What happens if you eat rotten chicken

Chicken is a universal meat product. You can fry cutlets from it and cook soups, use it in salads and pies. Chicken fillet contains proteins and amino acids that are perfectly absorbed by the human body. But in order for the finished dish to be truly tasty and healthy, it is important not only to choose a high-quality carcass, but also to know how to properly store chicken.


You can buy chilled and frozen chicken on store shelves. When purchasing, be sure to inspect the product from all sides. Make sure that the skin of the carcass is white, without bruises or damage. If frozen chicken is covered in ice, it has been reprocessed. Refrain from buying such a carcass. Try to use frozen chicken as little as possible. Give preference to chilled chicken. In this case, you will be confident in the freshness of the product and correctly calculate the shelf life.

The packaging in which the chicken is sold deserves special attention. It must be moisture resistant, airtight and durable. Keep in mind: if you do not plan to cook the chicken in the next few days, it is better to freeze it immediately. It is advisable to first divide the meat into portions and put it into bags.

How to choose the right meat

You need to be able to choose meat so that it doesn’t go rotten immediately upon arrival home, not overpay for bones and get a good product. Here are some tips to help you.

  1. Fresh meat should be firm to the touch.
    Choose from the market, not the supermarket. At the market you are more likely to touch and smell, and in the market there is less manipulation to improve the presentation of the product;
  2. Better yet, have your own butcher. Usually the butchers themselves call their clients and say that they are going to slaughter the cattle soon. It is profitable for them to sell you a good product, and accordingly, it is profitable for you to buy it;
  3. Pay attention to the color. Each species must have its own specific color. Lamb has a dark, rich color, beef is red, veal and pork are pink. The color should be uniform. Despite the fact that some varieties have a bright color, be careful to ensure that the color is even and delicate;
  4. No rotten smell. Even if the cut is fresh and just lying next to spoiled goods, it is better not to take it. Being close to expired goods will help them go rotten faster. The smell should encourage cooking, not emptying the stomach;
  5. Elasticity. Press the surface and release - the fresh one will restore its shape;
  6. Tactile sensations. It’s pleasant to hold fresh meat in your hand, and after it your hand is almost dry;
  7. Expired animal products leave mucus or discomfort on the hand;
  8. Salo. It should have a uniform color and smell good. Ideally, it should be evenly distributed throughout the entire piece. Even if you clean it, pay attention to its condition;
  9. Choose by purpose. It is important not only what good meat you buy, but also what you buy it for. For broth and frying, different parts of the carcass are needed.

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Using these simple recommendations, you will always eat delicious and fresh food.

In order not to buy a spoiled piece of meat at the market, and then think about how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of meat, you need to know how to choose it correctly:

  1. Before buying, smell the pulp - it should not smell unpleasant.
  2. Pay attention to the color. The shade should not be very dark, no matter what it is: pork, beef, lamb.
  3. Check the texture of the meat; the piece should be firm and firm and the color should be consistent throughout.
  4. During cooking, the flesh never wrinkles and the weight remains almost the same.

You need:

  • Heat the knife;
  • Cut the piece down to the bone;
  • Pull out the knife and smell what it smells like.
  • Place the piece in boiling water for a while, then smell it.
  • When cooking the broth, pay attention to its transparency; if the pulp is spoiled, the broth will be cloudy.
  1. Choose at the market, not at the supermarket. At the market you are more likely to touch and smell, and in the market there is less manipulation to improve the presentation of the product;
  2. Better yet, have your own butcher. Usually the butchers themselves call their clients and say that they are going to slaughter the cattle soon. It is profitable for them to sell you a good product, and accordingly, it is profitable for you to buy it;
  3. Pay attention to the color. Each species must have its own specific color. Lamb has a dark, rich color, beef is red, veal and pork are pink. The color should be uniform. Despite the fact that some varieties have a bright color, be careful to ensure that the color is even and delicate;
  4. No rotten smell. Even if the cut is fresh and just lying next to spoiled goods, it is better not to take it. Being close to expired goods will help them go rotten faster. The smell should encourage cooking, not emptying the stomach;
  5. Elasticity. Press the surface and release - the fresh one will restore its shape;
  6. Tactile sensations. It’s pleasant to hold fresh meat in your hand, and after it your hand is almost dry;
  7. Expired animal products leave mucus or discomfort on the hand;
  8. Salo. It should have a uniform color and smell good. Ideally, it should be evenly distributed throughout the entire piece. Even if you clean it, pay attention to its condition;
  9. Choose by purpose. It is important not only what good meat you buy, but also what you buy it for. For broth and frying, different parts of the carcass are needed.

In a refrigerator

Chilled chicken meat will last in the refrigerator for about 5 days at a temperature of +8 °C and 10–12 days at a temperature of 0 °C. Also, be sure to follow the guidelines below when storing in the refrigerator.

  • Any meat spoils quite quickly, so be careful that chicken is stored separately and not in contact with other products.
  • Remember that meat can be stored in a container for a couple of days longer than in a plastic bag.
  • When storing chicken in a bag, be sure to remove all air from the bag. Try to create conditions as close to a vacuum as possible.
  • Chicken meat easily absorbs foreign odors. Therefore, make sure that strong-smelling foods and dishes are not stored near the fillet.
  • The ideal container for storing chicken is a vacuum container, several times the size of the carcass. The remaining space must be filled with crushed ice.

Chicken breasts: how to determine the best?

Once upon a time, the chicken was wild and could fly. Opinions vary as to when people domesticated it. Some researchers believe that this happened in India about 4,000 years ago, others believe that it happened much earlier, 8,000–10,000 years ago, and not in India, but in China. Poultry appeared in Russia in the 10th century, and its industrial production was established only after the revolution. At first, poultry farms bred ornamental chicken breeds that did not take root in our climate and laid small eggs. But in the 1930s, chickens of highly productive breeds were purchased abroad, and soon domestic poultry farming became one of the leading areas of agriculture.

Broiler chickens

Nowadays, poultry factories and chicken farms breed “meat” and “egg” chickens. “Meat” ones, alas, simply do not live to the age of laying eggs: already at 6–7 weeks, these fat ones weigh 2–2.5 kg, and they are sent for slaughter. There are also universal, meat-egg breeds, but they are almost never used in mass production: they are unprofitable. They eat a lot, grow for a long time - in general, they are a hassle, and that’s all.

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Whether it's broilers. By the way, this is not the name of the breed. Broilers (from the English broil - “fry on fire”) are called early maturing hybrids of domestic animals. They can be geese, ducks, turkeys, guinea fowl, and even rabbits. Broiler chickens are most often obtained by crossing two breeds - Cornish and Plymouth Rock. Hybrids are unpretentious in food and living conditions, they gain weight quickly, and their meat is tasty and tender. A dream, not chickens!

Are hormones added to poultry?

There is an opinion that poultry is stuffed with hormones during production. However, experts deny these rumors: broilers already gain the required weight in 6–7 weeks. Although, unlike the EU countries, Russia has not yet abandoned growth stimulants. These drugs improve chicken metabolism and strengthen the immune system, as a result the bird grows faster. And they are safe for humans. However, like antibiotics. They are “prescribed” to chickens for the prevention of infectious diseases and, according to existing standards, should be stopped several weeks before slaughter so that they have time to leave the body.

“We don’t use all this chemicals!” - say farmers. But unfortunately, this is difficult to verify. According to some reports, poultry raised on farms are actually fed less medications, but there are much more cases of infection (for example, salmonella) there.

Ways to fight salmonella

Previously, chicken was treated with chlorine to combat salmonella. Fortunately, this method is now prohibited in Russia. But some manufacturers in the USA still do this (hence the dubious fame of “Bush legs”).

An alternative way to combat dangerous microorganisms has not yet been invented, therefore, in order to avoid encountering them, it is important to cook the chicken for a long time and thoroughly. It is best to boil, stew in a pressure cooker or multicooker (at a temperature of 100-130°C) or bake in the oven (at 150-180°C). Rapid frying is dangerous: salmonella may survive. By the way, they don’t die when frozen either.

As for growth promoters and antibiotics, you can minimize the risk if you follow these simple rules.

1. Give preference to chicken wings and breasts. There are more harmful substances in the thighs.

2. If you cook chicken broth, drain the first water. There's nothing useful in it.

3. For the same reason, remove the skin from the chicken - protect yourself from many harmful substances. And at the same time reduce the fat content of the dish.

4. After cutting the chicken, wash your hands, cutting board and knife thoroughly with soap. Never cut bread or vegetables on this board; it should be separate - only for meat.

! Chicken meat is one of the best sources of protein. It contains glutamine, which, together with vitamin B3, helps the nervous system and slows down cell aging. And vitamin B6 protects heart health.

Meat of the first freshness

You can recognize the right chicken...

- in appearance. Ideal meat is light pink in color, with a light skin, without tears or blood clots, without remains of internal organs and fecal contamination, without foreign inclusions (for example, glass, rubber, metal), without cold burns, or stains from spilled bile. Spoiled chicken changes color, the meat acquires a gray or grayish-greenish tint, and purple spots may appear in the “butt” area;

- by a well-known manufacturer. If it has been on the market for a long time, it means it probably complies with all sanitary standards;

- because it is chilled. After freezing, the meat becomes tough, and an unscrupulous manufacturer may add excess water to it. But when buying chilled chicken, make sure that the packaging is not damaged and that the expiration date is “in order.” In the refrigerator at +10°C, chilled meat is stored for no more than 48 hours, and at +3-5°C - up to 10 days from the date of production;

- by texture. High-quality meat is dense and elastic. Try pressing on the chicken - if the dent disappears quickly, the meat is fresh, if the fingerprint remains, and the bird carcass feels sticky and slippery to the touch, its expiration date has already passed;

Chicken can be distinguished from chicken not only by size, but also by the location of fat. If it is only in the lower belly, you are buying a broiler chicken. If there is fat on the chest and belly, it is an adult chicken. The skin of a young bird is light, the fat is light yellow. The darker the fat and skin, the older the chicken.

Chicken geography

In the United States, each person eats 39 kg of chicken every year.

In South America - 23 kg.

In Europe - 15 kg.

In Russia - 13 kg.

In Asia - 6 kg.

In Africa - 3 kg.

What our love for chicken breasts has done to chickens

According to the USDA, Americans today eat 4 times more chicken than they did in the 1900s. And the demand for it is only growing. “Chickens are likely to get even bigger in the next few years,” said Dr. Michael Lilburn, a fellow at the Ohio State University Poultry Research Center. “The proportions of chicken breast will also increase.”

What do we have now? The birds, which once weighed just over 900g when reaching sexual maturity, now weigh around 4kg. And this, according to Lilburn, is not the limit.

Expert opinion

Tatiana ANOKHINA, head of the testing chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation:

Chicken meat is very tender, it is digestible by 93%. The most useful and dietary part of the carcass is the fillet. It has a lot of protein and only 0.17-1% fat. In addition, there are fewer extractive substances, so the broths from it are less concentrated.

Six samples of chicken fillet from different manufacturers were tested in our laboratory. In terms of safety indicators, they all comply with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 021/2011 “On the safety of food products.” In addition, all samples successfully passed bacteriological examination. No pathogenic microorganisms (including salmonella) or Listeria L.monocytogenes were detected.

In terms of organoleptic indicators (appearance, consistency, color, smell, transparency and aroma of the broth), chicken fillets of the Domashnyaya Poultry, Rzhevskoe Podvorye and Petelinka brands are the leaders.

Text: Evgenia Davydova

TEST: chilled chicken fillet*


"Domestic bird"

"Rzhevskoye Compound"


"Yaroslavl broiler"


"Mosselprom""Domestic bird""Rzhevskoye Compound""Prioskolye""Yaroslavl broiler""Petelinka"
JSC "Mosselprom", Moscow region.Real SP LLC, Moscow region.Danton-Ptitseprom LLC, Tver region.JSC "Prioskolye", Belgorod region.JSC "Yaroslavl Broiler", Yaroslavl region.CJSC "Chicken Kingdom - Bryansk", Bryansk
Parts of broiler chicken carcasses. Chilled skinless fillet Chilled chicken filletSemi-finished product from broiler chicken meat. Chilled broiler fillet Chilled semi-finished broiler chicken meatChilled fillet Medallion. Natural boneless semi-finished products from broiler chicken meat Parts of broiler chicken carcasses. Chilled skinless fillet
Not detectedNot detectedNot detectedNot detectedNot detectedNot detected
Not detectedNot detectedNot detectedNot detectedNot detectedNot detected
Not detectedNot detectedNot detectedNot detectedNot detectedNot detected
Parts of the carcasses are clean, well bled, without remains of bone and cartilage tissue, without visible blood clots and stains from spilled bile. The consistency is elastic; with light pressure, the resulting pit restores its original shape Parts of the carcasses are clean, well bled, without remains of bone and cartilage tissue, without visible blood clots and stains from spilled bile. The consistency is dense, elastic; with light pressure, the resulting pit restores its original shape Parts of the carcasses are clean, well bled, without remains of bone and cartilage tissue, without visible blood clots and stains from spilled bile. The consistency is dense, elastic; with light pressure, the resulting pit restores its original shape Parts of the carcasses are clean, well bled, without remains of bone and cartilage tissue, without visible blood clots and stains from spilled bile. The consistency is elastic; with light pressure, the resulting pit restores its original shape Parts of the carcasses are clean, well bled, without remains of bone and cartilage tissue, without visible blood clots and stains from spilled bile. The consistency is elastic; with light pressure, the resulting pit restores its original shape Parts of the carcasses are clean, well bled, without remains of bone and cartilage tissue, without visible blood clots and stains from spilled bile. The consistency is elastic; with light pressure, the resulting pit restores its original shape
Transparent, weak aromaTransparent, fragrantTransparent, fragrantTransparent, weak aromaTransparent, weak aromaTransparent, fragrant
If the key parameter in our competition had been protein content, then Mosselprom would have lost it miserably. And the meat itself seemed bland to us This chicken doesn't look like a bird from a poultry plant at all! The broth turned out like it came from a village broth - tasty, transparent and very aromatic. Very juicy meat. At first we even thought that the manufacturer had added water, but no. The consistency would be completely different then The protein in these breasts is quite sufficient - 23%. But the taste is quite watery and superficial. And the broth was not as flavorful as I would like These breasts seemed tasteless to us. Either the batch was unsuccessful, or the chickens were poorly fed... Be that as it may, neither the meat nor the broth made any impression Looks appetizing. The edges are cut very evenly, a wonderful shade - the way chicken fillet should be. The taste is also great

* Thank you for your help in conducting the GEAC “SOEX” test

In the freezer

The shelf life in the freezer depends on the temperature. The lower it is, the longer the meat will last. So, at a temperature of -18 ... -24 °C, the carcass will be perfectly preserved for about 12 months, and at a temperature of -5 °C it will be fresh for only a month. In this case, the size of the frozen pieces does not matter. The packaging used requires special attention. Experts recommend storing chicken in plastic bags, vacuum containers or foil. Remember that meat should not be washed before freezing. On the contrary, before placing the chicken in the package, it is advisable to dry it thoroughly with paper towels.

How to remove chicken smell from hands

How to remove cigarette smell from hair? To do this, heavy smokers can use:

  • To wash hair. However, after every cigarette, no one can afford this, and therefore they will have to look for other ways.
  • Use long-lasting perfume and eau de toilette. It is enough to sprinkle your curls a little to refresh them. Not all fragrances are equally good for such purposes. It is recommended to use perfume with pronounced fruity and floral notes. The same method allows you to understand how to remove the smell of cigarettes from your hands. Simply wipe your fingertips with perfume.
  • Use dry shampoo. This is often not worth doing, but after a “smoky” day and before evening events, you can use this method.

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What removes the smell of cigarettes in addition to these products? Tightly braided braids or curls gathered into a tight bun can cope with this task, but this method is good for women with voluminous hair.

How to get rid of the smell of smoking? It is necessary to eliminate unpleasant amber not only from hands and fingers, hair and mouth. Acrid smoke penetrates into fabrics, leaves a mark on furnishings, and eats into the upholstery of a car or home sofa.

How long does it take for the smell of cigarettes to disappear from a room? This may take several months - everything will depend on the furnishings and the material from which they are made. If the room has carpets or the furniture is upholstered with fleecy fabric, then this can take quite a lot of time. This process can be accelerated using some natural, folk and chemical means.

How to extend shelf life

To keep chicken fresh in the refrigerator for as long as possible and not spoil, use one of the methods below.

  • Soak a cotton towel in the vinegar solution and wrap it around the carcass. Place the bundle in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. In this form, the product will remain fresh for up to 7 days.
  • The following method will extend the storage of chicken up to 5 days. Lightly rub the carcass with a little salt and ground black pepper. Place in an airtight container and store on the top shelf of the refrigerator.
  • Grease the walls of the enamel container with vinegar. Place chicken meat in a bowl and cover with a lid. Store in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for about 5-6 days.

Read also: How and how long to store meat?

Rules for storing lard

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Storing Boiled Chicken

The shelf life of the finished product is shorter than that of fresh fillet. Storing cooked chicken meat also depends on the temperature and packaging used. It can last no more than 3 days in the refrigerator at temperatures up to +8 °C. At room temperature, shelf life will be limited to a few hours. It is permissible to keep boiled chicken in the freezer for 1–2 months. With this storage method, be sure to divide the carcass into portions and defrost them as needed. Remember that thawed meat should be eaten within a few hours.

Vacuum packaging will extend the shelf life of chicken meat up to 5 days

Do not store boiled chicken in a plastic bag. The most suitable container is considered to be a deep plate covered with a lid on top. Food foil does a good job of preserving the appearance and taste. In addition, it will protect the boiled carcass from weathering and foreign odors. Vacuum packaging will extend the shelf life of chicken meat up to 5 days.

Proper storage of chicken meat is possible even for inexperienced housewives. It is important to remember that the chilled carcass must be cooked in the next 2-3 days, and the reserves from the freezer can be stretched out for several months. If you follow our recommendations, you will not have to worry about the quality of your stored chicken. You will always have a fresh, tasty and healthy product at your fingertips.

Getting rid of the smell of spoiled chicken

If chicken meat has acquired an unpleasant aroma after being stored in the refrigerator for a long time, do not rush to throw it away. In some cases, simply removing the unpleasant odor is enough.

You can spoil the chicken a little not only in the refrigerator, but also during cooking. You need to act in accordance with the situation.

Signs of spoiled meat:

  • After you take the chicken out of the refrigerator, you need to carefully examine its external condition. Fresh chicken meat is pink in color, the texture is dense, the fat layer is white, without yellow spots. If the chicken has turned gray, it should not be eaten.
  • Chicken meat, suitable for human consumption, has a subtle pleasant aroma. A strong odor is a sign that the product is not in good condition. Another sign of unsuitability of meat is its sticking to the palms.

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Such meat cannot be eaten even after the most thorough treatment. You risk getting poisoned, even if you manage to mask the unpleasant smell of rotten chicken. You can take a risk if the stale smell is barely noticeable, although even in this case the danger of unpleasant health consequences remains.

Only after you determine the suitability of the meat for consumption, you can eliminate the smell:

  • You can use available materials: take a convenient bowl, fill it with water, add a spoonful of salt. Salt will help destroy bacteria and unpleasant odors. If there is no salt, then potassium permanganate will perfectly replace it. Now you need to carefully remove the fat layer, only then immerse the meat in the prepared mixture. After 4 hours the meat can be cooked.
  • Lemon is an equally effective way to remove the smell of spoiled chicken. If while preparing a dish you smell the smell of spoiled meat, it is recommended to squeeze a few drops of lemon juice into the dish.
  • Experienced culinary experts recommend using simple advice: if chicken meat has spoiled in the refrigerator or during cooking, then soy sauce and white wine will help remove the unpleasant smell.
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