Features of using expired paracetamol
If you took expired paracetamol tablets with all your cold medicines, there may not be any special consequences. But doctors in this case make a reservation - all these points are purely individual and depend on the patient’s body. Plus, if paracetamol expired not long ago, it does not have any harmful effects on the body. But if there is a significant delay of several years and improper storage of tablets or powder, the consequences can be disastrous.
As the pharmacists themselves note, if the tablets or capsules are expired, for example, by a year, then the drug will not have any negative effect, provided they are stored correctly, for example, protected from the sun and high temperatures in the refrigerator. And even if the expiration date of paracetamol expires, their effectiveness decreases, and accordingly their use is unjustified.
But you should not take risks and give expired medicine to a sensitive group of patients - these are children and pregnant and nursing mothers. But we'll talk about this later. And if, after taking expired Paracetamol, the expiration date of which has long expired, signs of poisoning may occur. And in this case, you should not rely on your own strength - you should immediately call an ambulance. What can the patient do before the ambulance arrives and medical assistance is provided by specialists - the emergency consists of the following actions:
- It is important to rinse the patient’s stomach and thereby eliminate any remaining expired drug in it.
- It is mandatory to give an adsorbent - this can be any drug from a published group, for example, activated carbon, which is found in almost every home medicine cabinet. If there is no sorbent in the house, you can use a salt water solution from your arsenal of home remedies and thus provoke a gag reflex.
- If, as a result of poisoning, signs of allergy appear, the patient should be given antihistamines.
If intoxication is excessive, then you should immediately call a doctor, and if a child is poisoned, call an ambulance immediately. But for a nursing mother, taking any expired drug should be strictly prohibited.
Important! You should not take diuretics at your discretion to force diuresis - such a move is ineffective, and in some cases even dangerous, and therefore this method of removing paracetamol from the body can complicate the situation.
Regarding the course of treatment for poisoning with expired paracetamol, it is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting, and under the supervision of a doctor. The course of therapy itself depends on the severity of the poisoning and may consist of the following components.
- Oral or in the form of an injection, by probe administration of a special antidote - most of it is N-acetylcysteine, but it can be successfully replaced with Methionine.
- Chickens are given droppers with drugs such as glucose and albumin, as well as hemodez and mannitol.
- If the symptoms are severe, doctors prescribe a course of antibiotics, as well as injections of hemostatic medications, and oxygen inhalation sessions.
Side effects
According to the pharmacological action, ACC (powder) 200 mg belongs to the group of mucolytic expectorants that exhibit a mucolytic effect, facilitating the evacuation of sputum.
These effects are achieved by the direct effect of acetylcysteine on the rheological qualities (“fluidity”) of bronchial mucus. Acetylcysteine is effective even in the presence of pus in the sputum.
In case of an erroneous or intentional overdose, phenomena such as diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, heartburn and nausea are observed. To date, no severe or life-threatening side effects have been observed.
ACC 200 is used in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory respiratory diseases accompanied by sputum production. The action of the active substance acetylcysteine is aimed at liquefying the viscous secretion and removing it from the bronchi.
A decrease in mucus viscosity occurs due to the rupture of disulfide bonds of mucolytic polysaccharides. The medicine can also be used for cases of sputum with pus. The expectorant property promotes the rapid removal of liquefied secretions from the bronchi, thereby clearing the respiratory tract of accumulated microbes, pus and mucus.
Absorption of the drug occurs in the gastrointestinal tract, and the maximum concentration is achieved 60–180 minutes after taking the drug. The half-life from the body is within an hour, if there are disturbances in the liver - up to 8 hours.
- rarely (³ 0.1% - {amp}lt; 1%): stomatitis, diarrhea, vomiting, heartburn and nausea, headache, tinnitus; bleeding, partly associated with hypersensitivity reactions; decreased platelet aggregation
- very rarely ({amp}lt;0.01%): allergic reactions - itching, urticaria, skin rash, bronchiolospasm, tachycardia and arterial hypotension.
Reports regarding bronchiolospasm primarily concerned patients with increased bronchial system reactivity associated with bronchial asthma.
If side effects are detected, you should consult a doctor to adjust the dosage or replace the drug with other cheap analogues of ACC 200.
Gastrointestinal tract: stomatitis, vomiting and nausea, severe loosening of stools, heartburn.
Central nervous system: noise effect in the ears, headaches.
Cardiovascular system: increased pressure, tachycardia.
Allergic reactions: bronchospasm, skin rashes, itching.
It is also possible to enhance the effect of combined use of expectorants. As a result, sputum stagnation occurs and the patient’s condition worsens.
The main effect of acetylcysteine, which is contained in ACC 200, is mucolytic. Such a substance directly affects sputum in the respiratory tract, changing its rheological properties. This is due to the ability to destroy the bonds of mucopolysaccharides in sputum, as a result of which the viscosity of the secretion decreases. In this case, the drug does not lose activity, even if there is pus in the sputum.
Acetylcysteine also has antioxidant properties, because it is able to neutralize oxidative radicals and stimulate the formation of glutathione. The result of this action will be an increase in cell protection and a decrease in the intensity of inflammation.
Video presentation of the drug ACC 200:
- ACC 200 can provoke an allergy, which manifests itself in children as a skin rash, low blood pressure, itching, swelling, urticaria or tachycardia. An anaphylactic reaction is very rare.
- The respiratory system of children can react to ACC with shortness of breath, and in bronchial asthma the medicine can cause bronchospasm.
- In some children, under the influence of ACC, the digestive system may suffer, which is manifested by dyspepsia, heartburn, nausea, loose stools, stomatitis, vomiting or abdominal pain.
- Occasionally, taking ACC provokes headaches, tinnitus, fever or bleeding.
One of the side effects of taking ACC is disruption of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract.
Review: Mucolytic agent HEXAL "ACC" - Difficult sputum when coughing - ACC helped me!
Hello, dear readers of the Otzovik website! I have already written and introduced other medicines with which I treated coughMukaltin
But either I developed a cold, or mucaltin stopped working on me as before, my problem was that I couldn’t clear my throat, I woke up in the middle of the night and I was coughing, the phlegm came out but with difficulty. I was tired of this thing and I began to think about other more serious ways to get rid of the cough, because from a strong cough my temperature rose and everything hurt.
And then, going through my first aid kit in the morning, I find an expired mucolytic cough medicine, ACC. I thought, I need to buy it, I was also prescribed it once for a severe cough. When I went to the pharmacy I was surprised by the reasonable prices. Having bought this medicine and starting to drink it, already on the second day I felt that the phlegm began to go away faster, I was no longer coughing so much. The taste is certainly not the most pleasant; my teeth even ached unpleasantly from the acidic taste. I drank it twice a day, after meals. The instructions say to take 1 sachet 3 times a day. Today is the third day that I have been drinking this powder, there is no longer a cough, a good result, it’s a pity that the bags of powder are sold in packages of 20 pieces, I threw away the last expired package of medicine, there was almost half of the medicine. I don’t know about this one, there’s a decent amount left in it too.
Composition of effervescent tablet ACC 200 mg
The active substance in ACC 200 is acetylcysteine, of which each tablet or each serving package contains, as the name implies, 200 mg. ACC 200 powder also includes sucrose, sodium saccharinate, ascorbic acid and flavorings (lemon and honey). In addition to vitamin C and orange flavor, orange granules contain saccharin and sucrose for a sweet taste.
Additional substances in the tablets are citric acid, milk sugar, bicarbonate, saccharinate, sodium citrate and carbonate, mannitol, ascorbic acid and blackberry flavor.
Watch the promotional video for the drug ACC below:
1 sachet (bag) with 3 g of powder contains
active substance – acetylcysteine 200 mg
excipients: ascorbic acid (vitamin C), saccharin, sucrose, orange flavor.
Soluble ACC (powder) 200 in the form of small granular particles is packaged in sachets of 200 mg, each of which contains:
- acetylcysteine (active ingredient);
- additional ingredients - ascorbic acid, citrus and honey flavors, sucrose, saccharin.
The small granules look like a white or yellowish powder with a distinct honey and citrus odor.
The drug contains acetylcysteine containing 200 mg. Other ingredients that provide flavor, color and shape are present:
- citric and ascorbic acids;
- sodium carbonate;
- mannitol;
- lactose;
- sucrose;
- sodium citrate;
- flavoring
active substance: acetylcysteine - 200.0 mg;
excipients: citric anhydride - 558.5 mg; sodium hydrogen carbonate - 300.0 mg; mannitol - 60.0 mg; ascorbic acid - 25.0 mg; lactose anhydride - 70.0 mg; sodium citrate - 0.5 mg; saccharin - 6.0 mg; blackberry flavor “B” - 20.0 mg.
What the laws say
By law, pharmaceutical companies are required to indicate the expiration date on the packaging of each medicine. At the same time, according to expert Ilya Yasny (his credentials are below), pharmacists rarely have information about how long the drug actually remains effective, so the date is chosen in accordance with studies of its stability. Manufacturers do not have the opportunity to wait too long - it is important for them to register the medicine as quickly as possible, so they can only guarantee its properties for a period of 2-3 years. This is usually the shelf life of drugs.
Pharmacological properties
The presence of sulfhydryl groups in the structure of acetylcysteine promotes the rupture of disulfide bonds of acidic mucopolysaccharides of sputum, which leads to a decrease in the viscosity of mucus. It has a mucolytic effect, facilitates the discharge of sputum due to a direct effect on the rheological properties of sputum. The drug remains active in the presence of purulent sputum.
With the prophylactic use of acetylcysteine, there is a decrease in the frequency and severity of exacerbations in patients with chronic bronchitis and cystic fibrosis.
What Russian experts say
Ilya Yasny, pharmaceutical industry expert, candidate of chemical sciences
“Overall, it’s hard to argue with the experts at Drugs.com. Indeed, small molecule drugs in capsule and tablet form that are stored in a dark, dry, cool place are likely to be effective and safe. But if there are signs of moisture, discoloration, or an unpleasant odor, then such a drug should be thrown away immediately. Solutions and any biological preparations are also not stored.
Better yet, don’t experiment with your health and throw away all expired medications. Beyond the expiration date, there is always a risk that toxic substances are formed in the medicine, and it is not worth saving 100 (or even 500) rubles. People usually buy more expensive medications in courses and use them immediately.”
Andrey Maksimov, Deputy Chief Physician for Pediatrics at the DOC+ mobile clinic
“There are no specific findings that demonstrate that expired drugs can be used with their human toxicity or effectiveness. Most likely no one wants to take on such responsibility. Plus, we must take into account that the drugs have different manufacturers, which means different technologies and “behavior” beyond the expiration date.”
Victor Sakulin, chief physician of the DOC+ mobile clinic
“I am categorically against taking expired medications. They need to be thrown away. There are no situations when it is not possible to buy and take medicine with a normal expiration date.”
How much can you save on expired pills? What drugs are used to treat even decades later?
A well-known American toxicologist assures that at least several years can be added to the annoying numbers after the “Best Before” inscription. The scientist examined medications that were half a century old and found that the pills had not lost 99% of their properties. But haven’t new, dangerous ones been added to them? What medications can be taken even if they are expired, and which ones turn into poison?
It is worth remembering that it is better not to use all expired liquid medications. After all, liquid, be it distilled water, solution or sweet syrup, is a breeding ground for microbes. Bacteria multiply especially rapidly if a preservative in a liquid medicine, such as expired eye drops, stops working.
It is also better not to be treated with antibiotics when their expiration date expires. Over time, their strength decreases, and, once in an organism infected with an infection, an expired and weakened antibiotic does not harm the microbes, but rather hardens and trains them against themselves. And very old tetracycline can even become toxic and cause serious damage to the liver.
Also, under no circumstances should you use expired antiviral vaccines, biological products, anti-epileptic, thyroid or blood-based medications, as well as nitroglycerin. And also contraceptives and expired insulin.
It has been proven that almost 90% of medicines retain their healing properties even after decades, but only if their packaging is intact and they are not in the sun or in pouring rain.
It is worth remembering that it is better not to use all expired liquid medications. After all, liquid, be it distilled water, solution or sweet syrup, is a breeding ground for microbes. Bacteria multiply especially rapidly if a preservative in a liquid medicine, such as expired eye drops, stops working.
Took expired medicine
Pharmacist. Author of articles on the topics of the characteristics of various groups of drugs, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.
Area of professional interests: drugs and non-drug products for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases during pregnancy and in children; breastfeeding and child nutrition.
Pharmacist. Author of articles on the topics of the characteristics of various groups of drugs, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.
https://otzovik.com/review_1296564.htmlhttps://cmtscience.ru/article/mozhno-li-pit-prosrochennye-lekarstvahttps://ntv.ru/novosti/2090944/https://health.mail. ru/consultation/2265802/
Is it possible to take alcohol and ACC together?
Since acetylcysteine does not react chemically with alcohol, drinking alcohol in small quantities is allowed. However, people with a history of peptic ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, and allergic diseases should avoid drinking alcohol during treatment with ACC. In this case, alcohol can aggravate the course of existing diseases.
Valeria Grigorova, doctor, medical columnist
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