Technological map Boiled tongue (page 1)

How to properly cook beef tongue

Before you start boiling your tongue, you need to soak it in cold water for about half an hour. Soaking will help remove dirt better. Carefully scrape it off with a knife from the entire surface.

After the preparatory work has been completed, place the beef tongue in a saucepan or pan. Pour boiling water over, set on maximum heat and quickly bring to the boiling point. Be sure to drain the first broth as soon as it boils - this will help get rid of remaining contaminants.

Add peeled carrots and a large onion to the saucepan (whole, the peel can be removed or left), as well as several black and allspice peas, a couple of cloves and a bay leaf. Pour boiling water over it and put it back on the fire to cook.

The tongue should simmer gently, under the lid; at first, do not forget to skim off the foam. After about an hour, you need to add salt - determine the amount according to taste, the water should taste salty, even on the verge, since some of the salt will absorb the meat during cooking.

After 2-3 hours, when the tongue is completely ready (the knife should go into it like clockwork), remove it from the broth and immerse it in a bowl of cold water. You can add a few ice cubes. Let it sit for a couple of minutes and peel off the skin, moving from the base to the tip.

Cool the cleaned beef tongue completely, trim off the fat, salivary glands and all excess. After which we use it for slicing or preparing other dishes. If you need to preserve your tongue until a holiday feast, it is best to keep it in broth in the refrigerator. The broth itself, as a rule, is not used in the future; it is simply poured out.

Before slicing, the tongue needs to be cooled properly, at least for a couple of hours, then it will be cut thinly and neatly and will not crumble. Mustard and horseradish are traditionally served as accompaniments to a meat plate. Bon appetit, friends!

I hope that now that you know how to properly cook beef tongue, you will cook dishes with it more often. . You can also cook a delicacy.

Beef tongue is considered one of the most delicious delicacies on the holiday table. It is not always possible to enjoy a tasty offal - its cost on the market goes through the roof, and one head of cattle yields about 1 kilogram. Due to the fact that the delicacy is a rare guest on the family table, many housewives do not know how to cook it. How long to cook beef tongue, what dishes can be prepared from it, how to clean it - questions that are answered by experienced chefs.

The tongue consists of muscle fibers that do not have a drop of excess fat or bad cholesterol, so it is used as food for children, as a dietary treat.

The special taste will be at home as a cold appetizer, aspic, as an ingredient in meat salad, the broth can be used as a base for soup or puree.

A properly prepared delicacy will become the signature dish of the buffet table.

How to cook beef tongue correctly - recipe with photo

  1. Before the cooking process, soak the tongue in cold water for about 30-40 minutes. Then lightly scrape with a knife to remove any possible contamination. After the preparatory work, fill the tongue with clean water and put it on fire.
  2. Drain the first broth immediately after boiling, pour cold water into the pan again and bring to a vigorous boil. Reducing the heat, cook the meat without salt. For flavor, add allspice peas, 1-2 bay leaves, as well as peeled vegetables - a large onion and a whole carrot - into the broth.
  3. Continue cooking at a low simmer under the lid. On average, cooking time is 2-2.5 hours, but if the tongue is very large, it may take 3 or even 4 hours. To make sure it is ready, you need to use the traditional method - pierce the meat with a knife. If the blade enters very easily, without effort, and no cloudy liquid comes out of the boiled tongue, remove the pan from the heat. As for the salt, add it at the end of cooking, about half an hour before the end of cooking - then the meat will be softer.
  4. Before eating, the tongue must be peeled. To make this task easier, remove freshly cooked meat from the broth and place it in a clean container. Fill with cold water and leave for a couple of minutes.
  5. After this procedure, the skin will be removed very easily.
  6. Once the peeled tongue has cooled completely, we use it to prepare other dishes or serve it as a cold appetizer, cut into thin slices and topped with mustard.

Now you know exactly how to cook beef tongue correctly! Enjoy your meal!

Cooking time

Beef tongue consists of a dense muscle mass that is difficult to cook. There are several opinions on how long it takes to cook offal. Some believe that it takes at least 4 hours to cook the meat until cooked. Others cook the dish in 30-40 minutes. How long does it really take to cook beef tongue?

In reality, the offal may differ depending on how old the animal was. The tongue from old cows is denser, cooks poorly and remains tough if not cooked enough. Calf tongues cook quickly, are soft, tender, and easy to clean. The most delicious and suitable for cooking are offal from one-year-old calves.

If beef tongue appears on the housewife’s table, the first thing to do is defrost it and rinse it well. It is not advisable to cook an undefrosted product - it will cook unevenly and remain tough inside.

The optimal time for cooking is 2-2.5 hours. During this time, even the toughest meat will be thoroughly cooked.

How to cook beef tongue in a pan correctly and tasty

In restaurant cold cuts, in addition to popular deli meats and sausages, you can often see beef tongue. It is very tasty and tender. But it can be prepared at home without much effort. Before you cook beef tongue in a saucepan correctly and tasty, you need to select and prepare it.

Valuable product

Beef tongue belongs to class 1 by-products. It has an exquisite, delicious taste, a pleasant meaty aroma, and a dense consistency.

This product, in addition to its high culinary qualities, is very good for health. The calorie content of the finished dish is 224 kcal. It has a high protein content, which is easily absorbed by the body. With only 2.2% carbohydrate content, the tongue is recommended for those following a low-carbon diet for weight loss.

Beef tongue contains many vitamins. It is especially rich in B vitamins, which have a positive effect on the nervous system and improve well-being. For example, in order to cover the daily requirement of vitamin B12, 70 g of boiled tongue is enough. It is also a source of microelements: zinc, iron, potassium, magnesium - this is just a small list of useful components. All of them are presented in natural form and are easily digestible. Therefore, the tongue is recommended for those who suffer from anemia or ulcers, or who have problems with the cardiovascular system. If you regularly supplement your diet with this product, then headaches and insomnia will disappear over time.

Properly cooked beef tongue is soft and tender. It is used to prepare delicious cold appetizers, salads and delicious hot dishes. It is stewed, fried, boiled and grilled. The tongue goes well with herbs, aromatic spices and various sauces.

How and for how long to cook beef tongue until tender in a saucepan whole at home

Many housewives do not dare to cook beef tongue themselves, for fear of not being able to cope and spoiling the product. But in vain. Its preparation is not difficult, but it requires time and compliance with certain rules.

  • Beef tongue - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Water -
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Table salt - to taste
  • Black peppercorns - 3 pcs.

Calories: 224 kcal

Remove the beef tongue from the refrigerator, and if it was frozen, it needs to be thawed. Make sure you have the necessary vegetables and spices.

Tongue preparation. Soak your tongue in cold water for 30 minutes.

Use a clean metal dish grater to rub it to remove any mucus or dirt. Do not cut the films at this stage! If there are pieces of meat left from the throat at the base of the tongue, they need to be cut off. If the tongue is large and does not fit entirely into the pan, it can be divided into 2 parts.

Place the tongue in a saucepan and add cold water so that it covers the pulp by 5-6 cm.

Remove the tongue from the water and place the pan on the stove, covering it with a lid.

When the water boils, carefully lower your tongue into the boiling water.

Cook until boiling, skim off foam.

Boil for another 15 minutes over medium heat. Take out your tongue. Drain the water. Rinse the pan. Pour clean water into the pan to the same level as during the first cooking and boil.

Cook over low heat, covering with a lid. The broth should gurgle a little and not boil as it cooks. You need to cook beef tongue for 2.5-4 hours, depending on the size and age of the animal.

Prepare vegetables. Wash and peel the onions and carrots.

40 minutes before the end of cooking, add onion and carrots to the broth.

Add bay leaf and peppercorns.

15 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt to the broth.

You can check the readiness of the dish like this: take out your tongue and place it on the dish. Prick with a fork or the edge of a knife. If the juice released is clear, the dish is ready. If the juice is cloudy, you need to cook for another 30 minutes until tender.

Pour cold water into a cup. You can even put ice or water in the refrigerator. Place the finished tongue in ice water for 4-5 minutes.

Transfer it to a cutting board. Using a fork or sharp knife, pry up the film covering the tongue and remove it like a glove. After a temperature change, it can be easily removed. If there are areas that have not been removed, they are removed with a knife.

The tongue is served to the table, cut into thin slices. It can replace sausage, because it is both tastier and healthier. Sandwiches with tongue plates are very tasty. It goes well with horseradish, mustard, and rye bread. Tongue is added to salads with various ingredients.

How to choose and cook beef tongue so that it is soft and juicy

The taste and cooking time of a dish depend not only on culinary skills, but also on the quality of the tongue.

  • When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the color of the product. It should be pink or with a slight purple tint. The darker it is, the more zinc and iron it contains.
  • You need to smell your tongue. The aroma should be slightly sweet and pleasant. Foreign odors such as ammonia, rot or mold indicate that the product is not fresh and should be discarded.
  • You need to press on the flesh. The resulting hole smooths out almost immediately, which means the product is fresh. If the flesh is flabby and soft, it means that the tongue has been frozen and thawed more than once. There are almost no useful substances left in such a product, and the taste will not be as tasty as fresh.
  • Before cooking, the tongue should be washed and soaked in cold water for at least half an hour. Do not neglect this procedure, because after it the product will be juicier.
  • You can soak it in milk, or in a mixture of milk and water. This technique will make the dish more tender and juicier.
  • Before putting your tongue into the pan, you need to wash it and clear it of mucus, dirt, and blood.
  • Cook the tongue in 2 steps. Both times he plunges into boiling water.
  • You need to cook over medium or low heat so that the product simmers.
  • You can add vegetables to the broth - onions and carrots. After cooking they are thrown away. But the broth can be used to make soup.
  • Salt is added at the very end of cooking, otherwise the tongue will be tough.
  • Readiness is checked by piercing. Clear juice indicates that the product is ready. Cloudy juice means you need to cook for another 30 minutes.
  • After cooking, the tongue is transferred to ice water. This is necessary so that the film can be easily removed.
  • After cleaning, you can put the tongue back into the broth until it cools completely. This will make it more tender, juicier and more aromatic.

Beef tongue is a delicious delicacy that you can easily prepare yourself.

Dishes from the tongue

The prepared tongue can be used for slicing, aspic, and as a meat base for salads. From the broth you can cook aromatic soup, stew, and make puree. How many delicious dishes can be prepared from tongue, and what great benefits does the offal bring to the human body?

First of all, this is a dietary dish, as it does not contain fat, and therefore cholesterol. The offal contains a lot of iron, it is a pure protein that quickly restores strength, performance, and affects memory and thinking.

It is useful for people with physical loss of strength, postoperative patients, growing children's bodies, and women after childbirth.

The simplest dish that will decorate a festive feast is aspic. So, the recipe:

Experienced housewives feel with their hearts how long to cook a beef delicacy. According to the rules of culinary art, the minimum cooking time for tongue is 1.5-2 hours.

Beef tongue is a very popular organ meat. In our country, it has long been considered a delicacy.

The tongue consists entirely of muscle tissue, which is covered on top with a rough membrane. Before sale, beef tongue is carefully processed. Its weight can range from two hundred grams to two kilograms.

Russian, Tunisian, Chinese, Polish and Georgian cuisines contain many national dishes from the language. There are a large number of options for its preparation, but boiled beef tongue is the most popular.

How and for how long to cook beef tongue

Beef tongue should be cooked for 2 to 4 hours depending on its size.

  • You need to pour water into the pan and bring it to a boil.
  • Place beef tongue in boiling water. Due to the fact that the tongue increases in size when cooked, it is better to cut it in half.
  • After the water with the tongue boils again, remove the foam, cook for 15 minutes, after which you need to drain the water.
  • Place the beef tongue in boiling water again and cook until tender (if you immerse the tongue in boiling water, it will cook more tender and juicy).
  • The tongue must be boiled for at least 2, but no more than 4 hours, depending on its size and weight. You can check whether the tongue is ready in the following way: after 2 hours of cooking, you need to pierce the tongue with a fork and if the juice that comes out is clear, then the tongue is ready, and if it is cloudy, then you need to boil the tongue some more until the juice that comes out becomes clear.
  • It is advisable to salt the tongue at the end of cooking, then it will not be tough; It is also advisable to add peppercorns, peeled onions, carrots and bay leaves to the water - this way the boiled tongue will turn out much more aromatic and tastier.
  • After the beef tongue is cooked, you need to remove it from the broth and place it in a container with cold water for 3 minutes. It is imperative to remove the skin from the tongue and for this purpose it is necessary to put it in cold water, this procedure will make it easier to clean the tongue.
  1. When purchasing beef tongue, be sure to check whether the tongue has a health service stamp on it. This stamp shows that the product has been thoroughly tested by specialists and that the animal was absolutely healthy. The stamp is a guarantee of product quality.
  2. Also, when purchasing, check the color of the beef tongue. This product should have either a pink or purple tint. A purple tint means the product contains a lot of iron. The pink tint of the tongue means that it has already been frozen, perhaps more than once. The product is stale if it has a gray tint.
  3. If desired, you can add salt to the beef tongue after cleansing: place the cleaned, finished tongue in the broth where it was boiled, add salt and cook for another 15-20 minutes.
  4. Onions, carrots, herbs and spices must be put into the broth peeled and preferably whole, so the resulting broth and the finished tongue will be more aromatic and tasty.
  5. The broth obtained after boiling the tongue can be used to prepare aspic. You can also cook soup with this broth. You just need to use new, fresh vegetables for it, and it’s better to throw away the vegetables on which the broth was cooked.

How to store boiled beef tongue

Before storing the boiled beef tongue on the refrigerator shelf, cool it.

  • You can keep this dish without freezing for about two days.
  • The cooked dish is wrapped in foil or paper and placed in a plastic container with a tight lid.
  • This product is able to absorb environmental odors very well, so it is kept separately, hermetically sealed.

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You can also store boiled tongue frozen.

After cooking, it needs to be cooled and divided into parts so that it is later convenient to defrost only the required amount. This dish cannot be re-frozen.

Storing beef tongue is not at all difficult. If you comply with the necessary conditions, you can always consume this healthy dietary product fresh.

Among meat products, beef tongue is most valued by lovers of gourmet cuisine. It is considered a delicacy due to its delicate structure and original taste.

Its composition is rich in various useful substances, which makes the prepared dishes valuable and nutritious. What are the benefits of beef tongue? Let's find out!

Recipe for boiled beef tongue

Beef tongue salad under a “fur coat” (with prunes and mushrooms)

  • 300 gr. boiled beef tongue;
  • 250 gr. champignons (can be replaced with other fresh mushrooms);
  • 50 gr. prunes;
  • 50 gr. roasted hazelnuts;
  • salt;
  • one onion;
  • ground black pepper;
  • mayonnaise.

The salad is prepared as follows:

  • Cut the boiled beef tongue into strips.
  • Chop the prunes and nuts.
  • Toss all the ingredients, adding salt and pepper to taste, and seasoning with mayonnaise.
  • Chill the salad in the refrigerator before serving.

Beef tongue baked with mushrooms

To prepare you will need:

  • 600 gr. boiled tongue;
  • 200 gr. champignons;
  • 200 gr. cheese;
  • one onion;
  • 50 ml. cream;
  • 1 tablespoon flour;
  • salt;
  • two tomatoes;
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream;
  • spices.
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