Oxolinic Ointment How long to store after opening

Description of the medicine

The basis of the drug is a medicinal component called naphthalene-tetron. Oxolinic ointment is a unique product that has no analogues throughout the CIS. Despite the fact that the benefits of the ointment have never been scientifically proven, its positive effect on the immune system has been tested for years. The manufacturers of this product claim that the ointment has a bactericidal effect that can resist the herpes virus, ARVI, and influenza. The effectiveness of therapy can be noted immediately after microorganisms enter the mucous membranes, which were previously treated with ointment.

Composition of the ointment

Externally, the ointment is a gel-like substance with a dense, white-gray color. It is quite viscous, homogeneous and does not contain any impurities. The main component is tetrahydronaphthalene or, as it is commonly called in its abbreviated form, oxolin. As additional components, the ointment contains regular Vaseline, which has undergone thorough medical purification.

Release form

The drug is supplied to pharmacies in cardboard packages. Each contains an aluminum tube with the drug. Oxolinic ointment is produced in two variations of the active substance: 0.25% and 3%. Medicine with a smaller amount of oxolin is used to treat the runny nose and fight viruses. 3% oxolinic ointment is purchased for external use. Each type of ointment is supplied in tubes from 10 to 30 grams. The drug in the form of 0.25% of the substance can be purchased in a volume of 5 grams.

Instructions for use

The ointment should be used only after reading the instructions, which are included in the carton. A dosage of the active substance of 0.25% is allowed for treating the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. 3% ointment cannot be used on the mucous membrane, as it will provoke burning, redness, and many other types of allergic reactions. But it will cope well with the treatment of skin diseases.

Instructions for the use of oxolinic ointment by adults state that in both cases it must be applied in the thinnest layer. When treating viral rhinitis, the drug is applied 2-3 times a day for about 3-4 days. As a prophylaxis against influenza, the nasal passages are treated with the drug twice a day until the outbreak of the epidemic decreases. The insert, which is located in each package of the medicine, also states that the shelf life of oxolinic ointment should not exceed more than 3 years from the date of manufacture, under proper storage conditions. It is prohibited to treat with expired medication.

Oxolinic ointment: shelf life, storage conditions, instructions for use

Oxolinic ointment is an excellent drug for treating ailments such as sore throat, runny nose or nasal congestion.

It can also protect the immune system from the negative effects of bacteria and viruses.

However, before using the product for its intended purpose, you must carefully understand the instructions for use and make sure that it has a safe effect on the body. In particular, check the expiration date of oxolinic ointment.

Description of the medicine

The basis of the drug is a medicinal component called naphthalene-tetron. Oxolinic ointment is a unique product that has no analogues throughout the CIS.

Despite the fact that the benefits of the ointment have never been scientifically proven, its positive effect on the immune system has been tested for years. The manufacturers of this product claim that the ointment has a bactericidal effect that can resist the herpes virus, ARVI, and influenza.

The effectiveness of therapy can be noted immediately after microorganisms enter the mucous membranes, which were previously treated with ointment.

Composition of the ointment

Externally, the ointment is a gel-like substance with a dense, white-gray color. It is quite viscous, homogeneous and does not contain any impurities. The main component is tetrahydronaphthalene or, as it is commonly called in its abbreviated form, oxolin. As additional components, the ointment contains regular Vaseline, which has undergone thorough medical purification.

Release form

The drug is supplied to pharmacies in cardboard packages. Each contains an aluminum tube with the drug. Oxolinic ointment is produced in two variations of the active substance: 0.25% and 3%.

Medicine with a smaller amount of oxolin is used to treat the runny nose and fight viruses. 3% oxolinic ointment is purchased for external use. Each type of ointment is supplied in tubes from 10 to 30 grams.

The drug in the form of 0.25% of the substance can be purchased in a volume of 5 grams.

Instructions for use

The ointment should be used only after reading the instructions, which are included in the carton.

A dosage of the active substance of 0.25% is allowed for treating the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

3% ointment cannot be used on the mucous membrane, as it will provoke burning, redness, and many other types of allergic reactions. But it will cope well with the treatment of skin diseases.

Instructions for the use of oxolinic ointment by adults state that in both cases it must be applied in the thinnest layer. When treating viral rhinitis, the drug is applied 2-3 times a day for about 3-4 days.

As a prophylaxis against influenza, the nasal passages are treated with the drug twice a day until the outbreak of the epidemic decreases.

The insert, which is located in each package of the medicine, also states that the shelf life of oxolinic ointment should not exceed more than 3 years from the date of manufacture, under proper storage conditions. It is prohibited to treat with expired medication.

Ointment in the form of a 3% amount of oxoline can be used for external treatment only for the following diseases:

  1. Simple herpes virus.
  2. Dermatitis.
  3. Psoriasis.
  4. Warts caused by the papilloma virus.
  5. Blistering or herpes zoster.

A more gentle version of oxolinic ointment can be used on mucous membranes for prevention and treatment:

  1. ARVI, influenza and acute respiratory infections.
  2. Viral rhinitis.
  3. Early keratitis.
  4. Conjunctivitis.
  5. Barley.
  6. Blepharitis.

Oxolinic ointment is actively used to prevent various viral diseases. To do this, she is treated with the nasal mucosa before each time she leaves the house during an exacerbation of the epidemic or before contact with a patient.

Oxolinic ointment for papillomas

Few people know about such therapy aimed against tumors on the body. To treat papillomas, oxolinic ointment is applied to the skin in a thin layer. In this case, the entire affected area of ​​the skin of the face or body is treated.

The procedure should be repeated several times a day. You need to rub the ointment with light, gentle movements. Do not squeeze the skin or rub the ointment with rough movements.

After each application, make a compress by covering the skin with a bandage, tampon or gauze.

Oxolinic ointment for the nose

As a medicine for diseases caused by respiratory viral infections, the ointment is applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages two to three times a day for at least four days.

Before applying the ointment, the nose must be rinsed. For more comfortable use, it is recommended to distribute the ointment with a cotton swab or silicone spatula.

Thanks to this, the mucous membranes will not be injured.

The product cannot be used in conjunction with other drugs or drops. Instructions for the use of oxolinic ointment by adults state that for preventive purposes it is used twice a day, and for treatment - from two to four times a day. During epidemics, treatment of the nasal passages with medication before leaving home is recommended for a period of 14 to 25 days.

Use in childhood

For preventive purposes, children are recommended to take only ointment with 0.25% of the active substance. The drug must be applied to the nasal mucous membranes with a cotton swab before going outside.

If a child goes to kindergarten, then he needs to treat the nasal passages in the morning, during the day after lunch, and also in the evening before walking outside.

Each treatment of the nose should be accompanied by preliminary rinsing with warm water and removing any remaining oxolinic ointment.

Any pediatrician will tell you at what age children can use the product. Typically, children over two years of age are allowed to use it. If a child does not tolerate such treatment well, doctors recommend choosing a more comfortable drug, for example, a children's nasal spray made from safe ingredients.

Use during pregnancy

There have been no scientific studies regarding the use of oxolinic ointment during pregnancy. Because of this, manufacturers do not recommend that women use the drug while pregnant.

However, despite this, many years of medical practice only confirm that the drug being studied is completely safe for the fetus and does not pose any threat to it.

The main thing is that the expiration date of oxolinic ointment is not expired.

The active substances of the drug penetrate the body in negligible quantities. Therefore, you can use 0.25% ointment both during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

To prevent and treat colds, pregnant women can use oxolinic ointment according to the standard recommendation: twice a day for 4-5 days.

It is also necessary to lubricate the nasal passages with it each time before contact with a sick person.

To ensure that the medication does not provoke the development of side effects, it is necessary to ensure that the drug used is not expired. The shelf life of oxolinic ointment is a decisive point when treating with this remedy.

If you ignore it, the drug may not cure, but on the contrary, cause additional health problems. Not everyone knows where to store oxolinic ointment. Many people keep it in their regular home medicine cabinet. However, this is not entirely favorable for this remedy.

If you comply with all storage conditions for the ointment, its shelf life will be three years from the date of manufacture.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of oxolinic ointment directly depends on the conditions under which the drug was stored.

If the product has acquired a different consistency, color or smell, you must throw it away to prevent a possible negative reaction from the body.

The instructions state that the packaging with the medicine should be kept at a temperature of no more than 10 degrees. Therefore, the storage conditions for oxolinic ointment will be as close as possible to the ideal ones on the refrigerator door.

Side effects

There have not been any cases of overdose of this medicine. However, oxolinic ointment can cause the following side effects:

  1. Severe itching and burning.
  2. Redness of the skin.
  3. Hives.
  4. Increased nasal discharge.
  5. Increased tear production.
  6. Development of skin dermatitis.

In addition, there have often been cases where oxolinic ointment turns blue on the skin. This is also not the norm and refers to side effects.

Source: https://FB.ru/article/474746/oksolinovaya-maz-srok-godnosti-usloviya-hraneniya-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu

Indications for use

Ointment in the form of a 3% amount of oxoline can be used for external treatment only for the following diseases:

  1. Simple herpes virus.
  2. Dermatitis.
  3. Psoriasis.
  4. Warts caused by the papilloma virus.
  5. Blistering or herpes zoster.

A more gentle version of oxolinic ointment can be used on mucous membranes for prevention and treatment:

  1. ARVI, influenza and acute respiratory infections.
  2. Viral rhinitis.
  3. Early keratitis.
  4. Conjunctivitis.
  5. Barley.
  6. Blepharitis.

Oxolinic ointment is actively used to prevent various viral diseases. To do this, she is treated with the nasal mucosa before each time she leaves the house during an exacerbation of the epidemic or before contact with a patient.

Useful tips

During the peak of outbreaks of viral and infectious diseases, it is allowed to use the ointment for prevention in children, but only in a 0.25% composition. In this case, before visiting a public place, for example, a kindergarten, the ointment is injected into each nostril. This is allowed to be done up to 3 times a day. If the child attends kindergarten, the substance is put into the nose for the first time before leaving the house. And the second time this is done in the locker room before leaving the institution. At home, the nose is washed.

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Contraindications to treatments are children under 2 years of age, as well as individual sensitivity to the components of the ointment.

Please note that the shelf life is 2 years from the moment the package is opened. After which all attempts to store the medicine are considered pointless and unsafe.

Due to the blocking effect of the drug against the entry of viral particles into the cell, it is recognized as an excellent prophylactic against influenza, ARVI, and chickenpox. Oxolin is a synthetic antiviral substance synthesized decades ago. However, these microorganisms have not yet been able to develop resistance to it. Therefore, the ointment is still considered very effective. The substances of the drug are partially absorbed by the systemic bloodstream, and are excreted from the body through the kidneys over about a day. When applied externally, only up to 5% of the total amount of ointment applied enters the bloodstream. Whereas when treating mucous membranes (eyes and sinuses), up to 20% of the applied portion of the ointment is absorbed by the bloodstream.

Oxolinic ointment for the nose

As a medicine for diseases caused by respiratory viral infections, the ointment is applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages two to three times a day for at least four days. Before applying the ointment, the nose must be rinsed. For more comfortable use, it is recommended to distribute the ointment with a cotton swab or silicone spatula. Thanks to this, the mucous membranes will not be injured.

The product cannot be used in conjunction with other drugs or drops. Instructions for the use of oxolinic ointment by adults state that for preventive purposes it is used twice a day, and for treatment - from two to four times a day. During epidemics, treatment of the nasal passages with medication before leaving home is recommended for a period of 14 to 25 days.

Oxolinic ointment shelf life after opening

  • 01 August
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Oxolinic ointment is a drug for the common cold with pronounced antiviral properties. Thanks to them, the drug fights influenza viruses, freeing the breath and nose from congestion.

Oxolinic ointment and its composition

It was developed in 1970 by Soviet pharmacists, and in 4 years it will celebrate its half-century anniversary. The product quickly gained popularity for its effective use and price of 30-50 rubles. At that time, the product had only one competitor - the antiviral Rimantadine, but it had disadvantages in the form of side effects and contraindications.

The product contains one active substance. Its abbreviated name is Oksolin, which gave the name to the product.

It comes in 2 types: 2.5% and 3%.

Nasal ointment 2.5% is suitable for getting rid of viral diseases, for their prevention and treatment of conjunctivitis. Its name is abbreviated as “Oxolinic ointment” or simply “Oksolin”.

3% ointment treats lichen, herpes and warts, and in short it is called “Oxolinic ointment 3” or simply “Oxolinic 3”.

Composition per 1 gram:

  • Active substance: Dioxotetrahydroxytetrahydronaphthalene – 0.0025 grams.
  • Excipient: Vaseline – up to 1 gram.

Properties in the treatment of runny nose

Due to its good antiviral properties against the influenza virus, the drug blocks the points of contact of the virus with the surface of cell membranes, preventing the further development of the viral infection. Therefore, it is ideal for the prevention of influenza and other viral diseases.

Oxolin interferes with the multiplication of the virus, killing it, and it does not have time to infect new healthy cells.

When applied to the nasal mucosa, up to 20% of the drug is absorbed into the blood, unlike other tablets and syrups with 90% absorption. Therefore, Oksolin has practically no side effects and is excreted from the human body by the kidneys in 1 day, without accumulating in it.


Nasal ointment 2.5% is used for:

  • Viral rhinitis (with ARVI, influenza);
  • Viral eye diseases (conjunctivitis);
  • Flu prevention.

The course of prophylaxis can last up to 25 days. After application, there is a slight tingling sensation in the nose, but after 2-3 minutes it ends. When treating a child, distract the baby for this time until the burning sensation goes away.

Mode of application

When preventing influenza, the ointment is applied 2-3 times daily. Use for up to 25 days. It is successfully used during influenza epidemics or during frequent contact with already sick people. For example, if one of the family members gets sick or for children in kindergarten.

To treat viral rhinitis, the sinuses are lubricated with the product up to 3 times a day for 4 days. This is done carefully, without damaging the mucous membrane, using a cotton swab and applied in a thin layer.

Use with caution in children under 2 years of age and pregnant women according to the leaflet, which states that there is no data on the safety of the drug during this period. This phrase means that no clinical trials have been conducted during pregnancy and lactation.

However, in practice, doctors often recommend it for use by pregnant women, since many years of experience in using the product have not revealed its negative effect on the development of the fetus and the woman’s well-being.

Release forms

Oxolinic ointment 0.25% has a transparent structure with a light yellow or gray tint, but during storage it may turn pink. It is dense, thick, without additional inclusions. Made in 5, 10, 25 or 30 grams, placed in aluminum tubes. Packaging is a cardboard box containing a tube and instructions for use.


Oxolin has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.

And although the drug has not been tested in women during pregnancy and lactation, according to the description in the instructions, doctors advise confidently using it during these periods.

The childhood age at which treatment with ointment is approved in the annotation is 2 years, but it is often prescribed to children before reaching this age.

Side effect

When using Oxolin, side effects rarely occur and are expressed in a burning sensation in the nose and mucus secretion.

No serious complications were identified in case of an overdose; fatigue, burning in the nose and mouth may occur.

Storage conditions and periods

It is recommended to keep the ointment in the refrigerator, ensuring a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees, out of reach of children. Shelf life – 2 years.


Oxolin is an effective remedy for the treatment of runny nose and the prevention of influenza.

The ointment is affordable, can be used for preventive purposes in preschool children, for example in kindergartens, and has no contraindications or side effects.

Registration number P N003085/01

Trade name of the drug

International nonproprietary or generic name

Dosage form Nasal ointment

1 g ointment contains:

  • active substance: dioxotetrahydroxytetrahydronaphthalene (oxonaphthylene, oxoline) - 0.0025 g;
  • excipients: petroleum jelly - up to 1 g. Description

The ointment is white to light yellow in color. During storage, a pink tint may appear.

Antiviral agent for topical use

pharmachologic effect

Antiviral agent for nasal use.

It has antiviral activity against the influenza virus, blocking the binding sites of the virus on the surface of the cell membrane, and prevents the reproduction of the virus in cells.

Herpes simplex viruses, herpes zoster viruses, adenoviruses, infectious wart viruses and molluscum contagiosum viruses are also sensitive to the action of dioxotetrahydroxytetrahydronaphthalene.

Source: https://papillomnet.ru/papillomy/oksolinovaja-maz-srok-hranenija-posle-vskrytija.html

Use in childhood

For preventive purposes, children are recommended to take only ointment with 0.25% of the active substance. The drug must be applied to the nasal mucous membranes with a cotton swab before going outside. If a child goes to kindergarten, then he needs to treat the nasal passages in the morning, during the day after lunch, and also in the evening before walking outside. Each treatment of the nose should be accompanied by preliminary rinsing with warm water and removing any remaining oxolinic ointment.

Any pediatrician will tell you at what age children can use the product. Typically, children over two years of age are allowed to use it. If a child does not tolerate such treatment well, doctors recommend choosing a more comfortable drug, for example, a children's nasal spray made from safe ingredients.

Reviews Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky notes that some babies experienced excessive burning in the nose and dry mucous membranes. You should not get carried away with this oxolin, since no scientific research has been carried out on the effects of the ointment on the child’s body. To use additional protection, it is necessary to rinse the child’s nose before a walk and at night in order to cleanse the mucous membrane of pathogenic microbes. Thus, you help the child’s immunity to develop on its own and cope independently with various viruses and infections.

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The drug has a number of contraindications and is also not recommended for use if:

  • 1. Individual intolerance to the drug.
  • 2. Hypersensitivity to both auxiliary components and oxolin.
  • 3. For ulcers on the nasal mucosa.

No cases of drug overdose have been identified. However, if you feel an unpleasant burning sensation, you should immediately wash off the ointment with plenty of cool water.

Side effects

  • 1. Rhinorrhea
  • 2. Allergic reactions – dermatitis, itching, burning

If you have other symptoms you should contact your doctor immediately. The drug does not affect driving and is compatible with alcohol. How it works, how often, where to store it, what it does, video, photo, main article, period of use, how it is produced, at what age you will receive more detailed information in the pharmacy certificate or on Wikipedia.

The drug has a number of substitutes and analogues: 1. Viferon ointment 2. Grippferon 3. Infagel Darnitsa 4. Acyclovir 5. Viralex 6. Virgan

Use during pregnancy

There have been no scientific studies regarding the use of oxolinic ointment during pregnancy. Because of this, manufacturers do not recommend that women use the drug while pregnant. However, despite this, many years of medical practice only confirm that the drug being studied is completely safe for the fetus and does not pose any threat to it. The main thing is that the expiration date of oxolinic ointment is not expired.

The active substances of the drug penetrate the body in negligible quantities. Therefore, you can use 0.25% ointment both during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. To prevent and treat colds, pregnant women can use oxolinic ointment according to the standard recommendation: twice a day for 4-5 days. It is also necessary to lubricate the nasal passages with it each time before contact with a sick person.

Therapeutic actions and areas of application

The antiviral effect of the drug is directed against such types of viruses as:

  • influenza virus;
  • herpes zoster virus;
  • herpes simplex virus;
  • chickenpox virus;
  • papilloma virus, which causes the development of warts;
  • adenovirus;
  • Molluscum contagiosum virus.

The spectrum of action of the ointment is quite extensive. It is used topically for those diseases caused by the above viruses. The most sensitive of all viruses to the active substance of Oxolinic ointment are herpes pathogens (Herpes Simplex, Herpes Zoster) and adenoviruses (causative agents of ARVI). Their death occurs after the active substance of the product begins to come into contact with the biomaterial in which pathogenic viral particles are located (for example, epidermal cells, mucus, etc.). "Oxolinka" stops the reproduction of viruses. As a result, at the end of their existence they die without having time to generate new cells. With the death of the virus colony, the disease gradually subsides. Oxolin also prevents the connection of viral particles and the cell membrane, preventing the former from getting inside. Thus, the development of an infectious disease in humans is prevented and reduced to nothing.

Due to the blocking effect of the drug against the entry of viral particles into the cell, it is recognized as an excellent prophylactic against influenza, ARVI, and chickenpox. Oxolin is a synthetic antiviral substance synthesized decades ago. However, these microorganisms have not yet been able to develop resistance to it. Therefore, the ointment is still considered very effective. The substances of the drug are partially absorbed by the systemic bloodstream, and are excreted from the body through the kidneys over about a day. When applied externally, only up to 5% of the total amount of ointment applied enters the bloodstream. Whereas when treating mucous membranes (eyes and sinuses), up to 20% of the applied portion of the ointment is absorbed by the bloodstream.

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Best before date

To ensure that the medication does not provoke the development of side effects, it is necessary to ensure that the drug used is not expired. The shelf life of oxolinic ointment is a decisive point when treating with this remedy. If you ignore it, the drug may not cure, but on the contrary, cause additional health problems. Not everyone knows where to store oxolinic ointment. Many people keep it in their regular home medicine cabinet. However, this is not entirely favorable for this remedy. If you comply with all storage conditions for the ointment, its shelf life will be three years from the date of manufacture.

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