Raw corn: benefits and harms, calorie content, preparation and storage

You can cook corn perfectly not only in a saucepan - more on that below.

Today there is no person who does not know the taste of aromatic corn. And how many benefits this product brings! Many peoples revered corn as sacred gifts, a source of life and prosperity. The fruits of this plant have been known to everyone since childhood, but many do not know how to cook corn correctly, preserving not only its taste, but also its beneficial properties. There are many ways to cook corn, with and without a variety of household appliances.

What knowledge will you have when you finish reading this article in 5 minutes:

  • How to choose good corn
  • Preparing corn for cooking
  • How to cook corn in a slow cooker
  • How to cook corn in the microwave
  • How to cook corn on the stove
  • How to cook corn in a pressure cooker
  • How to boil old corn
  • How to cook young corn
  • How to cook Bonduelle corn
  • Secrets of cooking corn
  • How to cook frozen corn
  • Salted Corn Recipes
  • Sweet Corn Recipes

How to choose good corn

In order for the finished corn to please you with its taste and aroma, you need to choose the right corn. The color tells everything about the level of maturity of the grains: the darker it is, the more ripe the corn. For cooking, it is better to choose cobs with light yellow grains, which should be soft, but elastic and adjacent to each other. It is recommended to choose cobs with even rows of grains; there should be no curved lines that overlap one another; all grains should be tightly attached to the head of cabbage.

The grains should keep their shape, there should be no dents or pits on them. This indicates that the corn is too ripe and is not suitable for cooking. Excessive hardness is an indicator of old corn. It is not recommended to purchase cobs with yellow, dry leaves or without them at all; such corn was harvested a long time ago and lacks juiciness and many useful elements.

The best time to buy corn is before the end of summer; after this period, the shelves are overflowing with overripe and hard cobs. Be sure to inspect the outer surface of the corn; it should not contain rotten or spoiled areas. When pressed, a white liquid similar to milk should flow out of the grains. The ripeness of corn affects not only the length of cooking time, but also the taste. Overripe grains are dried out during the cooking process, so the sweetness disappears, leaving only starch.

There are feed and sugar varieties. Fodder crops are distinguished by their impressive size and long cobs. Feed corn was originally intended as animal feed, but it can also be eaten by humans. Sweet corn is an edible variety that is cultivated for the human diet. It is distinguished by short, thick ears on which pale yellow grains are located. Due to its juiciness and sweetness, edible corn is considered most suitable for culinary purposes.

What's the secret to crispy, flavorful boiled corn on the cob?

As mentioned above, the key to an appetizing dish is the choice of a quality product for preparation. The cobs should be chosen young, light milky yellow in color. The grains in young cobs are round, soft and elastic to the touch. A brighter, rich yellow color, elongated shape and the presence of dimples on the grains are a signal that such a fruit is overripe and is not suitable for cooking.

Although large ears of corn look very ripe, the resulting product is tough and dry. The leaves should have a fresh, soft green color, fit well to the cob and not fall off. If corn is sold without leaves at all, this may be a sign of over-treatment with pesticide fertilizers, which causes the leaves to shrivel and become unsalable.

Good corn cobs have been selected and before starting cooking it remains to take into account some features of this dish:

  1. It is necessary to cook only cobs of equal size together to ensure that the dish cooks evenly. And if the cobs are too large, they can be cut in half crosswise;
  2. It is not necessary to completely remove the leaves from the corn cobs; it is enough to cut off only a couple of not very fresh leaves on top. If you plan to eat boiled corn immediately, you can peel the cobs completely and add the leaves to the cooking pot. If you plan to serve the corn later, it is better to leave the leaves, this will help the finished cobs remain aromatic and juicy;
  3. Before cooking, it would not be superfluous to soak the cobs for one hour in cold water, and then rinse them with running water;
  4. If there are spoiled, darkened grains on top, they must be cut off;
  5. You can only put the cobs in boiling water, and you can add salt only 10 - 15 minutes before they are ready;
  6. It is enough to cook milk corn cobs for half an hour; more ripe and larger corn can be cooked for about 2 – 3 hours. To determine the degree of readiness, you need to carefully separate and taste one grain.

There are many ways to prepare your favorite dish! In addition to the usual cooking in a saucepan, you can try baking the cobs in the oven or boiling them in a double boiler or microwave. Each method is interesting in its own way, has its own nuances and deserves separate consideration.

Boiled corn with butter and salt


  • corn – 1 pc.,
  • sunflower oil (odorless) – 1 teaspoon,
  • salt - a pinch.


Boil the corn for 20-30 minutes until tender.

Clean the grains by first cutting them along the head with a knife.

And then separate the grains with your hands.

Pour vegetable oil into a container with corn and stir well.

Add a little salt and stir thoroughly again.

Boiled corn with butter and salt is ready.

Recipe for boiled corn in a double boiler

For this method you will need fresh ears of corn, a little ghee, peeled and crushed walnuts, and seasonings: ground cardamom and salt.

The bottom of the vegetable container of the steamer should be generously greased with butter. Then put the cobs, previously cleared of leaves, into it and cook for 30 - 40 minutes. Heat the remaining butter in a frying pan, add cardamom and crushed walnuts. Serve the cooked corn with the resulting spicy nut sauce and season with salt. Bon appetit!

An important nuance: for cooking in a double boiler, the leaves from the cobs do not need to be cut off, but then you need to increase the cooking time.

Recipe for baking corn in the microwave

To cook in the microwave you need to take: medium-sized ears of young corn, melted butter, a little water and salt.

Unpeeled cobs should be soaked for one hour before cooking. Next, pack them in a plastic bag and pour a couple of tablespoons of water inside. Tie the bag and make a couple of holes in the top so that steam can escape freely. Set the microwave power to maximum and bake for 10 - 15 minutes. After the time is up, carefully remove the corn from the bag, remove excess leaves, pour in melted butter and add a little salt.

Recipe for baking young corn on the cob in the oven

For this recipe you will need: small corn cobs, water, sunflower and butter, a little salt.

First of all, you need to turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Grease a baking tray with sunflower oil, place the cobs with leaves on it and add water to the middle of the cobs. Cover the baking sheet with corn with foil and cook for 40 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the size and ripeness of the fruit. When the cobs are cooked, you need to remove the leaves from them, brush the top with melted butter and salt.

How to properly store boiled corn?

Cooked kettle corn can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2 – 3 days. But it is worth remembering that without water, corn will not be able to remain as juicy and crispy for a long time, so it is better to leave it in the pan where it was cooked. You can also separate all the grains from the cobs and pour them into a dry container. Of course, in this form, the shelf life of corn, even in the refrigerator, is significantly reduced, but it is very convenient to use as a healthy snack while watching TV.

You can increase the shelf life of finished boiled corn by canning! Canning corn is practically no different from canning other vegetables. All you need is a special brine made from 1 liter of boiled water, 3 tsp. sugar and the same amount of salt. Place the corn cobs in sterilized jars, fill with prepared brine and roll up. You can also experiment and add your favorite spices and seasonings to the brine. In this form, corn can be stored throughout the winter, like other types of home canning. At the same time, it is guaranteed to remain juicy and aromatic.

Is it possible to eat boiled corn while breastfeeding?

The composition of corn is extremely rich in many useful elements, so nursing mothers should definitely pay attention to this product. Despite the fact that corn is a cereal crop, it does not contain gluten, which allows it to be considered a completely hypoallergenic product.

Eating corn on the cob does not change the composition of breast milk of nursing mothers at all. However, corn cereals can cause increased gas formation in the intestines, which can lead to bloating in infants. Therefore, corn can be added to the diet during lactation in strictly limited quantities.

Dietary properties of boiled corn

Corn is an excellent product for maintaining your diet. To maintain proper nutrition, it is better to eat steamed corn. Corn boiled in the usual way is also a fairly dietary dish, but you need to keep in mind that some of the nutrients remain in the water during cooking. In order to correct the figure, corn is eaten without seasoning with salt or oil. You can also diversify your diet by preparing porridge in water from crushed corn kernels.

Can diabetics eat boiled corn?

In general, of course, it is possible. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the type of diabetes, individually select the amount of corn and the method of preparation.

There are two types of diabetes, which have a number of different features:

  1. Type 1 diabetes is called insulin-dependent and is characterized by constant elevated sugar levels and complete deficiency of the pancreatic hormone insulin. With this type of diabetes, it is necessary to administer insulin with every meal and strictly count calories and carbohydrates in the dishes consumed.
  2. The second type - non-insulin dependent - does not require insulin and is much more common. It usually results in excess body weight, so it is necessary to regulate the diet to normalize weight. This helps to use fewer sugar-lowering medications, and with a combined effect, you can achieve an almost healthy carbohydrate metabolism.

It is important for all people suffering from diabetes to learn how to correctly calculate the calorie content of ready-made meals, carefully monitor the concentration of carbohydrates in food and take into account the glycemic index of foods. Corn has a fairly low glycemic index and can be eaten by people with non-insulin-dependent diabetes.

A reasonable approach to nutrition gives positive dynamics; it is important to take into account all the features of this disease and use complex therapy.

Corn is a versatile, tasty and healthy product that can be prepared in a variety of ways! Both adults and children will be delighted to see such a wonderful summer snack on the home table!

Corn was brought to Europe from sunny Mexico in the 16th century. European gourmets could not resist this exquisite delicacy, and corn, appetizing, juicy, ripe, sugary and tender, with a tantalizing aroma, took its rightful place on the tables of royalty and the poor. There are many ways to cook corn, and they are all simple; the main thing is to choose high-quality cobs and master some of the subtleties of preparing the vegetable. In this case, success is guaranteed!

Preparing corn for cooking

Corn needs to be prepared for cooking. To do this, dry and damaged leaves are cleaned, the stalks are cut off and the cobs are thoroughly washed or wiped with a damp towel. If the leaves are juicy and green, it is better to leave them and not pick them.

Before boiling corn, place the cobs in cold water and let sit for an hour. If the corn shows signs of overripeness, it is divided in half and immersed in milk diluted with water 1:1 for several hours. This procedure will take time, but for your patience it will reward you with a sweet product.


  • How to properly cook old or feed corn

If you find that there are small indentations on the kernels, this is a sign that the corn has become old. You can cook it in the same way as the feed, which is used for bait during fishing (carp especially loves corn grains). Pre-soak the cobs for half an hour in cold water so that the required amount of moisture gets inside the grains. Further, the cooking process is no different from the usual one. Increase cooking time to 1.5-2 hours.

  • Why is corn hard after cooking?

If you add salt to the water at the beginning of the process, this will cause the cob to become hard and not tasty. Therefore, it is better to add salt at the end of cooking or immediately before use, while the cobs are still hot.

  • Do I need to salt the water and when?

You can add salt to the water, but it will be better if this happens 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Then the grains will remain juicy, soft, and will not acquire unnecessary hardness and unpleasant taste.

  • How to determine readiness

Based on the degree of ripeness of the cobs, determine in advance the approximate time required for cooking. To get a tasty dish, young corn will need to be cooked for 10 to 30 minutes, while more ripe corn will need to be cooked for an hour to three. After time, separate one or two grains and taste them; they should be soft, juicy, but not hard.

  • Why does the water turn dark during cooking?

The water may turn dark if you are boiling forage corn. Sometimes the liquid even becomes a little reddish when cooking varieties that can be eaten. The pigmented red-brown paint located under the grains is washed out when heated, hence the coloration of the water. The color of the water does not affect the quality of the grains; you can eat them without fear.

Secrets of cooking corn

It is recommended to cook cobs of the same size so that they are ready in the same amount of time. Placing large and small cobs in the same pan can result in uneven cooking, with one side of the corn overcooked and the other half still raw. To achieve the same size, you can break the cobs into pieces; this will not harm the corn and its taste.

Do not cook corn over high heat. Immediately after boiling, always reduce the heat or temperature.

Always remember that salt during the cooking process spoils the corn - it makes it hard and less juicy, so add salt at the very end of cooking or immediately before use. But sugar or butter added to the water will add flavor and sweetness to the corn.

Place the cobs in already boiling water, this way you will preserve the aroma and beneficial properties of the corn, it will not release them to the water during heating.

It is better to cook corn that has been picked within the last two days. After cooking, it must be consumed immediately, otherwise, after cooling, the grains will harden and lose their taste.

How long to cook

Before giving recommendations on methods for cooking corn, it is worth saying a little about how to choose the right product so that it is boiled and juicy. The grains should be soft; when pressed, liquid may release. It is better to buy young cobs, unpeeled from leaves and stigmas, which will protect them from drying out. Having made your choice, do not store them for a long time: the faster they are cooked, the tastier they will be. How to do this - choose from the options we offer.

In a saucepan

The most traditional way is to boil corn in a pan filled with water. Cooking time can vary: from 20 minutes for young cobs to several hours for riper corn. It all depends on what variety you purchased. After the time has passed, the water should be drained, covering the pan with a lid. It is better to salt the finished cobs. The aromatic grains are ready to eat and will taste even better if you sprinkle them with salt while they are still hot.

In a slow cooker

During the process using a multicooker, their integrity is completely preserved, which means that all minerals will remain inside and bring maximum benefit to the body. Rinse the corn cobs, previously cleared of leaves and hairs, under running water. Set the “Cooking” or “Steaming” mode for 20-25 minutes. Do not add salt to the water in which the cobs will be cooked. To improve the taste, you can add a small piece of butter.

In the microwave

Separate the grains from the cobs and rinse under running water. Pour the grains into a microwave-safe thermal dish, add water until it covers the entire surface, and cover with a lid. To determine how long the corn will take to cook, you need to start from the number of grains being cooked. Setting the power to 700-800 watts, after 30 minutes add a little butter and parsley or dill to the water. Continue steaming for another 10 minutes. Can be used as a separate dish or added to salads.

In a pressure cooker

To cook cobs in a pressure cooker, choose ones with milk grains. If they are a little dry, add sugar to help restore flavor. To speed up the process, preheat the water in the pressure cooker and pour boiling water over the corn cobs. There should be enough water to completely cover the surface. All these preliminary procedures will help you get the finished product in no more than 10 minutes. While hot, rub with salt and brush with butter, which gives the product a special taste and aroma.

In a steamer

Young corn cooks very quickly, and some people prefer to eat it raw. You can calculate how many minutes the process will take depending on the quantity being prepared. Place the peeled and pre-washed heads of cabbage into a steamer pan. To create enough steam, add a glass of water. After 5-10 minutes, you can turn off the steamer and enjoy the juicy, sweet young cobs.

Video recipe

Having a miracle steamer machine in your kitchen, you can quickly, in 20-30 minutes, cook several ears of corn. Use a minimal amount of water, and the grains of the cereal, receiving uniform heat, are gradually steamed without compromising the integrity of the shell. A convenient, simple method, which is recommended in the video, is suitable for any housewife, even if she is just taking her first steps in cooking. A timer set for a certain time required for cooking will notify you of the end of the process with a sound signal.

All people love boiled corn, regardless of gender and age. Despite the obvious simplicity of preparation, boiling cobs requires certain knowledge and skill. Corn contains a lot of useful vitamins; thanks to its high energy value, saturation remains for a long time. In terms of popularity, corn on the cob is equal to watermelon and ice cream. To enjoy all the delights, you need to take a responsible approach to the cooking process.

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