What to do with dill umbrellas

By preserving green vegetation from the garden, you get not only aromatic seasoning for your dishes, but also a complex of vitamins. Dill, parsley, cilantro and other herbs can be frozen or dried. I’ll tell you in more detail about how to properly dry dill so that you can add herbs to your favorite dishes throughout the year. And also where and how to store dried dill so that it does not lose its taste, aroma and benefits for as long as possible.


Selection of variety and time to collect dill for drying

There are three types of dill - early, mid-season, late-ripening. The variety should be chosen depending on the growing region. Choose leafy varieties that have dense, dark green foliage. Dill for greens is cut for storage until the moment when umbrellas appear. It should be taken into account that mid-season and late varieties can be cut multiple times during the season.

Early varieties are harvested 4-5 weeks after the start of the first shoots. Mid-season varieties are ready for cutting after 5-6 weeks; technical ripeness of late species occurs on average after 50 days.

The best varieties for home preparation:

  • Gribovsky (early);
  • Far (early);
  • Amazon (mid-late);
  • Anchor (early);
  • Alligator (late);
  • Hercules (late).

Collection time: the day when the dew has already evaporated. At the same time, pay attention to the weather - the workpiece is not collected in the rain.

Dill variety Gribovsky

Preparing greens for drying

When the raw materials are collected, they need to be washed. This is necessary to clear the greens of soil and small insects. Use cool, clean water. Leave the greens in the water for 5-10 minutes, then place the vegetation on a cotton towel so that the moisture is easily absorbed. You should not use newspapers or magazines - printing ink will remain on the raw material.

Cutting is done using a knife or scissors. The plant does not need to be uprooted. The stems are also not added to food due to their toughness. A suitable part of the crop is soft bunches of rich green greenery. Darkened, yellow, limp twigs are not used for drying. Spoiled dill can spoil good raw materials with an unpleasant odor.

Washing greens

Drying chopped dill

Chopping greens is preferable for those who do not tolerate tough twigs in dishes. The chopped stems are mixed with soft bunches and are practically not noticeable in food. Dill, peeled and chopped in advance, is subjected to horizontal drying. In this case, the layer of greenery should not exceed 4 cm, otherwise putrefactive processes will begin to develop.

Chopped dill must be stirred regularly so that it dries evenly. Please note: you cannot cut the raw materials too finely; as the moisture evaporates, the greens will turn into dust.

Chopped dill

Drying with twigs

Chopped twigs are easier and faster to prepare. It is enough to pick the fluffy part of the dill, peel, rinse, and then choose a drying method. When the dill dries, just rub it with your fingers, after which the greens will crumble into small pieces.

Drying with twigs is the preferred option, as the rich aroma that the essential oil gives to dill is preserved. In addition, harvesting with twigs takes less preparation time and also increases the number of drying methods.

Bunch of dill

Dill: properties, dill treatment, culinary use

This method has several advantages:

  • there will be fresh herbs on the table all summer;
  • this crop will not begin to bloom until autumn;
  • at the height of the conservation season, the supply of umbrellas will become complete;
  • the aroma is more intense, and the greens themselves are more juicy;
  • for planting, you can choose any variety of crop (not necessarily the one that was named earlier); in this case, there is no need to separately plant dill for salads and for canning, which facilitates and speeds up the process.

In cooking

  • 2 tsp. seeds pour 0.5 liters of boiling water;
  • the mixture is infused for about 10 minutes, then filtered well.

This infusion should be drunk hot, the treatment period is 2 days, 1-2 sips are enough for each dose. The product can be taken for colitis, insomnia, and to enhance lactation. You can make a powder from the seeds; it is taken orally 3 times a day in the amount of one gram (about the tip of a knife). If you use powder, then you don’t have to drink the decoction.

What else does dill decoction help with? This plant is useful for almost all organs. It is recommended for problems with the kidneys, stomach and intestines. But like many other medicinal and preventive natural remedies, dill seeds must be used carefully, as an overdose can be harmful.

Properly drying dill at home for the winter

Drying dill for the winter at home is not difficult. I'll tell you about the 5 best ways to harvest greens at home.

Outdoors in the shade

The method is good for those who live in a private house or country house. At an air temperature of +24°C, dill will dry within 3-5 days in the shade. Drying chopped dill in air requires a protected place from wind and direct sunlight.

With the natural drying method, it is easier to harvest greens with twigs. To do this, tie 5-7 branches with a rope to the stems, and then tie the thread to the support. This way the green part will be facing down. Tighten the rope with such force that the bunches do not fall off, but do not overtighten so that the stems do not lose their integrity. The distance between the bunches is 6-8 cm. To protect from the sun and insects, the greens can be covered with a white cloth. But make sure that there is ventilation of the raw materials.

Air drying greens

It is more difficult to air dry chopped vegetation. To do this, you will need white sheets or a sheet on which a layer of dill is laid out. In this case, the workpieces must be protected from the wind using side rails or covered with clean gauze. You will have to stir the greens at least once a day.

When choosing an air drying method, monitor weather conditions. In case of rain or strong winds, the raw materials must be brought into the house.

In the oven

The remaining methods are easy to implement in apartment conditions. The oven is an option for drying fruits and herbs.

How to properly dry dill in the oven:

  • if the oven does not have a convection function, then the cabinet door must be opened slightly;
  • to preserve vitamins, the temperature is set to no higher than +40°C; The oven must maintain the set parameters throughout the drying process.

To dry in the oven, you need to place sprigs or pre-chopped dill on a baking sheet, covered with parchment or silicone backing. If the baking sheet is ceramic or non-stick, you don’t have to line it, but stir it regularly to prevent the leaves from sticking. Select convection mode for an electric oven. Leave the vegetation at the set temperature for 2 hours, then stir the greens, if necessary, dry the dill in the oven until completely dry.

Drying greens in the oven

On average, the method takes 2-4 hours. Do not increase the temperature to speed up drying. This not only reduces the benefits of the product, but also reduces the taste, aroma and gives a yellow tint to the leaves.

In the microwave

The microwave has high power and temperature, so you will have to monitor the process without distraction. On average, you can cook dill for the winter in the microwave in 5 minutes.

Drying dill in the microwave:

  • prepare, clean, dry the greens;
  • Place a paper napkin on a flat plate and place a layer of greens on it, the thickness of which does not exceed 2 cm;
  • put the plate in the microwave for 3 minutes, then remove, stir, and, if necessary, remove for a couple of minutes to dry.

Greens in the microwave
To avoid burning the top layer, a napkin is also laid out on top of the greens. It is also permissible to use paper plates instead of ceramic ones. Attention: do not leave the oven unattended, as the product dries quickly in it.

In an electric dryer

The device is suitable not only for vegetables and fruits, but also berries and herbs. If the vegetable dryer has a “herbs” or “greens” mode, then just put the dill in a container in a thin layer on trays, then turn on the specified program. If there is no such function, then a mode with a temperature not exceeding 40°C is selected. It is optimal to dry in an electric dryer with branches 4-6 cm long.

Dill in an electric dryer

Greens will cook in a dehydrator in 2-3 hours. During this time, it is necessary to change the floors of the electric dryer at least once.

In a refrigerator

The method takes longer due to the high humidity in the refrigerator. To dry, the vegetation is laid out on a board or plate. Cover the top with a paper napkin to prevent the dill from getting too dry. Next, the greens are placed on the lower shelf, where the temperature is higher.

It will take at least 2 weeks to dry dill using this method. At the same time, it is important to monitor the condition of the raw materials - stir, change napkins if necessary, otherwise there is a risk that the greens will become moldy or begin to rot.

Drying dill in the refrigerator

Note to housewives: how to prepare dill for the winter

Dill is an excellent and healthy seasoning that gives dishes a unique appetizing aroma and taste.
Dill greens are added to vegetable and meat salads and first courses. It is sprinkled on boiled, fried, stewed vegetables, side dishes of cereals and dough. Dill is simply irreplaceable in many sauces, marinades, and pickles. Dried dill

Pickled dill

This type of harvesting dill for the winter, like pickling, is also simple. Fresh green twigs, washed and dried, finely chopped, left laid out on the table to wilt a little. Then mix the dill and salt thoroughly in a basin, approximately in the proportions: 1 kg of greens/200 g of salt. Wash half-liter jars well with warm water, rinse with soda, and rinse. Dry well. Fill the jars tightly with salted dill, close with plastic lids and store in the refrigerator or cellar.

Using the proposed methods, you can prepare not only dill, but a whole mixture of herbs - parsley, celery, horseradish. Thus, by winter you will have ready-made sets of seasonings and spices that are tasty, healthy, and aromatic. Don't be lazy, and no winter will be scary for you!

How to check the readiness of dried greens

You can make sure that the moisture has evaporated from the grass by touching it. Signs by which the readiness of the product is determined:

  • the leaf part crumbles easily in the hands;
  • thick stems are easily separated from thread-like segments;
  • the color becomes 1-2 tones lighter;
  • the weight of raw materials is reduced by 2-2.5 times.

The finished product crumbles in your hands and smells fragrant. To preserve the smell, it is poured into containers for storage.

How and in what to store correctly

To preserve the aroma, the raw materials are poured into airtight containers for storage. The greens must be completely dried and cooled, otherwise no matter what container you choose, condensation will form on it, which will lead to mold.

Storage options without loss of aroma:

  • fabric bag made of natural materials (cotton, linen);
  • zip packages;
  • paper bags;
  • glass, porcelain, ceramic jars.

To prevent the essential oil from evaporating from the product, dried dill must be isolated from air. To do this, use tight lids, clasps or knots. From time to time, the greens need to be checked for insects and ventilated.

Storing dill

How to store:

  • to dry dill at home, choose a dark, cool place, suitable room temperature is +17°C;
  • monitor the humidity so that it does not exceed 80%;
  • Direct sunlight should not fall on dried vegetation.

It is optimal to store dried dill in a kitchen cabinet and in a glass jar.

What to do to prevent dill from turning yellow when dried

Reasons why a plant changes color:

  1. Excess moisture . If the greens are cut early in the morning or in the evening, when dew has appeared, then this provokes the appearance of a dark color on the branches. The right time for collection is a dry, sunny day.
  2. Washing the culture in warm water . Before drying, greens collected at the dacha or purchased at the market must be washed. But this must be done at a water temperature no higher than +20°C. Otherwise, the dill will turn yellow after drying.
  3. Drying in the sun . Exposure to ultraviolet radiation leads to overdrying. Because of this, some of the vitamins will be destroyed, which will affect the color of the grass.

Overdrying is the main cause of yellowed leaves. Microwave, oven, electric dryer also lead to color change. Don't leave greens unattended and stir them frequently as they dehydrate. In this case, yellowing will be avoided.

Dried dill

What are the health benefits of dill seeds and how can they be used?

To understand the benefits of certain plants, food industry institutes in different countries and pharmacists study their properties. The research results form an accurate picture of the beneficial properties of the plant. The uniqueness of dill is due to two types of healing components it contains: monoterpenes and flavonoids.

  • Main beneficial properties:
  • Monoterpene components protect the body from free radicals. And this allows us to consider the plant as a natural “chemical-protective” food that neutralizes carcinogens.
  • Volatile oils (flavonoids) can prevent the development of bacteria, which provides the antibacterial properties of the spice.
  • The plant is a good source of dietary fiber and minerals - manganese, iron and magnesium, which means it participates in the body's metabolic processes.
  • Dill contains more than 150% of your daily dose of vitamin A, which is good for the eyes, and more than 100% of your daily dose of vitamin C, which is essential for supporting the immune system.

Dill also boasts significant amounts of folate, riboflavin, calcium, vitamin B6, potassium, and free radical scavenging antioxidants. All these components are certainly useful and necessary for the functioning of the body.

In cooking

​An equally simple, tasty and compatible dish is eggs stuffed with dill. You need to peel hard-boiled eggs (4 pcs.), cut them lengthwise, remove the yolks and grind them in a bowl with salt, black pepper, finely chopped dill and sour cream (1-2 tbsp). There should be as much dill as yolk. Fill the egg white halves with the resulting mixture, place them beautifully on a large flat plate and top with sour cream.​

Insomnia and nervous agitation can be treated in the same way, or take dill seed powder - 1 g 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. For intestinal atony, drink a warm infusion of dill seeds. Crushed seeds (1 tbsp) are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 30 minutes. Drink 1/3-1/2 glass 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.​

Dill is an annual plant and can grow up to 120 cm in height. Its leaves are most valued, although no one calls them leaves: we say “a sprig of dill,” because its leaves are thin, like threads (botanists say “heavily dissected”), but very tasty, aromatic and juicy .​

Not only hypotensive patients should use dill with caution; contraindications to its use also depend on individual intolerance to individual substances that make up the seeds. If you feel weak, have blurred vision, or notice an allergic reaction from eating dill fruits, then dill is not suitable for you.​

​attacks of suffocation due to bronchial asthma and respiratory tract diseases;​

​Video about treating kidneys with dill seeds​

Here, my dill grows like a weed - the wind itself carries the seeds, and the dill grows essentially throughout the entire garden. But I don’t have a dacha, but a vegetable garden, which is also without watering, which is why in my south of Ukraine nothing will grow without water except dill and melons (melons grow better).​

​In Scandinavian countries, dill is generally considered a traditional spice, although it may seem that its use is more appropriate for southern countries: seafood and fish are always cooked with dill or dill sauce, or sprinkled with fresh dill when serving.​

For nocturnal enuresis, drink an infusion of dill seed after dinner. The crushed seed (1 tbsp) is brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for 3 hours. For children, 1/3 cup is enough. In most cases, a positive result appears within a week.​

- there is more of it in fruits than in other parts of the plant - up to 4%. The smell of the oil is pungent, herbaceous-spicy, the color is light yellowish or transparent. It is used widely: in medicine, aromatherapy, food industry, cooking, perfumery and cosmetology.​

​You can prepare dill greens for future use, namely: pickle, freeze and dry. But it is important to remember that during the process of freezing or drying, the beneficial properties are no longer as pronounced, and the vitamins are lost.​

Its use in the recipe of dishes can give any of them a unique, but easily recognizable aroma, and make the taste brighter. First of all, this plant uses greens. It can be safely added to soups, salads, sauces, as well as vegetable, fish and mushroom dishes. Thanks to its subtle aromatic nuance, dill also goes well with hot meat dishes - lamb, pork, veal, turkey and chicken.​

​For cosmetic purposes, dill seeds should not be used by those who have very sensitive skin - there is a high probability of allergies. Therefore, before resorting to the help of this plant, you should consult a doctor.​

​It is useful for nursing mothers to drink tea brewed from dill seeds, or add them to first courses, thereby enhancing lactation and improving the quality of milk. In addition, through milk, the baby will also receive beneficial substances that prevent flatulence.

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​Such a rich biochemical composition explains the numerous and varied beneficial properties of dill, the seed of which is recommended to be used for the following health problems: But if the “umbrellas” are cut off (including for the sake of rolling pickled cucumbers), then it is believed that the dill will grow better, and will be stronger.

But with my amount of dill, I personally don’t need any more. However, in the south there’s nowhere without dill: in Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Azerbaijani, and Georgian cuisines, it is a mandatory seasoning, and is included in all spicy mixtures along with other aromatic herbs. Dill goes well with garlic, basil, lemon balm, rosemary, thyme, tarragon, etc. Dill treatment For anemia 1 tbsp. dill leaves or seeds are poured with milk (1 glass) and boiled for 10 minutes. Drink in 3 doses during the day.

​As a medicinal plant, dill has many properties. Fresh dill, its decoctions and infusions are used as a carminative, expectorant, diuretic, and mild laxative; it improves digestion and intestinal function; dilates blood vessels and reduces high blood pressure - for this, dill infusion should be taken together with sodium bromide.

​It is added when salting and marinating tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables, for the production of curd mass and processed cheese, marinade fillings. Dill greens and seeds are used to flavor confectionery products, tea, cookies, sauerkraut, and marinades. This herb protects vegetables from mold during the pickling process due to the phytoncides it contains.​

​Fennel (garden) is a well-known herbaceous odorous plant of the Apiaceae family. As a garden plant, it is distributed everywhere, and as a wild plant - in central and southwestern Asia, North Africa, the Himalayas and Iran.​

​In the photo are dill seeds

Chronic constipation, impaired intestinal motility.

​It is possible that such dill will grow earlier than the usual sowing one and will be much stronger. True, in the spring you will have to prepare the beds very early, otherwise when digging you will simply destroy the dill seedlings. I do it simpler: after sowing the bed, I scatter dill seeds over it and they sprout beautifully. But at the same time, you cannot loosen the rows, so the weeds must be pulled out while they are still small.​

There are many recipes for dishes with dill - here is a recipe for curd pasta, a very light and healthy dish. You need to pass 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese through a meat grinder and mix it with the same amount of hard cheese, grated on a fine grater. The dill greens, washed in cold running water, should be finely chopped;

Dill is a familiar plant with a strong aroma and pleasant taste, used for preparing all kinds of dishes. But did you know that these greens are good for health? It can be used to improve appetite, vision, and strengthen the immune system. Dill, whose beneficial properties are obvious, is used in the preparation of various tinctures and decoctions. The seeds can be used to make powders and essential oils.

Dill can also grow in the wild, although today it is difficult to find a summer cottage where there are no umbrellas of this extraordinary plant. This culture is unpretentious and is in demand among summer residents. What are its advantages?

Dill is simply irreplaceable for preparing many dishes. Its valuable properties and delicate aroma can be appreciated if you prepare a salad or soup. The seasoning gives a special taste to meat and fish; it can even be added to vegetable juices, as a result they will acquire a completely different aroma and become healthier.

Advantages and disadvantages of dried product

The benefits of dry dill:

  • a significant part of the vitamins is retained;
  • The shelf life of properly dried herb is 1-1.5 years;
  • Due to its aroma, dill increases appetite;
  • Regular use of the product reduces blood pressure;
  • green vegetation improves mood;
  • the essential oil in the composition has a positive effect on the respiratory system;
  • The plant stabilizes insulin levels;

Decoctions and infusions are made from dried dill. The decoction reduces flatulence and has a gentle effect on the intestinal walls. Due to the diuretic effect, body weight is reduced and swelling is reduced.

The benefits and disadvantages of dill

But there are also disadvantages, for example:

  • due to its ability to reduce blood pressure, it should be used with caution by hypotensive patients;
  • the crop easily absorbs hazardous substances from the soil, so it is better to dry greens from your garden;
  • allergic reactions in the form of coughing, choking, skin rashes are possible;
  • in large quantities causes abdominal pain, vomiting;
  • in case of kidney disease, it can provoke an exacerbation.

Decoctions of dried dill have more contraindications than advantages. Therefore, it is better to add the plant in small quantities to food as a spice.

Grandmother's method of drying dill

Should dill umbrellas be cut off or is this the best way to propagate it? (cm)

Dried dill

Pickled dill

When the dill umbrellas dried out, the seeds fell off and bare branches remained. Do the stems of the umbrellas need to be cleared of seeds to preserve the dill for the winter?

Dill is dried in a ventilated room, tied in bunches and hung so that the seeds do not fall to the floor, the bunches are tied with gauze. If you just need dry dill, then after removing the seeds, the umbrella must be ground, the seeds will not remain on the umbrella, they will still fall off, ground umbrellas can be added to food, for medicinal purposes they are brewed for bloating, as a diuretic, in the spring as a vitamin

collection. The seeds are also used for planting next year, but can be used together with dill powder. Dill umbrellas can be used for pickling vegetables and cabbage.

Dill umbrellas can simply be spread on clean material and dried in a ventilated, dark place. You can collect dill branches into bunches, tie them and hang them in a dark and ventilated room.

Now let's talk about how you can use dill seeds. Dry seeds are best cleaned of anything unnecessary. I like to use this dill when pickling cabbage for the winter; you can add it to soups, when stewing meat, vegetables, and to gravies. There are good adjika recipes that call for dill seeds.

I also use unripe dill, when the seed umbels are still quite green and tender. I tear them off and dry them in bunches. When cooking, I add these branches directly with the umbrellas - the smell of dill fills the whole apartment. When the dish is ready, remove the dill umbrellas; they are no longer needed, they have already given up all their taste and smell. With this seasoning, even simple boiled potatoes acquire a special taste.

Everyone knows that dill is used for pickling cucumbers. And dill water is good for kids. But not everyone knows that the plant can be used much more widely. Perhaps, after reading the article, you will find a use for dill umbrellas for problems with sleep, digestion and other situations.

Dill belongs to the Umbelliferae family. Representatives of this family are easily recognizable by their umbrella-shaped inflorescences. They have small flowers on long stalks, an almost invisible calyx and a long stem. Umbrellas are valued mainly due to their high content of essential oils.

The diameter of the umbrella is about 7 cm, but some reach 15–20 cm. Flowering of the plant begins in June and lasts until the end of summer. Umbrellas in folk medicine are considered a diuretic and antispasmodic. In our country, greens are more often used, and umbrellas are used only for canning. But in Scandinavian countries, much attention is paid to the use of umbrellas and seeds.

There are quite a few ways to use different parts of the plant. Leaves, seeds, and flowers are used in preparing fresh dishes, in winter preparations, and for other purposes.

First of all, it is worth noting its nutritional characteristics. The spice contains only 43 calories and can be used in dietary nutrition.

  • What does dill help with and how to use the plant:
  • Soothes the intestines and reduces bloating and flatulence. Its oils stimulate the secretion of bile and digestive juices, which allow the food eaten to be broken down into useful, easily digestible components.
  • It also has antibiotic properties, which allows it to destroy foreign organisms and promote healing.
  • A mild tea made from seeds and water helps relieve colic in babies and promotes restful sleep in children.
  • Dill also promotes lactation in nursing mothers.
  • A tablespoon of seeds contains as much calcium as one-third of a glass of milk. It helps protect the body from bone loss and is also an excellent source of calcium for vegans and people with dairy allergies.
  • Its essential oils are quite unusual in that they are both stimulating and soothing.

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A cup of tea with dill and chamomile will help you relax after a busy day.

The benefits of dill were written about in Egyptian medical treatises in 3000 BC. e. They noted its benefits in the fight against indigestion. For the same purpose, dill tea was used at the feasts of the Roman Caesars. The dried seeds were used by ancient soldiers to heal wounds. The psyche was treated with a mixture of dill, oil and honey. It was also considered a remedy for impotence.

In modern medicine, the plant is used to treat indigestion and hiccups. In Ethiopia, dill leaves are chewed along with fennel to treat headaches. Dill water will lose its properties after 24 hours, and its further use is no longer advisable - fermentation processes begin in it.

How to use dill, what to make from it and recommended dosages:

  1. Dill water is a boiled mixture of dill and fennel seeds. Half a teaspoon of this mixture at room temperature helps babies with indigestion and colic by relieving bloating.
  2. Tea made from the seeds is useful for people suffering from indigestion, diarrhea, menstrual pain, and bad breath. To prepare it, you need to soak 2 teaspoons of chopped dill in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Tea made from 1 spoon of seeds is useful for nursing mothers to enhance lactation.
  3. Dill seeds can be chewed to freshen breath.
  4. The leaves contain small amounts of estrogen and may be beneficial for postmenopausal women. The juice from the fresh plant is beneficial to the urinary system. It also has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Use 30–50 g per day.
  5. Dill oil is obtained from seeds industrially. It can be added to food to enhance its benefits. Creams and ointments based on it can help heal wounds.

In cooking

Dill is used in most soups and fish dishes in many countries around the world, including Russia, Sweden, Thailand, Laos, Hungary and Vietnam. This is the main product for pickling pickled cucumbers, as well as delicious herbal bread.

It is added to gravies, sauces and salads to increase the beneficial qualities of the dish. Cookbooks from all countries contain many recipes that include dill. But among them there are also methods of application that are common to all.

What can be made from dill:

  • combine greens with low-fat yogurt or sour cream and add fresh cucumbers. It will be a great addition to your dinner;
  • Use it when cooking fish, especially salmon and trout. The aroma of fish and spices complement each other perfectly;
  • decorate sandwiches with it;
  • place the seeds on the dinner table with other spices so that family members can add them to their dishes;
  • When preparing mashed potatoes, add their seeds along with the herbs.

Dried herbs and seeds are sold in supermarkets or health food stores. Store them in a tightly closed glass container in a cool, dry and dark place. Do not store spices for longer than 6 months - during this time they lose their aroma and some of their beneficial properties.

Fresh sprigs should always be stored in the refrigerator. They can be wrapped in paper towel or plastic. It is also widely used to store plant branches in a jar of water, where the stems are placed like a bouquet. Dill is very fragile, and if stored correctly, it should not be stored for more than 1 week. Frozen greens can be stored for about 6 months in an airtight container.

Like any other spice, dill can be used daily. But you shouldn't get too carried away. After all, any product in large quantities can cause harm to the body, so use it in reasonable doses.

​gastritis with low acidity;​​Like other parts of the plant, dill seed contains B vitamins, vitamin A and C, as well as trace elements: manganese, zinc, calcium, selenium, iron, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium. Although dill greens are richer in vitamin C, the seeds contain a higher percentage of essential oils. Dill fruits consist of 15% fatty oil, including oleic, petroselinic, palmitic and linoleic acid.​

​I love it when dill seeds scatter throughout the garden. When pickling, it is the seeds that are needed, but in Siberia, dill planted too late does not always ripen. By autumn, almost my entire garden is covered in umbrellas. After all, dill helps many plants grow, and also repels pests (though not all).

But for freezing or drying, I plant dill beds separately. In the fall, I cut off umbrellas and dry them indoors. And in the spring I scatter the seeds in rows on the garden bed, thickly and densely. When planted very densely, the dills protect each other from the sun, and they grow fluffy and juicy. Fortunately, I don’t need to buy seeds.

​In Finland, they cook river and sea fish with dill in an amazingly tasty way: first, they sprinkle it with chopped dill mixed with parsley, black pepper and onion - so that it lies on this mixture and is completely covered with it, and then it is fried, baked or stewed . The fish turns out very tender and tasty - this is a favorite technique of Finnish chefs.​

There’s a lot more, but it’s worth remembering about its culinary properties - these

The beneficial properties of such a plant were known back in Ancient Egypt. It was used as a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and even rejuvenating agent. So what are the benefits of dill? Its chemical composition is very rich. Neither aloe, nor indoor sorrel or golden mustache can boast of such value.

The composition includes mineral salts of magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, etc. 50 g of the plant contains the same amount of useful and valuable substances as 150 g of tomato. The properties of dill are limitless; unripe seeds and umbrellas can be used in treatment. A natural medicine called anetine is obtained from the umbrellas.

Dill seeds, whose beneficial properties are quite diverse, are distinguished by the fact that all microelements are in a fairly easily digestible form, they have the ability to enhance all hematopoietic processes. It is the “umbrellas” that contain the maximum amount of essential oil.

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