How to grow bay leaves in Krasnodar

Bay leaf is an indispensable spice in every housewife’s kitchen.
To have plenty of it, you don’t have to buy whole lots, because anyone can grow laurel in open ground. Of course, in northern latitudes it makes no sense to plant a tree in the garden due to its heat-loving nature. But in the south and even in the middle zone, laurel feels quite good in the garden. If you decide to always have fragrant leaves on hand, you don’t have to crowd your flowers on the windowsill. You can plant laurel among garden trees. And today we will tell you how to do this and how to care for it. On this topic:

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Bay leaf - benefits, harm and medicinal properties

Dried bay leaves can be found in any grocery store, grown at home, or harvested. The recommended collection period is from mid-November to mid-February. Healthy laurel leaves have a dark green tint, without spots or damage, and emit a strong odor.

After collection, bay leaves are dried naturally for 5-10 days or artificially. The drying temperature should not exceed 40°C. Store dried leaves in a glass container with a lid in a cool, dark place. This will preserve beneficial properties and aroma. The shelf life of dried bay leaves is 1 year.

How to choose and store bay leaves correctly?

High-quality spice leaves should be intact in appearance, well dried, and maintain a color from dark green to olive. A properly dried sheet cannot be brittle and break quickly; it must retain its natural elasticity.

The shelf life of bay leaves is 12-24 months. It is recommended to store the seasoning in a dry, cool place away from direct sunlight.

Benefits of bay leaf

The chemical composition of bay leaf is rich in elements of natural origin. Based on the plant, decoctions, infusions, extracts are prepared and essential oil is extracted.

Bay leaf contains phytosterol, linalool, essential oil, tannins, camphor and acids - formic, capronic, butyric, lauric, acetic. It contains many useful compounds:

  • fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • vitamins of group A, B, C, PP;
  • macro- and microelements: magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, copper, selenium, iron, manganese and potassium.

Due to such a number of biologically active substances, bay leaves are used in pharmaceuticals to combat ailments.

Has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects

Bay leaf is a natural antiseptic that has anti-inflammatory properties and produces an analgesic effect. Its aqueous infusion is taken in the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, pustular diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, and for the disinfection of abrasions or wounds. The antiseptic effect is provided by formic and caproic acids, camphor and tannins found in bay leaves.

Bay leaves are also useful for those who suffer from insomnia or increased irritability and nervous excitability. The smell of bay leaves or bathing with a decoction has a gentle effect on the human nervous system. The sedative effect occurs due to the linalool included in the composition.

Strengthens the immune system, fights flu and colds

A decoction of the leaves helps to cope with viral infections in the body and strengthen the immune system during seasonal diseases. The drug is effective only in complex therapy. Bay leaves owe this beneficial property to lauric acid.

Has a diuretic effect, promotes weight loss

A decoction of bay leaves removes stagnant fluid from the body. Having gotten rid of it, a person will feel lighter, including physically: a couple of extra pounds will go away with the liquid. The effect is achieved due to the presence of essential oils and butyric acid in bay leaves, which activate metabolic processes in the body. Fast metabolism plays a major role in the fight against excess weight.

Removes excess salts from joints

Since salt deposits provoke pain in the joints, the salts need to be removed. Treatment with bay decoction is carried out while following a diet for 6 days, with a short break after 3 days. A similar treatment method is used for rheumatic diseases.

Improves the condition of facial skin and hair

Thanks to the rich complex of macro- and microelements that make up laurel, it is used to combat skin problems - acne, oily shine, enlarged pores, and weakened hair - dull color, brittleness. It is recommended to wipe areas with acne with a decoction of bay leaves. An infusion of bay leaves will help achieve shine and strengthen your hair. Toning masks with bay leaf extract are in great demand among women.

Treats fungal skin diseases

Infusion of bay leaves is used to wipe feet affected by fungus, with excessive sweating, severe itching and burning. The infusion soothes damaged skin of the feet, eliminates unpleasant odors, dries the skin and resists viral infections.

Prevents the development of diabetes mellitus

Bay infusions can be recommended for this disease as an adjuvant. It will help lower blood glucose levels and normalize carbohydrate balance. Let us note that it is advisable to carry out such treatment only at the initial stage of diabetes and after consultation with a specialist.

Eliminates bad breath

You should expect results here if the unpleasant odor is caused by a bacterial infection of the oral cavity - stomatitis, gingivitis and bleeding gums. Water infusion of laurel has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, which helps destroy harmful bacteria.

Facilitates the course of nasopharyngeal diseases

The antimicrobial and antibiotic effects of acids, the “expectorant” property of camphor have a positive effect on the course of respiratory tract diseases - throat cancer, sinusitis and dry cough. Thanks to the active action of bay leaf chemicals, recovery is faster.

A fragrant bouquet for everything: how bay leaves are prepared in Abkhazia

It is as if varnished, glossy leaves and branches of laurel were used in Ancient Greece to make wreaths that were awarded to winners in sports competitions. Over time, the laurel also became a symbol of high status. It is already difficult to imagine, for example, the Emperor of the Roman Empire Gaius Julius Caesar without a laurel wreath.

However, laurel is famous not only for the fact that it adorns the heads of athletes and generals. For many centuries, bay leaves and all other parts of the bay tree have been used not only as a spicy plant, but also as a medicinal plant. In Greece, laurel was called Daphne, after the nymph who was pursued by the ardent Apollo, the sun god, patron of victory and the arts, who was in love with her. And the gods helped, turning the running Daphne into a beautiful, delicately scented laurel tree. Apollo embraced him in grief and decorated his head with a wreath of hard leaves, since then this tree became sacred to him.

And then other people and gods turned their attention to the wondrous tree - there have always been so many in the world who wanted to imitate others. This is how the Noble Laurel appeared, a symbol of valor and victory. However, until the twentieth century in Russia, the laurel was called Daphne. The names Laura, Lavrentiy, Laurus are derived from the name of a beautiful plant. Laurel is the national emblem of Greece, where this plant is not only a favorite of the gods, but also of culinary specialists. However, this plant has long conquered the whole world.

The Mediterranean countries are considered the birthplace of laurel. Laurel is an evergreen shrub that grows in the Crimea and the Caucasus. In our area, its thickets are found on the slopes of Laspi Bay.

There are laurel groves in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, in the forests near Alushta and Yalta, where it coexists with monumental cypress trees, holm oaks curved by time and fate. Together they create an indescribable Mediterranean flavor. However, we are talking not only about beauty, but also about real benefits for the resort area of ​​Crimea. Volatile chemicals of laurel—phytoncides—change the biological properties of the tuberculosis bacillus, suppressing its development.

This unique property makes it a very useful park plant, which, if you wish, can decorate your summer cottage. It is not easy to pick a laurel leaf; it holds tightly to the branch.

But I noticed that it is rare for a person to pass by a laurel without reaching out to it with his hand or nose; it is not for nothing that the Crimean laurel is called fragrant; the charm of its aroma has long been known to people. And everyone wants to be convinced of this, even in passing.

The fragrant flowers of laurel are an excellent honey plant, but history contains information about how honey from laurel flowers, which causes severe intoxication and dizziness, almost destroyed the legion of iron Romans under the command of Pompey the Great. This was, of course, a long time ago, but even now it has not been forgotten. Young soft laurel foliage is also poisonous; only mature leaves aged at least or more years are suitable for harvesting.

How I would like to explain this to those who inevitably tear off, unscrew, and gnaw off the young leaves of the spice bush. Anyone who knows how to grow laurel will certainly emphasize that laurel is very easy to trim, decorative, unpretentious and durable. This subtropical plant, tree or shrub can live up to years.

In its native environment, the laurel tree reaches 30 meters in height. On a summer cottage, you need to choose the most reliable place for it, so as not to replant it again. Once I tried to grow laurel, but in the second year I decided to replant it, and that was the end of it. The bush did not want to grow in the new place.

For the first two years, the laurel grows with difficulty, very slowly, as if reluctantly, but in years it grows rapidly. Of course, the plant loves water and will thank you for well-drained soil. You can sow or plant laurel in the house and grow it on the windowsill, and then transplant it to a permanent place of growth. Many people do this. Laurel is propagated by seeds, layering and cuttings.

True, the seeds are very short-lived and require a special storage regime in sand, etc. The maximum temperature this plant can withstand is up to minus degrees, so it needs to be covered for the winter. The tree will bloom with whitish-yellow flowers years after planting. The fruits ripen by September and look like tiny olives.

Dried berries and extracted oil from the leaves are also used as a strong spice. To cut the branches, the laurel must grow to be years old. Branches for culinary purposes are cut along with the leaves. This is usually done at the very end of autumn or early winter from November to February. The amount of essential oils accumulated by the plant becomes maximum at this time.

Leaves picked at this time can be used either dried or fresh. However, the drying process greatly weakens the bitter taste. Pay attention to what the laurel leaf looks like. It should have a matte green hue with no blemishes. Try to use up the harvested leaves throughout the year—you must admit, in Crimea we can afford it.

When you visit the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, you may see that laurel is also harvested in the summer, but ask around! The perfume industry needs such plant raw materials. If you find yourself in a clearing in Laspi where laurel grows or, for example, in Foros Park, located 50 km from Sevastopol, pay attention to two similar plants - laurel and cherry laurel.

As a rule, they grow next to each other, they can easily be confused, but they are still very different. The laurel is a person from a noble family, and the cherry laurel is from a more modest family, the rose-flowered ones. This plant contains hydrocyanic acid and cyanide. True, during heat treatment, cyanides decompose into harmless components, but cherry laurel leaves will not leave any flavor in the cooked food.

Bay leaf sellers often take advantage of our ignorance and sell cherry laurel instead of laurel. Some theorists even claim that there is no difference in these plants. And this is not true! In order not to make a mistake, you need to carefully knead the leaf, smell it and only then buy it.

Cherry laurel branches have a reddish-brown tint, while laurel branches have a gray-green tint. The leaves of the laurel are bright green, while the leaves of the cherry laurel are matte, light green. Cherry laurel has almost no laurel essential oils and has no aromatic odor. The laurel tree in the Christian religion is a symbol of posterity and glory. For many centuries, the noble laurel has always been close to people. Thus, the healer of the Roman nobility Galen, whose experience was studied by students of medical universities around the world until the 19th century, used laurel oil for urolithiasis.

He also came up with the idea of ​​​​using this plant to prevent prolonged muscle contraction during tetanus and convulsions. The most common use of bay leaves in folk medicine is to use them as a sedative for stomach pain and to relieve flatulence. Extracts and balms help overcome arthritic and rheumatic pain.

Laurel oil has been used in ancient times to prevent cholera, dysentery and malaria. Compresses are made from laurel leaves soaked in boiling water for various skin rashes and nettle burns. Modern researchers have learned to make medicinal candles and balls from laurel, replacing cocoa butter. The fruits and oil of laurel nobilis are included in many ointments that are used against scabies mites, for rheumatic and neuralgic pain, spasms and convulsions. The vinegar will take on the aroma of laurel.

And on a stormy autumn evening, give yourself a gift: put a bay leaf on a beautiful plate and write on it about your deepest desire. Burn this piece of paper. The laurel will fill the house with the aroma of its southern maritime homeland, and you will only have to wait for your wish to come true. In a good mood! With high thoughts to always be young and beautiful! Living in harmony with nature is so right and tempting! Tags: Health Nutrition Advice.

Employers in Russia conditionally overpay billions of rubles. The survey found that on average, workers do not get enough sleep 3.7 working days a week. The main reason for lack of sleep is watching TV shows, playing computer games or reading books late into the night. The gap in average life expectancy between men and women in Russia has been reduced to 10 years for the first time. For 7 months, the average life expectancy of women in Russia today is 77.4 years. In the city. With the annexation of the peninsula to Russia, a powerful flow of tourists began to flow into the region, but disappointment followed.

At the same time, according to the head of VTsIOM, work is underway to create high-quality infrastructure, but at the moment the efforts made are not enough to restore Crimea’s attractiveness in the eyes of Russian tourists.

Fedorov added that the expansion of tourist flow will become possible after the commissioning of the Crimean Bridge, major highways and a railway bridge. These are the results of a survey of more than one person conducted by the online service for travelers Biletix.

The chief military prosecutor of Ukraine denied the version of sabotage in Kalinovka, where ammunition depots were burning, and the detention of the arsonists. According to Anatoly Matios, investigators did not identify any sabotage groups in the Vinnytsia region.

There is also no data on unmanned aerial vehicles.

Harm of bay leaves

In addition to the positive effect on the human condition, bay leaf can have a negative effect. The risk group includes those who self-medicate and take laurel medicines without a prescription from a specialist. Bay leaf poses a pharmaceutical hazard if it is taken in large doses without special conditions. Unsystematic intake of spices can cause constipation or cause poisoning. To prevent this, follow the recommendations.

There are categories of people who are prohibited from treatment with bay leaves due to the chemical composition.

Pregnancy and lactation

Drinking a decoction of bay leaves causes contraction of the uterus and increases its muscle tone. This can lead to miscarriage or abnormal fetal development in the pregnant woman. It is forbidden to use a decoction of bay leaves for nursing mothers.

Intestinal obstruction, gastric and duodenal ulcers

Serious illnesses require special diets and medications. Many medications do not combine well with bay leaf substances. Decoctions and infusions of the plant can aggravate the course of pathologies.

Tendency to constipation

Taking an aqueous infusion of bay leaves, even in acceptable doses, can cause constipation. To avoid this, it is recommended to consume a lot of coarse fiber and water during the treatment period.

Since bay leaves contain substances that can increase or decrease blood pressure and have a cardiac stimulating effect, you should carefully take decoctions based on it.

Acute forms of liver and kidney diseases

During an exacerbation, it is prohibited to prescribe treatment with bay leaves, as this can worsen the condition and lead to irreversible consequences. The property of bay leaves to remove fluid from the body can provoke the movement of kidney stones.

Severe diabetes

Bay leaf will only benefit diabetics who have an early stage of the disease. In severe cases of diabetes mellitus, decoctions and infusions of bay leaves are contraindicated.

Bay leaves can cure allergies, or they can cause them. If you are prone to allergic reactions or suspect that you have an intolerance to bay leaf components, then avoid taking products based on it.

If you do not have the listed diseases, and your attending physician approves of taking laurel spice for medicinal purposes, then this will not pose a danger.

Properties of bay leaf

Bay leaf has a large number of properties that allow it to be used in different areas. Recipes for decoctions and infusions of bay leaves will help provide effective treatment.

Reduces blood sugar levels

A decoction of bay leaves will help reduce the amount of sugar in the body.

  1. Place 15 bay leaves in a small saucepan and add 1.5 cups cool water.
  2. Bring to a boil, cook over high heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour the broth into a thermos and let it brew for 3-4 hours and strain.

The drug should be taken throughout the day in 50 ml portions so that you can drink a thermos per day. Repeat the procedure over the next two days, and then take a two-week break. The course of treatment can be repeated.

Has antimicrobial and healing effects

To disinfect the affected area of ​​skin, wipe it with a decoction of bay leaves according to the recipe above. If it is a deep cut or large open wound, wipe around the area.

For those who dream of a slim figure, a decoction of bay leaves will help.

  1. Boil 1 liter of water in a saucepan and place a stick or pinch of cinnamon powder and five bay leaves in it.
  2. Boil for 15 minutes and let cool covered.

Take one glass per day for the next three days.

When can you collect bay leaves in Crimea?

The use of bay leaves in cooking has become a tradition; not a single hot dish is complete without it. But not many people know that you can grow bay leaves at home. It will perfectly enliven your home interior and fit into the landscape design of your garden plot.

Laurus nobilis adapts to any location. Some tricks and rules for plant care make it possible to grow beautiful green shrubs even in open ground.

Growing laurel in open ground

When planning to plant a crop on your site, do not forget where the bay leaf comes from. If you live in the southern regions, then there is nothing to worry about. Laurel is native to warm Mediterranean countries, although it can also survive in cooler conditions. True, in warm weather, laurel grows in the form of a tall tree, and in regions where average temperature values ​​are lower, it takes on the form of a shrub. In this form, the plant endures winter more easily, and if it freezes, it is only on top. The root system remains alive and grows a lot of young shoots every year.

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Regarding where bay leaves grow in Russia in open ground, this is mainly the south of the country (Black Sea coast, Krasnodar Territory, Transcaucasia). Laurel has good frost resistance. It can withstand temperatures even at -15°C. However, at 25°C frost, complete freezing of the above-ground part and sometimes even the roots occurs.

In general, growing a bay tree in open ground in the garden will not cause much trouble for gardeners. The only thing that will need to be approached responsibly is to carefully consider the organization of winter shelter. The farther from the southern regions and closer to the middle latitudes, the more reliable it should be.

By and large, the bay tree is not picky about soil, but it will grow better and faster in light and nutritious soil. If it is not like this on your site, when planting in a hole, instead of dug up soil, you need to fill in the soil composition most suitable for laurel. It can be:

  • equal shares of deciduous soil, sand and peat;
  • 2 shares of sand and one share of humus, deciduous and turf soil.

It would be a good idea to add a little more wood ash.

It is better to plant laurel in a well-lit area - that is where it will grow as a tree. However, partial shade is also not terrible for the plant, but then it will be a lush shrub. In mid-latitudes, the crop is grown in this form, which helps it withstand cold winters. And in order to stimulate the development of underground buds and the formation of a shrub species, the root collar is buried to 10 cm.

How to care for a plant at home

If you decide to grow laurel at home, you need to find a suitable place for it.

  1. You need to place the plant on a windowsill or on a flower stand, where there is a lot of light and sun. In the shade the plant develops more slowly. Do not expose the foliage to direct sunlight.
  2. Ventilate the room more often to prevent color loss and leaf tips from drying out.
  3. Water as the soil dries. The tree requires good drainage so that the root system does not rot from excess moisture. A refreshing shower and spraying will moisturize the crown and avoid pest damage.

How to plant correctly?

The growth and development of the plant depends on proper planting. Before you start, you need to prepare all the components of the process: layering, pot, soil, mineral fertilizer, drainage, shovel.

  1. Take a small pot because the plant develops slowly, and a large container will slow down growth.
  2. Place drainage on the bottom (2–3 cm). You can take expanded clay or regular foam, which you need to first break into small pieces.
  3. Prepare an earthen mixture: sand (1 part), peat soil (1 part), leaf soil (2 parts), turf soil (4 parts) - and fill the pot halfway.
  4. Place the bay leaf in the middle, cover with the mixture and press lightly.
  5. Water the plant with a diluted mineral complex.

Transplanting a plant at home into a new pot is done once every 2.5–3 years due to the slow development of the root system and upper part.

An adult tree is replanted once every 4 years or the top layer is renewed once every 2 years. In the warm season, the plant can be placed in open ground.

Further care for bay leaves

Laurel is quite unpretentious in care, but a compassionate gardener should know what kind of watering and fertilizing his plant likes, what diseases and pests threaten it.


Laurel is a drought-resistant crop, so it tolerates a lack of moisture more easily than waterlogging. However, ideally the plant requires 50-60% air humidity; for this, it is recommended to spray the tree regularly.

The event is especially important in the summer heat and during the heating season. The pot can also be placed on a tray filled with expanded clay and water. For irrigation, well-settled or melted water at room temperature is used. In summer, the plant is watered more often and more abundantly than in winter. Stagnation of water is not allowed, so excess moisture is drained from the pan, and in winter the soil is moistened only when it has dried 4-5 cm.

REFERENCE. At temperatures below 10°C, the plant is not watered at all.

Top dressing

Laurel can be grown on not too fertile soil, provided that it is fertilized regularly. Almost any complex fertilizer is suitable for this. It is applied to the soil 3-4 times per season.

REFERENCE. The most suitable for laurel trees are mineral mixtures “Lavr” or compositions for feeding palm trees and cacti.

The nutrient substrate in which the plant is grown is updated annually. If the tree is mature and replanting can damage the root system, partially replace the soil by removing the top (up to 10 cm deep) layer.

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to propagate noble laurel at home:

  • cuttings;
  • planting seeds;
  • offspring department.

Reproduction requires not only experience and skill, but also patience.

Cuttings are one of the most labor-intensive methods, for which a large, strong tree is used. To do this, you need to follow the following algorithm.

  1. Carefully separate the branches with 4 internodes using a utility knife or blade.
  2. Dip each of them in a substance for active growth of the root system (it can be found in any specialty store). Place in a container of water until roots form. The cuttings can be placed in damp perlite, covered with a glass jar on top. The plant must be ventilated periodically to prevent rotting.
  3. After the roots appear, transplant into a ceramic or plastic pot.

Propagation by seeds is the longest process; seedlings can appear 60–65 days after planting.

Sowing should be done in early spring; a universal planting mixture can be used as soil. The seeds are placed at a depth of 1.5–2 cm, lightly moistened on top and covered with a glass container, which must be removed periodically to ventilate and moisten the soil.

Opt for fresh seeds that have been recently packaged, because bay leaves tend to quickly lose their germination quality.

Growing a leaf by separating suckers is an easy and quick method of propagation. When transplanting an adult plant, it is necessary to separate the “babies” with roots from it and plant them in a separate small container.

Proper garden care

Average frost resistance allows you to grow the shrub in open ground or in a greenhouse. Bay leaves can freeze at temperatures below 13–15 degrees.

If you nevertheless take the risk of purchasing a plant in a region where winter temperatures drop below this norm, plant it in a wooden tub or garden pot. This will allow the laurel to be transported to a warmer place.

Conditions that must be observed when growing in the garden:

  • choose a sunny place for planting;
  • neutralize soil acidity;
  • provide moderate watering;
  • Feed the plant in a timely manner.

This plant tolerates pruning easily, so it is a favorite shrub of experienced gardeners. In the southern regions, laurel hedges are common, which are given various interesting shapes and adjusted to the design concept.

Bay leaf is an unpretentious plant; you can happily grow it at home, with a little experience in floriculture.

By planting shrubs in open ground, you will get a universal decorative element in your garden plot. Simple rules for planting and caring for plants will allow you to grow an environmentally friendly seasoning for culinary masterpieces at home.

Methods for planting laurel in the country

There are two ways to plant and propagate bay leaves in your dacha:

  • from seeds;
  • vegetatively (rooting cuttings and layering).

Both methods give good results, but at home, when there is nowhere to take cuttings, laurel is most often planted with seeds. Also, if possible, ready-made seedlings can be purchased at a nursery, which will speed up the process of growing and obtaining a harvest of fragrant leaves. Planting of seedlings is carried out in spring or autumn. Let's take a closer look at how to plant this noble plant on your site.

Growing laurel from seeds

Laurel seeds have a high germination rate (up to 95%), but only fresh ones.
You need to have time to use them within 6 months after collection. Due to the large amount of essential oils, they germinate a little slowly and for a long time, but almost everything. On this topic:

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You can slightly extend the shelf life of seeds until the next season by putting them in the refrigerator.

You can plant seeds:

  1. Directly into open ground. They do this immediately after collecting them, or purchase fresh seeds and sow them in the garden at the end of autumn. They overwinter in the soil, and germination begins with the onset of stable heat (at least 20°C), at the end of spring. When the seedlings grow up, they need to be thinned out and transplanted to a permanent place in the fall.

  2. In pots for seedlings. You should start sowing seeds at the end of January - beginning of February. Small containers are filled with light and nutritious soil and the seeds are sown. There is no need to deepen them much, 1.5 cm is enough. Until the sprouts appear, the pots are kept under a film, periodically ventilating the greenhouse and moistening the soil. When the seedlings grow up, they can be thinned out or immediately carefully planted in separate flowerpots for growing. Strong seedlings are planted in the garden already in the current season. Plants should definitely be covered for the winter. When growing in the middle zone, it makes sense to leave bay leaf seedlings to overwinter in the first year at home.

You can speed up the germination of laurel seeds by first clearing them of their protective shell and germinating them in damp sawdust.

When sowing in open ground during winter, this procedure is not carried out, otherwise the seeds will die.

Laurel tree cuttings

Young laurel shoots are very tenacious and take root well. By cutting, a new plant with its own root system is obtained in a couple of months. They begin the procedure in mid-spring or early summer, cutting twigs with green bark from an adult laurel that have not yet become lignified. They are divided into chibouks, each of which must have at least 3 internodes and an oblique lower cut. The leaves growing from below are cut off completely. At the top sheets, half of the plate is cut off to reduce moisture evaporation.

The cuttings need to be rooted in a soil mixture based on sand, deciduous soil and peat. Each is planted in a separate container, covered with a jar on top. After a couple of months, the rooted laurel cuttings can be planted in a permanent place.

How to grow laurel from cuttings

It is best to root cuttings in late autumn, choosing a healthy and well-bending lower branch. You need to make a groove next to the mature bush and place the cuttings in it, securing them with a staple. Sprinkle soil on top.

It is recommended to separate cuttings from the mother bush and replant them in the spring. The earth is carefully raked and a new bush is cut off, while pinching its top.

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