Should I Store Pancreatin in the Refrigerator?

Pancreatin analogues

Pancreatin is a cheap domestic product for improving the functioning of the pancreas and stimulating digestion.
The cost of the medicine depends on the region, the policy of the pharmacy organization, dosage and number of tablets, on average it varies from 25 to 130 rubles.

Pancreatin analogues differ in manufacturer and price-quality ratio. Before purchasing, consult your doctor and read the instructions for use.

Pancreatin - composition

The active components of the drug are digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas:

They are obtained from the organs of animals, mainly cattle and pigs. Pancreatin tablets also contain auxiliary ingredients:

  • sodium chloride and croscarmellose;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • macrogol 4000;
  • oydragit L30 D-55 or L-100;
  • talc;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • red food coloring.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: AVVA RUS, Biosintez, Pharmproject, Avexima, Pharmstandard, Irbitsky KhMZ, etc., Russia
Release form: tablets

Active ingredient: pancreatin

Synonyms: Ermital, Enzistal, Mezim, Pangrol, Creon, Panzinorm, Fermentozim, etc.

The drug contains the substance pancreatin, which contains three enzymes - amylase, protease and lipase.

The components help break down food into small particles. As a result, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are better digested and completely absorbed in the small intestine.

Why take Pancreatin?

The main purpose of using pancreatin is to normalize digestion and the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract as a whole, as well as to replenish missing pancreatic enzymes. Pancreatin also promotes better breakdown of BJU in the duodenum, ensuring their rapid absorption.

Due to the alpha-amylase contained in pancreatin, starch is broken down into dextrins, and subsequently into maltose. Lipase promotes the breakdown of neutral fat into fatty acids and their rapid absorption in the small intestine. As for protease, the main function of this component is the breakdown of proteins into polypeptides and free amino acids.

Indications for use of Pancreatin

The drug belongs to the group of drugs that compensate for the deficiency of pancreatic enzymes. Applicable in the following cases:

  1. chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis and other conditions accompanied by impaired and insufficient functioning of the pancreas, deficiency of necessary enzymes;
  2. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory-dystrophic nature;
  3. diarrhea, dyspeptic disorders, flatulence, indigestion;
  4. postoperative period, rehabilitation after radiation;
  5. elimination of unpleasant symptoms (heaviness, abdominal pain, flatulence) caused by overeating, changes in usual food, lifestyle, impaired chewing function, insufficient physical activity or inactivity;
  6. preparatory stage before examinations, ultrasound and surgery.

Important! The medicine Pancreatin is sold freely from pharmacies and is often advertised as a remedy for heaviness and stomach pain. However, it should not be abused. With regular replenishment of the deficiency of pancreatic enzymes, the synthesis of its own substances is disrupted.

Pancreatin before or after meals

The medicine should be taken during or after meals three times a day if pancreatic function is impaired. The tablets must not be chewed. If you are concerned about heaviness and pain in the abdomen due to overeating, a sedentary lifestyle and other factors, the medication can be taken once.

Note! Cheap Pancreatin from domestic manufacturers must be stored in the refrigerator to preserve its medicinal properties in the pharmacy and at home. Detailed conditions are indicated on the medicine box and on the insert.

The course depends on the indications and varies from 2 days to several years.

How to store the drug

Storing Pancreatin involves placing the drug in a cool place, not exposed to direct sunlight. But this does not mean that the medicine needs to be stored in the refrigerator on a separate shelf. Many consumers do exactly this, believing that it is better to overcool the medication than to overheat it. This is false in both cases. Each medicine is accompanied by a description indicating under what conditions the medicine should be stored. When purchasing an enzymatic product, a person can ask the pharmacist about the storage features of the medicine.

The storage conditions for Pancreatin described in the instructions indicate that the product should be kept in a cool place. Usually this is a refrigerator door with a temperature of 10-15ºС. If it is a dark and cool room, then it should be dry, since high humidity will lead to the destruction of the tablets and the loss of their medicinal properties even before the expiration date.

The medicine can also be stored at room temperature (up to 25ºC), this will not spoil its therapeutic properties. But you need to make sure that the medicine does not come into the “field of vision” of the child, since he may mistake it for candy.

After opening, Pancreatin should be stored in its original packaging. The tablets do not deteriorate within 2 years from the date of production.

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How to find a cheap analogue of an expensive medicine?

To find an inexpensive analogue of a medicine, a generic or a synonym, first of all we recommend paying attention to the composition, namely the same active ingredients and indications for use. The same active ingredients of a drug will indicate that the drug is a synonym for the drug, pharmaceutically equivalent or a pharmaceutical alternative. However, we should not forget about the inactive components of similar drugs, which may affect safety and effectiveness. Do not forget about the instructions of doctors; self-medication can harm your health, so always consult a doctor before using any medication.

Pancreatin overdose

The gastroenterologist selects the required dosage of enzymes for each patient, depending on the severity of his disease. In most cases, pancreatin is well tolerated.

Stomach ache

Symptoms of overdose:

  • an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • unstable stool;
  • constipation

If signs of overdose and deterioration in health appear, the drug must be discontinued.

Adverse reactions:

AllergyThese include:
  • hives;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • skin itching.

Allergic reactions to pancreatin most often develop in childhood.

Alarm signal

Metabolic disordersTaking medication in large doses often leads to an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the urine and blood. In order to avoid this complication, you must follow your doctor's instructions.

The consequence is the formation of urate stones in the kidneys

Skin irritation in the anal areaOccurs in children. Burning and itching in the anus

Important! With long-term use, pancreatin affects the absorption of iron, which can lead to the development of anemia. In this case, regular monitoring of blood hemoglobin is necessary. If necessary, iron supplements are prescribed.

Pancreatin price

On the websites below you can find prices for Pancreatin and find out about availability at a pharmacy near you

Pancreatin instructions


Insufficiency of exocrine pancreatic function (chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, etc.). Chronic inflammatory-dystrophic diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver, gall bladder; conditions after resection or irradiation of these organs, accompanied by impaired digestion of food, flatulence, diarrhea (as part of combination therapy). To improve food digestion in patients with normal gastrointestinal function in cases of dietary errors. Preparation for x-ray and ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.


Hypersensitivity, acute pancreatitis, exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.

special instructions

The safety of using pancreatin during pregnancy has not been sufficiently studied. Use is possible in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

In cystic fibrosis, the use of pancreatin in high doses is not recommended due to the increased risk of developing strictures (fibrotic colonopathy). The dose should be adequate to the amount of enzymes necessary for the absorption of fats, taking into account the quality and quantity of food consumed.


active substance: pancreatin 250 mg

Directions for use and doses

The dose (in terms of lipase) depends on age and the degree of pancreatic insufficiency. The average dose for adults is 150,000 units/day. In case of complete insufficiency of exocrine pancreatic function - 400,000 units/day, which corresponds to the daily requirement of an adult for lipase.

The maximum daily dose is 15,000 units/kg.

Children under 1.5 years old - 50,000 units/day; over 1.5 years - 100,000 units/day.

The duration of treatment can vary from several days (if the digestive process is disrupted due to errors in the diet) to several months and even years (if constant replacement therapy is necessary).

Side effects

From the digestive system: in some cases - diarrhea, constipation, discomfort in the stomach, nausea. The cause-and-effect relationship between the development of these reactions and the action of pancreatin has not been established, because These phenomena refer to symptoms of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.

Allergic reactions: in some cases - skin manifestations.

From the metabolic side: with long-term use in high doses, the development of hyperuricosuria is possible; in excessively high doses, an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood plasma.

Other: when using pancreatin in high doses in children, perianal irritation may occur.

Drug interactions

When used simultaneously with antacids containing calcium carbonate and/or magnesium hydroxide, the effectiveness of pancreatin may be reduced.

With simultaneous use, it is theoretically possible to reduce the clinical effectiveness of acarbose.

With simultaneous use of iron supplements, a decrease in iron absorption is possible.

Pancreatin 8000: instructions for use, can the drug be stored in the refrigerator?

Pancreatin in chronic pancreatitis is prescribed as replacement therapy. Treatment is often supplemented with choleretic medications and tablets that help reduce flatulence.

Pancreatin is a combination of lipase, amylase and protease, without which normal functioning of the digestive tract is impossible, and accordingly, the body does not receive the required amount of nutrients.

Pancreatin activity is calculated using lipase since it is the most vulnerable digestive enzyme. Daily requirement is 40,000 units. This is the dosage recommended against the background of complete pancreatic failure. Considering that this does not occur often, a selection is made, gradually increasing the dosage.

The medicine is available in capsule form, tablets/dragés. They belong to the pharmacological category of “enzyme and anti-enzyme drugs”, they improve the process of food digestion. Sold in pharmacies, the price of Pancreatin 8000 is 50-70 rubles.

Pharmacological action and indications for use

Pancreatin 14000 IU, 8000 IU and other dosages is an enzyme medicine that contains digestive enzymes - lipase, protease, amylase, trypsin, chymotrypsin. The product helps stimulate your own enzymes, and also enhances the secretion of bile, normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, and facilitates the absorption of fatty heavy foods.

The capsules are covered with a specific shell that protects the active ingredient from dissolution in the “wrong place,” in particular, in the stomach under the influence of digestive juice and hydrochloric acid. Absorption occurs directly in the small intestine.

The maximum concentration of active components is observed 30 minutes after using tablets, capsules or dragees. Action depending on the composition:

  • Lipase helps break down fats.
  • Amylase breaks down starch, and protease breaks down protein substances.

The activity of the drug is calculated specifically based on lipase, since it does not have a safety net in the human intestines or saliva. The composition of the drug is protein molecules, they undergo proteolytic hydrolysis. In simple words, they are broken down under the influence of other enzymes that affect proteins.

The instructions for use of Pancreatin 8000 IU state that the drug is prescribed for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (a chronic form of inflammation of the pancreas beyond the acute stage). It is advisable to use it for chronic diseases of the digestive organs of a dystrophic-inflammatory nature, in which the process of digesting food is disrupted.

Other indications:

  1. Late pancreatitis (develops after transplantation).
  2. Insufficiency of exocrine gland function in elderly patients.
  3. Obstruction of the pancreatic ducts.
  4. Chronic diseases of the biliary tract and liver.
  5. Diarrhea of ​​non-infectious pathogenesis.
  6. Preparation for examination of the abdominal organs.

The drug cannot be used in the acute phase of the disease, exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, in children under 2 years of age, against the background of intestinal obstruction and organic intolerance.


The active ingredients of Pancreatin and its analogues are enzymes of animal origin (pork or isolated from cattle) lipase, protease and amylase. They take part in the breakdown of dietary fats, proteins and carbohydrates into simple compounds, which are then absorbed in the small intestine.

Thanks to the coating of tablets or capsules with an acid-resistant coating, the enzymes included in their composition are not inactivated by hydrochloric acid in the stomach and act only in the duodenum.

Indications for taking Pancreatin and its analogues include:

  • dyspepsia;
  • consuming large quantities of fatty and unusual foods that are difficult to digest;
  • flatulence caused by problems with digestion of food;
  • insufficiency of exocrine pancreatic function;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • chronic enterocolitis;
  • anacid and hypoacid gastritis.

Enzyme medications help relieve heaviness and discomfort after overeating

Important: Enzyme preparations should not be taken in case of acute pancreatitis or during exacerbation of the chronic form of this disease!

When is Pancreatin prescribed?

The active ingredients of the described drug facilitate the process of breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, improve the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. There are many types of conditions that Pancreatin helps with, but they are united by an insufficient amount of its own lipase, protease and amylase in the body. Often such situations arise against the background of errors in the diet, but sometimes they are accompanied by severe diseases of the pancreas and digestive tract. Pancreatin - indications for use:

  • eating large amounts of fatty, fried, exotic foods;
  • violation of chewing functions;
  • forced prolonged immobilization;
  • acute (during remission) and chronic pancreatitis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • dyspepsia;
  • the period after surgical interventions - gastrectomy, pancreatectomy, Billroth II resection and others;
  • cancer, congenital pancreatic hypoplasia;
  • Shwachman-Diamond syndrome;
  • obstruction of the common bile or pancreatic duct by a tumor or stone;
  • preparation for x-ray or ultrasound examination.

Pancreatin for poisoning

Any intoxication causes acute disruption of the digestive organs, including the pancreas. The main drugs for the treatment of poisoning are enterosorbents, which bind and remove toxic compounds. Pancreatin can also be prescribed as part of an integrated approach; indications include dyspepsia, which often accompanies poisoning. The drug in question is taken after stopping the inflammatory process to normalize the functioning of the digestive gland and restore digestion. In the acute period, there is no point in using enzymes.

Pancreatin for pancreatitis

Inflammation of the pancreas is always combined with a deterioration in its enzymatic activity. Before taking the remedy in question, it is important to remember what the medicine Pancreatin helps with and how it works. The pharmacological agent compensates for the deficiency of enzymes that the pancreas produces in insufficient quantities.

Pancreatin tablets are intended for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis only. During periods of remission, the medication helps normalize digestive processes and absorb vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and reduces the load on the pancreas. It prevents exacerbations due to errors in diet or other unfavorable factors.

Is it possible to choose an analogue yourself?

There are many options on pharmacy shelves that can replace Pancreatin if necessary. Of course, it is not recommended to do this yourself. It is better to immediately check with the doctor who prescribes the enzyme drug what alternative options are available for a specific clinical case. After all, medications differ not only in manufacturer and price, but also in other parameters.

Differences between tablets and capsules

If it is not possible to contact a doctor and for some reason you cannot buy Pancreatin, then when choosing an analogue on your own, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. The dosage form, dosage and enzyme activity should be the same or as close as possible.
  2. If you are prescribed tablets, you need to take tablets, if capsules, then capsules. Capsules and tablets, despite the same qualitative composition, differ in the method of application, the uniformity of mixing of the active components with the food bolus, the speed of entry into the intestines and the onset of effect, and the effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa.
  3. When choosing independently, preference should be given to drugs from well-known pharmaceutical companies (KRKA, Actavis, Gedeon Richter, Ebot, Teva, Zentiva).

Tip: To understand the difference between enzyme products, you need to carefully compare the instructions, especially the section with pharmacological properties, side effects and contraindications.

Pancreatin - application

The medication is available in the form of tablets for oral use. The duration of the course of therapy and the optimal dose of Pancreatin are selected by the gastroenterologist individually for each patient.

There are general instructions for taking medication:

  1. Swallow the tablets whole during each meal, do not chew. Stomach juice will destroy the enzymes, and the pills will not help.
  2. If the remedy is prescribed before meals, take it with alkaline liquids, for example, Borjomi mineral water or sodium bicarbonate solution (0.5-1%).
  3. For long-term treatment, take additional iron supplements.
  4. For people with cystic fibrosis, limit the dosage to 10,000 units and have your urine tested regularly.

Pancreatin for adults

The dosage of the drug is determined in accordance with the severity of the inflammatory process and the degree of pancreatic dysfunction. The recommended way to take Pancreatin is immediately after a meal or during a meal, with a glass of water at room temperature or natural juice. In rare cases, the enzyme agent is prescribed before eating food.

The standard dose of the medication is 16,000-32,000 lipase units (2-4 tablets each time). If necessary and at the discretion of the doctor, it can increase by 1.5-2.5 times. One of the conditions that Pancreatin helps with is pancreatic secretory insufficiency. In such cases, the daily amount of medication in terms of lipase reaches 400,000 units. It gradually decreases to normal values. The maximum volume of the drug per day should not exceed 20,000 units per kilogram of body weight.

Pancreatin during pregnancy

Expectant mothers often have problems with digestive processes. In most situations, they are associated with natural restructuring of the body and can be solved by correcting diet and eating habits. There is no separate list of what Pancreatin helps pregnant women with; the indications for the use of the drug remain unchanged. The medication is sometimes prescribed during pregnancy if a woman is diagnosed with pancreatic disorders.

The decision on enzyme therapy is made by a gastroenterologist based on an examination of the expectant mother, the results of laboratory and instrumental tests, the course of pregnancy and the severity of the detected disease. The doctor selects how often and in what quantity to drink Pancreatin; the dosage is standard, but can be adjusted individually depending on how quickly the treatment helps. The recommended daily concentrations should not be exceeded, as this will cause negative side effects.

Pancreatin for children

Until 1.5 years, the described medicine is not used. From this age, enzymes are prescribed only in the presence of direct indications and severe disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas. The dosage of Pancreatin for children is calculated by a gastroenterologist in accordance with the child’s body weight. The average value is 500-1000 units per kilogram of weight. The maximum amount in terms of lipase is limited to 10,000 units per day.

How often can you take Pancreatin?

The duration of therapy with the medication in question is determined individually. Most people with digestive disorders benefit from courses of treatment for 1-2 months followed by a transition to a balanced diet. The gastroenterologist decides whether it is possible to drink Pancreatin longer. In severe and often recurrent chronic pancreatitis, enzymes are used for a long time, up to continuous use for several years.

How to store Pancreatin?

The basis of the presented drug is organic raw materials, so it is recommended to store it in a cool place, at a temperature of +2 to +15 degrees Celsius. When going on vacation, many gastroenterologist patients are interested in whether Pancreatin can be kept outside the refrigerator. The manufacturer allows the tablets to be stored in warmer places, but the ambient temperature should not exceed +25 degrees Celsius.

Additionally, it is important to ensure that pets and children do not have access to the medicine; the pills are colored in an attractive pink color and are not bitter in taste. The blister should not be exposed to direct sunlight, ultraviolet radiation destroys digestive enzymes and the medication stops helping, so it is better to keep it in its original packaging. Recommended air humidity is no higher than 75-80%.

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What analogues are there?

As substitutes for Pancreatin, drugs with the same active ingredient or other drugs that improve digestion are used. Some of them contain not only the enzymes lipase, protease, amylase, but also additional components. Sometimes drugs with a different mechanism of action may be prescribed, but have an indirect effect on the production or activity of pancreatic enzymes.

Analogs with the same active ingredient

Analogues containing the same enzymes as Pancreatin include the following drugs:

Enzyme products Creon, Mikrasim, Ermital, Pangrol, Panzinorm, Pancitrate are available in the form of capsules in dosages of 10,000 and 25,000. Creon and Ermital also have high-dose release forms of 40,000 and 36,000, respectively. Gelatin capsules contain enteric-coated microgranules or microtablets. The capsule shell quickly dissolves in the stomach, its contents are evenly mixed with the bolus of food and in this state enters the duodenum, where enzymes are released and proteins, fats and carbohydrates are broken down.

The drugs Mezim, Penzital, Gastenorm, Enzibene, Biozim are tablets. They all contain different amounts of enzymes, which must be taken into account when choosing.

Substitutes from the same group

In some cases, drugs containing, in addition to pancreatic enzymes, additional active substances are used as substitutes for Pancreatin. Such means include:

Their composition, in addition to lipase, protease and amylase, includes hemicellulase (an enzyme that breaks down the polysaccharide cellulose, plant fiber) and bovine bile extract. Such drugs have a wider range of indications than Pancreatin.

They are prescribed for the following gastrointestinal problems:

  • insufficiency of exocrine pancreatic function;
  • chronic pancreatitis due to a decrease in the amount of bile and bile acids entering the intestines;
  • flatulence;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • liver diseases, alcoholic and toxic damage to the organ, cirrhosis;
  • conditions after cholecystectomy;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • chronic gastritis, duodenitis, cholecystitis, accompanied by impaired bile formation and bile secretion;
  • ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome.

Other means

If Pancreatin is prescribed for the treatment of pancreatitis, then proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are prescribed together with it or sometimes instead of it, the most famous of which are Omeprazole and Omez.

  • help relieve pain;
  • reduce the inflammatory process;
  • relieve excess pressure in the pancreatic ducts;
  • inhibit the activation of pancreatic enzymes in the pancreas;
  • reduce the secretion of gastric juice.

Violation of the secretory function of the pancreas is not a direct indication for the prescription of PPIs. They are used as aids. Omez and its analogues help with gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcers, and reflux esophagitis.

Analogues for children

Pancreatin in a dosage of 125 mg is used in pediatric practice. Moreover, it can be given even to children under one and a half years old. At a dosage of 250 mg, it is approved for use from 6 years of age.

Preparations with a lipase activity of 10,000 units (Creon, Ermital, Micrazim, etc.) are used as Pancreatin substitutes for children. The dosage is selected by the doctor according to the age of the child.

Enzyme preparations are not available in the form of syrup, convenient for use in children.

Important: If the baby is not able to swallow a tablet or capsule whole, then the tablet is crushed, the capsule is opened and the contents are mixed with liquid food with a sour taste (apples or fruit puree).

How to take “Pancreatin” correctly, why and does it help (instructions)?

Pancreatin is a digestive enzyme agent. The narrow focus of pancreatin is that it helps specifically with diseases of the pancreas, as it contains unique enzymes (proteases, amylase, lipase) that facilitate the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and promote their more complete absorption in the small intestine.

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How to take pancreatin - for several days or as replacement therapy - is decided by the doctor.

Analogues of pancreatin - mezim forte, panzinorm forte, penzital.

In some cases, pancreatin is recommended to eliminate dietary errors. Festal and Cholenzym are also very suitable for this.

With prolonged use, addiction and weakening of the gastrointestinal tract are possible.

The head of the department prescribed me pancreatin at the hospital. They prescribed three tablets a day, one in the morning, afternoon and evening, with meals. True, this is not important at such a dosage, and can be taken immediately before or after meals. These tablets are very inexpensive and are sold at any pharmacy without a prescription, in any quantity. I usually buy more boxes for stock. Pancreatin should be stored in the refrigerator. Packaging can be different, both in blisters and in glass and plastic jars. The tablets are coated with a gastrosoluble layer, usually pink in color.

As for its action, sometimes it helps me, and sometimes it doesn’t. I took Pancreatin for about six months, and realized that it was better to do without these enzymes, since a healthy body and gastrointestinal tract should itself cope with the task assigned to it in digesting food. Of course, when there are difficulties in digesting food, when there is heaviness and bloating in the stomach, then you will involuntarily have to take it, since only it brings relief. But not always. I tried replacing it with Creon, and it is indeed more effective, but it is many times more expensive, about three hundred rubles, and it also does not always help. Therefore, pancreatin is not a permanent additive to food, for its digestion and alleviation of symptoms, but it serves only for temporary relief and making the right decision. If it comes to pancreatin, then there is an urgent need to take a number of measures aimed at restoring the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Why am I dwelling on this point in such detail? Because according to the instructions, you can take a lot of pancreatin, and at first it helps, but then everything only gets worse. Therefore, pancreatin is useful when the body is in a more or less healthy state, but when you are sick you should not rely on it too much.

Now I have five or six packs of pancreatin in the refrigerator, and I have no desire to take it, since it can cause discomfort in the intestines in the form of irritation. True, nothing will happen from one or more tablets. There is no visible effect from one tablet at all. Perhaps he is, so further on as prescribed by the doctor. If the doctor said that you should take one tablet of pancreatin before meals for ten days, then that’s what you should do.

Pancreatin is a digestive enzyme agent. The narrow focus of pancreatin is that it helps specifically with diseases of the pancreas, as it contains unique enzymes (proteases, amylase, lipase) that facilitate the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and promote their more complete absorption in the small intestine.

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