Proper storage of trout

Types of red fish

There are many types of red fish that are popular among gourmets. Let's look at the main ones.

  • The most popular is salmon. It is quite large in size, which is why it is so valued. Its meat is quite fatty and has a pink color with lightish veins.
  • Trout looks little different from salmon, but its meat is less fatty. This fish goes well with most heavy foods.
  • Pink salmon has soft pink flesh that is much lighter than that of salmon and trout. This is a very low-fat fish, which is very good to use for salting at home.
  • Sockeye salmon also has red flesh, but it is much brighter and richer than that of other fish of the salmon family. This fish tastes very tender and juicy. It goes well with products that cannot overpower its specific taste.

Each type of red fish is perfect for both salting and heat treatment. Therefore, which fish to choose depends solely on personal taste preferences, because there are so many opinions, as many people as there are.

The only thing that is very important to pay attention to when purchasing it is freshness, because the quality of a home-cooked dish depends on this.

Storing fish in the freezer

Red fish is one of the few that can be safely stored in the freezer. This method of preservation does not have a negative impact on either its structure or taste. In most cases, the following varieties are frozen:

  • Salmon is one of the most popular varieties, famous for its large size and fatty pink meat with white streaks.
  • Trout, which in appearance is practically no different from salmon, but its flesh is less fatty, which is important for people on a diet. Trout is recommended to be combined with heavier foods.
  • Pink salmon is the best choice for home pickling, as its pulp initially has a delicate structure and a beautiful pink tint. The percentage of fat is less than that of salmon and trout.
  • Sockeye salmon has the most pronounced red hue, which is why it looks better than others on canapés and other festive dishes. Sockeye salmon is distinguished by its tender and juicy fillet, the taste of which cannot be confused with any other.

To store any of the presented varieties in the freezer, you must properly prepare:

  • Make sure that there is sufficient salting, since in sub-zero temperatures salting will not take place, and after defrosting you may not get the result that was expected.
  • It is recommended to cut large whole pieces into portions, so that later you do not have to defrost the whole carcass to cut off just a couple of pieces.
  • Dry each slice with a clean cloth kitchen towel or paper napkin. Excess moisture has a negative impact on the structure of meat, making it more loose and watery.
  • The resulting pieces should be divided into several portions, which will make freezing easier and faster.
  • Portions are wrapped in several layers of cling film, and then, if desired, placed in one bag or individually laid out in a freezer drawer.

In the freezer, salted fillet can be stored for 6-7 months, but only if there is no intermediate defrosting. It must be remembered that the longer a seafood product is frozen, the worse its taste becomes, so it is still not recommended to exceed the six-month threshold.

The pieces should be defrosted at low temperatures, that is, in the refrigerator, which preserves the pleasant color and rich taste of the product. Repeated freezing is strictly prohibited, since as a result the elastic pieces will turn into an unappetizing, falling apart fish mush.

Regardless of the packaging method, salted red fish should be a pleasant pink hue, but in no case bright orange. An overly saturated color indicates the use of dyes, which is unacceptable for a quality product. The veins must be light in color, which also indicates the absence of dyes in the composition.

How to salt red fish at home - dry salting and all the secrets

Do you want to lighten your family budget and diversify your diet, including seafood? Let's figure out how to salt red fish at home. The recipe with photos and step-by-step instructions is uniquely simple and very interesting.

We guarantee excellent results - for spectacular sandwiches, appetizers and salads, and all this - for little money! Especially if you compare how much raw and already salted red fish costs in the store.

It’s surprising why in our country, with the craze for preparing for the winter, home-salmon salting has not taken root. It's so simple and delicious on the first try!

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How to preserve salted fish for a long time

Any salted fish must be stored in a cool place, the best storage place is of course the refrigerator, but you need to constantly monitor it. During storage, the fish may become covered with a white coating, which means that the fish is already beginning to deteriorate. In this case, the fish must be thoroughly washed and cooked. You can also store fish in vegetable oil. In this case, you need to put the fish in the jar and fill it with oil.

If the fish needs to be preserved for a very long time, then only freezing will do, but the taste will be noticeably different.

In any case, salted fish is stored longer than just fish, that is, not salted or smoked.

The best way to store salted fish is vacuum packaging, but this is all done in specialized production.

Well, if we consider storing salted fish at home, then in order for the salted fish to be preserved for a longer time, you need to store the fish in the refrigerator after wrapping it in parchment paper or a clean soft cloth.

Naturally, fish will be stored in the freezer much longer than just sitting on shelves or in refrigerator compartments.

Salted fish immersed in sunflower oil or canned fish in a saline solution can also be stored for a long time.

A very convenient circumstance is the presence of salted fish in the house, which can be used as a “handy” snack.

You can preserve salted fish for as long as possible in the following ways:

  • Immediately after salting, wrap the fish in parchment paper or cloth and put it in the refrigerator. This way it can be stored for up to 5 days.
  • Herring must be stored in the brine in which it was stored in the barrel. You can moisten a cloth with brine and wrap it around the fish.
  • Place the herring in an enamel saucepan or glass jar, pour in vegetable oil.
  • salted red fish wrapped in paper or cloth (not polyethylene) can be stored in the freezer, very cold.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Five Beetroots
Before the holidays, you always want to pamper yourself, your loved ones, or your guests with something delicious. One of these holiday delicacies can be salted red fish. However, it is better to salt it yourself than to buy it and sometimes have to store it for even a single day. Freezing or some kind of heat treatment greatly destroys the beneficial properties of fish.

But there are still storage methods. I use one of these myself with success. I put salted fish without skin (only fillets) in a glass jar in a very dense layer. I add bay leaf and black pepper. Then I pour vegetable oil into the jar so that it completely covers the fish, close the top with a plastic lid, and then put it in the refrigerator.

Products in vacuum packaging must not contain air or liquid. Their presence indicates non-compliance with production technology. Thermal packaging must be hermetically sealed and contain no air.

You should definitely pay attention to the expiration date written on the packaging. Also, you should not buy vacuum packaging stored on the shelves of the sales area, outside of refrigeration equipment

How long does cooked fish last: fried, boiled and baked?

After heat treatment, fried, boiled or baked fish can remain at room temperature for 2-3 hours. After this, it needs to be put in the refrigerator.

To do this, wrap it in foil or cling film. In this state it can be stored for no more than 36 hours. After this, it is not suitable for food; the finished product cannot be frozen.

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Fish is a source of easily digestible proteins, rare fatty acids and all essential nutrients. Therefore, products made from it should be included in the weekly diet at least 2 times, which requires at least minimal supplies of the product in the refrigerator. A special marker of fish quality is proper storage and compliance with expiration dates.

Author: MarinaKunovskaya · Published 08/07/2009 · Updated 01/24/2019

Sanitary standards for the shelf life of perishable foods in the refrigerator, at a temperature of +2 - +6 degrees Celsius, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health in 1986 and still used by regulatory authorities in post-Soviet countries, should hardly be considered guidelines for home use. Their main goal is to prevent food from becoming infected even in the most unfavorable conditions. Such, for example, as heat and a high level of microbial contamination outside the refrigeration chamber at the time of preparation of the semi-finished product, or sharply reduced immunity in the consumer.

It is interesting to note that domestic standards are more stringent than in many other countries: for example, rules for army canteens in the United States allow most types of portioned food to be stored for 24 hours.

In addition, these standards do not require the use of special storage devices: such as tightly packing hot dishes in cling film, foil, or placing them in vacuum containers. Meanwhile, such measures can really extend the life of the product.

Most consumers are accustomed to determining the suitability of a product for consumption based on its appearance, smell and taste. And this method has its own logic: rotting, fermentation, fat oxidation and microbiological spoilage, possible in a refrigerator, usually lead to a change in the organoleptic properties of food. It makes sense to play it safe when it comes to foods high in protein and moisture - raw eggs in homemade sauces, homemade meat and fish salads.

How to store red fish

How to store salted red fish? We have to take into account the conditions in which the product was previously located. We will tell you in this article how the delicacy will retain its taste and benefits.

In salted form, the product is purchased in carcasses or sliced ​​in vacuum packaging. Some people prefer to salt fish at home

At the same time, it is important for both to know about proper storage of the product.

Red fish is not only tasty, but also a healthy product. It is important to preserve as much as possible the acids and vitamins contained in it that are necessary for the body. This is not possible with heat treatment. The solution is found in salting.

You can salt salmon, the largest representative of this variety, and trout, the fattest of all varieties, and lean pink salmon, and juicy sockeye salmon. The quality of the prepared product will directly depend on the freshness of the raw materials.

The dry pulp (after blotting with a napkin) is cut into portions and placed in a deeper container. Taking 1 tsp. coarse salt per ½ kg of fish and a little sugar, sprinkle with fish pieces. Having added spices - soy sauce, bay leaf and allspice, the dish is placed under a press and covered with film, leaving everything at room temperature for 2 hours.

After removing excess salt, the fish is kept in the refrigerator for a day. You can avoid a long wait if you season the fish with a marinade that contains vegetable oil, salt, spices, onions and sugar. After 8 hours, the dish is served.

In this form, the product remains suitable for approximately 25 days.

The salted fish carcass is stored for up to 10 days, wrapped in a cloth soaked in vinegar and cling film.

When a specialized factory is engaged in salting fish and the product reaches the table in vacuum packaging, its shelf life in the refrigerator at a temperature of –8 to –4 is up to one and a half months. It is important to consider the following:

• the quality of the product deteriorates if, after storage in the refrigerator, it is moved to the freezer;

• fish pieces in open vacuum packaging cannot be stored for more than a day;

• unused fillets can be kept in the refrigerator in cling film for several days.

The shelf life of the product increases significantly if it is placed in the freezer. Sufficiently large pieces must be removed from excess moisture using a kitchen towel, wrapped individually in cling film and placed in a sealed bag. This way the product will not deteriorate for about six months.

Experienced chefs do not recommend storing red fish for a long time, since over time its meat dries out and loses its delicate taste.

Smoked is better for a short time. It will last a week.

How to store salted trout?

Trout is a red fish, a delicacy that for many people occupies one of the main places at the holiday feast. Brook trout, which lives in clean mountain rivers, is considered the most delicious. Rainbow trout are often bred in artificial reservoirs, as they grow quickly. However, it has not only excellent taste, but also a lot of useful substances.

Its main advantage is Omega-3 fatty acids, which lower cholesterol levels and strengthen blood vessels. How to salt trout, what is needed for this? When salting whole fish, it is not necessary to clean the scales. Cut off the head and tail, cut across and lengthwise. Mix sugar and salt and rub the fish on both sides.

Then cover with a kitchen towel and leave for 5-6 hours at room temperature. When salting trout fillets, remove all the bones and separate the skin. They also rub the fish with a mixture of salt and sugar, cover it with parchment and place a weight. After the juice has been released, after about 2-3 hours, the load is removed, turned over to the other side and put in the refrigerator overnight.

When thinking about the question of how to store salted trout, it is important to remember that it is necessary to exclude the entry of light and air, otherwise, under the influence of oxygen, microorganisms begin to multiply, forming a white sticky coating on the surface. One effective way to protect against air is to immerse trout in refined vegetable oil.

The part of the fish that needs to be preserved for the longest possible time should be dried with napkins and each piece should be wrapped separately in clean cotton cloth or parchment paper. Store in the freezer. How long can salted trout be stored is a question every lover of this fish asks himself. Any fish, even salted fish, cannot be stored for long.

When salting at home, without using preservatives, it is advisable to consume the fish immediately. Salted trout, drenched in refined vegetable oil, can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. And fish wrapped in cloth or parchment can preserve itself for 2 months. If the appearance of the fish or the foreign smell is in doubt, then it is better not to eat it.

How to store fresh fish

If you are lucky enough to buy fresh fish in a store or market, be sure to wash it as soon as possible, then dry it and only then place it in the refrigerator, preferably in the freezer. If the fish has entrails, then they also need to be removed immediately, since they are an excellent breeding ground for harmful microbes. Before placing the fish in the refrigerator, wrap it in a plastic bag - this will make it much juicier.

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Fresh fish is best stored at a temperature of about 1°C. Only take it out of the freezer when you are sure you will cook it right away. After all, fish is nutritious not only for humans, numerous bacteria multiply very quickly in it, so you should not take risks. Fish should not be stored together with dairy products - they will certainly become saturated with a fishy smell, and eating them will be very unpleasant.

Remember that unpeeled fish retains freshness, aroma and taste longer than fish fillets without skin. This is due to the fact that fish skin is a natural barrier, leaving all the useful and nutrients in it. In addition, if you cook fish with the skin on, all the juice will remain inside, and dishes made from it will not be too dry.

Do not store fillets and whole pieces of fish together; it is better to separate them from each other and pack them in different air- and waterproof bags. Food-grade aluminum foil is also suitable for this purpose, but you just need to be careful about packaging.


This is a long-term method of canning, which, if the technology is followed, allows you to preserve up to 90-95% of the nutritional value of fish.

At home, the most convenient method is “shock” freezing. It involves the fastest possible exposure of fish tissue to low temperatures. With such freezing, the ice crystals formed do not destroy the structure of the product.

  • setting the temperature to −24°C in the freezer one day before freezing;
  • cutting fish into small pieces;
  • drying with a paper towel;
  • hermetically sealed product packaging in plastic bags;
  • laying out on a tray in one layer;
  • holding for 24 hours.

The frozen product is transferred into compact containers or into a common plastic bag. In the future, the optimum storage temperature is −18°C.

Storage periods vary and depend on the amount and chemical composition of fat. Ocean fish from 3 to 5, river fish up to 10 months.

Unexpected defrosting of the product leads to violation of shelf life. This happens during a long blackout or when the refrigerator breaks down. For this case, there are certain recommendations that will help avoid loss of product.

How to defrost fish correctly

The optimal defrosting method for preserving the quality of the product is to place it in the refrigerator at a temperature of +5°C. So the process of dissolving ice crystals occurs slowly and does not significantly change the structure of the meat. Depending on the size of the fish carcass, this process can take from 8 to 24 hours.

When you don’t have time to wait for a long time, you can use several quick methods:

  • placing the carcass under running water at a temperature of 15°C-25°C;
  • using a microwave, steamer or oven;
  • water bath method;
  • sprinkling with salt.

To prevent the evaporation of water and along with it beneficial nutrients, when defrosting the product is always covered with cling film.

Thawed and fresh fish without preservation can be stored for no more than 24 hours, provided it is placed in the refrigerator.

Which red fish to salt

The process should begin with the selection of fish. The best salted red fish is obtained from salmon, trout, as well as from other species: coho salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, and pink salmon. In general, you can salt any available red fish at home.

Remember that frozen salted red fish will be no worse than fresh fish, but you will spend less time cutting it. In addition, it is believed that possible parasites die in frozen fish. Although some fishermen recognize only fresh salted red fish.

Features of storing fresh and salted trout

The following recipe is suitable for storing fish salted at home:

  1. After salting, remove the skin from the fish, leaving only the flesh.
  2. Salted trout is cut into pieces and compacted into a glass or plastic container as tightly as possible.
  3. You can preserve salted trout at home in combination with pepper or bay leaves - then you will need to fill the compacted trout with sunflower oil to the brim.
  4. The jar should be tightly closed and the lightly salted fish should be placed in the refrigerator.

There is another recipe with which lightly salted trout can last a long time in the refrigerator:

  • the fillet is wrapped in material that is soaked in acetic acid;
  • the workpiece is wrapped in cellophane film or sent in a bag;
  • and in this form the fish is stored in the refrigerator for no more than one and a half weeks.

Among other things, a factory-made piece of trout that was placed on the refrigerator counter does not need to be frozen. Temperature changes will negatively affect such fish and its quality will decrease significantly. And after the package is opened, the fish should be consumed within 24-30 hours.

If this is not possible, then the trout is wrapped in cling film. It can be stored in this form for several days.

Housewives who want to extend the shelf life of salted trout should know that the fish can be kept frozen in the freezer. To do this, the fillet is cut into large pieces, they are wiped with dry paper towels, and then wrapped in cling film. In this form, the product will last up to six months. But every month the trout will become drier and lose its taste.

Red salted fish is a valuable source of essential omega acids. This product gives beauty, youth, is useful for men, women, children, and the elderly. Previously, it was considered a delicacy. Nowadays it appears more and more often on our tables and is present in the daily diet. Therefore, every housewife should know the storage rules, expiration dates, and signs of spoilage.

Fish of the salmon family has a delicate taste and light aroma, so it is often used lightly salted. This option is most susceptible to damage. If there is insufficient salt in the product, bacteria actively develop and the risk of poisoning increases. Let's look at how to store salted red fish at home, how much and where it is better to do it, what kind of dishes and packaging to choose.

Spicy mackerel

If you prefer rich, spicy combinations, here's a delicious recipe for pickling fish. Here the main role is played by mackerel. She feels comfortable in the company of spices, even the most fragrant ones. Depending on how salty you want the fish to be, choose the holding time. Two hours will be enough for the mackerel to become slightly salted. For a stronger degree of salting, it will take 4–5 hours.


  • mackerel carcass - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • water - 500 ml
  • coarse salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - 15 pcs.
  • nutmeg - 0.5 tsp.
  • ground coriander - 0.5 tsp.
  • mustard seeds - 0.5 tsp.
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Cut the mackerel into 1 cm thick slices and place in a glass jar. Gently bring the water to a boil. As it heats up, add salt, onion half rings and all the spices, mix everything well. Boil the marinade over low heat for 7–8 minutes, cool to 35–38 °C, and pour the mackerel into the jar.

These are the recipes we came up with for salting fish. They may well appear on your New Year's table. However, there are many more variations on this theme. Find more interesting ideas on our website. Do you prepare this delicacy yourself at home? What kind of fish do you choose for this? Do you have a signature marinade and salting method? We will be glad if you share recipes with other readers.

How long can you store fish in the freezer?

  1. After defrosting, apply a little vegetable oil to the surface of the skin. Simply lubricate the surface.
  2. Use defrosted fish to prepare dishes that require pre-marination.
  3. Use vinegar as a component for creating a marinade, especially if you are preparing fatty fish. If the product is low-fat, the essence can be replaced with lemon juice.
  • fat appeared under the skin;
  • storage conditions were not observed;
  • it was allowed to re-freeze;
  • the fish had been sitting on the counter too long.

A yellowish tint on the surface of unpeeled fatty fish is quite acceptable. Such a defect indicates that not shock freezing, but regular freezing was used. There is no danger when using this product; it can be used without fear. In other cases, carefully inspect the frozen product and evaluate its quality. If it meets the other criteria (normal fishy smell, no damage), it can be used for cooking.

To ensure that frozen fish does not lose its taste, it must be properly defrosted before cooking. It is better to do this in the refrigerator so that the fish defrosts on its own. This process is quite lengthy, so many housewives try to speed it up by taking the fish out of the refrigerator and adding warm water to it.

Video about how and how long you can store fish in the refrigerator

Is it possible to store defrosted fish in the refrigerator? After the fish is defrosted, it must be cooked immediately. You should not keep it in the refrigerator for more than one day, otherwise there is a risk of greatly spoiling the taste of the future dish. In order not to ask the question of how long you can store defrosted fish in the refrigerator, you need to think about when to start the defrosting process and what will be prepared from it.

How long can smoked fish be stored in the refrigerator? If the fish has been cold smoked, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days. At the same time, it must be stored, first wrapped in paper. Hot smoked fish should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

If you smoked fish at home, but you can’t eat it all, you can freeze it. In such conditions, the meat will last for about 3 months. If you don’t want to freeze it, you can do the following: wrap the smoked fish in a cloth soaked in salt and put it in a safe place. At a temperature no higher than 3 degrees Celsius, wrapped smoked fish can safely lie for about a month.

If we are talking about smoked fish balyk, then it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. If the balyk is cut into pieces, then you will need to eat them after 3 days. During such storage, it is necessary to monitor the smell and ensure that mold does not appear on the fish.

How long can fish be stored in the refrigerator after it has been cooked? After the fish has been heat-treated, it can be stored for a certain time under normal room conditions. Everyone knows that cooked fish needs to be cooled after the oven or frying pan. That is why it is customary to put such dishes on the table.

If we are talking about

and other similar fish dishes with rice, it is best to use special sushi cases. Under normal refrigerator conditions, sushi should be stored for no more than a day. If after this there are leftovers, then it is better to throw them away without the slightest regret.

Fans of dried foods often wonder: how long can dried fish be stored in the refrigerator? The good news is that it can be stored for quite a long time, since salt in this case will play the role of a preservative. And if dried roach, ram, perch, sabrefish, bream, roach and other types of fish are well dried, then they can be stored for a whole year. For this purpose, the fish should be wrapped in high-density wrapping paper and kept in a dark and dry place.

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It is known that in the past, dried fish was often stored in newspapers, which is absolutely forbidden to do, since printing inks contain a fairly large amount of lead. Nowadays there are safer storage methods. For example, you can take parchment, a glass or tin jar with lids, craft paper, etc.

Many housewives love to cook or serve salted fish. You can cook this fish yourself or buy it at any fish store. On the shelves you can find a wide variety of varieties of similar fish. You must understand that if the fish is stored in brine, its shelf life increases greatly. The length of storage will depend on the amount of salt that was used in the preparation of such foods.

So, how long can salted fish be stored, depending on the type, at a temperature of 0 to 3 degrees Celsius:

  • Lightly salted salmon, classic home salting - from 2 to 3 days.
  • Herring in brine – from 15 to 30 days.
  • Salmon in vacuum packaging – 30 days.
  • Fatty mackerel – about 10 days.
  • Any heavily salted fish can be stored without freezing for about 30 days.
  • Marinated and medium-salted fish – about 15 days.
  • Lightly salted fish can be stored for no more than 6 days.
  • Pieces of salmon, herring, and salmon can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3 months if they are pre-filled with vegetable oil.

Fans of fish cutlets and other similar dishes are interested in the question: how long can minced fish be stored in the refrigerator? After preparing or purchasing minced meat, you can safely store it in the refrigerator for 6 hours in a row. If minced meat was purchased or prepared for future use, it must be frozen. Minced fish will keep quietly in the freezer for about 3 months. If you bought very chilled minced meat, then without opening the packaging, it can be stored in the refrigerator for about a day.

And finally, before purchasing any type of fish, you should pay special attention to its freshness. A fresh product will never have any foreign odors. If you have even the slightest doubt about the quality and freshness of the fish, it is better to pass it by and look for a better, albeit more expensive, option.

Do you adhere to the rules for storing fish, and do you have your own storage secrets? Tell us about it in the comments.

Recipes for salting red fish

Before salting, the fish must be completely defrosted, rinsed and blotted with napkins. After this you can start cooking. Salt should be coarsely ground. Dishes - an airtight container or something else suitable in size, but not metal, plus a lid or film. Fish can be salted in the form of steaks, fillets with skin, fillets without skin, portioned pieces and more.

A simple recipe for salting red fish. This recipe is known to every housewife - the method is suitable for salting all red fish:

  • 1 tablespoon of sugar and 2 tablespoons of salt per kilogram of fish.

Sprinkle red fish fillets with a mixture of salt and sugar, place skin side out in a dish with a lid or in a bowl with film. The fish will give juice, in which it will have to be salted for 1-2 days. If desired, you can add dill, pepper, bay leaf, lemon zest, coriander or other seasonings. Some lubricate with refined vegetable oil. Here you should be guided by your own taste.

  • 0.5 tablespoon of demerera sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of cognac per 500 grams of fish.

You can salt steaks this way. Sprinkle the fish on each side with salt and sugar, place in a container, pour cognac into it, close tightly and place in the refrigerator. During salting, the fish must be turned over several times. Salt - 2-3 days. Instead of demerera, you can take regular sugar, and instead of cognac, vodka.

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Recipe for marinated salmon An incredibly spicy way to pickle red fish. Soy sauce is added to the pickling marinade, which gives special notes to the fish.

  • 0.5 kg salmon, 1 tablespoon coarse salt, 0.5 tablespoon sugar, 2 tablespoons soy sauce, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 0.5 teaspoons ground coriander.

Mix soy sauce, olive oil, coriander and lemon juice. Rub a piece of salmon with salt and sugar. Place the fish in a container, cover with marinade and refrigerate for 2-3 days.

Recipe for lightly salted salmon with lemon juice Fish and lemon - an eternal classic! The aromas of salmon prepared in this way will drive any gourmet crazy.

  • For 1 kg of salmon you need to take 3-4 tablespoons of salt, ground black pepper to taste, 4 bay leaves, half a lemon for juice.

Cut the fillet into portions and sprinkle with salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and place in a container so that the fish is in contact with the meat. Don't forget to put a bay leaf between the pieces and also rub the sides with salt. In a day or two the fish will be ready.

Rainbow trout

  • Preparation time: 1 day.
  • Number of servings: 4-5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 198 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner/holiday.
  • Cuisine: Russian, Scandinavian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The iridescent type of red fish is more suitable for salting than others. Experts recommend choosing sea trout rather than river trout for spicy salting, since it is fattier, has a brighter color and elastic structure. Such a tasty and beautiful, delicate product is much more pleasant to eat and decorate other food for the holiday with pieces of it.

  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • ground black pepper;
  • rainbow trout fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 150 g;
  • salt – 0.2 kg.
  1. Take a deep container, add chopped dill, sugar, pepper and salt inside.
  2. Place the fish fillet skin side down and sprinkle with the prepared mixture. Do the same with the other piece.
  3. Prepared carcasses should be wrapped in cling film and placed under a press for a day, placed in any container. After the allotted time, the question of whether rainbow trout can be salted will be resolved.

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Find out more ways to salt fish.

  • Preparation time: 1-3 days.
  • Number of servings: 6-7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 198 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a festive table/dinner.
  • Cuisine: Scandinavian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Salting salmon is entirely pleasant for housewives because it practically does not require cutting. Chefs believe that the better the integrity of the carcass is preserved, the tastier the final product will be. It will take a little more time to make. The duration of salting according to the step-by-step recipe depends on the size of the fish, its type, and the taste that you want to get as a result.

  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • fish carcass – 1 pc.;
  • olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • black pepper.
  1. To quickly salt fish at home, open the bellies of the trout and remove the entrails, caviar or milk. There is no need to cut off the head, fins and tail. Rinse the cut carcass thoroughly and dry with paper towels.
  2. The second step is to know how to prepare the brine to pickle the product. To do this, mix salt and sugar, squeeze out the juice of 1 lemon, add olive oil. Adding black pepper to the mixture will add some spice to the taste.
  3. Place the fish in an enamel or plastic dish of suitable size. Cover the carcass with the pickling mixture and cover with a plate. Oppression should be placed on top.
  4. The process of how to pickle whole trout at home needs to be completed by placing the entire structure in the refrigerator. The bottom shelf is best for this.
  5. Refrigerate the fish until done. This takes from 1 to 3 days. The time it takes to complete the step-by-step recipe depends on the size of the fish.
  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Number of servings: 5-6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 224 kcal.
  • Purpose: festive table.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The method of salting salmon “wet” gives the product juiciness, softness and a spicy taste. The hostess will need to make a minimum of effort. The brine is easily prepared using vegetable fat, vinegar and a variety of spices. Adding lemon juice will add a little sourness. In 2 hours you will get delicious, spicy salted trout in oil in a quick way.

  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • water – ½ l;
  • salt – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • trout – 1000 g;
  • vinegar (6%) – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • black peppercorns – 8 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion – 1 head.
  1. At the first stage of the quick method of how to salt trout in brine, you need to cut the fish. You should remove the bones, fins, tail, head.
  2. Cut the resulting fillet into pieces and sprinkle well with lemon juice. Place the slices in a bowl, placing bay leaves, pepper and onion, cut into rings, between them.
  3. The next step on how to cook red fish is mixing the brine. Combine vegetable oil, lemon juice and water. Pour the mixture into the fish fillet bowl.
  4. Place pressure on the product and leave for a couple of hours to salt. In 2 hours you will get delicious, spicy salted trout in oil in a quick way.

Storing red fish in the refrigerator

If you bought fresh fish and salted it yourself, then the best storage method would be the following. After salting, it is necessary to remove the skin from the fish, leaving only the fillet. Next, cut it into pieces and place in a glass jar in a thick layer. If desired, you can add black pepper or bay leaf.

There is another way to store lightly salted fish. The carcass must be wrapped in a cloth soaked in vinegar and placed in a tightly sealed bag or cling film. You can store this fish in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

If you purchased factory-salted fish in vacuum packaging, then it must be stored according to the indicated expiration date, but no more than 45 days at a temperature of -8 to -4 degrees and a month at a temperature of 0-6 degrees

In addition, it is important to follow the following rules: . If the purchased fish was stored in a store in refrigeration equipment, you should not try to store it for a long time in the freezer

Due to temperature changes and the need for subsequent defrosting, the quality of the meat will deteriorate. After opening the vacuum packaging, it is advisable to consume the fish within 24 hours. If you cannot use the fillet at one time, you need to wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator. However, do not forget that the storage period should not exceed several days.

  • If the purchased fish was stored in a store in refrigeration equipment, you should not try to store it for a long time in the freezer. Due to temperature changes and the need for subsequent defrosting, the quality of the meat will deteriorate.
  • After opening the vacuum packaging, it is advisable to consume the fish within 24 hours.
  • If you cannot use the fillet at one time, you need to wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator. However, do not forget that the storage period should not exceed several days.

Trout shelf life

  • Shelf life: 10 days
  • Expiration date: not specified
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 10 days
  • Freezer life: not specified

Trout that was purchased at the store should be stored in the refrigerator. If the fish was frozen, then it must be placed in the freezer as soon as possible so that it does not have time to defrost. Currently, fish poisoning is considered the most dangerous of food poisonings. When re-frozen, in addition to the fact that the taste of the product disappears, dangerous bacteria also begin to rapidly multiply in it.

It is best to store fish chilled, not just in the refrigerator, but on a bed of crushed ice. In order for it to be stored longer, you can lubricate it with a mixture of vegetable oil and a weak solution of vinegar, and thoroughly rinse the solution before using it. In this condition, the fish can be stored in the refrigerator for several days longer.

After a few days of storing fish on a bed of ice, a slight coating may appear on it. Its appearance does not mean that the fish is spoiled. You just need to remove this coating and use the trout as soon as possible.

You can store trout in the freezer. It is best to do this in plastic bags or baking paper. With this storage, the structure of the meat and the taste of the fish will be better preserved. Before freezing fish, be sure to remove excess moisture from it using paper napkins. When you need to defrost it, you should know that quick defrosting is not for it. First, you need to put it in the refrigerator, and only then at room temperature. If chilled fish was purchased, it must be gutted and thoroughly cleaned before freezing.

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If the fish is stored chilled in the refrigerator, then it must be removed away from smoked sausages or meat. It is better not to store dairy products near fish, as they will absorb the smell of trout and quickly spoil. If you keep the fish in a salt solution for a while before storing it in the refrigerator, it will last a little longer.

Trout is a product that belongs to the category of fish with fatty meat. That is why it is better not to store it in the refrigerator for more than six months. Salted fish or marinated fish can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days.

It is best to store fish chilled, not just in the refrigerator, but on a bed of crushed ice. In order for it to be stored longer, you can lubricate it with a mixture of vegetable oil and a weak solution of vinegar, and thoroughly rinse the solution before using it. In this condition, the fish can be stored in the refrigerator for several days longer.

Storing frozen fish

If you buy frozen fish, then in the store carefully inspect the packaging in which it was stored. If you notice an unpleasant odor or suspicious spots, do not take this fish under any circumstances, because your health is more important. The maximum shelf life of frozen fish is 50 days.

Naturally, frozen fish needs to be thawed in some way. Do not try to force the defrosting process, there is no need to rush here, let everything go naturally. Place the fish in the refrigerator for several hours, so it will defrost at the right pace.

Fish, like meat, should not be defrosted in warm, much less hot, water. As has already been said, this process must proceed gradually, and besides, fish thawed in water after being cooked will no longer be so healthy. Remember one more very important rule - you should never freeze fish a second time. Its taste deteriorates greatly after this.

Features and shelf life of chilled fish

Most people choose to freeze unused fish to prevent it from spoiling.
For this storage method, you should choose fresh, odorless carcasses. It is important to rinse the whole fish to remove any remaining water. The product can be frozen either whole or in parts. After preparation, it is placed in a specialized thermal bag or vacuum packaging. To prevent the meat from drying out too much, you can leave the skin on when freezing. Also, after the carcasses are placed in the freezer, you can turn on the super freezing function on the refrigerator. This function helps you freeze food in a very short period of time without loss of quality.

The shelf life of frozen fish varies: meat can be stored in the freezer for three to six months. The period varies depending on how it was frozen. The main role here is not played by the variety; the temperature is much more important: it is necessary to strictly ensure that in the compartment where the fish is located it is always constant.


GOST for chilled fish stipulates that it should be stored at a temperature from 0 to -2 °C.

Fishing period For large For small fish (haddock, capelin, etc.)
from October to March 12 days 9 days
from April to September 10 days 7 days

Pond fish packed without ice can be stored at a temperature not exceeding 6 °C for no more than 2 days.

Ice cream

Storage of frozen fish is regulated at a temperature not higher than -18 ᵒC.

Shelf life of frozen product according to GOST

All other uncut fish are stored for no more than 4 months, cut - 3 months.

If the storage temperature is not higher than -25 °C, then the period is increased by 2 months.

Hot smoked

• at a temperature of 2–6 °C – no more than 48 hours; • from -2 to 2 °C – 72 hours; • at -18 °C – 30 days.

Cold smoked

For such a product, temperature parameters are defined from -5 to 0 °C, and the period is no more than 2 months. At the same temperature, vacuum-packed fish can be stored for no more than 20 days. At temperatures not higher than -8 °C, the period increases to 30 days.

If the fish is from inland waters, then store it for up to 40 days at a temperature of -2 to 1 °C.


• lightly salted – 4 months; • medium salted – 6 months; • strongly salted – 9 months.

At home, store fish only in the refrigerator and for no more than a day. You don’t know how long it was stored before it came into your kitchen. Don't risk your health.

The fish should go into the refrigerator gutted. Ideally: brought, gutted, placed in the refrigerator, or better yet, cooked immediately.

In a refrigerator

Bags and paper are already a thing of the past. A plastic container is ideal. In this case, there is no need to choose a place and look at the “neighbors” on the shelf.

When figuring out at what temperature chilled and gutted fish is stored, it should be taken into account that a household refrigerator cannot create 2 °C. At higher temperatures it is dangerous to keep the product for a long time. If the carcass is cut into portions and washed, then it can be stored for no more than 24 hours.

There is no way to cook fish within 24 hours - put it in the freezer!

In the freezer

For freezing, the product can be wrapped in plastic bags or paper, but it is better to put it in a container. Only gutted fish should be frozen.

If the carcass is divided into portions, then it is advisable to pack each separately. In this case, you can remove only the part that is necessary for cooking.

The freezer compartment of a home refrigerator does not always provide -18 °C. Therefore, when deciding how long fish can be stored in a household freezer, you should limit yourself to 2 months.

After defrosting

In order for defrosting to be successful, fish from the freezer is placed in the refrigerator and not allowed to completely defrost. The preparation of the dish begins when it is still slightly frozen and not a single microbe has begun to multiply.

Nowadays there are thermal bags and thermal bags, so the transportation process is easier. If you don’t have a bag or package, you can use ice or plastic bottles with frozen water. But remember, when the ice completely melts, the fish carcass begins to heat up and microorganisms multiply - this is dangerous.

If safety conditions cannot be ensured, refuse transportation. The product will be spoiled.

Even if you bought fresh fish and cooked it quickly, the shelf life of the dish is not long.

The time allotted for consuming a ready-made fish dish is literally measured in hours due to the rapid development of microflora

Any cooked and uneaten fish, once cooled, should be placed in a container and transferred to the refrigerator. Shelf life 12 hours. If you don't eat it, freeze it.

If the fish soup has been cooked, do not pour it into a container and do not remove the fish. Place the container in which the dish was prepared in the refrigerator. After storing in the refrigerator, you need to bring it to a boil and only then start eating.


A cold or hot smoked product brought home must be eaten within 48 hours. A household refrigerator does not allow you to store smoked fish for longer.

If there is a lot of fish, wrap it in two plastic bags or put it in a container and put it in the freezer. If frozen, the product can be stored for up to 30 days.

Sun-dried, dried

When buying such fish, give preference only to labeled products. The manufacturer himself determines the shelf life and indicates it on the packaging. Conditions of detention are also described. After opening the package, the product must be eaten.

Storage of dried fish depends on the amount of fat in the product. This is difficult to determine visually. The less fatty the fish, the longer its shelf life:

  • fatty (more than 10%) can only be stored in the freezer at -18 °C for up to 5 months;
  • non-greasy - in a dark, dry, ventilated area for up to 2 months.

Dried in the freezer can be stored for up to 5 months, at a temperature of 0 to 6 °C - up to two.

To prevent dried fish from drying out, you can wrap it in parchment, put it in a container with a tight-fitting lid and put it in a dark, cool place


Storing salted fish depends on the salt content in it. The saltier the product, the longer it can be stored. However, production times of 4, 6, 9 months apply only to large freezers.

At home, salted fish can be:

  • place in a 7% salt solution and refrigerate for up to 10 days (in this case, it does not matter how much salt was there before);
  • wrap it in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for a month;
  • cut into portions (without bones), place tightly in a container, fill with sunflower oil to the top and store in the refrigerator for up to 10 days, in the freezer for up to a month.

SanPiN 42-123-4117-86 contains information on the rules for storing particularly perishable products, which include fish.

The maximum period for its storage in raw form does not exceed 72 hours. A temperature regime of no higher than 6 degrees must be ensured. Higher temperatures provoke active growth of bacteria that cause serious food poisoning.

Isothermal transport is used to transport products. If transportation is carried out in the summer, then it is necessary to ensure that the products are kept in ice. In such conditions, transportation within 3 hours is allowed. If there is no ice, delivery to the destination is carried out within one hour.

Raw storage temperature is between 2 and 6 degrees.

In rare cases, the storage period of a large batch that has arrived at the store is extended for a period of no more than 50% of the established storage period.

The storage periods described in the table are acceptable if blast or deep freezing is provided.

Shelf life of frozen fish in the freezer
ViewOptimal duration
Sturgeon7 months (ice-glazed storage is preferred)
Pink salmon and salmon (salmon, trout)8 months
Salmon (gutted)4 months
Pollock6 months
Carp, halibut, perch, pike, catfish6-8 months
Mackerel7 months
Sprat, blue whiting, goby3 months
Other types of freshwater fishNo more than 8 months
Other types of sea fish6 months

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the shelf life of olives in a jar.

It is impossible to get poisoned after eating frozen fish, even if its shelf life expired several months ago. Freezing is the optimal solution, because it allows you to stop fermentation, and pathogenic microflora die under the influence of low temperatures. Keep in mind that after lying in the freezer for a long time, fish meat will lose its taste and benefits. Fatty fish will taste unpleasant and after cooking it will taste like rancid (old) fat.

  • Cut the fish into fillets. To do this, take the fish by the tail and cut the meat from the spine, moving towards the head. Place the fillets in a freezer storage bag and remove as much air as possible. The polyethylene should fit the fish as tightly as possible.
  • Before freezing whole cleaned fish, it must be immersed in ice-cold salted water. To do this, place the deep baking tray in the freezer for 5 minutes. Mix a teaspoon of salt in a liter of water. Place the fish in the brine and quickly place the carcass on a baking sheet in the freezer. After some time, repeat the procedure so that the resulting crust is thicker. Wrap frozen fish in special paper or place in a sealed bag.
  • Be sure to write the date of freezing on the plastic.
  • If the technology is followed, fillets, steaks, and a whole carcass can stay in the freezer for quite a long time. The main thing is to ensure the required temperature conditions and monitor the shelf life of the fish. In this case, it will perfectly retain its appearance and taste.

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