Canned pickled white cabbage. Technological instructions

What varieties are good for storage?

For long-term storage, it is recommended to take varieties that are resistant to fungal and bacterial diseases. Typically, this characteristic of the plant is written on the package of seeds.

Also, healthy heads of cabbage without damage or rot should be selected for storage, as they can cause healthy forks to become sick.

Important! The average shelf life of cabbage is five months.

Preparing the vegetable

Cabbage is removed from the plots after the onset of cold weather and the first frosts. It is the first frosts that help improve the taste of the vegetable, killing the bitterness in it.

Typically, heads of cabbage begin to be cut when the temperature drops below zero degrees. It is advisable to do this in clear weather, when the heads of cabbage are dry and clean. This saves housewives from having to do additional work cleaning vegetables.

Harvesting in rainy weather requires mandatory drying of the heads of cabbage. In this case, you should dry each head of cabbage separately, laying them out on a horizontal plane.

This allows the forks to rid themselves of excess moisture stagnant in the leaves. Storing vegetables raw contributes to their rapid rotting.

Important! The basis for successful storage of cabbage heads is the dry harvest after the first frost.

Storing heads of cabbage in a suspended state involves harvesting with a “leg”. However, you should not remove all the top leaves, as this will dry out the vegetable faster.

It is not recommended to store forks:

  • affected by rot,
  • frozen,
  • cracked,
  • underdeveloped and empty.

Before storing the heads of cabbage, it is recommended to dry the room where the vegetables will be kept for a long time.


The following mid-late cabbage varieties can be planted for the winter:

  • "Brigadier-F1"
  • "Krautman-F1",
  • "Megaton-F1"
  • "Present",
  • "Kashirka-202"
  • "Harvest"
  • "Ladozhskaya-22",
  • "Winter Gribovskaya".

The growing season of such hybrids is equal to the duration of the calendar summer that prevails in the temperate zone. Therefore, by the onset of the first frost, the heads of cabbage have time to fully ripen.


The harvest of the following late varieties of cabbage can be stored for a long time:

  • "Amager-611"
  • "Moscow late-15"
  • "Wintering-1474",
  • "Rusinovka",
  • "Snow White".

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How to pickle cucumbers for the winter: 7 best recipes without vinegar and sterilization, with vodka or mustard

Late varieties of cabbage are good for making salads, pickling and canning. They are also distinguished by a long ripening period - 6 months.

Shelf life of cauliflower

  • Shelf life: 1 month
  • Shelf life: 2 months
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 1 month
  • Freezer life: 12 months

Storage conditions:

In the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 to +6 °C

Cauliflower began its journey around the world from Syria. From there it came to the Spaniards, who loved various culinary innovations. Spain began cultivating this vegetable and it began to become familiar to Europeans. And in the 14th century, cauliflower was widely distributed. In Russia it appeared only in the 18th century. During the reign of Catherine the Second, only rich nobles could try such an exquisite dish. At the ruler's court, this vegetable was considered a delicacy, as it was brought from abroad. Only over time did varieties appear that were able to take root in our climate.

Nowadays, cauliflower is a vegetable that is often eaten. Many people even prefer it to white cabbage. This is due to the fact that cauliflower has a more subtle taste and differs in the way it is prepared.

In addition to its exquisite taste and attractive appearance, cauliflower has many beneficial properties. First of all, this vegetable is famous for being very easily digestible in the human body. Cauliflower can be eaten by both adults and small children. It is also important that it can be eaten not only by healthy people, but also by those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is important to know the expiration date of cauliflower. In ancient times, this vegetable was used not only for food. Its healing effects were known to the people of the Mediterranean. Doctors used the vegetable to treat the liver, skin ailments and digestive system.

Almost all people need to eat cauliflower. It will help cope with many ailments, and will also be useful for those who lead a healthy lifestyle and want to be in shape. Since the vegetable is low in calories and contains tartronic acid, it can help you lose weight. Thanks to special elements in the vegetable, sugary substances do not turn into fat. All vitamins and minerals interact with each other and are similar to one mechanism that affects the human body. Thanks to them, protective abilities are increased, metabolic processes are normalized, the process of bone formation and hematopoiesis are regulated. In this regard, this vegetable is an excellent dietary food that should be present in the human diet. Therefore, to ensure that your food is only beneficial, you should know the expiration date of cauliflower.

Another important fact is that diabetics can include this vegetable in their diet, since it contains little sucrose. But people with gout should avoid eating cauliflower. This is due to the fact that it contains purines, which can cause an increase in the concentration of uric acid. This may lead to a relapse of the disease. People who have thyroid problems should also be careful as they may develop a goiter.

Storage methods

Each method of storing cabbage heads has its own characteristics.

In a box or crate

This storage method involves wintering vegetables in dry boxes or boxes. The heads of cabbage are laid in one layer so that they do not touch each other.

A box of vegetables can be placed in the cellar, where the humidity level is 80%. The film should not be applied to the box of cabbage forks, as this will cause moisture to condense on the leaves and cause them to rot.

On shelves

The late variety can overwinter on the shelves of the basement, pantry or underground. Cabbage forks are placed with the stalk up on dry surfaces and left for the whole winter.

It is important that in the room where vegetables are stored this way, the temperature does not drop below zero, otherwise the crop will freeze.

In paper

Cabbage heads are stored well wrapped in paper. This way they will dry out less and bacteria will not be able to get on them.

The paper used for such purposes is dry, white, landscape or copy paper, which promotes full air exchange and absorption of excess moisture. Wrapped heads of cabbage can be lowered into the basement or stored in the pantry.

In cling film

The head of cabbage is placed in a separate plastic bag, leaving a small gap for air. In this form, the cabbage is placed in an even layer in a cool room, where the ambient temperature ranges from 0 to +2 °C.

It is recommended to periodically review the condition of the forks and, if necessary, sort them.

In clay

Clay helps to extend the wintering period of cabbage . First, a solution is prepared from it in a ratio of one part liquid to two parts clay.

After obtaining a homogeneous clay mass, it is applied in a thin layer to each vegetable. After this, each fork is placed on a flat surface to dry. Then the dry vegetables are put on the balcony or underground for the winter.

In the sand or on a “cushion” of it

For storage in river sand, the stalk at the base of each vegetable is cut off. The finished heads of cabbage are placed on a sand bed.

You can additionally sprinkle dry sand on top of the cabbage. You can place a second layer on top of the laid layer of vegetables. With this storage method, cabbage loses less moisture.


To store for the winter, the forks can be hung from the ceiling. In autumn, only the roots of vegetables are cut off, and the forks are hung from high shelves or the ceiling by the remaining stem.

Nails or screws are first driven into the ceiling so that the suspended heads of cabbage do not touch each other. There is low humidity at the top, which means the forks will not rot.

Be sure to read:

How to keep cucumbers fresh until the New Year

Shelf life of cauliflower

  • Shelf life: 1 month
  • Shelf life: 2 months
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 1 month
  • Freezer life: 12 months

Storage conditions:

In the refrigerator at a temperature of +2 to +6 °C

Cauliflower began its journey around the world from Syria. From there it came to the Spaniards, who loved various culinary innovations. Spain began cultivating this vegetable and it began to become familiar to Europeans. And in the 14th century, cauliflower was widely distributed. In Russia it appeared only in the 18th century. During the reign of Catherine the Second, only rich nobles could try such an exquisite dish. At the ruler's court, this vegetable was considered a delicacy, as it was brought from abroad. Only over time did varieties appear that were able to take root in our climate.

Nowadays, cauliflower is a vegetable that is often eaten. Many people even prefer it to white cabbage. This is due to the fact that cauliflower has a more subtle taste and differs in the way it is prepared.

In addition to its exquisite taste and attractive appearance, cauliflower has many beneficial properties. First of all, this vegetable is famous for being very easily digestible in the human body. Cauliflower can be eaten by both adults and small children. It is also important that it can be eaten not only by healthy people, but also by those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is important to know the expiration date of cauliflower. In ancient times, this vegetable was used not only for food. Its healing effects were known to the people of the Mediterranean. Doctors used the vegetable to treat the liver, skin ailments and digestive system.

Almost all people need to eat cauliflower. It will help cope with many ailments, and will also be useful for those who lead a healthy lifestyle and want to be in shape. Since the vegetable is low in calories and contains tartronic acid, it can help you lose weight. Thanks to special elements in the vegetable, sugary substances do not turn into fat. All vitamins and minerals interact with each other and are similar to one mechanism that affects the human body. Thanks to them, protective abilities are increased, metabolic processes are normalized, the process of bone formation and hematopoiesis are regulated. In this regard, this vegetable is an excellent dietary food that should be present in the human diet. Therefore, to ensure that your food is only beneficial, you should know the expiration date of cauliflower.

Another important fact is that diabetics can include this vegetable in their diet, since it contains little sucrose. But people with gout should avoid eating cauliflower. This is due to the fact that it contains purines, which can cause an increase in the concentration of uric acid. This may lead to a relapse of the disease. People who have thyroid problems should also be careful as they may develop a goiter.

Storage conditions and location

Vegetables will last much longer if the necessary wintering conditions are observed.

This requires:

  • a certain level of humidity (80%-90%),
  • temperature from 0 to +5 °C,
  • no mold.

It is important to choose the right place for wintering forks.

Mature heads of cabbage for the winter can be stored in:

  • basement,
  • cellar,
  • underground,
  • lumber room,
  • cool room.

A city apartment is also suitable for such purposes; it is important that it meets all the conditions listed above.

Before wintering vegetables, the room should be dried and disinfected, which will help rid it of bacteria and fungi. It should be dark.

In the cellar or basement

In the basement or cellar, prepared vegetables should be placed correctly. This can be done using wall shelves or drawers.

An important rule for storing cabbage in the basement is that you cannot fill the vegetables in a large pile. Because of this, the lower forks lying on the ground will begin to rot and may become infected with gray rot.

You can put a box in the underground where you can lay the cabbage in layers, leaving small gaps. Each stacked head must not have cracks or signs of damage by insects, otherwise the entire crop may suffer.

In the apartment

In a city apartment, cabbage is stored in the lower chambers of the refrigerator or in a closet. In this case, the surrounding air should not be dry, and the temperature should not rise above +7 °C.

The absence of such conditions leads to early drying and rotting of vegetables.

In a refrigerator

The refrigerator is an ideal wintering place for cabbage heads. Dry vegetables are placed there in layers, leaving small gaps between them.

On the balcony

On a balcony, vegetables are stored in autumn or early spring, when there is no severe frost outside. Dry forks are placed on shelves or the floor, and covered with breathable fabric or paper on top.

How to store sauerkraut

Russians have a special attitude towards sauerkraut. Various dishes are prepared from it, although this is not the main thing. White cabbage is called “Siberian lemon” due to the presence of large amounts of ascorbic acid. It is an indispensable product for preparing vitamin salads in winter, when the flu prevails in the country.

Having fermented cabbage according to your favorite recipes, you need to decide how to preserve the cabbage and what conditions need to be maintained. This concerns the temperature and humidity of the room, protecting products from mold, the use of various preservatives, as well as the choice of containers.

Temperature and humidity

To preserve the beneficial and tasteful qualities of pickled vegetables, you need to take care of the place and certain conditions:

  1. The ideal storage temperature is considered to be +1 – +5 degrees. At higher rates, the fermentation process continues, albeit slowly, negatively affecting the taste of the pickled vegetable.
  2. The product is preserved well in the cold, the main thing is not to defrost it twice. Experienced housewives recommend laying out the cabbage in portions.
  3. As for the air humidity in the room where the sauerkraut is stored, it should be in the range of 85-95%.

Mold protection

Sauerkraut must be protected from the appearance of fungus: a white coating on the surface of the workpiece and in the brine itself. Although not often, this problem occurs when containers are located in a basement or cellar. Mold can be removed, but this will not help preserve the pickled white vegetable. Eating salads is dangerous, it is fraught with allergic reactions or intestinal upset.

There are options to help avoid the appearance of fungus on the workpiece and preserve taste:

  • add sour berries such as cranberries and lingonberries;
  • Sprinkle the surface of the cabbage with granulated sugar or dry mustard during storage;
  • use grated horseradish root for sprinkling;
  • Place mustard seeds on the sauerkraut in a canvas bag.

Brine quantity

When storing sauerkraut, you need to make sure that the brine is above the layer of vegetables. Otherwise, the top layer will darken and become unsuitable for consumption. If the chopped leaves are bare, you can dissolve salt in cooled boiled water and add it to the container.

Use of preservatives

You can preserve a tasty and healthy snack using preservatives:

  1. Granulated sugar is sprinkled from time to time on the top of the workpiece.
  2. Acetic acid helps preserve the product; just a little bit of it is added so as not to spoil the natural taste of cabbage.
  3. As a preservative when storing sauerkraut, you can use vegetable oil so that it covers the workpiece with a thin film.
  4. You can add more salt when fermenting, but then cabbage will not be suitable for salads.

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Harvesting and storing crops in the cellar

You should start harvesting cabbage for storage after the first frosts appear. At the same time, carefully remove the bottom sheets without exposing the entire fork and root.

If the stalks are not needed, then they should also be cut off. Dry vegetables must be sorted , removing affected and cracked specimens.

In the cellar, the heads of cabbage can be placed in boxes or on shelves. The optimal temperature for keeping vegetables in the cellar is from 0 to +2 °C, since there is a high level of humidity here.

Neighborhood with other products

It is best to place heads of cabbage separately from other root vegetables and fruits. It would be good if they were stored in another room. If this cannot be done, then it is necessary that cabbage and other vegetables do not lie in the same container.

How long can cabbage be stored in an apartment?

The average storage time for cabbage in an apartment is 1.5-2 months. In this case, vegetables should be periodically inspected and substandard specimens should be removed.

Be sure to read:

How to properly store green tomatoes so that they turn red and last until the New Year

Which cabbage to use for pickling

Late and mid-late varieties are suitable. They are the strongest and densest. It’s better to choose the whitest cabbage you can find – such cabbage will be crunchy. The winter “Glory” is quite popular.

Before buying, try the head of cabbage by touch - you want it to crunch a little when pressed, but at the same time be dense and not loose. You definitely need to pay attention to the stalk: it should also be dense and juicy.

If you choose cabbage in late autumn, check that it is not frozen. The indicator is the green leaves on the head of cabbage; when cooking, we remove them, but if the seller removed them, there is a high probability that they were frozen. And there are no traces of frost on the head of cabbage.

How to ferment cabbage

A wooden tub or large glass container works best. An enamel pan will also work, as long as the enamel is not cracked or chipped. Plastic buckets are contraindicated for cabbage. The same as stainless steel containers.

A stone (clean) or a jar of water is suitable as oppression. It is better not to place metal objects on cabbage.

How much and what kind of salt to use for pickling white cabbage

For any pickles, it is best to use coarse rock salt. Sauerkraut is no exception. Iodized salt is contraindicated for cabbage; it makes it soft.

On average, add 1 tbsp. salt per 1 kg of cabbage - this is if you make brine. If you ferment “dry”, then you need to add a little more salt. In fact, the amount of salt is a matter of taste. Some even put 1 tsp. per kilogram - and it turns out delicious.

How to properly cut cabbage

Usually it is finely shredded, and the shredder should not be too thin, otherwise the cabbage will turn out soft. The stalk must be removed before slicing, but you can chop it separately and add it to the cabbage; the fact is that the stalk contains many useful substances.

This makes sense if you grew the cabbage yourself and you are sure that the stalk has not accumulated nitrates and chemicals. Sometimes the cabbage is cut into squares, and sometimes the head of cabbage is simply cut into quarters or halves.

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Canned storage

Homemade preparations are a great way to store cabbage. Canned cabbage can last for a long time, maintaining its beneficial qualities.


The safest way to prepare shredded cabbage is pickling. In this case, fermentation occurs naturally, and vinegar is not added to the dish. For pickling, it is recommended to take juicy, white, healthy forks.

Sauerkraut recipe


  • cabbage – 4 kg,
  • carrots – 400 g,
  • salt – 80 g,
  • sugar – 80 g.


  1. Use a knife or a coarse grater to chop the cabbage and carrots.
  2. Three-liter jars are sterilized for 10 minutes.
  3. Shredded vegetables are sprinkled with sugar and salt and crushed.
  4. Fill the prepared container, compacting it with your hands. Excess juice can be drained.

Cover with a lid and leave for five days to ferment. Then the container with sauerkraut is put in a cold place.


Pickled cabbage is prepared from fresh vegetables doused with a special marinade. The jars used for this must be sterilized. There are many ways to pickle cabbage.

Pickled cabbage recipe


  • boiling water – 1 l,
  • vinegar – 1 tsp,
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • salt – 1.5 tbsp. l.,
  • carrots – 400 g,
  • fresh cabbage – 1.5 kg.


  1. Use a coarse grater to grate the carrots and finely chop the cabbage.
  2. Mix everything together and place it in a sterilized (10 min) three-liter jar.
  3. Sprinkle salt, sugar and vinegar essence on top.
  4. Pour boiling water over it, cover it with an iron lid and roll it up.


Canned cabbage is a common winter preparation. Even substandard fruits can be used for canning, after first removing them from the affected areas.

Canned Cabbage Recipe


  • fresh cabbage – 1 kg,
  • carrots - 6 medium-sized pieces,
  • garlic – 7 cloves,
  • water – 0.1 l.,
  • vinegar (9%) – 10 tbsp. l.,
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.,
  • sugar – 100 g,
  • sunflower oil – 0.1 l.


  1. Shred the cabbage into thin strips, grate the carrots and garlic. Everything is mixed together.
  2. Sunflower oil, salt and sugar are added to the water. Put everything on the fire and bring to a boil. Add vinegar.
  3. The resulting brine is added to the chopped vegetables and left to infuse for 2 hours.
  4. The cabbage is placed in prepared sterilized jars and sealed with iron lids.

A simple recipe for cabbage in jars for the winter

Photo of cabbage in jars for the winter

The simplest cabbage for the winter in jars is made quite quickly. It has a rich taste, a pleasant, simple aroma.

Ingredients (for a 3 liter jar):

  • Cabbage – 2.5 kg;
  • Allspice – 2 peas;
  • Black pepper – 6 peas;
  • Laurel – 2 leaves;
  • Sugar – 25 g;
  • Salt – 30 g;
  • Water – 1 l.


Sauerkraut or simply canned cabbage is always made from mid-late or late varieties of cabbage.


  1. The water in the saucepan is brought to a boil over high heat, then it is reduced and 1 laurel, black and allspice, salt, and sugar are added to the water. Then all this needs to be stirred and boiled for 2-5 minutes. The finished brine is set aside to cool.
  2. Cabbage is cleaned of dirty top leaves. Then it must be thoroughly washed and cut into thin strips.
  3. When the cabbage is ready, it is poured into jars up to the shoulders, slightly compacted. Place the remaining laurel leaf in the middle of the jar.
  4. Filled jars are filled with brine to the top. You don’t have to throw away the peas and bay that were in the brine, but also put them on top in jars.
  5. The resulting cabbage is left at room temperature for 24 hours. During this time, it needs to be pierced several times with a wooden stick to the very bottom of the jar so that excess gas comes out. If this is not done, the brine will be bitter. When the foam appears, it is also removed.

Within a day, the crispy cabbage will be ready to eat. For storage, cover it with lids and put it in the refrigerator. But it is important to open the lids from time to time for ventilation to prevent mold from forming inside.

Canned pickled white cabbage. Packing, capping.

Spices are placed at the bottom of prepared glass jars. The weight of spices is controlled by weighing at specified intervals.

Cabbage is placed in jars. The degree of filling of the jars is determined by the specified mass of cabbage. The weight of cabbage is controlled by weighing at specified intervals.

Jars filled with cabbage are filled with bay at a temperature of at least 85 °C. The degree of filling of cans is determined by the established net weight. Net weight is controlled by weighing at specified intervals.

An example of putting cabbage, spices, pouring into a glass jar with a net weight of 1000 g.

Name of componentsNumber of components, g
White cabbage500,0
Black peppercorns0,4
Bay leaf0,4

Control of the net weight and weight of cabbage in jars before sterilization is determined by weighing at least 6 jars, the frequency of control is once an hour.

The results of monitoring the net mass of the product, the net mass of the main product, and the temperature of the bays are recorded in the journal “Control of net mass and temperature.”

The deviation of net weight for individual cans is ±3%.

Filled jars are sealed with lids on seaming machines. After capping, a visual inspection of the cans is carried out, and cans with sealing seam defects and other defects are rejected.

The results of monitoring the closure of a glass jar are recorded in the journal “Control of the closure of a glass jar.” The frequency of control is once per hour.

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