Is it possible to freeze persimmons in the freezer?

That's why I freeze persimmons and recommend it to everyone!

I’ve never heard before that persimmons should be frozen... Following my friend’s example, I’ve been freezing them for the third year in a row!
The fact is that persimmon skin contains a lot of tannins. These substances of plant origin have tanning and astringent properties. In the specific environment of the stomach, tannins are capable of forming accumulations of particles that cannot be digested.

Tannin is destroyed by freezing, so frozen persimmons are completely free of astringency. If fresh fruits had too much tannin, their taste was unpleasant and astringent, after freezing these defects will completely disappear. This, by the way, will improve the taste of the persimmon and make it sweeter.


If you want to freeze whole persimmons, first wash the fruits, then dry them completely. Wrap each persimmon in several layers of cling film and carefully place it in the freezer.

You can cut the fruit into pieces to later use as a preparation for pies, cereals and desserts. Line the bottom of the container with cling film and arrange the slices. Cover the top with a lid or several layers of film.

It is very convenient to freeze persimmons in the form of puree. To do this, use a teaspoon to remove all the pulp from the fruit and grind it in a blender. Place in cups or other plastic containers. This preparation can be added frozen to hot porridge or defrosted and eaten as a fresh dessert.

Preserving fresh persimmons at home is very problematic, so people have come up with a lot of options for preparing this berry. Persimmons can be stored in three types: fresh, frozen and dried (or dried). Choose any of the proposed methods, and you will be provided with vitamins and other useful substances for the whole year until the next harvest.

Everything is useful in moderation. Fears of possible intestinal obstruction should not force you to completely abandon this valuable berry.

People often ask how much persimmon you can eat during the day. For a healthy person, the safe norm is 2 fruits. It is only important to exercise some caution: avoid eating unripe persimmons, do not eat persimmons on an empty stomach, and do not eat persimmon fruits with cold water and milk.

Preserving fresh persimmons at home is very problematic, so people have come up with a lot of options for preparing this berry. Persimmons can be stored in three types: fresh, frozen and dried (or dried). Choose any of the proposed methods, and you will be provided with vitamins and other useful substances for the whole year until the next harvest.

Shelf life of persimmon

  • Shelf life: 3 months
  • Shelf life: 3 months
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 3 months
  • Freezer life: not specified

When persimmons appear in the store, many people buy them with pleasure. Some even freeze it in the freezer. Therefore, many are interested in what the shelf life of persimmons is.

If persimmons are stored in the freezer, then, in principle, the shelf life of persimmons is very long. You can store it in the freezer almost all winter. You should take into account the fact that after freezing it does not knit. At the same time, she is very sweet. On New Year's Day, persimmons can be used instead of ice cream.

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There is also information that the shelf life of persimmons without freezing is approximately two to three months. Recommended temperature: 0-1 degrees Celsius. Recommended relative humidity is approximately 85-90%. As you can see, the shelf life of persimmons is not very long. There is also evidence that if persimmons are frozen in the freezer and at the same time maintaining the temperature regime, then they can be stored for a very long time (until the next harvest).

But after defrosting (being already in a soft state), it can lie in the refrigerator for about a week. After this, it will begin to deteriorate. Of course, the shelf life of persimmons will largely depend on the condition of the fruit. If there is any damage on them, the fruits may begin to deteriorate earlier. If the fruits were absolutely whole, then they can lie in the refrigerator for a long time. Once thawed, they are unlikely to last very long. Thus, they will not be in demand for a long time. In principle, it is best to defrost persimmons as needed. Then there will be no problems with its storage and freshness.

It should also be noted that persimmon has approximately 500 varieties. Most of them grow in tropical climates. The main known types are: Caucasian tart, Japanese tart, chocolate sweet persimmon, kinglet.

Many will be interested to know that persimmon contains a sufficient amount of useful microelements. This fruit also has a number of irreplaceable properties. Persimmon is very often used for diseases of the thyroid gland. And all because this fruit contains a large amount of iodine. Due to the fact that persimmons contain a large amount of glucose and fructose, 2-3 persimmon fruits, in principle, can easily satisfy your hunger. Thus, from this article you learned about the main features of persimmons, as well as the shelf life of persimmons.

If persimmons are stored in the freezer, then, in principle, the shelf life of persimmons is very long. You can store it in the freezer almost all winter. You should take into account the fact that after freezing it does not knit. At the same time, she is very sweet. On New Year's Day, persimmons can be used instead of ice cream.

How to choose the right persimmon

Choosing a tasty and ripe fruit is a responsible matter. At the same time, its shape should not be your guideline, since there are many varieties of persimmon, and their shape can differ significantly.

But what you should pay close attention to is the carpels and skin of the berry. The leaves must be dry and brown in color. The skin should be thin with small stripes, and the fruit itself should be soft to the touch.

The most popular varieties of persimmons are kinglet, shakhinya and sharon.

To learn how to choose the right ripe and sweet persimmon, watch the video from the channel “Examination of Things. OTK"

The “Eda Mama” channel will talk about the benefits and healing properties of persimmons

Why do you freeze persimmons?

Everyone knows that sometimes the pulp of persimmons sticks in the mouth. This often happens in unripe fruits and is associated with the presence of tannin. Tannin in ripe berries is practically not felt. There is an opinion that eating unripe fruits, due to the presence of this tart substance, causes stomach upset. True, then you will have to eat more than one kilogram of persimmon.

But in any case, it is better to eat ripe sweet fruits. To rid persimmons of viscosity, you can freeze them in the freezer.

Another advantage of the process of freezing persimmons is the ability to preserve the fruits for a long time, and not just enjoy this healthy berry during the season.

Watch the video from the channel “Tomochka Clever” - How to speed up the ripening of persimmons! Persimmon doesn't knit!

Signs of ripeness

And if you choose ripe persimmon, then you definitely won’t have to ripen it. ? But such persimmons are usually more expensive.

  • Smooth and shiny surface,
  • Thin and translucent skin, ripe persimmons look like amber,
  • Brown stripes.
  • Soft to the touch.
  • Dry sepals are brown or brownish in color.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with Fleshy Leaves
Before understanding the methods of ripening green persimmons, you need to understand what properties ripe fruits have.

The variety of persimmon varieties significantly complicates the problem of determining universal parameters of berry ripeness, but it is still possible to identify general characteristics. Properties by which the degree of fruit ripeness is determined:

  1. Size.
  2. Peel color. Ripe fruits are orange with bright and dark shades. The presence of dark stripes on the rind is also a sign of ripeness.
  3. Pulp density.
  4. Taste. In ripe berries it is sweet, without strong viscosity.

Due to the tannin content, persimmon fruits have a tart, astringent taste. The maximum concentration of tannin is found in green, ripening fruits. This compound provides protection against being eaten by animals and prevents the spread of microorganisms.

As it ripens, the need for protection decreases and the tannin concentration decreases. Ripe berries contain the compound in minimal quantities. The main sign of the absence of tannin is the jelly-like structure of the pulp.

Signs of green persimmon:

  • dense pulp;
  • strong, thick peel;
  • astringent taste;
  • small sizes.

It is worth understanding that the characteristics of the fruits of not all varieties of persimmon meet the general requirements for ripeness. Thus, South American persimmons are distinguished by their green peel color. During the ripening process, the rind and pulp acquire a dark, brownish color, and the taste becomes similar to dark chocolate.

This persimmon is called “chocolate pudding.” In the Philippines, persimmons with bright red skin are grown. Such berries are called “velvet apple”. In the Caucasus, varieties are grown whose fruit size does not exceed 4 cm in diameter.

Persimmon is a bright representative of subtropical fruits, literally and figuratively. It is not for nothing that it is also called “orange sun”, “heart apple tree”. Its name in Latin, diospyros kaki, means “food of the gods.” Perhaps because it brings great benefits to the human body.

In the ranking of the most useful winter fruits, persimmon is among the undisputed leaders. It is by winter, with the onset of ripening, that its biologically active substances gain maximum healing power. In November and December - the best source of vitamins and nutrients.

The fruits appear on the shelves of supermarkets and markets in late autumn, and are collected until frost. The excellent ability of picked persimmon fruits to ripen allows you to harvest in the so-called. “removable maturity”, ensuring good transportability. In order for such fruits to ripen, they are often placed together with bananas in cardboard boxes. Within a day, the fruits become bright orange.

Nevertheless, persimmon fruits are very often brought and offered for sale unripe. Since the taste and benefits of a fruit directly depend on its ripeness, the main advice when purchasing is to strive to choose the ripest fruits.

It will also be useful to separate the bunch and store the fruits separately.

How to freeze persimmons in the freezer

Whole persimmon

The fruits are thoroughly washed under running water and dried with towels. It is very important that the berries are perfectly dry before freezing, since ice crystals forming on the surface can damage the fruit.

Each berry is placed in a separate plastic bag or tightly wrapped in several layers of cling film.

In this form, persimmons are sent to the frost. After just 12 hours, you will be able to enjoy the fruits, completely devoid of astringent taste.

Persimmon pieces

Persimmons can be frozen in small slices, and later this freezing can be used to prepare various desserts and baked goods.

So, wash and dry the fruits, just like in the previous recipe. Then cut the persimmon into 4 - 6 slices, removing the seeds.

How long to store and how to defrost frozen persimmons

You can store persimmons frozen for 10 to 12 months. Compliance with the temperature regime of -18ºС is mandatory.

Persimmon slices are used for baking without defrosting, and for dessert dishes the preparation must be kept at room temperature for several hours.

Puree is added to hot porridges in frozen form.

Whole persimmons can be thawed by placing them in an airtight bag. In this form, the frozen berries are placed in a bowl of warm water until completely thawed. Since persimmons acquire a jelly-like structure after defrosting, they should be placed in a small cup before use.

But in any case, it is better to eat ripe sweet fruits. To rid persimmons of viscosity, you can freeze them in the freezer.

Frozen persimmon how to use

To destroy this component, they often resort to a small trick - they freeze persimmons. This way she becomes sweeter

recipes for cleansing the whole body folk remedies Persimmon fruits have great nutritional value mainly due to the content of glucose and sucrose in them.

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Ripe persimmons should be stored in the refrigerator, while frozen persimmons will not lose their properties when kept in the freezer for up to six months.

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In addition, to get rid of the astringent taste, persimmon fruits can be frozen - after thawing, there is no astringent taste. Persimmon has tonic properties.

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Frozen persimmons lose all their astringent astringency and are stored for up to six months without losing any of their qualities.

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Freeze persimmons in the freezer and defrost before using. Place persimmons in one bag with tomatoes or red apples and tie.

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A fruit like persimmon should be stored very carefully. The most common ways to store persimmons are to freeze and dry.

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Persimmons can be preserved dried, dried or frozen. When defrosting, the fruits must be placed in cold water.

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To destroy this component, they often resort to a small trick - they freeze persimmons. This way she becomes sweeter

recipes for cleansing the whole body folk remedies Persimmon fruits have great nutritional value mainly due to the content of glucose and sucrose in them.

Why do this?

Let's look at why you need to freeze persimmons and for what purpose this is done.

Should I put it in the cold so I don't knit?

Surely, everyone is familiar with this situation: they bought a persimmon, but it knits. In addition to unpleasant sensations, such a delicacy can also cause stomach upset. This is due to the tannin content in the fruit; once it enters the stomach, it accumulates and is poorly digested.

How long do you need to keep the fruit in the freezer for it to stop knitting and why does this happen? It is enough to put persimmons in the freezer for several hours, and the astringent taste will disappear completely due to the fact that the tannin is destroyed.

To provide a supply for the winter

If you want to enjoy the taste of persimmons all year round, take care of this in advance and put the persimmons in the freezer. Having such a supply, you can delight yourself and your loved ones with unusual desserts in the winter.

Benefits and harms

Is frozen fruit healthy? Frozen persimmon retains all its valuable properties. Enjoying its wonderful taste, we saturate the body with vitamins and beneficial macro and microelements, which are so lacking in the autumn-winter period. Let's find out the benefits and harms of frozen fruit.

The main beneficial properties of persimmon:

  • High content of vitamins A and C.
  • The product contains potassium, calcium, iodine, manganese, iron.
  • Good for the heart and blood vessels, thanks to the large amount of magnesium.
  • Increases performance, has a tonic effect.
  • Useful for varicose veins, as well as bleeding gums.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Contains antioxidants that protect cells from aging.
  • Recommended for patients with anemia due to its iron content.
  • Normalizes intestinal function.

In addition, freezing helps improve the taste of persimmons .

But is it always possible to eat frozen persimmons? Not recommended:

  • Eating persimmons on an empty stomach.
  • Drink with water or milk.
  • Eat with fish and seafood.
  • Eat for people with diabetes.
  • Give to children under 3 years of age.

Rules for freezing pineapple

  1. peel, cut into cubes, circles or slices.
  2. Place on a flat plate and freeze.
  3. Place in a plastic bag, tie well and put back in the freezer.
  4. Pieces of fruit prepared in this way will not stick together and will remain fresh for up to 3 months.

For housewives living in cities where it is not always possible to buy exotic berries, the question of whether persimmons can be frozen is very relevant.

The second reason that arouses interest in this issue is the increased viscosity of the pulp of some varieties of persimmon, which is eliminated by exposure to low temperatures.

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Step-by-step instructions: how to do it correctly?

For long term storage


The easiest way is to freeze the fruits whole . It will take a minimum of time and effort. To do this, follow the above recommendations.

This method is recommended to get rid of the astringent taste.


The method of freezing persimmons in slices or pieces is ideal for lovers of baked goods and unusual salads. The frozen product is convenient to use as a filling for pies and for making desserts.

  1. We cut the washed dry berries into pieces of arbitrary sizes, be sure to remove the seeds.
  2. Place in prepared containers or disposable pallets.
  3. Carefully pack, wrap in cling film and place in the freezer.

Frozen persimmons in the form of puree are an ideal filler for porridge or an airy dessert.

  1. To prepare, divide the fruit into two parts and remove the seeds.
  2. Using a spoon, extract the pulp, separate it from the skin and grind it with a blender until smooth.
  3. Place the resulting mass into ice cube trays or plastic cups for one-time use.
  4. After the puree is frozen, put it into bags and pack tightly.

In this form, persimmons are perfectly stored and will not take up much space in the freezer.

In order not to knit

If the persimmon knits, you need to put it in the freezer for at least 2 hours. After this, the berry will become sweeter and the viscous taste will disappear.

Step-by-step instructions: how to defrost?


To quickly defrost persimmons, you need to take them out of the freezer and, without removing them from the bag, place them in warm water. This method is quite fast, but after thawing the fruit may lose its shape and the pulp may spread.

In the microwave

Persimmons can be defrosted in the microwave , but to do this you need to know some subtleties.

  1. It is recommended to pour a little water into the bottom of the dish and place frozen fruit there.
  2. Set the mode to the lowest power and constantly monitor the defrosting process.

In natural conditions

But the most correct way is considered to be defrosting persimmons naturally . To do this, you need to free the frozen product from the film or bag and place it in a deep plate. Now we wait for the fruit to completely thaw.

For what dishes can this product be used?

We immediately eat defrosted persimmons or prepare popsicles, yogurt or dessert with cream cheese. You can also make mousse, jelly or pudding.

If you want to surprise your guests, prepare an unusual bright salad with persimmons . To do this you will need:

Cut all the ingredients into thin slices and sprinkle with roasted almonds on top.

And you can make tea from persimmon leaves , so don’t throw them away, just add them to the drink.

That's all the simple rules for freezing persimmons. Follow them and there will always be a bright orange juicy berry on your table. When consumed regularly, persimmon has a rejuvenating, restorative and tonic effect on the body, normalizes appetite and improves digestion, and is a natural antidepressant. The daily dose of product consumption is 2–3 fruits .

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This method is recommended to get rid of the astringent taste.

That's why I freeze persimmons! And you will do the same.

The new harvest of persimmons is already being sold in stores and markets. This delicious oriental fruit is equally loved by children and adults. Ripe, juicy fruits have become a common winter delicacy in many countries. Persimmons are not only tasty, but also good for our health. If you regularly consume persimmon, you can prevent many diseases. However, for all its attractiveness and usefulness, persimmon is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance...

Are persimmons healthy?

Beneficial features

  • General strengthening effect on the body
  • The polyphenols contained in persimmons, as well as catechin, have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Due to the beneficial composition of the berry
  • perfectly nourishes the body during the flu and cold season.

And the orange pigment beta-carotene has a positive effect on the organs of the respiratory system, preventing the development of complications, in particular pneumonia and bronchitis.

For diseases of the cardiovascular system, Persimmon helps maintain normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels due to its high content of potassium and magnesium. These substances are extremely important, as they participate in the metabolism of heart muscle cells and saturate them with energy. They regulate the contractile function of the myocardium, which allows us to call the use of persimmon a natural prevention of arrhythmia and heart failure.

For urolithiasis Magnesium contained in persimmon reduces the likelihood of kidney stones, helps remove sodium salts from the body and relieve the load on the kidneys. This fruit has diuretic and tonic properties.

For anemia Persimmon pulp is an excellent remedy for this disease, since the fruit contains a large amount of iron. This is especially important for expectant mothers, whose bodies often suffer from a lack of this element.

Against cancer Persimmon helps delay the growth of tumors. Persimmon fruits contain a high percentage of beta-carotene, which is a very strong antioxidant that can fight free radicals that destroy cellular structures.


Obesity and diabetes Persimmons contain a large amount of sugars, so they are not recommended for overweight people or diabetics.

Children under three years of age It is better not to give persimmon to children under three years of age, since at this age they have not yet developed normal production of gastric juice. Because of this, particles and fibers of the fruit can stick together into a lump and cause abdominal pain.

Allergies Experts do not advise people with hypersensitivity to iodine to eat persimmons. In such cases, it can cause harm, causing allergic reactions of various manifestations. Allergy to iodine is more common in children, but if it occurs in an adult, it is much more severe.

Caries Always after eating persimmon you need to brush your teeth or rinse your mouth, since there is a high risk of caries from the effects of acids of organic origin and tannin on the enamel.

Intestinal dysfunction People who have undergone surgery on the intestines and stomach should stop eating persimmons. Excessive consumption of the fruit can lead to the formation of a foreign body in the intestine - a bezoar - and, as a consequence, to intestinal obstruction and emergency surgery.

The fact is that persimmon skin contains a lot of tannins. These substances of plant origin have tanning and astringent properties. In the specific environment of the stomach, tannins are capable of forming accumulations of particles that cannot be digested. persimmon and stomach problems

Tannin is destroyed by freezing, so frozen persimmons are completely free of astringency. If fresh fruits had too much tannin, their taste was unpleasant and astringent, after freezing these defects will completely disappear. This, by the way, will improve the taste of persimmons and make them sweeter.

How to properly freeze persimmons

  1. If you want to freeze whole persimmons, first wash the fruits and then dry them completely.
  2. Wrap each persimmon in several layers of cling film and carefully place it in the freezer.
  3. You can cut the fruit into pieces to later use as a preparation for pies, cereals and desserts.
  4. Cover the bottom of the container with cling film and arrange the slices.
  5. Cover the top with a lid or several layers of film. It is very convenient to freeze persimmons in the form of puree. To do this, use a teaspoon to remove all the pulp from the fruit and grind it in a blender. Place in cups or other plastic containers.
  6. This preparation can be added frozen to hot porridge or defrosted and eaten as a fresh dessert.

Ripening persimmons at home

As mentioned above, green persimmons are characterized by low sugar content, high astringency and viscosity. To enjoy ripe berries, you need to know how persimmons ripen at home.

The green, unripe fruit has a strong astringent taste. When the berries finally ripen, most varieties of the plant in question lose their viscosity.

Since the fruits are not characterized by high transportability and shelf life, and the regions where the product is grown are in the tropics and subtropics, persimmons are harvested in their green form. It is transported to the region of consumption unripe.

This measure helps reduce the likelihood of spoilage and damage to delicate ripe fruits during transportation. The sale of green fruits makes the problem of eliminating viscosity at home urgent.

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Two effective ways to help get rid of fruit viscosity:

  1. Freezing in the freezer.
  2. Standing in a warm place.

In addition to the astringent taste, the disadvantages of unripe persimmons include the effect on digestion. Green berries often lead to gastrointestinal upset.

Ways to effectively ripen persimmons at home:

  1. Place in a container with an apple or banana. Fruits contain ethylene. This organic phytohormone accelerates the processes of growth and maturation. Apples and bananas emit large amounts of ethylene. Their presence in the container will help speed up the ripening process of the berries. It is important to remember that persimmons have delicate pulp and peel, so it is better to place the apple and banana at the bottom of the bag or container so that they do not crush the berries.
  2. Place in the freezer for twenty-four hours. After freezing, the fruits are thawed at room temperature.
  3. Standing in warm water for 24 hours. The water temperature should not exceed 40 °C. When exposed to higher temperatures, the peel will “weld.”
  4. When storing at home, the ripening process will be accelerated by piercing the peel with a needle dipped in ethyl alcohol. Each fruit is carefully pierced in several places.
  5. Natural ripening in room conditions. The unripe fruit is left for forty-eight hours.

To maximize the preservation of all useful elements in the berries, it is recommended to use ripening methods by natural storage with an apple or on the table at room temperature and humidity.

Sudden temperature changes and exposure to the skin inevitably lead to the loss of vitamins and other useful elements. Methods of freezing and settling in water also reduce the shelf life. As mentioned above, in parallel with the ripening process, a decrease in viscosity in the fruit occurs.

How to stock up on valuable overseas fruit for the summer: secrets of properly freezing persimmons

Such an exotic fruit as persimmon is very beneficial for our health, because it contains a huge amount of vitamin C (much more than lemon). In addition, persimmon has a positive effect on vision, strengthening it and preventing the development of abnormalities. In other words, it can replace a whole range of vegetables and other fruits. But there is one more secret that not everyone knows about - persimmons can and should be frozen.

What will freezing persimmons give us?

Someone will ask the question - why freeze it? Look at this question from the other side - we all freeze some fruits and vegetables for the winter. So why is persimmon worse than the rest? If this fruit has a positive effect on the body, then it will be equally useful in both summer and winter.

That is why there is nothing surprising in freezing persimmons. The only thing that can scare you away is the high cost of this fruit. However, it is not necessary to immediately buy a bucket of persimmons and freeze them - a couple of kilograms is enough.

First of all, freezing persimmons will allow you to provide yourself with this fruit throughout the year. The persimmon season itself is very short - only a few weeks, and the rest of the time it is almost impossible to find it on the shelves. And thanks to freezing, there will be no problems with this. In addition, freezing helps improve the taste of persimmons.

The fact is that if it is not ripe enough, an astringent taste will appear in the mouth. Not only is it unpleasant in itself, but it can also cause stomach upset. This taste is explained by the presence in persimmon of a substance such as tannin, which, however, is completely destroyed under the influence of low temperature. Therefore, even unripe persimmons will be sweet, without traces of an astringent taste.

Freezing options

At the moment, there are 3 options for freezing persimmons - whole, in pieces or in puree form. Which one to choose is up to everyone to decide for themselves. However, each of these options has certain features. Let's look at them in more detail.

Method No. 1. Freezing whole fruits

First, the persimmons need to be washed and dried. Please note that wet fruits should not be placed in the freezer - this will cause ice crystals to appear on their surface, which will begin to destroy the fruit. Such persimmons will not only lose their taste, but will also be practically unusable.

Therefore, first dry the fruits or wipe them with a towel, and only then put them in the freezer for 12 hours. After this, the persimmon can be eaten - the astringent taste will completely disappear. This option is ideal if you just bought a persimmon that sticks in your mouth and plan to eat it in its pure form.

Method number 2. Freezing in pieces

This method is suitable if in the future you plan to use persimmon as a component for various types of baked goods. Freezing time is also 12 hours. First, the fruit must be divided into 6 equal parts. This is not difficult to do, since each fruit consists of separate segments.

If you find seeds inside, you need to remove them. Next, you need to take a plastic food container, put cellophane on the bottom, and put pieces of persimmon on it. Close the top of the container, but make sure that air gets in (just don’t close it too tightly).

Method number 3. Persimmon puree

In this form, persimmon will be an ideal ingredient for various types of porridges and other dishes. It’s quite simple to prepare - you need to take a persimmon and divide it into 2 parts. If you find seeds inside, they need to be removed. After this, use a spoon to remove all the pulp from the fruit, place it in a container, and stir until smooth using a blender.

After that, you can put it in ice cube trays or disposable cups. Next, put it in the freezer to freeze. After the puree is completely frozen, you can put it in a container or plastic bag and put it back in the freezer. Use as needed as the puree can be stored for a very long time.

Eating frozen persimmons

In general, frozen persimmons can retain their properties for a year. You can use it at any time by simply taking the fruit out of the freezer and keeping it indoors for about 3 hours. During this time it will melt.

As for the sphere of consumption, there are a lot of options. Some even add persimmons to salads. This gives them a bright and original taste. Don't be afraid of experiments - in this regard they are completely safe.

Be sure to try freezing persimmons, and you can enjoy their taste whenever you want!

In general, frozen persimmons can retain their properties for a year. You can use it at any time by simply taking the fruit out of the freezer and keeping it indoors for about 3 hours. During this time it will melt. hurmu/

Tips on how to choose ripe persimmons and store them correctly

The question of how to choose the right persimmon is almost more pressing than the question of how to eat it. The largest and brightest fruits may turn out to be sweet, but completely inedible. Only fully ripened persimmons are guaranteed to be tender. How to recognize it when purchasing?

  • Try to choose persimmons with soft barrels.
  • Look at the stalk. Ripe persimmons have both leaves and stalks that are usually dry and brown in color.
  • By definition, the non-astringent persimmon of the “korolek” variety can be recognized by the dark red color of the skin and brown pulp with dark veins. In addition, this variety is distinguished by its smaller size and round shape of fruits.
  • Place it in a cardboard box along with ripe bananas and leave at room temperature. This proximity will speed up the ripening of persimmons.
  • Place persimmons in a plastic bag with apples and tomatoes: they emit ethylene, which accelerates ripening.
  • Keep the persimmon for 10-12 hours in warm (30-40 degrees) water - the tannins will decompose, and therefore the astringent taste will go away.
  • Prick hard persimmon fruits with a needle dipped in alcohol.

In warmer regions, non-astringent persimmon grows, the most famous of these varieties being “Korolek”, “Chocolate” or “Chocolate Korolek”. It can be eaten even if it is not fully ripe. Astringent varieties are edible only when fully ripe, to a jelly-like state. They usually grow where it is colder. The taste of not too ripe persimmons can be improved by sprinkling them with lemon juice and sprinkling with sugar.

  • Pour alcohol
  • Dry (wither). You just need to keep in mind that if dried persimmons are wet, the tart, unpleasant taste can be restored.
  • Freeze and defrost before serving

But it’s no longer possible to bite such a persimmon, you will need to eat it with a spoon or drink it - persimmons make excellent cocktails. However, cocktails are made not only from those fruits that you decided to freeze and thaw in order to get rid of the astringent properties, but also from any soft, ripe persimmon. It goes well with orange and carrot juice, with lingonberries and cranberries, with pineapple and mango nectar. In Korea, persimmon is used to make a punch called “sujeongwa.” The main thing is not to mix persimmons with milk: the consequences will not be long in coming.

Many people, when choosing “orange sun” or “Chinese peach”, that is, persimmon, do not know how to do it correctly, and buy unripe fruits, as a result they are immediately disappointed in their taste. To prevent this from happening, you must know how to choose the right persimmon so that you can then eat it with pleasure.

The absolute aces in this area are people living in the southern corners of our country, take, for example, Tuapse (a city in the Krasnodar Territory). So, the persimmon hangs there almost until the New Year, so it has excellent time to fully ripen. We have to gain skills when choosing persimmons.

Remember a simple point: persimmon is divided into two main types - regular and “king”.

The second type of fruit, as a rule, always ripens on time and at the same time has a sweet, non-astringent taste. When it is pollinated, it produces seeds and ripening occurs a little differently. Such persimmons have a stronger and very sweet taste, and a brownish color inside, which is why they received another name “chocolate”. If pollination does not occur and seeds do not form in the fruit, then it becomes harder and has a tart, slightly astringent taste.

It is quite possible to distinguish ripe persimmons from unripe ones. First of all, try to choose a fruit that will have soft sides and a jelly-like consistency inside; as for the stalk, it should be dry, along with the leaves, and have a brown tint.

“Chocolate kinglet” is easy to distinguish; it has a darkish-reddish tint of the peel, under which the brown pulp is visible, and most often the fruits are small in size.

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There is another variety of persimmon - “shakhinya”, which, as a rule, is large in the shape of a heart. And if it is not yet ripe, then its taste will certainly be astringent and tart. In order to distinguish a ripe “shakhina” from an unripe one, you need to carefully look at the skin of the fruit. If you see thin, dark rings on it, this indicates ripeness, besides, the more of them, the riper the fruit.

Do not rush to be upset if you bought persimmons for weight loss and discovered at home that they are not yet ripe. There are several popular ways to bring it to full maturity at home.

1. Place the fruit in the freezer for 12 - 15 hours. After that, take it out and defrost. The persimmon should become softer and sweeter.

2. Or, on the contrary, put the unripe fruit in warm water for the same time, approximately 40 C, the effect should be the same.

3. If you don’t like the tart taste, put the fruit in any alcoholic drink, it should lose the tart taste.

4. Apples and tomatoes will be an excellent salvation for unripe persimmons. Place them in the same bag because the ethylene they produce is a great tool for ripening fruit.

If you bought unripe and astringent fruits, do not be upset! To give persimmons a pleasant sweet taste, you just need to perform a few simple manipulations with them, which will relieve the berries of their astringency and help them ripen completely.

  • The simplest method to start the ripening process is to mix persimmons with any sour fruits like lemons, cherry plums or apples. After lying next to these fruits, the fruits will be ready for consumption in three days.
  • Another simple way to rid persimmons of the astringent taste is to freeze them in any form: whole or in pieces.
  • Persimmons ripen well in close proximity (preferably in one bag) with fruits that emit ethylene, such as bananas.
  • If you keep the fruits for 24 hours in a container with warm (about 40°C) water, then after 24 hours you will get ripe, sweet berries.

Choose any of the proposed methods for ripening and storing persimmons, and you will be provided with vitamins and other useful substances for the whole year until the next harvest.

  1. To the touch. Before you buy a persimmon, touch it without fear that the seller will express dissatisfaction. This fruit is tested exclusively in this way. Unless it will already be clear that it is soft, having a transparent, jelly-like constitution.
  2. Black stripes. This “drawing” indicates that the fruits have reached “condition” and you can determine their ripeness without even touching them.
  3. Black dots. This “coloring” is a clear sign of harvesting too early.
  4. Tail. Those who pick persimmons know that a dry tail means full ripening.
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