Storing stone fruits

What types of plums can be stored?

The shelf life of ripened fruits mainly depends on the type of plum tree and the chemical composition of the berries. Harvested fruits must remain firm, have a strong fruit shell and strong immunity to fungal diseases. Through the efforts of breeders, varieties suitable for long-term storage were obtained:

  • El Dorado;
  • Chachakskaya;
  • Empress;
  • Grand Duke;
  • Haganta;
  • Victoria;
  • Hungarian;
  • Anna Shpet.

The shelf life of collected fruits without loss of presentation can be 1.5-2 months. When choosing a tree variety, pay attention to recommendations for caring for the plant, as well as the declared varietal advantages.

Collection rules

In order for plums to be stored longer, it is necessary to properly harvest. Collection nuances:

  • Do not collect plums after rain, dew or watering.
  • The fruits should be elastic, without soft barrels.
  • The berries ripen at different times, so harvesting is carried out in several stages.
  • Fruits that have fallen to the ground are not suitable for storage.
  • They don't shake the fruits off the trees.
  • It is necessary to preserve the wax coating.

It is recommended to remove fruits selected for storage from the tree along with the stalks. You can stack fruits on top of each other in two or three layers, no more.

Timing and signs of fruit ripening

Early-ripening varieties begin to ripen in mid-July, late-ripening varieties in September. The main signs of maturity include:

  • The color of the fruit becomes bright and uniform, and a waxy coating appears.
  • Some fruits begin to fall from the tree.
  • The ripening time of plums has arrived, depending on the variety.
  • A pronounced plum aroma appears.
  • The fruits become slightly soft to the touch.

As soon as the gardener has noticed all the above signs, it is necessary to begin harvesting and organize storage correctly. Overripe fruits are not suitable for storage; they quickly release juice, the skin bursts, and a rotting process may begin, which spreads to neighboring fruits.

Is it possible to collect green fruits?

It is possible to collect plums ahead of schedule; gardeners often practice this method. Collected fruits from the tree can ripen indoors. Green fruits are collected if the fruits have to be transported for a long time.

See also

Description and characteristics of the morning plum variety, growing technology


Do fruits ripen after picking and how can I help them ripen?

Green fruits can ripen after being picked at home. To ensure ripening occurs in a short time, the following activities are carried out:

  • The collected berries are placed in a paper bag, the fruit begins to release ethylene, which accelerates the ripening process.
  • Unripe plums should not be placed in the refrigerator.
  • Often the collected plums are laid out on the table and left in room light for a day.
  • Fruits should not be placed on the windowsill; they quickly become soft and produce juice.

As soon as a waxy coating appears on the collected fruits, the fruits can immediately be moved for long-term storage.

How to collect cream?

The fruits are saturated with juice, so when picking, it is not recommended to crush the fruits or shake them onto the ground; dents quickly form on the fruits and the process of rotting begins. The crop is harvested gradually, in several stages. Collection begins from the lower branches, gradually moving to the top of the tree. Ladders and stepladders can be used. Tree branches are quite fragile, care must be taken.

What can a vacuum do?

Is a vacuum crop storage system suitable for a cellar? What other ways are there?

On an industrial scale, vacuum storage of products is widely used: the complete absence of oxygen in the packaging leads to the fact that all pests and pathogens die, and metabolic processes in fruits slow down. Together, this ensures long-term preservation of the crop.

It is almost impossible to create a vacuum at home: this requires special packaging and sophisticated equipment. Keep in mind that plastic bags, called vacuum bags and sold complete with a regular low-power pump, are not actually vacuum bags and are intended for compact storage of things, but not for vegetables or fruits. Even if you purchase special vacuum bags (sleeves) for storing crops and pump the air out of them with a special pump, you will still need to seal these bags hermetically so that air does not get into them. If this is not done, air will leak into the packaging and active rotting will begin.

So at home, for now, you can only use the so-called vacuum canning of fresh garden produce or products prepared from them (for example, juices).

The vacuum canning kit includes a vacuum pump, vacuum lid and container. You need to understand that in this case it is unrealistic to completely pump out the air from the can. You can only sharply reduce its quantity, as a result of which the oxidative processes will slow down, there will be no accumulation of gases and the lid will not be torn off. Moreover, pumping out the air from the can once is not enough; you need to do this procedure regularly, once every few days. Some fruits “resist” vacuuming. For example, this storage method is not suitable for fresh strawberries and raspberries, since the berries contain a large amount of yeast, which accelerates oxidation.

Processing and preparation for storage

Preparing plums for storage begins with choosing a location and selecting containers. Shallow boxes with good ventilation are ideal.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to store plums in plastic bags; the fruits will spoil and quickly produce juice.

The boxes are placed in a dark, dry place. Fruits are stacked in layers, the number of which should not be more than three. It is not recommended to specially treat fruits when storing them after harvesting. Berries cannot be washed.

How to preserve at home?

To keep aromatic fruits fresh for as long as possible, the following rules apply:

  • You cannot store plums in the refrigerator for more than a month.
  • The fruits can be dried, frozen, candied or pickled.
  • Avoid multi-layer storage of fresh fruits.
  • Do not wash the collected plums and choose the right containers.

At home, fresh plums can be stored for up to two months. Pay attention to the variety when purchasing seedlings for growing in the country.

The correct choice of variety will greatly simplify further care and solve the problem of harvesting and storing the crop.


As a rule, fruit boxes are used as containers for storing plums, with paper placed at the bottom. There is no need to lay layers of fruit with paper.

You cannot store fruits in plastic bags or buckets.

Storage conditions

The harvested crop is stored in a dark, dry room at the right temperature. Excess humidity during storage stimulates the growth of bacteria and fungi, which cause rotting processes.

It is not recommended to allow sudden temperature changes, and the room must be ventilated periodically. Plums can be stored in the refrigerator.

Dried, pickled, candied specimens are stored for a long time. Before storing, the dried crop is blanched in a low concentration baking soda solution. It is best to keep canned plums in a basement or cellar.

See also

Methods for controlling pests and diseases of cherry plum, treatment and prevention


How long do fresh plums last?

The shelf life of fresh plums varies from 3 weeks to 2 months, depending on the variety and compliance with the rules.

What to do

The drawers may harbor insects or mold. During storage, fresh plums are periodically inspected, rotten specimens are removed, and the room is ventilated.

If there is a midge

Vegetable midges on the harvested crop are an unpleasant sight; they multiply quickly, feeding on the juices of fruits, on which they lay eggs and leave traces of their vital activity. You can get rid of uninvited guests using special adhesive tape traps that need to be hung in the room. From folk recipes, camphor smoke is used.

Mold damage

Diseased fruits must be promptly removed and the room ventilated. The appearance of mold indicates non-compliance with storage conditions. In case of severe infection, the crop is completely sorted and transferred to other containers.

Plum - a good choice and proper storage

Plum is one of the favorites of the summer season, because it is so tasty, healthy, and aromatic. However, it is worth considering that plums, like other fruits, must be chosen correctly, which means that it must meet certain requirements.

How to choose a plum:

 First of all, choosing a plum should begin with a visual examination of the fruit. Of course, its integrity should not be violated. Any kind of mechanical damage or dents are unacceptable. However, there is an exception here - a smooth crack with smooth edges. In some varieties of plums, such cracks may appear if the fruit is very ripe. However, when buying such a plum, remember that it must be consumed immediately, otherwise it will later become unsuitable for food;

 It is very good if you buy plums from people you know and know where they were grown. The beneficial qualities of plums depend largely on the environmental conditions in the place where the tree grows. Try to find out from the seller how old the tree on which the fruits grew is - the older it is, the tastier the plum is, and the more useful qualities it contains;

 When buying a plum at the market or in a store, do not hesitate to feel it. If the plum is juicy and sweet, it will yield easily to pressure. But you should pay attention to whether it is elastic. If not, it means the fruit is already overripe;

 At the same time, there are varieties of plums that remain somewhat hard even when ripe, so it is worth opening the fruit and paying attention to the aroma and consistency of the fruit. The plum pulp should be uniform, as well as the color, and the fruit fibers should not separate from the pulp. If this happens, and the color of the fruit in some places is darker than in other areas, this indicates that it is overripe and, perhaps, fermentation processes have already begun in it;

 Most of us usually want to choose a sweet plum, juicy and fragrant. To do this, you should first become familiar with what types of plums there are, their characteristics and which ones are really sweet. But, as mentioned above, often such a plum is pliable when pressed, it exudes a rich, pleasant aroma;

 Do not neglect small fruits when purchasing - they can be very tasty and aromatic - no worse than large plums or medium-sized fruits;

 When choosing a sweet plum, you should not focus only on its color - sweetness, juiciness and aroma do not depend on the color of the fruit.

Plum is one of the richest sources of vitamins and nutrients for our body. That is why she is a welcome guest on our table, which is also used in cosmetology. But now the season is ending and the time for your favorite fruits is also coming to an end. How can you do this to prolong the enjoyment of these healthy and tasty fruits for some more time?

Do you properly preserve and store your products?

Of course, this is very important because your health may suffer.


No, what could happen besides diarrhea?


We store it as it turns out, we don’t really think about how and what is right.


Voted: 123

There are a number of tips on how to properly store plums:

 Firstly, if you decide to preserve the plum longer, then you should choose slightly unripe fruits. Each of them must be wrapped in paper, placed in boxes and sent to a dark, well-ventilated, cool place. At the same time, it is important to take into account that plums do not need to be laid out in boxes in many layers, otherwise they may spoil;

 If the fruits need to be preserved for no more than three weeks, then they need to be placed in the refrigerator and stored at a temperature of 1-6 degrees C. In this case, it is better to package them in plastic bags in portions of 1.5-2 kg. This storage method is suitable for unripe plums, but in no case for overripe fruits;

 An excellent way to store plums is to freeze them. This is not a troublesome task, but the fruits will retain their beneficial properties, and the taste of fresh plums in winter will warm the soul;

 Storing plums involves more than just preserving the fruit for a long time. Fruits must be stored properly even when the fruit needs to ripen. In order for the plum to ripen, here's what you can do:

— Place the fruits on a windowsill where sunlight reaches them for several days (3-4 days until they ripen);

Methods of preparing for the winter

To keep plums for a long time, they are frozen, dried or canned. If the harvesting technology is followed, the fruits retain all their beneficial properties and taste.


The collected fruits are frozen and stored in the refrigerator. It is important that freezing is carried out only once; when drained again, it loses its taste characteristics and nutrients. The seeds can be removed by first washing and drying the fruit.

Dried plums

The collected material for drying is washed and pitted, blanched and sent to the oven, where the fruit spends several hours at a temperature of 40-50 0C. Dried fruits are stored in wooden boxes with holes or fabric bags.

Pickled plums

A delicious aromatic appetizer suitable for meat dishes. You can preserve fruits with or without pits. Ingredients:

  • cognac;
  • 9% vinegar or citric acid;
  • water;
  • plums;
  • sugar and salt;
  • seasonings: cinnamon, anise, black pepper.

The fruits are placed in jars, after being washed, and poured with boiling water. When the water has cooled, pour it into a saucepan from jars and prepare the marinade. Add salt, sugar, vinegar, seasonings to a pan of water and cook for 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, add cognac. Pour the hot marinade into the jars and roll up the lids.

How to properly store fresh plums?

  • It is forbidden to store in plastic bags, this leads to rot.
  • Large fruits are best stored in egg cartons in the refrigerator. This storage method will help preserve the fruit for three weeks.
  • To store in the refrigerator, the temperature must be at least 5 degrees. At low temperatures, the pulp darkens, the taste and aroma are lost.
  • Despite the fact that you want to save the fruit, it is better to eat it as early as possible. This is due to the fact that over time the taste, appearance, aroma and pulp become less intense.
  • You can freeze the fruit, but you must first remove the seed.
  • You can store it on the balcony in a dark place in wooden boxes. The number of layers in the box should be minimal.

You can save the harvest in the following ways:

  1. You can store plums in the refrigerator for two weeks.
  2. In the cellar, a fruit with a stone can be preserved for more than a month, but if during storage the fruits are regularly inspected.
  3. Dried plums can be stored for several months. The process of preparing fruits includes several stages. Washing, blanching, drying in the oven.
  4. Storage in the refrigerator can be extended to three weeks. Unripe and hard varieties of plums are suitable for this. Place the fruits in the refrigerator, keep for 15 hours at a temperature of 0 degrees, then increase the temperature to 5 degrees. Thanks to this difference, the fruit will not lose its taste and will be able to last longer.
  5. Plums can be frozen . It is worth noting that you only need to freeze it once; the fruit will not withstand repeated procedures. Choose ripe, fragrant, undamaged fruits for freezing; unripe fruit will not be tasty when you defrost it. Before freezing fruits, they must be washed and dried. Remove the pit, place the plum on a tray, and freeze. Then place the frozen fruit in a container.
  6. You also need to prepare plums in a sweet form. Therefore, we will prepare plum jam, which is suitable for baking. It can be stored for more than six months. To prepare, you will need ripe plums, sugar, pectin and lemon juice. Peel the plums, boil a little, rub through a sieve, add sugar, pectin and a little lemon juice. Boil for half an hour. Place the finished jam into clean jars.

    Fresh plums picked in autumn

The longer you store a plum, the worse its taste becomes, the richness of taste and aroma of the garden crop decreases.

  1. Properly dried plums are not only tasty, but also healthy. Let's prepare prunes. It is better to use varieties such as: “Renklod Karbysheva”, “Anna Shpet”, “Blue-free”, “D'Ente”. Drying is carried out in several ways. Electric dryers are used for drying, but in a regular oven you can also get a product with good taste. Begin:
  • Select the largest fruits, remove the stems and seeds, and wash well.
  • The plum must be blanched for a couple of minutes in a solution of baking soda. Small cracks should form on the skin, which will help moisture evaporate.
  • Preheat the oven to a temperature of 50 degrees;
  • We will dry on a baking sheet, which must be covered with paper. Place dried plums on the surface.
  • Dry for at least five hours. Then let them cool at room temperature.
  • Turn the fruits over and put them back into the oven at 70 degrees for another five hours.
  • Store dried fruits in a ventilated area in boxes or wooden crates.
  1. Many people do not like frozen and dry fruits, so there is an alternative. Prepare pickled plums for the winter. The product can be stored for six months. You will need the following ingredients: plums, 500 ml water, 300 grams of sugar, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a teaspoon of salt, allspice and black pepper. Wash the plums and pack them into jars. Prepare the marinade from all ingredients; after it boils, add 100 ml of vinegar. Pour the marinade over the fruits and leave the jars to sterilize for 15 minutes.

Plums are a fleshy, aromatic and tasty summer fruit, and also a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Proper harvesting affects the safety of plums. Preserving fruit at home is easy; choose a simple way to preserve fruit.

Post How to properly keep plums fresh for the winter? first appeared About the farm.

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