Is it possible to freeze sour cream?

Is it possible to freeze the cake layers assembled into a cake before decorating?

First, freezing helps spread out the time when preparing the cake. That is, you can

  1. bake a biscuit,
  2. make icing and cream,
  3. decorate the cake

not necessarily right away, at once. After all, even professional confectioners make cakes in stages.

Secondly, it is easier to trim the sponge cake or decorate the cake with both the finishing cream and the main one after cooling. Since after freezing, a thawed sponge cake will not crumble as much and there will be fewer crumbs when applying cream and glaze.

What kind of cakes can be frozen

The best cake layers for freezing are sponge cakes. In fact, any ordinary basic biscuit, baked with the addition of butter. The exception is low-fat cakes, such as chiffon cakes. The absence of oil in their recipe allows the cake to dry in the freezer, and therefore it is better to serve cakes and chiffon sponge cakes immediately.

When can you freeze sponge cake for homemade cake?

The best time to freeze is after the cake layer has cooled completely, and preferably before leveling.

Leveling the cake is a trimming process. The reason it's best to freeze it before leveling is because it makes it much easier to level a cake that is still only partially defrosted (after 20-30 minutes of thawing, for example).

Ideally, after baking, you should let the biscuits cool in the tin for 10 minutes, remove from the tin and let them cool in the fridge before wrapping in cling film and freezing completely in the freezer.

Never wrap a warm crust. It may seem that when wrapped warm it will retain moisture, but in fact, the moisture that evaporates as it cools will no longer be able to “return to the biscuit.” Condensation will simply form under the cling film and the surface of the cake will become damp.

What to do if you have wrapped and frozen a sponge cake warm? Then leave it in the freezer, but when you take it out to defrost, immediately unwrap it and free it from the film and shake off all the frost particles so that the cake does not become wet.

Recipe for a regular classic sponge cake

Cook together

Don't mistrust them! Frozen confectionery is not a low-quality fake, it is really tasty, if, of course, all the secrets of the technology for producing such a treat are followed correctly. Before you refuse to buy a treat, doubting it, you should just find out more about its features. There are only 4 basic questions that need to be answered correctly. And then frozen desserts will become frequent guests on any table.

What it is?

The main questions concern the product characteristics themselves. The answers to them determine how much the cake will be in demand.

Question #1: What are frozen treats?

Answer. These are simply cakes and pastries that were prepared according to the classic recipe and then subjected to deep shock freezing. It allows them to be stored for 12 months, whereas the shelf life of conventional confectionery products does not exceed 72 hours from the date of production.

Question No. 2. Is it tasty?

Answer: yes! Properly prepared frozen cakes from the manufacturer are not inferior in quality to traditional delicacies. Moreover, they often retain a special flair. Deep freezing allows you to:

  • preserve all consumer qualities of each component of the dessert;
  • ensure the integrity of all elements - even fragile berries will not be damaged after freezing;
  • ensure a fresh taste of all ingredients without “mixing” different shades.

As a result, the cake after defrosting turns out to be the same as it was on the day it was made. And sometimes the shades of “coolness” remaining in the delicacy give it a special charm.

Cakes for special occasions!

The main advantage of the treat is that it can be stored until a really special occasion comes. This applies to both public catering establishments and home conditions: frozen pastries and cakes are relevant everywhere! And there are two more important aspects here.

Question No. 3. Is it possible to damage the cake before defrosting?

Answer: no, unless it is seriously cooked before serving. Such treats can be:

  1. Transport in the trunk of a car.
  2. Leave them in the refrigerator without fear of them losing their shape.
  3. Transport without observing special conditions - the cakes are packed in corrugated cardboard, which is an excellent heat insulator: this means that the products will not begin to melt, even if the car with it gets stuck in a long traffic jam, or the refrigerator in which it is contained defrosts.

After delivery, the treat can simply be placed in the freezer, where it will wait in the wings. No special actions are required.

Question No. 4. How to defrost a cake?

Answer. It's very simple: just leave it for 2-3 hours at room temperature. If urgent defrosting is required, you can use a microwave, but you need to ensure that all layers are heated evenly: you must not allow the top layers to boil while the inner layers remain cold.

If subsequent defrosting is in doubt (that is, there are fears that the conditions will not be met), it is better to immediately select the cake not as a whole, but in pieces. This will allow you to remove only a certain portion from the freezer without touching the entire product. This approach will create all the convenience, and most importantly, the first defrosted piece will be an impetus for purchasing other treats of this type, because you simply cannot help but like them!

How to Wrap Cakes for Freezing

We already talked about cling film above, and indeed, the best way to wrap sponge cakes for freezing is to wrap them in plastic cling film. It provides high-quality storage with moisture retention and protects the cake from additional moisture in the freezer.

If you are freezing the cakes for no more than three days, one layer of plastic wrap is sufficient. If you plan to keep them in the chamber for a long time, you will need to wrap them in two to three layers.

And long-term storage of biscuits can be used

  • two layers of plastic film
  • layer of foil or
  • special vacuum bag.

Cream-free cakes or double- or triple-wrapped sponge cakes can be stored in the home freezer for two to three months. But be sure to mark the package with the date of freezing.

By the way. The advantage of the vacuum method is that the bags can be reused by simply squeezing out the air before resealing the bag.

It's also a good idea to place the wrapped cakes on cardboard trays, which will help keep the shape of both the cakes and pastries. Cardboard liners also allow you to stack cakes on top of each other in the freezer to save space.

Features of storing mousse cakes

Taste, color, design - this, of course, is all very cool and tempting. But perhaps one of the most important aspects for me is the freshness of the product. After all, who needs all this beauty if the dessert is not fresh? Every self-respecting pastry chef must follow several unshakable rules, which must not be violated under any circumstances:

  • The products you use in the cooking process must be fresh! Therefore, when you go to the supermarket, carefully look at the production date and shelf life. This applies not only to milk, sour cream and cream. Don't forget to check the dry mixes, flour, cocoa, chocolate, gelatin and flavorings. There are no eternal products; even those that can be stored for years will sooner or later go bad. And upon returning from the store, carefully disassemble your purchases and store them under the conditions specified by the manufacturer.

There are some recipes - exceptions - in which the food must be "spoiled" in an artificial way, for example, a recipe for macaroon cookies that uses aged egg whites. But that's not what we're talking about now. And you shouldn’t buy obviously rotten eggs.

  • Strictly follow the instructions on product packaging and recipes. It is also necessary to observe the temperature regime during the preparation process, for example, gelatin must be diluted with liquid in strictly designated proportions, but it cannot be boiled, otherwise it will not harden.
  • Finished products should be stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life and temperature depend on the ingredients you used. Do you remember Elena Letuchaya, who loved to stick her nose into every refrigerator? And what did she say? That's right: “Observe the commodity neighborhood!” If you don’t want your wonderful dessert to smell like herring, then you shouldn’t put them on the same shelf. And if you cook to order, then the best option would be to buy a separate refrigerator. If this is not possible, then take care of packing your masterpieces in a plastic or paper box.

Mousse cakes have their own quirks. Since the texture of the mousse is very delicate, it should not be allowed to separate. And slight temperature fluctuations can cause it to leak. Therefore, in a regular refrigerator at a temperature of +2-+6°C, such a dessert can be stored for an average of 72 hours. That's so little! But there is also good news. If you decide to prepare it in advance or were unable to finish a few pieces, you can easily freeze them. How long does mousse cake last in the freezer? Approximately 10 days without loss of taste properties. After defrosting, put it back into the refrigerator. And again no more than 72 hours. And remember, no balconies, basements or other dry, cool places from Baba Nyura’s recipes!

How to defrost frozen sponge cake

The task of thawing frozen cakes is to prevent condensation from forming. After 5-10 minutes, remove the film from the frozen product and place it on a wire rack.

Periodically, during defrosting, remove condensation in the form of drops of water with a paper towel.

You can start decorating the cake while frozen. The idea is so-so... The problem is that leveling and cutting is very difficult when the product is frozen. In addition, the glaze will immediately harden, which will complicate the design. 20-30 minutes at room temperature is enough to defrost the cakes to a state where they can be leveled, layered with cream, assembled and decorated.

What are they?

Cakes are made at confectionery factories; they can be ordered from craftsmen in a private bakery. Home baking virtuosos deserve respect.

Confectionery products are usually distinguished:

  • by ingredients for decoration;
  • according to the composition of the cakes;
  • for making cream.


For decoration use:

  • nuts;
  • fruits;
  • candied fruit;
  • chocolate;
  • cocoa.

To keep the fruit on the cake fresh, they are coated with gelatin-based jelly.


The dough for the cakes is kneaded according to different recipes, from which it is obtained:

  • biscuit - consists of flour, sugar, eggs;
  • shortbread - add butter, sour cream;
  • puff – does not contain sugar, a lot of butter;
  • honey - use honey;
  • custard - flour is brewed in boiling water with butter, eggs are added;
  • protein - contains egg whites whipped with sugar.

Such cakes are baked on a production scale, but even at home, skilled housewives use them to create their own masterpieces.


The baked cakes are assembled into a cake using cream from:

  • sour cream and sugar (sour cream);
  • cream and sugar (butter);
  • butter and condensed milk (butter);
  • milk, sugar, butter and eggs (custard);
  • egg whites and sugar (protein);
  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt.

The ingredients included in the decor, cake layers and cream affect the shelf life of the cake.

Particularly noteworthy are products with mastic. The storage time of such a dessert depends on the cream with which the cakes are smeared. After all, the mastic itself is a product that can be used for a week. And jewelry made from it lasts even longer.

We also recommend reading:

How to store bread correctly: simple tips for thrifty housewives Mastic: how to store confectionery paste, cakes and figurines made from it. Subtleties of using Biscuit: how much and how to store it in the refrigerator, freezer, at room temperature How to prepare and store horseradish for the winter - recipes, useful tips

We recommend reading:

Mastic: how to store confectionery paste, cakes and figurines made from it. Subtleties of use.

Biscuit: how much and how to store in the refrigerator, freezer, at room temperature.

How long does custard last?

After removing the cream from the freezer, you need to give it time to defrost, preferably at room temperature.


  • 0.5 l milk;
  • 1 testicle;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar (optional);
  • 70 gr. butter.

Heat water in a double boiler and pour a glass of whole milk into a bowl. Heat the milk, stirring, until bubbles begin to appear along the edges of the bowl.

It is better to use whole milk for this custard recipe. It must be boiled over low heat. When it boils, turn off the heat and wait for it to cool. We will need warm milk.

Place the container with the mixture on the stove. Turn on medium heat and bring it to a boil. The entire time the mixture is on the stove, the cream must be stirred with a whisk.

A? Silence Some people love it more (like me), others less (perhaps these are the fans of butter creams), but they all know custard for sure.

The cream turned out amazing

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