Japanese quince jam

  • Collection rules for winter storage
  • Store-bought fruits for storage
  • Long-term storage conditions
  • In a refrigerator
  • In the freezer
    • How to save seeds
  • In the cellar
  • Fruit preparation
  • Storage for ripening
  • Conclusion
  • After harvesting quince, every gardener is puzzled by how to keep the harvest in good condition for a long time. Storing quince requires certain conditions, without which the fruit begins to quickly deteriorate and rot. There are several proven ways to solve this problem.

    Whole ripe fruits are selected for storage.

    Collection rules for winter storage

    Quince, an autumn fruit whose ripening occurs in the second half of autumn, can be stored for a long time if you take into account important rules during its collection:

    • The fruits should be removed carefully: so as not to damage the skin and pulp;
    • when collecting, place them on grass or canvas; if you put them in a bucket, then place a layer of paper on its bottom;
    • The best time to pick fruit is late morning, when the dew has completely disappeared from the trees;
    • Harvesting should be done in dry and clear weather, otherwise the fruits covered with moisture will begin to rot.

    Fruits that fall from a tree to the ground are processed first.

    Fruit removal rules

    The ripening period occurs in 2-7 weeks of autumn. The shelf life of quince depends on compliance with harvesting rules.

    Recommendations for collecting quince from trees:

    • You need to take the fruit carefully with your palm so as not to damage the peel and pulp with strong pressure or a scratch;
    • After separation from the tree, the quince is placed one at a time, on a litter or in a special container;
    • the optimal time is before noon, after the dew has evaporated;
    • collection activities are carried out on a day with dry weather;
    • Fruits from the ground should not be put aside for storage.

    Quince that is not ripe has a green skin color. If it was collected unripe, it can be brought to “standard” without any problems. To do this, certain conditions will need to be met.

    Store-bought fruits for storage

    Not everyone has the opportunity to grow a quince tree and harvest their own harvest. But this is not a problem, you can stock up on fruits for the winter at the market or supermarket.

    Harvest season is the best time to make purchases. Almost all varieties of fruit trees ripen by the end of October.

    Try to choose high-quality fruits, paying attention to the following points:

    • the skin of the fruit must be whole and smooth, without dents or scratches, rot or signs of mold, which significantly reduce the shelf life;
    • Ripe fruits have a rich yellow skin;
    • select larger fruits, as small fruits may be sour and not as juicy.

    In the freezer

    Under the influence of subzero temperatures, quince fruits become softer and their astringent taste disappears. In addition, the harvest of this tree tolerates freezing well.

    Before placing in the freezer, the fruits are thoroughly washed and free of fluff. Then cut in half, remove the core and seeds, and cut into slices.

    In this case, blast freezing works well. The fruit slices are placed in a plastic bag, all air is released, tied tightly and placed in the freezer.

    After complete freezing - after about a day, the fruit is transferred to a container, covered with a lid and placed back in the freezer. In this form, the quince will be stored for a whole year until the next harvest.

    Dried quince preserves well

    It is not worth storing it longer, because over time the fruits freeze and become dry. Take out this product in small portions: after defrosting, the fruit should not be put back into the freezer. A product frozen twice loses its taste and benefits.

    How to save seeds

    After the fruit slices are stored in the freezer, you are left with seeds that should not be thrown away. They can be used to grow a new tree in the spring.

    Japanese or common quince seeds are sprinkled with damp sand, placed in a plastic bag, the air is released and tied tightly. Place in the lowest section of the refrigerator. The seeds can remain in this state for 2 to 3 months.

    With the onset of spring, you can plant them in a nutrient mixture and get new plants.

    During the stratification process, seeds should be regularly inspected for the appearance of rot or mold: spoiled ones should be removed.

    It is also worth monitoring the moisture content of the sand. As it dries, it is moistened with a spray bottle.

    How to make Japanese Quince Jam

    Prepare the following ingredients.

    Rinse each fruit thoroughly in water with the hard side of the sponge, as quince has a fleecy layer that protects the fruit. Then forcefully cut each fruit into four parts, cut out the core and rinse, cut into cubes and pour into a cauldron or ladle with a non-stick bottom.

    Add granulated sugar. If you wish, you can add a little vanilla sugar.

    Pour in water and lemon juice, stir the contents of the container and place the container on the stove. Bring to a boil and cook the jam for about 5-10 minutes, then turn off the heat and cool it in the cold for about 2 hours. Then heat again for 5-10 minutes and cool again.

    Heat the jam a third time and turn off the heat. Each time there will be less syrup in the container - the cutting will absorb it as it cools. The Japanese quince loaf is completely ready, you can even pour it boiling into sterilized jars and roll it up for the winter.

    Serve the amber delicacy with any pastries, not forgetting the aromatic tea!

    In the cellar

    Cellar storage is one of the most common methods. Moreover, one or even two refrigerators with freezers will not be enough to preserve the entire harvest.

    The optimal place to store a large harvest

    To successfully store quince indoors, an appropriate microclimate should be provided:

    • stable temperature conditions without sudden changes (within 3-4 °C);
    • high humidity - 70-80%;
    • possibility of ventilating the room (availability of ventilation).

    Before planting the crop, the cellar or basement should be treated with a quartz lamp or slaked lime. This will destroy all parasites that can cause rotting and spoilage of the fruit.

    Fruit preparation

    First, it is worth discarding damaged, cut or rotten fruits, which can cause spoilage of good fruits.

    Each fruit is wiped with a dry cloth. You should not wash fruits, as this method of processing will shorten their shelf life.

    Storage in a wax or oil shell requires preliminary cleaning and washing of the fruit.

    Fruits can be packed in either cardboard or wooden boxes. The best container is one that is divided into cells or compartments inside.

    You can store quince in foil or paper - each fruit is wrapped separately. Some gardeners sprinkle the fruits with sawdust or lay the fruits in layers, covering each layer with thick paper.

    The fruits are laid out in layers with paper between them.

    During such storage, the condition of the quince should be regularly monitored. Spoiled fruits are removed and used.

    Quince does not tolerate the proximity of a pear, since this fruit contains essential oils, which, when released, contribute to the rapid ripening of the quince. It is good to store quince mixed with apples.

    Storage for ripening

    If you plan to store quince at home, remember that only ripe fruits are stored for long-term storage.

    In order for the quince to ripen, you must ensure one condition - a stable temperature within 23-25 ​​° C. Another important condition is the absence of drafts and direct sunlight. Then the green quince will ripen evenly after harvesting and will have especially juicy and tasty pulp.

    Green quince ripens in an apartment at this temperature for about two weeks. Then it can be transferred to a cool place - a refrigerator, basement or cellar.

    At lower temperatures, quince at home will not ripen. At best, it will remain the same as it was when it was laid, at worst, it will begin to rot.

    Long-term storage conditions

    Is it possible to store quince at home so that it does not lose its taste, for a long time, acquires freshness and does not lose its juiciness? You can, here's what you need to do:

    1. The storage location should always maintain a temperature of three to four degrees Celsius.
    2. It is best if the room is humid, it is advisable to maintain a high humidity level - up to 85 percent.
    3. It is advisable that sunlight does not penetrate into the storage room; it is better if the room is completely dark.

    To store quince for the winter at home, you will need to choose a storage location with moderate humidity and a consistently low temperature. The optimal humidity level for these fruits is approximately 85%. With a higher moisture content in the air, the quince will begin to rot, which will significantly reduce its shelf life. Before storing, all fruits must be wiped dry, since the presence of moisture on them will cause rot and spoilage of stocks.

    Also, when choosing a place to store quince, you need to pay attention to the absence of dampness.

    • If you want to store quince fresh, you will need to maintain the temperature just above 0°, but not more than 4°.
    • If the above conditions are met, the shelf life of quince can be up to four months.
    • If stored at a relatively high temperature of 8°... 10°, the shelf life of the fruit is reduced to one to two months.

    Unripe quinces are stored a little better than ripe ones due to the denser structure of the pulp. It is worth knowing that during storage the content of sugar and organic acids in fruits increases, and the astringent taste softens slightly. Thus, after a certain period of storage, quince has a higher taste than immediately after collection.

    When storing quince, it is also worth considering the presence of other fruits next to it. For example, it is allowed to store quinces for the winter at home along with apples. At the same time, pears, due to the release of certain substances into the air, accelerate the ripening of quince, which can lead to softening of the fruit and spoilage of stocks. Thus, if you want it to ripen in a minimum amount of time, you can place pears next to the unripe quince.

    One way to keep quince fresh is to place it in a cool, dry cellar. In this case, you need to wrap each fruit in dry paper, and then arrange them in one row in small boxes. In this case, it is necessary to position them in such a way that they do not touch each other. Instead of paper wrapping, you can sprinkle the fruits with sand or sawdust.

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    When storing fruits in a refrigerator, especially one of the “No frost” type, it is advisable to use plastic bags or cling film instead of paper to prevent the fruit from drying out. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the absence of moisture on the fruit, since even a small amount of it in a virtually sealed bag will cause rotting.

    Is it possible to hide quince at home so that it does not lose its saltyk, for a long time, acquires freshness and does not lose its juiciness? Allowed, here's what you need to do:

    1. The storage location should always maintain a temperature of three to four degrees Celsius.
    2. Better than) if the room is humid, it is advisable to keep the humidity level high - up to 85 percent.
    3. It is advisable that sunlight does not penetrate into the storage insert; it would be better if the room is completely dark.

    How to store quince at home so that it remains tasty and juicy for a long time:

    • ensure a stable temperature within 3-4 °C;
    • monitor the humidity level: it should be increased - about 80-85%;
    • store the crop in a dark room without direct sunlight.

    Such conditions are suitable for storing Japanese quince and all other varieties of garden crops.

    Long-term storage of quince is possible subject to certain conditions:

    • Quite low temperature, about 0 °C
    • Humidity approximately 80%
    • Darkness

    At home, compliance with these requirements can be achieved using a refrigerator or a special room.

    You can store quince in the refrigerator all winter. Just put it in the fruit compartment. For better preservation, the fruits should be wrapped in paper or foil. Cut quince quickly weathers; it should be wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator, but no more than a couple of days.

    In order to store a large harvest, you will need more space. A cellar is ideal. Provided that it complies with food storage standards:

    • Constant temperature around zero
    • Constant humidity without changes
    • Forced ventilation
    • Mandatory treatment with a quartz lamp on the eve of the season of storing food for the winter
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