Frozen fish. Storing frozen fish.

How to store fresh fish at home

Freshly caught fish has the best taste and nutritional qualities. The longer the time passes after her euthanasia, the more, under the influence of internal enzymes and external bacteria, the breakdown of beneficial nutrients and oxidation (spoilage) processes begin. Therefore, after purchasing or catching fish, it is important to preserve the product as quickly as possible.


This canning method is suitable for short-term storage of fish. It is convenient in cases where there is no time for more complex preparations or the product is planned to be prepared quickly.

The method is based on lowering the temperature in the thickness of fish meat to −1°C. At this temperature, the activity of enzymes and microorganisms that trigger spoilage processes slows down.

The chemical composition and taste of the product do not change.

Home refrigerators cannot maintain the required temperature optimum (0°C-3°C) for storage. Therefore, the fish is served with ice. For storage, it is advisable to use a container with holes in the bottom to drain water from melting ice.

Lay the fish in a bowl, layer by layer, covering it with ice. The layers must be in close contact, so before use the ice is crushed into small pieces. It is permissible to lay out no more than 3 layers.

Store the product in the refrigerator. Whole fish can be stored under these conditions for up to 8 days, and cut fish for up to 10 days.

Another option for cooling fish at home: storing it in BioFresh containers. This is the climate section in some refrigerator models, called the “freshness zone”. The containers maintain the set temperature and humidity level.

How long can fish be stored in a container? If you select the DrySafe mode with low humidity and temperature, then at a temperature of 0°C the fish can be stored for 2 days, and at −2°C for up to 4 days.

Details on how to properly store fresh fish can be seen in the video.

How long does fish heh keep in the refrigerator?

How long does fish heh keep in the refrigerator?

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Return to Asian cuisine. Search Google Advanced Search. Forum rules General forum rules Rules for preparing recipes. Pour about 0.5 kg of fish with a tablespoon of undiluted vinegar essence, stir and let stand for half an hour, stirring occasionally. Grate medium-sized carrots on a Korean grater to make them longer, add salt, squeeze and let stand. Place the fish in a colander, rinse with water, and allow to drain. Place it in a bowl, place carrots on it, cut medium-sized onions into half rings. Stir, pour in already diluted vinegar to taste, add salt well, add ground red hot and sweet pepper, ground coriander, whole grains are also possible, a little sugar, monosodium glutamate for 1 hour. Stir, meanwhile fry a small onion in vegetable oil, pour it out into the salad and lastly add 2 chopped garlic cloves and chopped cilantro. Let it brew, then put it in the refrigerator. Usually it takes about a day to stand. Fish can be stored for a long time, about a week. See also Topics Replies Views Last message. How I love such dishes!!! I haven’t tried it with cucumbers, only with carrots, and even when I lived in Uzbekistan, our Koreans made it with green radish. I'll run to the store and get some real work1 Thanks for the recipe!!! Thanks for the recipe, I really wanted to make it myself, but the sellers didn’t reveal their professional secrets. My mother also has a “heh” recipe, she heats up vegetable oil and pours hot and sweet red peppers into it, after which the remaining oil is added to the salad. I'll have to try your recipe. QUESTION - WILL THE ESSENCE NOT BURN THE FISH? Ulduz 02 Aug I'm wildly sorry, Anjelo4ka, BUT, IN MY VIEW, CARROTS CAN BE REPLACED WITH CUCUMBERS ONLY IN ONE CASE. Last edited by niya Wed Jun 09, 6:

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This is a long-term method of canning, which, if the technology is followed, allows you to preserve up to 90-95% of the nutritional value of fish.

At home, the most convenient method is “shock” freezing. It involves the fastest possible exposure of fish tissue to low temperatures. With such freezing, the ice crystals formed do not destroy the structure of the product.

Freezing rules:

  • setting the temperature to −24°C in the freezer one day before freezing;
  • cutting fish into small pieces;
  • drying with a paper towel;
  • hermetically sealed product packaging in plastic bags;
  • laying out on a tray in one layer;
  • holding for 24 hours.

The frozen product is transferred into compact containers or into a common plastic bag. In the future, the optimum storage temperature is −18°C.

Storage periods vary and depend on the amount and chemical composition of fat. Ocean fish from 3 to 5, river fish up to 10 months.

At relatively high temperatures (-5°C), fish can be stored for no more than 2 weeks.

Unexpected defrosting of the product leads to violation of shelf life. This happens during a long blackout or when the refrigerator breaks down. For this case, there are certain recommendations that will help avoid loss of product.

How to defrost fish correctly

The optimal defrosting method for preserving the quality of the product is to place it in the refrigerator at a temperature of +5°C. So the process of dissolving ice crystals occurs slowly and does not significantly change the structure of the meat. Depending on the size of the fish carcass, this process can take from 8 to 24 hours.

Rapid defrosting is not recommended.

When you don’t have time to wait for a long time, you can use several quick methods:

  • placing the carcass under running water at a temperature of 15°C-25°C;
  • using a microwave, steamer or oven;
  • water bath method;
  • sprinkling with salt.

You cannot bend the carcass in different directions and change the water temperature.

To prevent the evaporation of water and along with it beneficial nutrients, when defrosting the product is always covered with cling film.

Thawed and fresh fish without preservation can be stored for no more than 24 hours, provided it is placed in the refrigerator.

Terms and conditions of storage of fish products

For fresh fish

Freshly caught fish can be cooled in a cooler bag, a cooler, or by covering it with ice. Without refrigeration, fresh fish will spoil within a few hours; if refrigerated, it can be preserved for 1-2 days before being cooked or discarded.

Freezing fish that has been stored for several days is not recommended.

Chilled fish is stored at a temperature of 0 to –2°C in special “freshness departments” of the refrigerator or lined with ice. The shelf life of chilled fish depends on its size: large fish last slightly longer than small ones. The sales quarter is also important; in spring and summer it is less than in the autumn-winter months. Thus, in the 1st and 4th quarters, large individuals are stored for 12 days, small ones - 9 days. In the II and III quarters, large fish are stored for 10 days, small fish - 7 days.

Frozen fish has the longest shelf life, but it varies greatly among different species and also depends on the freezing temperature. Summarizing the recommended periods, we can say that the freezing temperature should not be higher than –18°C, and when stored in industrial refrigerators at a temperature of –25°C, the shelf life is significantly extended. On average, various fish are stored for 3 to 10 months; some types of fish, such as sardines and saury, are stored for 1-2 months even when frozen. Others, such as pollock and sea bass, last up to 1 year.

The method of freezing is also of great importance:

Shelf life, rules and storage conditions for natural cold freezing - such fish is stored less, and after defrosting its structure is damaged;

artificial wet freezing, which involves glazing the fish (coating it with a thin crust of ice), this method allows you to increase the shelf life of the fish;

Shock or dry freezing is carried out at temperatures down to –30°C, the fish is less susceptible to spoilage and is stored longer.

For cooked fish

Hot or cold smoked fish must be stored in refrigeration devices. For hot smoked fish, the shelf life in a regular refrigerator is 2 days; when stored at a temperature from –2 to +2°C, the shelf life is increased to 72 hours. Freezing hot smoked fish at a temperature of –18°C increases the shelf life to 30 days.

Cold smoked fish is stored longer, since “cold” smoke has greater bactericidal properties.

At temperatures from 0 to +5°C it can be stored for up to 30 days, at temperatures from 0 to –5°C - up to 2 months.

Dried fish can also be stored at sub-zero temperatures. The optimal storage temperature is from 0 to –8°C. Under these conditions, dried fish with a high fat content is stored for 2 months, with a low fat content - 4 months. Freezing in the freezer will extend the shelf life to 5 months. Dried fish can also be kept outside the refrigerator. When stored in dry, ventilated areas at a temperature not exceeding +20°C, dried fish with low fat content can be stored for up to 2 months.

Dried fish can be stored in refrigerators or indoors under temperature and humidity conditions. The storage conditions for dried fish are practically no different from the rules for storing dried fish.

Salted fish, as well as spiced fish (marinated) should be stored in the refrigerator. The shelf life of salted fish depends on the percentage of salt content and packaging. Lightly salted, home-cooked fish can be stored for no more than 3 days, medium-salted fish - up to 15 days, and heavily salted fish - up to 1 month. Salted fish in vacuum packaging has a shelf life of 1 month. Freezing salted fish is also permissible; in this case, the shelf life increases to 2–4 months. Marinated fish can be stored for 2 weeks.

Fried fish, like other cooked animal products, should be placed in the refrigerator immediately after cooling. It can be stored on the refrigerator shelf for 1-2 days. Fried fish must be heat treated before consumption.

Signs of freshness

Fresh chilled fish should not have a putrid odor, the gills should be red, there should be no spots, the structure of the meat is dense, the scales almost do not stick to the hands, the eyes of the individual are bright and bulging.

The main signs of freshness

When purchasing processed fish (dried, salted, smoked, etc.), you need to pay attention to its smell and appearance.

The skin and meat of the fish should not have visible damage, the fibers of the meat should fit tightly together.

When purchasing frozen fish, you need to pay attention to the layer of glaze (ice crust) - it should be thin and without damage.

A thick layer of ice indicates secondary freezing, which is extremely harmful to the product. White spots on the surface indicate that the fish has been frozen, which indicates the duration of storage.

How can you tell if a product is spoiled?

The smell will clearly indicate that the fish is spoiled. The aroma of rotten fish is considered one of the most disgusting in the world, so it is difficult not to notice it.

In addition to the smell, spoiled chilled fish is given out:

- sticky scales, on which a dent remains when pressed;

- if there is a head, gray or brown gills, as well as dull eyes;

- soft, falling apart meat fibers (fresh fibers are dense);

- for salmon fish - changes in the color of meat from red to gray;

— when parsing the fish, part of its bones is separated from the pulp;

- if possible, you can place the fish in the water - the rotten one will float, and the fresh one will sink.

The freshness or spoilage of salted, dried, dried, smoked and pickled fish is determined by smell and appearance. Spoiled frozen fish are more difficult to recognize. It is necessary to carefully examine the fish for signs of spoilage.

Another way is to stick a knife hot on a fire into its thickness, and then sniff the smell. Spoiled fish will give itself away with the smell of rotten meat.

You can check smoked or salted fish in the same way, only instead of a hot knife you can use a toothpick, skewer or any other sharp object.

Storing smoked fish

Smoking is one of the types of preservation, during which fish meat is saturated with bacteriostatic substances of smoke and loses some of its water. This extends shelf life, but requires a certain approach to storage.

Cold smoked fish has a longer shelf life. To do this, it is placed in bags made of natural burlap and hung by hooks in a dark and ventilated room. The optimal temperature is from 0°C to +5°C. In such conditions, the carcass is stored for up to 75 days.

The shelf life of hot smoked products is shorter. Maximum 4 days, subject to a stable temperature of at least +3°C and hermetically wrapped in parchment paper.

For longer storage, hot smoked fish is wrapped in cloth soaked in a strong saline solution and additionally in food paper. Store at an average temperature of +3°C for no more than 1 month.

Smoked carcass in vacuum packaging can be stored for up to 3 months, provided that the air temperature and humidity parameters specified by the manufacturer are observed. At a relatively high temperature (+3°C), such a product can be stored for no more than a month.

Smoked fish can be frozen at temperatures below −24°. The shelf life of this product in the freezer is 3 months.

Storing dried fish

There are several ways to store dried fish at home.

Before sending for storage, it is important to ensure the quality of the product. There should be no traces of mold, rotting or oxidation on the carcass.


For this method you will need a cool and ventilated room without access to sunlight. You can use an attic, basement, balcony or closet. Dried fish is wrapped in food paper, placed in linen bags and hung indoors. The optimal humidity level is 70%-80%.


This is a long-term storage method. The product is frozen in small portions, pre-wrapped in food paper. Quick freezing at −24°C allows you to preserve the quality of the product for 12 months.

Sealed containers

Dried fish will retain its quality for up to 6 months if placed in airtight containers. After placing the product in glass or tin jars, place a lit candle in them and close the lid. The absence of oxygen inhibits the activity of enzymes and microorganisms that oxidize the product. In this form, dried fish can be stored for up to 6 months.

How and for how long are smoked products stored?

Recommended shelf life for smoked products depends on the type of processing:

  • Cold smoked products should not remain in the refrigerator for more than 10 days. How to keep fish as juicy and tender? It needs to be wrapped in wax paper

Tip: It is not recommended to keep meat or fish fillets, dairy and fermented milk products near unpeeled fish. They can absorb a specific odor that does not disappear. Observations indicate that the shelf life of these products is noticeably reduced due to the proximity of fish.

  • Hot smoked products begin to deteriorate already on the fourth day. This is due to the lower salt content in the products and the shorter heat treatment.

Home-smoked fish can be stored not only in the refrigerator, but also in the freezer. In this case, it will last for 3 months. Even without freezing, it is possible to extend the shelf life of the product up to a month. To do this, wrap the finished carcasses in salted cloth and place them in a place with a temperature no higher than 3ºC.

Traditional storage methods

Traditional storage methods will help in cases where there is no access to a refrigerator.

First of all, a fresh product must be rid of internal enzymes as quickly as possible before decomposition processes begin. To do this, you need to gut it, remove the gills and clean the cavity from blood clots. The scales are a natural defense against external bacteria, so they are left intact.

To prevent bacteria from entering the carcass, the fish is washed with well or spring water. If they are not there, then wipe the carcass dry with a rag or paper towel. Rinsing with water from a lake or river will quickly spoil the product.

Simple natural preservatives will help prevent further growth of bacteria. These are salt, black pepper, formic acid contained in nettles and vinegar.

Simple preservation method:

  • rub the carcass with salt and black pepper, that is, pickle it;
  • stuff it and cover it on all sides with nettles;
  • Wrap with food paper and place in a shaded but ventilated place.

Processed fish will not spoil for up to 2 days.

Another option in which the shelf life can be extended to 7 days is the use of vinegar. To do this, dissolve 2 tsp in 0.5 liters of 9% vinegar. sugar, soak a linen cloth in the solution and wrap it around the salt-rubbed carcass. The product is hung in a shaded and ventilated place.

Fish is well preserved in a hole dug in a shady place . If there is a spring nearby, you can use another method. Rub the carcass with salt, cover with nettles, place in a container, seal it in a plastic bag and place in running water. The shelf life will be 2 days.

Application of cooler bags

If fishing trips are frequent, it is advisable to purchase a cooler bag. These insulated bags work on cold elements that accumulate cold. Before placing in it, the fish is dried and packed in plastic bags. Depending on the individual characteristics, the bag can keep the cold within +3°C from 5 to 24 hours.

How long does cooked fish last: fried, boiled and baked?

After heat treatment, fried, boiled or baked fish can remain at room temperature for 2-3 hours. After this, it needs to be put in the refrigerator.

To do this, wrap it in foil or cling film. In this state it can be stored for no more than 36 hours. After this, it is not suitable for food; the finished product cannot be frozen.

Fish is a source of easily digestible proteins, rare fatty acids and all essential nutrients. Therefore, products made from it should be included in the weekly diet at least 2 times, which requires at least minimal supplies of the product in the refrigerator. A special marker of fish quality is proper storage and compliance with expiration dates.

How to store minced meat

How long can you store minced meat in the refrigerator? Within 6-12 hours. At room temperature, the semi-finished product spoils in a couple of hours, and in the freezer it remains edible for a month.

Remember that minced meat:

  • Do not defrost or refreeze.
  • It's better to buy without salt. Seasonings mask the taste and smell of spoiled meat. When stored for a long time, salt makes the product hard and rubbery.
  • It is not recommended to make from raw materials purchased at different times. Ingredients have different expiration dates. Meat purchased earlier can spoil another good component.
  • When freshly prepared and chilled, it has a pink, light or dark red color. A gray coating indicates long-term storage, and many white spots indicate the use of veins and fat.
  • Contains a small amount of red-pink liquid. If the juice does not stand out, bread and starch may be present in the composition. If a dark liquid is released, the product has spoiled.

Don’t forget to maintain the required temperature and periodically check the dates on the labels so as not to accidentally get poisoned.

In a refrigerator

According to the rules of SanPiN, perishable products can be stored in a refrigerator at an average temperature of +4 °C for:

  • 24 hours – minced meat from slaughtered animals produced at meat processing plants;
  • 12 hours – chicken, beef, pork, combined and minced meat from other slaughtered animals, produced in public catering establishments and retail outlets.

Vegetables filled with processed meat last as long as cutlets last - a day. In order to preserve semi-finished fish products for the same period, you will have to place the product closer to the freezer. For 24 hours, minced pollock, salmon, hake and pike remain suitable for consumption at temperatures from +2 to -2 °C. Vegetable and mushroom preparations will stand in the refrigerator for a day at 0…+6 °C.

For home-made products, semi-finished products with the addition of flour products, milk, eggs, the shelf life is reduced by 1.5-2 times. The minced meat is packaged, as for long-term storage, in bags or plastic containers with a lid. It is better to place the container in the “freshness zone”, where the temperature is maintained at zero.

If you are not going to eat the semi-finished product in the next 12 hours, it is better to freeze or cook it. Fried and boiled preparations from the refrigerator are suitable for consumption for 36-48 hours.

In the freezer

The conditions of the freezer allow you to keep the product suitable for consumption for:

  • month – semi-finished meat products at -12 °C;
  • 3 months – meat at -18 °C, fish and vegetables at temperatures from -12 to -18 °C;
  • six months – mushroom at -18 °C.

Note: It is better not to prepare minced fish for future use. Buy or grind just before eating. Freezing makes fish preparations bland and rubbery.

It is better to freeze the semi-finished product in shock mode. If there is no such function, before loading, switch the freezer to the lowest possible temperature. Place bags and containers away from the door so that warm air does not disturb storage conditions.

At room temperature

Workpieces left at room temperature begin to deteriorate after 1-2 hours if the room is up to +26 °C. In hot weather, microorganisms in the product multiply faster. The surface of the minced meat becomes weathered, acquires a gray tint, and the released liquid turns brown. Above the mass you can catch the “smell” of decaying flesh, above the mushroom and vegetable preparations - sour notes.

If you plan to leave the product on the table, cover it with film and place it away from heating appliances and direct sunlight. If you can’t put it in the refrigerator, you can pour cold water into a bowl and immerse the bag of minced meat in the liquid. This manipulation will not significantly extend the shelf life, but it will protect against heat and insects.

Do not leave minced meat at room temperature for long periods of time.

Features of storing minced meat with onions

To store minced meat with onions, pack it according to the rules and put it in the refrigerator. The mixture can be prepared within 6-8 hours, after which the risk of poisoning will increase. The semi-finished product can be frozen for a week or two, but the taste properties will differ from the taste of freshly prepared mass.

If possible, freeze foods separately from each other. Onions can also be chopped, placed in bags and frozen in layers in portions. Before cooking, all that remains is to defrost the masses, mix and use as intended.

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