How to properly store milk mushrooms

What is Russian cuisine without milk mushrooms? These mushrooms are the personification of old feasts, gatherings in nature and preparations for the winter. Collecting milk mushrooms is an art, because they like to hide in the grass in damp places, and you can only find them if you know these places.

Traditionally, milk mushrooms are not stored fresh or frozen. The whole attractiveness of this mushroom is that it has an interesting aftertaste - a bitter taste, formed due to the toxin. If the mushroom is frozen, it will lose this bitterness, and therefore its unique taste.

The main way to store milk mushrooms for the winter is preservation: they are pickled and salted.

How to store milk mushrooms in canned form

An important stage in preparing milk mushrooms for preservation is removing leaves and soaking. Carefully sort through them, remove dirt, grass, leaves and other debris. After this, we fill the mushrooms with water and soak them for several hours. Next comes the stage of washing each mushroom so that they become clean. Since milk mushrooms have a porous structure, you should use a brush for cleaning.

Milk mushrooms are salted for storage in winter. They, like any mushrooms that have a bitter taste, are perfectly preserved for months if you add enough salt. After salting, the mushrooms are placed in a cool, dark place where the sun's rays do not penetrate and where there is necessary ventilation. The storage temperature of milk mushrooms is no higher than 3-5 degrees.

In addition to pickling, there is another way to preserve mushrooms - pickling. Young pickled milk mushrooms are stored for a very long time; there is practically no risk that they will spoil. Mushrooms are great for hot dishes, they decorate the table on holidays and are a good snack.

If you do not have the opportunity to store mushrooms in a cool place, then you can leave them at room temperature - the pickled mushrooms will not spoil. The shelf life in this case will be reduced to several months. If you store them in the refrigerator, then the milk mushrooms will not become anything for a whole year.

How to salt milk mushrooms for storage

The timing and methods of storing milk mushrooms depend on which pickling method was chosen.

Hot salting involves a long salting process. Milk mushrooms are stored in jars in the refrigerator and covered with nylon lids. They are edible within a week, but will not become completely salted soon - after a few months.

Cold pickling is more extensive. Mushrooms are often salted in this way in barrels or other large containers. Milk mushrooms are stored in the cellar, where the temperature does not exceed 3 degrees. If you nevertheless salted milk mushrooms in a jar, make room for them in the refrigerator, preferably on the bottom shelf.

Salted milk mushrooms should not be dry; there should always be brine in the jar. But you shouldn’t overdo it either - there should be enough liquid, but the mushrooms should not float.

Mold on the top layer of mushrooms is not the end of the world. You have the opportunity to remove the moldy layer, and rinse the remaining mushrooms thoroughly and put them in another jar for further storage.

Dry pickling of mushrooms

Only saffron milk caps and saffron mushrooms are prepared using the dry method: the mushrooms are cleaned, not washed, but only wiped with a clean soft cloth, placed in a tub in rows and sprinkled moderately with salt, covered with clean canvas and placed under pressure (cobblestones, clean heavy non-oxidizing objects). The juice should come out above the pressure and cover the mushrooms on top. These mushrooms retain their natural aroma and piquant resinous taste, so spices and aromatic herbs are not added to them. These mushrooms are ready to eat after

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How to store fresh milk mushrooms

Unfortunately, humanity has not yet come up with ways to store fresh mushrooms at home. Their shelf life is one day. If milk mushrooms are stored longer, they will begin to produce toxins that are considered poisonous.

You can store fresh mushrooms in a cool place for about 10-12 hours, then they should be processed or cooked, otherwise they will be unfit for consumption.

To keep salted milk mushrooms longer and not spoil, you should follow a few simple recommendations.

Take care of cleanliness

To pickle mushrooms, you can use various containers: barrels, tubs, enamel buckets and pans. Glass jars also work well for milk mushrooms. The container that you are going to use for storing mushrooms must be thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water and dried. The jars also need to be sterilized.

Choose a cool and dry storage location

  • A refrigerator is perfect for this in an apartment. You can put jars of mushrooms in the compartment for fresh vegetables and fruits, where they will have the most optimal conditions.
  • It is possible to place containers with milk mushrooms on the balcony. But first they need to be packed in boxes insulated with old blankets or sawdust. Mushrooms should not be allowed to freeze.
  • Large batches of milk mushrooms are placed in the cellar or basement.

Maintain optimal temperature conditions

The air temperature in the place where milk mushrooms are stored should not exceed + 6 °C, but also not fall below 0 °C. In the heat, salted mushrooms can sour and spoil. In the cold they will freeze, become brittle and tasteless.

Don't let the brine stagnate

It is advisable to shake the container with salted milk mushrooms or transfer them weekly.

Important: mushrooms should always be in brine. If some of the liquid has evaporated, then it is necessary to compensate for the loss - pour in cooled boiled water.

Remove mold in a timely manner

It is usually removed using a slotted spoon. If mold reappears or there is a large amount of it, proceed as follows: the entire brine is drained, and the mushrooms are washed in boiled but cooled water. Then the milk mushrooms are put back into the prepared clean container and filled with new brine, after having cooled it.

To prevent mold, add a little vegetable oil to the brine.

The nuances of storing milk mushrooms salted cold or hot

Depending on the salting method, not only the taste of salted mushrooms differs, but also the methods of storing the preparations.

Hot way

This method is used to pickle boiled milk mushrooms. After salting, they are distributed into glass jars, which are sealed with metal or polyethylene lids. Salted milk mushrooms will keep well in the refrigerator. After a week you can try the mushrooms, but it is better to wait 1.5 months, then they will be well salted and fully reveal their taste.

Note: the fact that the mushrooms are ready to eat can be judged by such clues as their settling to the bottom and the transparency of the brine.

Cold way

Designed for pickling raw mushrooms. Milk mushrooms salted using this method become ready for consumption only after 1-2 months. The storage method depends on what kind of dishes you choose. In this case, the temperature regime must be maintained from 0 to +3 °C. It is better to store mushrooms in barrels and other large containers in the cellar. In this case, be sure to ensure that the milk mushrooms are always in the brine, but at the same time do not float to the top. Mushrooms can also be placed in a glass jar, placing a cabbage leaf on top and closing with a plastic lid. Store this container in the refrigerator.

Storing salted mushrooms

Written by Nikolay Budnik and Elena Mekk.

Many mushroom pickers are faced with the question: how to store harvested mushrooms in a city apartment? This is especially true for salted mushrooms. We will share our many years of experience.

We salt mushrooms mainly in a cold way in buckets, tanks, and pans. Place a cotton cloth on the mushrooms, then a lid or saucer (so that the distance to the walls is 0.5 - 2 centimeters), then a squeeze (usually a three-liter jar with the required amount of water). The mushroom juice should cover the mushrooms. In this form they are salted on the balcony for 30 - 40 days.

When the mushrooms are salted, we put them in jars of the required size, filling them tightly, without voids. The mushrooms should almost reach the top of the jar. A cotton cloth soaked in vodka is placed on them. VODKA IS NEEDED TO PREVENT MOLD GROWING! After this, the mushrooms are crushed with sticks placed crosswise over the shoulders of the jar. These sticks are also moistened with vodka.

Juice should appear above the mushrooms, covering them by 1 - 2 centimeters. If there is not enough juice, you can add salted water (1 tablespoon per liter of boiled water). The top of the jar is closed with a thick plastic lid with a side, also soaked in vodka. We also tried to use metal screw caps, but under them the mushrooms dried out more and were preserved worse.

In this form, salted mushrooms can be stored in a cool place until the next harvest, or even longer. We usually store mushrooms in a cupboard under the window. You can use a refrigerator, a floor near the balcony, and a caisson - whoever has what options. The main thing is that the mushrooms do not freeze in the cold and do not become acidic in the heat.

1. Ready-made salted mushrooms are compacted tightly into glass jars so that there are no voids left.

2. Bending sticks are split off from a pine or spruce block. This manufacturing method is very productive.

3. Sticks, cloth and lid are disinfected with vodka.

4. The brine should appear above the mushrooms.

5. In this form, mushrooms can be stored for one to two years!

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Small videos about storing mushrooms in a city apartment.

How to properly fill jars with mushrooms.

How to close jars for long-term storage of mushrooms

How to store a started jar of mushrooms in the refrigerator

Salted mushrooms after a year of storage

. And now a big film about storing salted mushrooms.

4. The brine should appear above the mushrooms.

Shelf life of salted milk mushrooms

It is not recommended to keep containers with mushrooms for longer than six months. Also note that mushrooms are stored in the refrigerator for less time than in the cellar. It is advisable to consume cooked mushrooms within 1-3 months after pickling.

Vegetables and mushrooms

Salting is one of the effective and simple ways to significantly extend the shelf life of mushrooms.

Since fresh mushrooms cannot be stored for a long time, this is how our ancestors preserved mushrooms for a long time. Although, along with salting, drying was also used. This method of harvesting mushrooms is still relevant today.

You can salt mushrooms cold or hot. Each of them has its advantages, but today we are not talking about that. In this material we will tell you how and for how long you can store salted mushrooms.

It is optimal to store salted mushrooms at a temperature of 5-6°C.

Regardless of the type of mushrooms, they are salted in barrels, tubs, enamel buckets or pans, and glass jars are also used for pickling.

To preserve salted mushrooms at home for a long time, you must first take care of the cleanliness of the storage containers. Pots, barrels and tubs are thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water and dried, and glass jars are sterilized. If bacteria or fungal spores get into the storage container, the salted mushrooms will quickly deteriorate even if all storage conditions are met.

Now let’s figure out at what temperature to store salted mushrooms.

Regardless of how the mushrooms were salted, they should be stored in a cool, dry place with an ambient temperature no higher than 5-6 degrees. Therefore, in an apartment, salted mushrooms can only be stored in the refrigerator. If the salted mushrooms are in a compact container, then it can be placed in a compartment designed for storing fresh vegetables.

In general, salted mushrooms, especially in large quantities, are best stored in a cellar or basement.

Some housewives manage to store pickled mushrooms all winter on the balcony (the loggia must be glazed). But to prevent the mushrooms from freezing, special insulated boxes should be made. You can use old blankets, batting, wood shavings, sawdust, etc. as insulation.

Wherever you store salted mushrooms, always monitor the temperature. Too high a temperature will cause the mushrooms to sour. And at temperatures below 3 degrees, mushrooms become flabby and brittle, and lose most of their taste properties.

During storage, you should shake or move the mushrooms about once a week to ensure the movement of the brine. The latter should completely cover the mushrooms, preventing them from spoiling. When some of the brine has evaporated, simply add cooled boiled water.

If mold appears on the surface of the mushrooms, it should be removed with a slotted spoon. If mold begins to appear again or there is too much of it, it is necessary to completely drain the brine and rinse the mushrooms with cooled boiled water. After this, they should be placed back in the storage container and filled with fresh, chilled brine.

How to properly store salted mushrooms

Storage temperature

It is optimal to store salted mushrooms at a temperature of 5-6°C.
Regardless of the type of mushrooms, they are salted in barrels, tubs, enamel buckets or pans, and glass jars are also used for pickling.

To preserve salted mushrooms at home for a long time, you must first take care of the cleanliness of the storage containers. Pots, barrels and tubs are thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water and dried, and glass jars are sterilized. If bacteria or fungal spores get into the storage container, the salted mushrooms will quickly deteriorate even if all storage conditions are met.

Now let’s figure out at what temperature to store salted mushrooms. Regardless of how the mushrooms were salted, they should be stored in a cool, dry place with an ambient temperature no higher than 5-6 degrees. Therefore, in an apartment, salted mushrooms can only be stored in the refrigerator. If the salted mushrooms are in a compact container, then it can be placed in a compartment designed for storing fresh vegetables.

In general, salted mushrooms, especially in large quantities, are best stored in a cellar or basement. Some housewives manage to store pickled mushrooms all winter on the balcony (the loggia must be glazed). But to prevent the mushrooms from freezing, special insulated boxes should be made. You can use old blankets, batting, wood shavings, sawdust, etc. as insulation.

Wherever you store salted mushrooms, always monitor the temperature. Too high a temperature will cause the mushrooms to sour. And at temperatures below 3 degrees, mushrooms become flabby and brittle, and lose most of their taste properties.

During storage, you should shake or move the mushrooms about once a week to ensure the movement of the brine. The latter should completely cover the mushrooms, preventing them from spoiling. When some of the brine has evaporated, simply add cooled boiled water.

If mold appears on the surface of the mushrooms, it should be removed with a slotted spoon. If mold begins to appear again or there is too much of it, it is necessary to completely drain the brine and rinse the mushrooms with cooled boiled water. After this, they should be placed back in the storage container and filled with fresh, chilled brine.

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Pickling mushrooms is a common and reliable way to preserve the harvest.

Homemade preparations are not only tasty, but also convenient to use. You can prepare many different dishes with salted mushrooms. In this article we will talk about how to properly store salted mushrooms.


The first important condition for long-term storage of salted mushrooms is the sterility of the dishes. If bacteria get into the container, the salted mushrooms will spoil even if other conditions are met. Glass and ceramic containers are sterilized, and pots, buckets and barrels are thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water and dried.

The next significant point is temperature. Regardless of the pickling method, mushrooms are stored in a dark, cool, dry place.

Recommended temperature is about +6 °C. Higher rates lead to mushroom souring, and at low temperatures they become brittle and lose their taste. It is best to store salted mushrooms at home in the refrigerator.

Large reserves are kept in a cellar or dry basement (a glazed balcony can also be used for these purposes). To prevent the mushrooms from freezing, they are insulated with old blankets, sawdust, etc.

You can only eat mushrooms that you are 100% sure are safe. Spoiled mushrooms, moldy or improperly prepared preserves can be fatal!

Another point that affects long-term storage of salted mushrooms is brine.

If the product is stored in brine, turn the stock once a week to ensure the brine moves and thoroughly saturates all the mushrooms.

A container for storing salted mushrooms is also of great importance. Glass, wood and enamel containers should be used; Avoid clay, galvanized tin, aluminum or plastic utensils. Do not cover mushrooms with plastic, cellophane or parchment paper - this is an ideal environment for the growth of mold and yeast.


How to store salted mushrooms at home. General recommendations

Before you start pickling mushrooms, you should take care of the place where the pickles will be stored. Experienced cooks and lovers of quiet hunting recommend:

1. The temperature in the room or refrigerator should be from +2 to +4 degrees. Fluctuations are possible, but no more than 2 degrees in both directions.

2. Below 0 degrees - the pickle will freeze and lose its nutritional and taste value. Above +7 degrees is the ideal temperature for the development of pathogenic microflora.

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3. The room must be ventilated and dry.

4. Mushrooms must be in brine. As soon as the product sticks its tip out of the jar, it immediately begins to mold.

5. Do not cover jars and other containers with paper, plastic bags or plastic jars. At temperatures above 0 degrees, water evaporates from the brine. Drops of moisture will accumulate under the improvised lid - this is an ideal environment for the growth of mold and yeast.

6. When salting, it is important to monitor the ratio of salt in the brine. Excess sodium chloride will ensure long-term storage of mushrooms, but will make them inedible. A deficiency will promote the activation of yeast and will cause lactic acid fermentation. The mushrooms will remain edible, but they will be unpleasant to eat.

7. For long-term storage, glass jars, wooden containers, and enamel pans should be used. Important! The material from which the dishes are made must not oxidize!

Storing salted mushrooms. Sealed seaming method

Incorrect technology when preserving mushrooms by sterilization and seaming can cause irreparable harm to health (result in botulism, poisoning and other intestinal infections). The main rule to follow is to thoroughly comply with the sterilization conditions.

If you are not confident in your own capabilities, it is better not to roll mushrooms. Sterilization should take place at a temperature of +120…+125 °C; Only autoclaves can provide such conditions. When canning at home, to avoid poisoning, other methods are used:

  • the mushrooms are thoroughly washed and boiled 2-3 times with an interval of 24-36 hours. Thick legs are boiled 2 times longer;
  • storage utensils are thoroughly sterilized beforehand;
  • before opening canned mushrooms, boil the jars for at least 30 minutes from the moment of boiling so that the toxins are destroyed;
  • use vinegar marinade. Homemade pickled mushrooms are safer than salted and pickled ones.


The next important point: how long can salted mushrooms be stored and under what conditions? All canned food should be stored in a dark, dry, cool place. Sterilized mushrooms are stored at temperatures from 0 to +15 ° C and air humidity no more than 75%.

It is advisable to keep homemade preparations in the refrigerator. The shelf life of home canned food does not exceed 6-8 months. Factory-made salted mushrooms last longer (expiration dates vary among manufacturers).

All mushrooms sterilized in brine must be eaten immediately after uncorking. Only preparations using a strong spicy vinegar solution can be stored in the refrigerator in an open jar for several days.

Storing salted mushrooms without seaming

The shelf life of homemade preparations is 6–12 months (depending on the storage method).

Many housewives are concerned about the question: how long can salted mushrooms be stored in the refrigerator? Taking into account the recommended temperature conditions, the shelf life both in the cellar and in the refrigerator will be the same - no more than 1 year. Unsterilized pickled mushrooms can be stored for no more than 8 months.

Opened pickled mushrooms in the refrigerator, depending on the amount of vinegar in the marinade, can be stored for no more than 1 month. According to sanitary standards, salted and boiled mushrooms packaged in barrels must be stored at a temperature of 0...+2 °C for no more than 6 months. At home, it is more convenient to store salted mushrooms in a glass jar or enamel bowl in the refrigerator or on a glassed-in balcony.

During storage, be sure to regularly check your supplies: mushrooms should always be in brine, otherwise they will begin to mold. It is recommended to shake the containers with mushrooms once a week to ensure the movement of the brine (if the preparations are filled with oil on top of the brine, do not touch them). If part of the brine has evaporated, add cooled boiled water with salt to the container (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water).


Pickling and storing mushrooms must be approached with the utmost care. If you do not have a suitable storage space with appropriate conditions, it is better not to make a lot of preparations (or use a factory-made product).

A common way to store salted mushrooms is to pour melted lard, vegetable oil or butter over the brine. This prevents the formation of bacterial spores and mold.

In this case, it is better to tie the container on top with cloth or gauze. If mushrooms are stored in jars, they can be closed with screw-on glass or metal lids, but not tightly. Some housewives drain the brine and completely fill the mushrooms with oil before storing.

For such storage, it is better to pre-fry or stew the mushrooms. Any preparations using oil must be stored in the dark. In the light, fats are broken down, and the product will have a rancid taste.

There is another method for long-term storage of salted mushrooms.

After salting, the mushrooms are compacted tightly (without voids) into jars. The product should reach almost to the top of the container. Place a cotton cloth soaked in vodka on top of the mushrooms (this is what will prevent mold from appearing).

After this, the mushrooms are pressed with sticks previously soaked in vodka, moving them crosswise over the shoulders of the jar (the sticks will serve as oppression). Juice should appear above the mushrooms, covering them by 1-2 cm. If there is less juice, you can add boiled salted water at room temperature (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water).

The top of the jars is closed with a thick plastic lid, also treated in vodka. It is necessary to store salted mushrooms in the darkest and coolest place in the house. In this form, the shelf life of salted mushrooms will be 1-1.5 years.

Some housewives, having noticed a small amount of mold at the top of the container, carefully remove it, wipe the surface with a cloth soaked in vinegar, and add brine. This method does not guarantee the quality of the final product: microscopic mold spores can penetrate deeper.

If mold appears, it is better to overcook the mushrooms by hot salting them or marinate them.


By strictly following all storage rules, you will be able to enjoy homemade preparations without harm to your health. Share your stories and secrets on how to store salted mushrooms in the comments.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Pickling is a common and effective way to preserve mushrooms for a long time. Subject to certain conditions, the taste, aroma and value of the product remain unchanged. Let's figure out how to achieve this.

How to store salted milk mushrooms?


Milk mushrooms are exactly those mushrooms that have long been exclusively pickled, and today they are already fried, pickled, and stewed. But the most delicious milk mushrooms are, of course, salted ones. It is best to salt mushrooms using a thermal or hot method, so they are pre-cooked, well salted and ready for consumption within a week.


These mushrooms are ideal for potatoes and salads, as well as as a filling for pizza and pies. Many people probably know how to properly pickle mushrooms using a hot method, but few people decide to try such a recipe. In theory, after heat treatment or, more simply put, after cooking, milk mushrooms should become much softer, and therefore the mushroom crunch after salting, which everyone expects, is eliminated.


But milk mushrooms salted in this way end up being hard and crispy, without changing their natural color and shape. How to store salted milk mushrooms? As simple as that - in a dark and cold place. So, to pickle milk mushrooms, you naturally need the mushrooms themselves, dill seeds, garlic cloves, cabbage leaves and medium-ground salt. Large debris is removed from the mushrooms: leaves, hay, remains of soil.


Then they are placed in a bucket or bathtub, filled with cold water and left for several hours or a day. Then each mushroom should be washed under running water with a dishwashing sponge. Clean mushrooms are placed in a large, clean and dry container, such as a saucepan. Fill with water and put on fire. Mushrooms should be cooked over low heat from the moment they boil for 20 minutes. The finished mushrooms are carefully removed with a slotted spoon and left to cool.


The water in which the mushrooms were boiled must be filtered, cooled and refrigerated. Storing salted milk mushrooms and the water in which the mushrooms were boiled can last a long time. Then pour a layer of salt from two heaped tablespoons onto the bottom of the bucket, place dill seeds and peeled garlic cloves on top. Place the cooled milk mushrooms in an even layer in a bucket, caps down. Sprinkle salt on top. So lay out all the remaining mushrooms.


We place a weight on top of the mushrooms - a plate, and a jar of water on top. The brine that begins to separate from the mushrooms should completely cover all the layers, but if this does not happen, then you need to add a little water in which the mushrooms were boiled. In this form, we leave the mushrooms to salt for 2-3 days. Then you need to transfer the mushrooms into sterilized jars, press a clean leaf of cabbage on top and close, preferably with nylon lids. These mushrooms must be stored in the refrigerator.

Storage in glass containers

Glass jars are found in almost every home, so they are often used for pickling foods. In order for salted mushrooms to be perfectly preserved in a glass container, a number of important conditions must be ensured:

  • Use only clean dishes; it is advisable to sterilize them additionally.
  • Be sure to dry the jars thoroughly before adding mushrooms.
  • If the containers are small in volume, they can be stored in the refrigerator. For example, in the vegetable compartment. With this storage, the mushrooms will be suitable for consumption for up to 6 months.

    A significant batch of salted mushrooms is stored in a cellar, basement or other room. In this case, the place where the workpieces will be located must meet the following requirements:

  • Be dry, well ventilated.
  • The room temperature should be within +4 +6 °C. Below 0°C, mushrooms freeze, become brittle or crumble, and lose their taste; at temperatures above 6°C, the fermentation process begins, which leads to souring of the product and its spoilage.

There is another place in the apartment that can be used for storing pickled mushrooms. This is a balcony or loggia. In this case, special boxes are prepared for the cans: they are insulated with improvised materials, for example, an old blanket, batting, sawdust.

Salted mushrooms will not spoil in glass containers if they are always covered with brine. That is why it is necessary to periodically check the workpieces, and also ensure the movement of the brine by carefully shaking the containers. The lack of evaporated liquid in the jar should be replenished by adding new prepared brine or simply chilled boiled water.

Following these simple rules and ensuring proper storage conditions will allow you to enjoy delicious mushrooms for 1 year, until the next new harvest.

Important: after opening the jar, mushrooms can only be eaten for 2 days.

How to store salted mushrooms in the freezer

For those who do not have a dry cellar, there is a great way to preserve mushrooms after pickling. We are talking about storage in the freezer.

Do this:

  1. After the salting stage is completed, drain the brine from the mushrooms.
  2. The salted mushrooms are slightly dried.
  3. The product is packaged in plastic bags. They try to make small packages so that one part can be used at a time.
  4. Salted mushrooms prepared in this way are sent to the freezer. Here they are stored for quite a long time without loss of quality characteristics.

Salted mushrooms from the freezer are immediately ready to eat, without additional processing.

Storing pickled mushrooms at home

Autumn is the most fertile time of the year, when crops ripen and nature fades. In the fall, people begin to prepare for winter, which means stocking up on healthy vegetables, fruits and mushrooms. Wild mushrooms are the most preferred and beloved delicacy, so everyone wants champignons, boletus, milk mushrooms, honey mushrooms and aspen mushrooms to appear on the table frequently before the next season. You can preserve mushrooms for several months in the following ways: canning, freezing, drying, pickling. Pickling mushrooms is a reliable and effective storage method.

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An unusual storage option without brine

Some housewives prefer to store salted mushrooms without brine. It was noticed that fat and oily film do not leave mold any chance. Mushrooms prepared using this option will never become moldy.

The essence of the method is as follows:

  1. Mushrooms are salted in the usual, familiar way.
  2. A mandatory step is to keep the pickled mushrooms (in brine) in the refrigerator for at least 1 week.
  3. After 7 days, all the liquid is drained, and vegetable oil is poured into the container instead.
  4. To consume, you just need to drain the oil and enjoy the excellent taste of mushrooms.

For storage, choose a dry, cool and always dark place. Under the influence of light, the process of fat breakdown occurs, and this negatively affects the taste, rancid notes appear.

Good afternoon friends!

What do you think about when you see fragrant, crispy cold-salted milk mushrooms on the table? I am sure that men will not mind having a glass or two of strong wine with such a snack. And women will try to find out the recipe for an amazingly tasty preparation for the winter.

These robust mushrooms with a fleshy funnel-shaped cap, on a short thick stalk with white milky juice with a burning taste, are used exclusively for pickling, unlike other mushrooms, for example, which are only fried or dried.

These milkweeds are considered conditionally edible, so when cooking they must be boiled, and when cold, soaked. They can be salted in barrels, tubs, and enamel pans. I suggest preparing salted milk mushrooms in jars for long-term storage in a city apartment.

How to pickle milk mushrooms in a cold way so that they are tasty and crispy

We sort freshly collected lacticifers and remove dry forest debris: pine needles, stuck leaves. We cut large caps into small pieces that will easily fit in the mouth and will soak faster. Cut off the stems and rinse under running water.

We put the mushrooms in a container, fill them with water so that it slightly covers them from above, keep them under pressure so that they do not float up and are constantly in the water.

The soaking time depends on the temperature. At room temperature, the process will take place faster, at cooler temperatures it will take longer. If you don't soak them completely, they won't be bitter, but spicy.

This process should be taken with full responsibility, since it determines how tasty and crispy the mushrooms turn out.

For detailed additional information, especially for beginners, check out this video.

Interestingly, milk mushrooms do not soak in running water, but only turn black.

So, after soaking, the mushrooms should:

  • change color - black milk mushrooms change from dark olive to wine red, white ones acquire a bluish tint;
  • become soft and elastic;
  • decrease in volume by almost a third.


  • milk mushrooms - how many were collected
  • salt - 40-50 g per 1 kg of soaked milkweed

We place the prepared soaked semi-finished products on the bottom of the prepared container, put salt and spices between the layers and on top.

We add spices according to our preferences, these can be: oak leaves, currants, cherries, horseradish, dill umbrellas, garlic. Some people prefer to salt without spices.

Cover the top of the mushrooms with a clean cotton cloth, then with a pressure shield, this can be a wooden circle or a pan lid.

We use a can of juice as oppression. The milk mushrooms will thicken under pressure, settle and release juice. After a week, we check if there is brine in the jars. If too much of it is released, then drain it; if not enough, increase the load or add brine. Which we prepare separately by dissolving 20 g of salt in a liter of boiled cold water.

We send the container for storage in a cool cellar. After 35-40 days we take a sample.

You can always make pickled mushrooms from salted mushrooms by adding marinade.

The roots remaining after salting are used to prepare sauces and soups. Finely chop and dry, laying it out on a canvas on a hot day in the sun or shade. Then grind it into powder and store it in a dry place.

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