Kombucha shelf life

Correct storage conditions

If you regularly drink kombucha, then it should be stored in a glass container, for example, in a three-liter jar. It is not advisable to close the container tightly with a lid. To prevent dust from settling on the surface of the drink, simply cover the jar with gauze. Metal containers are not suitable for storing kombucha.

It is not recommended to keep the container with the infusion in the refrigerator; in cold conditions the mushroom may deteriorate. Place the jar in a dark and ventilated place. The optimal temperature for a tea drink is from 22 to 25 degrees.

Is it possible to grow kombucha at home?

Initially, adherents of a healthy lifestyle are interested in the question “is it possible and how to grow kombucha yourself.”

The answer is obvious - perhaps.

In order to enjoy a healthy and tasty drink in the future, kombucha can be gradually recreated from regular tea brewing.

In addition, not only black tea, but also rose hips can serve as starting capital. In order for the kombucha to form as quickly as possible and retain its valuable qualities for as long as possible, it is necessary to strictly follow the preparation instructions and, after its appearance, regularly care for it.

Among the people, you won’t surprise anyone with homemade kombucha.

As soon as it is not called, either “tea kvass” or “tea jellyfish”. But it is most correct to call kombucha kombucha ; this term is used at the world level.

Many European countries have already brought kombucha to the forefront in terms of benefits and taste over typical carbonated drinks and kvass.

Visually, kombucha is a film on top of a liquid, consisting of many layers. For doctors and scientists, kombucha is a symbiosis of bacteria and yeast-like fungi of sweet tea.

To grow kombucha at home from scratch, just stock up on the necessary tools and ingredients in advance. And follow the recommendations strictly.

So, to prepare kombucha at home you will need:

  1. three-liter glass jar;
  2. teapot;
  3. tea leaves;
  4. boiling water;
  5. gauze bandage made of several layers;
  6. sugar (honey or fructose).

How to preserve kombucha for a long time

If you need to go on vacation or want to take a break from drinking the drink, you don't have to throw away the mushroom. You can extend his life in one of the following ways.

In solution

During the break, put the mushroom in a weak tea solution and take it to a ventilated place, for example, to a balcony, to a pantry, or place it on a windowsill during cold weather. Approximately once every 14 days, make a fresh solution, and before that, thoroughly rinse the mushroom.

In a refrigerator

If you are going on a long trip, remove the kombucha from the solution, rinse it and place it in a plastic bag. The mushroom should be placed in the refrigerator, in the fruit and vegetable compartment. Cold conditions will prevent yeast from starting their life processes. In the warmth, they will again emerge from suspended animation, and the procedure for producing the drink will begin.


By drying, you can also preserve your kombucha for when you leave. Rinse it thoroughly and place in a dry bowl, turning occasionally to prevent mold from forming. It is recommended to place the bowl in a deep pan, which must be covered with gauze or a napkin. This will protect the kombucha from dust and insects. The dried mushroom is placed in the refrigerator or put in a closet.

To revive a dried crop, prepare a tea solution by adding sugar. After the mushroom has been in its environment for a week, it will return to its previous state. The very first drink should be poured out, and the next infusion can already be consumed.

Health Benefits of Kombucha

There is an opinion that kombucha is beneficial for the body because:

  • works as an anti-inflammatory agent;
  • blood detoxifier;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • reduces the formation of plaques (atherosclerosis);
  • reduces pain from arthritis and rheumatism;
  • reduces pain from gout;
  • removes toxins from the liver;
  • normalizes stool;
  • restores and improves intestinal flora;
  • treats hemorrhoids;
  • reduces obesity and regulates appetite;
  • treats bladder infections;
  • reduces kidney calcification (nephrocalcinosis);
  • stimulates the glandular systems (adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary gland);
  • prevents diabetes;
  • increases resistance to cancer;
  • has an antibiotic effect against bacteria, viruses and yeast;
  • boosts the immune system;
  • stimulates the production of interferon (immune response to viral infections);
  • relieves bronchitis;
  • reduces asthma;
  • reduces menstrual irregularities (dysmenorrhea or menorrhagia) and menopausal hot flashes in women;
  • improves the general condition of hair, skin and nails;
  • reduces cravings for alcohol;
  • reduces stress and nervous disorders;
  • prevents insomnia;
  • relieves headaches;
  • improves vision;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • increases metabolism.

Regular consumption of kombucha can have a beneficial effect on the female cycle. Our bodies are exposed to harmful toxins and hormone disruptors every day, and no matter how hard we try to avoid them, these chemicals have negative effects on the entire body.

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In turn, this affects the functioning of internal systems, especially the menstrual cycle. Women may experience menstrual, digestive or emotional side effects due to disruption of hormonal balance and overall body chemistry.

Kombucha has proven to be very beneficial for women because:

  1. Restores hormone and digestive system balance with a healthy dose of probiotics.
  2. Removes harmful bacteria, yeast and toxins from the body and promotes optimal reproductive health.
  3. Boosts your mood with a burst of happy, energizing B vitamins.
  4. Kombucha is useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Probiotic. Fermented foods such as yoghurt, sauerkraut and kefir contain live microorganisms. Since kombucha is a fermentation product, it also produces a number of probiotic bacteria, which at certain concentrations can balance the intestinal microbiome in women and improve digestion.

However, whether kombucha contains enough beneficial bacteria to be considered an effective probiotic or not has not yet been definitively proven.

Disease prevention. Consumption of processed foods and chemicals can lead to oxidative stress, which in turn promotes inflammation. This is where you will need kombucha, which is the best preventative against seasonal colds and more..

Gut health. The enzymes in the drink support digestion due to the high levels of probiotics, amino acids and enzymes. Some studies have shown that kombucha may prevent and treat stomach ulcers due to the antioxidants it contains and its ability to protect the stomach.

Antibacterial and antimicrobial. Research has shown that kombucha contains both antibiotic and antimicrobial components. It has the ability to kill harmful bacteria including E. coli, Salmonella and Shigella. Protection against these bacteria prevents food poisoning.

Reduced diabetic complications. Diabetes is associated with a number of complications related to oxidative stress, such as retinopathy, nephropathy and cardiomyopathy. Research suggests that the antioxidants in kombucha may help reduce the effects of oxidative stress caused by diabetes. This is especially true for liver and kidney function, which tend to be weak in people with diabetes.

Lung protection. One lesser-known benefit of kombucha is its use in the treatment of silicosis, which is pulmonary fibrosis caused by inhaling dust containing silica. Scientists have found that kombucha can treat this lung disease and others caused by inhaling hazardous materials.

Antioxidant. There is evidence that fermented drinks contain powerful antioxidants that can help detoxify the body and prevent disease and inflammation. The inflammation-lowering properties of kombucha may also help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

The antioxidant effectiveness of kombucha is manifested by the following beneficial properties:

  • cancer prevention;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • anti-inflammatory effect and reduction of arthritis.

The bacteria in black tea have been shown to have higher levels of antioxidant activity and free radical scavenging effects.

Kombucha for liver detoxification. Most studies regarding the benefits of the mushroom for women as a hepatoprotective agent for the liver have shown that the tea may be beneficial for liver diseases in which oxidative stress is the root cause of the problem.

Black tea kombucha can effectively reduce the physiological changes caused by toxins in the liver.

Reducing cholesterol and weight control. Minimally fermented tea has been found to have a significant cholesterol-lowering effect in serum and liver. In the process, a reduction in liver weight gain due to lipid deposition was found.

One study found that obese women who took green tea extract lost more weight than those who did not drink tea. Experts then began to wonder whether tea-based kombucha could provide the same benefits. It has been suggested that kombucha made with green tea may have a similar effect on weight loss, but this data is still unconfirmed.

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Anti-cancer properties. The anti-cancer properties of kombucha, proven through many studies, include:

  • suppression of gene mutation;
  • inhibition of cancer cell proliferation;
  • induction of apoptosis of cancer cells;
  • cessation of metastasis.

The anti-cancer properties of kombucha are reported to be due to tea polyphenols (catechins, theaflavins, tannins, and flavonoids) and their degradation products formed during the fermentation process.

Recent studies of kombucha for breast adenocarcinoma (breast cancer in women) and colon adenocarcinoma (colon cancer) have shown real benefits.

In another cancer study, the effects of kombucha made from black tea were found to significantly reduce cell invasion and cell motility in kidney cancer and osteosarcoma (bone cancer). Black kombucha also reduces the activity of matrix metalloproteinase-2, which is associated with cancer cell invasion and chronic respiratory diseases.

Kombucha is not a medicine and will not replace drug treatment! Self-medication is dangerous!

General rules for caring for kombucha

Many troubles can be avoided if you provide proper care for your kombucha:

  • Grow the crop only in glass containers, avoiding the use of metal containers.
  • It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the container, not forgetting to rinse and sterilize the jar.
  • An iron strainer should not be used to strain the drink. Use cheesecloth or a plastic sieve.
  • Oxygen is necessary for the life of kombucha, so do not seal the container with a lid.
  • Do not leave the jar in direct sunlight. They can cause algae to appear. Provide the required temperature. At low temperatures (17 degrees and below) the drink will mature at a very slow pace.
  • Drafts have a detrimental effect on the fungus, especially in winter.
  • Kombucha should be washed once every 7 days in the warm season. In winter, this procedure must be carried out once every 3-4 weeks.
  • It is recommended to rinse kombucha only in cool water, preferably boiled. The mushroom will die in hot water.
  • When preparing a tea solution, make sure that tea leaves do not get into it. It is also necessary to thoroughly stir the sugar before placing the mushroom in the solution. Undissolved grains of sugar and tea leaves damage the surface of this organism. Therefore, it is recommended to filter the prepared solution.

Kombucha in cosmetology

Kombucha is also good for the skin, which is important for women over 40.

It's no secret that an imbalance of good and bad bacteria inside your gut affects the appearance of your skin. Skin diseases such as acne, rosacea, dermatitis, eczema are directly related to digestion.

Vitamins B and C are vital antioxidants that support cellular function and repair oxidative damage, helping to maintain skin elasticity and protective functions.

Currently, only anecdotal evidence is available, but there is good reason to believe that kombucha is beneficial for the face and, in general, all skin on the body. With a low pH, kombucha is an excellent gentle facial cleanser that easily removes dead skin cells and leaves skin feeling softer.

But some cosmetic companies have released their own products based on kombucha:

  1. Glow Recipe's sister brand Sweet Chef has released its Ginger Kombucha Serum + Vitamin D Chill Mist ($17). According to GR co-founder and co-CEO Christine Chang, this product is "a great way to both refresh your skin and strengthen your skin barrier throughout the day."
  2. Youth to the People Kombucha Overnight Exfoliating Toner ($38 at Sephora) contains two chemical exfoliants—lactic acid and glycolic acid—that are essential for minimizing pores, while kombucha helps protect the skin's barrier.

If you have sensitive skin, test it on a small area of ​​skin before applying to your face.

Face masks

You can make a mask from kombucha at home. You will get a lot of benefits that won’t cost a penny, but the result will be real.

Benefits of Kombucha mask:

  1. Improves blood circulation in the face and helps maintain the acidity of the protective layer. The result is healthy, soft skin.
  2. When you use a homegrown mushroom for your mask, you save money and use a product that you know is environmentally friendly.
  3. It's the perfect way to unwind after a busy day because it's a pleasantly light acidity accompanied by a slight tingle.

Kombucha mask recipe

Take a little live culture (from a large cake) and mix it in a blender with the drink in which the mushroom grows. The mass should be homogeneous and slightly thick. If desired, you can add an egg, a few drops of almond or coconut oil, vitamin E or even black cumin oil. You should end up with about a third of a cup of thick mass.

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Apply an even layer, avoiding the eye area, onto your face and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply your usual cream.

Solving various problems

Sometimes kombucha can be attacked by various diseases and troubles. Let's look at the most common ones:

The culture has grown too big

This fact is evidence of good care, but an overgrown specimen takes up a lot of space in the container. In this case, you just need to remove the old layers.

The mushroom sinks to the bottom

Usually it floats on the surface, but if it begins to sink, it means that the specimen is already old and it’s time for it to rest. Remove a thin transparent layer from its surface and place it in a freshly prepared tea solution with sugar.

The drink matures very slowly

Perhaps the mushroom is too cold. Simply move the container to a warmer area.

A brown coating has appeared

Remove the top layer and rinse the mushroom. Place it in a new solution with tea, and monitor the condition of the mushroom more closely.

The mushroom is covered with small spots

The appearance of spots may indicate burns from sugar or tea leaves. Be careful when preparing the solution, strain it thoroughly and stir the sugar.

Rules of use and dosage

Since the tea jellyfish drink has medicinal properties, it is natural to have rules and dosages for its intake. For a healthy person, the daily intake rate is three glasses of the drink. The main rule is not to drink an infusion of unhealthy or damaged mushroom. Let us consider in more detail the restrictions and indications for different groups of diseases.

For diabetes

People with this disease are recommended to drink 200 ml of the drink in several doses. It is advisable to dilute it with water or weak tea to reduce the sugar concentration. The use of the infusion improves the general condition of the body and has a positive effect on accelerating metabolism, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension, and improves immunity.

Benefits of Kombucha for Diabetes

Constant use of the tea drink contributes to a general reduction in blood glucose levels, which is especially important for diabetics.

For oncology

The antibacterial effect of kombucha determines its use in oncology. Patients with different types of cancer are allowed to drink 2-3 glasses a day of this infusion. There are also many folk recipes using infusion to fight the disease.


Only patients with stomach and intestinal cancer should refrain from drinking the drink.

For pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal problems

The use of infusion for gastrointestinal diseases is controversial and, depending on the stage of the disease, such a drink may be contraindicated. During exacerbations of diseases, including acute pancreatitis, it is strictly forbidden to take the infusion due to the acid content in it, which will lead to a worsening of the patient’s condition.

If the disease is in remission, then there are no contraindications and up to 500 ml of infusion can be used for daily prevention to normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

For other diseases

The drink has been proven to have a positive effect on the human body when consumed in moderation. This product is contraindicated for diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • fungal infections;
  • allergies to one of the components of the composition.

Description of Kombucha
Each organism has individual characteristics and therefore you should check with your doctor about the possibility of using kombucha infusion in your diet.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, you can drink 2-3 glasses of medusomycete infusion, but provided that the woman does not have diseases such as diabetes, ulcers, or allergies to it. A healthy woman can receive maximum nutrients from the drink; it improves the functioning of the digestive system and improves immunity.

How to store kombucha: useful tips

The beneficial properties of kombucha were known back in the 1920s, when in every home one could see a jar of this culture, which could turn sweet tea into a refreshing carbonated drink. An infusion of kombucha improves well-being and invigorates; it can be used to replenish the deficiency of vitamins and microelements. The appearance of medusomycetes may seem unpresentable to some people, but do not forget that this culture is good for health and is highly valued in many countries. Do not avoid touching the mushroom while caring for it. It will not be possible to damage a fully mature crop: it has a fairly dense structure and is quickly restored. To maintain the viability of kombucha kombucha, it must be placed in water with the addition of tea leaves and granulated sugar. Medusomycete does not feed on tea, but develops well in it. This effect cannot be achieved with ordinary water. Before placing the medusomycete in tea, it must be strained.

Not so long ago, everyone was passionate about growing kombucha at home. There were real legends about the healing properties of the drink obtained from it.

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