How long and how to store mushrooms in the refrigerator

I declare the forest hunting season open! Oh, how I love wandering through the forest, inhaling this unique aroma. And how nice it is to find a fungus in the fallen leaves, then a second, a third…. The process is very entertaining and, I would even say, peaceful!

It's one thing to collect them. But at home the question arises, where to put all this harvest? For example, you can salt milk mushrooms for the winter. Some of the fresh forest gifts of nature will go into pickling, and some will go into the freezer. But mushroom caviar is in particular demand in my pantry!

The workpiece is universal. You can make soups and sauces based on it. Season pasta, cereals or other side dishes. Just spread it on bread and eat it – incredibly tasty! What’s important is that caviar is very easy to prepare. The main thing is to properly prepare the main raw materials. After all, if handled incorrectly, mushrooms can be dangerous to human health and life!

Mushroom caviar can be prepared from different types: boletus and boletus, boletus and honey mushrooms, boletus and milk mushrooms. No less excellent caviar is obtained from russula and even from champignons. Therefore, today I have prepared the simplest, most delicious and safest recipes for you. Follow all the recommendations and you will succeed! Good luck!

Mushroom caviar from honey mushrooms for the winter - the most delicious recipe with garlic

Caviar is a quick and practical way to process mushrooms. After all, it’s easy to prepare, without any special hassles. You can use a large amount of raw materials at once. And most importantly, it turns out incredibly tasty.

Now I would like to suggest you prepare caviar from honey mushrooms.

Required ingredients:

  • Cleaned honey mushrooms – 1 kg.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp. and further to taste
  • Carrots – 2-3 pcs.
  • Onions – 2 heads
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml.
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Garlic - 3-5 cloves

When I go into the forest and come back with a basket of trophies, I no longer think or wonder about their processing. Part of it goes for salting and marinating. And the most “unsightly” in appearance, the large ones go to the caviar. After all, it doesn’t matter what they looked like in a clearing in the forest, we’ll still put everything through a meat grinder.

Step-by-step cooking process:

In general, such caviar can be made from various mushrooms. You can even prepare a kind of mix and mix several types together. Well, now we’ll look at the recipe using honey mushrooms as an example.

Step 1. We clean the mushrooms from forest debris (leaves, sticks, pine needles). We clean, wash, cut off the roots if there are any.

Be sure to check the raw materials for worms and spoiled areas. All suspicious fragments must be cut off - they should not get into the mass.

Only selected plants will be used.

Place them in a saucepan. Fill with water. The amount of liquid should be 3-4 times the amount of mushrooms.

Step 2. Place on the stove and set the heat to high. Bring to a boil. To speed up the process, cover with a lid. Just don’t go too far from the stove, because soon foam will build up and “run away” from behind the lid, extinguishing the burner.

Watch out for that foam. It must be removed with a slotted spoon.

Add 2 tbsp. salt. Cook for 40 minutes from this point.

Step 3. Place a sieve in the sink. We throw the boiled honey mushrooms here. We rinse them very thoroughly under running cold water, stirring with a spoon. Let all the liquid drain completely.

Step 4. Peel the onion and cut it into thick half rings. We also peel the carrots. We chop it into arbitrary pieces, not very finely.

You can ignore the accuracy of cutting vegetables. After all, in the end we will grind this whole thing with a meat grinder.

Instead of a meat grinder, you can use kitchen appliances that are convenient for you. Some people chop it very finely, almost into a puree, but I like it when pieces of plants are still visible.

Step 5. Pour 50 ml into the frying pan. vegetable oil. Fry the onions and carrots until half cooked.

Transfer vegetables to mushrooms.

We pass this trio through a medium meat grinder directly into the frying pan where the carrots and onions were fried. If you like dishes with garlic, then now is the time to add and then skip 3-5 peeled cloves, or more or less, according to your taste. But this is not a necessary condition.

Step 6. Return to the stove. Add salt to taste (about 1 tbsp), pepper and mix. Fry over medium heat, covered, for half an hour.

Taste it. If necessary, add more spices.

Step 7. There is no need to pre-sterilize the jars. It is enough to wash them thoroughly with a soda solution and rinse. We spread the resulting mass into the prepared container, approximately up to the “shoulders” of the containers. In this case, the contents must be compacted tightly. Place them on a baking sheet.

We close the jars with lids, but do not screw them on! Place in the oven and turn on the heat to 110 degrees. We sterilize the workpieces here for 40 minutes.

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Step 8. Carefully take it out and screw the lids tightly using oven mitts (the container is very hot!). Turn the containers upside down. We wrap it in a blanket or other warm covering. This will be an additional measure of sterilization of the product. After all, cooling slowly, the mass will then be stored longer.

If you have a dark, preferably cool place in your apartment, you can store the product here. You can also put it in the cellar or refrigerator.

A simple recipe for honey mushroom caviar with carrots and onions: you'll lick your fingers

An amazing way of cooking, I cook this way for the winter for everyday use. The dish turns out satisfying and appetizing. I rolled it up under the covers and left it in the salon for testing. My family swept it off the table in a few minutes and said it was incredibly delicious.

Ingredients in the photo:

Cooking steps:

1. I remove debris and wash the mushrooms, boil them in lightly salted water for 40 minutes, and drain through a colander.

To prepare caviar, you can use those mushrooms that are not suitable for pickling. If there are a lot of honey mushrooms and you have time, then it is advisable to sort the mushrooms. Use the small ones for pickling, and use the old hard ones for caviar.

2. I prepare carrots, onions, garlic for caviar - I clean the vegetables. I chop the onion finely.

3. Grate the carrots. I pour oil into a frying pan, put it on fire, and fry the onions and carrots together.

4. I pass the cooked honey mushrooms through a meat grinder

5. Add the mushrooms to the onions and carrots, add more oil, and continue frying. During the frying process, I constantly stir the contents of the pan, making sure that there is a sufficient amount of oil. I salt and pepper the mixture, stir, and continue frying. While the caviar is fried, I prepare the jars and lids - I sterilize them in any available way, for example, under steam. I add a clove of crushed garlic to the preparation. In total, I fry the mushrooms for about 30 minutes. After adding the garlic, I fry the mixture for a few more minutes and finish the process.

6. I put the hot mixture into jars, pour vegetable oil on top, and cover with lids. I place the jars in a pan of water on a stand and sterilize them in low boiling water for 20 minutes. I take out the jars, screw the lids on tightly, and turn them upside down.

I store caviar in a cool place. I use it as an additive to potatoes, as a cold snack, and for making pies.

Caviar from boiled mushrooms with carrots, onions and tomatoes (without sterilization)

Now let’s take boletuses, or as they are also called, redheads. And even among the types of boletus there are different ones - spruce, pine and oak. The bright, orange-red velvety dome and the flesh, which turns blue when cut, prevent them from being confused with other members of the mushroom kingdom!

But I didn’t like cooking boletus mushrooms this way, because they give a lot of water. And of course you can’t fry them properly, it turns out to be porridge.

By the way, there is no vinegar in the composition. Honestly, they can ruin the taste of caviar. And salt will act as a preservative! And there is enough acid from the tomato so that the mass can be preserved for a long time, even without additional sterilization.

What's included:

  • 1 kg. mushrooms
  • 3 carrots
  • Medium tomatoes – 4 pcs.
  • 4 onions
  • 1 head of garlic
  • Salt, ground pepper to taste
  • 250 ml. odorless vegetable oil

Let's start cooking:

Let's start, according to tradition, with mushrooms. After all, their preparation is the longest and most responsible. If your trophy was quite dirty, it is better to soak them in cold water overnight.

To get all possible worm bugs out of the mushrooms, add 1 tbsp to the water while soaking. salt for every liter of liquid. They will get out of such a salty bath quickly.

Wash thoroughly and cut into large pieces - both caps and legs. Place in a saucepan and fill with plenty of clean water.

Bring to a boil and from that moment boil them for exactly 5 minutes. Then the liquid must be drained and the raw materials rinsed with cold water. Let it sit in a colander for a bit so that all the moisture drains away.

We take a meat grinder. You can use a grate of any diameter, depending on how large the grains you want to feel in the caviar. Place the boiled mushrooms in a bowl.

Peel the onions, carrots and garlic. Tomatoes, if you want, can also be peeled first. You won't be able to do this just like that. Therefore, first cut the skin of the tomatoes, and then pour boiling water over them for a couple of minutes. Next, take it out and put it in cold water. After such a contrasting process, removing the peel will be easier than ever.

We cut the vegetables into small pieces that are convenient for placing in the neck of the meat grinder. To make it easier to mix the mass later, we will skip them in portions, one by one. A couple of pieces of carrots, then onions, then tomatoes, a clove of garlic and again in a circle.

Transfer the mixture to a thick-bottomed cooking vessel. This can be a cauldron, an enamel or aluminum pan (or basin). Add vegetable oil. Add 2 tbsp. salt, 0.5 tbsp. freshly ground black pepper (or a mixture of peppers).

You can adjust the amount of salt and pepper to taste. Salt, for example, you can first add 1.5 tbsp, and then add more if necessary.

Mix everything well. Place on the stove and turn the heat to high. After the mass begins to show the first signs of boiling, reduce the heat to low. From that moment on, we will simmer for 40-50 minutes.

Do not move far from the stove during the entire stewing process. After all, the puree-like mass requires special attention. If you miss it a little, your brew may burn. Therefore, you need to use a spatula more often, walking along the bottom and all corners of the pan.

While our caviar was cooking, it was time to sterilize the jars with lids. If the containers are small (for example, half a liter), then it is convenient to use a microwave for these purposes.

We pre-rinse the container, preferably without adding detergents. Then pour a little water into each one to cover the bottom. We place it on the microwave stand. Close the door and set the power to maximum. Let them spin around here for 5 minutes.

Other sterilization methods also have their place. 5 minutes before readiness, taste the caviar. You may want to add some salt, seasonings or sugar. Immediately distribute the finished mixture among the jars, up to the neck (leaving a little space).

To prevent mold from forming on top, thoroughly heat the vegetable oil. Just not to the point of smoke, of course, otherwise it will taste bitter. Pour 1-2 tbsp into each jar so that it covers the layer of snack.

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Screw the lids on tightly. Let the preparations reach room temperature right on the table (or somewhere else in your home). Then we put it in the refrigerator, where the jars can stand all winter. Unless, of course, you eat the snack first.

Preparing caviar and placing it in the freezer

As soon as they are ready, drain the water, cool the mushrooms and pass through a meat grinder. Then the resulting mixture should be placed in a frying pan, preferably preheated, and fry for 15 minutes.

We twist the mushrooms last. They have a slippery structure and will collect all the remaining vegetables from the meat grinder. And then the meat grinder will be easier to clean.

The optimal containers for luxury delicacies at home are plastic containers or bags. In this case, the time depends on the presence of air in the package.

Procedure for preparing caviar: When we cook from frozen mushrooms, we first need to remove them from the refrigerator. After defrosting, place in a colander and rinse. Let's start with the vegetables. Chop the onion into cubes. Three carrots on a coarse grater. Grind the garlic with a press or grater. Pour oil into a preheated deep frying pan or frying pan and add vegetables to it. Reduce the heat to minimum.

The prepared jars are sterilized, the mushroom mass is placed in them, a little hot vegetable oil is poured in, and previously covered with metal lids. Hot water is poured into a large container, the bottom is lined with linen or cotton napkins, jars of caviar are placed on them, water is added to the level of the product contents in them, and brought to a boil.

Opened packaging containing preservative-free products must be consumed within 1-3 days. The shelf life of opened containers containing preservatives is 5-7 days. So, the shelf life of lightly salted caviar, for example, pollock, after opening is 1-2 days, and a well-salted delicacy will last up to 7 days.

Requirements may differ for other varieties. For example, pike caviar remains fresh for 15 months at -2 to +4. Under the same conditions, cod or capelin eggs will be fresh for six months.

Another category of people is afraid of freshly cut mushrooms. To be on the safe side, before storing for winter storage, the caviar must be boiled. Next, we will look at the main secrets for proper preparation for storing mushroom caviar for long-term storage.

The latter must first be soaked in cold water so that they do not become bitter. List of products: About a kilogram of mushrooms; 200 grams of onions; juice of a quarter of a lemon; 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable or olive oil; salt and black pepper to taste. The process of creating caviar: We remove bad mushrooms (rotten and rotten). We sort them out from debris and twigs.

Mushroom caviar, like any other, should have a uniform consistency. For this reason, mushrooms and vegetables must be chopped. If vegetables can be rubbed through a sieve, the structure of mushrooms will not allow this to be done with them - a blender or meat grinder will be required to grind them.

After purchasing, it must be transferred to a plastic container, well greased with vegetable oil, and placed in the refrigerator. The container must be clean, dry and tightly closed.

The mushrooms from which mushroom caviar is prepared for the winter should first be boiled for at least 40 minutes. Vegetables for this appetizer are usually fried.

How does mushroom caviar differ from other winter preparations? First of all, ease of preparation. And indeed, all you need is a saucepan, a colander, a blender or a meat grinder, a minimum of time, and a little space in the freezer. Although there is another option, when there is a lot of free storage space, you may also need a frying pan, oil and jars.

It is well known that all mushrooms brought from the forest are either immediately used, or, without delay, are stored for future use.

A simple recipe for caviar from porcini mushrooms for the winter

Porcini mushroom is truly a royal gift of nature! It’s not particularly picky when it comes to cooking, but it also has its own subtleties. And how delicious it is – simply delicious!

I want to offer you a recipe for the simplest and incredibly tasty caviar. Spread it on bread, serve it with pasta or put it in a tartlet - everything will be “on theme”! Amazingly delicious, I highly recommend trying it!

What you will need:

  • Porcini mushrooms - 1 kg. (fresh)
  • Onions - 3 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

In the comments to this video, the author is asked: “Can caviar according to this recipe be prepared for storage for the winter?”

And here is her answer: “Of course you can - put hot caviar in jars, add 2 tbsp of heated vegetable oil to each jar. l. and store in the refrigerator."

How long does mushroom caviar last in the refrigerator?

To store caviar in liter or half-liter jars, the process begins in the same way as when freezing.

  1. Boiled mushrooms are placed in a colander, allowing as much water as possible to drain from them.
  2. Then they are laid out in a frying pan and fried in vegetable oil until the moisture has completely evaporated.
  3. Grind in a blender or meat grinder.

When the water has drained, remove the cloves, pepper, and bay leaves. Using a meat grinder or blender, grind the mushrooms to the required consistency. Many recipes call for adding fried onions and vegetable oil, then it is recommended to simmer for 15 minutes. Stewed caviar is seasoned with tomato puree sauce with pepper or citric acid. It is better to use special freezing bags.

For better freezing, plastic bags are filled with the resulting mass to the very top, and the air is squeezed out as much as possible. The bags are quickly tied and placed in the freezer.

Caviar frozen in this way can be stored for one year. Remember: once you open the bag, you must use it immediately. Otherwise, toxic bacteria that are dangerous to the body may form in the mushrooms. The volume of each bag is calculated so that one dish can be prepared from it.

Mushroom caviar for storage in jars

To store caviar in liter or half-liter jars, the process begins in the same way as when freezing.

  1. Boiled mushrooms are placed in a colander, allowing as much water as possible to drain from them.
  2. Then they are laid out in a frying pan and fried in vegetable oil until the moisture has completely evaporated.
  3. Grind in a blender or meat grinder.

It is very important to properly store and preserve food - this is what we talk about. Always up-to-date information.

The prepared jars are sterilized, the mushroom mass is placed in them, a little hot vegetable oil is poured in, and previously covered with metal lids. Hot water is poured into a large container, the bottom is lined with linen or cotton napkins, jars of caviar are placed on them, water is added to the level of the product contents in them, and brought to a boil.

Cold, and in some cases frost, will help preserve boiled mushrooms for the winter. For these purposes, a household appliance that is found in every home - a refrigerator - is suitable. The optimal temperature is considered to be in the range from 0 to 4 degrees.

An open jar of caviar, if all conditions are met, will remain fresh in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks. When you collect mushrooms in the forest, you want to collect as much as possible. If mushroom caviar in jars is not sterilized, then it can only be stored in the refrigerator. Store in the refrigerator. Mushroom caviar “combined” recipe through a meat grinder. We recommend that you be careful when preserving this delicacy at home. The main rule: always keep purchased goods in the refrigerator. It is better to place the packaging closer to the back wall or in a special compartment, where it is colder than in the general chamber, since the mode of the refrigeration unit rarely meets the established requirements.

Mushroom caviar from chanterelles - a recipe for cooking through a meat grinder

Chanterelles are very tasty and healthy mushrooms! Collecting, cooking and eating them is a pleasure! I offer you a simple and very tasty caviar recipe using them. You can cook only from chanterelles or, as in this case, mix them with boletus.

It's very easy to prepare. Practical, universal preparation for the winter! I recommend!


  • Boiled mushrooms – 3 kg.
  • Carrots – 1 kg.
  • Onions – 1 kg.
  • Black peppercorns – 10-12 pcs.
  • Lavrushka – 2-3 pcs.
  • Garlic – 5 cloves (optional)
  • Tomato paste – 2-3 tbsp.
  • Unscented vegetable oil – 400 ml. (plus another 100 grams for frying vegetables)
  • Vinegar 9% - 2.5 tbsp.
  • Salt – 2 tbsp.
  • Granulated sugar – 0.5 tbsp.

How to cook:

We sort through the mushrooms, sorting out all spoiled, wormy specimens. We wash them and cut them into large pieces. Boil for 20 minutes. Be sure to skim off the cloudy foam. We count the cooking time from the moment of boiling.

Then we transfer them into a sieve and rinse them under the tap with cool water. Let it sit for a while so that all the water drains away.

Peel the carrots using a coarse grater. We also clean the onion and cut it into arbitrary pieces.

Pour vegetable oil into a large frying pan or cauldron - it should completely cover the bottom of the dish. Heat it over high heat and add carrots and onions here. Stirring, fry until soft and lightly browned.

Just be careful not to overcook the vegetables so they don't burn. After all, the pieces should remain juicy.

Transfer to another bowl and let cool slightly. Then we go to the meat grinder.

We install the smallest grill, scroll everything into one bowl. To make it more convenient to mix it all later, I put 1 tablespoon of vegetable mass and mushroom mixture in the neck of the meat grinder, alternately.

Pour 400 ml into a cauldron or other vessel for cooking the mass. vegetable oil. This is approximately 2 glasses, with a capacity of 200 g. We heat it up thoroughly.

Carefully place the caviar here. Add salt and granulated sugar here. Add bay leaf and peppercorns. If desired, you can add 2-3 cloves.

Mix well. Bring to a full boil. From this point on, cook for 20-25 minutes. It is necessary to stir periodically so that nothing sticks to the bottom.

Then you can add garlic. As I noted earlier, you don’t have to use it at all. And if you love it very much, you can add even more of what is listed. We put 5 slices. First we clean it and then put it through a press.

At the same stage, add tomato paste. Mix thoroughly and cook everything together for another 10 minutes. Then you can taste for salt and sugar. If necessary, adjust their quantity.

Now pour in the vinegar, mix everything again and cook for another 10 minutes.

At this point, clean jars should be sterilized. Lids for them too. Place the finished caviar into glass containers.

To prevent the workpiece from banging ahead of time, I offer you one option for reinsurance. Heat some vegetable oil in a saucepan (on the stove). Pour 2-3 tbsp into each jar, on top of the mushroom mass. hot butter.

This is what we do with all containers.

We roll up the jars with sterilized lids.

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Keep them at room temperature until they cool, and then put them in a cool place for storage.

Mushroom caviar from boiled mushrooms - preparation for honey mushroom soups

I would recommend a recipe for preparing mushroom caviar through a meat grinder.

  • mushrooms - 1 kg
  • onions (150-200 grams) - 2 pieces
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • carrot 1 piece
  • sunflower oil 50 grams

Pass the fried vegetables through a meat grinder, followed by the boiled mushrooms. Now that everything has been minced, it's time to add salt and pepper to taste. Then place in a cauldron and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes, stirring. The caviar is ready, you can roll it up for the winter.

While the autumn sun is still gently warming, it’s time to start preparing mushrooms for the winter. In addition to drying, salting, and canning mushrooms, many housewives like to prepare delicious aromatic caviar from mushrooms.

So, you decided to pamper your family with mushroom caviar and you have a frozen semi-finished product in the refrigerator.

Onions and carrots need to be lightly fried until they acquire a golden hue, and then cool. After cooking, the mushrooms are removed from the pan and placed in a colander so that excess liquid can drain.

Next, add one tablespoon of table vinegar to the mushroom appetizer and roll up the lid. The jars of caviar need to be placed upside down and covered with a blanket until they cool down. Since the recipe has similar preparation steps to the first recipe, if you cook according to this one, then read the first option too.

To store caviar in liter or half-liter jars, the process begins in the same way as when freezing.

  1. Boiled mushrooms are placed in a colander, allowing as much water as possible to drain from them.
  2. Then they are laid out in a frying pan and fried in vegetable oil until the moisture has completely evaporated.
  3. Grind in a blender or meat grinder.

I always studied well at school: from 1st to 8th grade I was a straight A student, in 9th-10th (math grade) - only 3...

Champignon caviar for the winter - a finger-licking recipe

If you don't like picking mushrooms or haven't had the opportunity, don't worry! After all, delicious caviar can be made from champignons, which are sold in stores all year round.

It can be eaten immediately if you do not add vinegar to the composition. And when you are going to store it for the winter, you will need to add acid. The recipe is very simple and always successful!

What we need:

  • Fresh champignons – half a kilo
  • Carrots – 6 pcs.
  • Onions – 6 pcs.
  • Apple cider vinegar – 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp.
  • Salt to taste
  • Dry spices to taste

Let's start cooking:

First of all, let's prepare the champignons. If they need to be cleaned, do that first. After all, after washing it will not be so easy to remove the skin.

Then we wash them thoroughly and put them in a pan for cooking. Pour in enough water. It should completely cover the mushrooms.

The mushrooms will float to the surface of the liquid. Therefore, press them down with your hand and see if you have poured enough water. It should exceed the product lying on the bottom by about 5 cm.

Place on the stove and turn on the heat. Soon foam will form, which must be removed. From the moment of boiling, cook for 10 minutes.

Place in a colander and rinse with tap water. Drain all the liquid. Then we grind the product with a blender or grind it with a meat grinder, whichever is more convenient for you.

Peel the onion and chop it into small cubes. Peel the carrots with a grater (by the way, you can also chop them into small pieces).

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and heat it thoroughly. First we send the onion here, cook until light golden brown and translucent.

Then we add chopped champignons and carrots to it. Stir well so that everything combines as much as possible. Fry together for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Now add salt to taste. If you want, you can add pepper or other spices of your choice. Add vinegar and stir. Simmer over low heat, covered, for about 15 minutes.

By that time the banks should be prepared. We first wash them with baking soda and a new kitchen sponge. Then we put it in the microwave or oven for sterilization. If you want, you can steam it over boiling water. Boil the lids for 5 minutes.

Immediately from the stove, spread the finished mixture into glass containers. Screw the lids on tightly.

In this form, let them cool right on the table at room temperature. You can, to be sure, turn them over onto the lids and cover them with a blanket. After cooling, the jars are stored in a cool place, away from sunlight.

Rules for storing mushrooms

storage rules
storage rules
storage rules
storage rules

Preservation of stocks - mushroom picker's rule

✎ Why are there rules for storing mushrooms?

It is well known that all mushrooms brought from the forest are either immediately used, or, without delay, are stored for future use. However, in urban conditions (as opposed to suburban ones), where it is not possible to store prepared stocks in cellars or basements, you need to know the necessary rules for storing mushrooms , if only in order not to spoil the stock prepared for future use and preserve it for a long time.

✎ Some ways to store mushrooms

I. Method of storing mushrooms

Rule one

➫ frozen fruits (fresh and pre-boiled) are stored in the freezer, where they do not lose their beneficial properties.
Rule two
➫ the shelf life of frozen mushrooms (unless they are re-frozen) is one year, which means you can store them in the freezer until the next harvest.

II. Mushroom storage method

Rule one

➫ dried fruits completely lose unnecessary bitterness and retain natural trace elements and vitamins if they are stored in a well-ventilated and dry room at room temperature, in paper or fabric containers and away from strong-smelling homemade seasonings: bay leaves, peppers, garlic or onions.
Rule two
➫ the average shelf life of dried mushrooms is from one to two years; with a longer shelf life, the protein level in dried mushrooms decreases, which leads to a decrease in their nutritional value.

III. Mushroom storage method

Rule one

➫ pickled fruits are stored in a cool, dark place (cellar, underground, basement or refrigerator), usually in an airtight glass container or not in an airtight one, but under a layer of sunflower oil.
Rule two
➫ the shelf life of pickled mushrooms hermetically sealed with metal lids is one year, with glass lids - two, because all pickled fruits quickly react with the metal, starting to release toxins, and therefore the risk of poisoning with such preparations is very high.

IV. Mushroom storage method

Rule one

➫ salted fruits are stored in oak, glass and enamel containers, not rolled up in jars, but covered with a lid, under pressure and completely covered with brine, in a cellar or cold, at a temperature of +5°, +7°C.
Rule two
➫ salted mushrooms are generally not afraid of frost and therefore in winter they can be stored even on the balcony, although they do not last long at all and quickly become moldy.

V. Method of storing mushrooms

Rule one

➫ pickled (or soaked) fruits, like salted ones, are stored in oak, enamel, glass containers and under pressure, in a cellar or refrigerator at a temperature of +5°, +7°C.
Rule two
➫ pickled mushrooms, like salted ones, are also not afraid of frost, so in winter they can also be stored on the balcony, but at low temperatures they become brittle.
Do you properly preserve and store your products?
Of course, this is very important because your health may suffer.


No, what could happen besides diarrhea?


We store it as it turns out, we don’t really think about how and what is right.


Voted: 123

VI. Mushroom storage method


    Shredding (into mushroom caviar).

Rule one

➫ mushroom caviar is stored in a sterilized container in a cool (+5°, +7°C) and dark place.
Rule two
➫ mushroom caviar can be stored even at room temperature (+18°, +22°C), but only in sterilized jars, filled with sunflower oil and under a lid.
Rule three
➫ if mushroom caviar is stored in a non-sterilized container, then it should only be stored in the refrigerator.
Rule four
➫ mushroom caviar can be stored in the freezer, lightly salted and in plastic containers, but glass in the freezer can burst.

VII. Mushroom storage method


    Grinding (into mushroom powder).

How to make mushroom caviar from butter and garlic

Let's prepare another delicious mushroom caviar from boletus with onions and garlic! This kind of caviar can be prepared both to simply eat right away, and as a preparation for the winter, rolled up in jars. Butterfly caviar turns out amazing! The aroma and taste of the snack is so rich that it is impossible to tear yourself away. In general, you just need to cook it and try it - it’s still delicious!

This kind of caviar is good to spread on bread, make stuffed pancakes with it, or add it to pies and pies. Options for fillings: pure caviar, mushroom caviar + boiled mashed potatoes, mushrooms + egg + green onions, caviar + boiled rice.

What do we need:

  • boletus - 1 kg.
  • onions - 800 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 150 gr.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp.
  • sugar - 1 tsp.
  • salt - 1 ½ tsp.

In each jar:

  • allspice peas - 5 pcs.
  • cloves - 2 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.

Let's start cooking:

We sort through the mushrooms, getting rid of spoiled and wormy specimens. We remove the skin on the caps, as well as all visible contaminants. Then we soak the butter in a large amount of salted water for 3 hours so that all the remaining, invisible to us, dirt or sand is gone.

Now boil the mushrooms in lightly salted water.

Then put it in a colander, drain all the liquid and grind the butter in a meat grinder.

We also pass the peeled onion through a meat grinder, place it in a frying pan with vegetable oil and fry.

Then add chopped mushrooms to it and simmer for about 1 hour over low heat. Stirring occasionally.

Now you need to salt, pepper and add sugar. Mix everything thoroughly.

A minute before the end of cooking, add pressed garlic to the caviar and mix well again.

By this time, the jars and lids should be sterilized and cooled. At the bottom of each we place 1 bay leaf, 2 cloves and 5 allspice.

Place the hot caviar into jars. For greater confidence, you can pour calcined hot vegetable oil (1 - 2 tbsp) on top.

Screw on the lids. Store in a cool, dark place for no more than 6 months.

There is also another option for preserving mushroom caviar for the winter - it can be frozen in small portions in small boxes. You can even put it in regular cellophane bags or in hermetically sealed bags with a zip fastener.

Caviar from boiled mushrooms - prepared for the winter, rolled up in jars

In this recipe, it is important to use only fresh forest products. At the same time, you can take both boletus mushrooms, beloved by many, and others, for example, honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms, boletus.

Required amount of ingredients:

  • A kilogram of any wild mushrooms, let me remind you again, fresh.
  • 2-3 heads of onions.
  • A quarter of a standard medium lemon (you will need the juice from this part for cooking).
  • Olive or any vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons.
  • Ground black pepper 12 parts level teaspoon.
  • Salt - to your own taste.

How to cook mushroom caviar correctly, I’ll tell you step by step

We sort through the mushrooms, throw out all the bad ones, as well as any other rubbish that you were able to bring in the basket.. We wash the gifts of the forest, clean, cut into convenient small pieces, boil until tender, which is about an hour, in lightly salted water.

We drain all the water from the prepared mushrooms. Let it cool a little, and then grind it in a meat grinder, adding a little spices and salt.

Peel the onions and finely chop them into cubes. If desired, you can cut this ingredient larger. Fry in vegetable oil until a pleasant shade.

Pour the mushroom mixture into the prepared onion, sprinkle everything with lemon juice, mix, simmer under the lid for 2-4 minutes and remove from heat.

We pack the mushroom caviar into pre-washed and sterilized jars, seal tightly or roll up.

We lower the rolled containers into a saucepan with hot water, sterilize half-liter jars for half an hour and liter jars for at least an hour over low heat.

Let the snack cool and you can eat it or store it in a dark, cool place.

Oyster mushrooms - a recipe for making delicious mushroom caviar

In this video, the author talks about how mushroom caviar is made in the Murmansk region. The recipe for caviar with fried onions is quite simple and does not require much time, effort or ingredients.

Let's watch the video and learn how to make delicious oyster mushroom caviar. Mushrooms can be anything - fresh, frozen or even dried. If you have them dried, you must first soak them in water.

In the recipe:

  • Oyster mushroom - 2 kg.
  • Onions - 3 pcs. (average)
  • Tomato paste - 0.5 tbsp. (you can add fresh tomatoes without peel)
  • Ground black pepper and salt - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

By the way, if you wish, you can add carrots to the onions. And the garlic will only get better when twisted!

How to prepare mushroom caviar for the winter from milk mushrooms

I once collected a whole bucket of milk mushrooms. When I got home, I started looking on the Internet for a recipe for the most delicious caviar. I found this one, tried it and didn’t regret it at all! Indescribable yummy! Now I cook this way every year.

Not only milk mushrooms, but also any other lamellar mushrooms are suitable as the main raw material. It's very easy to prepare. It looks bright and appetizing! The taste – it more than meets all expectations!

List of ingredients:

  • 3 kg. raw mushrooms (I used milk mushrooms)
  • 750 gr. onions
  • 750-1200 gr. tomato
  • 750 gr. carrots
  • 750 gr. bell pepper
  • Vegetable oil (about 1 cup)
  • Salt and sugar to taste
  • 2-3 bunches of cilantro or parsley
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • Hot pepper, peppercorns, bay leaves to taste

Cooking process:

Immediately after collecting the milk mushrooms, you need to soak them for 2-3 days in cold water. I change the liquid 2 times a day. Then rinse thoroughly, removing all contaminants.

Do not use wormy or spoiled plants. This can be life-threatening!

Cut into arbitrary pieces, transfer to a saucepan, and bring to a boil. As soon as foam begins to build up, remove it. Boil for 10 minutes. Then we transfer it into a sieve and rinse with running water. Return it to the pan and fill it with a new portion of clean water.

Add 1 tbsp. salt, after boiling, cook for another 20 minutes. Strain and rinse again.

Chop the onion into small cubes. We remove the seeds from the bell pepper and wash it inside and out. Cut into small pieces.

Peel the carrots using three regular large graters. You can cut with a knife if you want. Wash the tomatoes and cut into medium slices. In this case, be sure to cut out the densest part where the stalk was previously attached.

To save time, we will use 3 frying pans. If you don't have this option, cook in turns. So, pour a little oil into each bowl.

I adjust the amount of vegetable oil by eye. That is, I pour it as much as I consider necessary during the process of frying food. In total it takes about 1 cup.

In separate pans, fry onions, peppers and carrots. You need to stir occasionally. Cook until golden brown. At the same time, you cannot fry too much until crispy - the vegetables should remain soft and juicy.

At the same time, grind the tomatoes and mushrooms separately through a meat grinder into 2 different bowls. The grate should be large.

We take a large, thick-bottomed pan in which we will cook our beauty. You can take aluminum or enamel dishes. Pour in sunflower oil so that it covers the bottom.

Add mushrooms here and fry for 2 minutes. Then, one by one, add the contents of all three frying pans - peppers, onions and carrots. Add tomato mass and mix everything.

Cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes first. Then you need to open the lid and assess the situation. Tomatoes come in different varieties – juicy and not so juicy. So, if their juiciness is not enough for a soft consistency, then you will need to twist them some more. More precisely, look at the facts.

The main thing is that there is enough liquid so that the caviar does not burn. Please note that the mass needs to be prepared for a full hour and a half.

Simmer for another 50 minutes (1 hour in total).

Grate the garlic, finely chop it or use a special press. We send it to the bulk. Immediately add finely chopped greens.

Source -

At this stage, you can also add peppercorns, bay leaves, and hot peppers. A drop of Tabasco sauce wouldn't hurt either. Add salt, sugar, taste. Simmer for another half hour.

During this time, we sterilize the jars in any way you are familiar with. Boil the lids for 5 minutes or pour boiling water in a separate bowl. We spread the hot mass, immediately after removing it from the stove, into the prepared glass container. Seal tightly, turn over and let cool under the “fur coat”.

The workpiece is stored both in a cold cellar and in a dark, not warm place in the apartment.

Mushroom caviar is a universal preparation that is always useful on the farm. For example, I love seasoning pasta with it - you don’t even need any other additions! Making a sandwich, filling tartlets, decorating snacks - all this is also a great option for using it. You can also add it to soup or fry it with potatoes. To be honest, I could go on forever!

You can prepare it from honey mushrooms, chanterelles, champignons, porcini and various other types of mushrooms. Carrots and onions, tomatoes or bell peppers are often added to the composition. Garlic is often added for flavor.

When I go into the forest and come back with a basket of trophies, I no longer think or wonder about their processing. Part of it goes for salting and marinating. And the most “unsightly” in appearance, the large ones go to the caviar. After all, it doesn’t matter what they looked like in a clearing in the forest, we’ll still put everything through a meat grinder.

Even if it’s not a mushroom year, I buy champignons at the market or store. Fortunately, they are available all year round. Because I can’t leave myself and my loved ones without this snack!

I hope my recipes today will be useful to you too. Take them to your social networks and use them for your health. Cook with pleasure! I wish you success and see you soon!

Author of the publication

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Recipe for honey mushroom caviar and eggplant

This method with the addition of eggplant and tomatoes allows you to get an original and juicy snack. Cooking is not tedious, it will take little time, and the result will surprise you with a healthy and nutritious dish.


  • honey mushrooms – 2 kg;
  • eggplants – 500 gr;
  • tomatoes – 700 gr;
  • onion – 350 gr;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • vinegar 9% – 50 ml;
  • horseradish leaves.

Cooking steps:

1. I clean the mushrooms from forest debris, wash them, and boil them in salted water for 20 minutes. Next, I put the honey mushrooms in a colander and wait until all the excess water has drained.

2. Peel the eggplants, cut them into pieces, grind them in a meat grinder, and fry them in oil for 20 minutes. I grind the tomatoes in a meat grinder and add them to the eggplants. Finely chop the garlic and onion and add it to the frying pan.

3. As soon as the mushrooms have cooled, I grind them in a meat grinder, send them for frying with the rest of the ingredients, salt to taste, and simmer under a closed lid for 40 minutes. Pour in vinegar and continue frying for another 15 minutes.

4. I put the finished caviar into jars, put a leaf of horseradish on top, and roll up the lids. After the workpiece has cooled, I store it in a cool place or keep it in the refrigerator.

I serve the appetizer cold or hot. It’s very tasty spread on black bread and served as a sandwich for breakfast. In fact, the result is almost overseas caviar, which combines two in one.

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