Is it possible to freeze carrots vitamins


: Frozen carrots can be stored in the freezer until the next winter season if you select quality vegetables, follow the rules and are guided by knowledge about the process.

The structural features of the vegetable crop dictate the rules that are recommended to be followed in order for the freezing result to be successful. Let's look at them:

  1. For storage, carrots must be dense, well-structured, and sufficiently juicy.
  2. There should be no cracks, scratches or grooves on the surface of the fruit. Otherwise, when frozen, the moisture on the skin will become ice. Which is extremely undesirable for the quality of storage.
  3. Cone-shaped fruits contain more nutrients. This means that the vegetable, while losing some of its vitamins during the freezing process, will be able to retain a certain amount of them.

Is it possible to store carrots in the freezer until spring?

Traditionally, carrots are stored in cool cellars and basements, packed in bags or folded into boxes with filling. If there is no storage, vegetables can be frozen in a home refrigerator. And this way it is easy to save it. Freezing root vegetables is economically beneficial, since vegetables are more expensive in winter

. In addition, it helps preserve most of the nutrients in vegetables.

I'm grating

One convenient way to store carrots is to freeze them in grated form. This method has the following advantages:

The main disadvantage of grated carrots is that the strong compaction in the container makes it difficult to divide it into portions.

. Fractures in the ice crust disrupt the structure of the vegetable. To get around this problem, grated carrots need to be stored in one of the following ways:

  • in small containers for one preparation;
  • strip in a long bag, rolling it up into a bar (when defrosting, just cut off the required length);
  • loosely in a bulk bag (you need to shake it 2-3 hours after putting it in the freezer so that the vegetables do not freeze).


: When grating carrots, choose the side of the grater where the holes are large. If this is not done, then the loss of carrot juice will be more significant.

We recommend watching a video about freezing grated carrots:


If the carrots are small, undamaged, and all approximately the same size, then such vegetables can be stored whole in the freezer. Features of freezing whole carrots



When storing boiled root vegetables, vegetables lose most of their beneficial properties.

. But sometimes such freezing is necessary so that you can quickly prepare baby puree, or use it for filling when baking.

Boiled carrots can be stored in two ways:

The whole process consists of the following steps:

  1. Vegetables should be washed (if preparing puree, cut into pieces).
  2. Place in cold unsalted water and bring to a boil.
  3. Cook for 20 to 35 minutes, depending on the size of the fruit.
  4. Remove the cooked carrots and place them in containers. They must be tightly closed so that foreign odors do not permeate the prepared product.
  5. To make the puree, beat the vegetables with a blender and place in small containers for ice (if it is intended for a child). The finished puree should be cooled quickly so that it does not darken.

A more gentle method of freezing heat-treated carrots is blanching

. Cooked root vegetables are immersed in water for three minutes. The pulled carrots are doused with an ice-cold stream of water; this should be done in order to lose less nutrients.

Boiled carrots have their own characteristics when defrosting:

  1. Vegetables taken out of the freezer are first kept on a shelf in the refrigerator for two to three hours.
  2. The thawed product is placed in the microwave for further defrosting.


: Re-freezing boiled carrots is not recommended.

Carrot juice for the winter

Cooking time – 1 liter

Cooking time – 40 minutes

This recipe is very simple, one might say, classic. In order to preserve carrot juice according to this recipe, you will not need a lot of time and skills, but you will stock up on a set of vitamins.

  • Choose juicy, good carrots that will yield a lot of juice when processed. Wash the fruits thoroughly and peel them, and also remove the butts. Then place the carrots in a blender or food processor and grind the carrots into small pieces, or better yet, into a pulp.
  • Place the carrot pulp into a juicer and carefully squeeze out the juice. The juice will be pulpy, but this is more good than bad. The specified amount of carrots should yield about a liter of juice, maybe a little less or more, depending on the type of carrots you use.
  • Pour the juice into a saucepan and add the required amount of sugar, taking into account that for each liter of juice you need about fifty grams. If it is a little more or less it will not affect the taste in any way. Place the pan with carrot juice on the stove, turn on moderate heat and pasteurize the juice for five minutes, stirring it. Rinse and sterilize the jars in the oven and boil the lids.
  • Pour the carrot juice into jars or bottles, and then place the containers with the juice in a saucepan with a napkin or towel on the bottom. Cover the jars with juice with sterile lids and fill the pan with the jars with enough water to reach the hangers. Boil the jars for fifteen minutes and roll up.
  • Carrot juice keeps well in a cool, dark place for about one and a half years. Serve in a beautiful carafe, mixed with cream or on its own.

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Preparing the vegetable

Let's take a step-by-step look at the process of preparing carrots for storage in the freezer for the winter:

Optimal container options for freezing carrots:

  • Vacuum bags
    . A convenient clasp allows you to seal the container hermetically, which means that foreign odors are not allowed inside. It is better to choose small packages for one meal preparation.
  • Plastic containers with a lid
    . Their ergonomic shape allows you to save space in the freezer compartment.

Harvest preparation

For freezing, they use purchased fruits or those collected from their own plot. The harvest is harvested in sunny, clear weather; high humidity shortens the shelf life of the berries.

In the process of preparing fruits, you must follow these rules:

  • When cutting bunches, be careful not to damage the grapes.
  • The collected products are placed in boxes and inspected for the presence of rotten, deformed, unripe specimens.
  • The fruits are separated from the clusters, washed under running cold water, and dried with a paper / waffle towel.
  • If grapes are frozen in bunches, they are hung vertically and dried in natural conditions.
  • The harvest is placed on a flat surface and placed in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

See also

How to properly freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter, the best cooking recipes


It is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation of the crop, regardless of the chosen freezing option. Skipping the preparatory stage is fraught with spoilage of fruits and a decrease in their aroma and taste.

How to store in the freezer?

After preliminary preparation of vegetables, you can proceed directly to freezing. An important rule for storing frozen vegetables is to ensure that the food in the container does not stick together into one frozen lump. Otherwise, there will be a problem with separating some of the carrots without damaging the remaining fruits.

To ensure that the vegetables in the container are crumbly, you should:

  1. Prepare a cutting board or tray.
  2. Spread the carrots evenly on it.
  3. Place the laid out fruits in the freezer for several hours.
  4. When they are slightly frozen, remove them.
  5. Place in prepared containers and return to the freezer compartment for long-term storage for the winter.

When placing slightly frozen carrots in a container, you should leave a little free space - with further freezing, the fruits will increase slightly in volume. If you use the “super freeze” refrigerator mode, you can quickly get frozen vegetables

, put them in containers and send them to the chamber for long-term storage.

To successfully store carrots in the freezer, you must follow certain rules:

How to freeze: preparation and recipes

Grapes are most often frozen just like that - whole, but there are also a number of recipes with additives. Let's look at the most interesting things.

First, a couple of tips on selecting berries and preparing them for freezing:

  1. Deformed and rotten berries are not suitable for storage; they will have to be removed from the bunch. It is also worth refusing unripe samples.
  2. Rinse the selected berries carefully with water, trying not to damage the integrity of the peel.
  3. When you have washed off all the dust, carefully transfer the grapes to a napkin and let the moisture absorb. Wet grapes cannot be frozen - they will stick together.
  4. It’s convenient to dry whole brushes - just hang them by a branch.

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Freezing whole berries will require another preparation step, but this is not necessary. Place clean and dry berries on a tray covered with parchment paper. Place the tray in the refrigerator and keep it there for several hours. The grapes must cool gradually, then by winter they will still be tasty.

Advice If you have a modern freezer, then set lower storage temperatures. Also place grapes in a separate chamber with vegetables, fruits and berries. Meat, fish and processed foods can impart an unpleasant odor to the berries.

Whole frozen

Large clusters, twigs or individual berries may stick together during storage if they are not prepared in a special way:

  1. Arrange the fruits so that they do not touch.
  2. Keep in the freezer for 6-8 hours.
  3. When everything is frozen, pack it into small bags or containers. Do not compact, let the berries be placed freely.
  4. Portions should be convenient, since grapes cannot be re-frozen. We recommend not placing more than 2-3 brushes in one bag.
  5. Leave some air in the bag.

Frozen grapes are hard, the berries do not stick together and are easy to separate from the branches.

Grapes in sugar

A tasty addition to porridges, compotes and various desserts is grapes in sugar. Prepare the berries as described above and simply sprinkle them with sugar. Store in portions in airtight bags.

Preparation with syrup

This method is recommended for freezing white grapes, which are stored in the cold somewhat worse than their black counterpart.

Thanks to sugar, such fruits will remain pleasant to the taste. Recipe:

  1. Prepare sugar syrup, proportions: water - 2 cups, sugar - 1 cup.
  2. Fill the container with berries and add syrup. Do not pour to the very top; the syrup will expand slightly in the freezer.
  3. Send for storage.
  4. Use for cooking compotes.

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Drunken grapes

A winter delicacy for the bravest. Prepare white grapes of any variety and white wine, you will also need sugar.

How to prepare an unusual snack:

  1. Wash and dry the grapes.
  2. For 2 glasses of wine - ¼ glass of granulated sugar. Mix well.
  3. Pour wine over grapes.
  4. Keep the preparation in the refrigerator for about 12 hours so that the berries are saturated with the wine aroma.
  5. Pour off the wine, dry the berries with napkins and roll in fine granulated sugar.
  6. Freeze and pack into small containers. Now your winter get-togethers with your girlfriends over a glass of wine will be decorated with a tart summer treat.

Grape puree

You will need a seedless variety. Wash, dry and grind the grapes in a meat grinder, or chop with a blender. Add sugar if the variety is unsweetened. Store in small containers. It makes an excellent addition to porridge, cottage cheese, and fruit fillings.

Alternative Methods

There are other options for storing grated carrots without freezing. Let's look at them.


In a city apartment, carrots (pre-cut into thin slices or strips) are dried in the oven, microwave, on the balcony or in a special dryer. Dried root vegetables contain a large amount of useful substances

. They are stored for up to a year in linen bags or containers without access to air.

We recommend watching a video of drying carrots for long-term storage:


The vegetable can be used when preparing homemade preparations for the winter. Carrots in hot and spicy canned salads have a long shelf life.

You can also dry carrot tops

. Dried tops brewed with boiling water are a healthy and tasty drink.

What to do if something goes wrong?

Even if you follow the technology for freezing carrots, you may encounter difficulties. Let's look at what problems may arise and how to solve them:

  • During the process of cooking vegetables (especially when grating), it turned out that they release a lot of liquid. In order not to get separately frozen carrot juice and dry cake, it is better to process such fruits in a juicer.
  • If you find that the vegetables are tough and not juicy, then the best way to freeze them is to boil or blanch them. Using this technique, the situation can be easily corrected.
  • If carrots have become saturated with the smell of other foods in the refrigerator, then you need to seal the bags and containers in which they are packaged. Or place bags of rice grains in the refrigerator - they will absorb all foreign odors.

Here are some additional tips. When freezing carrots for the winter, it is recommended to follow certain rules


Carrots stored in the freezer will delight the housewife with everything: the ability to use winter preparations at any time in cooking, their taste, ease of processing, and savings. Don't ignore this great method for storing root vegetables. And the result will exceed all expectations!

If you want to significantly save your time, we recommend paying attention to various “cold” carrot preparations. We invite you to get acquainted with the most popular options for freezing this vegetable crop.

Juice mixture

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To dilute the taste of carrot juice and make it less intense, you can mix it with other vegetables or fruits. Carrot-apple juice turns out very tasty. And the carrot-beetroot mixture is just a vitamin cocktail for raising hemoglobin. When drinking juice, it can be diluted with water to eliminate the strong taste.

Carrot-apple juice


  • carrots – 1 kg;
  • apples – 3 kg;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp.

Cooking technology:

  1. Peel apples and carrots and run through a juicer.

  2. Pour both juices into the pan, add sugar.
  3. Bring the mixed juice to a boil and let simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat, pour the juice into sterilized jars and seal.

Carrot-beet juice


  • carrots – 1 kg;
  • beets – 1 kg (a little less, but not more);
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking technology:

  1. Peel beets and carrots and grind through a meat grinder or juicer.
  2. Mix the juices and add a little sugar.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer gently for 4 minutes.
  4. Pour into glass containers and roll up.

Carrot-beetroot-apple juice in a blender - video

Diet carrot-pumpkin juice

Carrots also promote weight loss. Mixtures are prepared using carrot juice to help you lose excess weight faster. Such juices are consumed both fresh and canned, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach in courses of 10 days. These include juice from carrots and pumpkin.


  • carrots – 1 kg;
  • pumpkin – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • water – 1 tbsp.;
  • citric acid – 10 g.

Cooking technology:

  1. Chop the vegetables (carrots - grated, pumpkin - finely chopped).

  2. Place carrots and pumpkin in a saucepan, add water and cook until soft.

  3. Grind the prepared vegetables using a sieve until smooth.

  4. Pour the resulting mixture back into the pan and let it boil.
  5. Add sugar, citric acid and cook for 5 minutes, reducing heat.
  6. Pour the finished juice into pre-sterilized glass containers and roll up.

It is worth taking into account that, despite the benefits it brings, there are restrictions on taking carrot juice. So, you can’t drink juice all the time, otherwise you may experience pain in the head, abnormal bowel movements, and even vomiting.

Unlimited intake of carrot juice causes changes in skin color (yellowing).

It is better to take carrot juice as a snack between breakfast, lunch and dinner. Drink in small courses with breaks, and immediately before drinking, add a few drops of olive or vegetable oil or a little sour cream to a glass of juice. This will help the juice to be better absorbed and release its vitamins.

Pumpkin and carrot juice through a juicer - video

Suitable cookware

Freezing carrots in the freezer involves storing them in various containers. The most suitable for this type of preservation are:

  • plastic containers;
  • plastic bags;
  • ice trays;
  • vacuum bags with zipper.

When using plastic containers, do not forget to leave a little empty space from the product to the lid (1-2 cm), as vegetables expand when frozen and will need more space.

This root vegetable can be stored in the freezer for 3-4 months at a temperature of -18-23 C. It is not recommended to go beyond this limit in order to avoid loss of taste and beneficial properties.

Freezing methods


Cut the pre-scalded carrots into thin rings (wheels). Place on a wooden board and let dry slightly for 20-30 minutes. Transfer to the required container and then put it in the freezer.

On a grater

Take a medium grater. Rub the blanched vegetable on it. Place the resulting mass on a paper towel to allow excess moisture to evaporate. Divide the product into several bags in small portions. After all, in this way you can carry out partial defrosting to prepare one dish.


Pour boiling water over the root vegetable. Cut it into neat strips, turning them into small cubes 5-6 mm thick. Place the workpiece in the selected container. Place in the freezer.

As a puree

Pour the peeled vegetable with cold water. Place over low heat and cook for 20-25 minutes until completely softened. When ready, take a blender and puree the root vegetable. Cool. Transfer to a container. Place in the freezer. Carrots prepared in this form can be stored for 1-2 months.

In ice cubes

Pour boiling water over the root vegetable. Let it cool a little. Grind in a blender. Place into ice cube trays. Pour in olive, linseed or sunflower oil. Place in the freezer. These cubes can be added to a variety of soups, gravies and sauces.

Recipes for frozen carrots

Vegetable salad

You will need:

  • carrots - 300 gr.;
  • beets - 200 gr.;
  • red beans - 3 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp.

Place the grated frozen carrots on a paper towel and let them thaw a little.
Boil the beets, cool, and grate on a fine grater. Mix all ingredients. Season with olive oil. Add salt to taste. frozen vegetables can be added to salads

Chicken soup


  • carrots - 100 gr.;
  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste.

Heat the diced carrots in a frying pan along with the onion, chopped into half rings. Boil the chicken breast. Add the potatoes to the prepared broth. After boiling, place vegetables and meat in a saucepan. Cook for another 10-15 minutes. Add salt to taste.

Carrot cake


  • carrot puree - 300 gr.;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 1 glass;
  • granulated sugar - ½ cup;
  • baking powder - 1 sachet;
  • kefir - 150 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

Beat eggs with sugar using a blender. Add flour, kefir and baking powder. Stir again. Add carrot puree. Add salt to taste. Mix thoroughly. Preheat the oven to 200 C. Grease a baking dish with butter. Lay out the dough. Bake for 20-30 minutes. You can sprinkle with powdered sugar as a decoration.

Baked carrots

You will need:

  • carrots - 400 gr.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • basil - 1 bunch;
  • salt - to taste.

Chop fresh basil. Grate the garlic. Line a baking pan with parchment paper and grease with olive oil. Place carrots cut into rings. Season with garlic and basil. Add some salt. Place the dishes in a preheated oven at 180 C for 30-40 minutes.

Cream soup

You need to take:

  • carrot puree - 500 gr.;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • cream - 1 glass;
  • salt - to taste;
  • cheese - 200 gr.

Fry the onions along with the garlic. Add to carrot puree. Fill with cream. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Add some salt. Finally, sprinkle with grated cheese.

There are several simple ways to freeze carrots, each of which was described in detail in our article. We have also selected delicious and healthy recipes based on this vegetable especially for you. Bon appetit!

Well, now about how to freeze carrots in detail.

Make it a rule - when starting the freezing process, stock up on ice in sufficient quantity. Carrots, like many other vegetables, are blanched in boiling water and then cooled in cold water with ice. Therefore, if you do not have these cold cubes, you risk overcooking the vegetable and losing its taste.

The best root vegetables should be selected for freezing. Carrots should be medium in size, not limp or spoiled. If you have harvested carrots and start freezing them in a couple of days, then it is better to store the vegetable in the refrigerator or cellar, definitely in a cold place, in order to avoid the carrots from withering and losing their taste.

Medium-sized carrots are ideal for cooking. It is easy to work with (clean, cut), it has already acquired a bright orange color, aroma and taste.

Small carrots are a little paler in color and an order of magnitude inferior in taste. But “baby” carrots can also be frozen, whole, for example.

Be sure to thoroughly wash medium or small carrots. Fill a bowl with water and rinse the vegetable in a bowl or under running water, whichever is more convenient, you choose, but pay special attention to this process. All dirt, sand, debris - everything needs to be washed away. If there is dirt or clay stuck to the carrots and it is difficult to just wash it off with your hands, then arm yourself with a vegetable brush - it will be much easier to wash it off.

Clean carrots should be peeled. Using a knife, scrape off the top layer, cut off the ends on both sides and rinse in water.

While we are cleaning our carrots, you can put a pot of water on the fire.

Next, cut the carrots into circles, stripes or cubes. The housewife must determine the cutting form herself, depending on what dishes she will use the frozen vegetable in. I chose circles and strips 3 cm long. The thickness of all elements should be the same so that later they cook evenly in the dish. For example, circles 5 mm thick. etc.

Place the carrot slices in a sieve and place in boiling water for 2 minutes. Blanch young whole carrots for 4-5 minutes.

The carrot strips are also blanched for 2 minutes.

Meanwhile, remove 6 to 12 cubes of ice from the trays and add to cold water.

Carefully remove carrots from boiling water and cool in ice water.

Then dry on a clean kitchen towel, napkins or paper towel.

Do the same with the entire batch of carrots, remembering to bring the water in the pan to a boil again and add ice to the bowl of cold water.

When all the moisture has drained from the carrots, you can put it in the freezer. You need to spread the carrots on the tray in an even layer and let them freeze for 2-3 hours.

Current refrigerators and freezers have a “super-freeze” mode, which allows you to freeze food much faster, and then put it in special containers (or bags) and store it for 10-12 months at a temperature of minus 18 degrees.

When the carrot circles or strips are frozen, put them in trays for further storage (leaving a little space, since the carrots will expand when frozen) or put them in bags, releasing excess air.

Be sure to attach a label and indicate that the bag contains carrots (after all, it can be confused with pumpkin if you freeze it too) and the date of freezing.

These carrots do not need to be defrosted and can be immediately added to dishes while continuing the cooking process. Frozen carrot sticks are suitable for cooking or.

I also freeze grated carrots.

To do this, I simply grate unblanched peeled carrots on the coarse side of a grater. I package it in a thin layer in Zip-Lock bags, releasing excess air, and put it in the freezer.

After about 3 hours, I take out the bags and, without opening them, “break” them so that the carrots become crumbly in the middle of the bag. Thus, the carrots will not be one continuous layer and can be taken out with a spoon, as much as is necessary for preparing the dish. And don't forget to put a label with the date of freezing.

I most often use grated frozen carrots for preparing fried first courses, for example. You can also cook. There is also no need to defrost the vegetable first.

You can also freeze carrots as a puree in ice cube containers.

To do this, you need to immerse the carrots, peeled and cut into large cubes, into a pan of cold water. Transfer it to the fire and cook for an average of 25-35 minutes. Check readiness with a knife or fork. If the flesh of the vegetable easily passes through the knife, the vegetable is ready.

Vitamin carrots are a vegetable necessary for the body. How nice it is when carrots are born in abundance. You can prepare all sorts of dishes and preparations for the winter from it...

Freezing carrots for the winter at home is a simple and very convenient “thing” for housewives. The freezer helps to preserve all the important elements and vitamins in carrots. Grated carrots are good for the winter and for soup, and for frying, and as a filling for pies.

To freeze carrots for the winter in the freezer, in addition to fresh carrots, you will need small packaging bags. Compact for the freezer and convenient to use.

Carrots picked from your “home” garden are best suited for harvesting. We collect carrots in October, rinse them with water and then dry them well. We store it in the cellar until spring, but we always freeze some of it. Before cooking, peel the carrots, cut off part of the remaining stalk and the tip.

I put the vegetables through a meat grinder with a vegetable cutter attachment. It turns out like using a coarse grater, but much faster.

I freeze about a kilogram of carrots at one time.

I turn out the storage bags so that it is convenient to place three fists of grated carrots in each.

I lay out the carrots, but don’t tie the bags.

I form identical carrot “plates” and freeze them this way.

Freezing carrots for the winter at home is finished. Frozen carrots packaged in small portions are very convenient to use.

During the summer ripening period of vegetables, you can freeze carrots at home in the freezer or regular refrigerator. Freezing root vegetables at home has a number of advantages: in winter, prices for vegetables increase significantly, so you can save money. In addition, by freezing vegetables from your own garden, you will be confident in the quality of carrots and their safety for health.


Remember: your diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits, so you cannot completely switch to frozen foods.

Preservation methods

Carrot juice can be preserved in the following ways:

  1. Hot spill.
  2. Pasteurization (or sterilization).

When using the hot pour method, heat the juice well, strain and put it back on the fire. After the juice boils, let it simmer for a couple of minutes, pour into pre-sterilized glass containers and roll up. Turn the jars with juice over and wrap them up.

The pasteurization method differs in that the carrot juice cannot be allowed to boil - it is only heated, 2 times. After the first heating, the juice is given time to cool. And after the second, pour it into jars to the very top, so that there is no void left under the lid, and sterilize for 20 minutes.

Delicious carrot juice for the winter at home can only be obtained by using fresh, ripe (not overripe) vegetables. The fruits must not contain traces of pest damage or cracks. Wash the carrots well, peel and remove the hard part.

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To make carrot juice use:

  • meat grinder (you will have to make physical efforts and set aside time);
  • a mechanical juicer (the process of extracting juice is also manual, but not so long and turning the juicer is much easier than a meat grinder);
  • an electric juicer (a housewife's dream, since all she has to do is add vegetables, the device will do the rest).

Sterilized carrot juice

Most often, carrot juice is obtained using a juicer, and if you don’t have one on the farm, the juice can also be “extracted” using a meat grinder and a press. To make carrot juice for the winter, obtained from a juicer, you will need carrots and sugar (to taste).

Cooking technology:

  1. Pass the peeled carrots through a juicer and let the resulting juice settle.

  2. Strain the settled carrot juice into a saucepan using cheesecloth.

  3. Turn on low heat and heat the strained juice well, without letting it boil. do this twice.

  4. Add sugar, stir and pour into jars.
  5. Sterilize jars of juice for 30 minutes and then roll them up.

Carrot juice with pulp

Using a mixer you can prepare very tasty juice with pulp. This recipe for making carrot juice for the winter differs from the classic method of preservation in that it contains water.


  • carrots – 2.5 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sugar – 200 g.

Cooking technology:

  1. Wash, peel and chop well-ripe vegetables in a blender (you can use a coarse grater instead of a blender).

  2. Add water (a little) to the chopped carrots and cook until the vegetables can be easily pierced with a fork. Remove the foam formed during cooking.
  3. Cool the prepared carrot pulp a little and beat with a mixer.
  4. Separately prepare syrup from sugar and water (100 g per 1 l). Add it to the carrot pulp and let it cook for another 5 minutes.

  5. Pour into containers (sterilized) and seal.

  6. Leave to cool.

Carrot juice should be stored in a dark place for no more than a year.

Carrot juice prepared in a juicer

If you need to prepare natural carrot juice for the winter, you can do it in a juice cooker. But we must take into account that since the juice prepared in this way has a high concentration, it is better to dilute it with water before use. As mentioned above, the juice will be absolutely natural, since only carrots are used to prepare it.

Cooking technology:

  1. Before use, wash the juice cooker with hot water and boil the hose.
  2. Pour water into the base and bring to a boil.
  3. Next, add the carrots cut into pieces and close the juicer. Close the hose.
  4. It takes from 30 to 70 minutes to prepare the juice.
  5. Pour the finished juice hot into jars and close.

Is it worth it and is it possible to freeze carrots?

Many housewives wonder; Is it possible to freeze carrots for the winter and are vitamins preserved in frozen carrots? Preserving vegetables in the freezer is a completely natural and safe process, since carrots do not lose their nutritional and beneficial properties at all. In addition, when freezing carrots, you will not doubt its quality, since for these purposes in the summer (autumn) time, root vegetables grown in the garden or field are used. In winter, in supermarkets and markets there is a risk of purchasing an overseas vegetable stuffed with pesticides.

In order for you to be able to freeze carrots correctly, you need to know the basic rules for choosing vegetables and freezing methods.

How to freeze carrots:

How to prepare delicious and healthy carrot juice for the winter at home

The beneficial properties of carrots have been scientifically proven - the vegetable contains dozens of vitamins and minerals important for health. Root crops are grown on plots, bought in stores and markets, and housewives use them to prepare the main dishes of the daily diet. Carrot juice brings particular benefits to the body - it contains the maximum concentration of active substances in a form accessible for absorption.

Read our article about how to prepare carrot juice for the winter at home and preserve it for many months.

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Basic Rules

To obtain a healthy and juicy frozen vegetable, you need to follow the following basic rules for choosing root vegetables:

  • Carrots must be ripe, free from damage by insects and other pests;
  • Small vegetables can be frozen whole;
  • Do not freeze fruit that is too old or hard;
  • The root crop must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt, and the top layer of skin must be thinly cut off;
  • Before freezing, cut the prepared carrots into small pieces or grate them on a coarse grater.

Harvesting carrots for the winter:

Preparing the vegetable

Its taste and beneficial properties depend on proper preparation of carrots for freezing. First of all, primary processing of the root crop and its subsequent sterilization are necessary.

First of all, it is necessary to select ripe, dense and whole root crops that are not damaged by insects, fungal diseases and mold.

The carrots are thoroughly washed in water and the top layer is cut off a little.

Then you need to cut off the ends of the root vegetable and thoroughly rinse the vegetable again.

For freezing, it is best to cut the root vegetable into cubes or thin slices.

After completing the preparation of carrots for freezing, it is necessary to process them in boiling water or steam.

Do I need to blanch?

When freezing carrots for the winter, blanching plays a special role.

– short-term treatment of the product with boiling water or hot steam.

For blanching we need:

  • Pre-washed and peeled carrots;
  • A saucepan with boiling water;
  • Two liters of cold water;
  • Ice cubes.


Ice is necessary so that carrots treated with boiling water retain their structure, density, as well as vitamins and minerals.

The process of blanching a vegetable is as follows:

  • Place whole root vegetables in boiling water and let stand for 4-6 minutes;
  • Remove the carrots and immediately place them in a bowl of ice water for a similar period of time;
  • Remove the root vegetables from the ice water into a colander to drain the liquid;
  • Dry the carrots with a towel and immediately place them in the freezer. For convenience, it can be cut into small pieces.

To prevent carrots from sticking to each other, the root vegetables should not touch.

Required containers

It is best to freeze carrots in plastic containers or vacuum bags made of thick polyethylene.

Glassware should not be used for these purposes, as it may crack under low temperatures.

Carrot pieces should be placed in airtight containers so that there is 2-3 centimeters left to the edges. Cover them with a lid and put them in the freezer.

If you decide to freeze a vegetable in a bag, you need to remove all the air from it before placing this container in the freezer.

An excellent proven method for the winter:

It is recommended to close the bags filled with carrots with special clips or adhesive tape.


Carrots must be frozen and stored in the freezer. The minimum temperature for freezing vegetables is -8 °C (at this temperature the vegetable can be stored for no more than 90 days.

Storing root vegetables for six months is possible at freezing temperatures above -12°C.

In a regular refrigerator compartment, where the temperature ranges from 0 to +6, it will not be possible to store carrots for a long time.


Many housewives are interested in the question: what temperature is needed for high-quality and long-term freezing of vegetables? The most optimal way to freeze carrots is to freeze them in a freezer at a temperature range of -30 to -35°C.

. In this case, all bacteria and microbes are guaranteed to die, and vitamins and nutrients will be preserved in full.

If it is not possible to set such a low temperature, then carrots can be frozen at -18 or -23 °C.

The most popular methods

You can freeze carrots in any convenient way: whole or in parts.

Small root vegetables are usually frozen whole without cutting them into pieces. Large and medium vegetables are frozen:

  • In pieces;
  • Straws;
  • Small blocks;
  • In slices.

It is advisable to freeze the root vegetable in portions: in order to always be able to get the required amount of vegetable for preparing breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Freezing grated carrots:

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