Is it possible to bake cake layers for honey cake in advance?

How long does honey cake last?

I want to bake a honey cake for March 8th, but I just want to bake the cakes for it much in advance. Please tell me how long you can store honey cake cakes without cream. How long will the finished cake last? Will its shelf life be significantly reduced?

If the Honey cake is purchased in a store, then how long it can be stored should be indicated on the packaging.

If for some reason there is no packaging, do not keep it for more than 12 hours. Especially if you don’t know what the cream impregnation is made from.

If the cake is prepared independently at home, then it all depends on what the cakes are soaked with:

  • custard, whipped cream - no more than 6 hours;
  • sour cream, yoghurt, curd cream - 24 hours;
  • creamy - 36 hours.

Honey cakes as semi-finished products can be kept for 36 hours at a temperature of 18 °C or frozen in the freezer.

If the Honey cake is purchased in a store, then how long it can be stored should be indicated on the packaging.

Is it possible to bake cake layers for honey cake in advance?

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I think it's possible. what cream do you have?!

I plan to make cream from condensed milk and butter

What if the cream is made from country cream? (will it survive until the New Year on the balcony if you keep it?)?

If it survives, it will survive - the only thing is how the cream will behave after defrosting.

Of course you can. We freeze everything in Kolyma

Of course you can. We freeze everything in Kolyma

All my life I’ve made honey in advance, cream from sour cream with sugar, condensed milk on top, frozen, very tasty

the cakes can be baked in advance, and before

for the holiday, spread with sour cream. I put it on like cream, I don’t put it in the refrigerator right away so that it soaks well.

and really only the cakes can be made in advance

How to make sour cream - ratios

Honey cake becomes better when frozen.

If you make it with natural cream, it will be softer and more tender. You just need to put it in a box or pan, otherwise, “salgyn sie”

What if the cream is made from country cream? (will it survive until the New Year on the balcony if you keep it?)?

What is the shelf life of the Honey cake?

What is the shelf life and shelf life of the classic Medovik cake?

I like the Honey cake, although I consider it a heavy, rich cake; I make it from many thin layers and with butter cream between the layers and on the coating.

So you can’t eat a lot of this cake at one time; after the holidays, it remains in the refrigerator for a long time and lives there quietly for up to seven days until it is safely destroyed. By the way, even when frozen, both cakes without cream and pieces of cake with cream last well for up to three months.

The classic Honey cake is made with custard. According to GOST 10-060-95 Cakes and pastries. Technical conditions, this type of confectionery product has a shelf life of only 6 hours (temperature from +2° to +6°C). Unfortunately, this interstate standard does not say anything about expiration date. My own experience plus information from this question suggests that this incomparable dessert will not spoil in the refrigerator for a long time - within 5 days.

Typically, the shelf life of store-bought cakes is 72 hours. I suppose nothing bad will happen if you eat the cake even after 73 hours, but three or four days after the expiration date, I wouldn’t risk eating it. Meringue has the shortest shelf life because it contains raw eggs. And of course, the cake should be stored in the refrigerator!

It is believed that the shelf life of the Medovik cake is one hundred twenty hours or 5 days from the date of production, at least this is the period stated by most manufacturers.

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At the same time, this cake must be stored at a temperature of about six degrees Celsius, that is, it will need to be stored in the refrigerator.

sponge cake is usually 120 hours, then 5 days, and cakes, if they are custard, then no more than 72 hours.

Typically, the shelf life of “Medovik” is no more than 5 days, but at a storage temperature no higher than +6 degrees C. The shortest shelf life is for cakes with whipped sour cream or whipped cream. This cake has a shelf life of about 6 hours. If the cake uses curd, butter or custard, the shelf life is about 18 hours. Cakes filled with sweet cheese and yoghurt can be stored for 36 hours from the date of production. Cakes with poppy seeds and candied fruits have the same shelf life. Berry and fruit cakes can be stored for up to 3 days, provided there is no cream. If cream is still present in such cakes, then the shelf life is reduced to 18 hours. But you need to understand that these are storage times in the refrigerator. Without it and at a sufficiently high ambient temperature, the shelf life of confectionery products is significantly reduced.

sponge cake is usually 120 hours, then 5 days, and cakes, if they are custard, then no more than 72 hours.

Honey cakes (collection of recipes)

Sprinkle with honey crumbs and leave overnight in the refrigerator to soak. Enjoy your meal! Saturday, October 16th, Honey cakes, a collection of recipes.

Another version of honey cake, if I’m repeating myself, then sorry, in my version it’s called “Crazy Bees” or “Honey Temptation”, in general, call it whatever you want, the main thing is that it’s delicious, mix everything and put it in a steam bath.

Stir for 5 minutes, then pour in 1 hour. Next, add 2 cups of flour, stir for another 5 minutes. The dough turns out liquid. Sprinkle flour onto the work surface of the table, place the dough in it, and knead not very well.

Divide the dough into koloboks and roll out thinly. Poke holes with a fork before baking. Bake in the oven or in a dry frying pan over low heat. Friday, June 03, Honey cakes, a collection of recipes. Quote: Stern from Friday, May 01, Saturday, June 04, Honey cakes, a collection of recipes.


NIZochka, what a beauty!!! Cheers, dear, and thanks for the report!!! Tuesday, November 15th, Honey cakes, a collection of recipes. Tell me who made the honey cake, the dough needs to be kept in it for a day and so much soda put in, is this important or not etc.

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Thursday, December 08, Honey cakes, a collection of recipes. And at this time we prepare the cream. Monday, August 19, Honey cakes, a collection of recipes.

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I bake Tatyana in a Teflon mold and nothing sticks. I coat it with sour cream and condensed milk while it’s still hot - this way they absorb the cream faster. Sunday, August 25th, Honey cakes, a collection of recipes. I always have honey cakes, two types of sponge cake, and eclairs in my freezer. Very convenient if guests suddenly arrive.

They stayed in the refrigerator for two weeks. Transfer with parchment and into film.

I didn’t notice any difference with just baked ones. In winter I even left it in the summer kitchen. What to read Lessons and recipes Questions and answers from a pastry chef Confectionery business Interviews and stories Interesting back to list. Yes I want to.

We froze a honey cake with protein cream, it was fine. Sour cream may probably separate.

Place parchment between the cakes and wrap them in film. I don’t understand, why and why should I store it??? Baking cakes is so simple and quick. Honey cakes can be frozen.

How long can cake layers be stored?

How long can cake layers be stored Rating: 5.00, 2 votes, 16 reviews

I bake cake layers myself. How many days can they be stored, and how can I prevent them from drying out?

When it’s not hot, Napoleon cakes can be stored for 3-4 days.

honey, for Ryzhik - a week.

Don't be afraid that they will dry out. After smearing with cream, the cakes will be soaked and everything will be fine.

Shortbread cakes can also be stored for 3 days.

I don’t store sponge cakes for a long time. I usually grease a sponge cake (for example, Prague) with cream immediately, at most, the next day (for example, if I want the sponge cake to rest and cut better).

I know that many people freeze sponge cakes by first wrapping them in parchment, and then, after defrosting, refresh them in the microwave or oven. But I don't do that.

How to make honey cakes

Place the honey in a container of a fairly convenient height. Heat the bee product until it boils, stirring constantly.

You need to prepare the dough in a comfortable deep bowl: honey

Add soda to the boiled honey removed from the heat. The baking soda and hot honey will immediately react and begin to foam. Mix water, sugar and a pinch of salt into the resulting mass.

Boil the mixture over medium heat, allowing the granulated sugar to completely dissolve.

Honey is boiled with crystalline sugar until dissolved

As a result, during cooking, we get a bright orange mass.

The sugar-honey mixture will become bright when cooked.

We bring the mixture to the point where the foam itself acquires a dark orange rich color. Then remove the container from the heat and add the prepared butter.

Stir the future dough until the oil is completely dissolved. Leave everything alone until it cools.

Butter added to caramelized honey with sugar

When the mixture reaches a temperature closer to room temperature, break the chicken eggs into a container. Mix everything using a spoon.

Next, add flour to the homogeneous mixture. Mix the mixture with a spoon.

Flour is added immediately in the prepared volume

Something mixed in a container will look strange: sticky and liquid, like dough.

In order for the dough to take on the desired consistency, let it sit in a cool place for a couple of hours.

If the dough is a bit runny, add more flour.

After some time, the dough can be divided into several parts (about 6) for baking cakes. If the stickiness of the dough has not disappeared, then simply mix in some flour.

Divide the finished dough into several parts

Roll out the cakes with a rolling pin and transfer them to a baking sheet (you can do this directly on the pan).

Each piece of dough is rolled out for the crust.

We load our shortcakes into a preheated oven at 180°. To prevent the cake from bubbling during baking, but to remain even, we will make pricks in the dough with a fork in advance.

Honey cakes can be cut to fit on a plate if they do not turn out smooth right away.

The finished cakes can be adjusted according to their shape

Question about honey cake

So, already baked cakes are stored like this for months? Did I waste my leftovers in vain? In the refrigerator for a month. I didn’t even think that they could be stored. Well, honey and sugar are natural preservatives. Gave myself a birthday present. The honey cake was a success! True, I was not able to buy bio-sour cream. I came to the store, and it was sold out, there’s all this stuff, and there’s no birthday waiting for me, so I decided, since I don’t have organic sour cream, I’ll risk adding condensed milk.

Forum Recipes Articles New Login. Honey cakes collection of recipes. Sunday, August 15th, Honey cakes, a collection of recipes.

And everything worked out! The cake was perfectly soaked and not at all cloying. But it should be noted that I did not add sugar at all either to the dough or to the cream, and I always make sooooo much cream. I use a glass of honey in the dough, and I made the cream from 1 g sour cream, 1 can of boiled condensed milk and 1 ml of whipped cream.

The cream turned out airy with a slight caramel flavor and the cake was soaked overnight. Thank you everyone for the advice and secrets of your honey cakes!

Of course, it doesn’t count. Well, the girls just said that with condensed milk it turns out too cloying, and according to the recipe, in addition to honey, you need to add sugar, but for me it just turned out sweet, but not cloying. And I didn’t let the dough sit for 3 days.

I was running out of time, but I kneaded it in a steam bath and left it for a day. The honey aroma is quite present in the dough, but probably after three days it should be even tastier.

KaterinkaTs, the main thing is the result! Excellent cake, happy holiday to you. I’ll also experiment with bio-sour cream someday. User menu Verunyafr View profile Find more posts by Verunyafr.

Verunyafr, then I’ll take a chance, perhaps, with fresh eggs. My husband has been waiting for something like this for a long time. Girls, I took some of my honey cake to work. All the French are delighted, it’s so nice, they’re begging for the recipe. User menu zapounne View profile Find more posts by zapounne. ZHENYA, thank you very much for the recipe!

Is it possible to freeze honey cake dough?

I was looking for so long - I came across it completely by accident. My husband and children are delighted! All the best to you! User menu hanza View profile Find more posts by hanza. Girls, they wrote here that you can freeze honey cake, but how long can you keep it in the freezer and how can you defrost it later? Nargis user menu View profile Find more posts by Nargis. Nargis, the main thing is not to freeze it a second time, otherwise I can keep it frozen for six months, but it’s rare that a piece manages to stay that long - it’s delicious.

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