How to store dill

Preparing the greens

To ensure that the greens do not lose their beneficial properties and retain their taste for a long time, it is important to follow the preparation steps.

  • Collection. It is not recommended to tear greens with your hands, as damage reduces the shelf life by half. You need to collect dill using scissors or a knife. The weather should be dry and warm, since during the rains the crop is saturated with excess moisture.
  • Sorting. After harvesting, you need to sort through the crop and remove damaged leaves, cut off the roots if necessary (depending on the type of storage).
  • The washing up. The dill is washed under running water, then shaken and allowed to drain.
  • Drying. Use paper towels to dry the seasoning. First, blot, then lay out the twigs on paper sheets.

Important! It is not recommended to dry greens for a long time, otherwise they will become limp. 10-15 minutes is enough. The shelf life of dry, unwashed dill is longer.

How to keep dill fresh for a long time

The benefits of dill have been known for a long time. Even in ancient times, fragrant twigs were actively used for medicinal purposes. Dill has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, cardiovascular system and kidneys. In addition, it contains many vitamins necessary for the human body.

But dill is no less important in cooking. And with the onset of cold weather, I still want to use it in various dishes, giving them a bright aroma and unique taste. Therefore, the question of how to keep dill fresh for a long time interests many housewives. To prevent the plant from losing its freshness, some nuances should be taken into account.

Storing dill for the winter at home

There are different options for storing this greenery. You can do it:

You can also leave the twigs fresh, but you won’t be able to store them for long this way. Another way is to keep the dill in oil.

Each of these options has its own advantages and it is up to you which one you choose.

Storing dill in the refrigerator

This method is the simplest and most accessible, as it does not require special preparation or conditions. You just need to sort through all the leaves and remove dry or damaged parts, and then trim off the rough petioles. It would be correct to divide the greens into portions so that each is enough to prepare one dish. Cellophane bags or cling film will perfectly preserve all the taste, as well as the incomparable aroma of your favorite plant.

Storing pickled dill

This method is the most ancient, and dates back to a time when the freezer was not even invented. The advantage of this option is that salt perfectly prevents the development of harmful microorganisms, which helps preserve all the beneficial properties. To preserve dill and salt for the winter, you need to sort through the greens, getting rid of any damaged parts, place the plant in a jar, cover with salt and mix gently. For 5 parts dill, take 1 part salt. If you decide to store dill in a jar for the winter, keep in mind that you need to leave extra space in the container for the juice to be released. The contents of the container can be used gradually, adding to dishes as needed.

How to store dried dill

Dried dill takes up little space and is easy to store. You can dry the plant in different ways: in the microwave, in the oven, in the open air, or in a special dryer. Place the finished product in glass jars, close the lid tightly and use as needed.

Storing dill in oil

An excellent option to preserve dill longer is to place it in oil. To do this, finely chop the greens, place them in the cells of an ice container, pour in olive or vegetable oil and place in the freezer. The resulting cubes can be used in any dish.

How to keep dill umbrellas fresh?

If you want to store dill umbrellas, simply place the greens in a plastic bag and put them in the refrigerator, this will keep them fresh for a long time. Make sure that no moisture remains on the branches.

On a note. If you are going to keep your greens in the refrigerator, it is recommended that you do not wash them. However, any other storage method involves thoroughly washing the leaves and removing all damaged parts.

Shelf life and optimal temperature

If you want to keep your dill longer, use the refrigerator and cool, dark places. Direct sunlight should be avoided, and the temperature should not exceed +6C. How long can greens be stored? If the dill is fresh, it can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. When processed, the shelf life increases. So, you can keep it in the freezer for up to a year, and if you are going to store dill seeds, then the shelf life here is unlimited if the container is sealed.

How to choose the right dill for long-term storage

When buying these aromatic greens, pay attention to the condition of the leaves. They should be green and fresh. Any loss of moisture or color indicates that the process of rotting has begun. Another important criterion is the smell of greenery. The more aromatic the dill, the fresher it is. Pay attention to the tips of the stem and the place of the cut - they should be elastic and not wrinkle.

By following these simple rules, you will ensure long-term storage of dill and will be able to delight your loved ones with aromatic dishes with your favorite herbs all year round.

This method is the most ancient, and dates back to a time when the freezer was not even invented. The advantage of this option is that salt perfectly prevents the development of harmful microorganisms, which helps preserve all the beneficial properties. To preserve dill and salt for the winter, you need to sort through the greens, getting rid of any damaged parts, place the plant in a jar, cover with salt and mix gently. For 5 parts dill, take 1 part salt. If you decide to store dill in a jar for the winter, keep in mind that you need to leave extra space in the container for the juice to be released. The contents of the container can be used gradually, adding to dishes as needed.

What other way can you store dill?

You can store natural seasoning not only in the refrigerator, but also by drying it. The prepared grass is cut and laid out on a baking sheet or clean paper, which is placed on a dry and light area. After a week, a delicious, aromatic dressing for dishes is ready. Then the dried dill product is placed in a clean jar, tightly closed with a lid. Under this condition, the shelf life of the seasoning is 1-2 years.

Preparing green dill for winter storage

In order for aromatic herbs to be stored well, it must be properly prepared. And for this there are a few simple secrets:

  1. It is better to store dry twigs (you can wash them later, before serving).
  2. If you happen to buy washed dill (with still wet branches), you must first dry it with a towel.
  3. Suitable “packaging” includes cling film (with holes), small bags, paper towels, and wet newspaper.
  4. You cannot leave yellow twigs; you should remove them all, every single one.
  5. If you follow all the rules, dill will remain fresh on the refrigerator shelf for 30 days.

See also

How to grow dill in a greenhouse in winter, the best varieties, why the spice gets sick and how to sow them correctly



This is the best method to keep dill fresh. Such blanks can be made in different ways. In all cases, the greens retain a unique summer aroma.

Whole bunches

Dry the washed branches and wrap in cling film. Store in the freezer so that they do not come into contact with other products.


Chop clean dry herbs finely, as for decorating dishes. Grinding into crumbs is not necessary at all. Next, pack in bags or plastic containers. Now you can put it in the freezer.

In foil

Prepare greens as described above. Cut the foil into convenient pieces and make an envelope out of each. Then put the dill into these packages (2 - 3 teaspoons in each).

In an ice cube

Chop the green shoots with a knife. Take an ice cube tray and fill each cell with greens (more than half the cell's volume). Pour water on top. Place it in the freezer for the first time until the water completely hardens. Then put the cubes into any convenient container and put them back in the freezer.

Important! In the freezer, dill will retain its freshness for 6 to 8 months (that is, for 180-240 days).


As you know, salt is one of the best natural preservatives. For a long time, greens will be perfectly stored in the form of a ready-made dressing for first and second courses. For this method, it is best to take young dill before flowering.

Preliminary preparation is the same: wash, dry, finely chop. The greens should be placed in a clean jar in layers, sprinkling each with salt. For 1 kilogram of green mass you will need 200 grams of salt. The greens are crushed in the jar until the juice appears. After about a couple of days, the workpiece will shrink. Then you need to add a new portion and close it with a plastic lid. This dressing should be stored on the top shelf of the refrigerator, directly under the freezer. In a private home it will be convenient to store it in the basement.


In warm home conditions, for example, in an apartment, it is better to store dill dried. Dehydration of greens can be done using different methods.

See also

Features of growing bush dill for greens, description of its varieties and harvesting



The day before harvesting, the dill must be watered. Also sprinkle the branches themselves with water to wash away excess dust and insects. You need to cut the greens in the morning, before they are scorched by the sun. Then rinse, dry with towels or napkins and leave for another couple of minutes until the moisture is completely removed.

Using threads or elastic bands, tie the dill into bunches (10-15 branches each). In sunny, dry weather, hang it outside. To protect against bugs, it is recommended to wrap each bunch in a paper bag with slits in the bottom. You can also dry it at home. Drying time – 2 weeks.

In the oven

Prepare the branches in the same way as for natural drying. Preheat the oven to approximately 43˚C (the temperature may be lower). Cover the sheet with parchment paper, spread in one layer and dry in the oven for 2 to 4 hours. If the oven is very hot, the door may not be closed completely. You need to watch the dill so that it doesn’t burn. If the greens crumble easily, they are already sufficiently dried.

Advice! You can also dry it using a microwave or dehydrator (the temperature is set according to the instructions).

How to keep dill fresh for a long time?

Every housewife wants to keep dill fresh and fragrant for a long time. It is used in many dishes as a seasoning. Adding greens to the dish itself will add special notes to the taste. A sprig of fresh dill will transform even the most ordinary-looking food. The seasoning has medicinal properties, which many housewives use to prepare traditional medicine recipes. A large number of useful vitamins and microelements, as well as accessibility, make greens very popular. Proper storage of dill will allow you to use it until the next harvest.

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Dill can be prepared for storage in home drying conditions without the use of special equipment. The plant can be dried with whole branches or finely chopped. In the first case, the stems are cut to the base and, after the processing procedure, they are tied and hung until completely dry, after which they are removed and placed in a basket or special containers.

In most cases, the greens are finely chopped and laid out on a flat surface in a thin, even layer.

Periodically it is necessary to turn the layer over to achieve uniform drying.

The advantage of oven drying is the speed of the process, but the nutritional value and value of dill is reduced. Drying is carried out in the oven when heated to a temperature of no more than + 60 °C. Drying greens in the microwave is not recommended, as this leads to the destruction of the beneficial qualities of the plant.

How to store fresh dill

Fresh herbs in any dish look pleasant and joyful, reminiscent of sunny summer days with their taste and aroma. In addition, this way it retains all its beneficial properties. To keep dill fresh at home longer, you can use several methods.

  • A fragrant green bouquet will feel great for 2-3 days, standing in a jar of water at room temperature. To extend its life by 3-4 days, you can cover the greens with a plastic bag and put them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • Packed in plastic film, a perforated bag, or in a special plastic container, dill can stay in the refrigerator for about a week without loss.
  • Dill can be stored in the refrigerator for about a month if you put the bunch in a plastic bag, place the onion cut into four parts and tie it tightly. Do not wash the greens before packaging and ventilate them after five days, at the same time replacing the onions with fresh ones.
  • Dill can be stored even longer, up to two months, in the refrigerator if it is pre-washed and dried, finely chopped and placed in dry glass jars under plastic lids.

How to store dried dill?

Dried dill can be stored in a regular glass jar, since the container is airtight and does not allow moisture to penetrate inside, which is an important condition for the possibility of long-term storage of the seasoning. At the same time, it is possible to control how much greenery is in stock. Some people store the dry mixture in small linen bags, but with this method, the smell of the seasoning can spread to surrounding products.

The most popular way to preserve dill is to place bunches of the plant in a regular jar of water.

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