How to Store Beets in the Refrigerator for the Winter

How to properly store beets and carrots in the refrigerator?

So that they don't wrinkle.

I wash it, dry it dry, put it in a plastic bag, tie it, make about five holes with a thick old knitting needle, and put it in the vegetable drawer. I keep it for up to a month.

Carrots can be stored in the refrigerator for much longer than a month. The method is approximately the same as in the first answer: a plastic bag, but without holes. And when storing carrots for long-term storage, after washing and drying, you should first keep them in the refrigerator for several days without a bag so that they cool down and only then put them in bags and wrap the bag tightly to prevent air from getting in. Moreover, it is recommended to place three to four medium-sized carrots in each bag.

This way you can ensure that moisture does not condense in the bag. But all the same, at least once a month you need to check the packages for moisture formation and to prevent rotting of the root crop. Carrots can be preserved this way almost until a new harvest: not in the country, but at least until early carrots are sold in stores.

Carrots can be stored in the refrigerator for much longer than a month. The method is approximately the same as in the first answer: a plastic bag, but without holes. And when storing carrots for long-term storage, after washing and drying, you should first keep them in the refrigerator for several days without a bag so that they cool down and only then put them in bags and wrap the bag tightly to prevent air from getting in. Moreover, it is recommended to place three to four medium-sized carrots in each bag.

How to store beets in an apartment?

In a city apartment, a glazed loggia or basement can be used as storage for vegetables. But it is important that the temperature on the balcony is not lower than 0. For this storage method, a container filled with sand would be ideal. The container can be wooden or plastic.

Clean and calcined sand is used. The technique for storing vegetables is the same as when storing in a cellar - each layer of beets is covered with a layer of sand. But we must try to place the root vegetables so that they do not touch. This way you can preserve the harvest throughout the long winter.

If the balcony is not glazed, then a thick-walled wooden box is used to store beets, which is insulated for additional protection from frost and covered on top, for example, with an old blanket.

If there is no balcony, then you can store the harvest in a pantry or vestibule. The main condition is that the storage location must be removed from heating appliances. Here you will need boxes again, but with sawdust. The beets are also placed in layers in containers, and each layer is sprinkled with sawdust. It is important that root vegetables are not exposed to light. The place must be dark. In such conditions, vegetables can safely lie for up to four months.

Many residents of apartment buildings have individual storage rooms between floors. Such a room is also suitable for storing beets in the winter. The pantry is located in the entrance, which is cool enough in winter for the vegetables to be safely preserved.

Wooden or cardboard boxes can be used as packaging. It is advisable to sprinkle the beets with sand or salt, or at least sawdust, so that they do not dry out.

Refrigerator or kitchen table?

If it turns out that you boiled a lot of vegetables and did not use them, take care of storing the boiled beets. Carefully place the dry product in a bowl, cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator.

In such conditions, beets can be stored for up to 3 days without loss of nutritional qualities.

Important! Before storing in the refrigerator, you should not peel or cut the root vegetable - the shelf life will automatically be reduced to a day.

If you forget a boiled root vegetable on the table, the shelf life of the product is reduced. A boiled vegetable will not last more than 12 hours at room temperature - it will wither and spoil.

How to store beets at home in winter in an apartment

Not everyone has cellars and basements. And then the question arises - how to preserve beets at home: in an apartment, on a balcony or loggia , in a refrigerator or freezer.

When storing at home, it will not be possible to preserve a large amount of beets. Still better than nothing! Especially if the beets are from your own garden.

Typically, several places are listed for storing beets at home: under the bed, on the balcony/loggia, in the pantry, in the refrigerator or freezer. The following rules must be observed.

  • Root vegetables should be stored in the dark.
  • Away from heating devices.
  • At least once a month, and more often in the refrigerator, beets must be sorted and spoiled specimens removed.

It is better not to store it under the bed.

However, beets may contain pathogens that are completely inappropriate for an apartment.

Other storage locations are acceptable. For the above reasons, the pantry raises some doubts. Let's look at all the options.

In the pantry, beets are best stored in boxes. Pre-immerse each fruit in a clay mash and dry thoroughly. In a clay shell, root vegetables can be preserved well for 4-6 months, even at 10-12°C.

How to preserve beets in winter on a balcony or loggia

Which specific option for storing beets on a balcony or loggia to choose depends on whether the place where the crop is stored is insulated or not.

If in winter, the temperature on the balcony/loggia never drops below -10C, then you can store it in drawers or boxes. The beets are sprinkled with sand mixed with wood ash so that the root crops do not touch. A layer of sand of approximately 10 cm is poured onto the bottom and on top of the root crops. Before placing them in boxes, the beets are dusted with ash.

On a cold balcony they are stored in boxes lined and covered with sheets of foam plastic. And just as described, they sprinkle it with sand and ash. In severe frosts, they are additionally insulated with improvised means.

How can beets be stored in the refrigerator?

How long can beets be stored in the refrigerator if all the rules are followed? And is it worth doing this if the amount of stored supplies is small? It's only reasonable if it's the only way out.

The shelf life of beets in the refrigerator is up to one month, usually no more than three weeks. There are several recommendations. But the storage place is always the refrigerator compartment for vegetables, fruits, and herbs. And the vegetable is stored unwashed.

Each copy can be wrapped in foil or parchment paper. Make sure that condensation does not form. The period of such storage is 6-8 days.

The beets are also placed in plastic bags. Holes are made in the bags. After 10 days or earlier, if condensation has formed, the beets are removed and dried for 24 hours. Then they are put into new bags with holes. The period of such storage is from 3 weeks to a month.

How to store beets in an apartment in winter

Can beet juice be stored and how long can it be stored in the refrigerator?

You can store it, but long-term storage will be of little use. You can’t freeze it; all the beneficial properties disappear.

Why is the issue of storing beet juice so important? The fact is that beet juice is a true elixir of life.

Research in recent years has shown that it reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. And it is one of the most useful drinks for protection against the destructive processes associated with aging.

But all beneficial qualities are preserved only if certain rules for using beet juice are observed. Freshly squeezed beet juice is very aggressive. Oversaturated with substances that can harm the body.

After receiving the juice, it should be “settled” in the refrigerator for at least 40-50 minutes. Better within two hours. During this time, the juice acquires beneficial and medicinal properties.

In general, it is not recommended to store it in the refrigerator for longer. In case of extreme need, a maximum of two days.

What's the best way to store beets in the freezer?

Can you store boiled beets in the freezer or only raw ones? Both can be stored. Freezing is one of the best ways to store food. As a rule, products retain their composition and, as a result, useful qualities almost unchanged.

General recommendations for storing beets in the freezer.

  • For freezing, use sweet table varieties.
  • Select medium-sized root vegetables.
  • Beets, both boiled and raw, are crushed and peeled.
  • Whole beets are stored unpeeled and unwashed.
  • Do not refreeze after defrosting.
  • Pack beets prepared for storage in the freezer and store them in special food bags or containers.
  • Calculate the portion sizes in bags/containers in advance to avoid re-freezing.
  • The only correct way to defrost beets: gradually at room temperature.
  • It is better to freeze and store boiled or baked beets in the freezer: after defrosting, the taste of such beets does not change.
  • The taste of raw beets changes for the worse after defrosting.
  • You can store both boiled and raw beets in the freezer of the refrigerator for 8-9 months.

How to store whole beets frozen in winter

  • To freeze whole beets, we select small specimens.
  • Place in containers and place in the freezer.

During storage in the freezer, ice crystals form inside whole beets. When defrosting, the structure of the beets is disrupted. Such beets are not suitable for neat slicing and beautiful serving.

Freezing sliced ​​raw beets

  • Wash the raw beets thoroughly and remove the skin.
  • Then grate on a coarse or fine grater, or cut into small cubes, or thinly slice into strips and circles.

When preparing roasting, there is no need to defrost the beets.

Freeze and store peeled boiled beets

  • Boil the washed beets until tender and cool.
  • We clean the cooked beets and cut them into small strips.
  • Scatter the straws and dry them.
  • Then we freeze it in portions on a pallet (tray), preventing the pieces from sticking together.
  • We transfer the frozen beets into bags or containers and put them in the freezer for storage.

Beets can also be stored in dried form for the winter. Or preserve it. The best way is to marinate.

We are increasing the deadlines

We don't think anyone needs to store boiled beets for more than 3 days, but if such a desire arises, the refrigerator method can be improved. Vacuum packaging will help to significantly extend the shelf life. Nowadays such bags can be bought in the hardware department.

Important! In vacuum packaging, the quality of the boiled product is preserved for up to 10 days.

Clean boiled root vegetables can be stored in a vacuum either whole or cut into pieces.

To preserve the whole vegetable, you need to wait until it has cooled well after cooking and place it tightly in a vacuum bag. In a sealed package without access to air, it is placed in the refrigerator. If you use a vacuum container rather than a bag, the shelf life does not change. The same 10 days in a refrigerator.

Agree, it’s inconvenient to put whole root vegetables in vacuum bags. Therefore, we recommend that you first remove the outer skin and cut it as you require - into circles, strips, cubes, or grate in Korean. Throw the chopped boiled product onto a sieve, wait until the juice drains - the boiled and chopped mass releases enough of it. This point is important - you need to make sure that the chopped slices do not “weather,” that is, do not acquire a thin, dryish crust. Pack prepared foods tightly, but not in a thick layer.

Preparing vegetables for wintering

Storing beets depends not only on the place where they will lie in the winter, but also on the correct cultivation, harvesting and sorting of the crop. Therefore, in order to enjoy fresh vegetables throughout the winter, you should consider several important points.

  • Harvesting

Beetroot should be harvested earlier than carrots, since when it hits the surface during the first frost, it quickly freezes. Such vegetables will not store well, rot or spoil.

It is recommended to choose a sunny and dry day for digging. If the digging took place on a rainy day, the tubers will have to be dried. For the middle zone, October is considered the ideal time to harvest beets.

Before pulling the root crop out of the ground, you need to carefully dig it up with a shovel, being careful not to damage the skin. Storing beets with cracked or defective skins is problematic, since mechanical damage can lead to viral or fungal diseases.

  • Drying

Before storing beets, they must be thoroughly dried in the garden (preferably in warm, sunny weather) or indoors (in case of a rainy day). If the root crop is dried in the garden, then it is enough for it to lie in the sun for 2-3 hours.

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Drying vegetables indoors will take much longer. Root vegetables should be scattered in one layer and left for several days (from 2 to a week).

  • Sorting

When sorting, preference should be given to small, round and dense root crops. Unlike large varieties, they are not as fibrous, but tasty and store much better. On the other hand, it is not recommended to leave too small root crops for storage, as they will immediately wither.

The tops must be carefully cut with scissors, without damaging the vegetable and leaving a “stump” of 1 cm.


To avoid damaging the beets, it is not recommended to tear off the leaves with your hands or touch the tails.

When the root crops are sorted, they are transferred to a dry, ventilated room and left for a week for final drying. After which the harvest is ready for storage in the cellar. All that remains is to prepare favorable conditions for the cellar or basement itself and carry out some preventative measures.

What if you freeze boiled beets?

If the question arises about whether it is possible to freeze beets, the answer is yes, you can. Both the freezer compartment of a regular refrigerator and a special freezer are suitable for this.

In the chamber of a home refrigerator, the temperature does not drop below – 12 degrees. Under such conditions, properly prepared boiled vegetables do not lose their properties for up to 3 months. When harvesting for such a long period, it is better to pack the root crop in quantities for one time. That is, it is better to put many small bags in the chamber than one large one - re-freezing is not recommended.

In a special freezer designed for long-term storage of food, the temperature is always lower than in the refrigerator compartment and reaches – 18 degrees. Properly packaged (in quantities for one preparation) frozen product will be good for six months. If you're happy with it, use the method.

The value of beets is high; in addition to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, it has a pronounced antitumor property. There are traditional methods of treating cancer using root vegetable juice and cake. The product is used not only for the treatment of cancer, but also for its prevention. It is believed that regular consumption of the product protects against cancer.

How to store beets in a city apartment - secrets and subtleties

How to store beets if there is no cellar? We will have to create a suitable regime for her in the apartment. A glazed and insulated balcony is an excellent replacement for a cellar. Place the beets there, placing them in wooden boxes and covering them with sawdust or sand. Monitor the temperature - it should not fall below zero. During frosts, insulate the boxes, for example by wrapping them in old clothes. If potatoes are already stored on the balcony, add beets to the same bags or boxes.

Place the beets in open plastic bags and place them in the coldest place in the house, such as a balcony door, or take them out into the vestibule. You can also keep beets in the refrigerator. Unwashed root vegetables are placed in open or perforated bags, one copy at a time. But vegetables are stored this way for no more than a month, otherwise they will begin to wither and lose their taste.

But frozen beets will last for more than six months without loss. You can freeze it raw or boiled, but remember that you need to boil it in the peel and only then peel it. How to freeze beets? Peel fresh or boiled root vegetables, chop them on a grater, in a food processor, in a blender, or simply with a knife. Place in small portions into packaging - bags or containers, and place in the freezer. You can freeze beet roots whole without chopping them.

It’s good if there is a “quick freezing” mode, where food is frozen at a temperature of -18 ° C. If not, then set the temperature to -10 ° ... -14 ° C. With this regime, vitamins and minerals are preserved in vegetables, and they themselves do not lose their taste for 8 months.

Now you know the most practical ways to store beets without loss until spring! Have a good harvest!

The best option

We believe that the best method is boiling at one time. Beets are not in short supply; they can be purchased at any time of the year. Industrial vegetable storage facilities provide suitable conditions, so you will not find spoiled vegetables on sale.

If you are an avid summer resident and grow your own root vegetables, without nitrates and other harmful additives, you probably have a cellar, which automatically eliminates the issue of long-term storage.

To feed children, try to use only freshly cooked root vegetables; frozen ones still lose their taste.

There are many original recipes with beets. It can be consumed not only boiled, but also raw. Try the “Tsvetnoy” salad; we are sure it will take pride of place on your table. The dish is exceptionally tasty, and the beneficial qualities are off the charts; a better “intestinal brush” cannot be found. Only raw vegetables are used for this salad, including beets.

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There is another proven fact: doctors know that those vegetables that are grown in the area where a person lives permanently are healthier for health. That is, avocados, mangoes and sweet potatoes are still stressful for the Slavic body. Ordinary beets and apples are familiar and extremely useful.

In such conditions, beets can be stored for up to 3 days without loss of nutritional qualities.

How to store in the country house and in the apartment

If the beets were grown in a garden plot , then the easiest way is to store them in the country, so there will be no need to transport them. A closed veranda and canopy are suitable for storage. It is best to place root vegetables in boxes with sand or salt. You can also put vegetables in bags smaller than 40 kg. If plastic bags rather than fabric are used, they should not be tied so that the beets can “breathe”.

If you need to store beets in an apartment, a glassed-in loggia or balcony is perfect. If the air temperature does not drop below zero, then the root vegetables can be poured into closed boxes with sand. If there is a risk of a drop in temperature, then the boxes should be insulated - lined with foam plastic on the inside and place a small light bulb inside the box.

If there is no balcony in the apartment, then the beets can be stored in a dark room (for example, in a closet). Root crops should be placed in boxes with sand or sawdust, pre-treated in a special way. To do this, each vegetable is dipped in a clay solution and dried.

If there are only a few beets, they can be stored in the refrigerator. Root vegetables will last the longest if each of them is individually wrapped in parchment or foil. You can also store beets in the freezer. To do this, you need to grind it on a grater and package it in bags.

Having placed beets for storage in one of the following ways, do not forget that once every 2-4 weeks you should look through them and remove spoiled root vegetables. This way the vegetables can last much longer.

How to preserve beet harvest without loss

Growing a good harvest of root vegetables is great, honorable and pleasant. But the same sun, air and water that helped us achieve such success in the summer may well smoothly turn victory into complete defeat in winter. Therefore, it is very important to arm yourself with knowledge that will help preserve all the beets that we grew in our summer cottage, without annoying mistakes and offensive losses.

Growing a good harvest of beets is great, honorable and pleasant

We have already discussed when to harvest beets, but how to do it now.

How to store beets in the refrigerator

Keeping vegetables in the refrigerator is not the best way to preserve them long-term. But if for some reason it is not possible to use other options, you can store beets this way.

For refrigerated storage, it is recommended to use the bottom drawers, where the temperature is most optimal for root vegetables.

First, the vegetables are cleaned of dirt, then the tops are carefully trimmed. After this, it is necessary to keep each specimen in a saline solution, the recipe for which is described above.

Then the root vegetables are well dried at room temperature. An excellent option for drying is a windowsill with a window slightly open, especially in sunny weather.

You can store vegetables in the refrigerator in a regular plastic bag. To do this, put the beets in a bag, tie them tightly and make several holes with a knife.

Or purchase vacuum bags, in which the shelf life of root crops will be much longer.

Plastic containers will also work as vegetable storage containers. You need to put the root vegetables in them and close the lid tightly. It is also better to place the container in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator.

We select varieties suitable for long-term storage

Not all beet varieties are suitable for long-term storage. In order not to make a mistake, you need to know what kind of keeping quality they have. Because, no matter how healthy and beautiful root vegetables are, if they are not intended for long-term storage, they will not be stored. And the result is disappointed hopes, rotten fruits and disappointment.

Varieties suitable for long-term storage

Well, why do we need these troubles? Isn’t it better to know in advance what we can expect from the variety we grow? The following varieties have high shelf life:

  • 'Renova'
  • 'Mulatto'
  • 'Late Winter A-474'
  • 'Libero'
  • 'Egyptian flat'
  • 'Bordeaux-237'
  • 'Salad'
  • 'Single shoot'
  • 'Incomparable A463'
  • 'Pablo F1'
  • 'Cold-resistant 19'
  • 'Detroit'
  • 'Boltardi'
  • 'Gribovskaya flat A473'

But the 'Cylinder' variety, which is grown in almost every country house, although its fruits are distinguished by excellent taste, is not suitable for long-term storage, because its shelf life is lower than that of the listed varieties. But it is precisely the “Cylinder” that is often put into storage!

Variety 'Cylinder'

Particular attention should be paid to varieties of local selection - they will most often be the best option for growing and successfully storing the crop.

How to store beets in the cellar in winter?

The best option for preserving root crops is to overwinter them in a cellar or basement. Before sending vegetables for the winter, it is recommended to prepare shelves or racks. It is recommended to retreat at least 15 cm from the floor, since air will circulate better at this distance.

You cannot pour root vegetables directly onto the floor, as they may become damp. An alternative option is to build a wooden floor on the floor or simply pour sand. It prevents the formation of mold and prevents moisture from evaporating.

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If you plan to store root vegetables in boxes, then it is better to place medium-sized beets on the bottom, and put large vegetables on top. But it’s even better to store large vegetables separately from small ones.

The boxes should have ventilation holes through which air can circulate. To better preserve root crops, you can sprinkle them with ash, table salt or sand.

As a preventive measure, you should sort through the vegetables once every 4 weeks to remove rotten ones in order to protect healthy foods from rot. If the beets begin to sprout, you need to pay attention to the humidity or air temperature and adjust them if necessary.

Rules for preparing beets for storage

Often, summer residents catastrophically harm themselves by improperly processing the newly dug crop. After all, it’s enough to carelessly pull root crops out of the ground, walk on them in boots, cut them with a knife while peeling, and that’s it, the infection process has started... Expect diseases, rot and the loss of a good half of the harvest. Therefore, in order for beets to please you until the new summer, you need to take into account several simple, but very important points.

Beet collection

You say: “What could be simpler: I pulled the tops and the beets were pulled out of the soil!” But no, with this method we risk damaging the skin of the root crop on dry soil and pebbles - scratching, tearing or cutting. And thereby significantly shorten the life of the crop...

Harvest beets correctly, then the crop can be stored for a long time

The correct way is to dig up the root crops with a shovel or pitchfork, slightly lifting them with the soil. And then it’s easy and neat to pull out the leaves or pick them out with your hands.

For cleaning, it is best to choose a fine, dry autumn day. And harvesting is more pleasant, and useful for future preservation. You will need to monitor the weather forecast very carefully: the beets must be harvested before frost, because the part of the root crops protruding from the ground will freeze even with a slight frost and they will no longer be suitable for storage.

It is best to choose a fine autumn day for harvesting beets.

Drying beets

All root vegetables must be dried before storage .

  • If the beets are harvested in dry, warm weather, you can dry them right here, in the garden bed . Two to four hours will be enough. If beets are left outdoors for a long time, they will begin to lose moisture and wilt.
  • If root vegetables have to be removed from wet ground, and even in the rain, they will need to be dried in a room , preferably well ventilated, scattering the beets in one layer. Drying indoors lasts much longer: from 2-3 days and even up to a week.

Drying beets

First treatment

It is carried out immediately after the beets are dug up and dried in air. In this case, the following rules and sequence of actions are adhered to:

  • Lightly clean the root vegetables from excess soil (clay, dirt). At the same time, it is completely unacceptable to beat root vegetables against each other or clean off lumps of dirt with a knife, wood chips, or other objects. Any, even very tiny damage to the skin is a gateway to infection, and believe me, it will not miss the chance and will definitely penetrate into a healthy root crop. Well, there are enough harmful microorganisms in the soil.
  • Cut off the tops , but not cleanly, right down to the root crop, but leaving a “tail” up to 1 cm in size. A common mistake is breaking off (twisting) the tops by hand. This is not recommended.

When cutting off the tops, leave a tail about 1 cm in size.

  • Remove the side roots , being careful not to damage the root itself.
  • The main root can be cut off, leaving a tail of up to 5-7 cm. But, if it is not very long and branchy, it is better to keep it completely - there will be less chance of infection.

It is better to preserve the entire taproot

  • Do not wash root vegetables !

Sorting of root vegetables

By and large, this is not even sorting, but a preventive inspection and rejection: sick, damaged, rotten root crops are removed, and only healthy , strong , undamaged and not very large ones . Large fruits have more coarse fiber, are poorly stored and take a long time to cook. Heads with a diameter of up to 10-12 cm are best stored.

During inspection, you can “re-clean” the root crops from any remaining dirt (it’s best to do this with your hands wearing cloth gloves, and this usually happens when sorting). But here you need to take into account: “super cleaning” is not necessary for beets, because a thin layer of adhering earth even helps storage . Only lumps of soil need to be cleared, which can damage neighboring fruits, while looser lumps of soil themselves crumble.

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Sorting of root vegetables

Preparation for storage

Gardeners often harm themselves by incorrectly preparing beets for planting. It is not enough to simply pull the root crop out of the ground and roughly peel it with a knife. After such “preparation”, expect rot and mold. It is important to follow simple rules that will help preserve the entire harvest.

First, the beets should be dug up correctly. It is most convenient to do this with a pitchfork so that the root vegetables do not get scratched. It is advisable to choose a dry day. You should have time to dig up vegetables before frost.

After digging, the fruits must be properly dried, otherwise they will be unsuitable for storage. You can dry the beets directly in the garden if the weather is dry. It is enough for the vegetables to lie on the ground for three to four hours.

If you have to dig up beets in rainy weather, it is advisable to dry them in a dry, ventilated room, spreading them on the floor in one layer. It is enough to dry the vegetables for two to three days.

After drying, you need to process the vegetables. The beets are lightly cleaned of excess soil. You cannot hit vegetables against each other or work with a knife - the peel on the beets must remain absolutely intact. Then the tops are cut off with a knife, leaving a tail of about 1 cm. The side roots also need to be removed, the main root is cut to a tail about 5 cm long.

Now it is necessary to sort the crop. Only healthy root vegetables with peels without damage are suitable for winter storage. It is advisable to plant not very large fruits, as they are stored much better.

Beet storage

Peeled, dried and sorted root vegetables are ready for storage for long-term storage. What method you choose for this, in what container you will store it, what mode you can provide - depends only on your conditions. We will suggest different methods and options from which you can choose the most suitable one.

Methods for storing beets

Methods for storing beets

Beet storage conditions

The best conditions for storing beets are, of course, a basement or cellar, where:

  • dark;
  • the temperature is maintained from 0 ºС to + 2ºС;
  • the humidity level is maintained within 90-92%;
  • there is natural air circulation;
  • the possibility of freezing is excluded.

It is especially important to observe such storage conditions in the first 1-2 months, because at a temperature of +4ºС the tops of the beets begin to sprout, and this will significantly shorten the shelf life. To maintain natural air circulation, stored root vegetables must be at a height of at least 15 cm from the floor .

Conditions for storing beets

Storing beets in a cellar, basement or apartment begins with creating certain conditions for humidity and temperature.

The correct temperature for storing vegetables at home is from 0 to 2 degrees Celsius. If it is warmer in the basement or cellar, the root crop will quickly wither. Even a slight increase in temperature (a couple of degrees) can cause beets to sprout. But freezing can also harm the root crop.

To preserve beets, a room humidity of 90% is required. There must also be good air circulation, that is, the room must be ventilated. This is the only way to protect the fruits from rot.

There are various options to help you properly store beets in winter. It is enough to choose the method that suits you and meets the existing conditions.

Useful tips from summer residents

Beets, if there is no mechanical damage and are not infected with diseases, are well stored even in a simple mound. But “just to be sure,” summer residents have quite a few tricks in store that significantly increase the safety of root crops during long-term storage.

  • Beets store well with potatoes . In this case, the root vegetables are placed on top of the potatoes in one layer. Potatoes give up excess moisture to beets, which are exactly what they need.
  • A great way to store beets is in sand . But it must be either calcined in the sun or fried in an oven for disinfection (some summer residents even advise washing the sand before calcination). When placing the beets in boxes, sand is poured so that the fruits do not touch each other, and there is a layer of sand on top of at least 2 cm.

A great way to store beets is in sand

  • Table salt has proven itself well as a pouring material . Now this method is finding more and more adherents. There are even tips to treat the beets with a strong saline solution and dry them well, but still more summer residents favor the dry method from start to finish).
  • You can also “powder” the beets with wood ash. The ash is first sifted.
  • There is also a lot of evidence that good results are obtained by laying beets with fern leaves.
  • Reliably protects beets from diseases during storage by dry rolling them in chalk powder before placing them in boxes.
  • You can store beets in peat , sawdust or shavings.
  • Beets are stored well in plastic bags with a capacity of up to 35-40 kg. In this case, the bags are not tied to allow free air access.
  • If there are a lot of beets, you can make polyethylene liners that will separate the root vegetables from each other in containers.
  • When storing beets in bulk, the best option would be to install a wooden grid on the floor for air circulation, and leave gaps in the walls of the pile.
  • It is better to store small root vegetables separately from large ones.

And in the next video, Olga Platonova offers a very interesting way to store vegetables using clay:

Cellar storage

The preparatory work is completed, it's time to get down to business. If a cellar is chosen for storing food, it is worth checking whether it meets the requirements. This place can be considered ideal if there is no dampness, the room is well ventilated, and it is possible to regularly go down and check the condition of the vegetables.

Beets can be stored in the cellar in several ways:

  1. Place root vegetables in wooden boxes or wicker baskets so that the largest vegetables are at the top and the smallest at the bottom. This technology allows products to be stored longer. Wood ash will help eliminate excess moisture; it is recommended to sprinkle the specimens with powder.
  2. Sand is a reliable protector of vegetables in winter. It absorbs excess moisture, thereby protecting the fruits from mold.
  3. Plastic bags are often used to store beets, the main thing is to leave them open so that moisture does not form inside.

Beets should be harvested in dry weather. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

It is necessary to ensure the optimal temperature for storing beets in the cellar - -2°C, humidity - no more than 85%. If these indicators are deviated from the norm, then the vegetables may either freeze or begin to sprout.

How to store beets in an apartment

If the dacha is far outside the city and there is no basement, you can quite successfully store root vegetables in the apartment. Of course, under these conditions you should not expect that all of them will survive until spring, but you can safely count on 3-4 months.

  • If your balcony is protected from frost, and the temperature on it does not drop to below zero, the beets will feel great there until spring. Put it in a box with sand and prepare blankets for “just in case.”
  • If there is a risk of freezing, then you can build a homemade cellar on the balcony by insulating a box of the required size from the inside with polystyrene foam and installing a small-wattage light bulb inside the box for heating.
  • Beets can be stored in a shed in a box with sand . The main thing is to ensure that the sand remains dry.
  • You can even store it in the room , in a dark place (under the bed, closet), away from radiators and heating devices. In low boxes, sprinkled with sand, sawdust or dipped in a clay solution and dried beets can be stored for 4 months, and this, you see, is a lot!
  • Beets can also be stored well in the refrigerator, in parchment paper or food foil (each beet should be wrapped tightly!). In this vestment it will be stored for up to 3 months, without fading and retaining all its taste.
  • You can also find interesting tips in the article How to Preserve Beets for the Winter in a City Apartment.

How to store beets in an apartment

How to store beets in the winter in the cellar and in the apartment

Therefore, you can count on the beets being preserved for four months. So, if there is no frost on your balcony in winter, then the beets will overwinter in boxes with sand. Just in case, we need to prepare a blanket to cover the boxes in case of severe frosts.

Storing beets for the winter in bags, without a cellar

You can even store beets in drawers under the bed, but away from radiators. In this case, the root vegetables are wrapped in clay or paper. You can also store the harvest in food foil in the refrigerator. In this case, the beets will retain their taste for three months.

And finally - “beetroot” advice from experts

It turns out that the appearance of beets on the counter can tell you what advantages or disadvantages you will encounter when you bring your purchase home. Therefore, if you are not a practical gardener, these tips may be very useful.

From the following video you will learn how to choose beets in a store or at a vegetable market and store them correctly:

To summarize what has been said, we can say: if you have taken into account all the beet “wishes”, your harvest will quietly lie “in good health” for 7-8 months, that is, right until next year’s harvest.

Beets can be stored for 7-8 months!

And all winter long, healthy and tasty dishes with beets will not leave your tables - borscht and beetroot soup, vinaigrettes and herring under a fur coat, beetroot caviar and invigorating beetroot kvass. And we really hope that our advice will help you with this)

To summarize what has been said, we can say: if you have taken into account all the beet “wishes”, your harvest will quietly lie “in good health” for 7-8 months, that is, right until next year’s harvest.

How to store beets in an apartment

Not all modern city residents have the opportunity to store their crops in cellars and basements. But you can keep root vegetables fresh at home.

For better preservation, beets must be placed in cool places protected from rays. For example, in the closet, on the staircase, under the bed or on the balcony. The last method is the most successful - vegetables are stored for a long time and remain juicy.

Storage on the balcony

For storage on a balcony or loggia, it is necessary to build a special storage container.

You can take wooden or plastic boxes and insulate them with foam plastic or cover them with foam rubber. Then pour sand or sawdust onto the bottom and place the root vegetables, previously sorted and dried.

Cover the top with a warm cloth or blanket.

Such a structure can be located on a loggia down to minus 27 degrees.

If the temperature is expected to be lower than this, it is recommended to take the boxes home. During the days of staying at home without a balcony, beets will remain fresh. And when the temperature rises, the boxes should be sent back to the balcony.

Storing in a bag in the pantry

Another option for storing root vegetables in winter is placing them in plastic bags. To do this, place the beets in a large bag so that the root vegetables do not touch each other.

Place mustard powder or sawdust at the bottom of the bag to prevent excess moisture from forming. To allow air ventilation, you need to make small holes in the bags.

Place such a device in a closet or other dark place away from heating elements. Root vegetables need to be checked periodically, removing damaged specimens if necessary.

Storage in a wicker basket

You can leave vegetables for wintering in an ordinary wicker basket. All you need to do is pour sawdust or sand onto the bottom, lay out the root vegetables generously and also sprinkle the selected material on top.

You can put the basket in the entrance or place it in the apartment, but not near radiators.

Features of storing beets in the refrigerator

Beets can be stored quite successfully in the refrigerator for one month. It is better not to store it for a longer period, because then it begins to intensively lose moisture and vitamins. Store beets in the refrigerator as follows:

  1. You need to thoroughly clean the root vegetables and place them unwashed in plastic bags, in which you first need to make several holes. In this way, stored vegetables can be stored for several weeks.
  2. More often, beets are stored in vacuum bags. In this case, the beets need to be washed well and cleaned of dry remains of the tops. Then each root vegetable must be treated in a saline solution and the root vegetables must be placed in vacuum bags. Thus, root vegetables can be stored for a month or even more.
  3. Root vegetables are often stored in paper bags in the refrigerator. In this case, root vegetables cannot be kept in the refrigerator for a long time.
  4. Beets are kept quite well in the refrigerator in special plastic containers. Where, when tightly closed, optimal storage conditions are created for 1-2 months.
  5. For some time, washed beets can be stored in a bowl along with other vegetables.
  6. The beets can be ground in a food processor or meat grinder, or cut into cubes and placed in plastic bags in the freezer. Thus, it will be stored longer, but will lose a significant part of the vitamins and taste properties.

Interesting: How to Store Bell Peppers in the Freezer

Storing beets in the refrigerator is not the best way, but the root vegetables are still preserved quite well for some time. When storing these vegetables in the refrigerator, you need to periodically look at them, at least once a week, and remove those that have begun to deteriorate or wither. For storage in the refrigerator, it is better to choose medium-sized beets, with a diameter of 10 to 15 centimeters in the thickest part of the root crop. Such root vegetables suffer less from fungal diseases and do not wither as quickly as small vegetables.

Beets are one of those vegetables that do not keep well in the refrigerator. However, for some time it can lie in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment without losing its nutritional and vitamin properties. Therefore, for high-quality storage of these root vegetables, you need to know how to properly store beets in the refrigerator.

How to store beets in winter correctly to save until spring

It is during this period of time that the weather becomes cool, but frost has not yet set in.

Beets should be stored after they have dried thoroughly in the sun. After this, the remaining soil is removed, but the beets cannot be washed. Next, you need to take a good look to see if the root crop has any damage or diseases. There is no need to store such beets; it is better to use them immediately.

Storing beets at home requires careful trimming of the tops. Never pick off the leaves as this can damage the beets. Leave no more than 2 cm from the stem. Now the root vegetables are placed in a dry and well-ventilated room for final drying. The beets should spend about a week in such conditions.

Methods for storing beets

The best conditions are considered to be a cellar or basement, where the temperature does not exceed 2°C. It is good to use sand for these purposes. It prevents moisture from evaporating, prevents crops from rotting, and prevents the appearance of mold. It is correct to store beets in winter in this way, since the root crop will not begin to hurt or dry out. Instead of sand, it is permissible to use peat or sawdust. If you decide to store beets in a box, it is better to place medium-sized root vegetables on the bottom - they store better - and place larger ones on top.

Beetroot, sprinkled with chalk or wood ash, retains its quality well. Try the clay mash method. Root vegetables are coated with it and stored.

It is permissible to store the harvest in plastic bags. One bag can fit up to 40 kg of vegetables. The main thing is not to close or tie the bag, just leave it open.

After some time, you may notice the appearance of dry rot. This is a very common disease. For prevention, once a month you should sort through the beets and remove all rotten root vegetables. Affected areas can be cut out and sprinkled with wood ash. Such methods help preserve the crop for a long time.

If you notice that the beets have begun to sprout, pay attention to the humidity and storage temperature. Be sure to trim the tops so that they do not draw moisture from the root crop.

How to store beets in an apartment?

It’s good if your house or country house has a basement. But how to store beets in an apartment where there are no such conditions? It is acceptable to use the method with a plastic bag. Such a bag (necessarily open!) can be placed on the balcony near the door. Instead of a bag, you can use boxes.

You can store beets in the refrigerator, as they keep well at 0°C. In the bottom drawer, the root vegetable can lie for up to a month. Some housewives even prefer to peel the beets and grate them, and then store them in a tray in the freezer.

If you put a bag of beets in the refrigerator, droplets of water may form there within a day. Be sure to dry the beets. You only need to store it in a bag, this is protection from the effects of frost.

If you decide to store vegetables at room temperature, they should be spread out in an even layer on the bottom of the box. This will help prevent rotting. There are many ways to store beets, but one rule applies to everyone: sort out the beets from time to time, maintain storage conditions.

How to store beets in winter.

Beetroot is a very valuable crop, it is valuable both for fodder and table food. If you have a farm, then to save beets for the winter . If you are interested in the question of how to store beets in winter, then our article is what you need. It is worth noting that beets need careful preparation for storage; there are also rules that should be strictly followed when storing beet tubers . Although there is quite a lot of information about beets, few people know how to properly store beets in winter. If you don’t know how to grow beets correctly, then we had an article about that too - Fodder beets .

How to properly store beets - the preparatory stage.

In order for beets to be stored for the longest possible period, you need to provide them with optimal storage conditions. The first point in storing beets is to properly harvest the vegetable from the garden. Beetroot is usually harvested in the second half of autumn, in clear, dry weather. After assembling the beets, you need to dry them thoroughly; this is done immediately after harvesting, if the weather remains dry and sunny. After drying, the beets are cleaned of adhering earth, but do not wash them; the beets cannot be wetted. After the first two stages (collection, drying) have been completed, we proceed to the third, namely sorting. It is necessary to carefully examine each tuber individually, discarding broken, rotten vegetables for storing beets in winter

, you need to select only healthy and strong specimens. You also need to completely cut off the tops, do this carefully, cutting, but under no circumstances breaking them off. After all stages of preparation are completed, you can store the beets.

How to store beets?

Every housewife knows what can be prepared from beets. Ukrainian borscht, herring under a fur coat, vinaigrette - we eat all this with great pleasure. But not everyone knows how to properly store beets.

How to properly store beets in winter: preparation

In order for beets to be well preserved until spring, you need to learn how to harvest them correctly. This should be done in dry weather. The most favorable period is mid-October. It is during this period of time that the weather becomes cool, but frost has not yet set in.

Beets should be stored after they have dried thoroughly in the sun. After this, the remaining soil is removed, but the beets cannot be washed. Next, you need to take a good look to see if the root crop has any damage or diseases.

Where to store beets in winter?

Most often, beets are stored in the cellar. There are all the conditions there, a dark, cool room, ideal. How to store beets in the cellar correctly?

Often, sand is used to store beets in the cellar; it is needed for the following purposes: it prevents moisture from reaching the beets, prevents the evaporation of beneficial moisture from the tubers themselves, and also fights the occurrence of mold. If you don't have sand on hand, you can replace it with dry peat or wood shavings. When storing beets in the cellar, wooden boxes are also used. Beets are placed in them according to the rules. So, large beets need to be stored on top, as they are less preserved than smaller tubers.

Beets are also stored in large plastic bags. About 35-45 kg is stored in such bags. beets, but do not close the bags, otherwise a greenhouse effect will form.

From time to time you need to sort out the beets in order to avoid the appearance and subsequent spread of dry rot. Infected vegetables are eliminated or, if the affected area is small, simply cut out.

If beets in storage begin to germinate, this means that the optimal temperature regime is not being maintained. It is necessary to immediately trim the sprouted tops so that they do not draw out moisture.

How to store beets?

Every housewife knows what can be prepared from beets. Ukrainian borscht, herring under a fur coat, vinaigrette - we eat all this with great pleasure. But not everyone knows how to properly store beets.

How to properly store beets in winter: preparation

In order for beets to be well preserved until spring, you need to learn how to harvest them correctly. This should be done in dry weather. The most favorable period is mid-October. It is during this period of time that the weather becomes cool, but frost has not yet set in.

Beets should be stored after they have dried thoroughly in the sun. After this, the remaining soil is removed, but the beets cannot be washed. Next, you need to take a good look to see if the root crop has any damage or diseases. There is no need to store such beets; it is better to use them immediately.

Storing beets at home requires careful trimming of the tops. Never pick off the leaves as this can damage the beets. Leave no more than 2 cm from the stem. Now the root vegetables are placed in a dry and well-ventilated room for final drying. The beets should spend about a week in such conditions.

Methods for storing beets

The best conditions are considered to be a cellar or basement, where the temperature does not exceed 2°C.

It is good to use sand for these purposes. It prevents moisture from evaporating, prevents crops from rotting, and prevents the appearance of mold. It is correct to store beets in winter in this way, since the root crop will not begin to hurt or dry out. Instead of sand, it is permissible to use peat or sawdust. If you decide to store beets in a box, it is better to place medium-sized root vegetables on the bottom - they store better - and place larger ones on top.

Beetroot, sprinkled with chalk or wood ash, retains its quality well. Try the clay mash method. Root vegetables are coated with it and stored.

It is permissible to store the harvest in plastic bags. One bag can fit up to 40 kg of vegetables. The main thing is not to close or tie the bag, just leave it open.

After some time, you may notice the appearance of dry rot. This is a very common disease. For prevention, once a month you should sort through the beets and remove all rotten root vegetables. Affected areas can be cut out and sprinkled with wood ash. Such methods help preserve the crop for a long time.

If you notice that the beets have begun to sprout, pay attention to the humidity and storage temperature. Be sure to trim the tops so that they do not draw moisture from the root crop.

How to store beets in an apartment?

It’s good if your house or country house has a basement. But how to store beets in an apartment where there are no such conditions? It is acceptable to use the method with a plastic bag. Such a bag (necessarily open!) can be placed on the balcony near the door. Instead of a bag, you can use boxes.

You can store beets in the refrigerator, as they keep well at 0°C. In the bottom drawer, the root vegetable can lie for up to a month. Some housewives even prefer to peel the beets and grate them, and then store them in a tray in the freezer.

If you put a bag of beets in the refrigerator, droplets of water may form there within a day. Be sure to dry the beets. You only need to store it in a bag, this is protection from the effects of frost.

If you decide to store vegetables at room temperature, they should be spread out in an even layer on the bottom of the box. This will help prevent rotting. There are many ways to store beets, but one rule applies to everyone: sort out the beets from time to time, maintain storage conditions.

Every summer resident considers it a point of pride to grow a rich harvest of root crops at the dacha with his own hands. However, all efforts can be completely destroyed in winter. Therefore, in order to properly store beets until spring, you have to arm yourself with useful knowledge. It is worth noting that not all varieties of beets are suitable for planting for the winter. In order not to make a mistake, you need to know which varieties are suitable for planting, and which are best consumed before winter. Even if the early beet varieties are perfectly healthy and beautiful, they still will not survive the winter.

How to store beets in a cellar or basement in winter?

Storing beets in a specially prepared and equipped room can be done in a variety of ways. Here are the simplest and most accessible, yet effective approaches:

  • We place the components in pre-dried wooden boxes. The masonry should be dense, but there is no need to press hard. We simply remove the containers for the winter, without adding anything or covering them.
  • The previous option can be slightly changed by sprinkling the bottom and all layers of masonry with sand. In this case, the vegetables should not come into contact with each other. We also pour sand on top.
  • There is another similar solution on how to keep beets fresh. We line a dry wooden box with thin plastic film, lay out the prepared crop and cover it with another box. Cover the upper part of the structure with film.
  • To store beets in the winter, mounds are often used in the cellar. They should not exceed 1 m, and it is recommended to plant potatoes along with the purple root vegetable. It will give moisture to the beets, maintaining them in optimal condition.
  • It is quite convenient to store food products on shelves without holes. In this case, it is also necessary to use a layer in the form of sand with chalk and slaked lime or wet sawdust. The latter will release essential oils, preventing the appearance and spread of rot.
  • If the harvest is not too generous and you need to preserve it in the best possible way, you should try the clay method. He shows his best side even in an apartment. In this case, we dilute the clay with water; the final product should resemble liquid sour cream in consistency. Root vegetables are immersed in it, which are then dried and stored in a cool place.

But if there are a lot of beets, and there is almost no free space, the vegetables will have to be put in plastic bags. They are placed vertically, leaving them open, which will prevent condensation from accumulating in the container.

How to prepare beets for storage

Spring and summer time passes quickly. The time has come to remove the beets from the garden and prepare them for storage. How to store beets is decided after the harvest is harvested. Harvesting beets should be done in dry weather, before the onset of autumn frosts, earlier than harvesting carrots. After all, the root crop protrudes from the ground and can be caught from above by the first frost. Frozen beets are not suitable for winter storage.

  1. When harvesting root vegetables, be sure to carefully pull the beets off the ground by digging with a shovel or fork. In this case, the top layer of the root crop must be preserved from scratches and cuts. A damaged cover becomes destructive for a vegetable. Fungi and rot grow on cuts. Such a root crop will not lie in the cellar for a long time.
  2. The beets must be dried after digging. If the weather is dry, it is left on the ground for a couple of hours. It is not worth keeping root vegetables in the sun any longer so that they do not lose their juiciness. In rainy weather, vegetables are collected from wet ground and dried in a ventilated area, where they lie for several days. You should not wash beets with water, so as not to create suitable soil for the development of fungal diseases.
  3. After drying, the beets are cleared of soil. Sharp objects should not be used to avoid scratching the skin of the vegetables.
  4. Carefully cut the tops with a sharp knife, trying to leave a small “tail” of up to 1.5 cm. Do not tear the tops off the root crop with your hands so as not to injure it.
  5. The roots that have grown on the sides are also removed without damaging the skin of the root crops.
  6. If the main root is short in length, it is left without pruning. Long roots are cut off by a few centimeters.
  7. Be sure to re-sort all root vegetables before storing beets in the cellar. This removes vegetables that are rotten, damaged during harvesting, very large, coarse-fibered, or too small. Only strong juicy fruits up to 12 cm in diameter remain. They are better stored and preserve their taste until spring. During the process of beet re-sorting, it undergoes secondary cleaning from the soil. After all, each vegetable is picked up, as a result of which the remaining lumps of earth fall off.

Methods for storing beets

Since root crops have been grown for centuries, gardeners have come up with many ways to store beets in the cellar. Let's look at the most popular options:

  • the beets are placed on top of the potatoes;
  • stored in boxes with holes made of wood or plastic without refilling;
  • sprinkled with various fillers;
  • in polyethylene bags;
  • in pyramids on the shelves.

How to properly store beets, which option is better, is up to the gardeners to decide. We will look at the most common methods in more detail.

Potatoes + beets

Potatoes are first poured into a large box, and root vegetables are placed on top of them. By the way, this method is considered the best and optimal.

Let's find out why. Potatoes like the dry climate of a basement or cellar. Beets, on the contrary, are better stored in high humidity. During storage, moisture evaporates from the potatoes, which is immediately absorbed by the beets. The result is a mutually beneficial “cooperation”.

In boxes

  1. Option one. Root vegetables are stored well in boxes made of wood and plastic. The main thing is that they have holes for air circulation. No more than 2-3 layers of beets are placed in the container. Vegetables are not sprinkled with anything.
  2. Option two. After placing the root crops in boxes, sprinkle them generously with dry table salt. You can do it differently. Dilute a strong saline solution (brine) and keep the root vegetables in it. After the vegetables are dry, they are simply laid out for storage. Salt is not only an excellent absorbent, but also a good protection against fungal and mold diseases.
  3. Option three. Many gardeners use plant leaves to store beets, which release a volatile substance called phytoncide. They do not allow pathogenic bacteria and fungal diseases to multiply. Leaves of rowan, wormwood, fern, tansy, honey and other fragrant herbs are suitable. They are placed at the bottom of the box and between layers of root vegetables.
  4. Option four. You will need a wooden box without holes. Dry ash or river sand is poured onto the bottom. Then the beets are placed at some distance from each other. On top there is sand, another layer of root vegetables and again sand or ash. Before use, it is recommended to heat the sand over a fire to disinfect it.

Pyramids of root vegetables

If there is enough space in the basements and there are shelves, then when storing beets you can do without containers. How to preserve beets this way?

Place a layer of straw on the racks or shelves (not on the floor!) or cover them with burlap. Burgundy root vegetables are laid on top.

Attention! Vegetables should not come into contact with the walls of the basement or the shelf above.

In clay glaze

There is another ancient, time-tested way to preserve fresh beets. Although few gardeners use it because of the labor-intensive nature of the work. In addition, unlike all the options, this is the “dirty” way:

  1. First, a clay solution is prepared; its consistency should resemble village sour cream. Some gardeners add a little powdered chalk.
  2. Then the root vegetables are placed in clay, gently mixed and taken out to dry. After a while, the vegetables are again dipped into the clay mash.
  3. What does this method provide? Firstly, clay does not allow the root crop to dry out. Secondly, microbes and bacteria are not able to penetrate the clay glaze.

In plastic bags

Storing beets in a cellar or basement is possible in polyethylene bags. This is a good option for small spaces. After all, a bag of root vegetables hangs on nails and does not take up space on the shelves. Holes are made at the bottom of the bag to allow condensation to drain. It is not recommended to tie it tightly, but the bag needs to be ventilated from time to time.

Important! One bag should not contain more than 20 kg of vegetables.

In piles

If you have a rich harvest of beets and have a lot of space in the basements, it is not necessary to use any containers or shelves to store root vegetables. Vegetables are laid out on them in layers. The bottom row is the most extensive, the shoulder narrows towards the top. This storage ensures air circulation.

Attention! When storing root vegetables, select vegetables of the same size.

In a refrigerator

Like many other vegetables, beets can be successfully stored in the refrigerator for about 1 month. For this method, it is better to select root crops with a diameter of 10 to 15 cm.

Refrigerator storage recommendations:

  • If you store beets in plastic bags, be sure to make additional holes in them for ventilation.
  • Special vacuum bags are available for sale. Only specially prepared beets should be stored in them - the remaining tops are cut off, the root crop is washed and dipped in a saline solution.
  • Vacuum plastic containers can serve as a good alternative to vacuum bags.
  • Some gardeners wrap each beet in foil. Thus, the contact of vegetables with each other is completely eliminated, and, accordingly, the spread of diseases. Storage duration is up to 3 months.
  • Many housewives grate beets on a coarse grater or cut them into cubes and store the resulting preparations in the freezer. Of course, some vitamins and other useful microelements will be lost, but for cooking borscht or stewing, this is not particularly important. The taste will remain excellent.

You can’t store a lot of beets in the refrigerator, but you will always have this valuable vegetable at hand.

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