making homemade wine vinegar:
To make grape vinegar at home you will need:
- grapes - half a three-liter jar;
- granulated sugar – 140 grams;
- water.
In addition to the ingredients, you will need a three-liter jar.
If you have all the ingredients, then you can proceed to creating wine vinegar, following the step-by-step recipe:
- Boil a little more than half a three-liter jar of water. And then cool to room temperature.
- Wash the grapes well, select diseased berries and discard.
- Place grapes up to half of a three-liter jar.
- Mash the grapes well in the jar with your hand.
- Fill the jar halfway with boiled water at room temperature.
- Add 70 grams of sugar.
- Mix well with a wooden spoon.
- Cover the jar with gauze and place in a dark and warm place for 12 days. Stir once a day with a wooden spoon.
- Strain the grape juice, squeeze out the pulp and discard it.
- Strain the juice into a three-liter jar.
- Add 70 grams of granulated sugar and mix well with a wooden spoon.
- Cover the jar with gauze and place in a dark and warm place for 2 months.
- As soon as the mixture stops fermenting and turns a little lighter, strain it into glass bottles.
- Seal the bottles with stoppers and store in a cool, dark place.
Wine vinegar is ready!
Balsamic vinegar
Not every person knows about the existence of such vinegar; it is mainly used by gourmets. It is obtained from grape must, but before that it goes through a long processing stage. First of all, it is filtered, then fermented in barrels made of larch. After these processes, it is poured into oak barrels, where it undergoes the remaining stage of maturation, which stretches over several years. After all these procedures, we receive a very aromatic liquid that has a dark and rich color. Its consistency is slightly viscous and the smell is slightly sour.
Basically, balsamic vinegar has one use - only in cooking. It can be added to various dishes, but just a few drops are enough for the food to acquire an indescribable aroma and taste.
This vinegar contains various macro- and microelements, pectins and organic acids. It is not a cheap product and therefore is very often counterfeited. Its approximate cost is $10 for 50 ml.
The calorie content per 100 ml of vinegar is 88 kcal. It also contains proteins - 0.49, and carbohydrates - 17.03. Fats, as in other types, are absent.
Table vinegar is what percentage?
This online calculator allows you to calculate the amount of vinegar if the recipe specifies one level of vinegar, but the store (or your home) has vinegar of a different concentration. Or if you want to replace the vinegar essence specified in the recipe with environmentally friendly and healthy natural vinegar.
Let's say the recipe says to use 15 ml of 70% vinegar essence and 2 liters of water, and you want to use the 5% apple cider vinegar you have. It is intuitively clear that since the concentration of apple cider vinegar is 14 times less than in the essence (since 70 = 5 × 14), then you will need to take about 14 times more of it (15 × 14 = 210 ml, i.e. a little more than a glass), while reducing the amount of water intended for diluting the essence by about a glass (since along with vinegar you add about an additional glass of water to the marinade mixture). But this is only an approximate estimate, and for an accurate calculation it is necessary to take into account the difference in the density of vinegar solutions from the density of water and the dependence of the density of solutions on concentration. It is also necessary to accurately take into account the amount of water present in the original solution (specified in the recipe) and in the replacement solution. For such a calculation, taking into account the densities of the solutions, the vinegar calculator, available on our website SOLENYA.RU, is used.