Ksenia Garastyuk • 07/24/2019

Celery is a plant that contains many vitamins and beneficial essential oils. It refreshes the taste of any dish. Celery can be prepared for future use. Use one of the recipes to preserve celery for the winter.

The plant can be pickled, supplemented with herbs and spices, or used to make a flavorful dressing for soup in combination with other vegetables.

Celery stalks are used for cooking; they can be prepared for the winter, retaining maximum benefits.

Harvesting celery for the winter

This is the simplest recipe that requires virtually no effort and will save your time. The most affordable products are used for harvesting.


  • a bunch of parsley;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • celery stalks;
  • salt.


  1. Remove coarse fibers from the celery stalk. Cut into several pieces.
  2. Finely chop the dill and parsley. Mix with celery. Add salt.
  3. Place the resulting mixture into jars. Close with a nylon lid.
  4. Store the preparation in the refrigerator.

Dried celery root for the winter

Celery root is used as a seasoning for vegetable, meat and fish dishes; it is added to clear meat broths, sauces, and canned food.

The celery root should be whole, firm and undamaged. You can use small roots: although they are less dense than large ones, they are not inferior to them in taste.

Preparing celery for the winter in the kitchen - 30 minutes. In a sun lounger - up to 4 hours. Ready - ready immediately. Keep warm.

  1. Wash the celery root well, cut off all the petioles and shoots and carefully scrape the skin off with a small knife. Rinse the peeled root again and cut into small pieces. We recommend cutting the celery into strips 2–3 cm long and no more than 0.5 cm thick.
  2. To prevent the celery pieces from darkening when drying, dip them in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then drain in a colander and let the water drain well.
  3. Place the celery on a baking sheet in a layer no thicker than 1 cm and place in an oven preheated to 50°C for about 2 hours. After this, increase the heat to 70 ° C and continue drying until the pieces become brittle.
  4. Store celery in a sealed, dry container.

Preparing dried celery for the winter will not cause much trouble, and at the same time your collection of spices will be replenished with a magnificent flavor note!

Products for 2 cans (0.8 l):

Vegetable preparation with celery

Add seasonal vegetables to a flavorful plant and you have a great borscht dressing to always have on hand. You can also add the preparation to side dishes.


  • 500 gr. petiole celery;
  • 1 kg. Luke;
  • 1 kg. tomatoes;
  • 1 kg. carrots;
  • 300 gr. bell pepper;
  • a bunch of greens - dill, parsley;
  • 2 tbsp. salt.


  1. Clean the celery stalks from coarse fibers. Chop finely.
  2. Grate the carrots. Cut the pepper into strips. Onions and tomatoes - cubes.
  3. Combine all vegetables. Add finely chopped greens. Add some salt. Stir.
  4. Divide into jars. Close with a nylon lid. Store in the refrigerator.

Petiole celery for the winter

Celery improves digestion, has a beneficial effect on vision and rejuvenates the skin. Try to add as much of it to your diet as possible. And in order not to lack it in winter, prepare it in brine.


  • 500 gr. celery stalks;
  • 2 tbsp. salt;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar 9%;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2 bay leaves.


  1. Finely chop the celery. Place into jars.
  2. Add garlic cloves.
  3. Pour 2 liters of water into the pan. Add sugar, salt, and bay leaves.
  4. Boil, cook for 2-3 minutes. Add vinegar.
  5. Fill the jars with brine. Roll up the lids.

How to prepare celery for the winter

Celery is prepared for the winter in various ways.

When fresh, it is stored in the refrigerator in the vegetable drawer . To do this, the plant is washed, dried, and wrapped in cling film. Shelf life - 1 month.

Celery is stored in the cellar for 2-3 months . It is cleared of soil, the leaves are torn off, and the rhizomes are buried in 2-3 cm of damp sand. The optimal storage temperature is +1°C. In the cellar, the plant retains its appearance and taste for a long time.

For longer storage, celery is frozen, pickled, canned and dried.


Before freezing, stalked celery is washed with running water and dried . Remove damaged parts, hard areas and hard threads. The plant is frozen whole or crushed - it depends on how the frozen product will be used.

When freezing as a bunch, the stems are wrapped in cling film and placed in the freezer.

Place the chopped celery on a cutting board or tray, cover with cling film and put in the freezer for 2-3 hours . After the pieces are frozen, they are laid out in portions in plastic containers or plastic bags and put into the freezer for storage.

Advice. To track the shelf life and ease of storage, label the container with the name of the product and the date of freezing.


The pickled vegetable is consumed as an independent dish ; it goes well with barbecue and grilled meat. The preparation is added to salads and hot dishes.

To prepare pickled celery according to the classic recipe, you will need the following ingredients :

  • petiole celery - 400 g;
  • shallots - 1 pc.;
  • apple cider vinegar - 150 ml;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • coriander seeds - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 1 pc.;
  • black pepper - 5-6 peas;
  • olives - one handful;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The shallots are washed, peeled and cut lengthwise.
  2. Prepare the marinade: add vinegar, bay leaf, garlic, coriander seeds, cinnamon, peppercorns, salt and chopped onion to the water. Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  3. Celery stalks are washed and chopped into 5 cm pieces.
  4. Vegetable pieces are added to the marinade, brought to a boil and cooked for 10 minutes under a closed lid.
  5. Then the vegetable is removed from the marinade and placed in sterilized jars. Add olives.
  6. The marinade is filtered, put on fire and brought to a boil. Boiling marinade is poured into jars. Roll up with iron lids.

Store in the pantry.


There are a large number of recipes for canning stem celery for the winter. We offer the simplest one.


  • petiole celery - 1.5 kg;
  • garlic - 15 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 3 l;
  • vinegar 70% - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare the brine: add salt and sugar to boiling water and cook until the components are completely dissolved. Leave to cool, then add vinegar.
  2. The vegetable is washed, dried, chopped into pieces 1-2 cm long.
  3. Place 3 cloves of garlic, one bay leaf, and celery into sterilized jars. Fill with brine.
  4. Cover the jars with lids and sterilize for 30-35 minutes.
  5. Then the jars are rolled up with lids and turned over. Cover with a blanket and leave until completely cool.

Store in a cool, dark place.


Before drying, the plants are sorted out and damaged and wilted stems are removed . Rinse thoroughly with running water and dry. Cut into cubes 1.5-2 cm long. The smaller the pieces, the faster they dry.

Drying methods:

  • on open air;
  • in the oven;
  • in an electric dryer.

On open air

The crushed plant is laid out on a tray and left in a well-ventilated place . Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. To ensure uniform drying, the mass is stirred periodically. Drying time is about a month, depending on temperature and humidity.

In the oven

The crushed product is laid out on a tray and placed in the oven . To allow air to circulate freely, leave the oven door ajar during the drying process. The temperature is set to +40°C for 3 hours. Then the pieces are mixed and the temperature is raised to +60°C. This mode is left until the product dries completely. On average, the process lasts about 10-12 hours.

In an electric dryer

The chopped vegetable is laid out on trays and placed in a dryer .
Set the temperature to +55…+60°C. To ensure uniform drying, the trays are periodically swapped. Drying time depends on the size of the pieces and how full the trays are.

Assorted vegetables with celery

This vegetable mixture has a very spicy aroma thanks to celery. It can be used to complement hot dishes, decorate steaks or season soups.


  • 1 kg. celery stalks;
  • 1 kg. tomato;
  • 1 kg. zucchini;
  • 300 gr. carrots;
  • 2 tbsp. salt;
  • 2.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 100 gr. vegetable oil.


  1. Finely chop the celery.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into half rings.
  4. Cut the peel off the zucchini and remove the seeds. Cut it into cubes.
  5. Mix all the vegetables. Add salt and sugar. Pour in the oil.
  6. Cover the mixture and leave for a couple of hours to release the juices.
  7. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook over medium heat for half an hour.
  8. Place into jars and roll up the lids.

Pickled celery stalks for the winter

Before serving, piquant celery stalks can be mixed with pickled gherkins or added to a cabbage appetizer.

Cooking in the kitchen - 40 minutes. Readiness - 2 weeks. Keep warm.

Products for 2 cans (0.8 l):

  • 500 g celery stalks;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 black peppercorns.
  • 500 ml water;
  • 100 ml 5% vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Pickled celery

The aromatic plant can also be pickled. In this case, you can serve it at the table as an independent dish, and complement it with boiled potatoes or rice.


  • 2 stalks of celery;
  • 5 cloves;
  • 5 pieces. allspice;
  • 2 tbsp. salt;
  • 1/2 tsp. citric acid.


  1. Finely chop the celery. Pour in 0.5 liters of water. Add citric acid and bring to a boil.
  2. After boiling, cook for 3 minutes.
  3. Divide the celery into jars. Also arrange the spices.
  4. Fill the contents with brine. Roll up the lids.

Celery will diversify your usual winter preparations. Marinate it or make a soup dressing that you can take out of the refrigerator at any time.

Ksenia Garastyuk • 07/24/2019

Celery is a plant that contains many vitamins and beneficial essential oils. It refreshes the taste of any dish. Celery can be prepared for future use. Use one of the recipes to preserve celery for the winter.

The plant can be pickled, supplemented with herbs and spices, or used to make a flavorful dressing for soup in combination with other vegetables.

Celery stalks are used for cooking; they can be prepared for the winter, retaining maximum benefits.

Petiole celery preparations for the winter

This vegetable plant contains so many vitamins and nutrients that it would be a good idea to eat it every day. It is especially important to add celery to your diet in winter.

Two to three weeks before harvesting stalked celery, it is better to wrap the petioles with opaque paper (7-10 cm from the root). In this case, the petioles will be more juicy and soft (at the same time they will become transparent white). These are recommendations if you want to save the plant for the winter.

If you want to prepare petiole celery for the winter , for example in pickled form, you need allspice - 3-4 peas or cloves. The roots should be prepared. They need to be peeled and cut into cubes. Next, just cook in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Add 3 g of citric acid and 30 g of salt to the water per liter of water. Afterwards, everything is cooled and filled with marinade. Pasteurize for 20-25 minutes.

To prepare stalked celery seasoning for the winter , place the greens on a large sheet of clean paper and cover with another sheet on top. Let the herb dry for a month, after which you can transfer the dried celery to a paper bag and use it in cooking at any time of the year.

Recommendations for keeping celery fresh: greens wilt very quickly, so immediately after purchasing or cutting from the garden, rinse the greens, let them dry and, wrap them in aluminum foil, put them in the refrigerator. So the stalks and leaves of celery will retain their freshness for about ten days; in plastic wrap they will wither in three days.

If you want to prepare petiole celery for the winter , for example in pickled form, you need allspice - 3-4 peas or cloves. The roots should be prepared. They need to be peeled and cut into cubes. Next, just cook in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Add 3 g of citric acid and 30 g of salt to the water per liter of water. Afterwards, everything is cooled and filled with marinade. Pasteurize for 20-25 minutes.

Harvesting celery for the winter

This is the simplest recipe that requires virtually no effort and will save your time. The most affordable products are used for harvesting.


  • a bunch of parsley;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • celery stalks;
  • salt.


  1. Remove coarse fibers from the celery stalk. Cut into several pieces.
  2. Finely chop the dill and parsley. Mix with celery. Add salt.
  3. Place the resulting mixture into jars. Close with a nylon lid.
  4. Store the preparation in the refrigerator.

Recipe for preparing celery root for the winter

For winter storage, you can cook or pickle celery roots. One of the recipes:

  1. Peel the root vegetable and cut into small cubes.
  2. Prepare the marinade. Fill the pan with water and dissolve citric acid (3 g per 1 l) and salt (30 g per 1 l) in it. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  3. Place the pan with the marinade on low heat and add the prepared celery. Cook for a couple of minutes and then remove the roots using a slotted spoon. Let them cool.
  4. Prepare sterile jars and lids. Place celery in them, add 3-4 black peppercorns to each.
  5. Fill the jars with marinade. Sometimes housewives prepare a separate solution by mixing 9% vinegar and water in proportions 1:4.
  6. Without rolling, place the jars in a large container with water at about 85-95 °C for pasteurization. Carry out the procedure for 20 minutes.
  7. Roll up the lids.

Attention! The pasteurization period is indicated for half-liter jars. 1 liter containers should be kept on fire for 5 minutes. longer.

Vegetable preparation with celery

Add seasonal vegetables to a flavorful plant and you have a great borscht dressing to always have on hand. You can also add the preparation to side dishes.


  • 500 gr. petiole celery;
  • 1 kg. Luke;
  • 1 kg. tomatoes;
  • 1 kg. carrots;
  • 300 gr. bell pepper;
  • a bunch of greens - dill, parsley;
  • 2 tbsp. salt.


  1. Clean the celery stalks from coarse fibers. Chop finely.
  2. Grate the carrots. Cut the pepper into strips. Onions and tomatoes - cubes.
  3. Combine all vegetables. Add finely chopped greens. Add some salt. Stir.
  4. Divide into jars. Close with a nylon lid. Store in the refrigerator.

Petiole celery for the winter

Celery improves digestion, has a beneficial effect on vision and rejuvenates the skin. Try to add as much of it to your diet as possible. And in order not to lack it in winter, prepare it in brine.


  • 500 gr. celery stalks;
  • 2 tbsp. salt;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar 9%;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2 bay leaves.


  1. Finely chop the celery. Place into jars.
  2. Add garlic cloves.
  3. Pour 2 liters of water into the pan. Add sugar, salt, and bay leaves.
  4. Boil, cook for 2-3 minutes. Add vinegar.
  5. Fill the jars with brine. Roll up the lids.

Recipes for preparing celery preparations for the winter

We offer the best recipes for preparing stalked celery for the winter.

Celery sauce

Celery sauce is a flavorful addition to vegetables, fish and meat. To prepare the sauce according to the classic recipe you will need :

  • petiole celery - 100 g;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Vegetables and herbs are washed, dried, and finely chopped.
  2. Mix the ingredients, beat with a blender until smooth, add pepper and salt.
  3. Place in plastic containers and put in the freezer.

Petiole celery salad

A simple and quick recipe for the winter.

Main Ingredients:

  • petiole celery - 1 kg;
  • zucchini - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • sugar - 40 g.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Vegetables are washed and dried. Celery is cut into pieces, tomatoes into rings, carrots into bars, zucchini into cubes.
  2. Place the chopped vegetables in a container and mix. Add vegetable oil, salt and sugar. Leave for 2 hours so that the vegetables release juice.
  3. Then the resulting mass is brought to a boil and cooked for 30 minutes.
  4. The finished salad is placed in sterilized jars and covered with lids.

Store in a dark, accessible place.

Canned celery stalks in tomato sauce

Celery stalks for the winter turn out delicious when prepared in tomato sauce.

Will be needed:

  • petiole celery - 1 kg;
  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar 70% - 1 tsp;
  • hot pepper, pod - 1 pc.;
  • ground pepper - to taste.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. The tomatoes are washed and dried. To obtain juice, pass it through a juicer or grind it in a meat grinder, then grind it through a sieve. The output is 1.8 liters of tomato juice. Place the pan with the juice on the stove and cook for 1 hour over low heat.
  2. Then the hot pepper pod is crushed and added to tomato juice. Sugar, salt, vegetable oil and ground pepper are also added. Cook for 20 minutes.
  3. The celery is washed, dried and cut into pieces, added to the pan and cooked for another 25 minutes.
  4. Add vinegar and cook for 5 minutes. Then they are poured into sterilized jars and sealed with lids.
  5. The resulting pieces are turned over, covered with a blanket and left to cool completely.

Assorted vegetables with celery

This vegetable mixture has a very spicy aroma thanks to celery. It can be used to complement hot dishes, decorate steaks or season soups.


  • 1 kg. celery stalks;
  • 1 kg. tomato;
  • 1 kg. zucchini;
  • 300 gr. carrots;
  • 2 tbsp. salt;
  • 2.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 100 gr. vegetable oil.


  1. Finely chop the celery.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into half rings.
  4. Cut the peel off the zucchini and remove the seeds. Cut it into cubes.
  5. Mix all the vegetables. Add salt and sugar. Pour in the oil.
  6. Cover the mixture and leave for a couple of hours to release the juices.
  7. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook over medium heat for half an hour.
  8. Place into jars and roll up the lids.

Celery salad for the winter

This is truly a vitamin dish, which is prepared from a mass of healthy vegetables. So, peel the carrots (0.5 kg) and wash them under water, then cut them into cubes. Wash tomatoes and zucchini (1 kg each), remove the stalk from where they are attached and cut into small circles. Coarsely chop the washed celery stalks (1 kg). Combine all the prepared ingredients and add table salt (30 g), granulated sugar (40 g) and sunflower oil (100 ml) to the total mass. Mix everything well again and let it stand for a couple of hours so that the vegetables can release their juice. Then we put the container with our salad on the stove and, setting the heat to low, boil for half an hour. Pour the prepared hot salad into jars, seal them with lids and, after cooling, place them in a cool place for storage.

These wonderful vitamin-rich snacks can be made from petiole celery! Bon appetit!

Peel the garlic, divide it into cloves and finely chop three of them. Chop the parsley. Add table salt (0.25 tsp) and hot pepper (a pinch) to a jar with celery stalks. Send chopped garlic and parsley here, tsp. sesame seeds and half a crushed star anise.

Pickled celery

The aromatic plant can also be pickled. In this case, you can serve it at the table as an independent dish, and complement it with boiled potatoes or rice.


  • 2 stalks of celery;
  • 5 cloves;
  • 5 pieces. allspice;
  • 2 tbsp. salt;
  • 1/2 tsp. citric acid.


  1. Finely chop the celery. Pour in 0.5 liters of water. Add citric acid and bring to a boil.
  2. After boiling, cook for 3 minutes.
  3. Divide the celery into jars. Also arrange the spices.
  4. Fill the contents with brine. Roll up the lids.

Celery will diversify your usual winter preparations. Marinate it or make a soup dressing that you can take out of the refrigerator at any time.

The culture from the umbrella family has been known for a very long time. According to Greek myths, celery was used by Aphrodite, who was striking in her beauty. The plant gave strength to the courageous Hippocrates; Cleopatra knew about the amazing properties of the leaves and roots. Now the vegetable is included in cosmetics and is used to prevent diseases. Housewives are looking for different ways to preserve celery for the winter, without which the soup will not be flavorful and the salad will lose its piquancy. There are about 20 varieties of this culture, and it is found everywhere.

The best recipes for preparing pumpkin for the winter

Pumpkin is one of the healthiest vegetables, which retains its healing and taste qualities throughout the year if all rules and requirements for storage conditions are followed.
Vegetables contain a huge amount of vitamins A, B, C, D, F, PP, the rarest vitamin T, and are also rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, cobalt and pectin. The rich orange color of the pulp indicates the presence of antioxidants, beta-carotene, which are necessary to strengthen the body's immunity and help resist certain types of cancer and aging of skin cells.

However, at home it is not always possible to stock up on fresh pumpkin for the winter, so golden recipes for dried, dried, frozen or canned pumpkin preparations will come to the rescue.

Dried pumpkin

One of the easiest ways to prepare pumpkin for the winter is drying. At the same time, the dried product retains the taste of the vegetable and is easily stored. In addition, drying pumpkin is an alternative to store-bought dried fruits and is suitable as a light snack while traveling.

Dried pumpkin

  1. Cut table grade pumpkin into 4-8 pieces. Peel and remove seeds from each piece. Rinse the vegetable slices and place on paper towels to dry.
  2. Cut the fruit into small slices no more than 0.5 cm thick.

Attention! For a beautiful rich color, vegetable slices can be blanched in salted water for 1-2 minutes. After that, dip them in ice water and dry them in a colander.

  1. Place the pumpkin pieces in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  2. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 55-60 degrees. Dry for 5-7 hours depending on the size of the vegetable slices.

Attention! While drying, leave the oven door ajar so that the moisture contained in the pumpkin evaporates faster.

  1. After the time has passed, increase the drying temperature to 70-80 degrees, and dry for another 2 hours.
  2. Cool the finished product, pour into glass jars and close them with lids.

If you have an electric dryer in your home, you can also dry vegetables using it by placing vegetable slices on trays. Set the drying temperature and time according to the instructions for the device.

Dried pumpkin

Using the oven, you can prepare dried pumpkin for the winter in the same way as dried pumpkin in the previous recipe. The product can be stored in a cool place until spring. Kids will definitely like this treat if the vegetable slices are sprinkled with powdered sugar, cinnamon, sprinkled with lemon or orange juice, and then served with honey.


  • Pumpkin – 1 kg
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Water – 0.7 l
  • Cinnamon sticks – 1 pc.
  • Carnation inflorescences – 2 pcs.


  1. Peel the vegetable from seeds and peel, rinse and cut into 3x3 cm cubes.
  2. Boil syrup from water, granulated sugar and spices. Pour orange juice into boiling syrup.
  3. Place pumpkin slices in syrup and cook for 5 minutes. Cool the workpiece. Repeat the process 2 more times.
  4. Using a slotted spoon, remove the vegetable wedges from the syrup and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  5. Preheat the oven to 50 degrees. Place the pan in the oven and dry for 6 hours, leaving the oven door ajar.
  6. Transfer the preparations to a tray and leave at room temperature for 72 hours.

Then sprinkle the dried delicacy with powdered sugar and place in glass jars or paper bags. Close the container hermetically and put it in a cool place.

Pumpkin powder

Using pumpkin, you can prepare a universal spice that will not only complement the taste of meat, fish dishes, soups or salads, but also strengthen the body. This preparation will help reduce cholesterol levels, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is especially useful for diseases of the kidneys and urolithiasis.


The process for preparing the powder is as follows:

  1. Wash the pumpkin, remove peel and seeds, cut into several parts.
  2. Chop the vegetable into large slices.
  3. Throw the pumpkin slices into boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the slices, cool, rub through a sieve or grind with a blender.
  5. Spread the pumpkin puree in a thin layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  6. Transfer the baking sheet to the oven. Dry the pumpkin puree at 135 degrees for 2-3 minutes.
  7. Grind the dried product with a blender, mortar or food processor until it becomes a powder.
  8. Pack the product into small jars or paper bags.

Attention! If you dilute the powder in warm water, you will get ready-made pumpkin puree.

Pumpkin powder


Pumpkin also freezes well. The main condition is that the vegetable is ripe, but not overripe. There are several ways to freeze it:

  1. Freezing raw vegetables. To do this, the pumpkin pulp is separated from the seeds, washed and cut into cubes. The chopped vegetable is dried, spread on paper towels, and packaged in bags in the amount necessary to prepare one dish. After this, the bags with vegetable slices are put into the freezer.
  2. Freezing blanched product. For this freezing method, the pulp is cut into cubes and blanched in boiling water. After this, they are immersed in cold water for a couple of minutes and dried well on towels. Next, the cubes are laid out in one layer on a tray covered with cling film, so that the pieces do not touch each other, and put in the freezer for 2 hours. The frozen cubes are distributed into bags and placed in the freezer for later storage.
  3. Freezing grated pumpkin. For subsequent preparation of casseroles, soups or purees, the pumpkin pulp is grated and packaged in small quantities in bags. The bags are hermetically sealed, releasing the air and giving them a flat shape, and put them in the freezer.
  4. Freezing pumpkin puree. To do this, you will need to cut the vegetable into large cubes along with the peel, and clean out the seeds. Wash the vegetable slices and bake for an hour in the oven at 180-200 degrees. After this, cool, separate the pulp from the peel, grind with a blender and place in plastic containers. Transfer them to the freezer. Before using, defrost the pumpkin puree by leaving it in the refrigerator overnight and serve in combination with nuts and dried apricots.

Attention! Similarly, you can prepare puree from boiled pumpkin by boiling the vegetable until tender and grinding it in a blender.

pumpkin juice

You can prepare several jars of a healthy pumpkin drink for the winter, which is perfectly refreshing, invigorating and puts you in a good mood for the whole day.


  • Granulated sugar – 100 g
  • Pumpkin – 1 kg
  • Water – 1 l

pumpkin juice

  1. Cut the peeled and seeded pumpkin into small pieces of equal size.
  2. Pour water over vegetable slices. Place the container with the pumpkin on low heat. Cook for 30 minutes until soft.
  3. Using an immersion blender, grind the product directly in the water in which it was boiled. Stir in sugar. Cook for another 2-3 minutes over low heat.
  4. Pour hot juice into sterile jars and seal. Cool the pieces by turning them upside down under a warm blanket.

Transfer the cooled jars to a pantry or cellar for later storage.

Pumpkin jam

Another delicious way to prepare vegetables for the winter is to make jam from pumpkin, oranges and lemons. You can consume such a treat even on a diet by adjusting the amount of sugar: pumpkin helps you lose extra pounds and always stay in shape without denying yourself sweets.


  • Pumpkin – 6 kg
  • Oranges – 1.5 kg
  • Sugar - to taste.
  • Lemons – 0.4 kg

Next we do this:

  1. Prepare pumpkin slices, cleared of seeds and peel, rinse them and cut into cubes.
  2. Wash the citrus fruits well with baking soda and scald with boiling water. Cut into squares along with the peel.
  3. Mix pumpkin slices with citrus pieces, add granulated sugar to the mixture.
  4. Pour the mixture into a thick-bottomed saucepan and place over low heat. Cook the mixture after boiling for 10 minutes.

Attention! From time to time, the workpiece needs to be stirred with a wooden spoon to prevent it from burning.

  1. Next, cool the mass for an hour and boil again for 5-7 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool for 60 minutes.
  2. Place the finished product into clean jars and close the lids. Store in a cool place.

Attention! You can also use jam as a means to care for problem areas of the body.

Pumpkin jam

Pumpkin caviar

Pumpkin dishes are low-calorie delicacies, since the vegetable itself contains only 22 kcal per 100 grams. At the same time, making preparations for the winter is very simple, following the best recipe for making caviar from pumpkin, vegetables and apples.


  • Pumpkin, green beans, tomatoes, apples, sweet peppers – 500 g each
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.
  • Onion – 0.2 kg
  • Sugar – 150 g
  • Salt – 50 g
  • Vinegar – 50 g

Operating procedure:

  1. Before cooking, wash all vegetables and fruits well. Peel and seed the pumpkin and apples, remove the skins from the tomatoes, remove the stems, seeds, and membranes from the peppers, and chop the beans. Pass the ingredients through a meat grinder.
  2. Peel the onion, cut into cubes, sauté in olive oil for 10 minutes.
  3. Add chopped vegetables to the onion and stir the contents of the pan. Simmer over low heat for an hour, stirring.
  4. Add spices and vinegar to the mixture and simmer for another 10 minutes.
  5. Place hot caviar into pasteurized jars and close with lids.
  6. Cool the roll by placing the lid down and wrapping it in a blanket. After a day, transfer to a cool place for subsequent storage.

Finger-licking pumpkin salad

When choosing what you can make from pumpkin, you should pay attention to this recipe. To prepare the dish you will need:

  • Pumpkin – 2 kg
  • Sweet pepper – 1 kg
  • Tomatoes – 0.8 kg
  • Onion – 0.7 kg
  • Carrots – 0.5 kg
  • Garlic cloves – 4 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil – 200 ml
  • Tomato paste – 50 g
  • Vinegar – 4 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt – 3 tbsp.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.


  1. Before cooking, wash all vegetables and then:
  • Peel the onion and garlic cloves;
  • Separate the pepper from the seeds and stalk;
  • peel carrots;
  • Peel the tomatoes, scalding them with boiling water first;
  • cut the pumpkin into large pieces, remove the peel and seeds;
  1. Chop the vegetables into equal cubes.
  2. Pour 1/5 of the oil into a saucepan and add the onion. Fry the vegetable slices for 10 minutes. Then add the carrots and some more oil to the container, and simmer the mixture for 10 minutes. After this, add peppers, tomatoes and pumpkin one by one into the bowl. Fry each vegetable for 10 minutes, adding a little vegetable fat.
  3. Pour granulated sugar, salt, pepper into the vegetable mixture and add tomato paste. Stir the mixture and cook for another 10 minutes over low heat.
  4. Place garlic in a saucepan and stir the contents of the dish. Simmer the salad for another 3 minutes. At the end of cooking, add vinegar and stir the dish.
  5. Place the salad in sterilized jars and seal. After the seaming has cooled upside down under the blanket, transfer the jars to a dark and cool place.

Pickled pumpkin

Canning pumpkin is a convenient way to preserve the vegetable for a long time. The recipe is simple, the vegetable turns out crispy, aromatic and very tasty. In addition, you can surprise your guests at the festive New Year's table with an unusual dish.


  • Pumpkin – 10 kg
  • Water – 5 l
  • Horseradish root – 1 pc.
  • Celery leaves – 3 pcs.
  • Bunches of dill – 1 pc.
  • Bay leaves – 3 pcs.
  • Hot pepper – 1 pc.
  • Vinegar – 200 ml
  • Salt – 250 g

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Cut the pumpkin pulp into cubes, rinse and blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes. Place the vegetable pieces in a colander and cool.
  2. Place the cubes in sterile jars. Add bay leaves, sprigs of herbs, celery leaves, peeled and chopped horseradish root, and hot pepper slices to the vegetable.
  3. Prepare a marinade based on water and salt, adding vinegar at the last moment. Pour hot marinade over pumpkin slices in jars.
  4. Send the jars for pasteurization in a water bath. Keep the preparations in three-liter jars for 30 minutes at a water temperature of 85 degrees.
  5. Close the jars with lids and cool, turning them upside down.

Source: https://zagotovki.guru/ovoshhi/luchshie-retsepty-zagotovki-tykvy-na-zimu.html

Benefits of celery

Until the 17th century, the plant, whose relatives include carrots, coriander, and parsley, was used as a medicine, and only centuries later it began to be used as a food product.

The roots and above-ground parts of celery contain:

  • amino acids;
  • essential oils;
  • various vitamins.

Microelements are represented by phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron. There are only 13 calories in 100 grams of greens, 42 in the rhizome. The culture is rich in purines and acids - nicotinic, folic, ascorbic, chlorogenic. It contains dietary fiber, proteins, and lutein.

When eating celery:

  1. The pressure decreases.
  2. Immunity is strengthened.
  3. Slags and toxins are removed.
  4. Nerves calm down.
  5. Metabolism accelerates.

The plant prevents the formation of gases in the intestines, improves the production of gastric juice, and normalizes the water-salt balance. In men, when consuming vegetables, potency increases. Celery functions as an antioxidant and slows down cell aging in older people.

Thanks to the presence of essential oils, the plant:

  1. Has a positive effect on the skin.
  2. Returns appetite.
  3. Helps restore vision.

Medicines produced using the culture eliminate pain, heal wounds, treat hives, and improve sleep. The spicy vegetable helps remove extra pounds and increases sexual desire in women.

Petiole and leaf celery, differences

The umbrella plant, which has an unusual taste and specific smell, is eaten raw and added to salads and dishes. In culinary recipes, all parts of celery are used, which is divided into 3 types; the petiole vegetable grows for 2 years. First, the greens are harvested, and the seeds ripen the following season.

The thick stem produces light green leaves that have a special aroma. Petioles grow from a powerful root, similar to a rod. To prevent them from becoming bitter, you have to hill up the bushes. Small white flowers that appear towards the end of summer are collected in umbrellas. When they ripen, boxes are formed where the seeds are located.

The stalks of this type of celery contain many vitamins and essential oils. The plant is used for preservation and removes excess fluid from the body. Lotions from the leaves heal wounds. In salads, stem celery is combined with carrots and dill. Its aroma improves the taste of soups and main courses. The disadvantage of this umbrella crop is that it does not tolerate frost, has a short growing season, and suffers from powdery mildew.

Leaf celery is planted in country houses and gardens for its greenery, which is cut all summer. It lacks root crops and no petioles, but the crop takes root in the harsh conditions of Siberia and is not afraid of frost. The leaves contain many more beneficial components than other varieties of celery. They are used as a seasoning and added to salads and baked goods.

The root type of umbrella crop is distinguished by a long growing season; this celery is grown not from seeds, but through seedlings; the leaves are not cut off.

Of particular value is the root vegetable, whose weight exceeds 600 grams.

Homemade celery recipes

During the winter months, the umbrella crop, which has a unique composition, is not always sold in stores. Many housewives have learned to prepare leaves, petioles, and root vegetables on their own, which allows them to preserve essential oils, amino acids, vitamins and other components until the beginning of summer.

Using a simple recipe that is suitable for home use, it is not difficult to make seasoning. To do this you need to take a bunch:

The greens are chopped with a knife, ground with a glass of salt and placed in glass jars.

Some gardeners prepare various vegetables in the fall to put them in borscht in the winter and eat them fresh. Following the recipe, use:

  • carrots, tomatoes and onions – 1 kilogram each;
  • dill, parsley, celery - a bunch each;
  • pepper – 300 grams.

The greens and tomatoes need to be chopped, the remaining vegetables should be chopped. The workpiece is mixed with a spoon of salt and placed in jars in the refrigerator.

How to keep celery fresh

The fruits of the umbrella culture do not lose their main components for 7 days if they are placed in a plastic wrap in the refrigerator. For long-term fresh storage, the vegetable is placed in sand and taken to the cellar or placed in cellophane bags and sent to the basement, where there is high humidity and the air temperature is within one degree.

Root crops will not rot until spring if they are laid out in rows in the cellar.

For petiole and leaf celery, storage options are also selected:

  1. The greens are salted, allowed to brew for a couple of days and rolled into jars.
  2. The fresh herbaceous plant is frozen in molds with ice. It loses neither aroma, nor vitamins, nor amino acids.
  3. Leaves that are placed in dishes are left in the freezer, packed in a plastic container that does not allow air to pass through.

Celery wrapped in foil stays fresh and fresh for more than a week in the refrigerator. In plastic film it withers in 3 days.

The plant, dug up by the roots, along with a lump of earth, is placed in the sand in the basement. It will last until spring.


The leaves of the umbrella culture do not lose most of the essential oils, acids and trace elements if you use one of the simple and affordable harvesting methods.

Celery leaves are separated from the stems, bundles are knitted from them and dried, hung on the wall or ceiling in the kitchen or veranda, which is well ventilated, but the scorching rays of the sun do not reach there.

The leaves can be laid out on the surface and covered with paper; they will dry longer, but will not lose their beneficial properties. Dried greens are chopped and placed in a container.


Due to the fact that celery contains a large number of unique components, one cannot do without it even in the winter. To do this, they resort to various storage methods. The leaves are placed in ice trays and water is poured into them. You can also freeze stalks of petiole celery, which are placed in a plastic container and, like greens, sent to the freezer.

Those who prefer this method of long-term storage of a plant should know that with this option it loses many useful components. However, many gardeners like to freeze their greens.

Dry salting method

To keep the vegetable fresh, making it convenient to add to various dishes, you can use a simple recipe. A kilogram of clean and dried leaves is mixed with a glass of table salt and placed tightly in a glass container. When liquid forms in the jar, it is rolled up and taken to the basement or cellar.

The product obtained by dry salting has a very salty taste and is used as a seasoning for salads, main courses and soups.

Pickled root and petioles

The leaves and stems of the umbrella plant are not only dried and frozen. A savory appetizer for meat, fish dishes and potatoes, where all the beneficial properties of the vegetable are preserved, is obtained by pickling the root. For preparation you need the following ingredients:

  • celery – 1 kilogram;
  • coriander and salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar – 20 grams;
  • butter - half a glass;
  • vinegar and soy sauce - 4 tablespoons.
  • red pepper - a whisper.

The root vegetable needs to be peeled and cut into pieces or chopped on a grater, crushed with your hands so that it releases the juice.

First add salt and sugar to hot sunflower oil, and then add coriander and pepper. When bubbles appear and the mixture becomes homogeneous, add vinegar and sauce. The warm marinade is gradually added to the chopped celery, the mass is left overnight so that it is saturated with spices, and rolled into storage containers.

Celery for the winter - simple recipes for preparation and storage

Celery has a lot of beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on human health. It has a pronounced spicy taste, thanks to which it is widely used in cooking in the preparation of various vegetable and meat dishes.

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Winter preparations from this plant allow you to have a vitamin supplement on your table all year round. Seasoning recipes are quite simple and do not require special cooking techniques, which is especially attractive for housewives with little experience.

The popularity of celery is quite high and is based on the uniqueness of its properties. One branch of the plant can provide a person with the daily intake of vitamins and microelements. Therefore, it was initially used as a medicine and only much later began to be used in food preparation. The incomparable, pronounced bitter-spicy taste is an addition to various dishes.

This vegetable crop has three varieties:

All types of celery are widely used in cooking, but each has its own area of ​​application. Fresh herbs or dried leaves add sophistication to salads and sauces and enhance the taste of first courses. The stems of the plant are indispensable in dietary nutrition, and the roots go well with vegetables and meat products.

Preparing celery for the winter at home allows you to preserve and use its properties all year round. There are several ways to prepare spices for future use:

The choice of processing and storage conditions depends on the type of raw material being processed.

For harvesting leaf celery for the winter, the most common methods are:

  • drying;
  • freezing;
  • dry salting;
  • fresh storage.

The easiest way to preserve greens is to dry them, chop them and place them in a cloth or paper bag. You can also use glass containers. Such storage conditions preserve microelements, vitamins and essential oils as much as possible.

Before drying, the leaves of the collected plants should be torn off, tied into bunches and hung in a well-ventilated place, protected from the sun. You can spread the greens on the table and cover with a sheet of paper or gauze and leave for about a month.

Preparation by freezing is most popular among housewives. The method is quite simple and consists in the fact that the greens:

  • crushed;
  • placed in ice trays;
  • filled with water;
  • frozen in the freezer.

The next method of preparation is direct salting. Leaf celery prepared using this method stores well and can be used in any dish. When using, be aware of the high salt content of the spice.

  • 1 kg of chopped greens;
  • 250 grams of salt.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and place tightly in sterilized jars, which after the juice appears, seal them hermetically and store them in the basement or refrigerator.

Gourmets can try keeping leaf celery fresh. To do this, you need to dig up the plant in the fall along with the roots, preserving the earthen ball, and bury it in the basement. In midwinter you will have young greens for your table.

Celery stalks, due to their unique beneficial properties, are widely used in dietary nutrition. They are used to prepare healing juices and various snacks with the addition of vegetables. You can prepare them for the winter by drying, freezing or pickling.

Before drying, the petioles must be cut into thin slices, placed on a baking sheet or wire rack, and then placed in the oven with the door open at a temperature of 50–60 °C. After drying, the spice is stored in closed glass containers.

Freezing the stems is quite easy. Washed and pre-dried, they are placed in a plastic container and placed in the freezer to prevent freezing - it is shaken periodically. Such preparations can be stored until the new harvest.

  • 500 g celery stalks;
  • 100 g sugar;
  • 200 g 9% vinegar;
  • 40 grams of salt;
  • 800 ml water;
  • black peppercorns, garlic, bay leaf - to taste.

Cut the stems into cubes and place them in a container along with the spices. Prepare the marinade, bring it to a boil, pour into jars and seal.

  • 1 kg of stems;
  • 2 kg of red tomatoes;
  • 60 grams of sugar;
  • 10 grams of salt;
  • 200 grams of vinegar 9%;
  • 40 grams of vegetable oil;
  • salt, ground black pepper, hot pepper - to taste.

Chop the tomatoes and cook over low heat for one hour in an open pan. Then add salt, sugar, hot and ground allspice, vegetable oil and continue the process for about 20 minutes. When finished, add the celery cut into cubes, boil for half an hour, then pour in the vinegar and keep the mixture on the fire for another 5 minutes, pour into glass containers and roll up.

After seaming, jars with preparations prepared by marinating must be turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket and allowed to cool. These actions will ensure the quality of preservation during storage.

Pickled petiole celery can be used as an independent snack or complement various meat dishes.

Root celery is harvested in late autumn, before frost. It can be stored fresh for a long time by placing it in the cellar. At the same time, it is very important to maintain air humidity of at least 90%, otherwise the harvest will not be preserved.

In a small amount, the roots can be wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator, or coat each vegetable with a liquid clay solution, dry and store in the basement.

At home, root celery can be grated on a coarse grater and frozen in small portions or cut into small pieces and dried in the oven, but the best way to prepare this crop for the winter is pickling.

  • 1 kg of celery root vegetables;
  • 5 glasses of water;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 3 grams of citric acid.

Add salt and citric acid to the water and bring to a boil. Cut the peeled root vegetables into small pieces, place in a boiling solution for 2-3 minutes, cool, and place in sterilized glass containers.

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  • 4 glasses of water;
  • 1 glass of vinegar 9%;
  • 4 pieces of cloves.

Boil the marinade, pour the jars with root vegetables, sterilize for 20–25 minutes and roll up.

Recipes for preparing celery for the winter at home are quite simple and accessible even to young housewives and allow you to diversify your diet, providing your family with the necessary vitamins and minerals during the cold season.

Celery has a lot of beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on human health. It has a pronounced spicy taste, thanks to which it is widely used in cooking in the preparation of various vegetable and meat dishes.

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