How to store carrots: in the refrigerator, cellar, in a bag?

Vegetable growing » Carrots



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Kira Stoletova

After harvesting, carrots need to be stored somewhere. Large quantities of vegetables are usually stored in cellars in private houses or on balconies in apartments. But if the harvest is small, it is realistic to store carrots in the refrigerator. It has optimal conditions for vegetables to retain their quality. To do this, it is important to follow certain rules.

Rules for storing carrots in the refrigerator

Calorie content and chemical composition

The calorie content of 100 g of fresh carrots is 41 kcal, boiled carrots have 25 kcal per 100 g.

Nutritional value of raw product:

  • proteins - 1.3 g;
  • fats - 0.9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 6.9 g.

Nutritional value of the boiled product:

  • proteins - 0.8 g;
  • fats - 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 5 g.

Carrots also contain large amounts of beta-carotene, vitamins B, C and K, as well as iodine, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.

Important! It is important to understand that carrots do not contain vitamin A, as many people mistakenly believe. It contains carotenes, which are already converted into vitamin A in the human liver.

After processing, almost all vitamins disappear, dietary fiber is converted into starch and carbohydrates. Boiled vegetables are high in antioxidants.

In clay

The clay is diluted with water to a liquid state. You can let the solution sit for a day, then mix it with a new portion of water. Repeat the procedure for several days until it thickens into a creamy consistency.

After this, a film is lined at the bottom of the container, the carrots are laid out in layers and evenly filled with clay solution. Each next layer is laid as the previous ones dry. Fill the box completely in the same way.

It is possible not to pour, but to dip the vegetables in the garlic-clay solution. This will allow the formation of a thin natural film that protects against damage and rotting. You don’t have to wash the carrots, but just put them straight into the mixture. After this, leave to dry in a dark, dry room. Place already dried carrots in boxes for the winter, covered with a protective layer of clay and garlic.

To prepare the solution, garlic must be minced, mixed with water and shaken. When pouring, make sure that the vegetables do not touch each other.

Benefits and harms

Each root vegetable has beneficial and harmful properties. The benefit of boiled carrots is that they contain a lot of pectin and fiber, which stabilize digestion and stimulate metabolism. Antioxidants in its composition prevent the development and spread of cancer cells in the body. Carrots are good for their high content of vitamins (fresh ones contain more than boiled ones).

In addition, this is a dietary product, as it contains few carbohydrates. As for the harm, if you eat the root vegetable in excess, it can cause digestive problems. People suffering from pancreatitis or gastritis need to consume the root vegetable in limited quantities.

Carrots can also have a laxative effect for intestinal diseases. The only exception is allergies, for which it is not recommended to eat it. In other cases, there is no doubt about whether it is healthy - almost everyone can and should eat it.

Important! People suffering from blood and heart diseases are advised to include carrots in their diet.

it helps lower blood pressure and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

General Tips

Finally, we summarize some general nuances for storing carrots in the refrigerator:

  • Both excessive humidity and dry air are harmful to vegetables; try to maintain optimal humidity for storage: in tightly closed non-vacuum bags, carrots will not dry out, but they may rot, so periodically open the bags and inspect them, or make small holes in them for ventilation.
  • Go through your supplies from time to time and remove, if you find, damaged fruits so that they do not damage neighboring ones.
  • Do not store ripe vegetables with ripe apples, bananas or tomatoes - they all produce ethylene, which speeds up ripening and causes faster spoilage.
  • Carrots begin to wrinkle and dry out, become flabby, and from too high a temperature and humidity, they simply begin to germinate and all of their strength and juiciness are spent on growth.
  • To prevent germination, before placing in a bag, the fruits can be pre-cooled by placing them in the refrigerator for a day, and then put into bags and tie them.
  • According to GOST, on an industrial scale and in conditions, it is recommended to store carrots for the winter unwashed and under the following conditions: temperature not lower than 0 ˚C and not higher than 5 ˚C, with a humidity of 95–98%.
  • Carrots will be best stored at a temperature of 0 to 1˚C and at a humidity of 90–95%. This is the best option in which carrots will be preserved, depending on the keeping quality of the variety, for at least 4–6 months.

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You can store only a small amount of stock in the refrigerator; despite all the similarities in approaches, storing a large harvest has its own nuances.

Which carrots are healthier: raw or boiled?

Of course, fresh root vegetables contain more vitamins and nutrients. But they are absorbed in fairly small quantities (if it is not freshly squeezed juice). If you eat raw carrots in pieces, only 3-4% of carotenes are absorbed, if in the form of puree - about 20%.

But boiled carrots are absorbed much better and faster. Research from the Agricultural Institute in Denmark has shown that boiled root vegetables are healthier - they can reduce the risk of cancer in the body's cells.

Features of use

Although carrots are a very healthy product, there are some peculiarities of its use in case of various diseases, for example, pancreatitis. There are also some rules for including it in the diet during weight loss or diabetes. More on such rules and exceptions below.

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With hepatitis B

During lactation, this vegetable is very useful. It solves the problem of a small amount of milk and stimulates its production. In addition, it helps normalize the blood pressure of a nursing mother, improves kidney and liver function, and solves problems with constipation. With milk, a child receives a sufficient amount of vitamins, which strengthen the body and improve immunity.

Carrots do not cause colic in the baby or any other discomfort in his intestines, so it can be included in the child’s diet already in the second month of life.

When losing weight

Boiled carrots are very useful for dieting - they are not only easily digestible, but also contain a small amount of calories. But since the root vegetable has a high content of slow proteins, it is better to plan its consumption in the first half of the day. In this case, it will serve as an excellent source of strength and energy.

For pancreatitis, gastritis

With pancreatitis and gastritis, eating raw root vegetables is prohibited, especially if these are acute forms of the disease. You can include it in your diet after a week of treatment and removal of all symptoms, and only in the form of puree.

Did you know? Carrots can change the color of human skin. If you eat it in large quantities and constantly, your skin color will gradually turn yellowish or orange. By the way, this effect is often used by zoo employees

Flamingos include carrots in their diet to preserve the color of their plumage.

For diabetes

Although carrots contain carbohydrates, which raises doubts about whether people with diabetes can eat them, they can actually provide many benefits. The root vegetable helps slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood due to its dietary fiber content. And the glucose contained in the fruit is much more beneficial for the patient than simple sugar. In addition, very often diabetics have decreased vision - the fetus helps combat this problem.

If we talk about the form in which it is best to include carrots in the diet, then thermally processed ones are more suitable. Thanks to the large amount of antioxidants, it becomes more beneficial for diabetics. It is recommended to regularly drink juice (from fresh fruits) - it quenches thirst, which often occurs in patients, normalizes glucose levels and pancreatic function. In addition, it will be a useful addition to boost immunity and strengthen the nervous system.

Did you know? It was carrots that gave carotene its name. This element was first isolated from this fruit, and in Latin the name of carrot sounds like carota.

For diarrhea

Such a problem requires an integrated approach and maintaining a special diet. However, you can include carrots in your diet, but in small quantities (it has a laxative effect). Only boiled vegetables are allowed, preferably in the form of puree.

What can you cook

The root vegetable can be eaten in almost any form, both separately from other products and as part of dishes. Very often it is simply added fresh to salads or put into a double boiler (this way it retains more vitamins). Very often, boiled carrots are included in popular salads such as Olivier salad, vinaigrette, and herring under a fur coat.

Cold appetizers, jellied meats and jellies are decorated with vegetables. You can also serve boiled carrots as a side dish, which goes great with meat or poultry. The juice from this root vegetable is often drunk, and sweet desserts including carrots are also prepared.

In the garden

An exclusive method for overwintering carrots is in the turf (earthen bed) where it was grown. For high-quality preservation for the winter, the carrot tops are cut off, and the bed is covered with a layer of coarse sand and pressed tightly with film on top.

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To insulate the ridge, sawdust, fallen leaves, a peat cushion or humus are used. Next comes a layer of roofing felt film for protection from the wind.

How long do boiled carrots last?

Cooked carrots can be stored for no longer than 2 months, and they should only be kept in the refrigerator. To extend its shelf life, you need to grate the vegetable and put it in the freezer. In this case, it can remain fresh for up to 5 months.

Read more about the benefits of carrots for the body and how to prepare grated carrots with sour cream.

Carrots are a healthy product that contains many vitamins and microelements. Its use is mandatory for almost any person, since it can boost immunity and help avoid certain diseases.

Nutrition Vegetables Carrots Food Benefits and harms of vegetables

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