Akvadetrim shelf life after opening

Active ingredient

According to the international drug classification system, colecalciferol belongs to the group of vitamins that are soluble in oils and alcohol. The feature that distinguishes D3 from most other vitamins is its ability to be reproduced in the human body through synthesis. The action of the substance is aimed at regulating the exchange of phosphorus and calcium in order to normalize the human bone skeleton. The total daily dose of vitamin D required by a person is indicated in the range from 10 to 15 mcg.

Colecalciferol has two main solution forms: aqueous and oily. The name of the drug containing vitamin D3 depends on its type. The composition of "Aquadetrim" implies an aqueous solution, which, compared to the oil form, has a greater degree of absorption. The vitamin accumulates in organs and tissues, reaching maximum concentration within 4 hours after consumption.

Effect of the drug

The main pathological conditions of bone tissue associated with impaired mineralization appear as a result of changes in the concentration of phosphorus and calcium in the body. Instructions for use of "Aquadetrim" define the drug as an effective assistant in the treatment and prevention of bone formation disorders associated with a deficiency of a substance from the group of vitamins D. The main causes of deficiency are:

  1. Insufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation, which affects the formation of the vitamin in the body.
  2. Lack of foods fortified with vitamin D3 in the diet.
  3. The birth of a newborn earlier than the planned date of birth.
  4. Disorders associated with the absorption of the vitamin and its transition from the inactive phase to the active one.
  5. Genetic predisposition.

The listed cases of vitamin D3 deficiency require the use of various forms and individual dosages of Aquadetrim in accordance with doctor’s prescriptions.

Vitamin D3: indications, instructions

Normal functioning of the human body is possible subject to the replenishment of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. Their deficiency leads to disruption of organ function and metabolism. A special role is assigned to vitamins. The deficiency of these components has a very noticeable effect on health. In order to avoid this problem, you need to eat rationally and take vitamin complexes for prevention.

The value of vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 takes part in many processes in the body. It affects the immune, bone, nervous systems, cell growth and the condition of the endocrine glands.

The component is primarily responsible for the absorption of the minerals magnesium and calcium, which are necessary for the formation of dental and bone tissue. Vitamin D3 takes an active part in the exchange of phosphorus and calcium, as a result of which, due to an increased influx of minerals, tooth and bone tissue are strengthened. It influences the processes of cell renewal and growth, protects the body from the development of cancer. A sufficient concentration of the component helps strengthen the immune system, normalizes blood glucose levels, and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

The daily requirement of the vitamin for children is about 500 IU, for adults – 600 IU. Women during pregnancy and breastfeeding are recommended to take up to 1500 IU. An additional dose is also needed for older people.

Vitamin D deficiency: causes

Vitamin D deficiency in the body, the development of which can be caused by factors such as lack of sunlight and insufficient indoor insolation, is a fairly common phenomenon. It is more common in people who live in northern latitudes, where lack of sunlight and long winters prevent the skin from producing the component. Poor diet, insufficient consumption of dairy products and fish can also lead to the development of deficiency.

The body is able to use vitamin D3 only in its active form, which is the responsibility of the kidneys. Accordingly, people with kidney failure or other problems with these organs are also at risk of developing vitamin D deficiency. Diseases such as cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, and Crohn's disease interfere with the absorption of the component from food.

The following factors contribute to the development of vitamin D deficiency: vegetarian diet, use of antacids, kidney and liver disease, dark skin, lactation and pregnancy, age over 50 years.

Deficiency Symptoms

Depending on the degree of deficiency and sensitivity of a person, the symptoms of deficiency may differ. In the initial stages, it may not manifest itself at all, and then suddenly turn into rickets. Symptoms of deficiency include: weight loss, weakness, stooped posture, bone deformities, spinal deformities, slow growth in children, muscle cramps, dental deformities, delayed tooth formation, joint pain.

Vitamin deficiency in the body can be cured if you pay attention to the problem in time. To do this, you need to monitor your health and the health of your children, create the right menu, walk in the fresh air and avoid bad habits.

Possible complications

If measures are not taken to neutralize vitamin D deficiency, it can lead to the development of very serious diseases that are difficult to treat, and in some cases can last a lifetime. The most common complications include rickets (especially in childhood), osteoporosis (brittle bones), osteomalacia, fractures and bone deformities. In early childhood, when a child's bone tissue is just forming, a lack of vitamin can affect the quality of bones in the future.

Against the background of a deficiency, the following diseases can gradually develop: multiple sclerosis, hypertension, constant headaches, depression, chronic pain and fatigue, diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer, asthma, arthritis.


You can prevent the development of deficiency by following simple rules. The first is sufficient exposure to the sun and fresh air. Sunlight has a positive effect on a person's general condition and stimulates the production of vitamin D in the skin. The daily diet should include foods that contain this component. They can replace medications and provide the body with the necessary substances.

Complex supplements or vitamin preparations should only be taken after a thorough examination by a doctor. A specialist can prescribe them for diseases that may contribute to the development of deficiency.

Treatment of deficiency

A lack of vitamin in the blood can lead to serious complications, so it is necessary to take action at the first sign. Treatment should be comprehensive and consist of several steps. First, it is necessary to discover the cause that caused the deficiency and eliminate it. It is worth reconsidering your lifestyle and daily diet, and making some adjustments to it. In particular, you need to eat fatty fish, dairy products, and drink fortified milk more often.

After an examination at the clinic, the doctor may prescribe medications containing vitamin D. The choice of medications is very wide; vitamin D3 (solution) is popular. The drug is also known as Aquadetrim. Before using any product, you should read the instructions. Vitamin D3 is of great importance for infants. The good thing about the drug “Aquadetrim” is that it is suitable for use from four weeks of life.

Vitamin D3

To maintain a normal level of the component in the blood, you need to include in your daily diet foods containing it in sufficient quantities. If this fails, then medications that are designed to provide the body with vitamin D3 will come to the rescue.

The most common drugs include Viganol, Minisan, Aquadetrim. The last one, an aqueous solution of vitamin D3, deserves special attention. The peculiarity of the drug is that it is approved for use by pregnant women and newborn babies. The product prevents the development of rickets, osteoporosis and other similar diseases, and is used in the treatment of vitamin deficiency. The drug can be bought at any pharmacy kiosk at an affordable price, it is available without a prescription, but before use, especially during pregnancy, it is advisable to consult a doctor and carefully read the instructions.


The drug "Aquadetrim", or aqueous vitamin D3, thanks to the active substance - colecalciferol, affects the normalization of the metabolism of phosphates and calcium, resulting in the correct formation of the bone skeleton and the preservation of the structure of bone tissue. The active component of the drug takes part in the reabsorption of phosphates, the functioning of the parathyroid glands, and affects the synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid.

The solution helps normalize the content of calcium ions, affects blood clotting and the conduction of nerve impulses, prevents the development of hypovitaminosis and calcium deficiency, which results in the development of diseases such as osteoporosis and rickets.

The Aquadetrim aqueous solution, compared to the oil solution, has greater bioavailability and is better adsorbed; it does not require the presence of bile for absorption into the blood, which is especially important for premature babies who still have an immature digestive system.

The use of vitamin D3 is recommended primarily for vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis. The drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of rickets-like diseases, hypocalcemia, tetany (caused by hypocalcemia). A sufficient amount of the component is necessary for infants and children who grow and develop, their bones are formed and require its presence for normal absorption of calcium.

During menopause and postmenopause, due to hormonal changes, women may develop osteoporosis, for the treatment of which you also need to take vitamin D3. Instructions for use describe all cases in which Aquadetrim can be used. The drug is prescribed for loss of calcium in teeth and bones, for osteomalacia of various etiologies, for osteopathies caused by metabolic disorders. It also has a good effect on the restoration and fusion of bone tissue after fractures.

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Before giving vitamin D3 to children or taking it yourself, it is advisable to consult a doctor, because he has a list of contraindications for use and side effects.

You should not take the drug if you are individually sensitive to colecalciferol, or if you are intolerant to benzyl alcohol. If you have elevated calcium levels in your blood (hypercalcemia) or urine (hypercalciuria), you should also stop taking vitamin D3. The instructions prohibit the use of the drug in case of hypervitaminosis, insufficiency of kidney function, active form of tuberculosis, or urolithiasis. During prolonged immobilization, large doses of the drug are contraindicated.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug is prescribed taking into account the condition of the mother and fetus (child). In this case, extreme caution is needed, because in case of an overdose, the baby may have developmental disorders. Vitamin D3 should also be prescribed with caution for newborns, and especially for premature babies.

Side effects

Patients may experience some side effects when taking vitamin D3. If the drug is used in recommended doses, then the possibility of their occurrence is close to zero. Side effects may occur if the dose is exceeded or if there is individual hypersensitivity to the components of the product.

You can determine the body's reaction to the action of the drug by the following symptoms: irritability, sudden mood swings, stupor, depression, mental disorders, headache. The gastrointestinal tract may be disturbed by dry mouth, thirst, vomiting, nausea, stool disorders, rapid weight loss, even anorexia. The cardiovascular system can react by increasing blood pressure, increasing heart rate, and cardiac dysfunction. In addition, side effects such as nephropathy, myalgia, general muscle weakness, polyuria, and soft tissue calcification may occur.

special instructions

If the drug is used to treat a disease, then only a doctor can prescribe it, referring to the results of blood and urine tests. When using the drug for preventive purposes, it is necessary to remember the possibility of overdose, especially for pediatric patients. With long-term use of vitamin D3 in high doses, the development of chronic hypervitaminosis is possible.

When giving the drug to newborns, you should pay attention to their individual sensitivity to its components. If you take vitamin D3 for a long time, this can cause growth retardation for children. In old age, patients' daily requirement for the component increases, but vitamin D preparations may be contraindicated for them due to the presence of various diseases. In this case, you need to fill the body’s need by eating foods high in this substance.

Vitamin D3 in foods

You can compensate for the lack of vitamins using not only medications, but also food. Vitamin D3 is found in sufficient quantities in mackerel, mackerel, herring, tuna, fish oil, fish liver, seafood, eggs, butter, cheese, cottage cheese, and fermented milk products.

Products of plant origin contain little vitamin, which vegetarians should pay attention to. Such products include potatoes, nettles, horsetail, parsley, and oatmeal. It is synthesized under the influence of sunlight, so it is worth spending more time in the fresh air and, if possible, sunbathing.

But, unlike “friendly” vitamin C, excess vitamin D can be toxic to the human body and can be accompanied by acute or chronic harmful effects on health, among which the greatest danger is a violation of calcium metabolism, which negatively affects bone structure.

Indications for use

The use of the drug is necessary as a substitute for the natural form of vitamin D3, which is formed in humans when exposed to sun rays on the skin and the body as a whole.

According to the instructions for use, Aquadetrim is prescribed for:

  • rickets;
  • lack of vitamin D in natural form;
  • a number of intestinal diseases;
  • osteoporosis;
  • violations of mineralization processes in the body;
  • poor nutrition, including the need to give up dairy or other products as prescribed by a doctor;
  • inability to receive ultraviolet radiation through sunbathing;
  • low levels of calcium or phosphate in the body;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • insufficient acquired or congenital production of the hormone parathyrin;
  • prevention of rickets in children from birth and female osteoporosis, characteristic of older people.

Shelf life of Aquadetrim and storage conditions

The expiration date of Aquadetrim is stated on the packaging of the drug, but many young mothers are tormented by doubts about this and wonder how it is correct, and for how long this product can be stored and used? Let's try to understand this issue, but first let's clarify what Aquadetrim is?

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This drug is nothing more than an aqueous solution of vitamin D3 (colecalciferol). It belongs to the pharmacological group of vitamins and vitamin-like agents that regulate calcium-phosphorus metabolism. The dark glass bottle contains a clear, colorless liquid with the aroma and taste of anise - this is Aquadetrim.

Why is the drug prescribed?

A child's body grows and develops very rapidly. To build muscle and bone tissue, calcium is necessary, but it is not absorbed by itself; vitamin D3 is necessarily involved in this process. If calcium is present in sufficient quantities in breast milk or high-quality artificial formulas, then with vitamin D3 everything is a little more complicated.

This important component is found in fish oil, egg yolk or, for example, liver. Of course, including such products in the menu of newborns is out of the question.

Another option is sunbathing, since it is under the influence of ultraviolet radiation that vitamin D3 is produced in the body, but this is only possible in the summer, when the baby is wearing a minimum of clothes, and then, too long exposure to the sun’s rays is harmful even for an adult, let alone a baby!

This is where Aquadetrim comes to the rescue. It is in an aqueous solution that the vitamin is absorbed best in a short time, which, in fact, is required for the normal absorption of calcium and healthy growth of the baby.

Indications for use

  • lack of vitamin D3;
  • rickets and similar diseases;
  • metabolic osteopathies;
  • osteomalacia;
  • hypocalcemic tetamia.


  • the child is up to four weeks old;
  • severe kidney disease;
  • hypervitaminosis D3;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis, occurring in an active form;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug, hypersensitivity to benzyl alcohol;
  • women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • infants who have a predisposition to fontanel overgrowth too early.

Storage conditions

The instructions and packaging clearly state how to properly store the product:

  1. The temperature should not exceed +25 degrees.
  2. It is not for nothing that the drug is placed in a dark glass bottle: it should be protected from direct sunlight and light in general.
  3. The lid must be tightly closed.
  4. The product should be kept out of the reach of children.

Some people are wondering if it is possible to store a vitamin preparation in the freezer? This hardly makes sense:

  • the liquid will freeze, and then how to take the product?
  • freezing and defrosting will affect the composition in the most negative way;
  • Why are such drastic measures needed if a compartment in the refrigerator where the temperature is above zero but does not cross the +15 degree mark is sufficient for storage?

Conclusion: the freezer is completely unsuitable for storing this product.

Best before date

Aquadetrim can be stored under the conditions indicated above for three years if the factory packaging remains intact, but what to do when both the box and the bottle have already been opened?

First, you need to lower the storage temperature to +10 - +15 degrees. The optimal solution is to store the drug in the refrigerator, for example, in a compartment on the door.

Secondly, comply with all other storage conditions, but keep in mind that the shelf life of the product will still be reduced. It can be used for 4-6 months, which is quite convenient.

The fact is that Aquadetrim is taken in long courses, or more precisely, from approximately October to April. In late spring and sunny summer there is no need to take the drug. Thus, the shelf life of Aquadetrim after opening the package coincides with the duration of the course. Considering the low cost of the product, it is quite possible to purchase a new bottle once a year.


On forums where young mothers share experiences and ask each other for advice, you can read that the shelf life of Aquadetrim is reduced to a month immediately after the cap is removed from the bottle.

This is, to say the least, illogical, because the drug is produced for long-term use, and the amount of product in the bottle says the same! You don’t have to worry about this and feel free to use vitamin drops for six months, strictly observing their storage conditions.

The drug can be used, especially for children, only as prescribed by a doctor and under his supervision. It may be necessary to adjust the dose of the drug after examinations. This is especially important for very young children in the first months of their life.

Attention: you should not take high doses of the drug for a long time, this can lead to hypervitaminosis D3 in a chronic form. A one-time overdose of the drug causes gastrointestinal disorders and other more serious consequences.

Why is vitamin D so important? Video

Methods of application

The main function of the drug is to regulate the growth of the bone skeleton in infancy and the correct concentration of minerals in older age. Aquadetrim drops for adults are also used to help with the functioning of the muscular layer of the heart, normalization of blood clotting processes, rickets, osteoporosis, vitamin D deficiency and related conditions. For preventive purposes, the medication is prescribed with 1 drop. Later, the dosage is calculated based on the time of year, possible intake of the vitamin with food and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Treatment begins with 4 drops, eventually increasing the intake to 6 drops per day. The course of treatment is one and a half months and obliges the doctor and the patient to monitor blood counts. If necessary, the drug can be repeated with a break of 7-10 days. After achieving the required indicators, the dosage is reduced to 1-2 drops and the medicine is continued to be used for preventive purposes.

During the postmenopausal period, the medicine is prescribed for preventive purposes and is recommended for use for 2-3 years.

Using Aquadetrim drops before or after meals is a personal choice for everyone. A special feature of the administration is the mandatory dilution of the drug with a small amount of water.

Aquadetrim: drug Aquadetrim instructions for use

Akvadetrim release form, composition and packaging

Oral drops 1 ml (30 drops) colecalciferol 15 thousand IU

Excipients: Cremophor EL, sucrose, sodium hydrogen phosphate, citric acid, anise flavor, benzyl alcohol, purified water.

Clinical and pharmacological group: A drug that regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.

Aquadetrim pharmacological action

A drug that regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. Vitamin D3 is an active antirachitic factor. The most important function of vitamin D is to regulate calcium and phosphate metabolism, which promotes skeletal mineralization and growth.

Vitamin D3 is a natural form of vitamin D that is formed in humans in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Compared to vitamin D2, it is characterized by 25% higher activity.

Colecalciferol plays a significant role in the absorption of calcium and phosphates in the intestine, in the transport of mineral salts and in the process of bone calcification, and also regulates the excretion of calcium and phosphates by the kidneys. The concentration of calcium ions in the blood determines the maintenance of muscle tone of skeletal muscles, myocardial function, promotes nervous stimulation, and regulates the process of blood coagulation. Vitamin D is necessary for the normal functioning of the parathyroid glands and is also involved in the functioning of the immune system, influencing the production of lymphokines.

Lack of vitamin D in food, impaired absorption, calcium deficiency, as well as insufficient exposure to the sun during the period of rapid growth of a child leads to rickets, in adults - to osteomalacia, pregnant women may experience symptoms of tetany, disruption of the calcification processes of the bones of newborns.

An increased need for vitamin D occurs in women during menopause, as they often develop osteoporosis due to hormonal imbalances.

The drug Aquadetrim pharmacokinetics


An aqueous solution of colecalciferol is absorbed better than an oil solution (which is important when used in premature infants, because in this category of patients there is insufficient formation and flow of bile into the intestines, which impairs the absorption of vitamins in the form of oil solutions). After oral administration, colecalciferol is absorbed from the small intestine.

Distribution and metabolism

Metabolized in the liver and kidneys. Penetrates through the placental barrier. Excreted in breast milk. Colecalciferol has cumulation properties.


T1/2 is several days. Excreted in urine and feces.

Pharmacokinetics in special clinical situations

If renal function is impaired, T1/2 may increase.

The drug Aquadetrim indications

Prevention and treatment:

  • vitamin D deficiency;
  • rickets and rickets-like diseases;
  • hypocalcemic tetany;
  • osteomalacia;
  • metabolic osteopathies (hypoparathyroidism and pseudohypoparathyroidism).

Treatment of osteoporosis, incl. postmenopausal (as part of combination therapy).

Aquadetrim dosage regimen

The dose is set individually, taking into account the amount of vitamin D that the patient receives as part of the diet and in the form of medications. The drug is taken in 1 spoon of liquid (1 drop contains 500 IU of colecalciferol). To accurately measure the dose of the drug, the bottle should be held at an angle of 45°.

For the purpose of prevention for full-term newborns from 3-4 weeks of life to 2-3 years , with proper care and sufficient exposure to fresh air, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 500-1000 IU (1-2 drops)/day.

Premature babies from 7-10 days of age , twins and children living in unfavorable conditions are prescribed 1000-1500 IU (2-3 drops)/day. In the summer, the dose can be reduced to 500 IU (1 drop)/day.

Aquadetrim during pregnancy: 500 IU (1 drop)/day is prescribed daily for the entire period of pregnancy, or 1000 IU/day, starting from the 28th week of pregnancy.

In the postmenopausal period, 500-1000 IU (1-2 drops)/day is prescribed.

For rickets, the drug is prescribed daily at a dose of 2000-5000 IU (4-10 drops)/day for 4-6 weeks, depending on the severity of rickets and the course of the disease. In this case, the patient’s clinical condition should be monitored and biochemical indicators should be examined (calcium, phosphorus levels, alkaline phosphatase activity in the blood and urine). The initial dose is 2000 IU/day for 3-5 days, then, if well tolerated, the dose is increased to an individual therapeutic dose (usually up to 3000 IU/day). A dose of 5000 IU/day is prescribed only for pronounced bone changes. If necessary, after a 1 week break, the course of treatment can be repeated. Treatment should be continued until a clear therapeutic effect is obtained, followed by a transition to a prophylactic dose of 500-1500 IU/day.

When treating rickets-like diseases, 20,000-30,000 IU (40-60 drops)/day is prescribed, depending on age, body weight and severity of the disease under the control of biochemical blood parameters and urine analysis. The course of treatment is 4-6 weeks. When treating postmenopausal osteoporosis (as part of combination therapy), 500-1000 IU (1-2 drops)/day is prescribed.

Aquadetrim side effects

When using the drug in recommended doses and in the absence of individual hypersensitivity, no side effects were detected. Predisposed patients may experience symptoms of hypervitaminosis D: loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, headache, muscle and joint pain, constipation, dry mouth, polyuria, depression, mental disorders, weight loss, increased calcium levels in the blood and urine, formation of kidney stones, soft tissue calcification.

Aquadetrim contraindications

  • hypervitaminosis D;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • formation of calcium stones in the kidneys;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • renal failure;
  • hypersensitivity to vitamin D3 and other components of the drug (especially benzyl alcohol).

Aquadetrim during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, Aquadetrim should not be used in high doses due to the possibility of teratogenic effects in case of overdose.

Aquadetrim should be prescribed with caution during lactation, because When using the drug in high doses, a nursing mother may develop overdose symptoms in the child.

Use for liver dysfunction

Colecalciferol is metabolized in the liver and kidneys.

Use for renal impairment

If renal function is impaired, T1/2 may increase.

Aquadetrim special instructions

The drug is prescribed with caution to immobilized patients.

The use of the drug for medicinal purposes in children must be carried out under close medical supervision and the dosage regimen must be adjusted during periodic examinations, especially in the first months of life.

When prescribing the drug, it is necessary to take into account all possible sources of vitamin D. Long-term use of Aquadetrim in high doses or use of the drug in loading doses can lead to chronic hypervitaminosis D3. Aquadetrim and calcium in high doses should not be used simultaneously.

Control of laboratory parameters

When using the drug for medicinal purposes, it is necessary to monitor the level of calcium in the blood and urine.

Aquadetrim drug overdose

Symptoms: loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation, anxiety, thirst, polyuria, diarrhea, intestinal colic. Frequent symptoms are headache, muscle and joint pain, depression, mental disorders, ataxia, stupor, and progressive weight loss. Renal dysfunction develops with albuminuria, erythrocyturia and polyuria, increased potassium loss, hyposthenuria, nocturia and increased blood pressure. In severe cases, clouding of the cornea is possible, less often - swelling of the optic nerve papilla, inflammation of the iris, up to the development of cataracts. Possible formation of kidney stones, calcification of soft tissues, incl. blood vessels, heart, lungs, skin.

Cholestatic jaundice rarely develops.

Treatment: use of the drug should be interrupted. Prescribe large amounts of fluid.

If necessary, hospitalization may be required.

Aquadetrim drug interactions

With simultaneous use of Aquadetrim and thiazide diuretics, the risk of developing hypercalcemia increases. With simultaneous use of Aquadetrim with antiepileptic drugs, rifampicin, cholestyramine, the absorption of colecalciferol is reduced. The simultaneous use of Aquadetrim with cardiac glycosides may enhance their toxic effect (increases the risk of developing cardiac arrhythmias).

Akvadetrim storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of 5° to 15°C. Shelf life: 3 years.

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Pregnancy and lactation period

The daily intake of medication by pregnant women usually does not exceed two drops. Since there is a risk to the fetus, identified in animal studies, pregnant women are recommended to use the drug in accordance with the prescribed dosages. Long-term uncontrolled use of the drug during pregnancy can have an adverse effect on the child, including delayed mental development of the fetus. For medicinal purposes, the dosage of Aquadetrim is prescribed individually and can vary from 4 to 10 drops.

During lactation, a woman must remember that the drug tends to penetrate into breast milk and use drops with caution or stop feeding during treatment.


Aquadetrim drops for children are used in both preventive and therapeutic doses. From the second month of life until the age of 2 years, to prevent the development of rickets, the daily pediatric dose is 1 drop. If it is not possible to obtain vitamin D3 naturally, the dosage is doubled.

The amount of the drug for treating a small patient is also individual and may differ significantly from the doses recommended for prevention.

Best before date

Information about the expiration date is indicated directly on the cardboard packaging - on the top side. There is a release date for the drug and an expiration date.

Aquadetrim can be used for three years from the date of release. In this case, the drops must be stored only in the refrigerator, since room temperatures and lighting (even artificial) lead to the loss of their properties.

In most cases, the drug is prescribed to children aged 1 month to 1.5 years, so if there are 5-10 days left before the expiration date, then it is better not to take the drops.

Attention! After opening the drug, the shelf life does not change only if all storage conditions are met.

Over time, the active components of the substance disintegrate, and Aquadetrim does not provide any benefit. Actually, it does no harm either - even if it turns out to be expired.

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To identify a drug that is unsuitable for use, you should carefully examine the date until which it can be taken, and also make sure that the liquid is clear in color (like water) without impurities or undissolved particles.

Side effects and overdose

The prescribed doses of the drug cannot lead to side effects. Health problems begin with a significant overdose of Aquadetrim and lead to hypervitaminosis, accompanied by the following conditions:

  • weight loss;
  • thirst and dry mucous membranes;
  • increase in pressure;
  • increasing the dose of calcium in the blood;
  • formation of stones;
  • pain in muscle and joint tissue;
  • vomiting or constipation;
  • excessive anxiety or depression.

If signs of an excess of vitamin are detected due to the use of the drug, it is recommended to prescribe treatment in accordance with the symptoms of overdose.

Side effects

Aquadetrim sometimes causes side effects:

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Headache;
  • Aches in muscles and joints;
  • Lethargy and depression;
  • The level of calcium in the blood increases;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Constipation;
  • Exhaustion;
  • The appearance of stones in the kidneys and bladder.

Side effects of Aquadetrim in newborns include sleep disturbances and anxiety. Also pay attention to other side effects:

  1. Thirst;
  2. Frequent urination;
  3. Anxiety;
  4. Frequent regurgitation;
  5. Diarrhea;
  6. Labored breathing;
  7. Heat;
  8. Convulsions;
  9. Increased blood pressure;
  10. Body temperature and poor appetite.

If you find the listed symptoms, you need to stop using the drug and consult a doctor.


In accordance with the instructions for use, "Aquadetrim" is used with caution in case of special sensitivity to the active substance and is contraindicated:

  • in case of individual intolerance to the auxiliary components of the drug;
  • in case of increased amount of phosphates and calcium in the blood;
  • children up to the fifth week of life;
  • in the presence of non-caseating granulomas in any organs and tissues;
  • for kidney diseases with the formation of stones;
  • with chronic excess of vitamin D in the body.

Interaction with other drugs

To avoid cardiac arrhythmias, it is recommended to use the drug with caution simultaneously with medications that regulate cardiac activity. Antiepileptic drugs reduce the reabsorption of colecalciferol. Using drops along with diuretics can lead to hypercalcemia. Derivatives of barbituric acid, on the contrary, increase the body's need for vitamin D. There is a risk of overdose with Aquadetrim if the drops are used simultaneously with magnesium-containing drugs aimed at normalizing the level of hydrochloric acid and eliminating increased stomach acidity.


A composition similar to “Aquadetrim” and an identical active ingredient is used in a whole group of drugs: “Vigantol”, “Aquavit D3”, “Videhol”, “Vitamin D3 BON”.

  • "Vigantol" is produced in Germany in the form of a clear oil solution for oral administration. It is prescribed in the same way as Aquadetrim for adults and children. The active substance replenishes vitamin D3 deficiency and is responsible for regulating phosphorus and calcium metabolism. The concentration of colecalciferol in the product is slightly higher than its analogue, which can lead to an overdose. The advantage of Vigantol is the absence of odor and a minimum of excipients. Purchase at a pharmacy is possible only with a doctor’s prescription, and use requires following a clear prescription regimen.
  • "Aquavit D3" is a medicine produced in Ukraine in the form of an aqueous solution. The drug is also used orally in dosages allowed in accordance with the instructions. It differs from Aquadetrim in its low price, but purchasing in the Russian Federation is difficult.
  • "Videhol" is produced in Russia in the form of 2 forms: an oil solution and a crystalline powder. The drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency conditions of group D substances. Unlike Aquadetrim, use for children is not recommended due to a possible overdose. If oral administration is difficult, the advantage of the drug is the ability to administer intramuscular injections.

  • “Vitamin D3 BON” is a French product produced in the form of a solution for oral use and for intramuscular injection. The pharmacological action is identical to analogues. Compared to Aquadetrim, it has a low probability of developing adverse reactions, since it consists of fewer excipients. Along with "Videhol" it can be prescribed in the form of intramuscular injections.

Vitamin D | How to maintain and improve health

Vitamin D is all fat-soluble, sterol-based varieties of this vitamin, of which the most effective are cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) and ergocalciferol (vitamin D2). This means that these cholesterol-like nutrients contain a waxy fatty component and can accumulate in the human body. Vitamin D is known to everyone primarily for its effect on bone growth and maintaining their strength.

Functions of vitamin D

Vitamin D regulates the absorption of minerals - calcium and phosphorus, the level of these minerals in the blood, as well as their inclusion in the composition of bones and teeth, that is, the so-called mineralization, which is important for strengthening bones and teeth and increasing their resistance. A true team player, vitamin D works with other essential nutrients to help protect the body from infection and keep skin healthy and muscles strong. Thanks to the mentioned properties, it reduces the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, prevents osteoporosis and accelerates bone healing after fractures.

In some ways, the mechanism of action of vitamin D is more like a hormone than a vitamin, in that it is produced in one part of the body and enters the bloodstream to affect another part of the body, primarily the bones. It also interacts with the parathyroid gland to produce vitamin D3 when needed, and its molecular structure is similar to that of hormones such as estrogen and cortisone.

Daily requirement of vitamin D

Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin” because it can be produced in human skin by irradiating its precursors (provitamins) with ultraviolet rays, which are part of sunlight. But in people with dark or dark skin, those who live in environmentally polluted regions, in climatic zones where cloudy weather or long winters predominate, as well as those who spend little time outside during daylight hours, the body can produce insufficient amount of “sunshine vitamin”, which does not compensate for its lack in the daily diet.

Therefore, the EU recommended daily allowance for adults is 5 ml per day, although for some categories of the population the doctor may recommend other doses, due to special circumstances. Due to its important function in the formation and maintenance of strong bones, proper intake of vitamin D is of greatest importance for children and adolescents, as well as for the elderly.

But, unlike “friendly” vitamin C, excess vitamin D can be toxic to the human body and can be accompanied by acute or chronic harmful effects on health, among which the greatest danger is a violation of calcium metabolism, which negatively affects bone structure.

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Sources of vitamin D

As a fat-soluble substance, vitamin D is usually found only in the fatty portion of animal foods, while its precursors, the so-called provitamins, are widely present in plants and a variety of animal foods.

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Complex analog drugs

The manifestation of vitamin deficiency can occur in all age categories. If in children of the first years of life, vitamin D deficiency, which can lead to rickets, is not visually noticeable, then in schoolchildren it is accompanied by extreme fatigue, and in adults, insomnia and osteoporosis. In this regard, entire vitamin complexes are often prescribed. The list of Aquadetrim analogues, which have several active ingredients, is diverse and includes preparations with vitamin D3 and:

  • omega 3 acids – “Fish oil with vitamin D3”;
  • alendronic acid – “Fosavance”, “Ostalon Calcium D”;
  • calcium – “Complivit Calcium D3”, “Natekal 3D”, “Calcium D3 Nycomed”;
  • vitamin complexes – “Pikovit”, “Multitabs”, “Vitrum”, “Duovit”.

Proper nutrition and behavior

To replenish the lack of vitamin D in the body, children and adults need to consume the following categories of foods:

  • sea ​​fish, fish oil;
  • cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream;
  • oatmeal;
  • eggs;
  • liver of fish, pig, cow, chicken;
  • butter and vegetable oil.

In addition, being under the sun's rays, you can receive ultraviolet radiation, which promotes the synthesis of vitamin D in the body. Adequate walks for 15 minutes will benefit not only children, but also adults.

Reviews from doctors

Most doctors use vitamin D3 in practice, contained in the medicine “Aquadetrim”. Analogues of the drug are prescribed by specialists with the same frequency as the drug itself. The decision to use a particular drug is made taking into account the individual condition of the patient and the severity of the disease.

A feature of prescribing drops to achieve a therapeutic effect is the need for diagnostics before and during treatment. Doctors do not recommend self-medication with Aquadetrim due to a possible overdose or the development of hypervitaminosis of group D vitamins.

Patient reviews

The opinions of patients and mothers of babies who took the drug are ambiguous. Firstly, a small bottle of drops is not cheap. Secondly, the system does not dose the medicine well and often pours out 2 or 3 drops at once instead of 1. Thirdly, the excipient is benzyl alcohol, which also does not inspire confidence when used in infants. There is also the possibility of developing adverse reactions that require contacting a doctor for a new prescription.

Among the positive aspects, one can note the aroma of the medicine, its effectiveness in the fight against rickets and rickets-like diseases, the effectiveness of the drug used for preventive purposes due to vitamin D deficiency.

Aquadetrim After opening How long can it be stored?

Melody - a device for carrying out procedures for radiofrequency lifting, rejuvenation and ultrasonic cavitation

Does anyone know how long to store Aquadetrim (vitamin D) after opening?

Yes, it seems like it has an expiration date. look in the instructions.

I give my Aquadetrim 1-2 drops every day. This is on the doctor's recommendation. I don’t give anything like that anymore. And it’s not only this that confuses me about Vigantol, but its long shelf life, even after opening the package.

If the instructions do not say anything about this, then before the expiration date

The drug should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of 5° to 15°C. Shelf life: 3 years.

About vitamin D3 - Aquadetrim.

No it is not true. This is not in the annotation. It must be stored in the refrigerator - this is true.

Galya988, You can drip from a bottle dropper into a spoon and let him lick the spoon. 2-3 drops are enough for the prevention and treatment of the initial stages of rickets. Hello. Can a 2-month-old child be allergic to Aquadetrim drops?

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You look at the instructions, what is written there? My instructions don't say anything like that.

There is not a word about this anywhere. but our pediatrician said that it should be stored strictly in the refrigerator (although the instructions say 5-25) and for 3 weeks

Conditions and periods of storage The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life: 3 years.

No it is not true. And I don’t store it in the refrigerator.

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  • operating frequency 35-45kHz
  • selection of zones: arms, stomach, buttocks, legs
  • choosing the type of procedure: increasing skin elasticity or improving body contours
  • regulation of procedure time 0-60 minutes. (step 5 min.)
  • power adjustment 20-100% (step 10%)


I give my Aquadetrim 1-2 drops every day. This is on the doctor's recommendation. I don’t give anything like that anymore. And it’s not only this that confuses me about Vigantol, but its long shelf life, even after opening the package.

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